What to see in Budapest. Secret places of Budapest, which you do not find in a typical guidebook what needs to be done in Budapest

Going to watch Budapest - the capital of Hungary, you get a kind of bonus "two in one". Why? Because Budapest is not just historically formed from several cities - and today the Danube River shares it into two parts, I will be dear, which differ from each other. Most likely, you will have the impression that you visited two cities, just visiting different shores. Following our guide, you will visit almost all the sights of Budapest, see both parts of the city and take a walk around the surrounding area.

From this article you will find out what you can see in Budapest in just three days. We offer to start the city's examination from the Pest and Islands of Margit, on the second day I will inspect, and in the third and subsequent visit to the sights in the vicinity of Budapest.

  • Budapest Parliament, Freedom Square and Basilica St. Ishthan
  • Museum Miniversum, Hungarian State Opera House and Avengers
  • House Terror, Gold Museum of Southeast Asia and Heroes Square
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Park Varoshleget and Swimming Centers
  • Castle Vaidakhunyad, Music Academy of Ferenz Leaf and Erzhebetva
  • Hotel Boscolo, big synagogue and chain bridge section
  • Shoes on the Embankment Danube, Newgeti Railway Station and Pinbol Museum
  • Margit Island, Palatinus Bath and Tomb Gul Baba
  • Fisherman Bastion, Church of St. Mathia and the Museum "Hospital in the Rock"
  • Palace of Shanndor and the Royal Palace, Museum of the History of Budapest
  • Battle of Rat, Bathing Kiray and Mount Hellert
  • Statue of Liberty, Cave Gellert and Bathing Gellert
  • Bridge of Freedom, Big Market and Hungarian National Museum
  • Waci Street, Aquaworld Waterpark and Aquinkum Museum
  • Museum of Kiscked, Mountain Nature Reserve Shash and the Palace of Arts
  • Museum of Ludwig, Big Flea Market "Escery Pic"
  • Memento Park and Brounswick Castle

In order to be convenient to navigate where all these sights are located and how it is more convenient to get to them, at the bottom of the article there is a map with the sights of Budapest in Russian, on which marks are applied with a description.

What to see in Budapest - 1st day

Pest is the flat part of the city, which facilitates the trip, there is also a considerable part of popular attractions. Therefore, it is recommended to start the inspection of Budapest from this shore. Budapest Parliament, Museums, Square and many other interesting places can be visited on the first day, and later to join the city's nightlife.

Start acquaintance with the city stands from the parliament building - it is not for nothing that it is considered a business card of Budapest. The construction went at the end of the 19th - early 20th century, the scale of the building and his finish is impressive to this day. It will be interesting and inspect it from all sides, and, of course, to visit the parliament inside, best with the guide. Sculptures, gilding, stained glass windows, the famous dome room - you can see all this in less than an hour, but the impressions will remain for a long time.

Near the main attractions of Budapest there is only unfortunate accommodation options. Here they are:

  • Premium Apartment Parliament. Rating - 9.3 based on 51 reviews. Price 35 euros.
  • Apartment Garibaldi.. Rating - 8.6 based on 275 reviews. Price 30 euros.
  • Hotel Parlament 4 *. Rating - 9.3 based on 2,173 reviews. Price 65 euros.

After the inspection of the Budapest parliament, you can go deep into the city and go to the Freedom Square. It is also a square, which will make a walk even more pleasant. Until 1886, there were barracks here, but when they were demolished, there was decided on the released place to equip area. Today you can see a memorial, a fountain and several beautiful buildings: the National Bank, the Building of the Exchange, etc.

Freedom Square is also the very center of Budapest. Here are some options for budget housing here:

  • Boomerang Hostel. Rating - 8.2 based on 1,826 reviews. Price 11 euros.
  • Two-level Apartment Feel Different. Rating - 9.2 based on 145 reviews. Price 25 euros.
  • Hotel President 4 *. Rating - 8.2 based on 2 362 reviews. The price of 60 euros.

This is the largest temple in Budapest, its construction took over 50 years and was completed only in 1905. Basilica is valid, services are held here, but it is also open for tourists. Inside, you can admire the painting on the dome, mosaic decorations, see the sculpture of St. Ishthan. Basilica regularly host concerts of classical music, including organ, you can also climb the observation platform.

In this museum, it is necessary to look at those who came to Budapest with children. However, both adults will be interested here: besides the exhibits themselves, some of them can be assessed by the sense of humor of their creators.

Miniversum gathered under one roof several cities at once, more precisely - their strongly reduced, but no less accurate versions. Here you can look at the Budapest layout, as well as other cities of Hungary, Germany and Austria. Many exhibits are interactive, trains and trams are driving on them, the ringing bells are heard. Some of these "special effects" can be launched independently using the buttons near the layouts.

Maximum details about the city and its history will tell the locals on these excursions:

  • Walk through Budapest and legendary ruins-baram. Rating - 4.9 based on 122 reviews. Price 30 euros.
  • City of Yozfa: Tourists are prohibited!. Rating - 4.8 based on 68 reviews. Price 49 euros.
  • Alternative Budapest. Rating - 4.9 based on 18 reviews. Price 30 euros.

The Opera House in Budapest was opened in 1884, but the first 4 years was not popular. Everything changed when Gustav Maleter became the main conductor of the theater. With it, all productions have entered a qualitatively new level and were translated into Hungarian. All this contributed attendance, and soon the theater became one of the main cultural places of the capital.

To date, the opera building is located on reconstruction, but you can still order a tour, during which it is possible to inspect some of the rich interiors and even listen to two aria from the existing artists of the theater.

The purpose of his design was to reduce the burden on other streets, but gradually it was decided to make a prospect of the attraction of the city. This street was opened in 1876 and was named after the prime minister acted at the time. Palaces, museums, cozy coffee shops - all this makes prospectus an amazing place for which it is worth a walk.

There are many options for inexpensive housing on Prospekt. Here are some optimal price and quality:

  • Hotel SILVER BUDAPEST CITY CENTER 3 *. Rating - 8.9 based on 3 110 reviews. Price 35 euros.
  • Apartment Onyx. Rating - 9.4 based on 159 reviews. Price 30 euros.
  • Apartment Creative - Rozsa. Rating - 8.6 based on 32 reviews. Price 25 euros.

This museum will be interesting to tourists who are interested in history. Of course, the impression of the city is better to get a versatile, but too impressive people are better to decide in advance, whether they want to visit this exposition, or on the first day they wish to get more positive emotions.

There is a museum in a strict gray building, whose roof on sunny days discards the inscription "Terror" on the wall. Here is information about the occupation period of Hungary. In the post-war time in the building there was a prison, so the museum also describes the fate of prisoners.

Let's go through the avenue further, and the next point in our plan is the Gold Museum of Southeast Asia. The museum contains more than 1000 exhibits, although the whole collection that the Diplomat was collected by the diplomat Ishtan Zelnik, includes about 50,000 items. Here you will see gold and silver products of different eras from India, China, as well as interesting jewelry exhibits of religious subjects.

Having reached the end of the avenue, we get to the Heroes Square, which was founded in 1896. On it you will see the statue of the Archangel Gabriel, the memorial of the dead Hungarian soldiers, colonnades and monuments.

