What should not be done in Tunisia. Tunisia - Important information for tourists

Tunisia is a visa-free direction. To enter the country, you need to have a passport with an existing stamp about the departure to all countries of the world. Train
Until this season, Belarusian tourists flew out to Tunisia from Moscow or Warsaw. June 13 launched a charter program from Minsk to Monastir, which will last until September. Flights are performed on the Tu-154 Belavia airline. The frequency of flights is 10-11 days. The air fare is 360 $. Climat, seasonal duration
Mediterranean climate. In July-August, the air temperature rises to 30-33 degrees, the water temperature is up to 24-25 degrees. The season lasts from May to October. Resorts SUS is an ancient Arab city, attracting tourists with a mild climate, a clean gentle sea and magnificent hotels. The historical monuments of Susta are increasing interest: the Old Town (Medina), Ribat (780) - a mosque with all the attributes of the fortress. In 1970, a tourist complex was created in the city Port of El CantauiLocated 5 km north of Susa. Dazzly white houses were spread around the huge bay, the yachts, pleasure boats, sailboats are running around the sea. Scuba diving center and water park, nightclubs, casinos, bars - all these magnets attraction for tourists turn the port of El Cantausi in a part of the world where all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world are mixed. SUS is ideal for those who love to "light up" night. Hammamet is the kingdom of Tunisian architecture, where magnificent hotels are buried in the greenery of lemon, jasmine, orange gardens. No wonder the new tourist zone, which arose in 2000, 5 km south of Hammameta, is called Jasmine. This is the area of \u200b\u200bfashionable four and five-star hotels. In the north of Hammamet built a new modern water park, which has a swimming pool for the youngest tourists. Hammamet's location is convenient for excursion lovers. Hence the hand to send to the capital of the country of Tunisia to the ancient Carthage, which now turned into one of the metropolitan suburbs, to the white-blue "city of artists" Sidi-bu-Said. Since we started talking about excursions, we note the most interesting of them. Be sure to visit the Bardo Museum. Usually at this excursion, in addition to a wonderful museum with antique mosaics, include a walk along the capital of Tunisia and Sidi-bu sida. And, of course, you must certainly visit the Sahara, to inspect the scenery to the "Star Wars", ride on the "desert ship" and at the jeep in the verya. Djerba is the first open-old Belarusian tourists resort Tunisia. The island is associated with the continent of the ancient, built during Ancient Rome Dear, but you can get on this oasis of the Mediterranean and the sea - using regularly running between the island and the continent of the ferry. For crossing the ferry, we will take 2.8 dinars from the bus and 0.8 dinar from the car. Djerba is already a well-promoted resort, but she was surprisingly able to stay "island of calm". Local residents Foreign national traditions are preferred by African Burnaces in the most stylish European costumes. On Jerbe, it is officially forbidden to build houses in more than two floors and you can find freely walking on the seashore of pink flamingos. Recently, a new golf course was opened on the island. In the south of Djerba, there is a village Goncharov Gvelala, where you can buy a unique ceramics. Tabarka is still little familiar to Belarusian tourists. This is the ancient Phoenician port, over which the Genoese fortress is treated, a town with a population of 25 thousand people. Local residents are traded by Langustov, giant shrimp, coral mining. Only here as souvenirs you will be offered to purchase coral beads, products from traffic jam. In the season of hotels (about ten of about ten) are busy mainly by the Germans, the French, the Italians, and has recently been seen in the Tabarc from Czech tourists. The opening of this charming resort by Belarusian tourists is still ahead. Drowning in the greenery tobarc with rocks on the coast resembles a clean European port town. There are many diving among tourists, the diving club is located in the port. In July-August, the Cereal festival is held in Tabarca - the festival of craft art, music and Tunisian culture. Monastir is a city of wide golden beaches and luxury hotels. From here it is very convenient to go on excursions in Sousse, Sfax, El Jem, Muslim shrine City Kairuan. And in the monastir itself many worthy attractions: Ribat (796), the Palace of Congresses, the Mausoleum of the First President of Tunisia Bourgiba with an octagonal minaret. Comfort and calm - the main trumps of the resort of Mahahdi, ancient Arab city, where they are preserved big mosque (921), built by Turks Fortress Burgej El Kubir (XVI century), unique Skif El Cala fortress gate. It is worth visiting the Shelkotrochy Museum, which is located in the former SFAR Mosque. Thalassotherapy The "highlight" of rest in Tunisia is an opportunity to do a thalassotherapy. In the country, 25 thalassotherapy centers, water for which are produced at a distance of 450 meters from the coast and at a depth of 6 meters. Sea water is rich in mineral salts and microelements identical to human plasma - that is why thalassotherapy is so beneficiary: relieves stress, overload, fatigue, positively affects the heart muscle, brings relief with pains in joints, rheumatism, arthrosis, improves blood supply, helps in treating diseases joints and spine. The appointment of procedures occurs after a mandatory visit to the doctor, and the names of the health courses speak for themselves: "The sophisticated silhouette", "Fresh breath", "Future Mom", "New Style", "Beauty", "Discharge", "Light Feet" , "Young mother", "Health for the back". Prices Monetary unit - Tunisian dinar. 1 $ is approximately 1.25 dinar. In stores and on the market you can pay only by the national currency. A glass of fresh juice costs 2-2.5 dinars. Litter of olive oil - 5 dinars. Entrance to the most expensive and fashionable disco "Samara" - 6 dinars. A bottle of wine is 4-5 $, the dates of the "Tibarin" is about $ 10. Coffee cup in 1,5 dinar bar. For 1 dinar, you can purchase five cards with species, a guide to 8.5-10 dinars. The cost of excursions is from $ 50 into the ancient city of Duggu to $ 140 for a two-day excursion to sugar. The cost of thalassotherapy procedures varies depending on the type of procedures and class center. The course of four standard procedures per day is about $ 100 (125 dinars). Most popular hotels Pay attention to the chain of hotels Hasdrubal Thalassa & SPA - these are hotels for those who want to feel like a VIP person. The hotel "Nahrawess" in Hammamet has a Talass Palace Thalass Network Center - the modern and largest center on the Mediterranean coast, decorated in an exquisite Arabic style. It is important to know that thalassotherapy centers are not the property of the hotel, which means that you can take advantage of their services and not being a guest. EL Mouradi hotels chain covers the whole country. It is three-, four-, five-star hotels with a worthy level of service. One of the chain hotels, four-star El Mouradi Hammam Bourguiba, is located in the north of Tunisia, in the town of Hammam Burgiba. The town of its landscapes is reminded not by Africa, but European ski resorts. The hotel has a center of thermal therapy for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. Favorite our tourists system "All Inclusive" in Tunisia also acts in a number of hotels. In Hammamet, you can recommend hotels in Magic Life Africana and Magic Life Manar, operating on the "All Inclusive Imperial" system.


