Top locations in Crimea for a photo shoot. The most beautiful and interesting places in Crimea created by nature Beautiful views of the nature of Crimea

Hello to all lovers of traveling on the site “I and the World”! Today we go to Russia and look at best vacation in Crimea. According to reviews from vacationers, the places here are amazingly beautiful, but the prices are a little steep. Well, let's look at where it is better to relax and how much a trip to Russian Crimea will cost.

It is better to relax at any resort in the summer. What if this is not possible and your vacation falls only in the winter month? It’s okay, you can have a good rest in Crimea even in winter, seeing many sights. And if you are not too worried that you will be left without swimming in the sea, then go ahead to the snowy Crimea!

The weather is here all year round quite pleasant, and the winter is warm and short without terrible cold. There is a lot of sun, and the temperature very rarely drops below zero, and even then usually at night. And in the south it even rises to +15 degrees. In the coldest February there are snowfalls and fogs, but already at the end of the month a blooming spring begins. And in March, the entire island begins to smell fragrant with the aromas of flowering fruit trees, and the air is warmed by warm winds.

Traditions and architecture of many cultures are intertwined in Crimea: the baptism of the Russian Tsar, oriental beauty in the Bakhchisarai palace, the Italian Middle Ages in the Kafa fortress, Cimmerian culture in the Scythian mounds. Pushkin, Chekhov, Nikolai 2, Alexander 3...

Yes, and rest in winter months quite inexpensive. You can rent a room per person for 300 rubles. per day, and a suite - for 1000 rubles. You can go on excursions by paying 2 times less than in summer. Winter tours, except for New Year's, for two they will cost only 5-10 thousand rubles.

Reviews from tourists, of course, differ. Many people don’t like the service, but everyone agrees on one thing: the peninsula is beautiful at any time of the year and its beauty is mesmerizing. And although you won’t be able to swim, taking a calm walk along the beach is a unique opportunity for lovers of quiet and relaxing holiday.

If you are planning to relax with children, visit Evpatoria. Kids will love the beaches with small pebbles and white sand.

Water parks, a dolphinarium, and parks with various attractions are an ideal city for a family holiday. After swimming, you can stroll along the ancient, narrow streets and breathe in the air of antiquity. In the western part of the city there are many children's camps, health resorts, and sanatoriums. Therefore, if you have not chosen to relax private sector, then you can safely settle in one of the boarding houses.

Alushta- one of big cities Crimea, where many hotels and sanatoriums have also been built for a comfortable stay, and many entertainment centers attract tourists at any time of the year.

The city is surrounded by mountains, so the climate here is more favorable and milder. The sea becomes warmest in late June and early July until September (+23 degrees). Here you can not only relax, but also improve your health: 70 health resorts to choose from are perfect for sanatorium holiday.

Directors love to shoot films in the city. Here “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “Hearts of Three”, “Ships Storm Bastions” and many films about Indians were released. This resort is most suitable for young people: surfing, kiting, diving are the most advanced water sports here.

Small village Foros famous for clean beach on south coast Crimea.

The name of the village was given by the Foros Church, built on a steep cliff by the Greeks, who settled these places almost 2000 years ago. It was these lands that Catherine II granted to her favorite Potemkin, and he, in turn, sold Foros to a tea magnate, who turned the place into one of the best resorts in Crimea. There are no enterprises in the village and the population lives off income from tourism.

In a small area a large number of attractions are Balaclava.

There is definitely something to see here! The city is located in a bay, surrounded on three sides by rocky shores. It is practically invisible from the sea, and in a storm of 4-6 points, the bay is lightly calm. Temples, fortresses, hunting lodges, and a submarine museum are the most interesting places that you can visit.

Simeiz one of the quiet and peaceful villages South Bank Crimea.

The beaches are small and you need to get up early to get the best spot. And there is not much entertainment - a standard set: walks on the sea, diving, a water park.

small town Parthenite with the famous Bear Mountain is located in the south of the peninsula. The first settlements have been discovered since the Stone Age.

A magnificent place here is the Paradise Park with its 200-year-old olive grove. Next, visit the Stone Museum, where more than 1,000 objects are on display. And, of course, have fun at the dolphinarium.

The beaches are very pleasant and equipped with umbrellas, massage tables, and sun loungers. The entrance to the sea is smooth without sudden changes in depth.

In the southeastern part of Crimea, near the city of Sudak, there is New World- the village is rightfully considered a “paradise”.

Three bays, named after the color of the water: Blue, Blue and Green, are considered the most beautiful. In the New World there are beaches for every taste, with warm water and hidden from the wind. And the seabed is simply a treasure trove for divers: underwater caves, sunken ships, interesting animals and vegetable world. These are the advantages, but the disadvantages are quite high prices.

Large port city Feodosia– industrial center of Crimea . The beautiful name translates as “Given by God.”

Summer is hot and the sea warms up quickly, so you can swim until mid-autumn. For families with children there is a special Children's City Beach. In the evening you can visit discos and entertainment centers located directly in the water. The unusual hang gliding and money museums can be visited if you want to learn something unusual.

West of Feodosia there is a resort town Koktebel. This is the “land of blue peaks”, covered with forested mountains.

Mostly “savages” come here to sit by a tent under the starry sky and sing songs by the fire. Of course, there are also wonderful pebble and sandy beaches that are safe for families with children.

