What is not in Sri Lanka. What you need to know about Sri Lanka so as not to spoil your vacation

Sri Lanka is a country full of interesting and amazing things, but those who go there for the first time need to have some understanding of the country in order to avoid disappointment and plan their trip correctly.

Sri Lanka is a good country to have a good time there. The country as a whole is inexpensive, the sanitary condition is not bad, there are few dangers, and there is no crime.

There are four main purposes of a trip to Sri Lanka:

1. Just relax (hanging at a beach resort, sunbathing, swimming, having fun, here you can add Ayurveda and diving)
2. Travel around the country, visit historical sites, temples, cultural centers, communicate with people
3. Mountains and hiking
4. Buddhism and meditation

1. For an ordinary vacation, it is not at all necessary to buy tours in advance, it is enough to stock up on a guidebook and go to a pre-selected beach - and there will always be a hotel there with quite decent service and food and inexpensively. The easiest thing is to go from the Airport directly to Negombo, where there is a long sandy beach and many cheap hotels. Everything else is in place. Ayurveda is everywhere in Sri Lanka. The food is delicious everywhere. Diving, however, must be sought in the guidebook. There are coral zones and sandy ones. Excursions into the interior of the country are organized almost everywhere. The cost of a simple but quite comfortable hotel with ocean views right on the beach - from 10 euros for a double room. The cost of a completely nutritious and tasty three meals a day for two is 25 euros. The cost of a full Ayurveda massage (an hour!) is about ten euros. However, taxi excursions inland - 50 euros per day per person.

2. When traveling around the country, it should be borne in mind that in Sri Lanka there is a separation of the "tourist sector" and ordinary life, and those who want to visit famous historical sites will certainly fall into the clutches of a powerful tourism industry. That feeling of the unity of antiquity and the present, that immersion in a genuine living but ancient tradition, as in India, Nepal, even Burma, is no longer found in Sri Lanka. Therefore, a trip inland must be planned carefully and not rely entirely on tourist firms and guidebooks. There is a lot to see in the country, however. I will write about the "cultural triangle" of Sri Lanka separately.

3. The mountainous region south of Kandy is quite interesting and picturesque, especially the surroundings of Nuwara Eliya and Adam's Peak. There are routes of varying degrees of difficulty, and mountains up to 2700 m high.

4. To get acquainted with Theravada Buddhism, it is best to contact meditation centers that are located away from tourist areas and not at all on "every corner". Addresses of meditation centers are available in guidebooks and the Internet. In the thirties, the German Jew Sigmund Feniger, fleeing the Nazis, settled in Ceylon and became a monk, and became known as Nyanaponika Mahathera, he translated into European languages ​​and commented on the Pali canon and wrote many works on Theravada, he also represented Ceylon at the All Buddhist Congress . He founded the famous "Udawattekelle forest hermitage" meditation center near Kandy. There are many other centers as well.

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Sri Lankans never take, pass or eat anything with their left hand. And shaking hands is not accepted at all.

2. Prevent theft

Monkeys in Sri Lanka, like professional thieves, deftly steal everything that is badly lying. If you, by an unfortunate accident, fell for their trick, you will no longer be able to take your precious thing back. Not only because the monkeys are small and nimble, but also because your attempts will greatly anger the locals.

3. Leave footprints behind

Under no circumstances should you enter the temples of Sri Lanka in shoes - only barefoot, in extreme cases, in socks.

4. Shout

It is considered the height of indecency in Sri Lanka to speak in a raised voice and behave noisily, attracting the excessive attention of others.

5. Get involved in charity

Begging has long been a profession in Sri Lanka, especially in tourist areas. Highly qualified beggars conduct their business according to a simple principle: as soon as they receive at least one penny, they follow a good-natured tourist for the rest of his vacation.

6. Touch the corals

When swimming in the ocean, do not try to get corals from the bottom and break off, for this you can be fined or even arrested.

7. Disrespect the Buddha

Sitting with your feet pointing towards the statue of a deity, imitating its pose or hugging it for a spectacular photo, you can inadvertently end up in prison.