Fortunately, in last years Tunisia is going more and more Russians - to snow-white beaches from the smallest sand, to the azure sea, flowering gardens, but it is a pity that travelers do not everyone know about the cultural, natural and historical manifold of this country.

Tunisia - unique countryIn which the ancient centuries-old traditions and modern social lifestyle, borrowed from Europe Tunisia keep the real treasures of the historic past in itself, organically and unusually merged together. The natural diversity of Tunisia will make admire the most skeptical tourists. Fresh lakes and mountains covered with forests, huge rocks, towering over the sea and endless vehans and dunes, rabbish flower beds, jasmine and roses thickets, poppy fields and daisies, endless groves almonds and olive, southern oases of thousands of thousands and thousands of herd palms ...

The most important tourist capital of Tunisia is the beaches of 1,300 km and climate, which makes it possible for a cottage almost all year round. But not only attracts tourists to Tunisia. Bardo Museum, the largest archaeological museum in the world possesses one of the richest collections of Roman Mosaic, Mosque in Cairoan - the oldest in North Africa, palm trees in Oasisov, Schott El Jerda give excellent dicks, and on the island of Djerba is the most important shrine of North African Jews - Sinagon La Mushroom.

The variety of nature is to become a variety of culture: the charm of the Mediterranean coral coast, the climbing mountains of a high-body, endless steppe and plateaus, green oasis - and all this in one small country.

All those who tried to capture those or other coastal areas of the Mediterranean for 3000 years have tried their strength and in Tunisia: the Phoenicians, Romans, Vandals, Arabs Normans, Turks and French destroyed and built in Tunisia. But only a few left their mark in the country: Rome, created agriculture, Baghdad, who turned the country to Muslim and brought Arab culture, Istanbul, who gave the brilliance of Tunisia's architecture thanks to the skill of his architects, and Paris, who brought french And the European Education System Effect of the East and West found fertile soil in Tunisis: Modern culture and social structure of the country are the result of their harmonious combination.

The people of Tunisia are distinguished by their tolerance - the virtue, which, it seems, completely lost his western neighbor - shocked by the crisis Algeria.

Conflicts in Tunisia are resolved by a peaceful way - just as November 7, 1987, the President of the State of Habib Burbiba was peacefully removed from power, when his vice president of Zin El Abidin Ben-Ali declared the gray-haired dictator in the senile dementia and took the brazers of the board in His hands. Tunisians, with a particular sense of humor, called this bloodless coup "Jasmine Revolution". Jasmine flowers - National symbol of Tunisia. His bouquets Tunisian women use as decoration.

Tunisian dinar (TD) contains 1000 million (m). The fluctuation of its course is minimal: 1 TD \u003d 1 $. All major hotels and many souvenir shops are accepted credit cards. Payment is also accepted in Evrovkach: banks and exchange offices also receive travelers.
The hotel is better to rent a safe (CFR), which will cost about 5 td per week. The boxes are located in a special room, as a rule for the receptionist, small safe chambers (one key will have another at the receptionist). Coffee can be stored currency, jewels, tickets and documents a fine with a key loss of 50 - 100 TD. In 4 - 5 - star hotels there are small safes. The hotel's employee will always explain how to use it.

