Pecs: sights and places of interest in the city. Pecs - a city you don't want to part with Pecs hungary

Pécs) is located 200 km from Budapest, near the border with Croatia. The population of the city is approximately 157 thousand people and it is the fifth largest city in Hungary. One of the main attractions of Pecs is an early Christian burial, in December 2000 was included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

In 2010, the city was elected the European Capital of Culture.

Pecs is famous for its ceramics factory of the Zsolnay family and ceramics is the main decoration of the whole city.

History of the town of Pecs

The city of Pecs is one of the most ancient cities, dating back to the Roman era, when it was called Sopianae. A strategically important road ran through the city, connecting Pannonia with the Germanic and Gallic provinces, which contributed to its development and prosperity.

In 1009, by order of King Stephen Saint, the cathedral was built, which for the next 500 years remained one of the most famous Hungarian cathedrals. In 1367, the first university in the country was opened in the city and was one of the five universities that existed in Europe at that time.

From 1526 to 1686, the city was ruled by the Turks, and like many other cities in Hungary, churches were rebuilt into mosques and many buildings were built in the style of Turkish architecture. Then Pecs became part of the Habsburg Empire.

During the anti-Habsburg uprising, the city suffered and was plundered. In 1777, by order of Maria Theresa, the city of Pecs was given the status of a free royal city.

In subsequent times, the city has repeatedly suffered from revolutions and wars, but it has always successfully recovered and flourished, which confirms the title it deservedly received in 2010 as the cultural capital of Europe.

Sights of the city of Pecs

The city center is not very big and all the sights are located next to each other and are located in the main squares of the city.

Initially, there was a Catholic church, but in the 16th century, during the rule of the Turks, the church was rebuilt under the mosque of Gazi Kasim Pasha. Subsequently, after the expulsion of the Turks, the mosque was again rebuilt into a Catholic church.

Szechenyi Square - Column of St. Trinity and Parish Church of Belvaros

Another notable building on the square is the magnificent white building of the regional administration. Opposite it you can see the monument to Hunyadi János - an outstanding military leader of the 15th century.

Regional administration building

  • Kossuth tér, where there is city ​​hall building, erected in 1907, as well as synagogue building(1869), the main decoration of which is a clock with an inscription in Hebrew.

On the side of the cathedral is Bishop's palace, built in 1770, on one of the balconies of the palace there is a monument to the composer Franz Liszt.

  • Barbican- a small round bastion left over from the city's defensive fortifications, erected in the 15th century.


  • The building of the national theater of the city of Pecs, renovated in 2011, it impresses with its magnificence. The theater opened its doors to its first visitors more than 100 years ago - on October 5, 1895.

  • , the main decoration of which is the family coat of arms of the family of founders of the porcelain factory in Pecs - Zsolnay.

Sightseeing Pecs. The most important and interesting sights of Pecs are photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, sites.

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    Cathedral of Peter and Paul in Pecs

    Pecs, Szent Istvan ter, 23

    Pecs is an episcopal city and very ancient. And one of its main attractions and visiting card is the magnificent Romanesque Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. Austerity, grace, solemnity are epithets that can only partially describe this architectural masterpiece.

One of the most beautiful and original cities in Hungary, which is located right at the foot of the beautiful Mecek Mountains and appeared before the birth of Christ, is Pecs. It is difficult to imagine from what time human speech has been heard here and how many different dialects have been heard here. Speaking of adverbs, the word Pech means "five" in Hungarian and most likely has Slavic roots. Meanwhile, this glorious city began to be called so from the ancient name of the place, in different languages ​​the name of which sounds like "five churches". Pecs miraculously experienced on himself all those historical vicissitudes in which the lands fell, which today we know under the name of Hungary. Here and a long period of Roman rule, and before the Romans - Celtic tribes, widely noted in the territory of central Europe.

