Determination of the concept of "campaign". Classification of tourist campaigns


Ural district, Ural

  • Medium Ural
  • Southern Urals

Volga region

Black Sea

Caucasian District.

  • Central Caucasus

OSCO-Altai district

  • Altai
    • Mountain Altai

The main attractions are the highest point of Altai Mount Beluha, the valleys of the Akkem, Kuchered, Kucheral and Multi Lakes

Main landmarks Shavlinsky Lakes, Valley Aktru (Mountain)

  • Western Siberia
    • Kuznetsky Alatau.
      • Primbate teeth (Tigirtish Range)
    • Lower travelery (right-bank)

Main Attractions - Tomsk Pisanica, Ikarinsk Waterfall, Kolaarovsky Tract, Blue Utus, Talov Bowls and Silver Keys - Dysfast, Capitalovka.

    • Pretchevye: top, middle, Tomsk

The main attractions are South Taiga, the centers of the historical colonization of the Tutal Chulym Territory of Siberia - the centropoligon, the drags, "Asynlag", the well hot mineral water "Omega"

The main attractions are the Tomsk Federal State Public Market, Everest of Ob-Tomsk Meternrech, "Taiga Triangle" and other big-taiga routes of the Siberian Adventure project in the style of "Last Hero", Older and Siberian villages on the border of Taiga and Swamps (Kireevsk, Kunchuk), Pearl of the district of Lake Keepeskoe with the deposits of natural therapeutic sludge sapropel

Yenisei district

  • Krasnoyarsk pillars

The main attractions are the resort on Lake Shira, the Jury Natural Park, which includes two areas of the caves of Khakassia - Syrysky and Efremkinsky

  • Western Sayans

Baikal district

  • Baikal

Far East

Russian North (Asia)

Russian North (Europe)

middle Asia

  • Tien Shan
    • Western Tien Shan
      • Chimgan (Chimgan Mountains)
        • Alyam Ring
    • Pamiro Alai.

The depth of division (crushing) on \u200b\u200btaxonometric units is justified by traffic attendance, the availability and accessibility of tourist information, the willingness of local authorities to promote the development of active tourism in the region. Such projects as a contest "Seven Wonders of Russia" are also working on an increase in tourist informativeness, traveler festivals, hiking championships (tourist routes).

Classification of routes

The classification of tourist routes in the campaigns may be on various features:

  1. Method of movement (pedestrian, ski, mountain, bike, equestrian, sailing, water, speleo).
  2. Duration (multi-day or output trips: one, two, three-day).
  3. Complexity (category trips (1-6 category), power (1-3 degree) and wellness, for the Sign of GTO, "Young Tourist of Russia" and "Tourist of Russia", as well as walking "mattress")
Types of tourism and characteristics of hiking Categories of hikes
Duration of hikes in the days
(no less)
6 8 10 13 16 20
The length of the route in kilometers,
(no less)
pedestrian 100 120 140 170 210 250
ski 100 140 180 210 240 270
mining 100 120 140 150 160 160
water 150 160 170 180 190 190
cycling 300 400 500 600 700 800
motorcycle 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 -
automotive 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 -
sailing 150 250 300 400 500 700
Number of caves for heaven 4 3 3 1 1 1

Classification of maximum categories of complexity for all types of tourism in the main areas of Russia

