Who built the Egyptian pyramids in fact. Who built the pyramids? Riddles of ancient civilizations

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that scientists in every possible way with all truths and inconsistencies hide this information, as it does not fit into those foundations of the world, which we have described history textbooks from childhood.

For a long time on the planet there are burial sites, and more often the remains of the dead giant people. They are digging around the world, both on land and under water in the seas and oceans. Another confirmation is a find in Yakutia.
The group of independent researchers has been engaged in this issue for many years and formed a true picture of what was on our planet in fact 12-20,000 years ago. But it's not so long ago! The growth of giants during life ranged from 4 to 12 meters, in addition to a large physical force, they possessed phenomenal mental abilities. Is this the mysterious civilization of the Atlanta, which alone consider the mythical, and other actually existed and deceased?
So, the researchers argue that this civilization of the giants lined up the pyramids not only in Egypt, but on the territory of the entire planet, the total number of the pyramids of the erected them number more than 600. Moreover, the construction was carried out in strictly given geometry. The pyramids were erected without using any slave forces with the help of a simple technology that is used now, this is an ordinary formwork, that is, the boulders did not move on a large distance, and poured a durable concrete composition in wooden forms!
And the purpose of them was energy and associated with space energy, the use of which we are still unknown. This is then only another civilization of people in particular the Egyptians began to worship the Almighty Gods, who built the pyramids and made the tomb of them for pharaohs, this is a religion and a separate topic. As you understand, the Egyptians themselves did not build the pyramids!

The most interesting question is why such giants could exist and why died!?

The fact is that scientists express the version of the four moons, and gravity on the planet was completely different and atmospheric pressure Other, with such physical conditions, people giants could feel great and live carelessly long. And death is caused by a catastrophe, a drop in the three moons on the surface of the Earth.
But the researchers refute this theory, since they themselves imagine what will happen if at least now our moon will come close to our planet. This is not the end of the world, but simply the death of it. So there is an opinion that in fact gravity on the planet was different, and around the earth was an ice asteroid belt, like rings around Saturn.
Therefore, the planet was extremely enriched with oxygen, which gave a strong impetus to the development of not only gigantic people, but also the animal world. But as a result of changing the poles and other cosmic changes, the ice belt hit the Earth by a squall of water, which led to the death of this civilization, respectively, and climatic changes were already close to our physics today.
Below we present the facts about the existence of giants:
1. In 1979, the locals found in the blue mountains in Megalong, the locals found a huge stone sticking over the surface on which the imprint of the part of the huge foot with five fingers was seen. The transverse squeege of the fingers was seventeen centimeters. If the imprint was completely preserved, it would have a 60-centimeter length. From here it follows that the imprint left a man of six-meter growth.
2. Ivan Sanderson, a well-known zoologist with a world name, once shared a curious story about the letter received from some Alan Makshire. The author of the letter in 1950 worked a bulldozer at the construction of the road on Alaska and reported that the workers were discovered in one of the gravestone two huge fossil skulls, vertebrae and leg bones. The height of the skulls reached 58 cm, and width 30 centimeters. The ancient giants have doubled a number of teeth and disproportionately flat heads. The vertebrae, as well as the skull, had a size three times greater than that of a modern person. The length of the bones of the leg was from 150 to 180 centimeters
3. In 1899, the Miners of the Ruhr region in Germany found fossil skeletons of people with a rise from 210 to 240 centimeters.
4. In South Africa, a fragment of a huge skull with a height of 45 centimeters was discovered in diamond developments in 1950. Above the above-mentioned arcs were two strange protractions resembling little horns. Anthropologists, in the hands of which came the find, determined the age of skull - about nine million years.
In a wide variety of sources there are many documentary information about giants. We give some of them.
5. In South Africa, on the Okovango Aboriginal River, the giants lived in the past in these places. In one of their legends it is said that "the giants were endowed with an incredible force. With one hand, they blocked the flow of rivers. Their voices were so loud that they came from one village to another. When someone from the giants coughed, the birds blown like the wind.
6. On the hunt, they passed hundreds of kilometers per day, and killed elephants and hypopotamos easily raised on their shoulders and attributed home. Their weapons were bows made of palm trees. Even the earth wore them with difficulty. "
7. And Incan legends say that during the reign of Inki XII Ayarko Kuzo from the ocean on the ocean on huge reed roofs in the country, people of such a huge growth arrived in the country that even the highest Indian gave them to the knees. Their hair fell on the shoulders, and faces were fabor.
8. Some of them wore animal skins, others went completely naked. Moved along the coast, they devastated the country - after all, each of them I eaten more than you could eat 50 people!
9. On one of the global plates of the ancient Babylonas states that all the astronomical knowledge of the priests of the Babylonian state received from those who lived in South Asia giants in more than 4 meters.
10. Ibn Fadlan, Arab traveler who lived a thousand years ago, saw a six-meter skeleton of a man who showed him the subjects of the Khazar king. The skeleton of the same size, being in Switzerland in the museum of the city of Lucerne, saw Russian writers-classics Turgenev and Korolenko. They were told that these huge bones were discovered in 1577 in the mountain cave by the doctor Felix Plather.
11. Only four or six-meter giants were not the most gigantic. Conquering America, the Spaniards allegedly found in one of the temples of Aztecs the skeleton with an increase of 28 meters in 20 meters. This is the scale of gigids. The Spaniards sent him as a gift to Pope Roman. And some Whitney, who served at the beginning of the XIX century, the main archaeologist under the US government, examined the skull with a diameter of two meters. He was found in one of the states of Ohio.
12. Obvious evidence of the existence of giants are the prints of their huge stop. The most famous of them is located in South Africa. He found a local farmer Staffel Kettsi at the beginning of the last century. In almost a vertical wall to a depth of about 12 centimeters, "Next leg trail" is imprinted. Its length is 1 meter 28 centimeters. It is believed that the owner of a huge growth occurred when the breed was soft. Then she froze, turned into granite and got up vertically due to geological processes.
13. One thing is surprising: why is the giant human bones are not exhibited in any museum of the world? The only answer that some scientists give, they say, specially attacked unique finds, otherwise the theory of the evolution of Darwin would finally collapse and would have to change the views on the entire history of mankind and his appearance on Earth.
Why did we hide?
Dr. Karl Bom believes that in the distant past, natural conditions favored the increased growth of man, and then they changed dramatically, and people were "crushed."
"Optimal genetic development," says Bom, is when all the organism laid in DNA develops completely due to favorable atmospheric conditions. " In his opinion, to the World Flood, the ozone layer was much thicker, and after it remained only one seventh part. A decrease in the ozone layer led to the weakening of protection against solar radiation, which was reflected on plants, and animals, and, of course, on a person.

