What can be visited in the Sousse Tunisia. Everything about Sousse in Tunisia: what to see, rest with children

Some mysteriousness, a national flavor, monolithic architecture, the attention of Tourists Ancient Sousse is attracted to Europe. CECC is a creative and drive in one bottle, a vacation for every taste: after all, those who love passive leisure and those who like active types of rest are perfect here well. Choosing from the endless offer of tour operators the city of the Eastern Faiport of Sousse in Tunisia, what to see becomes the second question.

From the article you will learn

What does Sousse look like: streets and beach. Video

To better understand what is the resort of Sousse, look this video:

Modern "chips" SUSS: rest for active

Despite the fact that Sousse offers excursions for every taste, many are completely distinguished by a little time to inspect natural or architectural attractions. Most of the recreation of friends and young families with children spend, visiting restaurants and cafes, amusement parks, billiards, nightclubs, other places. Their great many in the northern part of the city, in the territory where everything is subordinated to the desires of tourists and travelers!

However, it is necessary to draw a list of visited seats all the same:

  1. Farhat Chashved Square - The central square of the city will bury the harmonious tandem roadway and recreation areas, as well as a fabulous walk in the crew, harnessed by horses. What can be unreal than such a walk in the stylish youth resort?!;
  2. Golf Club Port El Cantaui - It can be considered a luxurious attraction, because on its territory you can not only play the game, but also enjoy wonderful views. Uneven relief, here and there scattered trees give a reason for holding a picnic outdoors after inspection of the entire territory;
  3. One of thalassotherapy centerslocated during hotels. A charming atmosphere of spa procedures will pass anyone, will return the vigor of the body and the power of the spirit, it is only worth choosing a set of programs to taste;
  4. Disumec zone Near famous hotels or the largest dance floor in Africa, Bora-Bora. Entertainment for each clock day;
  5. Leisure for children In the form of an Aqua Palace Water Park, Hannibal Park Amusement Park, attending an ostrich farm located near the city.

Pay special attention to Hannibal Park - it enjoys incredible popularity. Here is a video of one of the attractions:

In short, to modern - youth and massive visited - the attractions of the tourist resort include a restaurant, a sports club, Square, the most extended street of the city. That is, any place that traveler will like most!

An impressive sights of Suss

The optimal option for those who love inspection of structures and buildings of past years, fascinating guide stories, unhurried walks in narrow streets - the historic part of the city. Her "crowdes" Arab Medina, with wide walls, with gun, watchdogs, looking platforms. Today, Medina Sousse is one of the largest in the country, strikes with some grace and admires volumes, if we recall that it has been built over 1150 years ago.

Not an instin one ...

Here you can go on a trip to the catacombs, perfectly preserved thanks to the knowledge of the ancient profile specialists. They maintained a dry climate inside, which allowed mysterious labyrinths underground to preserve perfectly. And let today only the 3rd part of the underground route open for tourists, it is easy to experience a variety of sensations!

Added their Museum of Archeology, located in the Kasba Fortress, in which mosaics, relics, the frescoes of the Roman period or the museum of Calaut El Kubba, striking the corrugated dome. The list of man-made attractions that you have to look at the Sousse can be added to the fortress Ribat, which amazes the interesting color of the stone and ideal forms, the House-Museum of the Dar Essid, which is the house of the traditional Tunisian family, consisting of 11 rooms, enchanting fabric upholsters, accessories, Kitchen utensils, furniture.

However, SUSS sights are ready to show not only in common tours and excursions, but also to hit the traveler secrets. Find a local guide that will show you that Sousse that few people see. It will be a real excursion adventure!

The bright moment of independent travel is an inspection of residential buildings, souvenir shops, visits to squares and old parks. And the complete confidence is that it is the opportunity to touch the mysterious, a little incomprehensible, having mastered the eastern world ...

One of the most popular resorts of Tunisia, Sousse is an excellent option for both the beach and excursion and educational holidays, combining comfort of modern hotels with the ability to visit historical attractions.

Numerous cultural objects attract a significant flow of tourists and make the city most popular holiday destination. While luxurious hotels stretched by a slim line along the coast of the beach suburbs are offered to soak on snow-white beaches under affectionate sun, The ancient Medina Quarter in the center of the Sousse manits the historical sights of cultural lovers. Therefore, it is not surprising that this ancient seaside town consistently fascinates anyone who comes there on vacation.


Medina ( old city In the Sousse) is one of the excellent samples of the Arabic architecture of Tunisia, which reached us from the depths of centuries almost in priority.

Arriving in Sousse, be sure to visit Medina. The lively streets are surrounded by a two-kilometer ring of walls built in the 859m century of our era from the Giant Stone Blocks, which remained from the ancient Roman buildings.

Initially in the walls ancient City It was 6 gates, from which two were preserved: Bab El Khables in the south side and Bab El Ghabi - in eastern.

Walking on the old quarter, it is possible to move into several centuries in the past. On the ancient narrow streets in the row lined up at home, located so closely towards each other, which can hardly see the lumen between them.

In Medina, visitors can see the monuments of antiquities, as well as to visit colorful market ranks with their unique East atmosphere and excellent shopping opportunities.


The Ribat Tower, located on the north-west of the main Sousse Mosque, is one of the city's business cards. This tower belonged to the chain of about 800 fortifications built along the coast of Tunisia of the Aglabid Dynasty. Until this days, just a few of the buildings reached.

The ribans lived religious monks warriors, which in peace times devoted themselves to religious ministry, and during the danger, this religious army was among the first to reflect the attacks of the enemy.

The durable wall of Ribats defended the population from the penetration of conquerors, and also served as a base for offensive and defensive hostilities.

Some researchers suggest that these Muslim warriors-monks later served as a prototype for Christian Knight's orders. Sousse Ribat, along with Ribat Monastir, is one of the most well-preserved in Tunisia.


Built in 859 of our era on the site of the Byzantine Fort, the fortress of Kasbach is one of the most grand monuments of the Sousse. The 30 metering Tower of Khalef-El Fata (called in honor of the architect) is one of the oldest towers in North Africa, preserved to this day.

The top level of Kasbach is 50 meters higher than a similar ribat tier, which makes it an excellent sightseeing platform with stunning views of the surroundings of the Medina.

After Kasbach was built, Ribat lost his military role, currently Khalef-El Fata Tower is the current beacon.

Location: Marshal Tito Boulevard

Archaeological Sousse Museum

This wonderful museum has the most rich collection of antiquities in the country after the Bardo Museum. Its main exhibits relate to Punic, Roman and early Christian periods. Highlight at least a pair of hours to visit to see unique exhibits.

Be sure to visit the number 3 with magnificent samples of mosaic, such as the "Bakhus triumph" and "Apollo and Music". Also do not miss the mosaic of "Medusa" (one of the central pearls of the collection) in the hall number 2 and the mosaic "times and months of the year", found during the excavations in El Jam, in Hall No. 9.

Location: Ground Floor, Kasbach Fortress

Great Sousse Mosque

Similar to the fortress, the Great Sousse Mosque was built in 851 of our century, a few years after the city was rebuilt with aglabides. The construction project of the structure was based on the model of the Sidi Okba mosque in Kairhan.

Initially, the mosque had two guard towers, helped defend the harbor. The domes of minarets were added centuries later.

