Romania Royal Poles Palace Imperial Hall. Luxury Peles Castle in Romania

The castle of Peles was built in 1873 by order of King Romania Carol I. He chose Sinai for the construction of his summer residence - the place was wild, but very picturesque

The name of the castle gave a beautiful mountain river leaking here. According to the wishes of King Carol and Queen Elizabeth (the real name of which Carmen Silva), architects Wilhelm Dodher from Vienna and Johann Schulz from Lviv used styles. The main construction of the castle has turned from 1875 under their leadership.

The official opening of the castle took place on October 7, 1883. The castle is dominated by the features of the German neorenissance: vertical and sharp towers, asymmetry of the construction, an abundance of carved wood and a complete matching of the surrounding landscape. Other styles also occur: Italian Renaissance, German Baroque, Rococo, as well as Spanish and Turkish styles. Architects used numerous decorative elements from wood, both to decorate the outer and inside of the castle. These elements give it a special beauty.

Window stained glass windows, which are a single ensemble with decorative elements of that era. System of sliding ceiling windows of the upper floor, by which the lock was carried out, is still valid until now

The main value of the palace is the unique carving on a tree, which amazes with its magnificence and elegance.

Each of the 160 rooms of the Peles Castle is unique in its own way. The finish of the Florentine room is made of an ebony tree. The Turkish room is from silk. The French room is withstand in Louis IV style. Also very interesting theatrical (in 1906, it was the first in Romania film production), concert and training rooms, royal apartments, a library and a living room. Special beauty is different: entrance hall, weapon room, receiving room (where paintings and wooden layouts depicting 16 castles of the gogyenzoller dynasty) Dining room Imperial apartment Hall of the Council, Florentine Hall, Concert Room ... / P\u003e

Furniture is represented by original items of the XVI-XX centuries, which are characterized by various styles of European and eastern decorative art, many of them were made manually on the order of the royal family in the famous European workshops of the XIX century. Fireplace in a large room - the only decoration of the castle, because Since 1883, it has central heating. But this is not all - after all, Pelesh's castle became the first building in Europe and the second in the world where the elevator was installed.

Specific castle Pelsh Stress out the original ceiling murals that are completely repeating in the mirror mapping pattern of the carpet on the floor. Carpets, in turn, were woven by hand with the best masters of Romania.

From Sinai to the castle along the slope of the mountain there is a road. From all sides the roads are surrounded by trees. On the other hand from the road - a mountain river.

The palace is surrounded by 7 terraces decorated with sculptures, fountains and plants. The tower of the palace has a height of 66m.

Terrace Castle Pelsh

And some more photos of the castle Peles

Castle terraces.

The first changes in the initial appearance of the Peles Castle were made by the Czech architect Karlel Liman, who led the construction to the death of the king. King Carol died in the castle of Peles in 1914. King Ferdinand and Queen Maria died here

Pelesh's castle is located on a medieval path connecting transylvania and valahius, in a picturesque place, Karpat, not far from the city of Sinah in Romania. The castle was built in the neo-bearing style between 1873 and 1914, his inauguration took place in 1883. His name gave him a mountain river flowing nearby. Currently, the castle is a historic monument. Castle has more than 160 rooms. All of them are elegantly decorated and luxuriously furnished. Here are the rich collections of works of art, which include products from silver and gold, porcelain, furniture, armor and weapons, carpets and tapestries, European painting and sculpture.

Karol I Gogenzollerne-Zigmaringen

King Kalol I (1839-1914) first visited these places in 1866, they reminded him of native Germany, and he was forever captured them. In 1872, these lands (approximately 5.3 sq. Km) were bought by the king, and they became referred to as the royal domain of Sinai, intended to become royal hunting grounds and the summer residence of the monarch.

King Romania Karol I (generally sounds, yes - the king - Kalol I) was from the Hans (generally Transylvania, the Gansa and was removed, to this reason it looks quite decently unlike the steppe Bucharest), so the German motives are immediately felt in the castle.

Near the palace there are terraces with a bunch of sculptures, they look great, in general the place is very ethetic, and the palace and statues and nature, everything is wildly beautiful and the soul just rejoiced.

Monument to Carol I.

Favorite spouse

Favorite dog

Lviv signs of the base disease)).

The first three architectural projects of the castle actually copied other Western European palaces, and Karol I rejected them, because they were too expensive and insufficiently original.

Architect Johann Schulz introduced a more interesting project that I liked the king: a small palace or, rather, a spacious alpine-style mansion, combining Italian elegance with aesthetics of a German non-hereniss. The cost of construction (for the period between 1875 and 1914) was estimated at about 16 million Golden Romanian lei (approximately 120 million modern US dollars).

The castle was laid on August 22, 1873. At the same time, other buildings were built related to the castle: a guard house, a hunting house, royal stables, etc. In addition, a power plant was built, and the Peles became the first electrified castle in the world. Three or four hundred people constantly worked on the construction of the castle.