Alupka considered a blue pearl southern Crimea. Initially the city belonged to Ottoman Empire, and in the 18th century Grigory Potemkin became its owner.

Famous artists visited this beautiful place: Shishkin, Aivazovsky and others. Alupka Park, Vorontsov Palace, holy temples, Karst caves– this is little that the resort city offers.

Village Olenevka Perfect for a quiet, cozy holiday by the sea.

Without industrial factories and large highways, with clean air and ecological beaches, families with children usually relax in Olenevka. There are many hotels, hotels, boarding houses where you can choose best places.

In the 19th century, a tiny town Livadia noted Alexander 2, who ordered the construction of a palace here for the rest of the royal family.

And in 1945, it was here that the Yalta Conference of three allies took place: the USSR, Great Britain and the USA. A healing climate can help treat cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

The once beautiful beaches now do not attract visitors: everything is old and falling apart, only the sea remains clean and beautiful.

Situated at the foot of the mountain Gurzuf, has several dozen different sanatoriums and hotels.

Tourists fell in love with the city for the beauty of its extraordinary landscapes, wonderful climate and ecology. City beaches are good, but you have to pay for comfort: the cost of a sun lounger or umbrella is up to 600 rubles. There are very clean and cozy small beaches where you can retire, but you need to get to them by boat.

Picturesque Miskhor has been favored by tourists for 100 years summer holiday. The village stretches for 10 km along the coast.

Holidays here are available to people with any budget. Renting a home with children for married couples will be quite profitable; many home owners offer discounts. There are also sanatoriums and boarding houses. Miskhor – quite ancient settlement, inhabited by the Greeks, and during the period of annexation to Russia, the Dolgorukies, Naryshkins, Shuvalovs built their residences here.

For Muslims wishing to visit Crimea, special Halal tours have been developed, including visits to Muslim attractions of the peninsula. This unforgettable journey through time through the places of life of the Crimean Tatars will last 10 days for those who wish.

Recreation center Batiliman is located in the tract of the same name.

The health resort does not work in the off-season, but as soon as the air warms up, the base receives tourists. There are only 200 beds, with varying numbers of beds in the rooms. Three meals a day, private beach, summer cinema and library.

Massandra– a small cozy village. The warm sea, hot but mild climate, and picturesque nature have always attracted vacationers here.

The calling card of the town is the wine cellars and delicious wines listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

In Massandra, the nearest public beach is 2 km from the village, which can be reached through Massandra Park or several bus stops. The beach is divided into several parts: from a simple to a VIP zone.

On Azov coast Crimea vacation is a little different from the Black Sea.

No high mountains and lush vegetation. But there is a steppe, a mild climate and a warm wind. The sea begins to warm up already in April and swimming season lasts until mid-October – good vacation for couples with children.

One of the attractions of Crimea - Bird home - it is not only popular and magnificent palace, located on a steep cliff, but also a boarding house in Sudak and a guest house in the village of Solnechnogorskoye.

Now the palace is an architectural and exhibition museum with a terrace and a small park.

The Crimean Peninsula has become very popular and therefore prices for holidays and tours have increased by almost 10%. How much will a holiday for two cost? Tours with flights from Russia to various resorts on the peninsula will cost from 24,000 rubles. or from $400.

What to choose as a holiday in Crimea is up to you. We can only give a little advice - the air of the peninsula is healthy and fills you with freshness for the whole year. The beauty of Crimea is known far beyond its borders, but it’s definitely worth seeing it with your own eyes. How much money you need to take with you depends on your capabilities, but you can relax for any amount.

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We say goodbye to you and maybe we will meet at one of the Crimean resorts, somewhere in August. If you liked the information, share it with your friends.


Mysterious, magical, amazingly beautiful Crimea has many faces, it is not without reason that it is called “the world in miniature”, because it has everything: steppe and mountains, green valleys and healing lakes, protected forests and beautiful parks, beautiful palaces, noble estates and amazing natural monuments, mysterious caves and cultural monuments of long-vanished peoples, the sea with its beaches and underwater caves.

Look at the map of Crimea: the inner part of the peninsula is occupied by the steppe, mountain ranges are concentrated in its southern part, and all this is surrounded on all sides by the sea. Many of the most beautiful places in Crimea are located on the coast, but there are also many that lie off the tourist trail and cannot be reached by transport.

This wild peninsula, one of the most beautiful places in Crimea, is located at its westernmost point and will probably remain a place with which people will never do anything. It just can't. The steep cliffs are too formidable, its underwater caves are too deep.

The sea here is so clear that standing high on a cliff, you can see the stones at the bottom. But the most amazing sight will be seen from the sea: huge through grottoes cut right through the rocks, caves are hidden behind high arches, and the rocks are twisted into the most unimaginable shapes. From time to time, the tireless surf and wind collapse part of the rocky coast, and then a new cliff of a fantastic appearance appears in this beautiful place of Crimea.

Atlesh, the protected area of ​​Tarkhankut, consists of rocks made of white limestone, on the processing of which a brilliant sculptor, nature, has worked for centuries. He cut up the coastline in a fantasy way, giving the rocks of this beautiful place in Crimea amazing shapes:

  • Turtle - a large rock jutting out into the sea, really resembles a giant turtle looking out to sea.
  • The Cup of Love is a rock in the shape of a round pool. Its depth is 6 meters, and it can only be reached through an underwater tunnel.
  • A 150-meter, completely unexplored cave, which can only be reached in one way: by swimming under a rock hanging over the sea.