Areas Types of tourism
pedestrian ski. mountain water
Kola Peninsula III V. V.
Arkhangelsk region, Komi ASSR III V. IV
Karelia, Leningrad and Vologda region III III IV
Middle plain part of the European territory of the USSR II. II. II.
South plane part of the European territory of the USSR I. I. II with email. III Western Caucasus IV V. III with email VI
Caucasus Central VI III with email VI
Caucasus East IV V. IV with email VI
Transcaucasia III V. III III with email V.
Ural Polar IV VI IV
Ural Polar, V. VI IV
North Ural III V. III
Ural Medium and South III III II.
West Siberian. lowland III IV III
Deserted and semi-desert regions of Central Asia III II.
Pamiro Alai. VI VI
Pamir VI VI
Tien Shan Western IV IV VI
Tien Shan Central VI VI
Tien Shan North V. VI
Altai V. VI VI VI
Dzhungarian Alatau Kuznetsky Alatau IV V. IV
Sayan Western V. V. V.
Sayan East V. VI II. VI
Taimyr and Plateau Puratorna V. VI V.
Krasnoyarsk Territory (other areas) V. V. V.
Baikalia, Transbaikalia V. VI III VI
Khabarovsk region, Primorye V. V. V.
Yakutia, Magadan region, Chukotka VI VI V.
Kamchatka VI VI
Sakhalin region, Kurili O-va IV
Areas Type of tourism
bicycle avtooto. speleo
Baltic II. II.
Carpathians IV V. III
Caucasus V. V. V.
Central Asia and Kazakhstan V. V. V.
Ukraine (other regions), Belarus, Moldova III III IV
RSFSR: European North V. V. III
central Russia III III
european Southeast V. III
Ural V. V. III
Altai V. V. III
Western Siberia IV V. III (Sayany),
II (Kuznetsky Alatau and Mountain Shoria)
Eastern Siberia and Far East V. V. I.

Camping output

Weekend hiking (PVD) in duration differ from one to three days. Motion modes are distinguished in campaigns: wellness and sports (by speed). The organizers of the weekend campaigns are amateur tourists, tourist clubs, sections, and often institutions general educational and additional education (in tourist and local lore purposes).

Weekend hiking routes are selected spontaneously, under the influence of sources of tourist information (booklets, guidebooks, clubs, including electronic Internet guidebooks). Route saturation Attractions often determine the cognitive content of hikes. The increase in the tourist informativeness of the territory (the presence and availability of tourist information) leads to an increase in the number of hiking, to an increase in the number of developed and replicable routes.

To encourage active participants in the PVD in Russia, the tourist and sports union of Russia (TSSR) developed and primary tourist groups in the country are issued massive award badges "Tourist of Russia". To fulfill the standards of the tourist icon, it is necessary to make at least 5 trips of the output day (PVD), designed by a route list, a total length of at least 75 km on foot or 200 km on a bicycle ...

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  • - O. Site tourist hits, with reports of past campaigns.


Trailer characterizing tourist hike

- e! Vasya! - answered joyfully Nesvitsky. - Yes, what are you?
- The ESCAD "ONU PG" can not be closed, - Vaska Denisov shouted, viciously by opening white teeth, peppering his beautiful crow, a blowed Bedouin, who blinking ears from the bayonets to which he stumbled, snorty, splashing around himself a foam with mouthpiece, ringing, He beat the hooves on the boards of the bridge and, it seemed, was ready to jump over the railing of the bridge, if the sedok would allow him. - What is it? As a bug "Ana! At exactly the exact bug" Ana! GHG "Ok ... give your dog" Ogu! ... stand there! You're a wagon, chog "t! Sable zeg" I'll clean! - He shouted, really taking out the naked saber and starting to wave it.
Soldiers with frightened persons pressed each other, and Denisov joined Nesvitsky.
- What are you not drunk now? - said Nesvitsky Denisov, when he drove up to him.
- And then the VG "Emey will not give! - answered Vaska Denisov. - A whole day is there, then the regiment is dragging here. DG" AWER - So DG "ARCH. And then, he knows what it is!
- What are you scoop now! - looking around his new mentor and Valtrap, said Nesvitsky.
Denisov smiled, pulled a scarf from Tashka, spread the smell of perfume, and put Nesvitsky into the nose.
- It is impossible, in the case I go! Select "Overall, the teeth cleaned and shed.
The Osanovy figure of Nesvitsky, accompanied by the Cossack, and the decisiveness of Denisov, Mahavei Sable and desperately screamed, have worked so that they were swaying on the side of the bridge and stopped the infantry. Nesvitsky found a colonel from the exit, which he had to give orders, and, fulfilling his order, went back.
Clearing the road, Denisov stopped at the entrance to the bridge. Carelessly holding back the stallion rushing toward her and taking his foot, he looked at the squadron moving towards him.
On the boards of the bridge, the transparent sounds of hoofs were heard, as if he had a few horses, and the squadron, with officers ahead of four people in a row, stretched over the bridge and began to go to the other side.
Stopped infantry soldiers, crowing in a mushroom mushroom, with the most special incurious sense of alienation and ridicule, how commonly different types of troops are found, looked at clean, silent hussar, slightly passed by them.
- Elegant guys! If only the renovinsky!
- What is the right from them! Only at the bottom and water! - said another.
- Infantry, not dust! "He joked a hussar, under which the horse, Slap, splashed the mud in the infantryman.
- Would drive you with the early transition two, the laces would be rushed, - wiping the sleeves of dirt from the face, the infantryman said; - And then not a man, and the bird is sitting!
"That would be, Zikin, put on the horse, the clefts would be," joked a corner over the spirits, jarred from the severity of the wreck of a soldier. "
"Take a baton between the legs, here's a horse," Gusar responded.