This is one of the most important places in the city, here in an unusual form to learn about the historical events and many famous personalities of Hungary depicted on the bas-reliefs. Here you can walk for a long time, examining sculptures. Also on the square is the Museum of Fine Arts, which deserves your attention.

This museum was also opened in 1986, there were collected collections of art of different countries, which are based on the meeting belonging to the Princes of Esterhazi. Here you will see the works of different eras, from antiquity to the present day, and the inspection will not take more couple hours. However, the museum contains not only permanent exposition, but also temporary exhibitions, which are also quite interesting.

Park Varoshleget is one of the favorite places of recreation from both tourists and citizens. Here you can visit the Botanical Garden, the zoo, a children's amusement park, ride a boat (or ice skating), dine in the restaurant and find many other activities. Also on the territory of the park there are castle and bathing, where we will go later.

Bathing is one of the items of the "Program of Minimum" for all who are departed in Budapest. It's time to inspect one of them - the swimming pool, which is in the park vasolaget. It represents a whole ensemble of buildings and pools, which was built in the early 20th century.

The bath is located above the source of hot water, which is also called the source of St. Ishthan. Here you can swim in thermal waters, visit the paired and use therapeutic procedures, including various types of healing baths, mud poultices, gymnastics in water, massage, etc.

Vaidakhunyad castle resembles a fairy tale palace, to get into which you can, having passed on the bridge. It was built in 1908 after in 1896, the historical pavilion Vaidakhunyad was presented in this place - wooden and cardboard models of historic buildings. The project was so liked by citizens that it was decided to repeat it already in stone.

Today you can see reduced copies of buildings: monastery, chapels, Palazzo, etc. Also here is a sculpture to the writer Anonymous. It is believed that touching the sculpture makes a person smarter, and students help to learn better.

From the Park Varoshleget, you can return along the Avengers Avenue and go to the next place of our plan - to the Music Academy of Ferrency Sheet. It was founded in 1875 and today is not only an educational institution, but also a platform for speeches of students and teachers of the Academy. You can admire the building outside, and you can from the inside - during a concert or excursion. Excursions are at fixed time, so you know the schedule in advance.

Erotic Museum in Budapest

Budapest Museum of Erotic and Sex is one of the most unusual museums in the Hungarian capital. It was opened in 2019 in Budapest at Jókai Tér 7 and immediately began to gain popularity of citizens and tourists thanks to an unusual exposure. In addition to the inspection of the main exhibits, it is also possible to visit the thematic art gallery and the exhibition of BDSM-devices. The entrance to the museum, of course, is allowed only to adults.

Erzhebetva - the most populated area of \u200b\u200bBudapest, also known as the "Ruin Pubs Area". Named pubs are not so easy, because they are in old buildings, some of which are dilapidated. In these institutions there are no doors - why interfere with the free movement of customers? - And uncomfortable design at first can surprise you. An unusual atmosphere is reigned here, for which tourists come from all over the world.

Hotel Boscolo - New York Cafe

Is it often in the list of attractions you can see hotels and restaurants? However, the five-star Boscolo Hotel and New York Cafe are really worth seeing or visiting them. This majestic building is striking from the street, and the interiors, and the cafe is recognized as the most beautiful in the world. Here, the traditions and luxury of the decoration are harmoniously combined, the creative elite of the city was gathered here.

You can find out how much the room in this chic hotel can be reference below:

A large synagogue in Budapest is indeed one of the largest in Europe and can accommodate about 3,000 people. Inside, she reminds a little Catholic Cathedral - there are benches and tribunes here. The memorial park near the building is an unusual, but the impressive memorial victims of the Holocaust is Metal IVA, on the leaves of which the names of the dead are engraved. The synagogue should be inspected from the inside, feel the unusual atmosphere that many visitors celebrate. This can be done independently, but can be a free excursion that start at a certain time.

After the inspection of the synagogue, you can walk back to the embankment, where we are waiting for the next attraction - the chain bridge section, the first permanent bridge over the Danube in Budapest. It was built by 1849 and became a kind of symbol of the association of cities. He is named after one of the investors of the construction of the bridge, Ishthan Section. During the war, the bridge was partially destroyed, but by 1949 he managed to restore, retaining the authenticity of the appearance.

Dozens of cast-iron pairs of shoes on the Danube embankment - memorial victims of the Holocaust, which members of the Hungarian Party "Crossed Arrows" were killed in 1944-1945. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe monument is inextricably linked with real events: before execution, the Jews were forced to go out on the embankment, left shoes for sale. The memorial project was thought out to the smallest detail: all pairs of shoes were created according to real models of the 1940s. Here often leave flowers and candles, lamps, and near children's shoes - candy and toys.

Once again, passing along the embankment by the parliament building, you can minimize to Newgeti Railway Station, named by area on which it is located. This is one of the main stations of Budapest. In 1846, at this place there was only one station, but by 1877 a modern building was erected. At the same time, the construction was carried out in such a way that he did not bother the work of the railway. Since 1911, you can also visit the Budapest Railway Museum.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Fish Village, hotels and apartments, optimal price and quality with excellent views are located. Here they are:

  • City Hotel Ring 3 *. Rating - 8.9 based on 1 114 reviews. The price is 40 euros.
  • Hotel Metro 3 *. Rating - 8.5 based on 433 reviews. Price 45 euros.
  • Podmaniczky Apartments. Rating - 8.9 based on 404 reviews. Price 25 euros.

This unusual museum begins to work in the afternoon, and its "exposition" includes slot machines of different years, most of which are pinball. It will be interesting here and children, and adults, whose childhood had to be the flourishing of this game. Most of the presented slot machines in excellent working condition, and the entrance ticket includes the cost of games, additionally throw coins to recall the childhood and to push the buttons and levers is not required.

Margit Island - Natural Reserve in the center of the big city, visit this unusual place is worth each tourist. Its length is only two and a half kilometer. Here you can relax in the park, look at the dancing fountain, relax and snack in a cafe, visit the Japanese garden, the ruins of the cathedral, and the bathhouse of Palatinus.

Bathing Palatinus is a place for water entertainment, and for healthcare procedures. There are pools, water park, saunas, wellness rooms and much more. This bath is included in the list of the best outdoor pools of the world, and you can visit it with the whole family: a suitable occupation is also for adults, and for children.

After walking on Margit Island, you can briefly look into the second part of the city to see the tomb of Gul Baba, Turkish Dervish. It was built in the middle of the 16th century, in the 17th century she became a Catholic chapel, but after was returned to Muslims. Several times the tomb collapsed and restored, today it is not just a religious structure, but also a place of pilgrimage.

What to see and where to go to Budapest - 2nd day

On the second day it is time to familiarize yourself with the area of \u200b\u200bBuda. He is more quiet and calm, but the hill is walking here. Start best with a fishing bastion, one of the most important attractions of Budapest, and then visit the famous bathing, museums and even the cave. This part of the city also has what surprise you!

This unusual monumental building, built in the early 20th century, is located on a hill, so you can see a fishing bastion from any part of the city. It acts in the opposite direction: from the bastion you can see the Budapest.