An unusual element is an external staircase leading from the courtyard into a minaret. Protective fortress walls of the courtyard, surrounded by three sides by colonnade from the high arches in the shape of horseshoe, towering on massive supports, are decorated with a complex cofia letter.

Arcade in front of the chamole hall, divided into 13 nevertal, was attached in 1675. Initially, the milean room consisted of only three cylindrical arches, but to the 10th century it was recognized as too small and was expanded by an extension of three more higher cross arches from the wall facing the Mecca.

A beautifully decorated main dome, currently towering over the fourth arch, originally located above the arch before Michrab (special prayer niche in the wall facing Mecca).

Trade Quarter

If you tuned to shopping and do not have anything against a funny bargain, go to the Merina Shopping Quarter. The colorful and colorful street Ryu-El Agalb will hold you past the great mosque to the western part of the medina.

In this area, partially covered with a roof, with many artisans engaged in the manufacture of products from metal and wood reigns colorful oriental buses. Typical souvenirs for tourists are sold on central market streets.

The trading quarter is a great place to spend the afternoon, studying the assortment of the counters in search of something special, which will want to take care of my memory.

Zaily Crowak

The impressive eight-marched minaret of the Architectural complex of Zaite Clap, belonging to the era of the Ottoman Empire, in style remotely resembles the architecture of the Renaissance.

The complex includes a mosque, Madrasa (Special Islamic School) and Mausoleum. Along with a beautiful minaret complex, another remarkable detail is the arcade of the courtyard consisting of ancient columns.

Location: 100 meters west of Ribat


Discovered in 1888, this large complex of early Christian graves is a labyrinth of underground halls and galleries, taken out of the local soft rock between the 2m and 4th century of our era.

There was a pagan necropolis at the site of Catacombs before. About 15,000 Christians wrapped in Savanians are buried in the territory of this underground cemetery. The burial was carried out in the niches of the walls of the catacomb on several tiers in height and closed later on top of marble plates.

In three of the four main mines of underground tombs, archaeological excavations were carried out. Finds extracted from dungeons are stored in the Archaeological Museum of the Sousse.

Only a small part of the catacomb is open to visiting. It:

  • The catacombs of a good shepherd with a length of 1.6 kilometers, numbering 6,000 tomb related to the end of the 3rd century,
  • Catacombs Hermes (2500 tomb of the 3rd century), Catacombs of Sivirus (5000 burials of the 4th century).

Location: Ryu Abu Hamed El Ghazali, Western surroundings of the Sousse

Port El Cantaui

This specially built spa complex takes a huge flow of tourists who come to enjoy the beach and sea. ()

The prototype for the complex in the Mauritan style, opened in 1979, served as a blue-white building of a pretty village.

The resort is located around a large harbor, which can simultaneously take more than 300 vessels. The complex consists of several luxury hotels and blocks of apartments that stretch along the coastline, as well as numerous cafes, restaurants, shopping centers and places for active rest and sports.

Location: 6 kilometers north of the Sousse

Susta market

Those who wish to enjoy more authentic shopping, rather than in the tourist stores of the Medina's trading quarter, it is to go to the locals to go on the Sunday market, which is organized near the entrance to the catacombs of a good shepherd. There, in the middle of the camp of organized chaos, allowing with a head to plunge into a typical trading color of Tunisia, on the shelves, domestic cattle, souvenirs, handmade products are exhibited.


A picturesquely located on the rocky slope surrounded by plains, the old Berber Tarun village is the preserved oasis of the disappearing of Berber.

A few Berber families still live in the village, and visitors can go to some of the local dwellings and get closer to the traditional Berber architecture and interior.

In the center of the village there is also a small mosque and the tombs of the local Saint Sidi Abd El Cadere.

Location: 6 kilometers west from enfidis

Other source sights in the surrounding area.

Cisterns La Sofra

Behind the Iron Gate is an ancient underground reservoir. Its huge underground tanks are most likely to the Ancient Roman period. In previous times, they could accommodate up to 3,000 cubic meters of water.

Location: Medina, not far from the shopping alley of Suk El Rib


On the territory of this trading center, surrounded by farmers, a Sunday market is held, which takes attention to the Sousse guests. On the territory of the same church is now a museum with finds extracted during excavations in the vicinity. It keeps samples of early Christian mosaic with archaeological monuments Upanna (5 km north) and Sidi Abih (3 km north). The museum also stores the collection of dishes of the Roman and Byzantine periods.

Location: 43 kilometers north of the Sousse


The small town of Hergela is located on the rocky area of \u200b\u200bthe coast, made by sandy bays. It is located on the site of the ancient Roman settlement of Orrak Calelia, in the 2nd century of our era of the lying exactly at the border of the provinces of Bizaten and Zewgitan.

Since the initial settlement was completely destroyed during Arab invasions, there was nothing worthwhile from those times. On the territory of the town is a dated 18m century mosque with a dome, rebuilt on an unusual technology that came from the architecture of the Bulla Region region.

On a rented car, it is easily accessible to the beaches not touched by the civisses, in the abundance of scratched in the vicinity of Hergla.

Location: 35Kilometers north of the Sousse

History of the city of Sousse

The history of the souss's foundation is rooted at least to the 9th century BC, when the settlement served as one of the important Phoenician trade centers. Then, in the 6th century BC, the city falls under the influence of the Carthage, and during the second Punic war it serves as the base of the Carthaginian commander Hannibal in his military campaign against Roman legions under the leadership of Scipion.

In the third Punic war, the city, known at the same time Hadrummetum, moved to the Roman side, for which a number of important privileges received. However, Hadrummetum lost these privileges, accepting the side of Pompeii in conflict with Caesar. The city soon recovered due to its strategic location and extended olive groves, but again was discarded in development after the devastating participation in the uprising of Gordian in 238 of our era.

When I arrived in Sousse for the first time, it was amazed by his Europeanized mind. Indeed, from all cities in Tunisia, where I visited after the capital, this is the most European city. There are many new high-rise buildings, wide avenues, large shopping centers, bars, discos, cinemas (which is rare for Tunisia), restaurants, cafes.

Like any Arab city, he has grown from the medina (the old part of the city) with Ribat, a fortress that defended earlier residents from militant neighbors. Now it is one of the very large cities of Tunisia, the capital of the eponymed Vilayet. Part-time, this is also one of the most popular areas from around the world of resorts with an extensive tourist area in Port El Cantavi.

This city has a European appearance, but with an oriental highlight, which makes it so special and unforgettable.

As in an ancient Babylon, on his streets, all year round can be found people of different nationalities: French, Germans, Russians, Ukrainians, Algerians, Libyans, etc. Someone came here to enjoy the bright sun, warm sea and cozy hotels; Someone - find here new life; Someone - see his ancient ribat with Kasboy and a big mosque. Objectives are different, but all of them unites interest in the amazing city.


No airport in Sousse. The nearest airports to the city:

  • Enfida Near the city at the hour at a taxi ride (the fare is from 20 EUR). There are no buses there, and a taxis catch hard.
  • Habiba Burgibiba Airport Near the city a 20-minute taxi (from 10 EUR) or bus / minibus (1-2 EUR).

Both accept a large number of Russian charters that can fly to Tunisia to the season (it lasts from May to September). You can search for offers of airlines, and this one will look for tours and compares prices from different tour operators.