The rest of the infantry hurriedly passed on the bridge, spoiling a funnel at the entrance. Finally, everything went through, the crusher became smaller, and the last battalion joined the bridge. Some hussars squadron Denisov remained on the other side of the bridge against the enemy. The enemy, in the distance visible from the opposite mountain, from the bottom, from the bridge, was not still visible, since the river flowed, the horizon ends up the opposite elevation of no further half-head. There was a desert in front of which a bunch of our traveling Cossacks moved. Suddenly, on the opposite elevation of the road, troops in blue hoods and artillery appeared. These were the French. Traveling Cossacks Rysnye away from the mountain. All officers and people of Denisov's squadron, although they tried to talk about outsiders and look around, did not stop thinking only about what was there, on the mountain, and were indiscriminately everyone looked at the spots that they were recognized for the enemy troops. The weather after noon again turned out, the sun brightly descended over the Danube and the dark mountains surrounding it. It was quiet, and from that mountain occasionally the sounds of horns and the cries of the enemy. There was no one between the squadron and enemies, except for small jets. Empty space, in three hundred, separated them from it. The enemy stopped shooting, and the more clearly, the strict, formidable, impregnable and elusive line was felt, which shares two enemy troops.
"One step for this line, reminiscent of the line separating the alive from the dead, and is the unknownness of suffering and death. And what's there? who's there? There, behind this field, and tree, and the roof lighted by the sun? No one knows, and I want to know; And it's terrible to go through this line, and I want to go to her; And you know that sooner or later you have to go through it and find out what's there, on the other side, how inevitably find out what is there, on the other side of death. And Silen himself, healthy, cheerful and annoyed and surrounded by such healthy and irritably lively people. " So if he does not think, he feels every person who is in mind the enemy, and the feeling of it gives a special shine and the joyful sharpness of the impressions of everything that happens during these minutes.
At the bug, the enemy seemed to smoke shots, and the kernel, whistling, flew over the heads of the hussar squadron. Officers standing together, destroyed places. Hussars diligently began to level the horses. In the squadron, everything is silent. Everyone looked forward to the enemy and on a squadron commander, waiting for the team. Flying other, third core. Obviously, they shot in the gusar; But the kernel, evenly whistling, flew over the heads of the hussar and hit somewhere behind. The hussars did not look around, but with each sound of the fluttering nucleus, as if on the team, the whole squadron with his one-eyed various persons, holding back the breath while the kernel was flying, lifted on the stirred and lowered again. Soldiers, without turning the heads, mowed on each other, with curiosity looking for the impression of a comrade. On every face, from Denisov to the Gornyst, it seemed about the lips and chin one common feature of the struggle, irritation and excitement. The Wahmyster frowned, looking around the soldiers, as if threatening his punishment. The Junker of Mironov was bent each time the nucleus span. Rostov, standing on the left flank on his touched legs, but a prominent barbecue, had a happy view of a student caused to the big public to the exam in which he is sure that he would distinguish. He is clear and light looked around at all, as if asking for paying attention to how he calmly stands under the nuclei. But in his face, the same feature of something new and strict, against his will, was shown near the mouth.
