50 interesting facts about Hungary. Sights of Hungary Famous People of Hungary

The idea of \u200b\u200bHungary would be not complete without portraits of its famous representatives. About the compatriots who are proud of Hungarians, it will be in our article.

Famous Hungarian Composer and Musician

The name of the leaf Ferenz is known not only in his homeland. It one of the first comes to memory when it comes to classical music. Ferenz leaf has become a sensation of the twentieth century.

He created new instrumental genres - Rhapsodia and a symphonic poem, wrote 647 works (63 for the orchestra and about 300 for piano), was distinguished by a rich fantasy and courage that allowed him in everything that he did, use new techniques.

Ferrenz or Franz?

The name that is well known to the Russian-speaking public, the composer himself never used. He was born in October 1811 and was the only child in the family. Upon baptism, his father gave him a name that "Franciscus" is written in Latin, and in German is read as "Franz". The leaf itself is poorly owned by the Hungarian language, and always called the second option.

Composer for 14 years

The composer's father encouraged musical arts and played musical instruments himself, so early began to teach Ferens. Being an eight-year-old boy, he had already successfully spoke to patters and received their support. The first private music teachers for Ferenz Leaf were legendary Karl Cherni and Antonio Salieri.

Later, the father taped Ferenz to France for admission to the Paris Conservatory. But the candidacy of the future composer did not even consider it - the conservatory did not accept foreigners.

Despite the serious financial situation, Franz and Father still remained in Paris. A teacher from the Paris Conservatory was engaged in a private manner. And in order to pay for their services and their stay, Franz participated in concerts. He was 14 years old, and during this period he composed the first opera - "Don Suncho, or Love Castle", which was put in the Grand Opera.


Career musician was bright and rich. He with a triumph performed in France, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Romania and Russia (concerts took place in St. Petersburg and Moscow). In Russia, his acquaintance with Glinka, Versta and Varlamov took place. Ferrenz leaf was a successful composer and conductor. Thanks to his Weimar, where he worked, became the center of world musical culture.

Interesting fact: The name of the composer wears Weimar Higher School of Music. Sheet is an educational institution of Germany. It was opened only in 1872, nevertheless the founder considers Ferenz Leaf. Working in Weimara in 1835, he became the first one who spoke about the need for such a school.

Famous Hungarian Charity

Charity in the sense that we now invest in this word was engaged in a woman who lived in the 1200s. She founded a hospital for the poor, in which herself worked on a par with others, often distributed donations to those in need: food and clothing. The name of this lady - Elizabeth Hungarian - now named charity houses around the world.

Hungarian Catholic Saint Elizabeth

Elizabeth Hungarian or Elizabeth Turing - Princess from the Hungarian Dynasty of the Arpadov, the daughter of King Andrish II, subsequently Landgraf's wife Thuringia Ludwig IV.

Since childhood, she was considered as a potential wife of Prince Ludwig, so from the four years of age Elizabeth sent to her upbringing for future mother-in-law. She got married at the age of 14. The marriage was happy, and Elizabeth gave birth to Ludwig three children.

Landgraf's big impression was produced by Francisania. She lived in accordance with his ideals of mercy. In 1227 her spouse died during the sixth crusade, and his brother drove away the widow and her children. Elizabeth joined the Order of Franciscans and devoted himself to the affairs of mercy.

Later, she founded the hospital in Marburg, where he cared for the sick. Caring for others and self-denial undermined her health. Elizabeth Hungarian died at the age of 24. Four years after death, she was canonized. The Holy Elizabeth is considered a patronage of the Third Order of the Mijan of St. Francis, as well as bakeries, as it often distributed bread in need.

Interesting fact: St. Elizavet on icons is often depicted with roses in their hands. This tradition dates back to legend. The ruler of Thuringia did not always support the charitable activities of the Spouse. Once, having met her on the street (St. Elizabeth carried in the apron of bread to distribute him in need), he demanded that she was holding in her hands. When the Apron opened, the spouse saw that he was filled with roses.

Famous immigrants

Speaking about the famous people of Hungary, it is impossible to bypass the part of those people who for some reason were forced to leave their homeland and immigrate to another country.