If you are flying, then most likely the point of your arrival will be airport Carthage. Near the capital, Tunisia. It is very far from the souss: almost 2.5 hours by car, if it is lucky enough, not to get into the plug in the capital. At this airport you can immediately rent a car (30-40 EUR per day). You will need a passport and rights. Watch which in the city there are rollers and compare the prices offered by them.

You can get from the airport by bus (5 EUR per ticket there) or train (3-5 EUR per ticket there), but you will have to get to the bus stop or station from the airport. Taxi cost will cost 5 EUR.

From the airport to the very capital except taxis, you can get 2 ways:

  • On the "subway" (here is so called ground electric trays, circulating around the city) - stop near the airport (meters in 200); The fare is less than 1 EUR.
  • By bus - a stop near the airport; The fare is about 0.5 EUR; There are 2 types of buses: CHT (departure every 30 min.) and TUT (departure every 15 min.).

By train

Like any major city, Sousse is connected by rail with other cities. Tickets can be bought directly on gare de Sousse.

From the capital, the train can be reached in 5 EUR (11 TND).

From Monastir, too, you can take a train, which here is called "Metro", for 2 EUR and half an hour of time.

From Hammamet also walks the train to the Sousse: about 3 hours on the road. The ticket costs 4 EUR.

I have already written that the Tunisian trains are present in their pro, so it's not worth counting on a special comfort. Schedule can be viewed on them. Trains here have a property being late, so that the time of departure and arrival may vary.


From the capital there are buses to Sousse, but at the beginning of the airport you need to get there by taxi. One side ticket costs 5 EUR (11 TND). From Monastir you can drive on a bus or bus (1-2 EUR). They go regularly straight from the airport. From Hammamet, too, there is a bus, but it goes once a day (5 EUR).

By the time of departure of the bus, it is necessary to approach in advance, as usually there is immediately built by landing. Luggage can be put separately.

Somehow I watched one Russian lady, traveling alone, came running only to the immediate bus departure time. For her, there was no place, and the driver ran and searched for her. As a result, the bus was delayed for 15 minutes. The place was found to her, but we left later.


If you go from the airport, you can take a taxi. In Tunisia, they are all a single yellow color. The price of travel will be from 5 EUR (10 TND). Feel free to trade. Having envying a foreigner, taxi drivers will try to squeeze out of it as much money as possible.

It is relevant for the monastiter, but from Hammamet or the capital makes sense to rent a car. It costs 25-32.5 EUR (50-65 TND) per day at no season, and in season 40 EUR (80 TND). This will require only your passport and Russian rights, for which you can easily ride here.

Do not forget that the motorway in Tunisia is paid: from 0.5 to 1 EUR (1-2 TND). But they are more or less comfortable, renovated, with toilets and cafes on the road.


There are no ferries to SUSS, but if the means allow you to hire a boat or yacht and go to a small sea trip from Monastir or Hammamet. Rental cost - from 750 EUR (1 500 TND).


SUSS - Time now

The difference in the clock:

Moscow 2.

Kazan 2.

Samara 3.

Ekaterinburg 4.

Novosibirsk 6.

Vladivostok 9.

When the season. When it is better to go

The season in the Sousse continues from May to the beginning of October. At this time, there is a continuous flow of tourists. The peak of the season in July - August, when the average air temperature reaches +35 ° C.

If you are not an amateur of the strong heat and a large cluster of people, then come in May - early June, when the tourist season is just beginning, or at the end of August - September, when he is already coming to an end, but still moderately hot day, and the sea warm.

Sousse summer

Summer begins in the city from mid-May, when you can easily wear t-shirts and light blouses on the street, and some even begin to swim, although the sea has not yet completely warmed. But since the end of May, you can safely swim and sunbathe on the beach (water temperature +24, +28 ° С).

July and August - the hottest months. At this time, it is hard to stay on the street in the afternoon, I just want to roll on the beach.

September is still quite hot, and the sea heated for the previous months is quite suitable for swimming (water temperature +24 ° C).

Sousse autumn

From October, autumn begins. The temperature drops to +25 ° C, +15 ° C. Sometimes strong rains are possible as well as winds. In the evening and at night the temperature drops slightly.

Sousse Sousse

Spring begins with the end of March. The temperature is already + 20-25 ° C. It is still possible to rain, but rather an exception to the rules than a natural phenomenon. Some locals are already bathed, but the sea is still cool (average water temperature + 14-17 ° C).

Sousse - weather by months


Sousse - weather by months

Areas. Where better live

I allocated three district in the Sousse, each of which will be convenient for recreation.

City center

In the center of the Sousse, few decent hotels, but there are in step accessibility all the shops, restaurants, cafes and the historic part of the city.

Yes, and, plus, in the summer there are many guests from Libya and Algeria, as well as from the south of Tunisia, who do not always behave adequately.

From expensive and luxury hotels here, Movenpick is a sort of variation on the Arabic topic, but on modern way.

Nearby there is even something like a Chinese garden.


The tourist area, as it both is found in such resorts, is carried out for the city trait - almost 20-25 minutes by car. This area is called Port El-Kantaoui.

Basically, there are some hotels, restaurants, bars, a golf course, and if you drive further, you can see a huge number of diverse villas: from a purely arabic style to a kind of palaces of glass and concrete with incredible architecture.

If there is a good budget, you can choose Hasdrubal Thalassa, Thalassa Sousse 4 * (they offer both excellent courses of Thalasso and balneotherapy) or Riu Green Parc 4 *, Tej Marhaba, Riu Bellevue Park. All of them provide excellent service, well-equipped rooms and a standard set of entertainment: swimming pool, beaches, an animator program, etc. It is possible to book on, but you can check if it is more profitable somewhere.

From more budget options, you can choose among Golf Residence, Royal Beach, Marhaba, Marabout, Chams El Hana 3 *, etc. The service is not as high, but it is quite acceptable. Disco and animated shows are also present. You can search for sentences.

In the same area, magnificent villas are rented. Remove them mostly Europeans who come to rest for the summer. They are well equipped. Some have even a separate beach. The owners can offer their housekeeper, so that the house will be removed no less often than the hotel room.

District Sahloul.

Another accommodation option: Rent an apartment. The Sahloul area is a good option where there are many new, multi-storey houses with separate parking, and you can pick up a well-equipped apartment. To search the option for yourself.

In walking distance in the area: shops, restaurants, cafes. But it is located away from the city center - almost half an hour by car, if without traffic jams.

What are the prices for rest


In five-star and four-tested hotels in the price ceiling - 200-250 EUR / day, and the average price ranges around 100 EUR. Three-star hotels cheaper: the average price per room is 25-35 EUR / day.

Remove the villa for a month costs from 500 EUR, and for a week from 250 EUR. Additionally, it is necessary to leave a deposit in the size of a monthly or weekly fee, which returns at the end if the owner suits the external and inner view of the house. Electricity and water are paid separately.

The apartment is per month, on average, 200-250 EUR, and a week 100-150 EUR. Posit is also left, and light / water / electricity is paid separately.


For a taxi is paid from 0.5 to 1-3 EUR, depending on the distance.


The restaurant has an average price tag in the area of \u200b\u200b20-50 EUR, and in a cafe from 5 to 10 EUR. To save, it is better to choose restaurants or a cafe somewhere in the city center, where very high-quality options come across, but in the tourist zone there may be a price tag and higher - from 70 EUR.