Climate and tourism seasons
Moderate, with rare rains Marine climate makes the east coast of Tunisia and the island of Djerba, the place is almost a year-round bathing. Due to the low humidity, the heat in Tunisia is postponed relatively easily. Even in the winter months between November and March average temperature The air here is rarely lowered below +18 ° C, though at this time of the year the cold sea attracts only especially hardened people. Tabarka and North of Tunisia are climatically similar to the South European Mediterranean coast. In winter, it may be uncomfortable and for a long time. The rank of the season is the period from June to November. In the central steppes and in the south of Tunisia in the summer, the temperature exceeds +40 ° C, which is able to withstand only the special "heat-resistant" people. The ideal time of the year for traveling to the depths of the country, as well as for expeditions to sugar, are spring and autumn with moderately hot days and cold nights. In the desert, the temperature at this time can go below zero at night, and therefore tourists are recommended to have warm clothes and a good sleeping bag.

Customs regulations
In addition to the tobacco products and alcohol intended for personal consumption, the tourist can enter into a country of 100 cigars or 400 cigarettes, 2 l of alcoholic beverages with a strength of up to 25% or 1 l of stronger drinks, as well as gifts worth up to 25 TD. The photo - and the film equipment is not subject to customs fees on more expensive technical equipment, such as personal computers, at the entrance to the country there is a mark in the passport. For the procurement or storage of weapons, radio equipment, drugs or pornographic products, a fine is imposed. Tourists who bought "objects of antiquity" (coins, oil lamps), when leaving the country, may face difficulties. Most of the products of Tunisian artisans are not subject to customs fees. For carpets, a tax of turnover is established.

Nature protection in Tunisia is made of exemplary. In the 70s. Numerous reserves were organized, in which favorable conditions for disappearing animal and plants were created. For dating most of them require special permission.

The reserve on the lake Ishkel south-west Bizerti is publicly available - the last refuge of Tunisian water buffaloes. Tens of thousands of migratory birds are resting here in the spring and autumn. On the islets of Zembré and Zembrett, located against Cape Bon, there is a national reserve, where the seal monks live. In the mountains of Jebel Shambby in the center of Tunisia, a population of rare grivasty sheep is preserved.

Such as the Northnis Mountain Country Carmiri, with densely swords and cork oaks slopes, in prehistoric times was the entire Tunisia. Today, this area is famous hunting grounds with a multitude of wild boars, foxes and sacking. In the bays and on wet salt marshs along the east coast, the colonies of white and pink flamingos live in the coast, which their curved beaks shake shallow water in search of food. In coastal waters, you can often see frolic dolphins. Even more exotic fauna in the south of the country of Gazelles and Gien travelers can be seen rarely, but the tubes, eared chanchek (Fenomek) and, finally, admiring their adaptability to the dromaders hostile world around them, they will make sure. Various types of snakes and scorpions, including dangerous horned violets and crushing scorpions, avoid people. They become aggressive only when they are disturbed in habitats - under stones or in water.

The vegetation of the Mediterranean coast of Tunisia admires its beauty and variety. Hibiscus, rosehip, multicolored bougainvilleys and a country symbol - jasmine flower in the gardens and climb on the walls of the houses. And in the summer, poppies bloom in the steppes.

The most popular souvenirs are Ceramics Products (Sales Centers - Navel and Djerba Island) and carpets (center of sale - Kairouan, although a good carpet selection is also available in Tunisia and on the island of Djerba). In the markets of Hammamet, Sousse and Humt-bitch, the goods are often offered by high prices. Beautiful Berber decorations made of silver can be found in the markets of the tonel, Duza and Tatawin. In the north, in many places they offer decorations from corals, unfortunately not always authentic. In addition, you can buy jeans of famous firms, shirts, leather products: bags, jackets, jackets, shoes that meet international standards at affordable prices. Especially good products from Onyx. Be sure to buy souvenir - Rosa Sakhara. Trade! You are in Africa. And if the merchant calls the price, say, in 100 dinars, it means that somewhere for 20 - 30 dinars you will go away. The list of souvenirs can complete the henna, as well as saffron.

As is customary in most countries, personnel cafes and restaurants expects to a tip for up to 15% of the count amount. Almost every employee wants to receive remuneration for its services or help, so the tourist should always have minor money ready. You need to pay tips only if you are well served. Motherwise tips are from 300 - $ 500 million to 1 dinar. A bus shoe after a tour - 1 dinar. And the waiter who served you for a whole week at the hotel's restaurant, for goodbye - 5 dinars. Maid can be left 1 dinar per day.

Beaches and pools
Tunisia, who has earned its name of the earthly paradise, offers swimsters about 1,200 km of small sand beaches, always filled with the sun, along which there are immaculately built and equipped hotels, which are inappropriate exclusive palm trees and bougainvillery surround the spacious pools, and paths catering among fragrant jasmine bushes. , lead to the beach.

Tunisia is a paradise for any kind of water sports water skiing, sailboards, swimming in the pool or at sea, scuba diving, etc.

There are no private in Tunisia closed beaches All of them are available. But every hotel has its own "zone", for which he answers the purity. Visiting the beach for free, chaise lounges - usually get free of charge. Paid (approx. $ 1) on some beaches are plastic sun beds with mattresses. At the pools there is always a servant of the hotel, which at your request will bring free chaise lounge and an umbrella.

Do not take money and valuable things on the beach. Only a trifle to buy drinks. Do not buy fruit on the beach. They are here roads and can be poorly washed. If you want to drink and disembark, then there are beaches on the beaches. Do not exchange currency on the beach. Leaving the beach, collect all the garbage in the package and submit it to the nearest garbage box.