Turks, galleries, wide stairs ... Bastion has not been reconstructed more than once, but still the spirit of history is well felt here. Earlier, at this place was the area on which they traded the fish, from where the name appeared. Despite the fact that it is a bastion, it has never been used for defense. The structure was carried, rather, aesthetic function, as it was built as a background for the Church of St. Mathia.

This is one of the most beautiful buildings in the city and, moreover, one of the most vintage. The church was built in the second half of the 13th century, after that several times reconstructed and expanded, but never was destroyed and thanks to talented architects retained its medieval appearance. However, inside the church a bit "younger" - the interiors here are 19th century. To examine them, nevertheless, it is worth: there are sculptures, and painting, and beautiful stained glass windows.

Museum "Hospital in the Rock" in Budapest

During the Second World War in the old dungeons of Budapest (about 10 km long), a secret hospital was organized, which by 1944 remained almost the only one in the city. The site remained until 2002 - in the post-war time it was a bunker in case of a nuclear attack.

In 2008, a museum was opened here in which you can find out the history of the events of the last century, as well as see the preserved old medical equipment, communication devices, photos and documents.

Palace Shanndor was built in the early 19th century, today is the residence of President Hungary. The building is rather modest, but beautiful, and the main rich decoration is inside. Most of the time the palace is closed for visiting, but in the fall, when the exhibition of Architectural heritage of Hungary is held, here you can visit several halls, see the tapestries and paintings, visit the exhibitions and enjoy a stunning view from the windows.

The Royal Palace (or Buday Castle) was built by the beginning of the 20th century, although the residence of the rulers at this place was also in centuries earlier. You can climb the cable to the funicular or on the elevator.

Today, the National Gallery, the National Library is located, can also see fountains and sculptural complexes. Even if you do not want to climb the castle, the kind of from afar is also impressed by you, especially if you walk here at different times of the day.

The Budapest History Museum is also located in the Royal Palace. The exposition includes several collections, from which you can find out the full history of the city, as well as inspect several palace halls. Most interesting here will be lovers of history.

This bath is located at the foot of the Hellert Mountain, it was built in the second half of the 16th century. Here, as in the other baths, you can swim in the pools and undergo therapeutic procedures. Most often here to treat thermal waters of joints, spine and blood circulation system. Until 1935, the bathroom was the private property of different owners who often changed, after which it was purchased by the city and was open to visiting.

Another bath, which is nearby, is Kiray's swimsuit, one of the most vintage in Budapest. It was built in the second half of the 16th century and differs from other things that it does not have its own source, getting water from another bathing. Several times its owners changed, and she was named after one of them by the name König, which means "king" and in Hungarian pronounced as "Kiry".

You can climb this mountain from different sides, but in any case you will need a good and comfortable shoes. On the way, you can admire the species of not only the city, but also the mountain itself: there are waterfalls and unusual plants. Rides on the mountain and bus, but it is also quite interesting to climb it yourself. At the top you will see the 19th century citadel with a restaurant and a seating area, as well as a statue of freedom.

Statue of Liberty is one of the three parts of the sculptural complex dedicated to the liberators of Hungary during World War II. The statue was installed in 1947 and today is visible from almost anywhere in the city. It is a woman with a palm branch in his hands, and two other sculptures are a wrestler with a dragon and a man with a torch in his hands.

However, Mountain is not all, there is something to see and underground. Under the mountain is a whole network of caves, the most famous of which is the cave Gellert. Since the 1920s, the cave has been equipped with monks, and about 25 years old she served as a chapel and monastery. But in 1951, repression began, and the cave was inspired, and the monks were arrested.

The second life of the cave began in 1989, when a concrete fence was destroyed, and since 1992 this place was tourist. A chapel was also restored, in which services are being held to this day.

Bathing Gellert was built at the beginning of the 20th century and amazes with its external and interior decoration. Stucco, stained glass windows, statues and fountains create a unique atmosphere. Unlike others, there are separate pools for men and for women. Here you can visit the saunas, aquaaerobic classes, various types of baths and water massages and much more. To visit some pools you will need a hat.

The following several attractions from the list on the second day in Budapest are located on another beach, and you can go through the liberty nearby Bridge. It was opened in 1896 and was originally called the Bridge of Franz Joseph, however, during the reconstruction after the war, he received his new name.

The large market, which is also called the central market of Budapest, is known for the structure itself, and the wide range of goods. Here you can buy local products, souvenirs, textiles with embroidery, etc. Also here you can find bakeries with delicious fresh pastries, and on the second floor there is a cafe with traditional Hungarian cuisine. Attending the market is best in the morning (it starts working in 6) to explore everything with comfort and avoid a large cluster of people.

This museum was founded at the beginning of the 19th century. Here you can familiarize yourself with the history of Hungary, works of art, as well as collections of books, manuscripts, coins, etc. Also in the museum there is a collection of musical instruments and you can visit the portrait gallery.

Walking in Budapest, it is worth walking and walking on Wazi's pedestrian street. Here you seem to be in the past, considering old buildings (some of which applies to architectural monuments), churches and other interesting buildings. There are also many shops on the street, including souvenir, and cafes offering dishes around the world.

This street is a loose place for tourists to stop at night in Budapest. Here are some good options:

  • Diana Apartment On Váci. Rating - 9.1 based on 91 reviews. The price is 40 euros.
  • Hotel Residence Baron 4 *. Rating - 8.4 based on 1,080 reviews. The price of 60 euros.
  • Boutique Hotel Budapest 4 *. Rating - 8.2 based on 953 reviews. Price 65 euros.

What else to see in Budapest and the surrounding area - 3 days

After reviewing both parts of the city, you can choose for the next days thematic excursions or to go to study the surroundings of Budapest. We have collected for you there are some interesting sights that you can try to see if you arrived in Budapest for 5-7 days located in the distance from the center or even outside the city for those who want to see as much as possible.

If you did not attract Budapest bathing, you can go to the water park. Here you can swim, and relax on the sun beds, and ride with water slides, swim in various pools and jacuzzi, also there is a cafe. You can get to the water park in about half an hour on public transport.

Aquinkum is an ancient Roman settlement, the ruins of which today are included in the Heritage List of UNESCO. Aquinkum was found randomly a local resident who kept the cellar, and after told about his find a scientist. It happened at the beginning of the 18th century, but the excavations began much later, and already in 1894 the museum was opened. In 1945, part of Aquinkum fell under the bombardment and was destroyed, but almost immediately after the end of the war, excavations and restoration work resumed. Today you can see the results of the work done: the found amphitherators, domestic things, decorations, dishes, sculptures, etc.

Earlier, a monastery was located on the site of the museum, but now there is a branch of the Museum of History in Budapest. Today, the exposition dedicated to the new and the latest history of the city is also presented here, you can also visit the art gallery.


If you want to go down to the dungeon, you will enjoy in the stalagmitic cave. It was discovered in the early 20th century, in 1927 the place was opened for tourists. The cave is a system of cavities and corridors, during the excursion route you descend 30 meters under the ground, although the moves themselves are below. There are unusual "sculptures", created by nature, some of them even got the names: Damoklov Sword, witch boiler, etc.

Schash Mountain Reserve is one of the first country's reserves. Thanks to the protection, unique plants and animals are preserved on the territory, and amazing landscapes are opening the tourists. The reserve can be driving on a ring railway, inspected the most interesting places.