You can buy products in supermarkets or in small shops. In Tunisia, very cheap vegetables and fruits (from 1 EUR per kilogram), as well as seafood (from 5 EUR per kilogram). All of them are fresh and natural. A bottle of mineral water will cost less than 1 EUR, and a pair of pockets for 1-2 EUR.


The cost of food, accommodation, transport and other things

Currency: Euro, € Dollar USA, $ Russian ruble, Rub Tunisian dinar, DT

Main attractions. What to see

Sousse is rich in different historical sights, and Medina Sousse is generally included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

As in most Tunisian cities there is Ribat - a fortress that guarded the locals from neighbors' raids. With it, there is a good archaeological museum. In addition, there are 3 remarkable mosques, 1 synagogue and 1 Protestant church.

And you can still go to local catacombs. And how not to remember here about the port of El Cantavi with his Marina, as well as a zoo with him and a fleet of attractions nearby. I will write about this and many other things in more detail below.

Top 5.

Medina Suss

First of all, of course, I will talk about the Medina Sousse. Narrow streets leading to the unknowns, wild cats, sleepily sneaking under the sun, as well as the mute doors and windows - this is what we have appeared when we went to study Medina. There are almost no people here, just sometimes run the boys.

Also there, we accidentally stumbled upon a pretty square. Next to the medina there is a constant bazaar, where for the most part sells every trash, but sometimes you can find interesting souvenirs.

Kasba and Archaeological Museum

Next, you can go to Kassa (so in Arabic called the city citadel) - you can go to it through the archaeological museum. So, at first we examined the museum: it presents interesting mosaics of the times of Roman rule, as well as the objects of life of the first Christians. From the museum you can go into the yard of Kasba, according to which it is so pleasant to take a walk. There purely, and around the flowers and different, low trees were planted. I especially liked the species that can be observed from the fortress walls: the Mediterranean Sea of \u200b\u200bTurquoise, transfusions under the bright rays of the sun; Roofs of small houses Medina, where the hostesses hang underwear; And, of course, Marina Sousse, where numerous yachts and boats are anchored, also a few walking, stylized under the vintage, ships on which they ride in the season of tourists.

Ticket price for a museum and Kassa: 3.5 EUR.

Opening hours: from September 16 to July 18 - 08: 00-17: 30; From June 17 to July 17 - 08: 00-17: 00; From July 19 to September 15 - 08: 00-19: 00; Open daily.

How to get: The Museum with Kasboy is located on Abu Kasem Echabi (Rue Abou Kacem Echabi), opposite the Sousse City Hall (Gouvernorat de Sousse). The majestic building with the towers is simply impossible not to notice, so it is easy to find it easily. If you walk from the medina, you can get in 20 minutes. Another option: Take a taxi, as there are no bus stops right next to the museum.

Catacombs Suss

Very interesting catacombs SUSS. They are located in the city center. Going down, you fall as if in another world. The catacombs were built and laid first Christians who saved here from the persecution of the Romans.

With catacombs, there is also a museum where things are removed from there. People suffering from claustrophobia, I do not recommend visiting.

Ticket price: 2.5 EUR.

Opening hours: from September 16 to March 31 - 09: 00-17: 00; from April 1 to August 15 - 09: 00-19: 00; daily.

How to get: The entrance to the catacombs is in Medina, so walking there, you can go there at the same time. Also in the city there are signs for motorists.

Dar Essid

Another interesting landmark is the Dar Essid. The Arab word "Dar" means "home". This is a typical Arabic house that once belonged to the wealthy citizen. Passing through the contradians of the rooms, you will be able to see how the Arab family lived before, which was surveyed and what her members were engaged in everyday life. I really liked it: as if they dip in a living story.

Ticket price: About 2 EUR.

Opening hours: Daily from 08:30 to 17:30.

How to get: Also in Medina, a little further bazaar. If you can't find, ask local. They willingly show.

Port El Cantavi

And, finally, I will tell you about Port El Kantaoui. Honestly, I did not understand why it is so extolled in some guidebooks. Marina is less than in the same monastics. Yes, and also spoil the impression of annoying visits on their ships, on which tourists ride.

Next to him there is a small zoo and an amusement park, where again they are bumping into different merchants and called that they call buyers in Russian, but they score them in Arabic.

How to get: It is located outside the city, a 20-minute drive by car, next to the town of Hammam Sousse. There can be reached by taxi (from 5 EUR), by bus or minibus (0.5-1 EUR).

Beaches. What better

Self the best beaches - This is, of course, the beaches of the port of El Cantavi. Clean, with white soft sand. The police guard them well: they regularly drive their cars.

At hotels there are separate beaches on which sun beds and umbrellas and towels are provided, and in the public all this, unfortunately, no.

We usually went to the beach, which is located next to the port of El Cantavi. There, where there are some villas, a separate entrance, little local and very clean.

In the city of the beaches are not very (Bou Jaafar Beach). First, there are a lot of Arab families with crochet, unprecedented children who do what they want. Secondly, as a result, there is dirty. Garbage is lying throughout. The smell is just awful. In general, it is better to avoid these beaches.

Churches and temples. What are you worth a visit

There are 3 notable mosques in the Sousse:

In addition to mosques, there is another one synagogue Keter Torakh and protestant Church of St. Felix. Of these, the church is notable: she has a simple, unassuming architecture, thanks to which she harmoniously fits into the surrounding landscape. There you can go, the entrance is free.

Museums. What are you worth a visit

I really liked Archaeological Museum at Kasbe. It is located in a well-renovated building and is maintained no worse than European museums. Here are high halls, which present well-preserved frescoes and objects of life of the Roman Empire.

With catacombs, there is also a museum. There are subjects that found in the catacombs themselves. Here, in person you can see how the first Christians lived in the provinces of the Roman Empire.

And, of course, the museum is Dar EssidI wrote about above.


In the port of El Cantavi there is a zoo right next to the entrance to the marina. He in the "best" tunisian traditions - dirty, animals are small, the tracks are small and neglected. In general, nothing special. I did not like it there, and the animals have such a kind as if they are fed from the strength once a week.

Not far from the souss there is an ethnographic park "El Zahra". There is completely recreated a typical Berber village. There are even actors who play residents. There is a fortress built from sandstone, an old church, olive groves and presentation with the participation of camels and horses. The crown of this park is a unique laser show "Medinat El Zahra", during which the story of Tunisia is visible from the beginning to today. You can travel to the park by car (25 minutes) or as part of the excursion from the hotel.

These are the most remarkable parks of the city. In the city itself there are so-called green zones in the form of parks, but usually it is a ridiculous journey from garbage and palm trees.

Near the Sousse there is another wonderful zoo "Phrygia"who will certainly like the children. It is very big, and there are a large number of animal species, even the dolphinarium! There are still performances of folklore, African groups.

It is located near the Big MONOPRIX supermarket.

Opening hours: in summer from 09:00 to 17:00, in winter from 09:00 to 16:00; Open daily, except Monday. The cost of entry: adults - 5.5 EUR, children - 3 EUR.

Tourist streets

The main tourist street is the embankment of Bujafar. Again, many guidebooks sing to her diffilaments, but I will still add myself a spoon of truth.