Probably the cult of the ancestors in the blood from a modern person. Our childhood is filled with stories about fabulous times, always starting with words: "Long ago ..." Antiquity makes us tremble. The ancestors were wiser, they lived correctly, they probably owned "secret knowledge", which their frivolous heirs were confused. We sigh respectfully, touching the particle of the past - be it a piece of stone, a fragment of a pot or copper coin. The gray-haired old woman excites the imagination - it is full of secrets. Well, curiosity is good ... to add a little bit of critical thinking and a little more knowledge. But with the last point very bad. What is a modern Russian remembers history? Mix of walking school lessons, adventure films and stories of tourist guides. The history of the ancient world is not particularly lucky: it takes it in school before all, in the 5th grade. By the time the 11-year-old teenager will become an adult, even this scant luggage of knowledge runs out. In the meantime, the Internet and the TV without tired of the trusting viewer with sensations, "hidden official science". So scientific knowledge is finally displaced by myths and delusions.

Although I have no strict statistics, analysis of letters, Internet comments, questions of listeners, as well as expert advice allowed me to draw up the top five "most-most" misfortunes in Russia of delusions about ancient history. So…

1. The pyramids are built by anyone in mysterious technologies

So, the leaders of our chart-parade are Egyptian pyramids. And why is it asked? What is the success of the folk brand "Pyramids - the mysterious structures of ancient civilizations"?

First, the pyramids are really affected by their sizes. Heopse pyramid height - 140 m, up to the Middle Ages it was the highest architectural construction of the planet. Being near, a person feels his insignificance, our mind will leave in front of the stone commander.

And they are very ancient. Hope's pyramid 4500 years old! At that time on the ground, it seems, still wandered mammoths?

When the first wave of admiration was kicked, a natural question arises: why is it all? We are told that this is just the tomb of Pharaoh. But, gentlemen, you claim that thousands of people built it 20 years. What did they have nothing more to do? And was there so many people in that era? For a modern citizen who changes work every six months and cannot cope with two migrant workers in the country, it seems absurd that somewhere and once - and even more so in deep antiquity - it could be different.

Egypt - in the nearby past, an extremely popular resort. Millions of Russian citizens bathed in the Red Sea, rolled in Cairo, photographed against the background of the Sphinx (it is necessary to put his palm as if they touch his beautiful stone facility). And local energetic guides tried to entertain tourists - to the best of their fantasy and bad knowledge of the history of the native country. With the easy hand of enterprising tourists with video cameras, their entertainment trips turned into "Research Expeditions to the unsolved secrets of ancient Egypt."

Why do we say that those Egyptians, about which we know from textbooks, could not "? Well, firstly, the Egyptians did not have iron, and it is impossible to work with solid rocks with copper tools - how did granite blocks for the pyramids mined? And how do long-distance stones dragged over long distances? Manually, on yourself? Okay, you can suppress, drag, adjust several blocks to each other, but in the Great Pyramid there are more than two million! It is impossible to imagine such a tremendous work!

This is only a small part of the arms taken by "pyramidotes" (the term is proposed by the Egyptologist Barbara Mertz), but also these items are enough to put on the blades of the unprepared opponent.

However, Egyptologists, having heard such questions, are in no hurry to faint. The pyramids are not built out of granite. The main material of the Great Pyramid, for example, is a limestone, it is a sufficiently soft stone. The quarry, which produced the bulk of limestone for the pyramid, are 200 meters away from it - there is even a markup in them. Probable technology of limestone mining describe Clark and Engelbach in the book "Construction and architecture in ancient Egypt". With the help of copper or stone tools along the contour of the block, vertical grooves were knocked out, and the wedges were clogged, by which the block separated from the rock. In a number of ancient kamenomolomen in the lower part of the unfinished blocks, the excavations remained in which wedges inserted.

Experiments show that to move a block weighing 2.5 tons (and this is the average weight of the block from the Great Pyramid) completely under the power of the group of people when using wooden rollers or sled. In the ancient Egyptian fresco, you can see people drag on the sleds on a special layer of a 60-ton statue of Pharaoh Jehutichotepa. On another fresco, we see the stone block, the sleds with which the bulls pull.

Of course, this theme of construction pyramids is not exhausted. It would be worth telling about the technology of producing granite, and how materials for construction were transported on the Nile on the ships, and how the Egyptians could drill and saw a stone with copper tools with abrasive - such experiments successfully conducted an archaeologist-experimentator Denis Stokes, and Also Russian enthusiast Nikolai Vasyutin. Of course, many questions remain open. How exactly are the stone blocks rose to the desired height when building a pyramid? How did the Egyptians customized the blocks of the pyramids to each other? Records and images of these processes have not been preserved. However, Egyptologists are looking for and find answers and on these issues - remaining within science, without the attraction of aliens from Alpha Centaur. There are special literature on this topic - alas, the pyramidotes in their mass are not suspected of its existence.

What to add? Pyramids - the greatest monument to human labor. 20 years of the joint efforts of thousands of Egyptians are really difficult to submit. And if you submit to the construction of the Great Wall of China - its length is more than 10 thousand kilometers? And imagine the work of unnamed Kamenotesov, for the 90 years of the 70-meter statue of the Buddha in Leshan (China, VIII VII).

Maybe we just do not know what a organized team of people is capable of positive (and negative) motivation?

2. Man - product of genetic engineering aliens

I have traveled a lot in the country and I can respond to say: that a person has entered into our land aliens, knows every taxi driver at the airport. "Alien" hypothesis is so popular that invariably appears in various Internet surveys on the topic "As a man originated" along with the "evolutionary" and "religious" versions, and even got into some textbooks. Well, let's say thanks to the TV!

In 2016, the continuation of famous "secret materials" came to the screens - so it is worth expecting another burst of interest in the topic.

So, we are convinced that a person did not arise in the process of natural evolution, but is the result of experiments on some kind of "harvesting" - a monkey or pictecanthropom, in the DNA of which alien genes were attached. The famous Hunter for the "Ancient Astronauts" Erich von Deniken directly declares that the "autograph" of the aliens is hidden in our genome.

Denicen argues that creatures that combined parts of different animals are sphinxes, people with animal heads and other ancient Egyptian mythical characters - actually mutants, victims of genetic experiments.