Your safety during swimming is guaranteed on the aqueous space marked by buuks. Here the rescuers are always on duty if you swim away from the coast, the current, invisible during the low tide, can carry you away into the open sea. Remember also that for buoy you can enjoy sea motorcycle, surfing, catamaran or boat. No dangerous marine fish, snakes off the coast of Tunisia.

The sun
Try to be in the shade from 11 to 16 hours of the day. The sun is deceptive, it can "fry" your skin for 15 to 20 minutes, even being behind the clouds. Tanning gradually, in the morning and in the afternoon. We advise you to use various tanning creams.


Special requirements for clothing in Tunisia are not presented. Nevertheless, blouse or dresses, leaving the upper part of the body (shorts and short skirts or transparent dresses), should not be worn in places where Muslims appear. When visiting mosques shoulders and forearm must be covered: sometimes for this purpose, you can get a handkerchief. In the synagogue of Lagribib on the island of Djerba, visitors must cover their heads (shawls and piles for men in the entrance).

You can not take pictures of bridges, ministries, police posts and military towns. If the ban is broken, the film is confiscated. Particularly carefully behave near the presidential palace in the Tunisian suburb of Cartage. You can photograph people only with their consent. In no case can not be removed praying. You can take pictures in museums and on places of excavations, only by receiving a special permission when entering. The cost of resolution on shooting with one device - from 1 to 3 TD.

The tourist, of course, should be visited by a Turkish bath - Hammam in these baths in some cases there are separate male and women's offices, in other cases, men and women wash at different times (men are mostly before lunch, women after). In soap and pools should never be part of naked: there are or draped in the sheets, or in a bathing suit.

Food and Drinks
The basis of Tunisian cuisine - Harisa (Harissa), more or less acute paste of red pepper and olive oil. Flavored by parsley, garlic or tmin, it serves almost all dishes. With white bread and olives, it excites the appetite well.

Snacks: Meshai (Mechouia) - a salad of fried peppers and tomatoes, with tuna or sardines, eggs, olives and capers with olive oil. BRIC (Brik) is thin, almost to transparency, pancakes with tuna filling or crabs with parsley, capers and black pepper. The reinforcement is called a refined vegetable stew: in this sleeve ground, a raw egg is added right before the feed on the table.

Meat and fish dishes differ from similar evaches Southern Europe First of all, the garnish and seasonings. So, it can be lamb with lemon juice and mint, fish in garlic sauce, chickens with lots of charissa. Excellent garnish - rice flavored with nuts.

Couscous - Tunisian National Kushan, is a paired semolina with meat and a very sharp and fatty sauce with vegetables. Couscous can be prepared from lamb, mollusks, fish, chickens or generally be vegetarian - without meat. Good Couscous is the top of the "gastronomic research" of the country, especially if, as is customary in Tunisia, there is a Couscous from a common dish.

Sweets: Tunisian sweets - such as honeybells and a variety of cakes smelling orange flowers, with almonds, pistachios, dates or honey, is not for those who save their shape. Items better complete a cup of mint tea with nuts or coffee with cardamom.

Drinks: in the country of oranges and grapes squeezed just with you, juice is offered on the street at every corner. Everywhere is also offered mineral water from Tunisian sources - Safia (Safia), Ain-Oktor (Ain Garcie).

Despite the fact that alcohol is prohibited Islam, in most restaurants you can get very pleasant to taste beer brand Celtia. Easy is drinking white muscat from Cape Bon (Muscat de Kelibia). Above all praise and subtle SIDI Saad. Puzzled bottles with this wine are on sale only in first-class restaurants. You should also try Bukhu - local jin from figs. There is nothing more refreshing than strong tea with mint. In the south of Tunisia, it is worth trying palm milk.

Nargile is the privilege of men who, meeting in a cafe, enjoyed their tubes and philosophize, arguing about the rapid equipment. Women here, including tourists, unwanted guests in consolation We can report that ladies can try Nargile in coffee shops and Moorish cafes, where visitors are squatting on carpets or mats. Such cafes are available both in the hotel area and open to tourists urban quarters.

It is difficult to recommend restaurants in small, non-tourist sites of villages. When traveling to the internal areas of the country, it is necessary to either be satisfied with very simple food, or take a lunch package. There are many restaurants with moderate prices in tourist areas (from 15 to 20 TD for lunch). The dear temples of the fine taste or a little-known good restaurant With reasonable prices, it is unlikely to be found anywhere with the exception of the capital.

You can be lazy and idle, of course, and in Tunisia, however, while the variety of outdoor activities, which are possible here, it would be an unforgivable spending time. A favorite sport on the coast - horse riding: romantic riding riding on a deserted multi-kilometer seafront, along the picturesque paths, curved between gardens and olive plantations.

The diving and scuba diving lovers are popular for coral reefs at the shore between Tabarca and Bizeta. Currently, these reefs are almost not mastered, and the sea is very clean and rich in fish. In the yacht club, located in the harbor of Tabarka, can be rented equipment.

Nature lovers can take part in tourist hits Various degrees of complexity in reserves on Lake Ishkel or in Jabel-Shambby Mountains.