Ak-Kaya (White Rock)

A huge white cliff is located in the Belogorsk region of Crimea, in the valley of the Biyuk Kara-Su river. The huge stone plateau ends with a sheer wall 150 meters high. The rock, hanging over the valley, is especially beautiful in the rays of the setting sun. It was once the seabed, and its layers are a kind of chronicle of the past 70 million years. A careful eye will definitely notice fossilized mollusks, sea ​​urchins, crabs, and in the youngest layers that are on the surface of the plateau, shark teeth, whale and seal bones are found.

Koyashskoye Lake

This is amazingly beautiful and the most salt Lake in Crimea lies in the south of the Kerch Peninsula. In summer, algae living in the lake turn its water pink, and the higher the temperature, the more intense the color becomes. The shores of this beautiful place in Crimea are covered with salt crystals that smell like violets, and on the water surface there are bizarre salt icebergs. Just a narrow strip sandy beach separates the pink from the Black Sea.

Balaklava Bay

You cannot find another place as beautiful in Crimea as this bay. It is sandwiched between two mountains and protrudes into the land to a depth of 1.5 kilometers. The entrance to it is not only very narrow, but also invisible from the sea. The unique shape of the bay in the form of the English letter S makes it the quietest harbor even during a strong storm at sea. You can admire this beautiful place in Crimea from the top of the mountain on the eastern bank, where the ruins of the ancient Genoese fortress Chembalo have been preserved.

New World

So called small village near Sudak. When the car passes the last turn, an extraordinary view opens before your eyes. a nice place, defiantly beautiful even for Crimea itself. Mountains Eagle and Falcon protect New World from the winds, and the air is saturated with phytoncides of pine and juniper. The three bays of this beautiful place in Crimea - Green, Blue and Blue - fascinate with the purity and transparency of their waters, and the mountain paths and grottoes add a unique charm.


Among the most beautiful places in Crimea is an amazing mountain range, which was once the seabed. When stone ridge rose from the sea, the sun and wind created stone sculptures of bizarre shapes from it. In the setting rays of the sun, it seems that the figures really look like running people. Hence the name of the valley with stone sculptures -. Of course, there are many legends explaining the appearance of stone idols in this beautiful place in Crimea, and who knows, maybe something described in them actually happened.

Taraktash trail

You can follow this trail from Yalta to Ai-Petri and to reverse direction. Of course, it's easier to go down. The views that open to your eyes during the descent are beautiful, but the crazy delight will be caused by one of the most beautiful places in Crimea - the Taraktash tract itself and its main attraction - an arched rock several tens of meters high. It’s amazing that with thin walls and quite high altitude a lonely rock does not collapse. The path will take you along a ravine, then through a narrow passage between the rocks it will lead you out. This passage is called the Taraktash Gate, it’s scary to walk along it, but the delight of this beautiful place in Crimea makes you forget about fear.

If you are lucky enough to be near the rock at noon, when the sun is high, you can see how the rock shimmers in all shades of yellow and brown. The height is breathtaking, but the beauty is such that you don’t notice anything else. Continuing the descent, you find yourself at another fantastically beautiful place in Crimea - “flying water”.


Wuchang-Su - “flying” or “hanging water” in the old days called this two-cascade stream of water falling from Ai-Petri. It appears in all its power only in the spring, when the snow melts. In winter, the water freezes, and its frozen streams become like organ pipes, and this sight is almost more beautiful than the one in April.

Nature is capable of creating monuments of amazing beauty. But the creations of human hands are sometimes no less beautiful. Talented architects wrote history beautiful Crimea beautiful palaces and magnificent parks.

Karaite kenas in Evpatoria

Among the beautiful places of Crimea and snow-white temple complex Crimean Karaites, consisting of two halls, two-story buildings with lancet and semicircular windows. In the courtyard of this beautiful place in Crimea you can see arched galleries and a fountain. The building is not only an architectural monument, but also of historical value.

bird home

In the village of Gaspra, which lies on the beautiful southern coast of Crimea, on the very edge of the Aurora cliff, there is a tiny building made of white stone. Walls with battlements, high lancet windows and Round Tower with spiers make it look medieval knight's castle. Once upon a time it was Vacation home with fireplaces and thick ceiling beams, but what’s there now doesn’t matter. , like an elegant toy, seems to float between the sea and the sky, attracting the gaze of every guest to this amazingly beautiful place in Crimea.

Livadia Palace

Known as the summer residence of the last Russian emperor and the site of the Yalta Conference. But what makes it attractive is not so much the historical facts as the beauty of the palace and the park that was laid out around it.

The snow-white building in the Renaissance style with four courtyards, luxurious chambers and a unique interior fit perfectly into the landscape of the Crimean coast and became one of the most beautiful places in Crimea. The park, laid out on 40 hectares of land, was developed and preserved to this day: winding paths go around beautiful flowers and rare trees, green lawns are decorated with sculptures and fountains, shady alleys lead to the sea, and from observation platforms the endless sea opens to the horizon.