But the most fully idea of \u200b\u200b"man - GMO" justifies the other Adept Paleokontakt, who presented us with the history about Annunakov from the planet Nibiru, - Zakharia Sitchin. This author enjoys arguments that usually use "classic" creationists. Look, as far as a person is different from the monkeys, Sitchin says. If there was a common evolution, then where is the transitional link? Why did a man arose so fast so unexpectedly? We are the only view of the planet with intelligence. Who presented us with such a gift? According to Sitchen and his followers, the answer is contained in the ancient texts - only you need to be able to read them!

In the Sumerian mythology, the gods are creating a person from a mixture of clay and blood of one of the gods. Sitchin - Master of Interpretations. He boldly declares that the word "clay" in the ancient text can be found as an egg. What is an egg? Well, of course, a female egg! Here is a description of the genetic experiment: "Blood" (sperm) of the Divine fertilized an egg cell of a man-like monkey.

But the reading between the lines of Sitchin is not enough: he coated the genes of extraterrestrial origin among the results of the first sequencing of the human genome published in Science and Nature in 2001. And today, on various "ufological" sites, you can meet the statement that genetics found in the human DNA "223 genes that are no longer found on this planet", and, therefore, they got from aliens ...

Alas, Sithchin either did not understand the results of genetics, or schitril (most likely both). Genetics reported on benes specific to vertebrates, and not just for a person. Since a significant part of these genes is widely represented among bacteria, but absent from invertebrates, scientists suggested that the genes came to the vertebral as a result of horizontal transfer from bacteria. But the alien version is much more beautiful!

True, it would be possible to go about extraterrestrial origin of all fish, amphibians and reptiles.

So, what about the souls from the supporters of "Alien GMOs"? Bad knowledge of anthropology, incorrectly understood data of genetics and dubious interpretations of ancient texts. With this approach, you can hurt the mention of aliens - spherical xenomorphs - and in a fairy tale about Kolobka ...

3. Very ancient giants found

The force of impact of the media is amazing! Questions about the "ancient giants" I regularly ask educated people - including even a biologist (though, this was only once). Giants, cyclops, people of huge growth - the heroes of numerous epos and legends. These creatures found a place in the "mythology" of the XXI century. And this is not only the articles on the Internet with colorful pictures. "Scientific and popular" transmissions about the ancient giants were demonstrated at quite respectable television channels. And in 2014, the yellowish news tapes had news about the news: allegedly according to the United States Supreme Court Resolution, the Smithsonian Institute should be published by the civilian documents on thousands of giant skeletons destroyed by "official scientists". "Competent sources" reported: the publication was scheduled for 2015. 2015 passed, and we did not wait for the publication ...

But really do the supporters of the "ancient giants" have real evidence? Yes, and what else!

First, spectacular photos of huge skeletons and perfect preservation. The little ants are cooped, so it immediately becomes an obvious scale of the find.

Secondly, eyewitness testimonies - for example, peasants who once found huge bones right in their garden. True, then these bones usually disappeared somewhere, but "I remember how now, the skull was in-oh-from such." Often it is also called the reason for the disappearance of the giant bones - the "official scientists" tricks, which have compared the invaluable finds and hiding in an unknown direction.

Thirdly, quotes from the chronicles, diaries of medieval travelers who described meetings with giants on an exotic island, in Patagonia, in snowy guimalaies or somewhere else on the edge of light ...

Handsomely? Highly. But:

- It is easy to make sure that the photos of "huge skeletons" (as a rule, the same, from the article to the article, from the film for the film) - Banal photo montage.

- In some cases, even the author of such pseudodocuments is known. So, the popular photo of the "excavation of a huge skeleton" received a prize at the competition for photocollages "Archaeological anomalies - 2" in 2002. Then the illustration of the yellow newspapers, who accompanied the photo of a story about "sensational finds in India". As a result, the author of collage Canadian artist with Nick Ironkite was forced to tell the National Geographic magazine in detail about how he prepared this hoax.

- Ruskazni peasant, even a tasty colorful old man, as well as memories of navigators of 500 years ago - alas, not evidence. Otherwise, we will have to believe in the existence of a "gate to hell" in the Pacific Ocean, whales, masking for the islands, to which ships are moored, and other non-pieces that the "truthful" stories of medieval travelers are fed. Honest eyewitnescent eyes can not replace the main thing - the finds themselves are giant human bones or teeth. Words in words, but present us at least something material and, most importantly, normally documented! Alas, in this place, the Adepta "Alternative Science" for some reason becomes very shivering: there is findings, but it is impossible to present them.

Is the giant possible in general from the point of view of science? From the laws of physics it follows that a person who has grown up to several meters could not move normally. His legs would be broken, crushed by weight of their own body. Take a look at the real animal-giant - elephants or at least gorillas, on the form of their bodies, on the thickness of their limbs. Primates, swept to the size of an elephant, and also straight, would have completely inhuman proportions.

So let the giants remain where they and the place are in fairy tales and fantastic films.

4. Russia - the cradle of mankind. All happened from Russian

In crisis moments, when there are no special reasons for pride around us, it remains to search, whatever "to do" in the past. Patriotic citizens raise the merit of the great-grandfather and the pilots of the past centuries. There are historical myths. The subject of special pride is "National Pranodina". It is this country that should be a place where the state, writing, mathematics, medicine, language emerged for the first time - and where a man originated in general. Probably, the claims for "birthright" were presented at least once representatives of any state having little national ambitions. Whether it is the United Kingdom, Korea, China, Georgia, Armenia, Israel ... and, of course, Russia. Patriotism itself is not bad.

But when patriotism seasoned history - for some reason, historical science has the property to end.

Isn't it pleased to know that the people you belong to, the oldest on the planet, and the human race did not occur somewhere, but within the Moscow Ring Road or, at least in the territory of the Russian Federation? With a great desire, it can always be proved - if you use a specific approach to evidence. It is enough that at least some archeology existed in the country - it is desirable, of course, more warmer. Now we need to proclaim this monument to the oldest in the world, and its creators are direct ancestors of the current population. For Russia, the approach works fine. We have enough antiquities. It suffices to mention such parking for the stone age as the bone (Voronezh region, more than 40 thousand years old) and Sungir (Vladimir region, 30 thousand years old).

On the Internet it is easy to find the classical reconstruction of a Sungorz Men, accompanied by a pathetic signature of the type: "Slavyan, 30 thousand years ago." The bone in publications on nationalist sites is famously magnify "Ancient Russian settlement." It comes to curiosities. Andrei Tyunayev falsed from the archaeological article, the plan of excavations on the territory of the Sugar Plant sump (the village of Bulls, Kursk region). In this regard, the contour was indicated by the boundaries of the sump, and points are the places of the streets of the stone age. Without blinking the eye, Tyunayev issued a sump scheme for the plan of the ancient Russian settlement of the paleolithic era ...