The Palace of Arts was opened in 2005 and gathered different directions under his roof. There is a concert hall with a body where concerts and musical festivals are regularly held, the theater hall, exhibitions of contemporary art, a library, a children's center, etc. Planning a trip to Budapest, it is worth find out the program of the Palace and come here to the exhibition, a presentation or concert.

This is a museum of contemporary art, for the most part of the pictorial, part of the collection of Peter Ludwig is represented here. He is a branch of the Ludwig Museum, which is located in Cologne. In the museum you will see the creations of Picasso, modern Hungarian artists and other artists.

Large flea market "Escery Pic"

Flea market "Escery Pic"

Flea markets have a unique atmosphere, and here it is also supplemented by the uniqueness of Budapest. In the Escery Pike market, you can spend both 20 minutes and two hours, considering vintage and unusual things. Here you can find glass, porcelain and silver products, coins and figurines, however, there are more volumetric items: gramophones, printed machines, etc.

Memento Park, opened in 1993, can also be called an open-air museum, in whose territory you will see sculptures in the style of monumentalism. Here you can see the monuments to politicians of Hungary and the Soviet Union, as well as unusual symbolic sculptures - all of their Kolo 40. Also in the park there is an exhibition hall and a cinema, which show thematic documentaries.

The most distant landmark in our list is Bruunswick Castle, it is 30 km from Budapest. This architectural complex was erected in the 18th century, a park with rare trees breeds was also equipped. In addition to the castle itself, here you can visit the Museum of Beethoven - there is an assumption that he created the Lunar Sonatu in this castle.

Excursions in Budapest in Russian

Budapest is a very unusual city, and studying him with a guide will help learn more about his life and little-known, but very interesting places. On our site you can choose tours of Budapest in Russian, both general and thematic.

Attractions Budapest on the map

Want to study the route in advance or make a personal plan based on the places mentioned in the article? On the map at the bottom you will find all the sights of Budapest, which was told in this article.

In this article, you learned about all the sights of Budapest and can look at them with friends or loved ones, and if you wish, you can adjust the route proposed by us in accordance with your preferences.

Private guides in Budapest

In more detail with Budapest you will be helped to familiarize yourself with Russian private guides.

Approximately a week ago I wrote a big article about the sights of Budapest, but already putting the last point in it, I felt that I did not tell half of what I wanted to say about this city. Therefore, in some way, this article will be its continuation. Only in this review, I will tell you not about what to see, but what to get to do in the Hungarian capital. Free walks on the ship, the oldest metro in continental Europe, the place of shooting of the Hollywood blockbuster and the story about the drink, which (at least for a while) was able to displace beer from my life. I will tell you about all this further in this article. But before moving towards the direct story about Budapest, I strongly recommend that you read and my previous review (the one that is dedicated to the main attractions of Budapest).

Read? Then begin. This article promises to be very cool.

Idea number 1. Plunge into the atmosphere of the old city.

Yes - this is a banal banality (as texts in the songs of Belarusian pop artists), but I just could not write it. Budapest is, above all, beautiful architecture, streets, bridges, huge palaces over the shores of the Danube. There is no one single right route. At least, with Tanya, with Tanya, during their walks, they just walked, where the eyes look, and there were already some interesting interests there.

For example, I remember this fountain next to the local area of \u200b\u200bfreedom.

Make a step - and the water is broken. If you have long wanted to feel Moses - this is your chance. At least, for me in a 30-degree heat, he was just salvation.

But these guys next to the building of the Hungarian parliament I was sincerely sorry.

Around the poplar fluff of the heat of July - and they are in high boots and full uniforms. Well, at least the guys gave the guys. Now the hometown can sleep calmly.

Okay ... And if there are a lot of beautiful streets, buildings and squares in Budapest. Most of them are focused on the side of Pest, but I also liked Buda in principle. Especially in that area, which is adjacent to the fishing bastion and the Buday fortress. If the fest is often compared with Paris or Vienna, then Buda personally reminded me more by Serbia (a certain mix of Novi Garden and Subotica).

Interestingly, what are your impressions from this place?

Idea number 2. Arrange yourself a free walk through the Danube on the ship.

Today, river walks on the Danube offer many companies. I will not even enumerate them. Here and walks with dinner, and excursions with a guide, and even some kind of wonder-bus that not only goes through the streets, but also swims on the Danube. Here who is what is much - like in the talent show. The main way to unwind the money from tourists, which they lovingly saved all year on dinners.

Want some unusual swim - choose any company you like. For my part, I will now tell you how to ride a boat on the Danube for free. Well ... or almost free.

The thing is that in Budapest there are several ships that perform public transport functions. Ride there, of course, one tourists. But this is another conversation. So, what needs to be done in order to arrange a similar cruise on the Danube.

Step one. We buy in the automatic daily travel to all types of transport Budapest. It costs 1600 forints and operates 24 hours (the exact time of activation can be set when buying).

Step two. We go to the Danube Embankment and choose one of the berths (stops). I sat down at stop SZENT GELL? RT T? R M, but if you wish, you can choose another point. Map of routes is shown below.

Step Third. We are waiting for the right time, sang and swim. I do not know how these ships go at night, but during the day the interval of the movement was half an hour. The beginning of the movement in the area of \u200b\u200b8 am, the end - in the area of \u200b\u200b8 pm (depending on the specific stop).

During such a mini-cruise, the ship sails a good half of all the attractions of the city. Buday Fortress ...

Bridges over the Danube ...

Hungary Parliament Building ...

Some churches of the embankment ...

In general, you can choose your route and the duration of the walk yourself. But personally, I sailed from the Hill Hellert to Margit Island. Behind this island, the Old Town of Budapest actually ends, so I decided to get out at this point.

As for my experiences from the river walk, then, of course, 10 out of 10. We sat on the nose of the vessel, photographed and enjoyed a pleasant breeze that saved from the July heat.

Some girls peiled Selfie next to us.

Some kind of guy even shot a full-fledged video (about his passive girlfriend).

Some photos drove out and I myself (I don't wonder that day I put my tie!

It seems to be good, but Valentina Gennadyevna from Tver and Alevtina Grigorievna from Omsk still no matter anyway.

Just imagine this picture - one is already posing with might and main, and the other at the same time has not yet understood how the phone is included. Oh everything ... Go further.

Idea number 3. Climb Horle Hellert.

I climbed along this hill while I was waiting for my ship before walking on the Danube. There is a beautiful view and many sites from which you can make a lot of pictures of epic.

I've enjoyed my stay. And more like it more than on a more promoted and popular platform from the fishing bastion, which I wrote about in the previous article. Exciting panoramas open from both points. But on the hill gellert tourists is smaller, so the process of photography does not turn into a fight for survival. Here I calmly photographed and enjoyed views. And there only thought, in what language I drive the Chinese from the frame.

My inner Yanukovych wrinkled and shouted: "Stop"!

My inner Stalin was delayed with a tube and quietly added: "Shot"!

Idea number 4. Find a tiny sculpture by the embankment.

