Ukraine Crimea. Balaklava is one of the most interesting places in Crimea Museums

A small cozy Balaklava bay, in which there are no storms even in winter and which is not visible from the sea, has conquered and delighted people for many centuries. Tauris, Greeks, Turks, and Genoese lived here, and the British visited. Thanks to the latter, a headdress was named after Balaklava, where there are only holes for the eyes and mouth. Allegedly, during the first defense of Sevastopol, the British were so cold in winter that they invented them. Homer wrote about Balaclava in his Odyssey, Afanasy Nikitin, Kuprin ...

Balaklava as a resort began to develop from the end of the 19th century. Then, on the shore of the bay, princes Yusupov, Gagarin, Apraksin, Count Naryshkin and other representatives Russian nobility dachas began to be built, a mud bath, a hotel, a power station and a telephone appeared in the city.

Now tourists prefer to walk along the embankment, climb to the Cembalo fortress, take a boat trip, eat in one of the fish restaurants, visit the submarine museum.

There is another attraction of Balaklava - cats. There are much more of them here than in Sevastopol and Yalta, they are well-groomed, well-fed and in no hurry. The secret of cat life is easy to unravel: one has only to come to Balaklava in winter and see how one or two representatives of the cat tribe sit near each fisherman.

Genoese heritage

The fortress of Cembalo, towering over the bay, was built by the Genoese in the 14th century. It was then that they settled in Balaklava. However, the first buildings did not last long: Khan Dzhanibek took the fortress and destroyed it. After the conclusion of the peace treaty, Cembalo was returned to the Genoese, and they built serious fortifications on Mount Castron.

A century later, the Genoese again lost Cembalo, control of the fortress passed to the Principality of Theodoro. But the inhabitants quickly managed to win back the city. In 1475 the fortress was occupied by the Turks. They gave it a new name - Balyk-yuv, which translates as "fish nest". Crimean khans who were objectionable to the sultan were sent to Chembalo.

Now only three towers remain from the buildings, including the citadel, as well as the remains of the fortress wall. There are several ways to get to the topmost tower. The lightest one bypasses the other two towers and rises immediately to the top. You need to go left along the beautiful stairs immediately after the cafe "Fisherman's Hut". The second way is harder, but allows you to evaluate the view of the Balaklava bay from each of the three towers. In this case, the main thing is to choose the right path: after the first tower, go up on the right side.

The oldest building in Balaklava

The Temple of the 12 Apostles in Balaklava was still left by the Genoese. According to some sources, the date of foundation is 1357. In the 19th century, a stone was found in the wall of the building, where this date is indicated as the beginning of the construction of the church. The temple has been abandoned since 1772, but before the Crimean War, its reconstruction began. The church started working again in 1875 and was named in honor of St. Nicholas. IN Soviet time The building housed the home of the pioneers.

Embankment Nazukin

The first - still wooden - embankment appeared in Balaklava during the occupation of the British in 1854-55. By the way, they also built the first railway in the city. The current appearance of the embankment was acquired at the end of the 19th century. Now it bears the name of a submariner who headed the revolutionary committee in 1917. From the embankment you can always go for a boat trip along the bay with access to the open sea, as well as to one of the beaches near Balaklava (Middle, Silver, Golden and Fig, Vasili) or on Cape Fiolent (Yashmovy). Boats run only during the tourist season.

Echoes of the Cold War

Only in Balaklava you can visit one of the most secret places Soviet Union. Now there is a museum there, it is often called the submarine museum, although this is not quite the right name. This structure in Mount Tavros was built in case of an atomic war. The construction went on in the strictest confidence for 8 years, all the premises were made by man. A ship repair unit and a nuclear arsenal worked at the facility. The two exits were carefully camouflaged. One of them is still not as easy to find as we would like.

Helpful information

You can get to Balaklava from Sevastopol from the "5th km" stop by bus number 9 or from the city center by bus number 94. If you want to walk along the embankment and climb to the Cembalo fortress, then you need to get off at the "Naberezhnaya" stop.

If you are going to visit the submarine museum, then you need the Obolon stop. From it you need to turn right to the western shore of the Balaklava Bay and walk about 5-10 minutes. Price - 300 rubles, you must wait until the group is typed. Working hours - from 9:30 to 16:00. Monday and Tuesday are days off. The official website of the museum

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Balaklava is located on the shores of the Balaklava Bay, 16 km from Sevastopol. This is one of picturesque corners Crimea.
Balaclava is removed from the main civilization and is not a traditional holiday destination. For those who prefer a passive holiday by the sea, Balaklava is not suitable. Intelligent pensioners and golden youth do not come here. If you are going on vacation with children, Balaklava may not be suitable for you. Couples with children rarely come here. This place was created by nature itself for peace and relaxation.