But jokes to the side! Of course, our country has something to be proud of. However, accept: the most ancient people of modern type - no matter how cool - found in Africa. This, for example, famous findings in the location of OMO (195 thousand years) and Herdo (160 thousand years old). Yes, and the status of the oldest Sapires Eurasia "stole" with our Israeli manot (more than 52 thousand years. Oh, these Israelis).

But it's not even about it. Let's still cool the patriotic dust - we are looking for a scientific truth, and not the same in your pride, right?

Imagine that somewhere on the wasteland found parking of the Stone Age. Does it mean that a teenager living in a high-rise building a few kilometers from the parking lot is a direct descendant of Cryanonians who produced here in time immemorial times? A teenager, of course, would like to think so ... But his parents remember how only 20 years ago they flew here for a half thousand kilometers on earnings. There were no aircraft in ancient times, but with Paleolithic population in this territory, most likely changed repeatedly. Back in the 19th century, archaeologists understood: migration and war sooner or later affect almost any population of sushi, and the genes are mixed in any way. In recent decades, this idea has been repeatedly confirmed by Paleogenetics data.

Strictly speaking, we cannot determine even the racial affiliation of the people of the Upper Paleolithic - what can we talk about their "nationality"? Any anthropologist will tell you that this concept is generally not applicable to such a remote epoch.

So, to look for one of the ancestor of the Russians in deep antiquity - a glible business. Each people have many ancestors, and if some of them will be found, then, most likely, there will be a ancestor to the many peoples.

5. Our land 6 thousand years

The word "booksman" sounds proudly - it looks like the heroes of "young guidance". However, if there is something heroic in "browsecred creature", then this is heroic ignoring facts.

Supporters of the "Young Earth" insist on the literal interpretation of the process of creating the world described in the Bible. At the same time, they are important for their ideology called "scientific creationism." In fact, the "brotherfish" has a set of scientific evidence of its rightful. However, the backbone of this set is not changing for 100 years, and the starting point is not scientific data, but not doubt the religious dogmas.

Therefore, although the "books" love to argue about science, "scientific" here can only be used in quotes.

From the statements about the "young universe" should be much interesting. There was no evolution. Transitional forms - fakes. People lived simultaneously with dinosaurs, trilobites, tomorrow reptiles and other fossil twars. All dating methods indicating the ancient age of the Earth and the Universe give erroneous results. The existing geological column, the distribution of fossils in geological layers is due to the result of the World Flood - a global catastrophe, which fully transform the appearance of our planet.

It would seem that in the XXI century this poor female can only sympathize. However, the Bleztems are not going to give up. They have their conferences, institutes, museums, and in Russia there was even a creationist "Orthodox textbook of biology", the truth that did not receive a ministry griff.

The informative approach is typical for "opposition science": these figures are looking for white spots, problem areas in paleontology, geology, astronomy, physics that interpret in their favor.

However, if we agree for a minute with the fact that the world was created, in accordance with the Scripture, for six days 6 thousand years ago, we will face much greater steamer of unsolvable scientific problems.

- How can we see the light of distant galaxies remote from us for millions or billions of light years? After all, it turns out that when this light was emitted, the universe should not have existed?

- A particular dating method can make a mistake. But how to explain that the agreed ancient age of the same object gives two different methods at once? Both results are incorrect? This can be compared with the likelihood that two at random hours show the same incorrect time.

For example, samples from a layer of volcanic ash, below which the famous Skeleton of Australopithek Lucy was found, sent to two experts. The first determined the age of potassium-argon method, the second - method of fission tracks.

Dating by both methods yielded approximately 2.6 million years. Coincidence?

- Why in geological layers the remains of extinct animals do not sit like, but in a certain sequence? Creationists are ready the answer: they say, this is a consequence of the doptop "zonality": large reptiles lived in low-spirits - dinosaurs, and mammals - on the elevation; So they stood, each at their height. However, such a trick does not explain why marine animals are distributed similarly - Plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs lie in layers with other mesozoic lizards, and whales are higher, together with mammals of Cenozoic. The consistent change of one organisms by others in sediments is maintained and inside individual groups of animals - whether birds or flying lizards, amphibians, sea hedgehogs. It is true for the dispute and pollen of the plants. By the way, because disputes and pollen are found in sedimentary rocks in abundance, they are often used to dating geological rocks. Pollen penetrates everywhere, able to spread the wind to huge distances and hardly "ran away from the flood at different speeds." Why, in geological layers, disputes and pollen plants of different eras are naturally replaced by each other?

However, any argument is easily broken up with two short phrases: "It was so pleased with the Creator" and the "conspiracy of scientists." The idea of \u200b\u200bthe world created by the Creator-Prolley together with the dinosaur bones lying in the ground and the light flying from remote galaxies in its own way of witty. And the evil darwinists, adhesive in the basement "transitional forms" from the bones of people and monkeys, to frighten children well.

However, the first, and the second approval is impossible to refute, and therefore it is definitely not science.


The list of popular misconceptions seems to you ridiculous? Well, how can you believe in this nonsense! Friends, and I thought just a few years ago. But I had to face reality. Go beyond your metropolis. Go to the people. Turn on the TV. Pseudoistoric mythology closer than you think. She is waiting for you in Facebook tape. In the evening TV show. In a book with a bright cover. In rosusings of tourist guides. In a conversation, overheard in the locker room of the fitness club.

In the comments to the articles of the Department of Science "Gazeta.Ru" ...

Pyramidotes, where are you? AU! Your way out!

I am not a big supporter of versions that can not be supported by something other than your own fantasies. Therefore, I will immediately make a reservation - in some sense, I misled you in the slapper name. I do not take answering the question "Who". I rather deal with the version that is considered official on the example of the Hoeop Pyramid. The most famous and biggest. Go?
The beginning of the construction of the pyramid of Heops is not for sure, different sources indicate the beginning of the middle of the 3rd millennium BC.

Construction time is estimated at about twenty years. The initial height is 146 meters, the height today is 138.75 meters.

The average volume of stone blocks, of which the pyramid was built - a little more cubic meter. The average weight is 2.5 tons.

The mass of the largest block is 35 tons. Total pyramid after deducting all the explored internal cavities - 2.5 million cubic meters.

The number of blocks based on the average size of ~ 1 cubic meter is approximately 1.65 million pieces.