Legend Man with a Heavy Character

Hungarian citizenship was from director, artist and teacher Yuri Lyubimov. Probably, it makes no sense to repeat the famous facts of the biography of the founder of the theater on Taganka. About Yuri Lyubimov responds as a powerful person who sought to control the work of the theater and actors. He himself said that the more freedom give artists, the sooner they spill the performance.

Lyubimov often argued and quarreled with the authorities, with authorities, with friends and their actors. Nevertheless, he highly appreciated talent and could make concessions for him.

Yuri Lyubimov hardly worried about the death of Vladimir Vysotsky - a friend and the executor of the leading role in its formulation of Gamletta. The authorities banned his performance in memory of Vysotsky, as well as one of the new productions.

All this happened due to the straight line of the director in the address of the cultural policy of the USSR and its bold interpretations of classical works. Yuri Lyubimov docouked in absentia Russian citizenship and freed from the position of the cultural leader of the theater.

Yuri received Hungarian citizenship (his wife was Hungarian) and worked a lot abroad. "We are treated with his expulsion!" - Talked figures of the culture of the West.

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Journey to Hungary will give tourists a lot of unusual and pleasant impressions. Attractions of various types in it are no less than in other European countries. In Hungary, there are interesting corners of nature, and ancient fortress, and castles, and many religious constructions of different eras and styles. Inspection of monuments Architects can be combined with a visit to the museums or the Hungarian Opera House.

You can enjoy a relaxing holiday on thermal resorts. Warm sources with water healthy are almost in every city. However, you can select several of them. Swimming through their size and luxury. An unusual and practically no analogues in the world is the cave bathing of the Miskolc-Tapolets. For lovers of rest in natural conditions in Hungary, there is more thermal lake Heviz.

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What to see and where to go to Hungary?

The most interesting and beautiful places for visiting, photos and a brief description.

1. The building of the Hungarian Parliament

2. Buday Fortress (Budapest)

Residence of the Kings of Hungary, which is included in the Heritage List of UNESCO. The oldest part of the palace is built in the XIV century. Over the years of existence, the fortress survived several sieges, destruction and rearrangements, which took many historical architectural delights. The reconstruction of the castle is completed in 1980. Among the preserved historical buildings, the Palace of Shandor, the house of Hungarian wines, fishing bastion are distinguished.

3. Visegrad Fortress

Built in the XIII century. In the Middle Ages - the residence of the Hungarian kings. In the time of the invasion of Austria's troops in the XVIII century almost completely destroyed. Among the ruins only the surviving Tower of Solomon rose. Currently reconstructed. In the restored walls of the fortress, you can explore the interiors of medieval kitchens and the hall for the trapes, recreated the camera torture, there is a collection of ancient weapon.

4. Citadel (Budapest)

In the XVIII century, the slopes of the hill gellert with a height of 235 meters were covered with vineyards. At the end of the XIX century, a citadel was built on his top. Overview for both shores Danube attached to her special strategic value. In military quality, it existed for about 20 years, before the formation of Austria-Hungary. Nearby towers a 14-meter statue of liberty on a pedestal of 26 meters. It was established in memory of the release of Hungary from the Nazis.

5. Chain Bridge of Sechi (Budapest)

Symbol of the capital of Hungary. This is the first stone bridge, which connects two more different cities - Buda and Pest. The discovery took place in 1849, and at that time the bridge was one of the largest in the world. The re-opening of the bridge was in 1949, after the restoration from the undermining by German troops. The length of the bridge is currently 380 meters, width - 14.5 meters. In the dark, the backlight is turned on.

6. Shoes on the Danube Embankment (Budapest)

Monument to the victims of the Holocaust, is a sculptural composition in the form of 60 pairs of shoes. Many call this monument to the most sad in the world. Children's sandals, female elegant shoes, men's stopped shoes - made of iron, they are placed on the Danube embankment so as if their owners are about to return back. A terrible reality has become an idea for the monument - before shooting, the Nazis forced the victims to go out, and the bodies were discharged into the water.

7. Lake Balaton

Tourists are often called the Balaton "Hungarian Sea", since the length of the lake is almost 80 km away. Lake is one of the main tourist destinations in the country. The average depth of the lake is about 3 meters. Spray South Coast attract many families with beach holidays. North shore is more popular with sailing lovers. On the shores of the lake many resorts and wellness centers.