It stretched almost 2 km away, and from thereing a beautiful view of the sea and everything would be nothing if it were not for guests from the friendly Algeria with Libya and from the south of Tunisia. In the afternoon there are whole families with a brood of 7-8 children, and at night you are going to young and drink beer. In general, as you understand, I didn't like the walk there, perhaps you are lucky a little more.

What to look for 1 day

If you arrive (a) in Sousse for one day, I advise you to go to Medina. From there to go to learn Ribat and enrich your knowledge in the Archaeological Museum. Catacombs will be interesting. Of course, they are not honing Paris, but also impress! And in the evening you can take a walk in the port of El Cantavi and eat in one of the fish restaurants.

What to see in the vicinity

In the vicinity of the Sousse, you can visit Port El Cantavi, which I have already written above, as well as the Park "El Zahra".

Near the port of El Kantavi there is even golf Clubarranged in one American. For tourists who love this sport, it is a great opportunity to practice in a great field: it is very large here, perfectly clean and arranged with a real American scale. The club has a bar, restaurant, and shop. Driving a little further of the port itself, you will immediately see the spacious green fields of the Golf Club. On (there are French, and the English version) you can familiarize yourself with the tariffs and work hours.

And in the small town of Sidi Bou-Ali, 25 km from the Sousse ecoPherma (Ecovillage). Here you can learn everything about the life of ostriches, and also get to know them closer. Go by car. The road will take less than half an hour.

She is located next to the town of Sidi Bu Ali. The entry cost is about 15 EUR (a comprehensive lunch is included here), it works around the clock, except holidays.

Nearby Isles

Near the Sousse there is no remarkable islets. The closest to him is already the Italian island of linosa - volcanic and much more interesting, except for Mediterranean beaches and local flora and fauna. You can get there with a transfer on the ferry, through Sicily. The journey will take about a day.

Food. What to try

The souss's kitchen is not much different from purely Tunisian cuisine: the same abundance of pepper, traditional couscous and Lubia brand (beans sauce).

There are very tasty pizza in the city, especially they are tasty in pizzerias, where they are baked in real stone stamps.

Among the locals are popular with Sandwich Shapatti - this is a tuna with vegetables or sausage between two cakes. In short, the likeness of Hamburger, but on Tunisian Floor.

As for drinks, there are also no special differences with the general cuisine.

If you yourself want to cook something, then there are many large supermarket chains in the Sousse: Magasin Général, Aziza, Carrefour, Monoprix. The city has both signs with their designation. Vegetables, fruits, and meat with fish, and other products are sold there. There are separate shops specializing in the sale of something one of the above. Prices between them are slightly different, but the product quality is much higher.

In the Sousse, a rich selection of restaurants, cafes and bars, where even alcohol is served. True not everywhere. In the port of El Cantavi or in the city center, prices are different, but you can find dishes for every taste and color. Below I will write in more detail about different institutions where the price and quality of food and service justify yourself.


Budget establishments are presented with good dishes for only 7.5 EUR (15 TND). For example, there is a restaurant La Nova Marina. In the port of El Cantavi. Pleasant atmosphere: You can sit down both in the hall and on the street, enjoying the beauty of Marina. Italian dishes, seafood and barbecue, as well as alcoholic beverages are served.

Another inexpensive restaurant Farmer's Grill.. Here you can order excellent steaks with FRI potatoes. The price tag may exceed 7.5 EUR if you are a lover to eat. For vegetarians, there is a large selection of salads, and for sweet deserts desserts. It was performed in the style of Texas ranch.

Just a 2-minute walk from the medina, you can find a wonderful restaurant LE BONHEUR.where you can eat even less than 7 EUR. His name in French means "happiness." He fully justifies his name: generous portions, as well as a pleasant atmosphere makes this institution very popular with tourists. In the menu, both purely Tunisian dishes and international: pizza, sandwiches, etc.

Very nice cafe LumièreWhere in just 5 EUR you can drink excellent coffee and eat dessert. I was there, and I really liked it. The interior is made in the muted color scheme, which is complemented by photos of Paris, and on the facade of the building there is even an Eiffel Tower, which is repaired by a small man. The menu is complete and diverse. This place is located in the Sahloul area, not far from the clinic.

Medium level

From restaurants and a mid-level cafe, I can advise the following (average price tag - 12.5-15 EUR):

  • Le Mosaique. In Mövenpick Resort & Marine Spa, in the center of the Sousse. Magnificent decor and excellent service. Here are also served by French, and Italian, and Tunisian dishes. It is not difficult to find it, but to get out of there with an empty stomach - difficult.
  • A restaurant Red Moon. Also in the port of El Cantavi. Beautiful decor pleasing to the eye menu in which you can meet dishes different countriesAlso a large selection of desserts.
  • In the Medina Sousse you can find an excellent restaurant, where you can try almost all the classic recipes of Tunisian cuisine - Restaurant du peuple. A combination of good quality, low prices and excellent maintenance.
  • Another high-quality restaurant - Lido. There are very tasty fish and seafood dishes. Portions are very large, and the food is amazingly diverse. It is located in the city center.


In the Sousse, the Festival of Aussu is held, during which the whole carnival parade passes, accompanied by songs and dancing. Usually it is held every July 24, but in recent years it is sometimes canceled due to a lack of finance.

He has deep historical roots: before it was a holiday in honor of God Neptune, when he was a province as part of the Roman Empire. But then he has changed, and now it is a holiday in honor of the occurrence of abnormal heat in August of the Berber calendar. Actually, the term "Ausss" means "heat peak".

Safety. What to beware is worth

As a big city, Sousse is rich in different dangers.

First, of course, you should not go to the city for a walk alone. This is especially true of girls. The city is full of immigrants from Libya or Algeria, so you need to be taken care and stay either on site, or to go with someone in the company.

Secondly, be traded with the sellers in the shops, as they always try to take more money from tourists. This applies only to tourist shops or taxis, as in buses, super- and minimarkets prices are fixed.

Things to do

Sousse has a lot of hotels that, in addition to the standard set of entertainment, offer thalassotherapy courses, and balneotherapy. Depending on the wishes and budget, you will select the desired course for a different period of time.

Among other activities, you can play golf on a golf course (I spoke about this in the "Parks" section), in bowling, go to Hergla Karting Park or go to Water Park (Acqua Palace), Zoo (Kantaoui Zoo) in Port El Cantavi Or Amusement Park (Center de Loisirs Hannibal).

Shopping and shops

In the Sousse a huge number of shops, including those who speak Russian. In the tourist area, many shopping centers and souvenir shops, but prices are designed for tourists.

In the center of the city near the embankment of Bujafar and Medina, many large stores, for example, Soul Center or Champs Elysées, Slim Center or Plazza Italia (by the way, the last three are in one place, next to each other). In them you will find souvenirs, and a large selection of clothing, and carpets, and jewelry - in general, anything you like a tourist's soul.

From decent local stores, Zen will highlight Zen, Hamadi Abid (by type H & M, i.e. inexpensive clothes at affordable prices).

Bars. Where to go

Like, Sousse offers a saturated night program.