- Who is standing there? Junk "MiG" Onov! Hexag "Osho, I look at me" Ite! - shouted Denisov, who did not stand still and who spit on the horse in front of the squadron.
Kurrynoye and black-woven face of Vaska Denisov and his whole little shot down figure with its housingist (with short fingers, covered with hair) with a brush, in which he kept Ephesus out of the saber, was exactly the same as always, especially in the evening, after drunk Two bottles. He was only more commonly red and, taking his shaggy head up, like birds, when they drink, ruthlessly pressing their little legs spurs in the Boca Bedouin's Boca, he, as if falling back, crushed to another squadron flank and shouted a hoarse voice, shouted to examine Pistols. He drove to Kirsten. The headquarters of the Rothmist, on a wide and power mare, went to meet Denisov towards Denisov. The headquarters of Rothmist, with his long mustes, was serious, as always, only his eyes glittered more ordinary.
- What? He said to Denisov, "the case does not reach the fight. Here you will see, we leave.
- Chog "T them knows what they do - grunted Denisov. - And! M." Osters! He shouted by Junker, noticing his cheerful face. - Well, waited.
And he smiled approvingly, apparently rejoicing at the Juncker.
Rostov felt completely happy. At this time, the boss seemed on the bridge. Denisov picked up to him.
- Your GHG "Eugene! Let me attack! I am their ODG" Okina.
"What are the attacks here," said the chief of a bullish voice, firing, as from a rapid flies. - And why are you standing here? See, flanks retreat. Enter back the squadron.
The squadron crossed the bridge and left under the shots without losing a single person. Following him, the second squadron, former in the chain, and the last Cossacks cleared the other side.
Two squadron of Pavlogradtsev, going the bridge, one by one, went back to the mountain. The regimental commander Karl Bogdanovich Schubert drove up to the squadron of Denisov and drove a step near Rostov, who did not pay any attention to him, despite the fact that after the former collision for the calf, they saw each first time. Rostov, feeling at the front of the man's power, before which he now considered himself guilty, did not descend the eye from the athletic back, the blond nape and the red neck of the regimental commander. Rostov then it seemed that Bogdanch was only pretended by inattentive, and that the whole goal was now to experience the courage of the Junker, and he straightened and looked at the fun; It seemed to him that Bogdanch was deliberately rushing close to show Rostov his bravery. That he thought that his enemy was now deliberately send a squadron into a desperate attack to punish him, Rostov. It was thought that after the attack he would suit him and generously would stretch him, wounded, hand of reconciliation.
Familiar to Pavlogradtsam, with highly adhesive shoulders, Figure Gherkova (he recently dropped out of their regiment) drove up to the regimental commander. Gorkov, after his exile from the main headquarters, did not stay in the regiment, saying that he was not a fool in the front strap pull, when he at the headquarters, not doing anything, he would receive awards more, and knew how to put the ordinar to the prince Bagration. He came to his former chief with the orders from the head of Ariergard.
"Colonel," he said with his gloomy seriousness, referring to the enemy of Rostov and looking around his comrades, "ordered to stop, the bridge will be lit.
- Who ordered? - Colonel asked sullenly.
"I don't know, the colonel who ordered," the cornet seriously answered seriously - but only the prince ordered me: "Go and tell the Colonel, so that the hussars returned soon and would have lit the bridge."