8. Complex about the lack of sunburn

"White people" are rarely seen on the streets of Sri Lanka, so swarthy islanders believe that such a meeting brings good luck. And if the “white man” also takes part in one of the religious holidays, there will be no limit to the happiness of the Sri Lankans.

9. Show your feelings

Walking the streets of Sri Lanka in an embrace and publicly kissing with your soulmate, you risk embarrassing reserved locals. They regard such displays of tenderness as bad form.

10. Be afraid of speed

Schumacher lives in every Sri Lankan driver. If you plan to drive a car on your own, you will have to get used to driving on the left, and traveling by public transport will become a real adventure for you, because the doors of buses and trains in Sri Lanka are open even on the go.

11. Open windows at night

Remember the local monkey thieves? If you don’t want to wake up in the morning to find a complete pogrom in the room and the loss of your favorite things, it’s better to cover the windows at night with at least a mosquito net.

12. Hunt

Especially for elephants. The elephant in Sri Lanka is a sacred animal, and therefore it should be treated accordingly.

13. Rely on the taste of Sri Lankan hairdressers

Asking to trim your hair by a centimeter in a local beauty salon, you run the risk of being misunderstood and completely left without a chic head of hair.

14. Deny yourself luxury

Precious sapphires are mined in Sri Lanka on an industrial scale. You can buy them here relatively cheaply. They are sold in specialized places where you will be issued a certificate, which will need to be presented at the airport.

15. Topless sunbathing

Faith obliges Sri Lankan women to always cover their shoulders and knees, so they even bathe in the ocean in clothes. Of course, this rule does not apply to tourists, but you should not overdo it with nudity either.

16. Ride a motorcycle at night on roads that run through national parks and reserves

If you do not want to accidentally meet a wild elephant in the dark, it is safer to move around the island during the day and in the company of an experienced guide.

17. Smoking in public places

Even just on the streets of the city it is strictly forbidden to smoke, although sometimes there are violators.

18. Leave the moon unattended

During the full moon in Sri Lanka, all establishments and shops are closed, so if you want your plans for the evening to come true, you should take care of buying all the necessary things in the afternoon.

19. Take the front seats on buses

These places are reserved exclusively for monks and pregnant women.

20. And finally, be sad

A bad mood in Sri Lanka is not prohibited by law and is not subject to a fine, but you are unlikely to get bored in such a vibrant country with a unique culture and magnificent nature.

What can you do while on holiday in Sri Lanka? Perhaps this is one of the most frequently asked questions of tourists planning to visit this wonderful island for the first time. Usually, or it would be more correct to say "traditionally", a holiday in Sri Lanka consists of two parts, namely an excursion program to the most interesting sights of the country and a beach holiday in a hotel on the coast. How to diversify the excursion program and what to do during a beach holiday? Let's try to consider a number of options, perhaps one or more of them will appeal to you and will be included in the program of the upcoming holiday.


The diverse and extraordinarily beautiful coral reef surrounding Sri Lanka at depths from 2 to 40 meters, the clear waters of the Indian Ocean, create excellent conditions for diving. In the coastal waters of Sri Lanka, you can see not only endless fields of pristine corals, but also ancient shipwrecks and amazing underwater caves. Along all the coasts of the island, at various distances from the coastline, there are significant underwater areas with a huge variety of the underwater world. Over 130 species of beautifully colored and beautifully formed coral formations that are home to fish such as angelfish, ballfish, clownfish, grouper, lion, sergeant, sea ruff, seahorse, and many other species native to the equatorial latitudes , including as many as five species of sea turtles. Cm.


The underwater world at shallow depths has many amazing places for snorkeling (swimming with a mask, snorkel and fins). On the coral reefs of the coastal zones, sometimes only a few tens of meters from the shore, you can see a huge variety of corals, sponges, starfish, fish and shellfish. In different parts of the coast, coral reefs are at different depths. For snorkeling, coral reefs located at a depth of 2 to 12 m are best suited. There are places on the island where the distance to corals from the surface of the water, at low tide, does not exceed 1 meter. Cm.