In general, different monuments and sculptures in Budapest a lot. Some of them are majestic and impressive as a monument on the Square of Heroes. Others are very small, such as, for example, a statue of a small princess or this worm of the Danube embankment.

There are many such sculptures there, so, walking in Budapest, be very careful. For example, I found such a tank with a swirling spirit.

Maybe something like that was able to find it too. Leave your photos in the comments.

Idea number 5. Ride on the Budapest subway.

A little more about public transport of the Hungarian capital. I do not remember ... I already told you or not that the metro station Budapest is the oldest in continental Europe? The construction of the first line - M1 - was completed in 1896. And since then, the local metro has been constantly expanding.

Today, the metro station Budapest is the colorful symbiosis of the old and new. Well, compare the view of the historic station "Opera" ...

And more modern Calvin Terry Station.

But more ... Entrance to the "Gellert" station.

I do not know, it is noticeable in the photo or not, but water flows on the walls in the transition (which, as I understand it, is a reference to the mixes of the same name).

Even if you arrived in Budapest for a while, pay attention to the local metro. This is a very interesting thing.

Idea number 6. Visit Ruins Bars and penetrate the nightlife of Budapest

Personally, I usually spent the evening in the yards Rude. It is such a special place, which is several closed courtyards, from all sides of the dishwashed cafes and restaurants. There is a special flavor. I will not even try to convey it with words. You will be in Budapest - go look at yourself.

Yards Rude.

Instead, I will better tell you about one bright chip of the night Budapest - the ruins-bars known to the whole world. Once it was just old abandoned buildings, but in the early 2000s, several local enthusiasts decided to redeem the empty areas and turn them into informal bohemian institutions. Someone dragged the garage furniture here; Someone saw the bath in half, making two designer armchairs from it; Someone even drove the old trabant. So on the site of old "homemakers" (I "M Sorry for this word) The first ruins-bars appeared in Budapest, which later turned into a real phenomenon in the fashionable life of the Hungarian capital.

Personally, I was only in one of the like bars - in the institution called Szimpla Kert. All photos are taken during the day. In the evenings in such bars simply not to push around. The atmosphere is like in Vilnius. But the Bar format itself is still closer to me. The whole area is still busting.

Idea number 7. Try Goulash, Paprikash and Froch.

In the center of Budapest, not far from the bridge of the section and the old market there is a long street of Waci, which from all sides is soaked with all sorts of cafes. The choice here is the most extensive. Therefore, if you want to try something from the Hungarian national cuisine - then you are here.

Also, not far from Wazi Street - at Vamhaz Korut 2. - There is an institution called Pub For Sale. Some time ago, he was shown in the transfer of "Eagle and Rush" and since then this place has gained special popularity among tourists from Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and other Russian-speaking countries.

Okay ... with food figured out. Now about drinking. In general, Hungary - the stamps is quite good viniche. But I personally remember the Hungarian Froch. This is the usual wine mixed with the usual mineral water. Divide one to one - and drive the clock on the clock. In the heat such a drink is well refreshing. It is easy, and in the fortress comparable with beer. From the moment of returning to Belarus, I switched to this drink. From beer belly grows. I know I know. My press remained only in dreams and on old photos.

Idea number 8. To come to Budapest at the Festival of Cigarette.

This is one of the largest music festivals in Europe, which every year attend hundreds of thousands of tourists from dozens of different countries. As headlines in different years, such popular groups as Radiohead, The Prodigy, Franz Ferdinand, Placebo and even Russian "Leningrad" lit up here.

The festival is held in mid-August on the Danube Island of the exercise. Personally, I, of course, was not on this music forum. But not to write about the siete in the article about Budapest it would still be wrong.

Idea number 9. Hollywood cinema.

Frame from the film "Spy". Studio - 20th Century Fox. Photos from the site - kiniska.com.

If you are at least a little interested in cinema, then, probably, you know that recently Budapest has become one of the most popular sites for American filmmakers. There are many beautiful streets where you can shoot "Europe", low prices for rental Pavilions Plus have all the necessary personnel with good qualifications.

In the film "Inferno" with Tom Hanks in the lead role in Budapest filmed Florence. But in the comedy militant "spy" with Jude Low, the Hungarian capital appeared in the appearance of himself.

Tom Hanks and Filiji Jones in the Budapest Museum of Kiskeli. In the plot is Florence.

Further, the representatives of the film "Martian" film, which filmed Mars in HunGexpo exhibition pavilions, and the center of flight control in a beautiful building called "Kit", standing at the shores of the Danube.

In general, 30 kilometers from Budapest there is a famous film studio "Cord", where you can visit a special excursion, where the entire process of cinematographic clogging is revealed. Everyone who wants to get there, but it is necessary to freeze for this. First, you need to write to the visit in advance. Secondly, the excursion will take place only if 15 people are scored at the desired date (I confused a little with the reservation process). Thirdly, it still needs to be reached, pay for a ticket to 3000 Forints (11 euros) and find a Russian-speaking translator or guide.

See all the details can be on this site - http://kordafilmpark.hu/en/. If someone was there - write in the comments. This is a very interesting topic.

And I will finish on these words. All goodbye. Today ... My watch is over!

Going to Budapest for 5 or 7 days? Correctly do! Budapest is a big and beautiful city, here so much interesting things that lessons are enough for a week and even more. For the first time we arrived in Budapest for only three days, then they understood their oversight and returned for a week 🙂 and not only for rest, but also to make ready-made routes for you, what to see in Budapest yourself for 5 and 7 days . Routes turned out to be!

Do not thank us. Thank Budapest.

Before proceeding to the description of our route "What to see in Budapest yourself for 5-7 days," I want to note two important points in two words.

1. You can make your days from our route, as you please. Want to go to the cave (fourth day) next to the sights of Buda (the second day of our route)? Or start with Margit Island (day 5), and the next day to go to the park Varoshleget and the seching bath (day 3)? No problem! It will not affect your impressions.

2. According to the Resolution of the Government of Hungary, the journey to Budapest is not allowed without reading these five articles:

These articles will give you answers to all questions that may arise when reading our guidebook: help navigate in the city, learn all about attractions and understand the principles of public transport. By the way, about transport: If you are going to Budapest on 5 or 7 days, we advise you to buy a ticket for a week, it will be easier and cheaper.

And now to the case.

What you need to see in Budapest for 5 or 7 days? The photo of the main attractions of Hungary and her capital is the Parliament Buildings.

What to see in Budapest yourself for 5 days and for 7 days: Contents Articles

Route in Budapest for 5 days

What to see in Budapest on your own 6 and 7 day

Days 1-3: The main attractions of the city

The first three days of our route dedicate the main and most famous attractions of Budapest. Immediately notice that this route is described in detail in a separate article - with cards, photos and descriptions of each attraction. Let's briefly tell about the route of each day, and the link to the detailed description is just below.

Day 1, Attractions of the Pest (left bank of the Danube). The building of the Hungarian Parliament is a monument "Shoes on the Danube Embankment" - Square of Freedom - Basilica of St. Ishthan - Chain Bridge of the Sechi - the Naberezhnye Danube - Wazi Street - the Central Market of Budapest - Badalnya Gellert.