What do we mean by the term "campaign"? Determine this is the most important concept for our subject. Tourist campaign - this is a short travel time (in most cases from 1-2 to 15-20 days) with active methods of movement (on foot, skiing, by bike, on rowing courts) throughout the route. Thus, the campaign is just a private case (type) tourist travel, where tourists travel along the route due to their muscle strength. Consequently, other types of travel, where to move along the route, tourists use any types of transport or animals (pack, driving), strictly speaking "campaign" are not.

How to classize tourist hiking? As in the material of previous lectures, the classification will begin with the most important basis - the goals of the campaign (Fig. 1). Tourist hiking, according to their goalare divided for hiking recreational (educational and recreational) and hiking sports (training and sports). Given the previously specified classification of recreational tourism (Lecture 2), we can, in turn, recreational campaigns to divide the recreational and healthy hiking (they are called simply in the literature simply healthy), recreational and educational (for example, environmental campaigns), recreational and sports ( For example, adventure). Dominant targets recreational and healthy Hiking are a full-fledged rest and recovery of their participants. Before recreational and cognitive Changes, in addition, also become informative (educational) goals and objectives.

IN recreational and sports The campaigns of the participants are implemented in overcoming a complex route containing natural obstacles (sports component). At the same time, the participants of the campaign do not put far-reaching sports purposes for themselves, do not seek athletic title, participate in competitions. Their goal is to "injected" adrenaline in the blood of adrenaline by means of sports tourism, "cool" to change the amount of life for a while. In the educational and recreational campaigns, the main goal is to train participants in the necessary tourist techniques and tactics of conducting campaigns, as well as mastering participants in the methodology for recreational campaigns (preparation of future tourist specialists in marching conditions).

Dominant target sports Hiking is to improve the possibilities of participants in overcoming classified routes and increase their sports skills, qualifications. In training and sports campaigns, in addition, the goal of training of participants in various tourist techniques (techniques to overcome natural obstacles) and the methodology for conducting sports campaigns (preparation of sports tourism instructors in marching conditions). Sports hiking are additionally classified according to their category of complexity, which we will talk about below.

Based on the method of movement Any hiking (recreational and sports) are divided into four types: pedestrian (in the mountains - mining and pedestrian), skiing, water and cycling. In the case of sports tourism, only data four types of hikes are included in the discharge requirements of a uniform sports classification (ESC) of the Republic of Belarus and only they concern those adopted in the Republic of Belarus "Rules for the Sports Tourist Hiking" (hereinafter "Rules"). At the same time, in the Russian Federation to sports classification included standards for 10 types of tourism: pedestrian, skiing, mountain, water, cycling, auto-motor tuning, speleotourism (travel in caves), sailing (collapsible ships), horse and combined. According to the results of the corresponding campaigns, sports discharges and titles are assigned.

Fig. 1 Classification of tourist hiking on the basis of their purpose.

Based on the duration of the campaign (in days) all trips can be divided into weekend hiking and multi-day trips.Hike with active ways of movement, but not providing for the organization of the night in itself, is not a campaign - this is so-called. tourist walk. The campaign, providing for the organization of one of the two beds (usually carried out on weekends), is customary called a weekend trip. In the overwhelming majority, weekend hikes are organized for the purpose of recovery and recreation of participants. In addition, they can pursue educational purposes (as in case of hiking with students studying tourism) and training goals (as part of the program of the preparatory period before the implementation of sports campaigns). Multi-day trips can be both recreational campaigns and sports.

"Green" Tourists are often lost in guesses: what things are desirable to take, and what it is better not to think about it; where you can do conventional clothes and shoes, and where special hiking equipment will be required, etc. Answers to these questions are simple, and to look for them in the already accumulated experience.

Backpack for hike

It is with backpacks that it is recommended to begin preparation for the campaign. The punch bag must meet the five requirements: comfort, capacity, lightness, fortress and protection against water. All of them are equally important. For example, a comfortable backpack that does not accommodate all the necessary things; Cream but uncomfortable; Durable, but the passing moisture is equally inferior. Still, the key value has convenience. Long-term hiking transition with an incorrectly selected backpack means inevitable back pain, in the muscles, an indifferent feeling of gravity. Where it will be here before the aesthetic pleasure of nature ...

But the backpack is selected, purchased: it's time to fill it. This is the same as the same rule as when loading offshore ships: heavy and volume are put down and closer to the back, light and small - up and in external pockets. Be sure to consider the fragility of some things and how they will interact with each other. You can increase the protection against moisture, if you put a large polyethylene package inside the backpack.

Immediately after laying things, try how the downloaded backpack will stay on the shoulders. Pour on the spot, making sure that he does not publish outsided sounds. Go around the room, bend, try to remove and wear anew, get things from the external pockets of a dressed backpack, climb and go down the stairs at least a couple of floors - in general, check your fucking as much as possible traveling situations.

Clothes and shoes hike

On the territory of Russia, even during the summer at night is cool, especially at the beginning and at the end of the tourist season. Therefore, you should always have warm clothes in the campaign. Hats will help avoid sunbath and do not react to small rain. Two or three cotton T-shirts (they are better than shirts, since there is no risk of buttoning buttons), shorts for hot watches, dense non-smoke trousers in case of cooling and overcoming overgrown areas of the sections - this is a "solemn set" of this tourist.

Camping shoes as close as possible is adjusted in size. Balance should be observed between the strength of the sole and the ease of the shoes itself. With unstable weather, when visiting places inhabited by poisonous snakes, high boots are extremely important; Rubber boots will use rubber boots in the territory of reultering rivers and lakes. In order not to take with you an umbrella, constraining the freedom of the traveler, it is necessary to replace it with an indiscriminate cape.