Of the bars are interesting:

  • Igloo Ice Bar.. Very unusual institution, where everything is made of ice. You can go to just 25 minutes, as it is very cold (-15 ° C). You can wear extravagant costumes. Login: 14.5 EUR (2 non-alcoholic cocktails and 1 to choose from too non-alcoholic + 25 min) or 19.5 EUR (1 bottle of heineken beer, 2 alcoholic cocktails and 1 climbing + 25 min). Works from 17:00 to 02:00.
  • Iron Bar. The price of drinks here is from 2.5 EUR, but the parking place is uncomfortable. The entrance is free, you do not need to order tables in advance. Open daily from 20:00 to 04:00.
  • Bar Legend's Located in the city center, but is open only until 01:00. Prices: from 2-5 EUR, admission is free.
  • with disco Amnesia. Hotel RYM. There is good alcohol and good music. The entrance is paid (5 EUR). Opened from 20:00 to 02:00 daily.

Clubs and nightlife

Sousse can be rightfully called the city that never sleeps. Discos for tourists and locals at least debug. Especially along the Marabout, Taj Sultan, etc.: Saloon, Bananas, Living and many others.

Sometime, Bora-Bora was considered the largest and steep disco in Tunisia, but now it is closed. We often went past her by car, and there was constantly hung the name "closed".

There are many other discos, where the European and Arab melodies are encouraged, inviting passersby to join the removal of fun. This is Maracana, Red Iguana, Samara King, etc.

They work from 20:00 / 21:00 to the morning (07:00 / 04:00). The entrance is paid: from 5 EUR. There is a facade, but foreigners are easily allowed.

Extreme sports

From the extreme sports in the Sousse during hotels, you can do diving. Prices depend on the hotel.

Even if you do not mean anything in this sport, you will be trained. These are amazing emotions when you watch the life of sea inhabitants under water.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

The most interesting souvenirs in the Sousse can be bought in the bazaars near the medina, as well as in shopping centers near the embankment.

Here they sell carpets that are brought from Kairuan. They are made manually and very high quality. Cost - from 25 EUR.

From the recruitment here are high-quality, multicolored ceramics. She is persistent, beautiful and long-term.

And in some shops, the souta can be seen how the artisan is directly in front of you manufactures dishes. Cost - from 5 EUR.

Girls will be interested in typical Tunisian decorations that sell in the Sousse. They go from 5 EUR. And this is not only jewelry, but also silver and gold. You can find Berber ornaments.

More in the sussa you can buy high-quality natural leather products: from bags to wallets. Cost - from 15 EUR.

And in Soula Center, which is located next to the medina, you can find even souvenirs from all over North Africa And the south of the Sahara.

How to move around the city

In my experience, it is best to ride a taxi. The bus wait too long, they do not go so often. And taxis can be caught immediately and quickly. There are still minibuses, but it is a copy of our Russian minibuses, where people sometimes have to stand. There are no other types of trapping here.

Taxi. What features exist

All taxis in Tunisia Yellow Color. In the Sousse, Taxi is a little less than french, so it is possible to do it. The fare is from 2 EUR, only cash is received by payment.

On the street it is easy to catch a taxi, but be careful: a taxi driver can be called higher than real, so you need to immediately ask the counter meter.

What is the rules of the road in practice Tunisians have not been opened for themselves. And the pedestrians, especially since I watched several times, how moms with kids in the wheelchairs were famously overwhelmed by the road in the wrong places, almost under the nose in the cars. Motorists are parked, so it is necessary to keep the Ear Egor.

Vacation with children

Sousse is the perfect resort where you can go with the children of absolutely any age. Bored for anyone will not. If you do not talk about animators in hotels and mini clubs, where there are Russian-speaking guides, that is, Port El Cantavi. You can go here to walk in Marina, Zoo, Amusement Park or Water Park.

For older children, the Park "El Zahra" will be interested, where the actors are told in the presentation and show the life and traditions of Berber peoples. Also, the show "Medinat El Zahra" show, about which I wrote above. In general, the lesson and children in the Sousse you will definitely find!

Sousse is the leader in popularity among the resorts of Tunisia. Spacious luxury beaches in the frame of sprawling palm trees, sitting in their armed Azure Mediterranean Sea, an impressive embankment, delights from walking and relaxing in places created for entertainment, entail in Sousse. Tunisia provides the opportunity to expand beach recreation horizons to visiting interesting sightseeing excursions. We offer for a preliminary acquaintance the sights of the Sousse, opening the exciting pages of the city history. Their photo and description will serve for a tourist guide during their stay in the resort.

On the map of the Sousse Most of the attractions are noted in the old town - Medina. Behind the powerful medieval stone wall with a height of 8 meters the exciting past of the Old Arab city opens. Walking labyrinths of narrow white-blue streets, flooded with souvenirs and antiques, Arabic cafes and bazaars specializing in skin trade, gold, spices and other, characteristic of Tunisia in goods, you will be headed the incredible atmosphere of the East. Medina, who was in the treasury of the cultural heritage of UNESCO began its origin during the years of the 7th century and was finally formed by the XI century. In the middle of the 9th century, the construction of a fortress wall was completed, surrounding the city by 2.5 kilometers. The wall is lined with massive stone blocks brought from destroyed Roman cities. For defensive purposes in the walls of the medina, built towers in which guns were located.

Kasba Fortress in Medina

At the top of the hill in the southwestern part of the old city, the fortress of Kasba has been towers for 1000 years. The landmark of the fortress is the leader of the fortress - the high retardant tower of the Khalifa, the centuries served and the lighthouse. Rising to the 30 meter height of the tower, a breathtaking panorama of the water area and urban quarters opens, and the magnificent photos of the city are obtained. You can get to the fortress with excursions organized near hotels. Here prices for excursions will be 30-40 dollars per person. Independently coming to the fortress, you can come up to a guide, gaining a group. Then the sightseeing tour of the fortress will cost from 5 to 10 dollars.

Archaeological Museum

In the fortress there is an archaeological museum with unique collections of marble ancient statues, utensils and life of Romans. Pearls of the Museum Reviews of tourists are called the ancient Roman mosaic: artistically depicting the head of jellyfish, panel with neptune in a boat and Dionysis, rushing on the chariot, harbor tigers and ancient mosaic El Jema. I am striking by your beauty of the Baptistery of the time of the Byzantine era with a delightful font for baptism. From the second floor of the fortress, an amazing view of the city opens. The courtyard in which the Archaeological Museum comes is surrounded by vaulted galleries with the diversity of exhibitions of fragments of stucco, busts, bas-reliefs from the II century. Northern part The fortress exhibits a number of stele and tombstones found in the catacombs, ancient anchors. A strong impression produces the eastern part of the museum with the sarcophagus of the girl, ceramic panels with Christian plots of gladiators with predators.


In the Sousse on the territory of the Old Town, the cult ensemble of Zuance Crowkak is attracted, where the mosque is harmoniously connected, with the architecture of the Islamic school, Madrasa and Mausoleum. Admires the architecture of an octagonal minaret, associated with the style of the Renaissance and the Arcade of the courtyard with the ancient columns.

At the entrance to Medina is located a great mosque, built in 851-862 years, with its own species resembling the fortress. In those distant times, the mosque had to serve the protection of the port and the restored city from enemy invasions, so the southeastern and northern corners of her stone wall with the teeth are built with high watchdog towers. Entering the mosque, you get to a big courtyard, surrounded from three sides by a large number of porticors with arches. On the facade of the Great Mosque ancient Arabic letters, the inscription named architect - Mudaba is cut out. Central Mil Mosque has two domes. This is the only mosque in the world where there is no minaret. At the prayer of the parishioners appear by climbing the corner northeastern tower, where the inclined staircase leads the beginning of the mosque in the courtyard.