After the fall of Rome, numerous languages ​​and peoples came to these lands: the Huns, Avars, Slavs and, of course, the mysterious Magyars, the ancestors of today's Hungarians. In the 16th century, the city suffered a terrible attack, namely the hordes of Ottoman conquerors, who over the years of the yoke destroyed a significant part of the Hungarian population, and also destroyed many Christian shrines. After liberation from the Turks, due to the sparsely populated city, the government attracted Balkan Slavs and Germans here, so that in the 17-18 centuries, half of the population was exactly Slavs.

The fifth largest city in Hungary today is a flourishing and cozy hospitable city, full of attractions for absolutely every taste.

Of course, such a dashing interethnic cocktail significantly affected not only the appearance of the city, which immediately catches the eye and seems very original, but also the way of life. The bloody 20th century did not bring peace to the city, as well as to the whole of Europe. The city was badly damaged during both world wars. However, time passed, and today the fifth largest city in Hungary is a flourishing and cozy hospitable city, full of attractions for absolutely every taste.

We have already traveled all over Hungary and saw many beautiful cities. Today I will tell you about our last trip to the city of Pecs. The town of Pecs is 200 km away. from the capital of Hungary, Budapest. We got there by car, which is real and affordable to rent. Before the trip, I read the literature about the city and booked best hotel in the city center hotel corso 4 * Unfortunately, there are practically no five-star hotels in Hungary.

A lot of interesting monuments grow right in the middle of the road!

The city's architecture is full of colors and variety. Each street has its own character and distinctive features. It is impossible to remain indifferent while passing by these ancient buildings.

There are about 4 main tourist streets in the city. Life on them boils almost constantly. A special atmosphere on Friday and Saturday after sunset. The streets are full of young people. music plays, bars, clubs work and you want to start dancing.

I was amazed also by the forged signs! Words cannot be described, one must see.

Most of the restaurants are located on Chiraia Street, near Szechenyi Square. Both tourists and locals come here in evening dress. Everything that was eaten in this city, everything was very tasty and inexpensive. Especially in contrast to prices in the city of Moscow.

An incomprehensible fountain for me. The meaning of which no one could tell us.

Again the sign. This is how much work was spent on such incredible beauty.

Although the building of the national theater is small. but very beautiful. I really wanted to get inside, but we had little time.

The whole city is like a fairy tale. There are also many souvenir shops here.

On the first of March, the spring mood was already very much felt. The first flowers had already blossomed, and the sun was so warm that we had time to burn out a little.

The castles that are hung throughout the city are associated with an ancient tradition. They are hung up as a sign of affection for this amazing city.

We were not very lucky, as the main mosque of the city was under restoration and thus spoiled the view of the main square. A demonstration in support of Ukraine was also held nearby.

I highly recommend not only taking a walk in the city center, but also climbing the hill to the church and looking at the city from above. We traveled by car for 3 minutes. I admit that it could have been done on foot. but it would take considerably longer.

We climbed here on the second day of spring and were pleasantly surprised by the blossoming trees.

The view from the top is breathtaking and you can see all the sights of the city at once. The length of the fortress wall, which stretches across the entire city of Pecs, is very impressive.

It is possible to see the whole city in one day, but it is worth stopping here and exploring it more closely.

I really liked the city of Pech. Of course, the weather also played a role. But the city is really worthy of attention.
About the same, I liked the city of Eger, which is located on the opposite side of Hungary. But Pecs is more intense.
But in the summer it is best to relax on the Tihany Peninsula. This is the west of Hungary.

They say that there are cities that you don't want to part with. In many of them, they even come up with special rituals for this: somewhere they throw a coin into the fountain to return, somewhere they touch the corner of the monument rubbed to shine, and in the city of Pecs they hang it in suitable places locks in order to then throw away the keys to them. However, even without this, leave the oldest city Hungary is not at all drawn. Check it out for yourself!