Elizabeth Neuvidskaya

Queen Elizabeth during construction wrote in her diary:

The bricklayers were the Italians, Romanians built the terraces, Gypsies were black-worked. Albanians and Greeks worked on stone, Germans and Hungarians were carpenters. Turks burned brick. Engineers were Poles, and the Czechs - Stone Sharpets. The French have drew, the British were measured - there were hundreds of people in national costumes who spoke, sang, swear and chatted for fourteen languages \u200b\u200b...

Construction has slightly suspended during the Romanian War for the independence of 1877-78, but then the case was then very accelerated. Ball about the inauguration of the castle took place on October 7, 1883. In 1893, Karol II was born in the castle of Peles, filled with a sense, a complained castle by King Kolember I - "Cradle of the dynasty, cradle of a nation."

Kalol II.

In 1947, after the forced renunciation of King, Michai Communists confiscated all royal property, including the estate and Pelsh Castle.

For some time the castle was opened for tourists, and in 1953 declared a museum. The estate also served to rest Romanian cultural figures. AT last years Communist Board, between 1975-1990, Nicolae Ceausescu closed this territory for visits, only attendant personnel and security service were admitted.

It is curious that Ceausescu did not like the castle and rarely visited it. They say that the museum workers are knowing that Cheta Ceausecu is suffering from health-related phobias, announced that the building is infected with a dangerous fungus Serpula Lacrymans, which in the 1980s was really quite common, but hit only the wood.

After the Romanian Revolution of 1989, Peles and Pelishor Castles were again open for tourists. In 2006, the Romanian government announced the return of the castle to the former King Mihai I. Soon after gaining the king of his property negotiations between him and the government resumed, and the Peles again became the national heritage, open to the public as historical monument and museum. In return, the Romanian government transferred to the Royal House of Romania 30 million euros. Since its opening, Pelesh's castle takes almost half a million visitors annually.

In 2008, the castle was used on the filming of the film "Brothers Bloom" - the neighborhood of the castle depicted a large estate in New Jersey, the housing of the eccentric millionaire Penelope (in this role Rachel Weiss was shot).

Since its opening, Pelesh's castle takes almost half a million visitors annually. But, unfortunately, there are almost no Russians among them. For this reason, both excursions in Russian, unfortunately, do not conduct here either. The main entrance rises the statue of King Carol the first, the work of the Italian sculptor Rafanello Romanelli, he belongs to the statues from Carrarsky marble, located on seven charming Italian terraces surrounding the castle and made in the style of non-hereniss. The Park is also a monument to Queen Elizabeth, depicting the spouse of Karol first for embroidery - traditional Romanian art. Gardens and terraces are decorated with fountains, urns, stairs, lions, beautiful statues and other decorative details.

The collection of weapons and armor includes more than 4,000 items.

Be sure to pay attention to the hall of the European weapon. It is decorated in the style of German Renaissance. Here are collected unique and rare copies of European weapons of the 15-19th century. Also in the castle of the Pelsh is the hall of oriental weapons. Here are various types of weapons decorated with gold, silver, precious stones, corals. The most valuable of them are Turkish weapons - half a gun, half a dagger.

The first architect of the castle was the German Johann Schulz (1876-1883), his successor was the Czech architect Carl Liman.

In terms of its structure and functions, Pelesh is a palace, but everyone with love is called his castle. The main architectural style is neoress, but in the half-timbered facades of the courtyard with their luxuriously painted walls, Saxon influence is felt, and in the interiors decorated with rich carving on a tree and sophisticated tissues, the influence of the baroque is noticeably.

The Pelesh Castle has 3200 m² of area, more than 160 rooms, 30 bathrooms, luxuriously furnished and exquisitely decorated.

A secret door from the library through a spiral staircase leads to the king bedroom on the third floor. The library in the Pelesh Castle is about 800 volumes. The rest of the books, and about 10,000 of them were in a permanent royal residence in Bucharest.

Design and dining decor are made using a huge amount of different wood species, including exotic wood. German Baroque furniture. Original stained glass windows made by Munich masters depict the scenes from the life of the German nobility. On the ceiling and on the chairs of cordic skin coating.

It has one of the best collections of works of art of Eastern and Central Europe, which includes sculpture, painting, furniture, weapons and armor, gold and silver products, ivory products, porcelain, carpets and tapestries. The collection of weapons and armor includes more than 4,000 items.

The highest room in the castle of the Peles - the front lobby. Its height is 12 meters, which is equal to the height of three floors of the castle. Parade Lobby - the highest room of the Pelsh Castle - 3 floors, 12 meters of height. The parade lobby reproduces the famous German trading chamber in Lübeck. Furniture here in the style of Italian Renaissance. Initially, the parade lobby served as an inner courtyard, but at the request of Hozaev, in 1911, was covered with mobile roof, which is currently moving forward for airing room.