There is a base of the Tunisian Society of aeronautics, which organizes flights over the desert and salt marshes in a balloon. This is one of the strongest experiences for the traveler. City of Duz on the east side of Solonchak Schott El Jerid is the source point of excursions to the desert at DromaDera. The one who has an outstanding patience and strong back can go to a multi-day walk in the depths of the Branched Sea.

The opportunity to engage in green sports received now and arid Tunisia. Golf fields are available in Tabarca, Hammamet and Sousse.

Most hotels are low buildings, decorated with dips and turrets, which organically fit into the surrounding landscape. Such hotels are also available in the oases of the tonel and the Duza, but at the same time there are also many luxury hotels, authentic desert palaces.

Perennial French presence imparted an imprint on life and habits local population, as well as to the level of service. Perhaps this is the only country in the east, where the "stars" of the hotel fully correspond to the highest, and first of all French, standards. Moreover, if you live in a three-star hotel not near the sea, and at 5 - 10 minutes. Walking from him, most likely the owner on his own initiative compensates for this "inconvenience" by the fact that the room will also have air conditioning, and the bar, and other joys of rest in an expensive hotel. Another feature of local hotels: almost all of them, regardless of the number of stars, have 2 - 3, and then 4 pools! Finally, a special story about Hall hotels. Only in Tunisia they, even in the most modest hotel, are striking the tourist with the wealth of marble and gold.

Picturesque shelters for tourists in the southern part of Tunisia: Former innings of Medina, residential caves and storage fare are converted to the simplest hotels for a short vacation after the next journey stage, and in the camp of Ksar Gilan tourists spend the night in black wool tents of Tunisian nomads in black wool tents.

Youth hostels are available in all big cities. Until now, there are few campgrounds, open not only at the height of the season. Their equipment and maintenance in them leave much to be desired. Price - from 4 to 5td per day.

Acquisition of carpets
In Tunisia, Kairuan will hear the "city of carpets": stores offer the widest choice of a wide variety of carpets from all over the country. True, here only "Kairuan" is produced - a nodule carpet that first appeared in Tunisia in the XIX century. Under the influence of Turkish carpet methods.

Today, with the assistance of ONAT (National Bureau of Tunisian Artisons), thousands of women are engaged in the production of nodule carpets as opposed to "subtle" carpets from Turkey and Iran, the real "Kairuan" must be "tough", from 100,000 to 200,000 nodules on M2 (1000 - 2000 on dm2). Patterns on carpets, following the old Eastern samples, make up medallions and images of curly plants.

Traditional "Kilim" is manufactured on the machine. There are many species and forms of Kilim carpets: all onbogato are decorated with patterns in the traditions of Berber tribes. The most famous of them is "Mergum", which Tkut in Gabes; The "Mergum" pattern is an ornament from small triangles, rhombuses and lines. Further to the West, in Jerid, the geometric ornament is replaced by figure: stylized gazelles and camels, buckles - Fibules and "Five", or "Fatima's Hand" (almost always on a red background). The only traditional Tunisian nodule carpet is "gtif", a narrow and very long carpet, which is steels on the floor or to the ground in rich houses or households of nomads. With a change in the life of nomads and their transition to a settled lifestyle, the art of manufacturing these carpets is increasingly forgotten.

The carpets are certified by ONAT and the market price is also assigned. Carpets "Kairuan" are divided into categories in accordance with the density of the nodules.

A label-reinforced carpet with an inside of the carpet indicating the price should be considered belonging to ONAT only when it is equipped with an appropriate seal. Instead of genuine labels, unscrupulous sellers often use fakes on which a higher price is indicated.

It is possible to negotiate about the price, of course, when the price requested by the seller, the price is 100% superior to the estimated final one. With a well-known skill and promise to pay in cash, it is quite possible to achieve a discount up to 20%. When paying with a credit card, merchants are most often given a minimum discount.

In carpet shops, it is often offered to send goods to Europe. When buying, it should be carefully ensured that all data on purchased carpet will be made to the contract of sale. To avoid unpleasant surprises on arrival home, you must certainly write the registration number on the Registry onat. Usually carpets are packaged in front of the client and seal.

Want to be in an eastern fairy tale filled with spices and jasmine flavors? Then go on holiday in Tunisia! This small country in the north of the African continent is a piece of paradise on Earth. It harmoniously combines European charm and Arabic flavor and is considered to be the pearl of the Mediterranean Sea.

Velvet sand beaches, Turquoise sea water and the affectionate sun of Tunisia create just ideal conditions for recreation.

Cost of holiday in Tunisia

Rest in Tunisia is a fully budget option compared to other popular tourist destinations.

Excursions, entertainment, meals, accommodation in hotels - here all at reasonable prices, and with local artisans, it is necessary to bargain, acquiring souvenirs from them.

Save on the trip you will also help the website Biletyplus .RU, because it offers the most profitable tickets and hotels. Most cheap airline In Tunisia, you can book for 9,700 rubles, and the room rate at the hotel starts from 320 rubles per day.

But there is one "but": the level of hotels does not always correspond to European standards, so you can count 4 stars in Tunisia for 3 stars in Europe. However, if you do not chase luxury, you will be satisfied with Tunisian hotels, especially since almost all of them are located right by the sea.

Along the entire coast of Tunisia, the beaches with soft golden sand stretch. For tourists, they are free.