Day 2, attractions of the Buda district (right bank of the Danube). The State Archive of Hungary is a walk along the streets of the Buday Fortress - the Cathedral of Saint Mathia - the Square of the Holy Trinity - Rybatsky Bastion - Buday Labyrinth - the Royal Palace - the chain bridge of the section.

Day 3: Andraha Avenue, Varoshleget Park, Sixen's Bath. The building of the Hungarian State Opera - House Terror - Oktogon Square - the first line of the Metro Budapest - Square Heroes - Park Vashliget - Budapest Zoo - Waidakhunyad Castle - Monument to Anonymus - Sixen's Bath.

Each of these days is described in detail here:

All attractions that you can see in Budapest on your own in the first three days, are indicated on this map:

What to see in Budapest yourself for 5 days. Day 4: Caves

In addition to cultural, gastronomic and healthy, demand recreation cave in Budapest! After all, Budapest is the only capital in the world, where there are real caves directly within the city.

Two main caves Budapest are in a kilometer from each other In the area of \u200b\u200bthe exercise on the right bank of the Danube and are called Semleman and Palveldi. They have stalactites, stalagmites, unusual formations in the form of flowers and corals - everything is as expected. True, come there and wander just so it will not work: to get inside only at a certain time with a guide as part of an inexpensive excursion. The time of visits is selected so that it is more convenient to start with Semelemy's cave, and from there move to Palveldi and just get to the beginning of the excursion.

Details - in our article:

In the evening, you can go to the bath or - both are also located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe exercise, a few bus stops from the caves.

What to see in Budapest for 5 days yourself? Budapest is the only capital where there are real caves, so they should be viewed.

Day 5: Margit Island and Bathing

Margit Island is a real green oasis in the middle of the Danube, the mandatory item "What to see in Budapest for 5 days." If you do not live in step accessibility from the island, you can get there not only by bus or tram, but also on the river tram. You need a route D11 or D12, schedule - on official website The ticket costs 750 forints (and if you bought a ticket for a week, on weekdays you can ride free of charge and on a river tram).

On Margit Island (he island, Margarita) can be happy to spend half a day, or even more. Here you are waiting for not only beautiful gardens and shady alleys with flower beds and fountains. On Margit Island a lot of interesting things: The contact belt and the ruins of the Dominican Monastery of the XIII century, the musical fountain and the casino, theater in the open air and the Japanese kindergarten! And of course, the bathhouse of Palatinus with a small water park, a hike in which will become an excellent completion of the day. Margit Island Map Scheme is waiting for you at the entrance, will not pass by and do not get lost.

By the way, it is on the island of Margit or near him the most famous hotels of Budapest with their own baths. More about these hotels and the island itself - in our articles:

What to see in Budapest yourself for 5 days: Excellent completion of the walk through Margit Island in the summer will be a bathing of Palatinus. But in the winter there is nothing to do in it: all street pools are closed.

Day 6. It's time in the cemetery!

Arriving in Budapest, we definitely go to Kerepecheshi - the most beautiful cemetery in Europe. Since you arrived here for a week, we strongly advise you to diversify your route "What to see in Budapest for 7 days," visiting this unusual place.

Kerpesha is not at all like ordinary cemeteries, where you want to cry or die, even on Google Maps it is designated as a "walking place." Kerepecheshi is a very wide quiet alleys of huge century trees, shops and glades, and almost all the monuments here are true masterpieces. As a rule, they constitute the plots on religious themes or tell us who are buried under them. A football player with a ball and a violin musician, a blacksmith with a hammer and a hunter with a gun and a faithful dog - these monuments can be viewed by clock. There is also a plot with the strict graves of Soviet soldiers who died when suppressing the 1956 Hungarian uprising.

What to see in Budapest independently for 7 days: Cerepeski cemetery is one of the most unusual sights of Budapest.

And when it is dark, we suggest going to the holiday of life, in the ruins bar! The ruin bars (or ruins pubes) are a unique phenomenon that can be found only in Budapest. So called cafes and restaurants opened in the abandoned buildings of the Jewish area. The hosts decorate their bunch of whole trash and antiques, which only adds to these places of relief and enigmaticity. The very first and cult among them is.

- Remember, he asked for a photo, where am I in the bath? Send!

Day 7. Care the missed or go on a tour

Our route "What to see in Budapest yourself for 7 days" turned out quite rich. And since at your disposal a whole week, it is not at all necessary every day to wear around the sights with a language on the shoulder. And some items of the above-described route you could reduce to catch up on the last day. For example, half of the last day can be safely dedicated to the rise of the Hellert, walk through the bridges and embankments of the evening Budapest or a campaign to another bath. And you can just go through the places that you like most.

Another option to spend this day - go on an excursion. In Budapest, there are dozens of excursions for every taste, from hiking and bus walks on attractions and non-tourist sites to funny bumps through nightclubs accompanied by DJs. There are excursions in the vicinity of Budapest, to other cities in Hungary and even abroad. You can choose the program on where your services are offered certified Russian guides.

What to see in Budapest yourself for 5 days or 7 days? One of the main attractions of the city is a snow-white fishing bastion.

Where to stay in Budapest

If you are looking for not just to see in Budapest for 5-7 days, but where to stay at this time, then Pest (left bank of the Danube) is perhaps the perfect area for living in the capital of Hungary. And the attractions nearby and the prices for hotels are very pleasant. Buda is considered a calmer and prestigious area, so hotels here are more expensive.

Dear readers, and what to see in Budapest yourself for 5 or 7 days you advise you? In addition to the cemetery, of course) we are waiting for your feedback on the trip to this beautiful city!

If you chose Hungary for your trip, I suggest you 10 mandatory things to do in HungaryTo feel the country of truly.

1. Visit therapeutic thermal baths

Hungary is famous for its thermal sources. And, of course, if you come to relax, it is necessary to visit. In Budapest, the most famous are bathing gellert, swimming pool, Turkish battles Rudash and Kirai. But there is a bathing in each Hungarian city and even in some villages, and they do not differ in quality and service from the metropolitan. The most extraordinary bath is, which is located in Miskolc Tapolets.

2. Try the national cuisine, such as Langoš

To completely experience the culture of the country, it is necessary to try dishes of national cuisine. To do this, it is not necessary to walk on expensive restaurants, for example, you can try the local Fast Food - Langos (Lángos) or a very tasty bun - Kürtös Kalács.

Hungarian cuisine is famous for almost all dishes is added acute paprika. Traditional Hungarian soups are Gulash (Gulyas), Halasle Fish Soup (Halászlé). Main dishes - Paprikás Csirke (Polkölt) or Lecsó (Lecsó). For dessert, you can try the Dobos Torta cake, consisting of a biscuit with chocolate cream and icing, Somló Galuska or (Túrógombóc).

Hungarian desserts "Schomloi Galushka" and a cake

3. Swim in the largest thermal lake in the world

5. Register Hungarian wine

A walk on the excursion bus Now you will not surprise anyone, did you ever ride on a floating bus? In Budapest, this is possible. The duration of such an excursion is 2 hours, you will see the main attractions of the capital, and also swim on the Danube by bus.