On the panels of the parade lobby, two rows of alabaste bas-reliefs (marble plaster), which depict mythological, biblical and historical scenes. Rich Ma Rketchy on the walls depict 18 castles in Germany and Switzerland - the residence of the Dynasty of Gaugrennov. The ladder carpets are made in the best workshops of Bukhara, Mosul, Ssparty and Smyrna. The collection of Sevres and Maissen porcelain, skin from Cordoba, but the most impressive is hand-drawn stained glass windows from Switzerland.

Cabinet Karol first in the Peles Castle, decorated with paintings and furniture in German style. There is a webmaker for official audiences between stained beds, and next to the table for which the king worked. The room in which the library is located, decorated with oak wooden panels with carvings. A secret door from the library through a spiral staircase leads to the king bedroom on the third floor. The library in the Pelesh Castle is about 800 volumes. The rest of the books, and about 10,000 of them were in a permanent royal residence in Bucharest.

The main entrance is towering the statue of King Carol I work the Italian sculptor Rafanello Romanelli, it also belongs to the statues from Carrara Marble, located on the seven charming Italian terraces surrounding the castle and made in the style of non-believers. In the park there is a monument to Queen Elizabeth, depicting the spouse of Carol I for embroidery - traditional Romanian art.

Gardens and terraces are decorated with fountains, urns, stairs, lions, beautiful statues and other decorative details.

The museum is open from 9 to 17 hours from Wednesday to Sunday. In November, the lock is closed for visits.

Of the 168 rooms of the lock for visits, 35 are open. A visit only with a guide as part of groups that are recruited in languages. There are excursions in Russian for excursion groups

Since everything in the castle, the Peles gives the originality, then even the ceilings architects could not get around their attention. Instead of standard ceilings, ceiling stained glass windows installed in the castle. And not just stained glass, but sliding stained glass windows. They do not spoil the general ensemble, but only complement it. With the help of these stained glass windows, the castle's natural ventilation is still carried out.

Florentine Hall - the main hall of the Pelsh Castle, where lush techniques were arranged. The design of this hall is made in the style of Italian neo-Renaissance. The rich Decor of the Florentine Hall is made of marble and carved gold-plated tree. Chandeliers from Murano glass. Paul ripped out gorgeous oriental carpets made of natural silk

Moorish Hall - the third reception hall of the castle Pelesh. Made in Arabic style with numerous inlays of ivory and pearl. On the walls of Eastern weapons XV - XVIII century.


The castle is located in the north-west of the city of Sinai, 60 km from the city of Brasov and 135 km from Bucharest, the capital of Romania. From Brushov to Sinai, there are buses with an interval in half an hour-hour, from the Bucharest station Gara de Nord regularly walk on Brasov, stopping in Sinai, time on the way - about 2 hours.

Sinai's tourist complex also includes Pelishor Castle, located next to the Peles Castle.

Pelesh's castle spread out on the shore of a mountain river, whose name he is wearing. This is a diamond in Eastern Europe's castles necklace, this is the pride of the Romanian kings. The external decoration is similar to the castle of a sweet fairy tale. He is something similar to a fabulous castle of ice cream and cookies. But at the same time, it differs from all funeral and pompous castles of Western Europe. His stylist can designate like a light Swiss chalet. It is incredibly sparkling, there is just a dazzling architecture, but in something, still, there is a restraint, dissimilar to all other locks. Most likely, winning the mixture of styles?

Architects Wilhelm Doder from Vienna and Johann Schultsu from Lviv was to solve a difficult task, but they coped to the "Hurray". They just took all the most famous architectural styles at that time and mixed them in the same building, so that all this did not look chaotically. The construction of the castle was conducted from 1875, under the ready leadership of these two geniuses.

The castle was built simultaneously with the power station on the river flowing nearby, so the Peles, this is also the first electrified castle in Romania. Not in vain Karol gave the castle the name Pelsh, which meant the cradle of the nation. When Karol was the first at death, he commanded his son to make a museum from Pelo. After the death of the father, Karol the second, as the obedient son fulfilled his death will. The castle began to work as a museum, remaining royal possessions.

If you are looking for a castle, rich in externally and internally, then better than a pour you do not find! A huge number of sculptures, a gorgeous park around, incredible frescoes on the walls, about a wood carving, which adorns the facade of the house, interior decoration, walls, furniture go legends. This is the richest castle of Europe. Not enough and year to study all his treasures.

You can talk about this castle for hours. He perfectly entered the architect in the surrounding landscape. Snow-haired cream building with dark wood trim, Ostroeja Turkey, many patterns on the windows, on the roofs, on balustrades. And everywhere frescoes. Supplement the picture of beautiful lights in the park, many sculptures.

Pelesh's castle, located in Transylvania, is a beautiful monument of the architecture of the neorenissance era, in which the King of Romania Karol once lived. Geographically, it is located near the city of Sinai, surrounded by the picturesque mountains of Karpat, for which he received the name "Carpathian Pearls".

Construction history

Karol I (1839-1914) visited this area in 1866 and was admired by the beauty of the mountains and forests, who reminded him of his homeland - Germany. In 1872 he decided to buy land not far from Sinai. Pelesh's castle was decided to build as a summer residence and use for hunting in local forests.