Palace in Massandra

Emperor Alexander III is considered one of the most amazing and beautiful places in Crimea. The palace is small, but incredibly beautiful and elegant. The architect, having decorated the facades with balconies, ornaments and sculptures, gave it the appearance of a fairy-tale, simply gingerbread castle. On the spacious terraces and in the park, according to the fashion of that time, sculptures of satyrs and chimeras were installed. The building was erected right in the forest, and it formed the basis of a beautiful park. Paths were laid out throughout the park and flower beds were planted, additional junipers and conifers were planted along the alleys, and exotic plants were brought from abroad.

Foros Church

Between Sevastopol and Yalta, between the sea and the mountain range, the Red Rock rises, and at its very edge, like a fragile toy in the palm of a giant, stands the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. It is clearly visible from the highway, and everyone who drives past involuntarily turns their head to see this beautiful place in Crimea once again. The legend tells about the miraculous rescue of the daughter of a rich merchant on the edge of this cliff. There was salvation, but it was about Emperor Alexander III. Built in the Byzantine style, it has survived four restorations, and services are still held there.

Vorontsov Palace

Among the most beautiful places in Crimea and beautiful palace in Alupka, which was created by order of Count Vorontsov, who was then the Governor-General of the Novorossiysk Territory. The Count wanted the palace to combine English austerity and the luxury of Indian palaces. Such luxury was suitable for these beautiful places in Crimea: from the windows of the palace one could see the sea, on the other side the Ai-Petri massif hung over the palace, and numerous springs would help grow a beautiful garden. This is how it turned out: the heavy English style is diluted with elements of a luxurious oriental style, and the battlements of watchtowers are adjacent to openwork decorations and arches.

Palace Park deserves a special place among all the beautiful places in Crimea. Both of its parts – the Upper and Lower parks – are amazingly beautiful. There are three meadows in Verkhny (Chestnut, Solnechnaya and Contrast), and on each of them separate types of trees grow. There is also Swan Lake, where these beautiful birds live, and Mirror Lake, there is even a waterfall. The lower park is decorated in Italian style; many unique plants grow there. Anyone who has been there claims that this beautiful place in Crimea is always in a festive mood.

Yusupov Palace

The magnificent Yusupov Palace is located in one of the most beautiful places in Crimea - in Koreiz, on a steep rocky seashore. It was built in the style of the Italian Renaissance, and its interior is simply luxurious: Viennese sofas and chairs skillfully made by Austrian furniture craftsmen, porcelain and bronze figurines. But palace park even more beautiful! It is decorated with trees aged from 100 to 500 years, and in total there are 7.5 thousand species of plants. The entire territory of this beautiful place in Crimea is decorated with fountains and small pools with figures of goddesses, naiads and mermaids. All entrances to the park, all niches are “guarded” by marble lions.

Nikitsky Botanical Garden

The garden was founded more than two hundred years ago. Its director, Christian Steven, conceived the idea of ​​creating a nursery for plants that had never grown in Crimea, in order to acclimatize them to the Crimean soil. And he did it very well. But the main goal was to collect on the territory of this beautiful place in Crimea all the plants that could benefit not only Crimea, but also the whole of Russia. Within three years, the botanical garden’s collection included 50 varieties of pear trees and almost a hundred varieties of apple trees. Gradually, the collection grew with Italian and French grape varieties, magnolias, palm trees, and plane trees. Plants unique to this beautiful place in Crimea have appeared: Californian sequoia, Caucasian fir, cedar, eastern pine, strawberry tree, bamboo, and it’s hard to even count the types of flowers. Today the collection consists of 30 thousand plants from all over the world globe. And no matter what month you visit this garden, you will always see flowering plants: in the spring it is the “Tulip Parade”, in the summer – the “Rose Ball”, in the autumn – the “Chrysanthemum Ball”. Botanical Garden, beautiful creature human hands, and is still considered one of the most beautiful places in Crimea.

And thanks to the construction of a grandiose bridge across Kerch Strait getting to its wonders and attractions has become easier. If you are planning your first trip to the “peninsula back home”, or have already been there on vacation, but want to see something new and interesting, we will advise the most beautiful places in Crimea. The list was compiled taking into account reviews from tourists on review sites, as well as recommendations from travel agencies.

Wuchang-Su Waterfall

The name of the largest waterfall on the peninsula translated from Turkic means “flying water.” There is a beautiful legend that a beautiful girl was turned into a waterfall and, becoming a rapid stream, helped her loved ones get rid of the drought. In the summer months, the waterfall is not particularly impressive, but during the period when the snow melts on the Yalta Yaila, it fully lives up to its name.

bird home

This is one of the most famous tourist attractions, featured on many postcards and photographs dedicated to Crimea. The castle, made in the neo-Gothic style, was erected on the steep cliff of Aurora. Near it there is a wishing tree and observation decks, and art exhibitions are held inside the castle.

Valley of Ghosts

This mysterious place full of oddly shaped rocks. Some of them look like people and animals, others look like objects or fantastic creatures. At dawn and sunset, thanks to the play of light and shadows, the figures seem to come to life and change their outlines, color and even shape.


You can admire the beautiful views in Crimea from the picturesque Mount Ai-Petri. You can climb to the top of the mountain using the Miskhor - Ai-Petri cable car, and we recommend going back down along the beautiful Taraktash trail, leading straight to Yalta.