8. Park Varoshleget (Budapest)

The park is equipped in 1799 on swampy terrain. On the drained area, a network of water canals was laid, thousands of trees landed. Among them were equipped with several artificial lakes. Now it is one of the favorite parks for walking from Budapests and guests of the city. It presents a lot of entertainment: Botanical Garden, Zoo and Circus, are available for inspection of the castle of Wydahunate and several museums.

9. Sixen's bathing (Budapest)

A large bath complex, built in 1909. It contains 3 external pools and 15 internal, as well as several saunas. The complex is considered balneological. The thermal water of the bathing is supplied from the well of St. Ishthan. The water temperature in the source is 77 ° C, it rises to the surface from a depth of 1200 meters. The healing properties of thermal water help in the treatment of a variety of diseases.

10. Heroes Square (Budapest)

The famous Square of the capital of Hungary. About 50,000 people arrived at her discovery in 1896. In the middle of the square installed the 36-meter Millennium Monument. The colonnades have a figure of the heroes of the country, and between them 14 monuments of the members of the Royal Dynasty of Arpadov and Allegorical Figures. The architectural foundation of the area is the buildings of museums built in the style of classicism with elements of eclecticism and baroque.

11. Rybatsky Bastion (Budapest)

Bastion construction completed in 1905. It is an area in the form of a gallery of 140 meters long, 8 meters wide decorated with towers and balustrades. Despite the name, the bastion was raised for defensive purposes. Earlier in this place was traded by fish, and now it is an excellent architectural supplement for the Church of Matyash. From the walls of the bastion, a delightful view of the Danube and the capital opens.

12. Church of Matiash (Budapest)

Located in the Buda Hill. Built in the XIV century in the Gothic style. The bell tower of the church is the highest building of the Buja Fortress complex. Its height is 82 meters. The church has 3 new with a large number of adjacent chapel. The roof is covered with red tiles. The main decoration of the indoor interior is the stained glass windows and wall painting. Since 1260, two columns have been preserved, they are under the tower.

13. Hungarian Opera House (Budapest)

An impressive opera house building was elevated in the XIX century in the style of non-hereniss and baroque. It is decorated with ornaments and sculptures. Wall painting in the auditorium is made by famous artists: Tanan, Sex, Lot. Hall in the form of horseshoe has excellent acoustics. It is happy to work with well-known actors, conductions and composers, including a composer from Italy Gakomo Puccini.

14. Hungarian National Museum (Budapest)

The subject of the museum is the history and art of Hungary in the period since the country is founded to the present. In total, about a million exhibits are exhibited in various over the subject of collections. A variety of archaeological finds are presented, including samples of the stone writing of the Roman period. There are collections of coins, weapons, jewelry, household items of different periods, as well as the hall of the royal mantle.

15. Museum "House of Terror" (Budapest)

It is placed in the building of the former prison and is dedicated to the totalitarian period in the history of Hungary. Strict gray building with black edging. The type of frame creates a large black visor with the word "terror" on it. On sunny days, this inscription discarded the shadow on the facade of the building. The exhibitions of the museum presents the exhibits that remain from the fascist regime and requiring understanding: torture, documents and items of that time.

16. Basilica of St. Adalbert (Estergom)

Catholic temple in the city of Estergom. Built on a hill on the shore of the Danube in 1869. The architecture of the temple is made in the style of neoclassicism, the building itself has a cross-shaped form. Basilica length - 118 meters, width - almost 50 meters. The facade of the building decorate 8 columns. The basis of the indoor interior is mosaic, columns, frescoes and statues. On the dome of the Basilica there is an observation deck with excellent views of the city, Mountains and Danube.

17. Abbey Pannonhalma

Benedictine Abbey has a centuries-old history. It is based in 996. The building was repeatedly rebuilt, so his architecture combines styles of different eras. The unique religious ancient complex is entered in the list of UNESCO protection objects. Basilica Martina Abbey is striking the luxury of interiors. More than 300,000 unique and valuable books are stored in libraries. There are botanical garden and winery.