3 projects of the castle were made to order Romania King Romania, which were just copies of European palaces, and besides very expensive copies. Karol I also wanted something more exquisite and original, but not so cost. And the desired project was represented by the architect I. Schulz: a very small, but spacious mansion-palace, which made several architectural features at once: Alpine style, German neooress and Italian elegance Baroque. Its vertical and sharp turrets, an asymmetrical plan, an unusual architecture helped perfectly fit into the surrounding landscape.

In the construction process (1873-1914), architects of Benesh and K. Liman were also involved, and the Master from Germany and Austria was involved in the manufacture of decorative elements.

The construction of the castle

Pelesh's castle (Romania) is famous for the fact that in it for the first time in the world the electric lighting was used, which the power plant supplied immediately was supplied. Elevators were installed in the castle, a phone was held, a cinema worked, and cleaning was done with a vacuum cleaner. A thermal station was also built: the castle was heated with the help of hot air supply through the air ducts (all this works so far!).

In the process of the construction of the castle, the development and development of the adjacent territory took place: the design of the park ensemble, the construction of the necessary utility rooms (guard, stables). Construction participated several hundred workers from different countries.

Part of the complex was assigned to another Pelishor Castle, which was built in 1899-1903. like a summer residence for the nephew of King Ferdinand

The name of his castle received from the next mountain river Peles.

After the celebrations on the occasion of opening and inauguration (1883), the Romanian King Kalol і lived here along with his wife Elizabeth, they had a son Karol II (1893).

Interior and lobby

Pelesh's castle inside looks in a royal: there are 168 rooms in the building, each of which has its own unique style and interior design. The castle has 30 bathrooms, furnished with royal luxury and decorative trim.

In the design of the rooms, Italian, English, French, Spanish-Moorish, Turkish styles, Baroque, Rococo and even some elements of the newest (in those years) movement art nouveau are involved. Wooden carved parts and trim from dark wood, as well as many bas-reliefs and sculptures make up one of the main features of the castle.

One of the original attractions of the castle is a glass sliding ceiling with stained glass (made by hand by Swiss masters) in the parade lobby, which was installed in 1911 above the courtyard. The ceiling is still used in order to ventilate the room. According to his sample, a similar ceiling was made in Romania Parliament in Bucharest.

Another unique architectural and decorative element is a spiral staircase in the Pelsh Castle (Romania, the photo below), in which the king rose from the library to its apartments on the third floor - it is made of carved wood for the entire height.

The parade lobby takes 3 floors, its architecture has been copied with the Chamber of Commerce in Lübeck, and the interior is performed in the Italian style of Renaissance. On the walls of the lobby, the images of many Castles of Germany and Switzerland, which were the residences of the kings of the gogyenzoller dynasty.

Original castle rooms

Castle Pelesh (Romania, see below) consists of a variety of rooms, but only 35 are available for tourists, each of which is decorated in a certain style:

  • The Florentine hall, decorated with an ebony tree, Venetian mirrors, the ceiling is decorated with luxurious chandeliers from Muranian crystal, on the floor are silk carpets brought from Bukhara.
  • In the Turkish hall, where the Kurilen is located, the walls are completely covered with natural silk, worth the hookah and vessels for incense, on the floor - oriental carpet.

  • In the Moorish hall there is a collection of eastern weapons (XV-XVIII century).
  • Cabinet King and Library of the Castle (about 800 books), in which there is a hidden secret passage to the royal bedroom.
  • Music salon, where chamber concerts were held, for which guests of the royal couple were invited; The cabin has furniture that the Indian Prince presented (several generations of Indian masters have worked over 104 years old).
  • In the theater room, 60 places that decorators were furnished in the style of Louis XIV, a small royal theater was located with a scene and theatrical curtain, more than 100 years ago the king and his guests watched performances and movies (starting since 1906).

Museum exposures of the castle

Now the castle of Pelesh (photo inside, see below) attend almost 0.5 million tourists annually, who want not only to explore it outside, but also to visit its rich museum exposures.

The exhibition exhibit is placed on a square of 3200 square meters. M and contains more than 4 thousand items having historical value: weapons, carpets and tapestries, antique furniture, paintings and sculptures, various artistic and decorative products.

Inside the castle there is a museum with several exposures:

  • collection of Western weapons and knight equipment (more than 4000 copies), including armor of the Knights of the XIV-XIX centuries, samples of combat weapons (crossbows, alabards, guns), hunting rifles;
  • collection of Eastern Weapons, including ritual (interesting exhibit of Turkish origin, similar to a gun);
  • the exhibition of glassware, Maissensky and Sevrian porcelain includes 1.5 thousand items;
  • collection of gold and silver items that were presented to monarchs in honor of holidays or anniversaries (5.5 thousand exhibits);
  • collection of clocks of the XVIII-XX centuries (more than 50): wall, desktop, outdoor, miniature and watches for the fireplace in different styles and types;
  • collections of tapestries and carpets, ceramic products.