Mostly beaches belong to the municipality, but some are the territory of hotels. They installed umbrellas and lounge chairs, which can be used for free or for a small fee (depends on the hotel's star).

The best beaches of Tunisia are located at the resorts of Djerba, Mahdia, Sous, Screeze.

Attractions Tunisa

It would be an unforgivable mistake to fall out all vacation on the beach, because in Tunisia there are hundreds of interesting attractions, historical and cultural monumentswhich you just have to see with your own eyes.

First of all, it is Carthage - ancient antique city. Here are the famous terms of Antonina Fium, the Roman Amphitheater (II century. N. Er), Ruins of the Roman aqueduct, the Altar Tofeta, where the victims were brought.

In the capital of the country with the same name Tunisia, there is also something to see: the ancient Medina Quarter, the olive tree mosque (the most ancient in the city), the Cathedral of St. Vincent de Field, the Square of Africa.

It is also worth a visit with the excursions of Hammamet, Dugga, a rise, where you will fully experience the spirit of the ancient world.

Thalassotherapy in Tunisia

However, the main reason why hundreds of tourists seek to get to Tunisia, these are thalassotherapy.

Therapeutic procedures based on healing mud, algae, sea salt and sea water here are the best in the world. The fact is that in Tunisia, thalassotherapy centers use freshly dirt, and water comes straight from the sea in special pipes, while other countries buy a packaged product.

At the same time, prices here below, and the quality of service at the highest level. Many thalassotherapy centers are located during hotels. All sorts of massages and wrappings guarantee an unforgettable holiday for the soul and body.

Clubs Tunisia

Despite the fact that Tunisia is a Muslim country, night life Here boils. The most popular nightclubs of Tunisia are located in the Sousse resort area. This is the club "Maracan" with a magnificent laser show, the "Arena" club with a wide selection of drinks, the Bora Bora club with incendiary shows and penny parties. There are also many bars, cafes and casinos.

In addition, Tunisia offers a lot of opportunities for outdoor activities. It can be a trip to the sugar on jeeps or camels, diving on the coral shore, horseback riding on Arabic horses, golf and tennis classes.

Order a finished tour or organize an independent trip to Tunisia along with Biletyplus.ru.- And you will not regret! Lemon and orange groves, sweet dates, sunrise over the sands of the desert will be remembered for a long time, and home you bring real olive oil, oriental sweets and chocolate tan.

Our stay in Tunisia took place from 18.07 to 08/01/2004 in the hotel El Mouradi Scanes Beach 4 * located on coastline Between the Sousse and Monastir. The ticket was argued literally 2 days before departure through a sufficiently young, but, as it turned out, a very decent travel agency Runa Tur - people we are busy, so it was possible to carve time only at the end of the working day, despite this, a very pleasant girl-manager sat with us practically Up to 22 hours, until he picked up a suitable tour (there were not very much options, because, having revealed at Avos, we caught only by the end of the working week, when the most random options are already sold out - the height of the season is in any way).

A little about the country

According to its state-owned device, the country is a republic, at the head of which the president stands, elected for a period of 5 years (by the way, the next elections will continue). Despite the existent opinion about Arabic polygamy - in Tunisia, polygamy is prohibited at the state level from 1957, and the conclusion and termination of marriage, contrary to Muslim traditions, should be recorded in local registry offices. If anyone wants to see pastoral Muslim women in Chadre and Paranje, then it is not in Tunisia, they are here, of course, are found, but very, very rare. Tunisian women, especially all young girls, look quite European. So you can walk around the cities where you wish, small but - if you wish to deepen in the country, in her southern part, then in this case it is necessary to dress a little more compromised, as the south, the stronger the national flavor is manifested.


As many people already know the acting currency of Tunisia are diners - TND, consisting of 1000 millime. TND is practically equal to $, the course varies slightly and equal to $ 1 ≈1.25TND. His currency Tunisians are caught as a zenitis Oka - it is banned by her export from the country, and exchange operations are almost everywhere only in one direction $\u003e TND, and all because there are no finite equipment in Tunisia and they are forced to print their currency in Switzerland.


Prices in Tunisia are not lower than Moscow, I would even say above: for example, the average price is 1.5 liters. Bottles of carbonated sweet water 1.5 TND (not in the hotel), in the hotel, even a small bottle (0.33) Coca-Cola is not less than 2 TND, on mineral water Also a large variation of prices - from 300 Millim in 1.5 liters. Up to 2 TND for 1 l. Mineralo with gas. Praised Oriental Sweets with Nugoy, Honey and Nuts are at all transcendental money - 15-18 TND / kg (350-400 rubles). We did not find any variety of fruit there - a standard set: apples, watermelons (small and not delicious, although we were told that there were copies and 30 kg.), Pear, peaches, plums and dates - at the prices of Moscow supermarkets. Tunisian wine can be bought on average from 3.5-12Tnd and only in GENERAL, as there is a state monopoly on alcohol products in Tunisia.