All three ridges begin on the territory of the Balaklava region near Cape Fiolent Crimean mountains- External, Internal and Main. The length of the sea coast of the Balaklava region is 50 kilometers.

Balaklava is:
- the cleanest beaches on the Crimean coast;
- a city in which underground and underwater archaeological research is currently being carried out;
- parking for yachts of any types and sizes;
- many hotels with rooms from the simplest to the luxury category;
- the most modern diving centers and yacht clubs;
- cafes and restaurants;


The climate of the Balaklava region is very diverse. It depends on the complexity of the relief: from temperate continental, cold, wet on the tops of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains, to dry Mediterranean subtropical on the South Coast. The average annual temperature of Balaklava is only 0.5C lower than in Yalta. Summer in Balaklava is hot and dry. Average monthly temperature fluctuates between 20-22C, and the maximum reaches - 36-38C. Rain is very rare here. The heat is transferred to the coast quite easily due to dry air and cool sea breezes. The water temperature in the sea ranges from +20 to +26C. The air temperature at this time is 25-27C during the day, 13-18C at night. Quantity sunny days per year in Balaklava more than in Yalta. Autumn is warm and mild. The Velvet season lasts until mid-October. May is a warm month, sometimes hot. The temperature can rise up to 30-32C. For many, the bathing season begins.

History pages

In this territory, the first inhabitants (according to archaeological data) from the beginning of the first millennium BC. there were brands. If we take Homer's harbor of Listrigons, described in the "Odyssey" for the Balaklava bay, then the city on its shore in the middle of the first millennium BC. called Telepil. In 422-421 BC. the ancient Greeks came here, who named the bay Simbolon (Syumbolon) Limne (harbor of Symbols), and the city on its shore-Symbolon (Syumbolon). In the 1st century BC. This area was taken over by the Romans. Later, in the middle of the XIV century, the Genoese appeared here, who turned the Greek name Syumbolon (Symbolon) into Chembalo (Tsembalo, Tsembaldo). The Genoese erected defensive structures, towers at the entrance to the bay, built a fortress, the remains of which have survived to this day. In 1475, the Ottoman Turks captured the fortress and named it Balaklava. However locals for a long time continued to call the city Yambold, Yambol or Yamboli, which apparently means distorted Chembalo. A number of researchers deduce the origin of the Turkish name Balaklava from the Turkish words "Balyk-yuve" (fish nest), others - from the word "Balykase" - a fish house. Some researchers believe that the

  • The first base of Russian ships in the Crimea was the Balaklava Bay during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. From here (10 years before the founding of Sevastopol) in 1773. a special team went to the Akhtiar Bay (now Sevastopol) to compile the first detailed maps for the future port.
  • First in Crimea Railway with steam traction was built by the British in Balaklava during the siege of Sevastopol in 1854-1855. The length of the road was almost 13 km (8 miles). It was laid in two months, and at the end of hostilities it was sold to the Turks.
  • The world's first military photographs (360 pieces) were taken in Balaklava by the world's first military photojournalists: Roger Fenton, court photographer of the Queen of Great Britain, and James Robertson, British army photographer.
  • The world's first sister of mercy, Florence Nightingale, was in Balaclava three times (from April 1855 to June 1856).
  • The first underwater exploration work was carried out in Balaklava, which was specially created there in 1923. Soviet EPRON (Special Purpose Underwater Expedition).
  • The first marine diving college in the former Soviet Union was also established in Balaklava in 1931.
  • The world's first intercity tram line, connecting Sevastopol with Balaklava, was laid in 1926. (destroyed during the war, never rebuilt).
  • The first wind power station (WPP) in the USSR was built in Balaklava on the Karan Heights in 1931. (at that time it was the largest in Europe).
  • And, finally, the world's first and only underground harbor (underground plant) for the repair of submarines - "Object No. 825 GTS"
  • English monument to the participants of the Battle of Balaklava.
  • Balaklava Bay
  • St. George's Monastery
  • Stone of Reconciliation.
  • Laspi.
  • Cape Aya.
  • Cape Sarych.
  • Cape Fiolent.
  • Orlinovsky reserve
  • Genoese colony of Cembalo;
  • Numerous excavation sites of ancient Greek colonies and early Christian temples;
  • Operating monasteries and churches;
  • House-museums of Kuprin and Lesya Ukrainka;
  • Scenic hiking and cycling trails.
  • lost world reserve
  • Silver and Golden beaches.
  • The former secret object of the GTS No. 825, and now the Balaklava Naval Museum Complex (locally called the Cold War Museum). Created on the basis of a former closed object-plant for the repair and maintenance of submarines (roads, lock chambers, workshops, an arsenal, a deep-sea channel 608m long, storage facilities, berths, .. 10 sq. Km in the rock mass of Mount Tavros. Its walls had to withstand a blow at least a hundred kiloton atomic bomb.