Many surfers, from beginners to experienced surfers, have chosen Sri Lanka as one of the best surf destinations in the world. An island with its beautiful coastline, lush tropical vegetation, varied bottom topography and wave sizes, and most importantly, a free relaxed atmosphere, which is of course important for any surfer, since surfing for most is not only a sport, but also a lifestyle! The clear and warm ocean off the coast of Sri Lanka, many cozy cafes on the coast, a large selection of places for surfing, annually attracts thousands of surfers from many countries of the world. Cm.


Sri Lanka has already become a popular destination for kitesurfers. Many riders from around the world come to the island in pursuit of new experiences from the amazingly beautiful coast, overgrown with coconut palms, clear ocean and winds that blow steadily throughout the season. Kitesurfing in Sri Lanka can be practiced all year round, on different coasts, depending on the monsoon periods. However, the best and almost all-season place for kiting is the coast of Kalpitiya. The wind here blows from morning to evening and from May to October at a speed of 12 - 17 m/sec. The best season here is from December to March. Cm.


Sri Lanka has a large number of places that are perfect for windsurfing. The most popular are Bentota (southwest coast), Trincomalee (northeast coast) and Negombo lagoon (west coast). For beginners, there are places with calm water in the lagoons formed by the Bentota and Kaluganga rivers, as well as many lakes in the southwest of Sri Lanka. Among athletes who already have extensive experience, the lagoon in Negombo and the ocean coast in the northeast, in the area from Trincomalee to Nilaveli, are popular. Now windsurfers are also exploring new places in the Kalpitiya region. Cm.

Rock climbing

Relatively recently, rock climbing began to develop in Sri Lanka. Among the tourists who previously visited the island, there were experienced rock climbers, who noticed during the excursions various sections of rocks and lonely remains, quite suitable for climbing in a bundle, as well as for future climbing walls using a top belay. Now climbing on the island is actively developing. There are many climbing walls, both for beginners and experienced athletes. There are cleared and punched rocky routes of various difficulty categories. Cm.


Many tourists come to Sri Lanka repeatedly in search of adventure and new discoveries. Among them are speleologists who have long been trying to get information from the local population about the numerous caves of the island. I think that is why, recently, teams such as Eco Team and Sri Lankan Expeditions have been organizing such an adventure direction as caving. Although there are no long, many kilometers long caves with deep wells in Sri Lanka, there are still some noteworthy caves. Cm.


Travelers who have been to Sri Lanka already know about outdoor activities in these places. Rafting on mountain rivers, also known as rafting, has turned into an exciting journey through the most beautiful places of this amazing island. A few kilometers from the town of Kitulgala there are a number of good rapids used for rafting. Thresholds here are divided into several degrees of difficulty. The upper rapids are only for experienced rafters, the lower rapids are quite suitable for beginners. In some places, the rapids pass into calm sections of the river, forming a route with a total length of about 6.5 km. The passage through the rapids of the Kelani River takes a total of about 1.5 hours. Cm.


Many tourists like Sri Lanka because of good fishing. The variety of seafood in the local markets is amazing. The coastal waters are characterized by an abundance of plankton, which attracts giant manta rays, tuna, Spanish mackerel, marlin and various types of sharks. The deep sea fishing season in the southwest begins in November and continues until April. The usual catch for these places is a giant trevally, whose weight reaches 25-35 kg, although there are specimens for 40 kg. Not bad here are yellowfin tuna weighing from 15 to 45 kg, sailfish up to 50 kg, giant grouper weighing up to 40 kg, large sea bass, barracuda and many types of coral fish. Cm.

Camping with a tent

Until now, it was believed that Sri Lanka is not the best place for backpacking trips and spending the night in the wards. However, in recent times, both local tourists and foreigners have been able to destroy this opinion. There are many places on the island, located away from the traditional tourist routes and main roads, where in the depths of the jungle, in a mountain valley or at a remote waterfall, you can put up a tent, make a fire and cook dinner. Now you can already observe the result of the natural development of this type of tourism, with multi-day trips, with overnight stays in tents in the wild. Cm.