18. Basilica of St. Ishthan (Budapest)

Acting large-scale temple with picturesque interiors. The construction of the temple ended in 1905, it lasted for almost 50 years. The height of the Basilica is 96 meters, from the observation deck under the dome you can see almost the entire capital. Interior decoration is decorated with bronze bas-reliefs, marble and mosaic. Concerts of organ and classical music are often held. On Sunday services sings church choir.

19. Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul (Peel)

The Roman Catholic Cathedral is located on the Doma Square in the city. Erected in the XI century. In the XVI-XVII centuries, the cathedral was used by the Turks as a mosque. The facade of the building is made in a classic style with sharp arched shapes and decorated with statues of 12 apostles. In the inner interior dominated gilded sculptures and frescoes. The organ of the cathedral consists of 75 pipes. On him performed the Mass Famous Fens Leaf.

20. Cathedral of Szeged

An incredibly beautiful neeloism building built from red brick in 1930. It is an architectural monument. Tourists attract the towers with a height of 91 meters, directed into the sky. In total, the cathedral has 57 turrets of different sizes. The main hall of the Cathedral is designed for 5,000 parishioners. Painting of walls, reliefs, mosaic in modern style - an unusual decor inside further enhances the bright impression of the design of the cathedral.

21. Tikhansky Abbey

Erected on the site of an ancient earthy fortress. As a result of enemy raids and fires from the old building of the monastery, only the church of 1754 in the style of Baroque remained. Carved altars in it are luxuriously decorated and are considered a masterpiece of the wooden sculpture of Hungary XVIII century. Master Sebastian Stillhof worked on the creation of altars 25 years and did not take a fee for his work.

22. Reformed Cathedral (Debrecen)

It is considered a symbol of the city of Debrecen. Design is made in a classic traditional style - strictly and without unnecessary parts. The inner design of the cathedral is also very modest, the walls are painted with simple white paint. The Square of the Cathedral is quite large - it can accommodate up to 5,000 people. In Hungary, this is the largest reformat church. As the attractions in the cathedral exhibited the chair Layosh Soshuta.

23. Eger Fortress

The medieval fortress, the defenders of which showed heroism in defense from the invasion of the Turks in 1552. Built in the XIII century, currently represents a museum complex. Tourists are available for inspection of bastions and underground chamsis. Museum of Ishtran Dobo tells visitors about the saturated history of the Eger Fortress. In the summer, holidays are held in a medieval style with knightly tournaments.

24. Royal Palace in Gödelo

Palace - manor, masterpiece architecture of Hungary in Baroque style. Erected in the XII century. For a few centuries, a stable, a greenhouse, theater attached to him. Currently, this is a museum complex with recovered royal interiors. The expositions of the halls are devoted to the Dynasty of Graschhalkovich. A separate object for inspection is the chapel of St. John Nepomotsky. Around the palace there is a park with an area of \u200b\u200b29 hectares.

25. Feshetich Palace (Kestheha)

Located in a picturesque park at Lake Balaton. One of the largest castles of the country, built in the XVIII century. The facade and inner decoration resembles the Palaces of France. The castle houses the museum. The museum collections are valuable and rare books, weapons from different eras. In the stables of the palace, samples of various crews - carriage and wagon. There are various events of official and entertainment in the palace halls.

26. Historical center of Schopron

In this place, many architectural monuments of history were collected, mostly, they were implemented in the XVI-XVIII centuries in the Baroque style. The main square is the labyrinth of narrow cozy streets with old buildings of different eras. The Gothic Church of the Goat, the House of General, the Fabrichis House with archaeological exhibits and antiques - and this is not all. The symbol of the historic center is the fire tower with a height of 60 meters.

27. Village Holloly

The open-air ethnography museum, which is included in the UNESCO Heritage List. 500 people live in the village-museum, and they all lead ordinary daily life. For visitors, this is an excellent opportunity to look at the folk traditions that have survived for several centuries. Many residents are engaged in traditional folk crafts - pottery, embroidery, wood carving.

28. Old Town Diere

The historic district of the city, which is visited annually thousands of tourists. They are attracted to magnificent architectural ensembles from the ancient buildings of the XVIII century. The starting point for inspection is the central area of \u200b\u200bthe sechens. It is surrounded by Barochko style buildings - the house of Abbat, the Church of Jesuita, the building of the old town hall, the house of your home. In the museum, Janos Ksentus can be found in the history of the city of Gyor.