Park ensemble

The residence of the Romanian king surrounds the beautiful luxurious park with terraces, made in the style of Italian revival. There are many statues, ceramic vases, columns, fountains, which in the complex is a very elegant and picturesque landscape.

At first, the Park is located the sculpture of Charles I, his host made by the Italian sculptor R. Romanelli. He also made many other sculptures from Carrarsky marble, which are located on 7 Italian terraces: Monument to Queen Elizabeth (busy embroidery), various statues and stone figures of lions, fountains and many other decorative delights - all this was the decoration of an elegant small park ensemble surrounding Pelsh Castle (photo below).

Castle Pelisor

Next to the Royal Castle in the Park is located built specifically for the heir to the heir to the small castle of Pelishor, in which the future king Ferdinand I and his wife Queen Maria (Arch. K. Liman).

The inner decoration of Pelishor, performed on the project of the Vienna designer B. Ludwig, more cozy and modest. All rooms are open for tourists: Bedroom Mary, Children's room and others. Maria, Ferdinand's wife, participated in the design and decoration of the castle, introduced into the style of the interior of the Byzantine and Celtic symbolism. Their children were born here and rose: Karol, Maria, Elizabeth, Prince Nikolai.

The most elegant is a golden bedroom, a chapel and a golden room, in which all the walls are covered with gilded carvings. All furniture was created according to Queen's sketches in Sinai workshops. In this room spent my last hours Queen Maria. It is located on the ceiling of the room - the Celtic Cross, the emblem of Scotland, from where she arrived.

Pelsh Castle, XX-XI Century

After the renunciation of King Michaia in 1947, the castle of Peles was confiscated by the Communist Government and from 1953 he was declared a museum. At this time, the Romanian cultural elite was rest here. During the reign N. Ceausescu (1975-1990), the castle was closed for visiting, it was used as a residence for the leadership of Communist Romania. Although Cheresska was very rare in the castle. In accordance with the legend, the Museum staff dissolved rumors about the appearance of a harmful fungus, and Cheresska was very worried and took care of his health.

Since 1989, Pelesh's castle again opened for tourists. In 2006, he was returned to the former king Mihai, but then, after talks, the castle made the national domain of Romania, opening it to visit tourists as a monument of history and the museum.

How to watch the castle

You can get to the city of Sinah, where the castle of Pelesh is located, by train from Bucharest or Town Brasov by bus, only you need to go upstairs, since it is located on the grief.

The castle is open for tourists every day, except Monday, from 10:00 to 16:00. In November, it is closed annually for technical work. Tourists can only inspect it in the group with a guide.

The amazing story we learned from one blogger, about the history of the castle Pelsh, which is located in Romania.

Once a buchdzhsky array in the southern Carpathians walked wild. Not everyone decided to go on the road along the "Prince Road" - a mountain path, loosened among the rocks along the Prakhov River. If you believe legend, the history of this edge changed the same episode of the time of medieval boyars interdiscructures. ... Spantar (warlord) Mikhail Cantakuzino leaving the "Princely Road" from the chase sent by the leader of the rival principality ... A frantic jump has exhausted the strength of his Arab horse, and in the Peles Valley, I had to say goodbye. Here, thoroughly thirst at the mountain stream, the warrior gave vow: if you manage to escape - build a monastery on this place. The enemies lost the Farm Micah, and six years later, returned to their homeland after wandering on someone else's edges, he restrained the word. And since the monastery, built by his order, was a copy of Sinai, striking Spantar during the eastern wanderings, then the place was called Sinai.

The inhabitants of the mountain monastery were visible, not only by the diligent servants of the Lord, but also with the ladies. The monastery quickly began to grow up with land, the surrounding vineyards, pastures, salt and oil development took the hands of the hands. In the nineteenth century, the "Princely Road" changed a decent highway, along which the quarry and manufactory increased. But today, Sina is famous, first of all, as the best mountain resort of Romania. And this turn in his fate, the town is obliged to king Carol I and the castle of Peles built here.

Karol (Karl) I, a descendant of one of the branches of the Prussian dynasty of the Gaenzollerns, was erected to the Romanian throne shortly after the merger of the Principles of Moldova and Valahia into a single state.

Circling out its new ownership, the founder of the Dynasty of Hohenzollers - Zigmaringen in 1867 was in Sinai and, fascinated by the beauty of these places, ordered to build a residence here. So the castle of Pelesh was laid, and the palaces and villas of approximate monarch, hotels and a sanatorium for wealthy mountaineers began to grow around it.

The best architects, sculptors, masters of the interior from different ends of Europe worked on the ensemble of the buildings scattered over the Royal Park. In the main one, who served the residence itself, the Museum itself, where the crowds of tourists meet the generic portraits of Hohenzollerns, ancient weapon on the walls, mannequins in knightly lats, magnificent stained glass windows of German masters. There are also giant mirrors of Venetian glass, and cozy living rooms in Moorish and Turkish styles, and written from America a musical closet orchestrion, a genuine work of art that can decorate any collection of antiques. And of course, as it relys in the present medieval castle, There are secret doors and moves. But it is more likely to tribute tradition than the need for enlightened times when this little miracle was created.