With the development of Sri Lanka as a multifaceted tourist destination, many new interesting programs have appeared, among which is the already popular agro-tourism in the world, in which more and more tourists are showing interest who want to get acquainted with rural life in the Sri Lankan outback. Agritourism or rural tourism is a holiday in the countryside, in Sri Lankan villages, in the houses of planters, surrounded by rural lands. An excellent example is the traditional Sri Lankan village of Mimure, where, immersed in rural life, tourists get acquainted with the Sri Lankan culture, customs, and, together with the locals, are engaged in agricultural work. Cm.


Ayurvedic medicine, practiced in Sri Lanka, not only deals with the prevention and treatment of diseases, but also controls the psychological state of a person. Ayurveda is not limited to the treatment of specific diseases, but mainly affects the general condition of the body. The main advantage of this system is that it does not have any side effects and the main motto is "Do no harm!" is fundamental. The raw materials used in the manufacture of medicines consist of natural ingredients. Natural medicinal herbs, roots and seeds are the basis of Ayurveda. Cm.

Martial art of Angampore

An ancient form of martial art, Angampora, has been practiced in Sri Lanka for thousands of years. It takes its name from the art of angama, which uses hand-to-hand martial arts, and the art of Ylangama, which includes traditional weapons such as urumi, swords, battle axes, staffs, daggers, and maces. According to legend, this form of martial art originated about 30,000 years ago from the Yaksha tribe. This is one of the oldest tribes that inhabited Sri Lanka. However, two ancient chronicles mention that Angampora appeared even earlier and its founders were nine Sri Lankan hermits. Cm.


Popular in English-speaking countries, the game of golf is already becoming a tradition in the former English colony - Sri Lanka. Golf is played by everyone who is attracted by the possibilities of exciting combinations on green lawns. Many travelers who have visited the island are seriously interested in this wonderful game. Currently, golf tours of various durations have appeared with courses for beginners, both individually and in a group. Sri Lanka already has several world-class courses, as well as the oldest golf clubs. Cm.


The best places for shopping in Sri Lanka are stores in Colombo - ODEL, HOUSE OF FASHING, MAGESTIC CITY and many others, where you can buy not only clothes for relaxing at the resort, but also various models from the most famous European manufacturers. The stores always have a large selection of quality products made of cotton, knitwear, leather. The prices here will pleasantly surprise you, and the local jewelry stores are simply amazing! Cm.

Sri Lanka is a wonderful and peaceful state on the island of the same name in the Indian Ocean, which can offer absolutely everything for a great vacation: marvelous picturesque views, heavenly beaches, attractions, excellent tourist infrastructure and much more. Let it not take 3-4 hours to fly to Sri Lanka, and let the tours there cost more than to Turkey or Egypt, Sri Lanka is a worthy destination for the next vacation.

Now let's figure out when to go to Ceylon. There are only two seasons in Sri Lanka: the dry season and the rainy season. In addition, despite the relatively small size of the island, the rainy season manifests itself differently on different coasts: on the northeast coast, it rains most from October to January, and on the southwest coast, from May to July. And below we have information about what constitutes a trip to Sri Lanka in July.

July is in any case one of the months of the rainy season. And this means that you expect high humidity and rain plus heat. In Sri Lanka, by the way, it is never cool, except perhaps high, high in the mountains. July is really rainy, and in most cases it rains every day or every other day. In the northeast, where the terrain is more mountainous, the weather is more comfortable and drier. But it will definitely rain. Most precipitation falls on the west coast of the island. And because of the showers in July, the short but full-flowing Ceylon rivers overflow a little (or quite strongly), often causing floods. As a result, there are fewer hours of sunshine in July than in other months of the year, but you will definitely not suffer from “chill twilight”, and even through the clouds you can get a good tan.