Located at the foot of the Crimean Mountains, surrounded by pine and juniper forests, Balaklava beaches are very popular. The water here is clean. The bottom is sandy, the sides are rocky. Boulders stick out of the water. The mountains reliably protect the beaches of the Balaklava coast from all winds, only a warm south wind is available. Boats and skiffs (private boats) go to the beach. You can also get to these beaches on foot - to the left of the Cembalo fortress along the picturesque tourist trail walk along the coast. The path goes along the cliff at a height of 100-150 meters. It is better to do this in the evening, returning from the beach. The sun will illuminate the entire magnificent panorama of the Balaklava Bay to the horizon for 40-45 kilometers. The whole journey will take you about 40 minutes from the "Silver" and about an hour and a half from the "Golden" beach. The panorama near the Chembol fortress deserves special attention.

  • "Jasper" or "Monastic" beach. Westernmost point south coast Crimea. From St. George's Monastery, located on Cape Fiolent, the steps of the highest staircase in Crimea lead to it. It descends to the sea from a height of 200 meters and has 800 steps. The beach is about a kilometer long. This is one of the most picturesque and clean beaches of the coast of Balaklava and Cape Fiolent. It is literally strewn with sand and multi-colored small pebbles, and the water is so transparent that every pebble lying on the bottom of the sea is visible. The beach is well equipped and kept clean.
  • Vasili beach. Located between "Yashmov" beach and entrance to Balaklava bay. Shuttle taxis (10 minutes drive) go from the entrance to the former underground factory to the beach. Sand and small pebbles. The water is clean. Lots of free space.
  • "Middle" or "Silver" the beach, got its second name, most likely from the payment for transportation to the boatman in the old days. Due to its accessibility and relatively large size, this is perhaps the most popular beach for those who want to swim, dive, sunbathe. The beach has small pebbles mixed with coarse sand. Stones on both sides. The bottom of the sea is sandy, starting from a depth of 1.5 meters, underwater boulders can come across, so you should dive carefully here. The water is clean. There are places shaded by trees. On the slopes of a mountain overgrown with juniper (for damaging juniper and pine Stankevich can be fined), you can install a tent for spending the night.
  • "Wild" beach. Other name"Naked" . On this beach, overnight stays and those who like to sunbathe like to stop.
  • "Gold" The beach is located at Cape Aya. The beach got its name, most likely from the payment for the transfer to the boatman in the old days. From the "Silver" beach, the upper path leads here. The length of the "Golden" beach is about 800 meters. Width 15-20 meters. More "Middle", but less comfortable. Pebbles, mostly medium and large, there are boulders. Starting from a depth of 1 meter, small islands of boulders peek out of the water from which you can jump and take pictures against the backdrop of a magnificent seascape. There is an opportunity to take a fancy to a secluded place by the sea in a bay (but at the same time it must be remembered that starting from the path leading to Cape Aya, the territory of the Ayazma Republican Reserve begins (foresters may be fined).
  • "Fig" . It differs from other beaches in the amazing purity of the water and pine forest descending almost straight down to the sea.
  • "Shaitan-dere" ("Devil's Ravine"). The beach at the entrance to the Balaklava bay. The name speaks for itself about the danger of traveling to this place of rest, first along a mountain path through steep cliffs, then along a 10-meter metal, and in some places a frail rope ladder attached to the rock. But it is close to Balaklava, and due to the inaccessibility it is not crowded and clean.
  • "Cliff" This is not a beach in the usual sense of the word, but perfect place dive off a steep cliff.
  • "Urban" beach. It is located directly in the Balaklava bay. The closest and most "civilized", with a concrete surface.