29. Resort Lillafüred

The popular resort is located at the Hamori Lake Among the forests of the Mountain Arrays Buck. To stay tourists built a hotel, its own kind of resembling the palace. At any time of the year there are many guests in it. Travelers come here to enjoy pure mountain air and picturesque views. Popular waterfronts on the lake, hiking through the forest. You can also visit the caves with volatile mice or Sin waterfall.

30. Cave Bathing Miskolc-Tapolets

The uniqueness of the bathing in its location. It is in a cave formed by a natural way for thousands of years. The cave is located in a large beech forest in the mountains. The air of the cave is considered therapeutic, especially it is useful for diseases of Asthma. Thermal water has a composition enriched with minerals, but at the same time with low salt content. This allows you to be in the water almost unlimited time.

31. Heviz

Thermal lake in the western part of the country. Holidays on it is popular at any time of the year. The temperature of the water in it does not fall below 24 ° C even in winter, and in the summer it reaches 36 ° C. Heviz is one of the largest thermal lakes in the world. Its area is 47,000 m². Substances in the composition of water help in the treatment of many diseases, but there are also contraindications - pregnancy, cancer, asthma, tuberculosis.

32. Caves of aggterek

Located in Karst Mountains in the National Park in the north of the country. Numerous caves form confusing labyrinths with multi-kilometer strokes. In total, specialists are about 700 caves in the area. The largest cave aggtell is and one of the largest stalactite caves in Europe. In length, it is 26 kilometers, 8 of which are located in Slovenia.

33. Hortobad

National Park of 800 km². The territory of the park is protected by UNESCO. The attraction is a nine-year bridge, which is 167 meters long. He was built over the swamp in 1833. Next to the bridge there is a stall courtyard, whose age is 300 years. It has an ethnographic exhibition. Hortobada is a popular holiday destination, where there are many entertainment of different types, including water park.

34. Tagora Embankment (Balatonfüred)

The city of Balatonfüred is located on the northern shore of the picturesque lake Balaton. In 1926, the resorts of the city visited the famous Indian poet Rabindranat Tagore. According to the traditions of their country, he planted a lemon tree from the water, in gratitude for the hospitality. Other celebrities visited cities also began to flow. Over time, the alley of landed trees turned into a memorial park and became an embankment decoration.

35. Welding region Tokay

Made to the list of UNESCO objects. The history of Tokai winemaking began in 1550. Vineyards are located on the slopes of the mountains at an altitude of up to 400 meters. A special secret of manufacturing that gives current wines is unique and exquisite taste, the special microclimate of the region is. In almost every residential building of the city there is a wine basement, and the main attraction is the wine basements of Rakkotsi.

12 Interesting Facts about Budapest and Hungary

Budapest is a city ambiguous and diverse. He can surprise in many aspects. In this article, you will not find banal encyclopedic facts that Hungary is the Motherland of the Fens Leaf, the Rubik Cube, Goulasha and Chardas. Here we have collected for you really interesting, little-known and useful when preparing for a trip to Budapest facts.

1. Balneological resort

What currency to take in Budapest and what is a forint, read in the article Currency of Hungary.

And what you want to learn from the article Prices in Budapest: accommodation, transport, excursions, food.
4. First metro

Budapest Metropolitan is the first in continental Europe. In other words, in Eurasia, Budapest Metro is inferior at the age of the London subway. The first branch of the "underground tram" (this is how it was called during the construction) was built under the Andriashi Avenue to the Millennium Hungarian celebration in 1896 and connected the city center with freshly created Square of heroes.

A distinctive feature of this branch are extremely small distances between the stations and the surprisingly low running deployment. Stations are located almost immediately under the asphalt. Budapest authorities support the "ancient color" of this branch with respect to the design of stations and stylized under the ancient compositions. So put up the metro of more than a century ago, it is easy to overcome only one staircase.

5. Historical memory and adequacy

The Hungarian people are surprisingly objectively for the modern world perceives both reality and history. Hungary is a real neutrality island in Europe. Hungarians historically worries only their own freedom, and the interests of their country for them are primary interests of any "alliances" and "unions". It seems absolutely logical, however, in the modern world it is rather an exception than the rule.