The winds, although blowing over the island, are hot in July, so it does not get cooler from it. And from the northern winds, Sri Lanka is protected by a mountain range. Air temperatures in July they are very stable, so you can predict what the weather will be like tomorrow. During the daytime, the temperature in July rises to +30…33°C, in some areas reaching +36-38°C. The nights are also stuffy and hot - on average + 26-27 ° C, in some places it is even warmer. It is hottest in the central part of the island, in cities such as, for example, however, evenings and nights are a couple of degrees cooler than in cities on the coasts. On the southwestern coast, in such popular resorts as Negombo, Colombo, Kalutara, it is also hotter in July than on other coasts.

It is cooler in mountainous areas, for example, in the area of ​​​​the town of Nuwara Eliya, which is at the foot of Mount Pidurutalagala. The temperature of air and water in July is approximately the same - about 28 degrees, and this temperature is maintained throughout the month without much change. The warmest water off the coast. But what is unpleasant about the rainy season is that waves or even very serious storms can break out in the ocean, and after heavy and long downpours, the water is sometimes muddy.

It is most pleasant in July (and always) to swim in the lagoons, however, sometimes in small bays the water is too warm in this hot month. But at least there are no waves. There are lagoons, for example, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe town of Batticaloa in the east or Trincomalee in the northeast, as well as in the bay.

In general, the weather in July in Sri Lanka is not the most comfortable - it's hot, the air humidity is much higher, the sea is not very calm, it's raining. But even in such weather, which is actually not so terrible, you can have a great rest in wonderful Ceylon.

Holidays and festivals in Sri Lanka in July

There are few national holidays during this month. Perhaps the most famous and popular holiday among tourists and locals is Kandy-Esala-Perahera, in honor of the first sermon of the Buddha. The holiday takes place in July-August, takes place for about two weeks, at night. From the temple of Dalada Maligawa, the only surviving relic is taken out - a piece of the tooth of the Buddha, which has been kept in this temple for several centuries. Local residents are very proud of this relic, and in general, few people manage to see this tooth. During the festival, from night to night, thousands of pilgrims, dancers, musicians, torchbearers, standard-bearers, residents of the city, as well as elephants, festively decorated with blankets and lanterns, move towards the Mahaweli River. Tourists are also allowed before the holiday - at least no one forbids staring and taking pictures. And the spectacle is really colorful!

Hindu Festival Vel(in July-August) takes place in Colombo. At this time, you can witness the magnificent ceremony of passage of the sacred chariot of the god of war Skanda. Another interesting kataragama festival(July-August) takes place in Katagarama and is accompanied by religious performances and some, sometimes even shocking, ritual ceremonies.

Things to do in Sri Lanka in July

There are a lot of interesting things on the island! Firstly, Sri Lanka is an island with an amazing history, because it was mastered in the 6th century. BC e., and then what only happened to him! Quite ancient buildings still stand here, as well as the legacy of the Dutch, British and Portuguese, who at different times ruled the island. If you are only interested in a beach holiday, then you can choose the resorts of Moratuva, Galle and a number of others. The beaches in Sri Lanka are generally very cool - the question is different, is it possible to swim in a normal way, in such and such waves?

So, immediately after the rain, go dig into the historical past of the country, to amazing historical sights Kandy, Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Sigiriya, Nuwara Eliya and etc.

And yet, in Sri Lanka, you simply have to drink a cup of real Ceylon tea (you know that Ceylon is the former name of the state?). Tea is the visiting card of the island, so it is not at all surprising that excursions to tea plantations very popular in Sri Lanka. By the way, the views are really amazing, and many tourists point out that it is the tea fields that are the best attraction in Sri Lanka.

In addition to tea plantations, there are a lot of beautiful things on the islands. In general, the island is distinguished by unique flora and fauna, and such birds and animals live here that do not live anywhere else. There are several protected areas in Sri Lanka national parks to protect and care for rare endemic species of plants and animals.

It is simply unacceptable to visit Sri Lanka and not see the local temples with your own eyes. It's hard to say exactly how many there are. But one of the most important is Temple of the Tooth in Kandy(the ancient capital of the island), which I wrote about above, is the one where the tooth of the Buddha is kept.
And also Golden Cave Temple in Dambulla, white Lankasilaka Viharaya Temple in Polonnaruwa, Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara Temple in Kelaniya.
Unfortunately, kvadrangla temple has come down to our days not in the best possible way, but what remains is of genuine interest. The ruins of the temple are located near Polonnaruwa.