Livadia Palace

The former summer residence of Nicholas II served as a meeting place for Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. The Yalta Conference of 1945 took place in this palace, where issues of the post-war order were resolved. The palace currently hosts thematic exhibitions and there are two permanent exhibitions: one is dedicated to the Romanov family, the other to the Crimean Conference of Leaders of the Countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition.

Karadag Reserve

In that natural monument Tourists are only allowed in if accompanied by reserve staff, and they must travel along special eco-trails. Many representatives of the flora and fauna of the Karadag Reserve are listed in the Red Book. During the four-hour excursion you can admire unusual rock formations (“King and Queen”, “Ivan the Robber”, “Golden Gate”, etc.), numerous bays and enchanting beauty Black Sea.

Marble Cave

One of the most beautiful sights of Crimea is divided into several halls, each of which has its own unique appearance. Beautiful crystals, sintered columns, openwork baths and pools, and other wonders of this treasury of the mountain king make the Marble Cave a must-see when visiting Crimea. Just dress warmly, because in the underground chambers the temperature does not rise above 8 degrees Celsius.

Massandra Palace

The construction of this palace took a long time - from 1881 to 1902. However, it was not destined to become at least a temporary home for top officials Russian Empire, the last Russian autocrat preferred the Livadia Palace. Currently, the Massandra Palace attracts tourists with its beautiful park and park area.

Lake Panagia

Near the village of Zelenogorye, in the gorge there is the purest deep-water lake Panagia, the waters of which have an emerald hue. They reflect the mountain peaks surrounding the lake. In the vicinity of Panagia are the Arpatian cascades of waterfalls.

Swan Islands

In the reserve with beautiful name In summer, up to 5 thousand swans and up to 250 species of migratory birds live. Seagulls, ducks, cormorants, gray and white herons and other feathered beauties inhabit six islands stretching along Black Sea coast Karkinitsky Bay.

Jur-Jur waterfall

In size, Jur-Dzhur cannot be compared with, but it is the deepest and one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Crimea. It throws out up to 270 liters of water per second. It is better to admire this miracle of nature from a distance; it not only makes noise, but also “throws” stones that fly down along with the water.

Chersonese Tauride

One of the main historical monuments in Crimea was an important Greek settlement in the 5th century BC. It was with him that the Greek expansion to the east and west of Crimea began. Now you can visit Tauride Chersonese either independently or in the company of a guide who will tell you interestingly about Greek customs, traditions and legends.

Cape Chameleon

This cape got its name due to the fact that it changes color depending on the time of day and weather. It is made up of shales that reflect light differently.

Baikal Spit

This landscape park located near the village of Steregushchee - one of the. There are no equipped beaches on the spit, but there are “wild” ones, with pleasant yellow sand. Ideal place for walks and relaxation.

Vorontsov Palace

Crimea is home to some of the most beautiful palaces in Russia. And one of them is Vorontsovsky, named after his customer - Count M.S. Vorontsova. The structure is unique with a mixture of Indo-Moorish and English architectural style Tudor. The palace is surrounded by a large and well-kept park, and in the building itself there is a museum with pompous interiors.

Yalta embankment

Chekhov and Yesenin once walked along this one and a half kilometer embankment. Abundantly “seasoned” with greenery, the Yalta embankment combines modern chic with elegant antiquity. On its territory there are bars, restaurants, hotels, a children's amusement park, as well as the Roffe baths, built at the end of the 19th century.

Balaklava Bay

This is the main attraction of the small resort town of Balaklava. The bay is hardly noticeable from the sea, a winding fairway protects it from strong waves, and steep cliffs protect it from the wind. The best way to appreciate the landscapes of Balaklava Bay is by boat, yawl, or by going up to the Chembalo fortress - it offers a breathtaking view of the sea.

Lavender fields

Although lavender is considered the hallmark of French Provence, there are equally beautiful lavender fields in Crimea. They can be seen, in particular, on both sides of the Simferopol-Sudak road, on Cape Tarkhankut and near Alushta, near the village of Lavender.

Cape Fiolent

The main feature of this piece of land, formed by volcanic rocks, is the bizarrely shaped rocks and the clear sea with emerald green water. To the east of the cape is Jasper Beach, which is reached by a staircase with 800 steps.

Baydar Valley

This huge basin, located in the southeast of the peninsula, is surrounded on all sides by green mountains. Many rivers flow into the valley and form small waterfalls. And in the center of the basin is the Chernorechenskoye reservoir - the largest in Crimea. The Baydar Valley is home to many rare plants, and for its pleasant mild climate it received the unofficial title “Crimean Switzerland”.

Every year on Crimean peninsula Millions of guests come from many countries around the world. It attracts not only the opportunity to soak up the sun and fruits, improve your health and restore strength. People come here for impressions that, together with the photos they take, will maintain their tone and warm mood for a long time. In search of the most beautiful city in Crimea, you should turn to the five best of them.

5. Sudak - the resort pearl of South-Eastern Crimea

One of the oldest cities not only in Crimea, but also in Europe has become a real decoration of the southeastern part of the peninsula. Environmentally friendly - due to the lack of a seaport, it is especially attractive for family vacation. On the city beaches you can find pebbles and sand, and a little away from the city there are wild rocky sections of the coast, exciting with their unbridled severity.

Sudak Bay, surrounded from the north by a picturesque ridge of green mountains, has formed a climate close to the Mediterranean climatic conditions. In the east it is closed by an ancient coral reef, to which fans of ecotourism and numerous divers flock.