The communist regime they consider the convective, and the years of the Board of Soviet power in Hungary cause them to gently say, not the warmest memories. At the same time, they separate the seizure of the country by the Soviet authorities from the liberation of Hungary by the Red Army. The monument to Soviet soldiers is in the very center of Budapest 500 meters from the building of the Hungarian Parliament. And monuments of the hated era of communism in Budapest are not destroyed at all, but transported to a special memory park on the outskirts of the city.

When the authorities established a monument of memory killed from the aggression of fascist Germany, residents of the city, placing their alternative exposition opposite it, rightly recalled that thousands of Jews were subjected to repression and discrimination against the authorities of Hungary herself, during the time when Hitler had only emerged ideas of world domination.

6. Monuments

12.Stolitsa erotic

After the fall of the communist regime, the Hungar rushed into all the grave, after the Soviet oppression missed over the years. As a result, Budapest pretty soon got the status of the European Capital Porn. At the same time, everything is done so that Budapest erotic entertainment on the one hand is perfectly hidden from the random eye to those who may be unpleasant, and on the other hand, it is not interested in the lady to find an object of taste.

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How to get from the airport to Budapest
How to catch cheap flights to Budapest

Hungary is a kind of country. Excellent climatic conditions, ripe bunches of grapes and bright sun ... In the old days, this state was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but already gained its independence. Hungary has always attracted travelers, especially if we talk about the metropolitan city - Budapest. Many tourists even think about changing the permanent place of residence, after the visit to Hungary. If our facts come to you, you can always buy a tour to Hungary on the site "Bontur"

1. The history of the country originates in 896, so Hungary is rightfully occupied among the most ancient European states.

2. Lake Balaton, which is often called the "Little Sea", is the largest in the central part of the European continent. To enjoy the beauty of the majestic reservoir, tourists visit the country every year.

3. The state has long been famous for its thermal sources, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that there are quite a few resorts on the territory of Hungary aimed at improving the human body.

4. The most extended bridge in the country is "nine-day". It is located in the Hortobad Park. The length of the bridge is 167 meters.

5. Representatives of Hungary received the Nobel Prize in almost all nominations. Exception is a peacekeeping sphere. If we talk about this indicator, as the total number of high ranks per capita, then here he is the most impressive.

6. Hungarians should be proud of the invention of modern handle. Also, local scientists presented to the world a puzzle "Kuba Rubik", which was widely known among adolescents.

7. Local residents know a sense in culinary art, so they add paprik to almost all traditional dishes.

8. Hungarian cuisine is famous for its goulash, but this is not a stewed meat, as it was possible to think, but a delicious soup.

9. Wine production has been perfectly developed in Hungary, and sparkling drinks made by local masters were even demanding by the kings.

10. The well-known Hungarian company "Herend" is a supplier of unique porcelain handmade products that are actively buying rich people around the world.

11. The country has a tough tax system. For example, value added tax is 27%.

12. The subway of Budapest can make a worthy competition of the London "Subway" - the first wagons began to run in the Hungarian capital for a long time (1896). It is noteworthy that today the trains are engaged in Russian engineers with whom local authorities concluded a long-term contract.

13. Hungarian language is practically not amenable to study. At the same time, many Hungarian words are similar to the Russians, if they compare exclusively sound, because the point is usually different. For example, the word "pool" Hungarians equal to insult.

14. According to Hungarians, buckwheat is a wonderful delicacy for birds, but it should not use it. That is why such a cereal is sold only in pet stores, and not in traditional grocery supermarkets.

15. By visiting Budapest, tourists get the opportunity to go to the tram tour of the capital's streets.

16. A unique musical creation, which we used to call the "dog waltz", the Hungarians are different - "the donkey march".

17. Residents of Hungary do not distinguish any types of meat, except for pork, and also mess around and say goodbye.

18. Hungary occupies a leading place, ahead of many countries, if we take into account such an aspect as the consumption of Sala.

19. The biggest synagogue on the European continent is the heritage of Budapest. In this temple can be gathered up to 3 thousand citizens at the same time.

20. The village of Holloko, located near the capital, does not change his appearance for many years, which attracts many tourists who come here every year.