Fortress - Monastery Ribat

Together with the Great Mosque to protect the city, a fortress-monastery Ribat, built in 821 in the north-western side from a big mosque near the entrance to Medina from the Harbor side. The eastern side of the fortress was strengthened by 35 metering supervisory tower Nador, in which there is a staircase out of 70 steps. In the fortress walls from the courtyard there are entrances to monastic cells placed in the thickness of the wall. They lived warriors-monks, ready to protect the city. The second floor of the fortress is famous for the fingerprint of the foot, which is in a stone slab lying between two columns. According to each person who made a desire and holding the footage, it will be fulfilled.

Museum "Dar Eatsid"

House-Museum "Dar-Eatsid" - the property of the heirs of his former owners will be interested in tourists who want to familiarize themselves with the life and lifestyle of the alien family of the 19th century. The house built in 928 is located near the fortress wall in Medina. It has 11 rooms filled with antique furniture, rare household goods, books, weapons and jewelry. It has a bathroom, a bathroom, laid out by carrarian marble and several kitchens. In one of the women's rooms shock the type of two paintings depicting the plots from the Koran made of 18 carats made of gold and the marriage contract 700 years ago. Especially visitors are interested in Roman oil lamp, depicting erotic scenes, lit in time of intimate proximity to spouses. On the roof of the museum house is now equipped with a cafe, where tourists can relax, enjoying the type of medina and the bay.

Pools of aglabids

In an interesting landmark are two huge basins of aglabides left from 15 such reservoirs, built for water storage during the reign of the aglabid dynasty. Already 1200 years old these pools serve to supply the city with water.

The catacombs in the Sousse found in 1888. Underground tunnels with a length of a little more than 5 kilometers run in rocks with soft rocks. The main destination of the catacomb was the burial of the dead. In the catacombs are 240 galleries with two or three tiers. Each tier has reached the burial niches closed by marble plates. On some plates you can see the preserved inscriptions with the names of resting. For visiting tourists, only 100 meters of Catacomb are open.

Waterpark and Amusement Park Hannibal Park

Sousse is located outside the city of attractions, a visit to which will deliver a lot of pleasure to tourists with children. This is Aqua Palace Water Park and Hannibal Park Amusement Park.
They are located on an extensive portion of the Pedestrian Cantaui port and are offered to charge adrenaline on unique and exciting attractions. Of interest is the architectural embodiment of Hannibal Park, imitating the old Carthage of the reign of Hannibal with blooming gardens and luxurious fountains. Here you can take a picture with the Carthage warrior, meeting visitors near the entrance to the main building.

Park "El Zahra"

To get acquainted with the traditions of Tunisians will be interested in the El Zahra Park, located near the city. In the original Tunisian village, who climbed in the park area under the model of the amphitheater, visitors demonstrate a wedding ceremony conducted in ancient national traditions and a fiery show. When it is dark, a laser show with a theatrical action telling about the history of Tunisia in several languages, including Russian. The stunning effect produces projects of historical paintings on the walls of the fortress.

Those interested to familiarize themselves with the culture of the country will help the sights of Tunisia, see which will be possible in excursions on its major cities. First of all, the visit to the ancient Carthage, founded at the beginning of the 9th century with its amphitheater, the capitol, the terms of Antoninus and the temples, preserved since the Roman Empire, is worth attention. In the Lavizher Museum, which opened in Carthage admires the richest collection of ancient art objects. There is an opinion that only tourists go to Tunisia for rest on the sea, and not for the sake of sights. Sousse refutes this statement, saturating beach rest entertainment and fascinating excursions on unique historical and cultural monuments.

Tunisia is an ultra-modern megapolis, which is the capital of the same state. The land of the edges were well known to the ancient Romans - after all, they fought with a mighty cartegen.

The current Tunisias excovered four cities and has long stepped over the population of a millionth front.

Attractions in Tunisia a lot, their age is calculated by thousands of years. The concept of "Eternity" acquires a sacral meaning here.

This article will help not be lost on the lands of mythical carfagen and allocate the main thing. And, yes, if anyone is not aware, the part of the "Star Wars" episodes were shot in Tunisia.

Excursions in Tunisia - African Magic

Arriving in Tunisia, you will face a lot of sightseeing offers.. All of them will be similar to the exciting adventure, rather than on a dull lecture.

Some of the excursions last half a day, others are stretched for a three-day period.
Accordingly, the cost varies.

So what excursions worth visiting? Writing the most remarkable directions.

  • Syi bu Said. The journey begins in Tunisia, passes through the Carthage and ends in Sidi.
    You have to:
    • see an incredible museum of ancient mosaic;
    • wander through the winding streets of the sacred medina;
    • visit the Roman terms;
    • understand the city of jealous.

    The price of pleasure is $ 50.

  • Two-day safari. You have to challenge the sinister desert of the sugar, withstanding two days in this hello. Together with the Russian-speaking guide, you boot into comfortable buses and keep towards hot southern winds.
    The first day will please the Berber City Matmata, where you can see underground housing - just like on Tatooin.
    In the dunes Duza you will be allowed to ride camels and meet a desert sunset.
    Further in the program:
    • waterfall,
    • riding jeeps
    • mirages of the salt lake,
    • visit to Muslim Kerouan.

    For all this will have to put 120 dollars.

  • Uninhabited island of Curiate. After arriving in the monastir you sit on a sailboat and swim to a desert island. Further - complete freedom. You can sunbathe, swim, play beach volleyball.
    The cost of the excursion includes a chic lunch with:
    • soft drinks
    • fruit
    • fish grill,
    • salads.

    Bonus is an opportunity to hunt for marine hens.

  • Sea cruise. The pirate ship sails out of the souss - with you on board. Duration - three hours.
    You will be provided with fishing gear and treat delicious meal.
    For all this business will take 35 dollars.
  • Walk on quadrocyclach. The route excursions is very picturesque:
    • cactus thickets
    • olive groves
    • ostrich farm.

    The cost is 35 "green."

Organized excursions - the thing is good. But what to make travelers who are accustomed to independent schedule planning and choosing sights? For them - the next chapter.

Go to the desert without accompaniment - not recommended.

What to visit in Tunisia: Top 5

So, what can be viewed in an independent tourist: we offer the most unusual places to be made to the cultural and educational program of rest in this mysterious country:

  1. Great Mosque. This religious construct, which is considered to be a symbol of Tunisia, more than a thousand years.
    There is a Zitun Mosque in the Old Town (Medina). Get here the easiest way to the subway (ride to Place de Barcelone stations or Habib Tameur).
    The entrance is free, but in the interior and the milean hall will not be allowed.
  2. Salambo Oceanographic Museum. In Tunisia, this maritime museum enjoys incredible popularity.
    To get here, you need to take a train and move to the Carthage BYRSA station. The complex is located in an old forte, whose braces were glazed and turned into aquariums.
    The ticket costs 1 TND.
  3. Ruins of Carthagene. From school benches, we know about the Carthage, founded by the Phoenicians and the destroyed Romans.
    Today, Carthage is the end of the capital Tunisia. To get here, you need to take the train and go away at the station "Tunis Marin". The nearest landmark is the hourly tower built on Habiba Burbibe - Central Tunisian Street.
  4. Sahara Desert. It is located in the south of the country, and you can enter there completely free. Tourists fall into the sugar on: trains, buses leased SUVs.