Science claims that the stones were hollowed in the rocks, driven by wooden bars and watered them with water so that they swell down and break a piece of rock, then treated with copper (others have not yet invented) tools, fiber to the construction site and raised to a place on wooden "skis »By specifically created for this embankment.

As for the construction and outreach of stones, these are the suggestions of scientists, but the numbers are certainly the facts that can be measured independently through the school line and transport.

Calculate? Let's assume that the construction of the pyramid of Heops left, a total of 1.65 million stone blocks in a cubic meter and weighing 2.5 tons. Averaged.

"Official" construction time of the pyramid - about 20 years (2560 BC - 2540 BC). We make simple mathematical calculations and find out that the Egyptians needed to produce an average 226 stone blocks per day.

That is, it is not easy to obtain by dulling with wet sticks, but also to process the copper file to the state of the right form, and it is right enough so that the resulting blocks approached each other almost perfect.

These our conditional 226 blocks per day followed, then deliver to the place of construction and hoisting for the desired place.

In principle, there were already experiments, proving that the transportation of blocks weighing 2.5 tons in those times was possible. As the Egyptians grumbled the boulders weighing 35 tons - so no one has not yet understood.

Pictures on which under the joyful Egyptian Sun, the crowd of semi-digit Egyptian slaves in the ropes draw on the bare desert of pebbles with such a weight, I will leave heavy drug lovers.

However, one thing to carry out an experiment. It is completely different - to establish transportation of such a number of building materials in the conditions of the Egyptian heat. And not only transportation, but also the necessary infrastructure. And under the latter, I understand not only the road, but also the supply of our brave builders with water, water, new tools and a huge bunch of everything else, what is needed for an acceptable life might of a hefty human crowd.

Again, the inevitable question: treated builders in human or they ducked, like flies? The answer to this question Caverzen in any case.

In the first - he will make a pretty fantastic figure in 226 blocks a day even more fantastic. And it's not only about giving people to devour and sleep, but also that from the conditional twelve-hour travelers under the scorching Egyptian sun, any, the most heat-repair, the Egyptian will turn into a root steak on the very first day.

Worked at night? There were no searchlights in those days, but a torch or some other lamp, it would not be similar to it, and it would make every number of workers with the proper level of lighting, each pebble does not even gold, and diamonds - wood on torches in the right amount of Egypt just do not dial Yes, and any fuel oil in the appropriate quantities to dial and ensure uninterrupted delivery - the task of difficulty. To put it mildly.

If the builders did not regret and, under the sultry sun and clicking the whirlwinds, they dragged all these boulders and shown with copper hoes on stones ... It is not difficult to imagine what was the mortality rate with such works.

At one time, Vespasian mobilized one hundred thousand slaves for the construction of Flaviev's amphitheater, more known as the Colosseum. Slaves in the Roman Empire did not regret, but even the conditions in which they worked were hardly suitable at the not less of the Egyptian pyramids were built under the stunned Egyptian sun.

In addition, Rome in those days absorbed the good, produced by the whole Mediterranean, including North Africa and the Middle East. Everything that Vespasian did - came to, if I do not change my memory, Syria, which completely provided him with the desired one hundred thousand slaves.

Egypt of the Third Millennium BC, of \u200b\u200bcourse, had around himself some neighbors around him, but the neighbors were hardly able to provide a continuous flow of slaves for construction. Take your own peasants, turning them into slavery?

It is hardly possible in the Egyptian agricultural sector so good that farmers could supply such a number of live goods (and, given the slave mortality, to supply, in fact, continuously). After all, every working arms, torn off from the native one, is minus one feeder, producing to eat both for his family and for Pharaoh and the same construction of our long-suffering pyramid. And from to eat in those days and in more grateful edges was not very abundant ...

And I'm silent that, speaking of the pyramid of Heops, do not forget about the rest of the pyramids. They are found in Egypt, a total of 118.

Summarize Yes, even the green men seem to be less than a delusional version than "official."

Specialists suspect that these are traces of activity of an ancient forgotten civilization

Could the ancient Egyptians independently build their giant pyramids and palaces? People who only read about these structures in history textbooks, believe: Yes. But many of those who have been in this country and wandered, for example, according to the Giza Valley, doubt. These structures are too impressive, even on their construction, as expected, tens of thousands of slaves worked.

Photo Andrey Sklyov's precise age of this stone sculpture is not known to anyone

Photo Andrei Sklyarov Famous "Inventory Stela" with the inscription about the "Restoration" of the Sphinx.

Photo Andrei Sklyarov Plates from black basalt, located around the perimeter of the temple

Photo of Andrey Sklyarov Fragment Obelisk in Karnak

Photo Andrei Sklyarova is a Obelisk, lying near the famous beetle scarab on the shir of the sacred lake in the carnac.

Photo Andrei Sklyarov artifact from South Sakkara, where tourists do not let

Photo of Andrei Sklyarov Gate in the still closed part of the carnak temple

Photo by Andrey Sklyarov Asuansky quarries. Schurfs running a few meters deep

Version of Conan Doyla

The theory that pyramids are material traces of some more ancient technologically developed civilization, no longer today. For example, in 1929, "Father Sherlock Holmes" Arthur Conan Doyle published a fantastic novel "Marakothov Dzamn", whose heroes come to a certain city - the island, thousands of years ago, sank at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. When one of them examines underwater buildings, then notes that: "columns, platforms and stairs of this building exceeded everything I have ever seen on Earth. The most building was like the remnants of the Karnak temple in Luxor, in Egypt, and, amazing The case, the decorations and half-bright inscriptions in the little things were reminded the same decorations and inscriptions of the great ruins near the Nile. "

According to Conan Doyla, by the way, who visited Egypt before writing this novel, all local ancient facilities were built by Atlanta. And Doyle, according to his contemporaries, like his famous hero, a detective, possessed brilliant analytical abilities.

Sphinx older than 5000 years?

What I founded my conclusions Conan Doyle is not clear. But now he has many followers. For example, the head of the laboratory of an alternative story Andrei Sklyarov, who has repeatedly been to Egypt, argues that most of the local history monuments are indeed created by representatives of the ancient pratvilization:

You can call them Atlants, can be aliens, can be somehow different, but their traces in Egypt an incredible amount. It is even strange that Egyptologists did not pay attention before. Although now I have the impression that the Egyptians themselves know about something, but carefully hide the mystery.

If possible, specific examples ...