The Bazaars of Tunisian cities are replete with goods such as local and foreign production - ceramics, leather products and masks, carved chess, lamps (leather and ceramic), plush and leather camels, drums, national costumes, etc. At first glance, it seems quite pretty, But upon closer examination, it turns out that all this junk has a very dubious quality, although each seller will have to prove with foam to prove that its goods are best and that you will not find anywhere else anywhere. The prices of all this doubtful pleasure they often overestimately be 2-4 times, as the guidebooks and guides they say, and 7-10 times. Therefore, if, suppose, 70 TNDs were required for the wooden mask of the medium size with you, you can safely reduce this amount up to 10-15 TND. The same with hookahs (shishes) - none, even the largest crystal hookah with a silver pattern, is not worth 55 TND.

Council is personal experience

About Bugv N-e number of Tunisian cities (Tunisia, Sousse, Port El Cantausi, Monastir, El Jam, Kairuan, Sidi-bu-Said, Carthage, Cape Gammart, La Mars) We came to the conclusion that the most acceptable prices On the souvenirs were in Kairian, there are also praised Tunisian carpets of handmade. You can meet the most injured and the oral trading in Port El Cantaui, they are most reluctant to fall at prices and often behave with customers just in Khamski.

By the way, not far from the entrance to Medina G. SUSUSA you can see the large store Soula Center - this is a state store of souvenirs with fixed prices, in the end it will be somewhat more expensive than in the bazaar, but it is not necessary to bargain, and most importantly, you can understand the approximate cost of all Basal souvenirs and in the future breaking sellers below the shop price.


Those who hope to find cheap high-quality gold in Tunisia, it is better to boil this dream right away - Tunisian gold or cheap (50 samples), or high-quality, but at the prices of Moscow jewelry. Official rates for grams of silver - 2-2.5 TND - the thing you like and weighed and declare the price tag, however, this amount can be reduced during the trading.

The richest selection of jewelry (gold) can be found in the Kairuan markets and in the shops of Tunisia himself, if you go towards the main entrance to Medina (Old Town).


I assume that on the way from the airport to the hotel guide you will tell you that the best way to move for tourists around the country is a taxi. Maybe this is the case, but if you know the language (at least English, and even better French) travel around the country on buses, Grand Taxi, the metro and trains will not call you any unpleasant impressions and you will not be appreciated by any temporal restrictions, As if you go with an excursion. Compare, for the way from the Sousse in Tunisia on a regular taxi, about 60 TNDs will be requested with you, and if you use the services of the local Grand Taxi - something like our minibuses - they are gaining from 5 to 7 people, depending on the capacity of the machine and - on the road . 6-7 TND comes to man. Approximately the same rates and trains, but the train comes out longer and less comfortable. To get from Tunisia to Carthage on the subway, we left for two about 1 TND 300 Millim.

Medicine and medicines

By virtue of the circumstances, I had to face local treatment on my own skull. Calling a doctor through the hotel cost 40 TND (rates are heated within 35-50 TND). The doctor came, smiled for a long time, I found me, perhaps all the ailments, which can be found, ponacked a bunch of medicines, it seems that hormonal (it is from the ears!), He said that they would be delivered in an hour and appointed their next visit. For tomorrow (I refused it, but by the estimates, it would cost another 70-80 TND). Drugs really delivered - dinars for 25 (~ 580 rubles), that's just no sense of them.

A few words about local medicines - parallel with the disease of the ears had to post with a banal cold, because In the morning, with an open balcony, there was such a dubnyak that the tooth had no tooth. On average, the price of the local antipyretic is about 14 TND (~ 320 rubles), the drops for the eyes - 15 TND (~ 345 rubles), and the sense is zero. From here, the Council is not only gastric and painful, but also by all possible other medicines, which may need in theory.


There is a current list in Tunisia excursion programswho offer absolutely all agencies working in hotels. Of course, most of these agencies will be foreign: Italian, German, Polish, sometimes English, but, at a minimum, 2-3 Russians can be found in any hotel.

Approximate list of excursions, one for all: a trip to sugar on buses (2 days, the price varies from 140 to 180 TND / person. Depending on what is included in it), Trip Tunis Carthage-Sidi-bu-Said (1 Day, ≈ 56 TND), Cruise on a desert island (1 day, ≈ 56 TND), Pirate boat, visit Cartage-Land - A la Local Disneyland (1 day, ≈ 56 TND) and some others.

Something from the impressions of the excursions themselves (on the basis of personal impressions and reviews of Russian-speaking colleagues in rest):

The trip to Sakhara - Opinions differ greatly - depending on the state of the bus and stopping hotel, but everyone converges in one - buses are very close, the legs are nowhere to have anywhere, the Condiene works with big interruptions, which is very noticeable when traveling to the south of the country, and the road is so tedious That completely overlaps all the positive impressions of the trip. However, someone liked ...