    Among entertainment:

    • safari in vegans,
    • camel riding
    • voyage on the screw aircraft.

    It is also worth visiting the Kairuan Mosque.

  5. The terms of Anthony Kia.. Outside the Roman Empire, these terms were the largest and were part of the elite province. Once these ruins were:
    • recreation rooms
    • gymnastic halls
    • huge pools.

    The complex is located in Carthage, on Avenue Habib Bourguiba. The easiest way to get here by train, landing at Carthage Hannibal station.

    Admission - 2 TND. Another 1 TND will have to pay for the photo.

Holidays on the Atlantic Ocean's coast are super popular with tourists from around the world. - The center of the beach holiday on the coast of the Atlantic, read in our article.
Go to Spain? You can find out what to see in Madrid for 3 days. In this city, life is usually flowing slowly, but you will have to hurry.


It is worth telling a little about transport traffic inside the country. For a more effective inspection of memorable sectors, you can use:

  • By train. The best option for a number of reasons, the main of which:
    • convenience,
    • branchedness
    • relative cheapness.

    The fare fee does not exceed 5 TND.

  • Light metro. With it, you can move not only by Tunisia (city), but also inside the bundle of Tunisia-Carthage-Monastir-Suss-Mahdiya.
    The ticket costs 1 TND.
  • Buses. All with air conditioning and very comfortable.
    Walled zone type.
  • Taxi. In this city, it is convenient for all - especially at night. It is important to remember two things:
    • first, payment is carried out on the meter;
    • secondly, the night tariff is more expensive.

What to see with a child

Family tourism in Tunisia is gradually gaining momentum. Benefits of Darkness:

  • short flight;
  • visa-free regime;
  • stretched sand beacheshaving gentle descents;
  • warm sea;
  • an abundance of interesting corners.

What objects of Tunisia for your child will be the most interesting?

  • "Carting Land". This entertainment center Localizes in Yasmin Hammamet and pleases small travelers with an abundance of exciting attractions.
    The complex is divided into thematic areas oriented on tourists of all ages. There is a cinema and a small zoo.
    Visiting all zones will cost 33 dinars.
  • Waterpark Flipper. Another attraction of Hammamet. You can get there on foot (or take a taxi), having advanced from the city center to the north. Distance - about five kilometers.
    Children's ticket costs 10 dinars, adult - 15.
    The water park has many slides and pools oriented in the ages.
  • Freiguya Zoo. 36 hectare of children's joy was located between Hammamet and Sousse, not far from the village of Bouficha.
    The African topics, all the beasts are contained in comfortable and spacious avoices, the conditions are as close as possible to the wild.
    If a child is less than three years old, it will be allowed in the zoo for free. For all other entries for the entrance will be 4-7 dinars.
    You can get by train (FRIGUIA PARK station) or taxi. The last option is preferable, and the taxi driver is better not to let go, having agreed on the way back.

Top 3 strange attractions

  1. The cave city of Matmatata. The primordial habitat of mysterious Berber. From the side looks like a chain of large holes done in the foot of the mountains. Some caves have two to three floors.
    For Berber, such dwellings are a way to survive in harsh climatic conditions.
    Matmat functions a number of underground hotels, but it is better to get here by car or as part of the excursion group.
    For 24 dinars can be reached by bus, but it will be a heavy test for the body.
  2. El Cantui - Dancing Fountains. Located in Sousse, 200 meters from the port area, surrounded by the park complex.
    Music water shows are extremely popular with tourists and locals.
  3. Cave restaurant. Lunch in this institution is included in most excursion programs.
    The restaurant is under the village of El Haiaria, next to Punic Kerkuan.
    It is not necessary to get there on your own - it is better to join a day excursion, getting 40 dollars from the wallet.

What sights are worth viewing

As you can see, the sights of Tunisia are scattered in space, and visit them will require considerable time costs. Therefore, go to the country is better for a week, or even two. Either join comprehensive excursion programs covering the most popular places. Then you can meet 1-2 days.

Most of the noteworthy objects are concentrated in the Sousse, Monastir and Hammamet. Here we will go there now.

Fashionable Sousse - Mediterranean Pearl

Susis is also worth visiting some attractions:

  • The catacombs of the good shepherd. There was no time here a quarry was placed, but with the arrival of Christianity of the catacombs turned into a cemetery. The tiny plot with glazed graves is open for visiting.
    You can get here by bus, coming out at the Bouhsina stop (the second option is Transport Terrestre). Having reached the medina, go to the west along the labyrinth of the curves of the alleys. Thug about half an hour.
  • Medina. This is the oldest part of the Sousse, built over the Millennium Back. Here everything is impregnated with the atmosphere of the fabulous East:
    • curves streets,
    • ancient buildings
    • fortress wall around the perimeter.

    It is worth climbing on the walls, admire the gun towers and guard fortifications from the Texa Stone.

  • Monastery-Fortress Ribat. One of the oldest defense structures in Tunisia. It is part of the medina serf complex.
    Climbing to the tower Nador, you will be rewarded with an unforgettable view of the souta.
    The entrance fee is 7 dinars. Plus 1 dinar for photographing.
  • Embankment Sousse. Excellent day excursion completion. The embankment is famous for floating fish restaurants, in which you can eat and nicely spend time.

Memory of an ancient monastic

It is in the monastar that the majority of Russian travelers flowed, who decided to combine sightseeing from beach holiday and rehabilitation.

In the monastir there are some interesting corners:

  • Ribat Harty. Strengthening warriors' monks, which also beacon is also a function. It is worth visiting the Mausoleum of the Warrina Monk and the Islamic Museum.
    The cost of visiting 7 dinars (plus Dinar for the photo).
  • Mausoleum Habib Burgibiba. Huge design with a couple of high minarets and a golden dome. The walls of the mausoleum are decorated with corals and stone threads.
    You can visit the mausoleum free of charge, going to Sidi El Mesry - an ancient cemetery.
  • Museum of traditional costume. Here you can familiarize yourself with the national clothing of Tunisians. Localled the museum on the street. Independence.
    The price of a ticket - 10 dinars.

Hammamet Oderavel was famous for his terms.

Once correctly corrected the health noble Romans, and in later times - famous personalities, among whom it is worth mentioning:

  • Moopassana
  • Flaubert,
  • Lyudmila Gurchenko,
  • Andrei Voznesensky.

That's what's worth looking here:

  • Great Mosque. Hammamet has its own great mosque with the Koran and parishioners.
    Only believers can get into the prayer hall, tourists have to inspect the attraction from afar.
  • Kasba. This fort fortness is built by the Spaniards. It is worth looking at the vintage guns and climb the sentiment of the tower.
    Price standard - 7 dinars.
  • Villa Georg Sebastiana. The building once belonged to the first European, who settled in Tunisia.
    Concerts are periodically held at the Villa Amphitheater.
    Login - 2 dinars.

Wearing Europe, do not go around the capital of Finland. And, the youngest metropolitan city in Europe, you can read on the pages of our navigator.
If you go to Germany, they are simply obliged to visit Bavaria. Tourists who prefer Life Style will help you look at Munich in one day. You will definitely come back here again and for a longer period of time.
Excellent if there is a visit to Hungary on your list. You will use information about what to see in Budapest. Surprisingly beautiful, welcoming and fun city.