In the western part of the bay, on rocky mountain, there is a business card of Sudak - known to everyone. She is a unique historical monument, keeping its romantic and poignant legends. Every guest who comes here strives to touch its fortress walls.

Still wondering which Crimean city is the most beautiful for a holiday? Have no doubt, Sevastopol is extremely rich in iconic monuments that preserve recognition and respect for historical events. Illustrious memorial Complex– and the Park with Friendship Alley laid out here is now a symbol of peaceful life and creation.

The close proximity of recent times with deep history adds a special charm to the metropolis. , which attracts thousands of tourists to its ruins, provides an ancient theater arena for modern productions on summer evenings. Another incredibly beautiful place in Sevastopol - surrounded by mountains, with its Genoese fortress, wonderful beaches and rocky grottoes.

1. Yalta is the most beautiful city in Crimea

The leader in this top five is undoubtedly solar. Reviews from tourists who vacationed here are unanimous: this is the most beautiful and unique resort in the south of the peninsula,
proudly bearing the name “pearl of Crimea”.

How many poets and artists have been inspired by these divine places?! The beauty of Yalta's numerous natural, architectural and historical monuments is breathtaking. What is it worth only, the noble greatness of which deeply touches the soul. The unique castle filled with romantic flair also evokes delight. Does not leave indifferent even the most distant person from botany and.

See from above the embankment, paved with natural stone, of stunning beauty and admire untouched nature Yalta surroundings - all this is possible on a walk around.

As you can see, the choice of vacation destination is sufficient. Each in its own way beautiful city Crimea has its own zest. Sometimes, having fallen in love with one corner, a person returns there again and again, each time discovering something new and surprising in it!



At all times, Crimea was considered one of the most beautiful corners of the planet. The splendor of local nature has more than once become a source of inspiration and the subject of images by the world's best artists, striving to convey the amazing richness of colors of the wonderful peninsula. However, not a single masterpiece of art is capable of giving those sensations that arise when directly immersed in a bright and diverse world called Crimea, open to everyone. An inexpressibly living and changeable sea, picturesque bays, majestic mountains and spacious valleys, mysterious caves and mesmerizing waterfalls, dense forests and clear lakes... From all the stunning diversity of the Crimean land, we selected 20 picturesque places that invariably attract thousands of tourists from all over the world.

One of the most amazing places in the vicinity of Sevastopol - Cape Fiolent. A piece of land formed by volcanic rocks intruding into the sea offers its visitors landscapes of extraordinary beauty. You can admire the expanses of the sea here on the tops of the cliffs, whose height ranges from 50 to 200 meters. Coastline formed by numerous niches, stone piles, miniature islands, rocky coves with grottoes. The nature of the cape is represented by a sparse forest, including a variety of plants. However main feature The places are bare, windswept, bizarrely shaped rocks plunging into clear water. To the east of the cape is the famous Jasper Beach, which can be reached via an ancient stone staircase of about 800 degrees.

Cape Fiolent is pristine nature, beautiful panoramic views, wonderful air and the clearest emerald sea, a peaceful atmosphere and, at the same time, a source of new impressions.

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Vacationers in Crimea in June-July cannot ignore the blooming lavender fields. As you know, the homeland of lavender, an evergreen shrub that captivates with the subtle scent of its flowers, is the Mediterranean. In Crimea, this beautiful plant began to be grown on an industrial scale to obtain essential oil, starting in 1928. Over the past decades, the area of ​​plantations has decreased significantly, many of them are abandoned. At the same time, there are several vast and well-groomed fields that allow you to compare the surroundings of Crimea with French Provence. Such magical places can be found near Bakhchisarai - in the village of Turgenevka, near the villages of Kudrino and Shelkovichnoye, in the mountains near the villages of Rastushchee and Zavetnoye; not far from the suburb of Alushta - the village of Lavender; at Cape Tarkhankut. Lavender fields stretch on both sides of the Simferopol - Sudak road.

The violet sea receding into the distance, filling the air with an intoxicating aroma, in different time days are beautiful in different ways: lavender flowers change shades depending on the lighting. But whenever you manage to contemplate this natural splendor - at dawn, in the middle of the day or at sunset, the impressions of what you see will last a lifetime.

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Crimea, village Lavender

Ai-Petri yayla, which is part of the Main Ridge Crimean mountains, stretches from east to west for 25 km. The highest point of the massif is Mount Roca, whose peak rises 1347 m above sea level. However, the less high, but incredibly picturesque peak of the plateau - Mount Ai-Petri, reminiscent of a magic castle with sheer walls and dilapidated towers, has gained the greatest popularity. Its height reaches 1234 m.

The white figured teeth of the hill became an amazing completion of the mountain amphitheater starting from the Black Sea. The spectacular appearance of the mountain has evolved over thousands of years. In the past, Ai-Petri was a huge coral reef located at the bottom of an ancient sea that existed back in the Upper Jurassic period. But the legendary teeth arose much later, as a result of long-term weathering of the limestone rocks of the former reef.

Getting to the top of Ai-Petri is not at all difficult: there is a road leading to it from the village of Koreiz cable car, famous for the longest unsupported span in Europe. The mountain offers an impressive view of the South Coast.