If Sinai in Romania is called the "Pearl Carpath", the Peles Castle can be called the pearl of Sinai itself. And at the same time in the guidebooks of the 70s of the last century, there is no word about the castle! The secret is simple: the generic nest of Gogenzollers served as one of the many residences of the Clan Clausca, so the spesh's castle gate for the public remained tightly closed. Maybe from here and today's pilgrimage of tourists who put queues to get into the royal chambers.

The century of the dynasty of Hohenzollers-Zigmaringen was a non-national: it rules Romania is only 81 years old. Much is connected with the castle of Peles in her chronicle: the founder of the dynasty died here, Karol II was born, the father of the last Romanian monarch Mikhaya I. But at present, the toy buildings and sculptural groups of Pellers A la Versailles are no longer associated with the "pigeon German genius" . An exception is perhaps only a monument to Karol I, having a sternly discrepanant to his possessions from the visor of the military cap. Nevertheless lived here Prussians ...

The castle was built simultaneously with the power station on the river flowing nearby, so the Peles, this is also the first electrified castle in Romania. Built the castle literally to the whole world. Gypsies and the Turks, Poles, and Czechs worked on him. This international. At the time of the war of independence, construction slowed down, but after, boiled with a new force. Carol was born in this castle. No wonder his father, gave the castle the name of the peese, which meant the cradle of the nation. When Karol was the first at death, he commanded his son to make a museum from Pelo. After the death of the father, Karol the second, as the obedient son fulfilled his death will. The castle began to work as a museum, remaining royal possessions. As the royal apartment, the castle existed not long. After coming to the power of the Communists, the castle was confiscated to popular property and the miracle was not looted.

Castle after a while, becomes a museum. From 1975 to 1990, the castle is closed for visits. As you know, the then leader com. Party Romania Nocolash Causeca suffered a whole set of phobias. So, so that the castle does not raise the rivable relatives of the then power, the museum workers came up with the legend that the mushroom began in the castle, which spoils wood, and is very harmful to humans. True, it is or not, but the Ceausescu in the castle did not appear. In 1989, Romania becomes a capitalist country. In 2006, the castle returned to the former king. Mihai entered into the rights of ownership, but soon reached a consensus with the authorities and the castle was sold to the state for 30 million euros. Now he pleases all visitors with his beauty and charm. But with a special trepidation to this castle, cinematographers continue to belong. Not one famous film was filmed here.

Parade Lobby - the highest room of the Pelsh Castle - 3 floors, 12 meters of height. The hall reproduces the famous German trading chamber in Lübeck. Furniture in Italian revival. Initially served as an inner yard. In 1911, it was covered with a mobile ceiling that is moving forward and today to ventilate the room. This hall was decorated with wood and in it you can see 2000 figures. On the panels two rows of alabaste bas-reliefs (marble plaster) - depict mythological, biblical and historical scenes. The rich marquetry on the walls depict 18 castles in Germany and Switzerland - the residence of the Gaentsolern dynasty.

The hall of the European weapon is decorated in the emetsovsky revival. European weapons collected in the hall 15-19th century. The palace has a second collection in the country - 3500 weapons. Crossbows, alabards, guns, shields, spears stand out on the walls.

The Pelesh Palace Eastern Weapon Hall represents various types of weapons from painted gold, silver, precious stones, corals. The most valuable of them are Turkish weapons - half a gun, half a dagger.

King's office Cabinet in Peles Palace decorated with paintings and furniture in German style. There is a webmaker for official audiences between stained beds, and next to the table for which the king worked.

The King Library in the Pelesh Palace is about 800 volumes. The rest of the books (about 10,000 were in the constant royal residence in Bucharest). In the library rving of oak tree. In the hall there is a secret door, which communicated through a spiral staircase with a king bedroom on the third floor.

Meeting room - on the following audience hall. It was the last hall added to the palace in 1914 decorated in that year when the king died. Therefore, part of the hall remained not decorated.

Music hall is a stricter scenery, made of spruce tree. Which served as a hall for creative evenings. Visiting Carol 1 and Elizabeth visited the Great Persons of Romanian Culture as George Jesca, Vasile Alexandri, Mihai Eminescu and other artists. Furniture set - a gift to the king from the Indian Prince - is the main exhibit of the hall. Three generations of masters worked on him.

Florentine hall is the first of a number of reception rooms. Decoration - in the Italian neo-Renaissance. In the hall is a rich scenery of marble and carved gold-plated tree. Original chandeliers from Murana Crystal. Venetian mirrors that reflect the ceiling. On the floor there are original oriental carpets from Natural Silka.