Please begin with a great sphinx. Classical Egyptology argues that he was built during the Pharaoh Heops or his Son - about 2.5 thousand years BC - on the basis of only the fact that in its "artistic features" it can be attributed to that era. But another and a half century ago, the so-called "inventory stele" was found in Giza, which indicates that Heops commanded only to repair a damaged statue. Repair, and not to build!

And in the early 90s, the American geologist Robert shoch proved that the grooves on the body of the sphinx and on the wall of the trench around it - the traces of erosion not the wind, but rain: vertical stripes instead of horizontal. But there were no major rains in Egypt at least 8 thousand years.

Immediately after the publication of the shoo, the Egyptian authorities started the urgent restoration of the Sphinx. Now the lower two-thirds of the monument is closed with new masonry, and the top of the sculpture is cleaned - almost no traces of erosion remained. By the way, at about the same time it was stubborn in the shopping center of the Cairo Museum and "Inventory Stele" - before that it was put up for everyone to see, and now instead they put another. In response to the questions about this set, the Museum's caretakers will only shrug. But it is repeatedly described in the scientific and so-called alternative literature.

When the gods ruled ...

According to Andrei Sklyarov, the ancient Egyptians themselves were built. But they were built on the basis of ancient structures.

This clearly seen on the pyramids - which are made manually, and which with the help of high-precision tools, "says Andrei. - Moreover, many ancient buildings resemble bunkers - semi-flowing facilities, over which Pharaohs built their pyramids, trying to copy the ancients. And the initial pyramids built by the primitiveness was only 6 - 7: three in Giza, two in Dashshire and one in the medul. Perhaps one more was in Abu Roahas, but it is not clear there, or whether the pyramid, or the bunker. And other pyramids are the ancient facilities derived by Pharaohs, which were originally typical bunkers. Moreover, with such powerful floors, which otherwise, as a refuge in the case of a nuclear war, you will not call them. True, it is not clear why and who could threaten them. But the war just explains the disappearance of pratvilization.

And why, except for buildings, there are no other material traces left?

Why not left? For example, in the Giza desert we came across something resembling iron pipe. They took samples, brought to Moscow. It turned out that this is an iron oxide with a large manganese content. The percentage corresponds to high-alloyed manganese steel, which are now used in tanks tanks and as a material for stone-carcass machines. For how many years, this extremely durable steel could turn into a dust in the desert, where 8 thousand years have not been decent rain.

But what kind of mysterious civilization left us these artifacts?

There are different versions. Someone adheres to the theory that these were Atlanta, someone talks about colonists from other worlds. When they came to the ground, it is difficult to say, but it is possible to determine the flourishing period of their power. At the beginning of the III century BC. e. Egyptian historian Manefon published his "History of Egypt". Before our time, it was not fully preserved, but passages are mentioned in the works of other historians of the first millennium of our era. The manefon was the chronological list of the rulers of the country. Classical Egyptology recognizes only the "dynastic part", in which we are talking about the famous pharaohs. But the Manephone also tells about the first kingdom, when Egypt alleged gods ruled. It existed about 10 - 12 thousand years ago, long before the first famous pharaohs.

They worked with granite, as with foam

Now the Egyptologists spend time in disputes, how the workers grind these multi-torque blocks, of which the pyramids and temples were built, the versions are building experiments, "says Andrei Sklyarov. - We went on another way: if there are millions of tons of stones, then you need to understand how they were processed. We analyzed many parameters. For example, if they were drank, then we look at the width and depth of the cut, the thickness of the cutting edge. Sometimes the results turn out to be amazing.

Plates from the black basalt, located around the perimeter of the temple, standing near the Great Pyramid (they used to be the floor of the ancient Egyptian temple). The trace of the disk saw is visible, which is known to operate on a hydraulic, pneumatic or electric drive, but the Egyptians did not have the first or the second or the third.

It is noticeable that when sawing is grinding. If, as beloved, the builders worked with manual copper saws, then scratches would remain, and the similar grinding leaves modern saws with diamond spraying, and they should move very quickly.

Fragment of Obelisk in Karnak. Lies 10 meters from the tourist trail. It has strange holes with a diameter of 1 cm, and about 10 cm depth. It was clearly done to secure some decorative plates: gold or copper. But some of them go deep into the granite is not perpendicular, but at an angle of 10 - 20 degrees: it is impossible to manually manually. It turns out that they are drilled in a granite, as we will lead the holes drill in a soft tree. What the drill in the ancient Egyptians could enter granite, as in the oil?

This is a Obelisk, lying near the famous beetle scarab on the shir of sacred lake in Karnak. A decorative strip of 3 mm wide, 1 cm depth, it is believed that it was like a nail made. Jewelers, perhaps, could repeat, thoroughly crashed, modern tools.

Artifact from South Sakkara, where tourists do not let. Very indicative block of black basalt. The long-distance part of him is unscrewing: a trace of a disk saw is visible. And the other part tried to handle manually. Immediately visible the difference.

The gate in the still closed part of the carnak temple. At the very top in the granite, the hole is made, as it is believed to the rack of the gate size with a good barrel. In our world, machines capable of cut such holes appeared only 10 - 15 years ago.

Aswan quarry. Shurfs, leaving a few meters deep in. The diameter is a little more human width. How to hammer such pans? Is that head down to stand down. There are many such shurts. According to Egyptologists, they are intended to watch how cracks are in the main array. And this is a completely meaningless occupation, because the direction of cracks can be determined from the surface. And why did you need to align the walls so thoroughly? It seems that there worked the cutter. There is a hypothesis that builders simply took granite samples. But such a tool that allows not to spend a lot of time on these samples. This pratvilization demonstrates us that worked with granite, as with foam.

Andrei Moiseenko

Almost any representative of modern society at least once in his life asked about who, who was built, the great historical monuments were built, what instruments, guns and mechanisms were used in the construction process and whether our ancestors are answering the pyramids of antiquity?

To begin with, we offer first to get acquainted with some concepts, moments in history, as well as with the opinion of various people.

What is a pyramid?

From the point of view of architectural science, the pyramid is a construction, which is a polyhedron, as a rule, with four triangular faces. Ancient people of this kind of building were served as tomb (mausoleums), temples, or simply monuments.

The history of the pyramid begins a countdown in about 3rd millennia to our era. These figures are confused by numerous historians. It is difficult to believe in the presence of advanced labor tools in people, if the descendants of some of them are still engaged in hunting and collecting, which is characteristic of the primitive level of development.

Modern scientists allocate several main points of concentration of the ancient pyramids.


It's no secret that "Country Pyramid" is the second name of Egypt. Such a metaphor is quite deserved. It was here that the very first pyramids in the world were built. They are on the Plateau Giza, in the territory of an ancient cemetery.