How to get to Pecs

Pecs is located 200 km from the capital of Hungary, Budapest, in the southwestern part of the country. Getting to it is affordable, very simple and pretty fast. The slowest regular bus goes to the destination for a maximum of 4 hours, and some routes promise to take you to the destination in 3 hours. There are many buses, they leave the Budapest bus station every 2 hours from 6 am. But the schedule should still be studied carefully: in the late afternoon, the interval increases, and the time of leaving last flight subject to change. A full ticket will cost 10-15 EUR.

All flights to Pecs leave from the bus station in Budapest. Getting there from the local airport is very simple: first you need to take bus No. 200E to the terminal station, and from there, by metro or any other public transport, get to the Nepliget stop, where the bus station is located.

Prices on the page are for November 2018.

Search for flights to Budapest (closest airport to Pecs)

By train

The train from Budapest (station "Keleti") to Pecs will cost you 10-16 EUR, depending on which class you wish to travel in. Travel time is up to three hours. Since the city in its location is shifted to the border with Croatia (only 30 km to this country), you can get there from there. The route Pecs - Osijek lasts 2 hours, trains run three times a day.

Weather in Pecs

Pecs Hotels

The city is interested in the influx of tourists, moreover, which is especially pleasing, despite the thickness of their wallets. Everything here is focused on travelers with different financial capabilities, everyone can find accommodation to their liking and affordable. In Pecs, during student holidays (the ideal time is July-August), you can rent a room in an empty hostel for only 12-15 EUR per night! Moreover, it will have a neat bathroom for two rooms, a refrigerator, and even free parking and Internet access.

But hotels also do not frighten tourists with their cost. In many hotels, various promotions are often held, allowing the most profitable renting of housing. The Fenives Hotel even makes special, extremely tempting offers for those who are going to be in the city for various holidays or have a honeymoon trip there.

Pecs cuisine and restaurants

Of course, here, as in all of Hungary, they cook amazingly National dishes... It is recommended to try them first. This can be done in many cafes and restaurants, where a three-course lunch will cost you 12-20 EUR. It is already considered not cheap, but if we are talking about the Pezsgohaz Etterem restaurant, then you will not regret the money spent. The restaurant is located in a basement that used to be a wine cellar and looks extremely colorful. Well, it's pointless to talk about the dishes themselves, you need to try. Just remember that vegetarians will have to stay hungry there!

It is better for them and all other sweet tooths to visit local cafes and pastry shops, where they can treat themselves to amazingly delicious pastries and cakes for a surprisingly pleasant price on average about 2-4 EUR. Well, this splendor is best washed down with hot chocolate (the one with hazelnuts in the cozy “Kantabar” or Virag Cukraszda is especially good). There is no shortage of cafes specializing in Italian cuisine, Asian cuisine, bistros, pubs (we advise you to try Hungarian beer) and bars (as elsewhere in Hungary, the most popular wine is Tokaj).

Shopping and shops

Tokaj wines, salami, spices, of which paprika and red hot peppers, marzipans, as well as national-style leather goods and, of course, ceramic dishes are especially popular, have become traditional Hungarian souvenirs for a long time. And on the last point, Pech is in the lead. No wonder one of the versions of the origin of the name of the city claims that it is precisely the kilns for firing ceramic dishes and famous local craftsmen that need to be thanked for it. Be that as it may, it is absolutely impossible to leave here without the famous Zsolnay porcelain of a mysterious green color. You can buy products in brand stores Zsolnay Markabolt or in the many antique and souvenir shops on Kiraly and Ferenc Streets. There you can also buy authentic leather gizmos.

Pecs entertainment and attractions

The cultural capital of Hungary, as its inhabitants proudly call their city, delights tourists with a wide variety of attractions. Mostly historical - is it a joke, the city is more than 2 thousand years old! This is evidenced by the early Christian burial found during the excavations of the city, and numerous temples, the first of which was built in the 3-4th century. If you want to take a closer look at the monuments of early Christianity in Pecs, visit the mausoleum and necropolis.