Dining room - scenery from various wood breeds. German Baroque furniture. Original stained glass (XVIII century), made in Munich, depict scenes from the life of the German nobility. On the ceiling and on chairs coverage with skin Cordoba.

The Moorish hall is the third reception room of the Pole Palace, in Arabic style with inlays of ivory and pearl. The ceiling of linden and plaster. On the walls of Eastern weapons (XV - XVIII B). On the carpet and on stools - verses from the Quran.

Eastern Turkish Pellers Hall - original scenery of silk embroidery, specific Turkish style. On the tables - hookah, the vessel for the burning of the incense. On the floor - oriental carpet from Smyrna.
Spectator - Theater Hall in the Polesh Palace at 60 seats, in the French Louis XIV style setting. In 1906, the hall becomes a cinema.

The Peles Castle was built in the style of a non-thessance, but in the half-timbered facades of the courtyard with their luxuriously painted walls, Saxon influence is felt, and in the interiors decorated with a rich carving on a tree and sophisticated fabrics, the influence of the baroque. The external decoration is similar to the castle of a sweet fairy tale. He is something similar to a fabulous castle of ice cream and cookies. But at the same time, it differs from all funeral and pompous castles of Western Europe. His stylist can be denoted as a light Swiss chalet. It is incredibly sparkling, there is just a dazzling architecture, but in something, still, there is a restraint, dissimilar to all other locks. Most likely, the mixture of styles.

A huge number of sculptures, a gorgeous park around, incredible frescoes on the walls, about a wood carving, which adorns the facade of the house, interior decoration, walls, furniture go legends. You can talk about this castle for hours. He perfectly enjoyed his architect, Johann Schulz in the surrounding landscape. Snow-haired cream building with dark wood trim, Ostroeja Turkey, many patterns on the windows, on the roofs, on balustrades. And everywhere frescoes. Supplement the picture of beautiful lights in the park, many sculptures.

In the castle of Pelesh a huge number of exposures that are constantly changing, and not all of his rooms are open to the visit. A collection of weapons, including 4,000 items (15-19 centuries, from East to Europe) is particularly valuable. Another pearl of this castle is a collection of Maximilian Equipment for horses and knights, it is the only one of its kind, in Romania. Yes, and in Europe there are not many such.

Square Pelsh Castle - 3200 square meters. Meters on which more than 160 rooms, 30 bathrooms are located, luxuriously furnished and exquisitely decorated. Among the set of gourmet rooms, characterized by style and design there is a Florentine room, a French room, theater and training rooms. Collection of dishes includes Maissen and Sevrian porcelain.

It has one of the best collections of works of art of Eastern and Central Europe, which includes sculpture, painting, furniture, weapons and armor, gold and silver products, ivory products, porcelain, carpets and tapestries. The collection of weapons and armor includes more than 4,000 items. Oriental carpets are produced in the best workshops of Bukhara, Mosul, Ssparta and Smyrna.

In this unique castle there is only one fake, the workshops filled, the fireplace butaforia. By the way, in the castle of Peles for the first time in Europe, an elevator was launched. Unique and ceiling constraints decorate the entire castle. They do not just repeat, but absolutely identical to the drawing on carpets. Without any exaggeration, it can be said, this is the most unique castle of Europe with the richest collection.

Since everything in the castle, the Peles gives the originality, then even the ceilings architects could not get around their attention. Instead of standard ceilings, ceiling stained glass windows installed in the castle, and we are all sliding. Stained glass windows like more, harmoniously fit into architectural ensemble houses. By the way, they are painted by Swedish masters manually. With the help of these stained glass windows, the castle's natural ventilation is still carried out.

Since its opening, Pelesh's castle takes almost half a million visitors annually. But, unfortunately, there are almost no Russians among them. For this reason, both excursions in Russian, unfortunately, do not conduct here either. The main entrance rises the statue of King Carol the first, the work of the Italian sculptor Rafanello Romanelli, he belongs to the statues from Carrarsky marble, located on seven charming Italian terraces surrounding the castle and made in the style of non-hereniss. The Park is also a monument to Queen Elizabeth, depicting the spouse of Karol first for embroidery - traditional Romanian art. Gardens and terraces are decorated with fountains, urns, stairs, lions, beautiful statues and other decorative details.

The highest room in the castle of the Peles - the front lobby. Its height is 12 meters, which is equal to the height of three floors of the castle. Parade Lobby - the highest room of the Pelsh Castle - 3 floors, 12 meters of height. The parade lobby reproduces the famous German trading chamber in Lübeck. Furniture here in the style of Italian Renaissance. Initially, the parade lobby served as an inner courtyard, but at the request of Hozaev, in 1911, was covered with mobile roof, which is currently moving forward for airing room. On the panels of the parade lobby, two rows of alabaste bas-reliefs (marble plaster), which depict mythological, biblical and historical scenes. Rich Ma Rketchy on the walls depict 18 castles in Germany and Switzerland - the residence of the Dynasty of the Gaentsolennov.