Floating bus

8. Walking on Budapest at night

Evening / Night City is unforgettable! I myself saw Budapest for the first time, our bus was delayed in the way and we were a little late, which came to the capital for midnight, but it's even better, since we were able to look at the night city, stunningly beautifully highlighted bridges, all buildings along the Danube Embankment , Parliament, etc.

For a walk at night I do not urge everyone, but as an option to see the city in the backlight is an evening. Darmest in Budapest early early (this is not Peter, there are no white nights here), so during the evening walk on the motor ship in the Danube you can already see all the bridges and the embankment, in amazing lighting.

Night Budapest

9. Visit the horse show

Hungarians are famous for their skating on horseback, there are many competitions and just horse show. If you are lucky, the equestrian competitions can be seen right in the center of the city on the Square of Heroes, where it takes annually, in 2013 the competition will be from September 20 to September 22. As an option, you can visit the Horse Park "Lazar" ("Lázár Lovaspark"), created in 2001, is located in the Domonweld Valley.

Horse show in Budapest

10. Buy souvenirs on the largest market

Souvenirs in Hungary

That's the whole list! Excellent holidays!

For some reason, for three days, tourists most often come to Budapest. And all the question arises: where to go and what to see in Budapest for 3 days on your own? I will not be tormented (well, why only three, immediately so much interesting), and instead we present you a ready-made route for 3 days on the sights of Budapest. After all, we also arrived in the capital of Hungary for the first time. And the second is no longer done 🙂 So just take and copy our route! He is cool.

Where to go and what to see in Budapest for 3 days on your own: route + map of attractions

Budapest is divided into two large areas: Buda on the right bank of the Danube and Pest on the left. And our route "What to see in Budapest for 3 days" is also logical and divided into areas. On the main attractions of Buda and Pest to highlight one day, and we will go to the third ... However, we will not get ahead, soon you will find out all. But for the beginning, I will share links to three important articles, without which in Budapest in any way:

What to see in Budapest for 3 days: Contents

Finished route with cards:

Additional Information:

What to do in Budapest. Day 1

Most tourists stop at the Pest's hotels, so the first day of our route "What to see in Budapest for 3 days" we propose to build this in this area. And start the most convenient not from where it fell, but from the Hungarian Parliament - the most beautiful building of the country! From there we will go along the river in the southern direction. Let's briefly describe the main attractions that you will meet on the way, and at the end of the chapter waiting for you a map.

The building of the Hungarian Parliament. The business card of Budapest, the neo-neutic building of the amazing beauty, built in 1904. Be sure to go around the building - it is no less beautiful from the courtyard than from the Danube. Inside the building also strikes beauty, the entrance to the parliament along with the excursion costs 6000 forints (details - on official website). Opposite Parliament (from the courtyard) - Ethnographical museumAlso very beautiful.

What to see in Budapest for 3 days on your own? First of all, we go to the building of the Hungarian Parliament - the main attraction of the country!

Monument "Shoes on the Danube Embankment". Piercing memorial victims of the Holocaust. During the war, the fascists shot the Jews on the Naberezhnye Danube and the bodies were dumped into the river. According to testimonies, before the death of the victims were forced to escape: the shoes at that time were very valued.

Freedom Square. Surrounded by beautiful buildings, in the center - Memorial Soviet soldiers, who freed Budapest from fascism. On the edge of the square from the parliament - a monument to the President of the United States Ronald Reagan.

Basilica of St. Ishthan. The largest temple of the capital of Hungary, which will affect you not only by architecture, but also the inner decoration of rare beauty. In total, 600 forints can be climbed by a sightseeing platform with beautiful panoramic views. After the basilica, we head towards the embankment, do not forget to take a picture on the way. monument Tolstoy Police (Location - on the map at the end of the chapter).

Under the dome of the Basilica of St. Ishthan is a sightseeing platform with a beautiful view, the price is only 600 forints (about 2 euros).

Chain bridge of the section. The most beautiful bridge Budapest. Opened in 1849 and is named after Count Ishthan of the section, who has invested a lot of money in construction. By the way, in honor of the same graph, the most famous Budapest bath is named, where we will go to the day after tomorrow.

Embankment Danube. From the bridge of the sechens we will walk along the Danube embankment, where you can relax on one of the numerous shops, take pictures with unusual monuments and admire the Buday fortress on the opposite bank of the river.

Wazi Street. With the embankment, we will turn on Waci Avenue - a beautiful pedestrian street. There are no cars here, but many beautiful houses cast on the grinding of brand clothing stores and expensive restaurants. Hungry? You can eat in one of them, and you can get to the central market.

Where to go and what to see in Budapest yourself for 3 days: Wali Street along with Andrassk Avenue is considered the most beautiful in the city.

Central Market Budapest. This masterpiece of architecture and one of the attractions of Budapest. The old building of the central market is built in a neo-neutic style, and the roof is covered with beautiful colorful tiles. On the first floor of the market, you can buy food and souvenirs, and on the second floor you are waiting for cafes of national cuisine and collapse with street food, as well as draft beer, spill wine and draft goulash.

By the way, you can have a snack not only in the central market, but also located across the road from it the restaurant, which has become a cult among Russian-speaking tourists with the efforts of Eagle and Dishki.

Bathing gellert. From the Central Market on the Bridge of Freedom, go to the opposite side of the Danube, where we are waiting for. Majestic architecture, calm atmosphere, huge pools with relaxing and useful thermal water - what could be better to complete an interesting day!

What to see in Budapest for 3 days. First day route on the map:

What to see in Budapest for 3 days on your own. Second day

In the Middle Ages, they said: "There are three pearls in Europe - Venice on the water, Florence on the plain and Buda on the hills." Therefore, if the first day of our route "What to see in Budapest for 3 days" was dedicated to the District Pest, today we go to the opposite bank of the Danube.

Buday Fortress (or Buday Castle) is an architectural complex at the Buda Hill, where the Royal Palace, Rybatskiy Bastion, St. Matias and other attractions are located. Explore the pearl on the hills is most convenient, moving from fabulously beautiful (and in Budapest there are other?) Buildings of the state archive in the southern direction. To get to the archive, sit on the bus number 16 and do to stop the Viennese Gate (Bécsi Kapu Tér), that is here is $ . The route from your hotel to this stop will ideally build the Google Maps application installed on each modern phone.

State Archive of Hungary. It is even amazing why it is a harsh, but the magnificent building does not fall into the lists of sights of Budapest. Probably because coming in will be on the bus number 16, many tourists go to the stop earlier to immediately get to the fishing bastion. It's just not lucky these people: we have our advice, and they have no.

Street of the Buday Fortress. Do not rush to flee to the fishing bastion! Enjoy a walk through a beautiful quiet streets of the Buday Fortress in the state archive area. This is a very beautiful and cozy area, there are many cute medieval houses and there are always few tourists.

Aside from the tourist trail in Budapest you can also see a lot that interesting. In the photo - beautiful houses and square in the Buda fortress against the background of the state archive.

Cathedral of Saint Matia. An old gothic temple, its roof is covered with the same beautiful colorful tile, like buildings of the central market and the state archive. The entrance for tourists is paid: 1500 Forints for the church itself and as much as the rise in the 80-meter bell tower overview.