Other famous landmarks of the city include the majestic Cathedral of St. Peter, with wrought-iron gates that have turned green from time to time, which can be viewed endlessly. In this cathedral, the German Ferenc Liszt played the organ, who was so Hungarian at heart that the inhabitants of Pech erected a monument to him. The great composer stands on the balcony of the Episcopal Palace (also worth the attention of tourists!), Looking at the cathedral where he once played. The Gazi Kasim Mosque, which is often called the Mosque Church, has become a real symbol of the city. it religious building throughout its history passed from the hands of Christians to Muslims and vice versa, and as a result, now both the Islamic crescent and the Catholic cross flaunt over the dome.

Pecs Cards

For those who are more interested shared history and interesting places, also has something to do in Pecs. For example, visit the Barbican Bastion, or go to one of the museums, of which there is a whole quarter (including the Zsolnay Porcelain Museum, the Vasarely Museum, the Museum of Hungarian Art and others), or go to the Mesztufa Cave. Or you can just wander around the cozy streets of the city, admire the photo exhibitions, which are often held on Ssechenie Square for free. Take pictures by yourself near numerous funny monuments, go to a local Botanical Garden or a zoo, and just sit by the local fountains.

Pecs is one of those cities that you don't want to part with. It was in order to return to this beautiful, fascinating city that a special ritual was invented - to hang locks on Janus Pannonius Street (started in the mid-1980s) and throw away the keys. Although many return to Pecs without it, to see the sights, to breathe in the aromas of the ancient cultural and historical capital of Hungary.

Here you can find fascinating archaeological excavations, Christian burials, temples of indescribable beauty, after all, it's a joke, the city was built more than 2 thousand years ago.

Arriving in Pecs, you can plunge headlong into the whirlpool of historical and cultural buildings, temples and unique churches. The spirit of antiquity hovers here, each building, landmark has its own fascinating history.

One of the most famous attractions is the Cathedral of St. Peter, which welcomes tourists with a large, amazing gate made of wrought metal.

The cathedral is famous for receiving the German Franz Liszt, who played the organ here. In honor of this great composer, his bust stands on the balcony of the Episcopal Palace, gazing out over the Cathedral of St. Peter.

Location: Szent István tér - 23.

A symbol of antiquity and reverence for the monarchy, the Bishop's Palace was erected in honor of all the saints in Hungary. The attraction commemorates Saint Stephen and the Hungarian king, who were the patrons of the church in ancient times.

The true symbol of the city of Pecha is the Pasha Kasimov Mosque, or the Mosque Church, as the townspeople call it. Its history is quite interesting and fascinating, for the entire time of its existence, the church was under the rule of both Christians and Muslims, periodically passing from one to another.

To commemorate tolerance and tolerance, an Islamic crescent and a Catholic cross now rise above Pasha Kasimov's mosque. The peculiarity of this building is that the church is located in the very center of the city, in high point central Szechenyi square.

This fortification - the Barbican bastion - is a mighty ancient structure that was once part of a large bishop's castle.

The bastion was erected in the middle of the 15th century and includes a tall, rounded tower, which was considered the main part of the castle's fortification. The construction was marked by the arrival of General Pavel Kinishi in Pecs on the Turkish threat.

To entertain the kids in Hungary, you can take them for a ride in the forest railroad in Pecs. Although it will certainly be fun for adults too! These are inexplicable touching feelings of nostalgia and craving for trains, huge humming carriages.

The city of Pecs is a unique architecture that will meet everyone who wants to enjoy it, arriving in the center of Europe.

Here you can feel not only the traditions of Hungary, but also the Eastern influence. This is an architectural monument, a tribute to the memory of the tragic period for all Hungarians, of the time when several regions of the country were in the hands of the Turkish invaders.

Location: Rókus-domb, Nyár u. - 6.

The oldest university in the city, built in 1367, which at the very beginning served as the first scientific center in Central Europe for King Louis the Great.