Until our times, only some pyramids of ancient Egypt have been preserved. These are the pyramids of Heops, Mixer and Hefren. According to scientists, they used to exist much more.

Heopse pyramid is considered to be the most important, because it is the highest pyramid. Formally, it is she recognized as one of the wonders of the world. Its height is 147 meters, which is comparable to the five ten-story houses height. The sides of the foundations, in turn, have a length of about 230 meters. The area of \u200b\u200bthe building is 50 square kilometers.

Hope's pyramid in due time was amazed by the Great Napoleon. According to it, the stone blocks, with which the Egyptian pyramids were built, would have enough to completely surround France with a three-meter wall.

Pyramid Hefren was built as a tomb for the Son of Heops. Its dimensions are slightly smaller than the previous one.

It is worth noting that the composition of this funeral complex, unlike other pyramids, includes the famous large Sphinx. According to one of the legends, the explosion of the Sphinx is aimed aside aside in the depths of which, in the ancient legends, secret knowledge is sharpened.

It is considered the smallest and "young". Its height is 62 meters, and the length of the parties is equal to the length of the soccer field. There are assumptions that before the pyramid was a little more, since the original structure was covered with a red granite facing, which may have been lost as a result of Mamiluk raids. During the construction of this pyramid, Mencur ordered the use of stone blocks, much large in size than in Hefren and Heops pyramids. He also allowed the working processing stone not carefully. The fact is that Pharaoh wanted to complete the tomb to his death and trying to speed up the construction process. However, before his end, Mencur could not live.


It would seem that Meternrachia to Egypt is not so far, the conditions for construction and materials are almost the same, therefore, the approach to the architecture does not particularly differ from them. But it was not there.

The pyramids of Mesopotamia are unique cult facilities - zigkurats (translated from the Babylonian "Top Mountain"). The external structure resembles Egyptian pyramids, but, unlike them, the levels of zigarate were connected with the help of stairs, and on the edge of the wall, in turn, special ramps were sent (gentle lifting), which led to the temple.

Another feature of the structure of zigkurats is a broken line of the wall formed by protrusions.

In the event that the presence in the construction of window outlook was required, they were created, as a rule, on the top of the wall. They were a narrow gap.

It is noteworthy that the peoples of Meternrech did not use zigkurats as funeral structures for the reason that they had not seen any connection between the conservation of the body of the deceased and acquiring them on the light of immortality, as the ancient Egyptians did.


At one time, Sudanese kings were revived the ancient Egyptian tradition, associated with the use of pyramids as farces of the country's burial.

By and large, the culture of ancient Egypt and Sudan were closely related to each other. Consequently, a lot of common has and architecture.

In Ancient Sudan, there were the following types of pyramids: classical structures (according to the principle of the structure of Egypt) and Mastabi, having the shape of a truncated pyramid. In contrast to Egypt, Sudanese structures have a coolest slope.

The most famous pyramids are the cities of Mero. In the second half of the sixth century before our era, the capital was transferred here, which a little later became the cultural and religious center of the state.

Modern scientists in Mero were counted several dozen pyramids, preserved to the present day. In 2011, these archaeological structures were officially announced by the World Heritage Monument.


Here, according to custom, the pyramids were erected in honor of God Alla. Ancient people believed that it was possible to contact the Divine through these structures. They believed that on the tops of the pyramids, his abode is located.

The official discovery of these religious structures took place only in the 30s of the last century. Then, the famous archaeologist Jones made some photos of the pyramid for his own archive (however, they were published only eighty years later).

In his opinion, the buildings of Nigeria were built much earlier than the pyramids of ancient Egypt, as well as that the local civilization is much older than many others. Unfortunately, the pyramids have survived to this day in a rather worn condition.


With ancient times, this country inhabited the people to whom modern historians attribute rich mythology and cultural heritage, - Aztec.

Although the flourishing of civilization dates from the XIV-XVI centuries, the pyramids of the Aztec were built long before that. So, for example, known which occupies 3rd place in the world in size and only seven meters below the tomb of Heops, according to historians' calculations, was erected at about 150th BC.

The pyramids of Teotihuacan, in turn, consider the monumental attempt to realize the eternal blessed utopia.

For seven centuries, the Aztec pyramids were a certain guide star, whose radiance called all the thirsty to taste a noble dream. It is believed that the city of Teotihuacan was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200border and regularity. However, love and harmony did not interfere with the flow of human blood in the blades of barbaria and inhumanity. Each disadvantageous Aztec ruthlessly killed and sacrificed the gods.

The pyramids, where these sacrifices were made, had some similarity with Mesopotamian zikcrats: they also had a "stepped" form, also attended Ramp (he was the only one leading to the top of the construction).

Unfortunately, not all the pyramids of Aztec were able to exist yes of our days. Most of them were destroyed during the invasion of the territory of Mexico of European colonialists, which occurred in the XVI century.


Of course, part of the readers, seeing this subtitle, was greatly surprised. After all, the Chinese pyramids practically do not speak and do not write.

Total scientists have about one hundred such structures. They performed in the role of Kurgan Tombs for the rulers of famous Chinese dynasties. The shape of the pyramid had a truncated appearance (as well as a Sudanese scale). Due to the peculiarities of the local flora, some large structures took the type of overgrown hills.

Quite interestingly the origin of the pyramids. The fact is that in written sources that are dated to the fifth century to our era, the buildings are already called "ancient". Is the pyramids really appeared much earlier than the moment of writing the document? It should be recognized that humanity is unlikely to know about it. A detailed study of structures, as is done in Egypt, it is practically no possible: excavations on zones where they are located, often prohibited by local authorities.

North America

In the XI century, when endless wars were conducted on the territory of Europe, at the other end of the hemisphere, in the Mississippi Valley, the civilization of the Indians was peacefully developed and flourished. They quickly built housing, developed the infrastructure.

Also, the ancient Indians had a habit of building special embankments, an area of \u200b\u200babout several dozen football fields. Here they did almost everything: celebrated holidays, they held religious, sporting events, etc. Quite often, the mound served to people and as Kurgans (burial sites). One of the largest concentrations is Kakhokya - a group consisting of 109 Kurgans. She was also announced by the World Heritage Monument.

Who and why did they still build them?

Through this question, people have broken over for many years. It is unlikely that someone can meet the fact that the construction of a pyramid at the level on which the ancient people did, even today is a rather complicated process, given modern methods and technologies. As, for example, the Egyptians have drained the stone blocks weighing 7-10 tons to the height of the ten-story house, and how did they manage to handle them perfectly (sometimes there can be even a blade between loomed blocks)?