Tunisia - Carthage - Sidi-bu-Said - based on personal experience - about 6 in the morning you are taken from the hotel and go to Tunisia, picking up other excursors along the way. The road takes about 2 hours. The first item of the program (1h.15min.) - Museum of Bardo, the most famous Tunisian Museum, where preserved a large number of Roman frescoes, remnants of Phoenician culture, bas-reliefs, etc. Then - Medina Tunisia (1.5 h). The third item of the program is a snack in a restaurant (if very hungry, you can even eat it). As it turned out, the restaurant was in close proximity to the active excavations of Roman tanks, which are not included in the established program, but who are very worth looking. While the whole group quickly absorbed the remaining dessert, my friend and we went to look at the ruins interested us - the main charm was that they were not open to wide view - piles of freshly widespread land, in which the remains of the bones of people and animals were clearly visible Ceramics, which are about 1.5-2 thousand days from average counting. After lunch, the bus wanted to immediately move on the road, but the story about our discovery was waiting for the whole group and after a short swearing with a guide, which he died with all the saints that he could not do anything and that this object was not included in the program, unplanned parking was made To get acquainted with tanks. The fourth point is the terms of Antonin (45 min.), Dated II century. AD There is one subtle moment here - the terms are located in the bunch with a presidential residence, which cannot be photographed under any circumstances, and the archaeological object itself can also be photographed if the presidential palace falls into the frame. A small advice - water better to be purchased in advance, because There are just a few tents for the sale of edible - the choice is very small, and the prices - as in the best restaurants.

And the last item in the Sidi-bu-Said program (45 min.). There is nothing remarkable in this town, besides its monophone - all buildings are painted in white and blue colors, which, however, does not hit the imagination at all, because These are classic colors for countries with a hot climate.

The overall feeling of the trip - as a whole, is not bad, that's just not leaving the feeling that everything is somehow a gallop in Europe - even 1.5 hours. For the capital of Tunisia, it is very small.

Cartage-Land - according to the reviews that we managed to get - complete sucks. Maybe, by the time of your trip, the route will change a bit, but now it looks like this as follows - you are downloaded to a pirate boat, in addition to you, another 400-500 person also loads and within 5 hours in the heat you make an unforgettable walk through the sea expanses to the item destination. Land himself if and leave some bright impressions, then only in children who are little worried about organizational issues, like those that you have to stand in the queues, and it happens that the guide instead of adult tickets will give you the children with whom you not going anywhere, etc. etc.

Pirate boat - based on personal impressions - it is better to buy it not through a travel agency at the hotel, but negotiating directly with the owners / representatives of the ship, it can always be done in Port El Cantaui or in the port of G. Sousse (by the way, here the selection of boats is much more ). On average, the price for the 3-hour trip is about 20 TND / person, but if more than 2 you can agree on a smaller amount. Example: Arriving in four, we agreed for 12,500 TND / person. This amount includes: transportation in the sea and back, feeding - "hot" dish, drinks (mineral water, Coca-Cola to choose from), fruit (watermelon, melon, apples, peaches, grapes), hour stop with fishing and bathing in Open sea. In general, it is quite boring, but for a variety you can try. In addition to pirate ships, a large number of modern catamarans, boats with barocamera, fishing associates are offered their services in Port El Cantaui, and the programs are similar everywhere similar, a small distinction in money and entourage. Not a single ship that makes night boats, we did not find any long searches.

Ride on camels - based on personal experience - 20 TND / person for the 3-hour walk through the "olive grove" on camels, horses, wagons and stamps to choose from a check in Berber village, familiarity with local customs, Berber Bread Making Technologies, Which then the whole group absorbs friendly, starting with its sausage, cheese and onions and, having squeaked with mineral and sweet water. Then everyone is friendly returning to the starting point who is on camels who are all else. Those who never rode alone on the horse (when they are not under the worst) I advise you to try - it's nicer than to beat yourself a fifth point on a camel. Just be careful - the first thing my horse did after I climbed it up - he gris down and began to ride on his back, practically driving me. But this is the little things, the rest of the way my mare behaved quite comfortably. In general, the walk clearly cost her money.


Entry in almost all museums fluctuates around 2 TND, 4,200 TND will be requested for an el-jam, a single carfagen ticket - 5,200 TND.

Additional entertainment


Those who do not suit the intra-stranded animation and disco, one can recommend to stumble on neighboring hotels - maybe the neighbors are lucky more than you. In general, there are several major urban discos in the Sousse - Bora-Bora, Samara, Metallica, Maracana, the most planned of them is considered to be Bora-Bora - a few of our friends visited there, but nothing shocked them there - Standard music, a bunch of concrete Arabs and Italians.

For lovers of karting (to those, we actually relate) in Tunisia there is a blow - not to reach the city of Monastir there is a completely decent karting center. Price for 15 min. - 10 TND (about 240 rubles), who knows the Mrunoskovsk rates, he think, understands that it is much cheaper than in Moscow.


The situation is the same as with karting - the price for 30 minutes. - 10 TND, despite the fact that if I do not change my memory in Moscow for the 10-minute riding in a circle you will be requested by rubles EDAK 600-800. A huge plus is still that the track is huge and every time you have the opportunity to ride different routes through olive groves, thickets of cacti, buurady and camel pastures. The quadries themselves are not too powerful, but the speeds of 40-50 km / h are enough for you to drive through the freshly speaking fields and raise the dust post on the road. We, at least, liked it very much - and as far as we understood such awesome assholes there have not been seen there for a long time.


What really upsets is almost a complete absence of serious archaeological literature in English and the complete absence in Russian, and this is despite the fact that Russian speech in Tunisia can be heard everywhere. In one of our hotel, there is still a person of 100 Russians, Moscow, Peter, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk together with us.

If you are interested in history, archeology, or thalassotherapy, then Tunisia is a very suitable place to travel, but if you want a civilized holiday with first-class service, it is better to pay your attention to other resorts ...