Food for hike

Even if the entire campaign does not exceed five to seven hours, the organization should be thought out in advance. There are two main variables that affect it: this is a scheduled transition time and the number of participants. Discuss in advance your personal food preferences and antipathy, allergic disorders. Buying products and the creation of their stock, distribution during the trip better entrust to someone alone. Otherwise, the situation at the hiking pot will be reminded by "Breakdown and Shatting": everything seemed to have taken anything, but very little is very sensitive. The greatest types of provisions should be distributed equally between all the participants of the campaign.

  • Products prone to references, store in plastic containers with hermetically closing covers (for example, for croup very good to use bottles).
  • In the absence of refrigerator bags, it is impossible to take anything perishable!
  • Follow spices, salt, sugar, tea, coffee, chocolate and nuts.

No less important is the presence of drinking water. Sometimes travelers are lucky, and they go around the terrain, abounding springs. But it happens very rarely, and water transfer should be thought out. Let each of the participants of the hike, with them a small plastic bottle for this purpose. It is followed to distribute products, among other things, and with the settlement, so that the remaining remaining alone had them with themselves for a day, and if they are able to themselves.

Cooking in the campaign means using heat-resistant dishes with handles that will not be allowed to burn. Disposable plates, as well as reusable plastic containers. The bowler we carry in the case of burlap: it's still useless to wash it, it is instantly covered with nagar. Cutlery Put into a tightly wrapped strong fabric.

What else remains? Of course, overnight. Tents will help them comfortably and safely. Take those of them that are in need of all participants, and at the same time correspond to weather conditions. Sleeping bags, tourist mats are also absolutely necessary. Instead of the pillow it is worth using an overhead clothing twisted into the roll.

From among the other things needed in the campaign, you should mention:

  • chewing gum (saves a place, allows you to spend less water than a brush and pasta);
  • liquid soap (less water is also spent);
  • wet wipes (well wipe sweat and dirt);
  • summer - sunscreen cream;
  • pocket lamp;
  • knife, ax, compass, repellents;
  • matches or lighter;
  • a set of medicines for first aid and preparations necessary for individuals;
  • garbage bags.

With a sufficiently long campaign, it makes sense to take a wagon, signal missiles. In any case, notify someone about the route of movement, about the point of destination and the checks of the arrival there. Hike in a mountainous area It is advisable to start only after registering the rescuers.

  • LEAD "D., but, m. 1. Movement, the transition of troops or vessels from one terrain to another to perform any. (advantage. Combat) tasks. Again to take a fight on the campaign. Exploration at the campaign. The squadron was preparing for a campaign. Even the campaign of Iduchi, more than once in the saddle of the Metal Bank. Saltykov-Shchedrin. In the campaign, for example, come in place; What do you order to do? Pushkin. 2. for someone or against anyone. Military Actions against Someone ... Even before the coming to power of the current German politicians, after their arrival - in Germany, the struggle between the two political lines began, between the politics of the old, which was reflected in the well-known Treaties of the USSR with Germany, and the "new" policy, which reminds basically policies The former German Kaiser, who occupied the same time to Ukraine and made a campaign against Leningrad, turning the Baltic countries in a bridgehead for such a campaign, and the "new" policy explicitly takes the top over the old. Stalin (1934). Extremely in cases and campaigns against the enemy (Count in the ancient formulars). Italian p. Russian commander Suvorov. The officers who went to the campaign were almost attendants, returned, induced on the shuffle air, fought by crosses. Pushkin. Crimean trips in the 17th century. Crusades (see Cross). || . Organized performance against someone, organized actions to combat anything. Or for something. (new). For the organization of the poor and successful fight against a fist, which has been surplus, the hike workers in the village was organized. History VKP (b). P. All black reaction forces against the USSR. P. Fashism against democracy. 3. only units. Small surplus (in weight, counting; collapse). Three kilo meat with a trip. He hangs the goods without a hike. One hundred and thirty-two fifty hiking lost. Nekrasov.

    For (one) campaign (Pam.) - By the way, along the way, simultaneously with anything. I will go to walk and go to the pharmacy.