Rest in winter

Rest in Balaklava is good not only in summer, but also in winter. Fresh healthy air, deserted beaches of extraordinary beauty and all this is Balaklava, winter holidays here are simply exceptional. And winter holidays in Balaklava are an opportunity not only to have a good rest, but at the same time not to damage the family budget. Most cheap vacation in Balaklava - this is a holiday in the winter. Winter holidays- this is a great opportunity to change the urban landscape for the white splendor of Balaklava Bay.


By public transport from Sevastopol.

From any part of the city by trolleybuses No. 2,12,13,14,15,16,17,20 to the final stop "5th kilometer", and then by bus or fixed-route taxi No. 9 (the same number) to the final one (for the entire journey 10-15 minutes).

By public transport from Simferopol.

From Simferopol railway. station there is a direct bus to Balaklava, and it is also possible with a transfer in Sevastopol

By car from Simferopol

Drive along the Sevastopol highway. Behind Bakhchisarai, near the village of Siren (Syuren), turn left from the Sevastopol highway, and turn right at the village of Tankovoye. On the Sevastopol ring to the left towards Yalta. along the Yalta highway to the right to the pointer to Balaklava.

By car from Sevastopol.

After 2 km after leaving the city, take the right turn along the Yalta highway.

By car from Yalta.

Turn to Balaklava immediately after the village of Oboronnoe behind the restaurant "Puck"

Cembalo Fortress

Balaklava is its own, separate world, unlike anything in Crimea. It is impossible to pass through this city in transit, as through Alushta, Alupka or Yalta - you can only come to it. And you will never regret meeting this unique corner of Crimea. Tourists who come to Balaklava, no matter what time of the year it is, are first of all struck by the beauty of the sea bay, squeezed by stone masses of cliffs and mountains. Fishing boats and yachts are busily scurrying along its transparent surface, and snow-white yachts compete with the whiteness of their sails with seagulls lazily soaring over the water. And an unforgettable view reigns around, clearly traced with bold lines and strokes that Nature, the greatest of painters, sketched here. Beautiful houses and cozy dachas, running up into the mountains in terraces, small gardens, a magnificent embankment, curved by a span, nestled comfortably among the rocks, pleasing the eye with a calm cheerfulness of colors. This whole panorama ends with a majestic cliff, on which a chain of stone walls and towers are widely spread.

Those tourists who love to spend their own know that it is based on a good, interesting excursions, as well as excellent opportunities for outdoor activities on the water. Balaklava is considered a yachting resort of Crimea, and yachting here in last years is developing at a very fast pace, and for yachtsmen Balaclava in winter is no less attractive than in summer. There is nothing surprising in this, since there are never storms in the closed on all sides, and winter is not at all an obstacle to a good sailing trip. Balaclava yacht clubs in winter and summer offer tourists exciting walks along the waters of the bay, as well as to various parts of the Crimea.

In addition, diving is actively developing here, and divers visit Balaklava in winter with the same pleasure as in summer. They are attracted by underwater grottoes, the beauty of the seabed, as well as the opportunities offered by the local dive clubs, such as spearfishing or dive safari.

Submarine base in Balaklava

But most of all, perhaps, it is known for the possibilities of sea fishing, which attracts avid fishing enthusiasts not only from all over the Crimea. Many tourists come here specifically to take part in real sea fishing, and Balaklava, winter in which is soft and warm, provides them with all the opportunities for them to enjoy this exciting activity. And after fishing or other active activities, you can have a great rest in one of them, enjoying its cuisine and excellent Crimean wines in good company. Therefore, if your vacation fell in the winter, you should not postpone your a trip to Balaklava - in winter Here you can relax no worse than in summer.

Choose a holiday in Balaklava 2019 without intermediaries. Resort Balaklava (Crimea) - all on one site. There are prices, reviews, photos and phone numbers for booking.

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Even if you are not going on vacation to Balaklava, but have already chosen another corner Crimean peninsula, then you should definitely look here at least in order to spend time on the local wild beaches.

Balaklava - small resort in the southwestern part of the Crimean peninsula. In the summer, thousands of tourists come here to relax, who are looking not so much for noisy and mass entertainment as for a peaceful holiday surrounded by picturesque landscapes.

Pbeach holidays in Balaklava

In Balaklava mainly beach holiday. There are three beaches that are especially popular with tourists:

  • The "city" beach does not have a developed infrastructure, here you can find only sun loungers, sunshades and cabanas, minimum entertainment;

  • "Matrossky" beach is distinguished by descent into the water along concrete steps, there are sunbeds and awnings from the sun;

  • "Marble" beach is more suitable for families with children - there is a gentle entrance to the water.
  • Every summer, locals and vacationers storm not only these beaches of Balaklava, but also those that are located a little further from the center of the resort. Some of their names speak for themselves: Golden, Silver, Jasper ... Everywhere there is at least minimal entertainment - boat trips boating, boating.