But with entertainment in Sri Lanka, things are somewhat different than in Turkey-Egypt. Moreover, it is the rainy season, there are very few people, and many restaurants and bars simply close until the high season. And there are not so many usual tourist attractions on the island. There is nothing criminal in this, and even vice versa - it's so great that the island has not yet "sold with giblets" to the tourist shark. Sri Lanka is already very popular - thanks to its culture and nature.

However, with children here you can also find a bunch of activities. Children in general are rarely bored unless they sit in one place. There are also water parks on the island, however, there are very, very few of them, and they are not so chic. For example, you can go to an amusement park with a water section "Leisure World"(in the town of Kaluaggala).

Also, on dry days, you can try cricket- traditional entertainment in the spacious fields of the island. Of course, for our compatriot, cricket seems like some kind of strange game, but you can try.

Thus, Sri Lanka is attractive and interesting from all sides and absolutely for any tourist of any island. Despite the fact that the weather conditions in July are the best, the trip can be quite positive and very interesting - after all, Sri Lanka cannot be boring!

There are a lot of places on the planet intended for a pleasant vacation, and holidays in Sri Lanka are in the top ten. This country impresses with the variety of opportunities, although its territory is quite small. For sightseeing and entertainment not related to the sun and the beach, we advise you to spend half the time of your holiday. There are worthy places for lovers of extreme or passive recreation.

Excursions in Sri Lanka

Sightseeing Sri Lanka starts from Colombo Airport ( air ticket for a direct flight to Colombo you can order directly on our website using the form on the right), where you need to find a Russian-speaking guide for combining a taxi driver. It will help you navigate throughout the journey.

Along the way, it is worth visiting attractions such as:

- Nursery Pinnawala which is located near Kandy. More than 80 elephants live here, which were able to escape from poachers and learn to trust people. They are majestic animals that will thank you for a treat or a tasty banana.

- buddha temple and a lake in the heart of Kandy. This is one of the holiest places in Sri Lanka, which is best visited at dawn. The seven relics that are in the temple can be seen in December, when Perahera is celebrated.

- Sigiriya fortress which was built in the 5th century. Of course, there are different attractions in Sri Lanka, but you can travel to the past by visiting the archaeological site that is located on the top of Sigiriya. In order to climb it, it is better to take a guide. He will show you the ruins of palaces and the famous frescoes depicting the king's favorite concubines. They can be seen in the mirror gallery of the fortress.

- Nuwara Elliu Botanical Garden, where you can take a lot of beautiful photos and walk barefoot on mowed lawns.

- tea plantations that are on the slopes of Nuwara Eliya.

- Fish market in Hikkaduwa, where fresh fish catches are provided.

- Dambulla cave temple with paintings on the walls and statues of Buddha.

In the port of Mirissa (Galla), you can board a ship and sail for whale watching.

Small town Tangalle on the ocean, where you can enjoy the peace and tranquility.

Question: "Sri Lanka, what to see?" - received an answer. Now it is worth noting that sightseeing tours to Sri Lanka are organized by local travel agencies, so you can use their services if you are not sure about the travel route. Although the native Sri Lankans are very friendly and can help you for a small plan.

Active holidays in Sri Lanka

Outdoor enthusiasts can engage in sports such as:

- Windsurfing, boards equipped with sails are rented at special points. You can do it in Kaluganga, Bentota and Negombo, which are located in the southwest of the country. Thanks to the good weather, you can practice water sports from the beginning of April to October.

- Diving will give a unique opportunity to see sunken ships and a number of underwater caves. It is important to consider that in the south of Sri Lanka, vacations begin in October for diving, and in the north from April. Diving centers are located all along the coast at almost every resort, so you can easily find equipment and trainers.

- Surf lessons will give you the opportunity to enjoy the big waves and the scenery of the coast. The main places for surfing include the famous resort of Arugam Bay, where you can slide along the wave for 300 meters, then there are Dondra, Okanda, Kirinda, Kumanda, Hikkaduwa, Induruwa and Moguram.