Currently, there are several theories and hypotheses that are the most believable.

I. The existence of highly developed pratvilization

Everyone was accustomed to think that a person today is a highly developed and enlightened creature, which is sometimes subject to Mother Nature itself, and many thousand years ago people were savages living to meet their primitive needs. However, few people wondered that there was no longer on our planet there was no such civilization with a high level of intelligence and technologies. Maybe they knew a lot of what we reoperate today?

According to one of the versions, this civilization may be atlanta, who either themselves built pyramids with the use of inaccessible to other technologies, or helped do it.

According to another, the ancients were able to find and quickly adapt to the use of the technology of previously existing, but disappeared highly developed civilizations.

Another version states that the ancient people (the same Egyptians) themselves were at a fairly high level of development both in the mental and technological plan.

All this may refute the only fact - contacts with any supercivilization never mentioned in ancient manuscripts.

II. Alien intervention

This theory of origin of the pyramid is the most common and discussed. According to her, various kinds of structures were helped by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.

For starters, let's figure out why suddenly the aliens from the space (if they also had a place) to help people build the pyramids of the world at that time?

According to one of the versions, the structures served as representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations as a source of energy, while incomprehensible humanity, or as intermediaries for communication between the planets (a rather strange form of the pyramid is also attributed here, as an architectural building as a whole).

There is another theory. It lies in the fact that the ancient people, entering into contact with the aliens, could take them for the gods.

In an aliens, with their technologies and "fire chariots", there was a huge number of opportunities than people and used, addressing representatives of highly developed civilizations for help in such a business as the construction of the pyramids.

Many ufolog scientists interested in the question of who built the pyramids is of interest to the relationship between the location of the pyramid and the starry sky. In their opinion, this connection is immediate, since, for example, the well-known complex of Giza in Egypt, which we have already spoken today, corresponds to three largest stars located in the Constellation Orion. Perhaps, the basis of this pattern is the fact that this constellation was symbolic for the Egyptians: it personified the God of Osiris - one of the most important deities of ancient Egypt.

But the other question immediately appears: why did the names of the gods of the Egyptians associated with the stars? According to the same specialists, it may have been a kind of connection between these "gods" and their abode.

As another proof of the presence of aliens on Earth, various drawings can be given, where incomprehensible circles are depicted, and sometimes human-like creatures. Are real creatures are imprinted on these drawings or is it just the artist's works with a rich fantasy?

It is worth mentioning and the ancient Egyptian manuscripts, which speak of a certain war of powerful gods. What or whom people could call the gods, which was this war, did it exist in reality or is it just a fabulous myth? Answers to these questions have long been resting in oblivion.

III. Skeptic theory

According to her, the ancient people were able to independently build the pyramids of the world. According to scientists who adhere to this point of view, people could have enough incentives for the construction of such structures: religious considerations, the desire for the work performed to receive means for existence, the desire to stand out in terms of unique architecture.

The ancient historian Herodotus was the first Greek scientist, who in his writings could describe in detail the famous pyramids Giza. In his opinion, for the construction of a construction of such a type in a short time (if you believe descriptions, the construction period of one pyramid was usually 15-20 years old) it was necessary to use at least one hundred thousand working hands.

It does not receive a gratuitous work of slaves and prisoners who are thousands of construction sites from diseases, hunger and thirst for construction, hunger, hunger, hunger, hunger, hunger, hunger. Unlike them, Kamenotokov, architects, builders received money for building ancient pyramids.

Conventional peasants could be attracted to the construction of the pyramids. This process could have a kind of a kind of labor service, that is, the same people called for work at a certain period of time (most likely, once a year or two for a period of several weeks). Thus, the Egyptians had the opportunity to easily update workforce.

It is possible that between the workers involved in the construction of the pyramids, a kind of "competitions" was carried out, the winners of which could be determined by the number of work done both in the group, and for one, its quality, etc., those who were able to stand out among others received Various promotions.

As evidence of the theory of Herodotus, multiple burials of workers and architects detected by archaeologists during excavations, as well as ramps near the unfinished pyramids, for which, most likely, rock blocks were raised. On the same burials, it can be judged about how difficult the work of the construction of the construction time of the workers was. This conclusion can be done, exploring the remains of ancient people: numerous traces of healing fractures were discovered on their bones.

Moreover, the components of the device were found, which is most likely a prototype of modern unlikely that the construction of the pyramids accelerated and facilitated only through the use of this mechanism. It is not excluded that there were many other devices.

Skeptics also have certain views and the construction technique of the pyramids.

Let's start discussing the process from the very first stage of creating this kind of structures - the production of building blocks. It has been scientifically proven that those who built the pyramids, as the main materials used "soft" limestone, as well as solid: granite, quartzite and basalt. However, opinions on exactly how construction began, somewhat divided.

According to one of the versions, the mining of blocks was carried out in special careers located near the places where the pyramids were built. The lack of theory is that the use of these quarries would only complicate the construction process, and the transportation of blocks would have made a practically impossible process.

Another hypothesis reads: the casting of the blocks was produced in place, from limestone concrete. Its adherents are confident that those who built the pyramids were able to make concrete mixes from various solid rocks. However, there are opponents of this theory of construction of ancient structures. They argue their point of view, referring to the fact that in some areas where the pyramids were built in large quantities, simply lack resources to create a binder concrete solution.

Speaking about the hypothesis of moving blocks, it is worth mentioning that the opinions of specialists are divided.

The most common about this is the version of the drawing of blocks. As evidence of this theory, historians lead one of the ancient Egyptian frescoes, which depicts about one hundred and fifty people drawn by the monument of the Jerhuty Hatchepa. At the same time, workers use special Sani Volokushi. It is noteworthy that their share, as shown on the fresco, is watered with water, which is most likely used to reduce friction and facilitate the process. This hypothesis has the right to refute the fact that the process is quite laborious and hardly those who built the pyramids could make it quickly.

Another theory discussed is an ancient people of various kinds of mechanisms. The most famous hypothetical devices are the so-called "lulent" mechanism, the technology of a square wheel (using a special track), internal ramps, etc. But, according to many, these technologies have not yet been available at the time.


Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the question of who built the pyramids and what their main purpose remained relevant at all times. Most likely, it is never to know that mankind. Over time, everything goes out: manuscripts, frescoes, drawings. And such historical sources today and so little.

The fact that the puzzles of the pyramids will never leave the person indifferent.