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Numerous Sevastopol bays are a specific attraction of Crimea that is worthy of special attention. Among them, Balaklava Bay has gained well-deserved popularity, distinguished not only by its expressive landscapes, but also rich history. A number of interesting monuments testify to the distant past of the modern Crimean resort - Balaklava, the main one of which is the Genoese fortress of Chembalo. The ruins of a medieval fortification, located on the top of the Fortress Mountain (Kastron), rise above Balaklava Bay, forming, together with the surrounding natural landscape, a complete majestic ensemble.

The bay itself, which arose as a result of a tectonic fault, is also a unique phenomenon. Hidden behind high cliffs, it “cuts” into the land at 1500 meters. It is connected to the sea by a narrow and winding strait, in some places not exceeding 45 meters in width. All of these features make the bay protected from strong winds and waves from all directions. In addition, Balaklava Bay, unlike many others, is not loaded with large-capacity vessels. This is a cozy and, at the same time, colorful place that will captivate fans forever southern nature and ancient history.

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“Flying water”, or in Turkic “Uchan-Su” - this is the poetic name given to the largest waterfall of the peninsula. The overthrow of water jets from a height of 98.5 m can be called nothing other than flight. The luxurious waterfall was born by the river of the same name, flowing at an altitude of 390 m above sea level along the slopes of the Yalta Yayla. 6 km from Yalta, a mountain river meets a steep limestone cliff, forming a truly magnificent sight. You can feel the full power of Wuchang-Su during the rains or when the snow melts on the yayla. But in the hot summer the waterfall almost completely dries up.

There are many legends about this beautiful creation of nature. So, there is a legend that tells that the girl Zeinab was stopped from diving into the water, and for her dexterity and lightness she received the second name Uchan. The beauty was kidnapped by a mountain spirit, who nevertheless heeded her pleas and allowed her to help her family get rid of the drought by turning Zeinab-Uchan into a mountain stream. Since then, the swift Wuchang has been rushing with mountain peaks to the sea, overcoming a huge rocky barrier on its way.

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An equally beautiful legend tells about the emergence of rocky islands located near the village of Gurzuf. According to legend, two rocks that “grew” in the middle of the sea are petrified twin brothers, punished by their own mentor for their selfish use of magic. Despite the originality of the explanation of origin, the natural attraction received a simple name - “Adalary”, which from the Crimean Tatar means “all of the islands”.

The “brothers” are located 40 m from each other, and about 250 m separate them from the shore. The height of the stone giants is 35 and 48 m. “The sky is blue above, the sea is turquoise below” - such a harmonious frame was given to Adalary - one of the symbols of the Southern Coast of Crimea , so simply and sincerely glorified in one of Artek’s songs.

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One of the most spectacular protected landscapes of Crimea is Cape Ai-Todor. Its three rocky spurs, like a huge trident of Neptune, crash into the sea. The central spur of the cape, also known as “Monastery-Burun” (i.e. “Monastic Cape”) amazes with its beauty. It was here that during the Middle Ages the monastery of St. Theodore was located, from which the toponym Ai-Todor comes. But for more than a hundred years, on the eastern edge of the middle spur, one of the most recognizable Crimean landmarks - the Swallow's Nest - has risen.

No less remarkable is the southernmost and at the same time the highest spur of the cape - the Ai-Todor spur itself, which has served as a landmark for sailors since ancient times. A lighthouse was erected here in 1835, which not only has survived to this day, but is still successfully functioning. The age of the trees surrounding the ancient navigation structure has also passed the century mark.

Ai-Todor with its steep cliffs is a massif that is practically inaccessible from the sea. The only convenient pier is a small but very picturesque cove located between the spurs, where regular boats moor.

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Landmark, Panorama View

In the immediate vicinity of the village of Simeiz, near the sea, a giant stone cat lurks, preparing to jump. This is a large limestone outlier rock, the outlines of which determined its name. Mount Cat is an interesting complex natural monument, distinguished by its varied relief, containing rock formations of original shape and colorful southern vegetation. Over 350 plant species grow here, 12 of them are listed in the Red Book, and some are even endemic.

Ancient civilizations left their mark on Mount Cat. Until now, the massif has become the site of archaeological finds, among which are Taurus burial grounds in the form of stone dolmen boxes dating back to the 6th-2nd centuries. BC. The ruins of medieval fortresses have also been preserved here.

The top of the massif is the highest point of the “curved back” of the Koshka (254 m above sea level). It’s quite easy to get to the rock, which is inaccessible at first glance. One of the ways to visit the attraction can be a walking tour.

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Landmark, Lake/Pond

A unique natural attraction of the Kerch Peninsula is Lake Koyash. It is located on the territory of the Opuksky Nature Reserve, where the virgin steppe meets the sea. Nearby are Lake Uzunlar, a cape and Mount Opuk.

Endorheic lake of estuary origin with salt water cannot boast of large dimensions: its area is only 5 sq.m., and its depth does not exceed 1 m. The reservoir is distinguished by the amazing color of the water, changing depending on the time of year from pale pink to deep red. The reason for this unusual natural phenomenon was microparticles produced by the algae Dunaliella salina growing on the bottom of the lake - one of the few organisms that can survive in such saline conditions. Not only the water is colored, but also the salt crystals, which also acquire the aroma of violets. In spring, the bright pink lake, surrounded by flowering steppe, is especially picturesque. In summer, the water evaporates, leaving real salt icebergs on the sand.