- snorkeling, suits most, because it does not need the ability to dive to depth. However, it will provide an opportunity to admire the ocean floor and underwater landscapes. To practice this sport, you will need fins, a breathing snorkel and a mask to see the beauty of the depth.

- kitesurf should be practiced in Kalpitiya. The suitable season for this sport is from September to mid-spring. It has a quiet bay, lagoons and shallow depths.

- Rafting– white water rafting with an instructor on the Kelaniya river. There are rapids of varying difficulty, and the length of these sections is an average of 5 km. Beginners and professionals can raft here.

Can be practiced canoeing or kayaking, because more than 100 rivers flow through the territory of Sri Lanka, connected by canals.

There are cycling and hiking trails in the flat areas of the country. For mountain bikes, it is better to choose paths through Sigiriya, Bandarawela or Polonarawa. The entire territory is open for pedestrians, these are: rice fields, tea plantations, jungle, Adam's Peak, the massive mountains of Nuklsa and Bandarawela. Here you can hide from the hot sun and meet the Sri Lankans who live in villages on the slopes of the mountains. The total length of the routes is 160 thousand km, where you will find indelible impressions.

You can rent a motorcycle or a jeep to explore the expanses of national parks in Sri Lanka (for example, Ruhunu Park near Tissamaharam). At the same time, you do not need to stick to asphalt roads and you can drive to the most remote places.

Rock climbing is one of the new sports in Sri Lanka. Tourists who have experience in this are happy to explore the rocks that are located near the Bambarakand waterfall. After all, it is the highest in the country.

Golf is also popular on the island, so several complexes have been created for practicing. Professionals will find a field here, and beginners will be able to use the help of instructors.

Relaxing holidays in Sri Lanka

Those who prefer to relax and pamper their body will need to visit the salons of folk treatment with oils - ayurveda. It helps to balance the soul with the body and relieves fatigue. This procedure is usually done in the evening, because a person is immersed in calmness by applying slowly pouring warm oil to the body. This is oriental medicine in the best traditions. The procedure is very similar to lymphatic drainage massage and helps relieve migraine attacks, lose weight or improve eyesight. It harmonizes the processes of the body. Along with this, a full body massage is carried out. The course, depending on the desire, can last one day or a couple of weeks.

On our website you can choose special Ayurvedic treatment tours in Sri Lanka!

Sri Lanka where it is better to relax in the fall, for those who like to lie on the warm sand offers south coast of the Indian Ocean. There are a thousand kilometers of clean beaches with coconut palms along the coastline. Hotels located on the east coast are best visited in the spring and summer months. Here are the famous and

It is worth taking precautions, because the deep currents of the ocean are quite strong and you can cut yourself on corals.

Show attractions in Sri Lanka can and hot air balloon ride. This is suitable for those who decide to diversify a quiet relaxing holiday on the beach. The ball rises up to 700 meters and you can see such a multifaceted landscape of the country with great clarity. Duration in Sri Lanka excursions not in windy weather is approx. 1.5 hours. Such a flight creates a special atmosphere, but you can also use a helicopter. This trip will be much faster and you will be able to fly to any corner of the country in a short time. This is a new holiday in Sri Lanka, the prices for such entertainment are about 2000 $ . Added to this amount 100 $ for every hour that the helicopter is waiting for you.

You can also do ornithology because the island has a large variety of insects, birds, snakes and fish. Studying the flora, the future scientist gets acquainted with dwarf groves, deciduous trees and varieties of orchids.

Due to the large number of rivers and the length of the coastline in Sri Lanka will find something to do fishermen. You can use a fishing rod, although a hand net is usually used. It makes it easy to get a catch for lunch.

Wedding ceremony in Sri Lanka

For lovers of the exotic, they can hold a traditional wedding ceremony on Ceylon. If desired, this can be done in the mountains or on tea plantations.

Sri Lanka- a country of amazing opportunities and you can list the types of recreation endlessly. It is better to go there in person and figure out what you like best.

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