    But not only idle pastime on the beach attracts tourists to the city of Balaklava. They also come here in order to improve the body. There is clean sea air, and the hilly terrain is an opportunity to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system.

    Balaclava in winter

    Many people think that there is absolutely no need to go to the Crimea in winter - the beach season is over, it will no longer be possible to swim in the sea. The peculiarity of the location of the resort allows you to relax in Balaklava in winter. Year-round trips on yachts, boats, under sails are available.

    In cold weather, numerous diving centers in Balaklava continue to operate. Deep diving even after graduation beach season will be able to please everyone - underground grottoes, inhabitants of the seabed will impress everyone.

    Fishing and spearfishing can bring more pleasure when there are fewer tourists around. Local travel agencies organized throughout the year.

    Coming to Balaklava in winter means not only providing yourself leisure, but also taste all the signature dishes in fish restaurants. In addition, walking along the streets even in the cold season will seem pleasant - there are no strong winds here.

    Balaklava (Crimea)

    One way or another, the name of the resort is associated with an abundance of fish in coastal waters. Translated from Turkish, Balaklava means "fish bag", translated from the Crimean Tatar - "fish weather". People inhabited this area even before the era of antiquity, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds. IN different time there was a fishing village, a military camp, a trading port and, finally, a resort.

    How the Balaklava resort has been developing since the end of the 19th century. At this time, the first hotel, private dachas, a mud bath, boarding houses appeared here. Balaklava today is a modern resort area with a developed infrastructure, both adults and children will like to relax here. And how many Soviet films were filmed here? Do not count!

    Such a high popularity of Balaklava is explained by its advantageous geographic location. The proximity of the Black Sea, diverse flora and fauna constantly attracted various nationalities here. There are no storms at all in Balaklava Bay, which means that rest here will take place even despite the bad weather.

    Currently, Balaklava is Russia, its small resort corner on the Crimean peninsula. The location in the bay is extremely beneficial for local population. The center of Simferopol is only a few minutes away by car.

    The weather in Balaklava pleases both in winter and in summer. It has a dry climate close to the Mediterranean. The winds are held back by the surrounding resort mountain ranges. In summer, the heat is easily tolerated, and average temperature this season it stays around +27º. The hottest month of the year is July.

    In winter, there is little snow in Balaklava, but there are often fogs. The weather is mostly cloudy, but this does not prevent you from enjoying the picturesque landscapes. During the off-season, temperature fluctuations are quite common. There is more rain in autumn than in spring.

    Things to Do in Balaklava

    Basically, people come to the city of Balaklava to rest solely for the sake of the beaches. In between trips to the beach, you can look into one of the local cafes, of which there are many in the resort. They serve fresh fish dishes, food prices are reasonable. In the evening, you can go to a bar or night club, where incendiary music plays until the morning and everyone merges in one dance impulse.

    And for those who prefer the cultural program, we can advise you to take a walk through the ruins of the Genoese fortress Cembalo. But the way there is not easy, so you need to prepare for the excursion.

    There is something to see in Balaklava for those who like monuments of religious architecture:

  • Church of the Twelve Apostles - the oldest Orthodox building on the peninsula;

  • St. George Monastery - was founded in the IX century.
  • A walk along the well-maintained Balaklava embankment named after Nazukin will seem pleasant. It offers a wonderful view of both the sea and the city, built on a hill.

    There is also a naval museum complex of the same name in Balaklava, where there are many exhibits - samples of military equipment.

    If the scale of the resort does not seem enough, you can very quickly get to Sevastopol and Bakhchisarai and see the sights there.

    How to get to Balaklava

    To spend, you will have to get to the peninsula by plane or by private car. You can't get there by train. In the best case, you can buy a train ticket to Krasnodar or Anapa, and from there take a bus to the Kerch crossing.

    By car

    How to get to Balaklava from any city in Russia by car? Very simple - move along the M-4 highway to Krasnodar Territory. WITH federal highway turn onto the road to Port Kavkaz. Having overcome the ferry crossing, continue moving towards Sevastopol, this is another 307 km.

    By plane

    The fastest way to get on vacation in Balaklava, you need to buy a plane ticket to Simferopol. From there, the resort can be reached by taxi or bus.