Square of the Holy Trinity. The area in front of the Church of St. Mathia, at which in the XVIII century they set a plague pillar with saints figures to drive the epidemic of terrible disease. This undoubtedly helped: passersby with the symptoms of the plague we never met in Budapest.

Fisherman bastion. A complex of seven beautiful towers connected by transitions. Built at the beginning of the 20th century on the site of the former fish market. The number of towers symbolizes seven tribes that founded Hungary more than a thousand years ago. In the center of Bastion - a monument to St. Ishthan, the first ruler of Hungary (crown in 1001). From the walls of the bastion opens a very beautiful view of the Danube, Margit Island and Pesti district.

What to see in Budapest for 3 days? Mandatory clauses of the program - Church of St. Mathia and Fisherman Bastion in Buda.

Budai labyrinth. On the road from the fishing bastion to the Royal Palace, you can talk about the nerves in the Buda labyrinte (he is labyrinth). This is the former dungeon of the Buday Fortress, where for tourists they are trying to create a terrible atmosphere with all the forces: the sinister music sounds, there are plots of pitch darkness, and the nail of the program is a stove with the inscription "Dracula" at the dack, where it seems to be in captivity you yourself understand who. The price of a ticket is 2500 forints for adults, 600 forints for children.

Royal Palace. One of the most beautiful palaces in Europe. Now it contains the Hungarian National Gallery, the Historical Museum and the National Library. Be sure to take a picture of the two most interesting monuments: the mythical bird is Turulu with the Attila's sword at the gate of the Palace and the Fountain "Hunt King Mathiash" in the courtyard. Magic views of the Danube, Bridges Budapest and the Hungarian Parliament Building are opened from the walls of the Royal Palace. Photo - in our article:

Labyrinth, a plague post ... The main thing is that you will see in Buda - this is, of course, the Royal Palace!

Chain bridge of the section. From the Royal Palace you can descend to the chain bridge of the section on foot or on the funicular. Thus, if yesterday we admired the most beautiful bridge of Budapest from Pest, today - from Buda.

What can I see after the Buda Fortress? Option 1 - Just resting) If this option does not suit you, it all depends on your imagination. We offer three more scenarios to choose from.

Option 2. Stroll along the Embankment of the Right Bank of the Danube to arzhebet bridge, and to climb him mount Hellert.. It offers very beautiful views of Budapest and all his bridges. And on Mount Hellert are the sights of Budapest scale smaller: Citadel, Statue of Liberty, Philosophical Garden.

I can not say that Mount Hellert is something that you need to see in Budapest for 3 days. But if there is time and desire, you can climb, views from here open very beautiful.

Option 3. Go to the hotel to rest, and then go to one of the best Budapest. Our article will help determine the choice:

In the section I do not need to go, this bathing is waiting for you tomorrow 🙂

Option 4. Go to the hotel rest, and when it becomes dark, stroll along the naughty With a turkey bottle (or without). It does not matter how the shore you will walk, you are waiting for gorgeous views in any case. And the building of the Hungarian parliament, and the Buday fortress on the opposite shore in the evenings are highlighted very beautifully.

Evening Budapest is beautiful in summer, and in winter. And also in spring and autumn!

What to see in Budapest for 3 days. Second day route on the map:

Day 3. Avenue Andraha and the Park Varoshleget

Andrassy Avenue. This street is considered the most beautiful in Budapest, on it that neither the building is a masterpiece. Higher tourist pleasure - walk along Andrassy Avenue, slitted to the camera to the right and left. The most interesting places on the avenue is a building. Hungarian State Opera, House terror (Totalitarian Museum) and oktogon Square. Do not miss the opportunity to take a walk in small streets adjacent to Andrassy Avenue, there you will find a lot of hidden pearls - beautiful buildings, monuments, bas-reliefs and parks.

The first line of the Metro Budapest. Under Andrassy Avenue, the yellow branch of the Budapest M1 is running. This is the oldest subway line on the European continent, it was opened in 1896. City authorities carefully support the line M1 in the original state. Be sure to go down to the retro station and ride at least a couple of stops on small yellow retro traps! On how to use the subway Budapest, you will learn from our article:

Where to go and what to see in Budapest for 3 days: Attractions in this amazing city are located even underground! And here there is Ta-A-Aky caves ...

Square of heroes. On this area ends the Avenger Avenue and it begins Varoshleget - the largest urban park of Budapest. In the center of the Square of Heroes - the high column in honor of the Millennium of Hungary, installed at the end of the XIX century. At the top of the column - the statue of the Archangel, at the foot - monuments to different Hungarian rulers and military leaders.

Park Varoshleget. City Park Varoshleget - the wonderful completion of the route "What to see in Budapest for 3 days independently". Here are the most famous attractions that you have to see. Including if you arrived with the child, because it is here the most interesting zoo Budapest

To feel like a Hungarian, drink 200 grams of Palinka and try to repulse "Vaidakhunyad Castle in the Varoshleget Park."

Bathing of the section. And once in the end of the rich route, we found themselves in the city park, the question "where to go in the evening" before us is not worth it. Because it is in the park Varoshleget located the famous swimming pool - the largest bath in the world! As you already guessed, we also have a separate article with a bunch of photos:

  • The swimming pool in Budapest is the largest and most cheerful bath in the world!

In a relaxing thermal pool, swimming pools we will leave you. On this, our route "What to see in Budapest for 3 days" is finished! All the most interesting thing to see in Budapest for three days, we saw, and what did not have time, will remain for the next arrival 🙂

Third day route on the map:

Where else can you go to Budapest

If you have time left, strength, desire (needed to emphasize), that's what else interesting can be viewed in Budapest for 3 days. We offer three options to choose from.

1. To walk in the cemetery of kerpecks. Yes, do not hurry to be baptized! Kerepecheshi is considered not only the unusual sight of Budapest, but also almost the most beautiful cemetery of Europe. - These are wide alleys and age-old trees, where you can walk in silence for hours, and most of the monuments here are true works of art.

2. To spend the evening in the ruins bar. Ruin Bars (or Ruins Pubs) - a unique cultural phenomenon in Budapest. So called cafes and restaurants that opened in the abandoned buildings of the Jewish area. As a rule, the owners decorate their bunch of all the rubble and antiques, which only adds madness to this already eccentric institutions. The oldest and most famous of them are.

3. Go on a tour. In Budapest there are dozens of excursions for every taste. According to famous attractions and non-trial places; through nightclubs and bathing; For tourists with children and sweet tooths ... There are excursions in the neighborhood of Budapest, in his suburbs and even abroad. Overview of the most interesting programs - in our article:

There are excursions in Budapest cheap (from 20 euros), you can choose the program on where your services are offered certified Russian guides.

Where to stay in Budapest

If you are looking for not just to look at Budapest for 3 days, but where to stay at this time, then Pest is perhaps the best area for living in the capital of Hungary. And the attractions under the side, and the prices for hotels in Peshte are very pleasant. Buda is considered a calmer and prestigious area, so hotels here are more expensive. However, and in the Wood you can find hotels with excellent ratios.

You will choose our ideal place to stay. Also pay attention to our selection of hotels that we chose for yourself in different parts of the city.

Dear readers, and what to see in Budapest for 3 days you recommend? We are waiting for your feedback on the trip to the most beautiful city of Eastern Europe!