Be sure to pay attention to the hall of the European weapon. It is decorated in the style of German Renaissance. Here are collected unique and rare copies of European weapons of the 15-19th century. Also in the castle of the Pelsh is the hall of oriental weapons. Here are various types of weapons decorated with gold, silver, precious stones, corals. The most valuable of them are Turkish weapons - half a gun, half a dagger. Cabinet Karol first in the Peles Castle, decorated with paintings and furniture in German style. There is a webmaker for official audiences between stained beds, and next to the table for which the king worked. The room in which the library is located, decorated with oak wooden panels with carvings. A secret door from the library through a spiral staircase leads to the king bedroom on the third floor. The library in the Pelesh Castle is about 800 volumes. The rest of the books, and about 10,000 of them were in a permanent royal residence in Bucharest.

Another room in the castle, for which I want to pay special attention - the Music Hall. The decor of the musical hall is strict, made of spruce tree. Attention attention is noteworthy, an unusually frowning furniture headset of the music hall. His caroll was first presented the Indian Prince. This set of 104 years old made three generations of masters. In this room, creative evenings were confused. Here, at a party at Carol of the first and Elizabeth, the great creative identities of Romanian culture were visited - George Jescu, Vasile Alexandri, Mihai Emines and other artists.

Florentine Hall - the main hall of the Pelsh Castle, where lush techniques were arranged. The design of this hall is made in the style of Italian neo-Renaissance. The rich Decor of the Florentine Hall is made of marble and carved gold-plated tree. Chandeliers from Murano glass. Paul ripped out magnificent oriental carpets made of natural silk. Design and dining decor are made using a huge amount of different wood species, including exotic wood. German Baroque furniture. Original stained glass windows made by Munich masters depict the scenes from the life of the German nobility. On the ceiling and on the chairs of cordic skin coating. Moorish Hall - the third reception hall of the castle Pelesh. Made in Arabic style with numerous inlays of ivory and pearl. On the walls of Eastern weapons XV - XVIII century.

In the eastern Turkish hall, the original scenery of silk embroidery, inherent in Turkish style. On the tables - hookah, the vessel for the burning of the incense. On the floor - oriental carpet from Smyrna.

The castle also has a theatrical auditorium for 60 seats. It is made in the style of the French Baroque Louis Fourteenth. In 1906, he was converted to the cinema.

And one of the most beautiful in Europe. The former residence of Romanian monarchs was equipped with all technical innovations of the last century: telephone connection, a cinema, two elevators, central heating. And it was the first fully electrified.

Myths and Facts

At the end of the XIX century, Romania becomes the kingdom, combining the three principalities of Transylvania, Valahia and Moldova. To rule the state invited the German Prince Carol I from the Gaenzollern dynasty. They say, he liked the surrounding landscapes of Sinai, reminiscent of their native, that he conceived to build a summer residence here.

The demanding ruler rejected several projects, which, in his opinion, were not too original. As a result, the work of the architect I. Schulz and construction began.

The castle was erected from 1873 to 1914 (including finishing works). About $ 120 million were spent on the project. The palace called Peles (in the "belt") - by name the river flowing nearby.

In 1883, a ball took place on the inauguration of the Prince, and in 1893 his son was born - Carol II.

The Peles Castle served as the royal residence until 1947, and then, together with other royal property, confiscated communists who came to power. In 1953, a museum was located in the complex, and in 1975-1989 he was a closed territory intended for recreation and official meetings of the Romanian ruler Ceausescu.

Since 1990, the palace has been opened for tourists, and in 2008 he was returned to the ownership of the royal family - the former King of Romania Mihai I. After talks between him and the government, the latter redeemed Peles for a decent amount of 30 million euros. Now there is a museum here, and the construction itself is considered a historical monument.

What to see

In the structure and functions of Peles, rather, the palace, but traditionally called it. It was built in the style of non-referee with baroque elements. The area of \u200b\u200bthe construction is 3200 m 2, and its height of its towers is 66 m.

The inner "filling" is a mix of all possible styles:, and the German Renaissance, Rococo. They argue that the tour of the Palace is a mini-east of Europe and Asia. 160 rooms (of which 30 - baths) have their own unique interior.

The highest room is a parade lobby with a height of 16 m. The hall is a copy of the German Chamber of Commerce in Lübeck. It is decorated with trees and bas-reliefs from marble gypsum depicting biblical, mythological and historical scenes. Interestingly, so far to ventilating the glass ceiling of the hall is pushed with an electric motor.

A collection of XV-XIX centuries has been collected in the hall, the exposition has 4,000 items - this is one of the richest meetings in Europe.

Medieval weapons are exposed in the Hall of Eastern Weapons. Rich interiors have a king's office, meeting room, musical, Moorish and Florentine halls. It is impressive wooden carving handmade, original stained glass windows (the richest collections of stained glass in Romania), a collection of valuable paintings, tapestries and statues.

The castle is surrounded by a landscaped park with terraces. Near Pelishor Palace and Monastery So