A television tower with a total height of 176 meters has been erected in the town of Pecs, it stands on a hill, towering 535 meters above sea level. To fully enjoy all the possibilities of the amazing TV tower, a panoramic observation deck which gives a 360-degree view.

One level below, all visitors to the city and locals can enjoy gourmet food at the themed restaurant, which houses a fascinating dinosaur exhibition.

In the Pecs, you can enjoy not only ancient monuments, but also modern pop objects. So, guests of the city can see here the Hungarian art object of optical art - the Vasarely Museum.

This is a house with a history that will tell about the most significant and fascinating stages of the artist's life. Victor Vasarely... Each piece of interior, the exhibit tells about the various milestones in the work and life of Vasarely.

Location: Káptalan u. - 3.

The city of Pecs rightfully bears the name “ cultural capital", Here not so long ago a program of renovation of the dilapidated buildings of the plant was carried out Zsolnay... This is how the most beautiful Zholnay quarter, fascinating with buildings and structures, appeared.

The unique, mesmerizing history of the Pec Zoo is one of the main legends for tourist routes, which every inhabitant of the city is proud of.

On the wall next to the ticket office you can get acquainted with this fascinating story - the zoo was built in 1960-1961, the workers worked for 45,367 hours completely free of charge. Thanks to the selfless work of ordinary workers, the opening took place on August 19, 1961.

Location: Ángyán János.

In the center of Széchenyi Square, the famous late Baroque house No. 12 was built in the 18th century. Today it is a luxurious renovated building that includes a lapidarium.

The mausoleum of the founder of the Zsolnay factory is located on the site where the scaffold was at the beginning of the 19th century, where Vilmos Zsolnay found his last refuge. The son of the founder of the plant decided to erect a mausoleum for his father on a hill, in a very symbolic place.

The famous Hungarian creator Mihai Munkachi often came to the house, which now houses the terrarium-aquarium. This is one of the most popular attractions in the city, made in the style of romanticism of the last century.

Location: Ángyán János u. - 2.

This is the museum of the Hungarian famous artist Tivadara Kostka Csontvari, who personified the avant-garde movement of the first half of the 20th century. Most of his work took place in Budapest, but Tivadar Kostka Csontvari became the first Hungarian artist widely known in Europe.

For almost 2 centuries in a row, the National Theater of Pécs has been offering local residents and guests of the city amazing theatrical performances in Hungarian and German.

Location: Színház tér - 1.

The Mechek Gate is the most beautiful and memorable place, an architectural structure that meets tourists in the Mechek Park. To see the unforgettable beauty of the Meček Gate, you need to move along Janos Hunyadi Street, and the stone vaults will meet their guests on the right side of the road, right behind the Church of St. Paul.

Having visited the city of Pécs, you cannot miss the Zsolnay Ceramics Museum, located in house no. 2 on Káptalan street. Interestingly, the building was built back in 1324, and at that moment the first public library was opened there. But during the Turkish occupation, the house at 2 Káptalan was used as the residence of the Turkish imam.

There are Christian burials in the southern Pannonian region of Pecs early years, which provide clear evidence that there were Christian communities here as early as the 4th century. Today these are early churches, chapels and the remains of mausoleums.

The Hungarian city of Pecs is famous not only for its historical and architectural sights, but also for the most beautiful natural panoramas. The landscape, opening from the foot of the beautiful Mecek Mountains, will leave an indelible impression in the memory of tourists.

A few words of history

Pech - old City Hungary, about which there is still controversy, in which different dialects and sounds are used. Pech in Hungarian means "five", and here the clearly audible Slavic roots cannot be missed. They began to magnify the city in different languages ​​in honor of the name "five churches".

During its history, the city surprisingly withstood all the difficulties and historical vicissitudes. These are the Romans, and the settlement of Celtic tribes, and many others who left their traces in the culture and architecture of the city.