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Kerch, s. Borisovka


A truly mysterious landscape can be observed not far from Alushta, on the western slope of the southern ridge of Demerdzhi-yayla. Here, huge blocks and boulders were transformed by the great creator - Nature into bizarre sculptures resembling figures of people, animals, fantastic creatures or objects. Anything can be seen in southern Demerdzhi: it all depends on the time of day, lighting, and, of course, the imagination of the beholder. Not only the shapes of the rock formations, intricately intertwined with each other, but also their impressive sizes make you tremble. The largest “exhibit”, nicknamed the Giant, with a diameter of 5 m reaches a height of 25 m. There are more than a hundred stone “ghosts” in total. Looking at each of them, guessing the images, watching how centuries-old natural sculptures will change and “come to life” with the movement of the sun - what could be more exciting.

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A cave of unique beauty with a complex system of halls, corridors and galleries was discovered on the lower plateau of the Chatyr-Dag massif in 1987. Soon they laid here tourist routes: the cave was equipped with paths with handrails and lighting. For almost twenty years, the “underground kingdom” has received hundreds of thousands of guests from all over the world, admiring its vast spaces, the original silhouettes of numerous sinter formations, and rare varieties of crystals.

The depth of the cave, located at an altitude of 920 m above sea level, reaches 60 m, and the total length of its halls exceeds 2 km. Each hall has a unique appearance, which is reflected in the names of many of them. In the Marble Cave there are Palace, Pink, Balcony, Chandelier halls, a gallery of Fairy Tales, a Hall of Hope with stone altars, Chocolate and others. What stands out among them is the Perestroika Hall (Collapse Hall), which is the largest hall in the caves of the peninsula. Its length is 100 m and its height is 28 m.

The walls of the underground palace are decorated with caralites that look like flower buds, the space is divided by powerful sinter columns, luxurious “chandeliers” hang on the ceilings, there are openwork gur baths with water and even waterfalls. Varied “decor”, complex composition, grandiose scale Marble Cave amaze the imagination and allow us to call the Crimean landmark one of the most beautiful caves on the planet.

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Crimea, village Marble


You can see how gracefully and silently the noble snow-white birds with a gracefully curved neck glide across the water surface by visiting a nature reserve of international importance - “Swan Islands”. It is located in the Karkinitsky Bay of the Black Sea and consists of six islands with an area of ​​52 hectares, stretching along the coast and separated from each other by shallow straits. Natural conditions attract many waterfowl to this place. In summer, over five thousand swans accumulate here, for which during this period the islands become their home. The number and species composition of the reserve is striking: the shallow waters of the bay are a stopover for more than 250 species of migratory birds. Various species of ducks, waders, gulls, white and gray herons, cormorants and other beautiful birds live here.

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The deepest waterfall in Crimea is located in the vicinity of Alushta, in the mysterious high-mountain gorge Khapkhal, overgrown with dense forest. The average volume of water it throws out is 250–270 liters per second! The waterfall was created by the Ulu-Uzen Vostochny River flowing through the gorge, at an altitude of 468 m above sea level, starting on the slopes of Dzhemerdzhi-yayla and flowing into the Black Sea.

The unique attraction has the simple name “Jur-Jur”, which comes from the onomatopoeia of murmuring water. Indeed, the waterfall does not subside even for a minute. Even in dry summers, a powerful stream of water falls from a fifteen-meter height into a huge pit and then rapidly rushes along the bed of a mountain river. Stones also fly down along with the water flow, so you should not go close to the waterfall. It is better to admire this miracle of nature from a distance. Not far from the waterfall there is a cave of the same name, surrounded by forest.

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Crimea, village Solnechnogorskoe

Landmark, Panorama View

Luxurious panoramic views from the top Roman-Kosh mountains - highest point Babugan-yayla, which in turn is the highest mountain range Crimea. Here, at an altitude of 1545 meters above sea level, you can see almost the entire Crimea, breathe in the air filled with the aromas of fragrant herbs and flowers, and feel a state of serene peace and harmony. It is not surprising that, according to one version, the toponym “Roman-Kosh” is of Indo-Aryan origin and is translated as “upper rest”, “highest peace”. Although there is a more prosaic translation of the name of the mountain, from the Turkic language meaning “forest peak”.

The mountain is located near the village of Gurzuf. The path to the top passes through a picturesque Pine forest. In the valleys of Mount Roman-Kosh you can often see red deer and graceful roe deer, barely touching the ground while running. The mountain is indescribably beautiful during sunset. The open meadows here serve as excellent viewing platforms. However, since Roman-Kosh is located on the territory of the Crimean Nature Reserve, climbing the mountain is officially prohibited.

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A bunch of picturesque corners united by the Baydar Valley - a huge basin in the southeastern part of the peninsula, surrounded on all sides by green mountains. Numerous rivers flow here, forming small but very beautiful waterfalls. In the center of the valley there is the largest reservoir in Crimea - Chernorechenskoye, the source of which is the crystal clear mountain river Chernaya.

In the north-west of the intermountain basin there are formed deep canyons, in the southeastern part you can find several caves. The sun-drenched meadows, whose flowers fill the mountain air with fresh aromas, are incredibly beautiful. In total, over 50 species of plants grow in the valley, including relict trees, medicinal herbs, and rare orchids.

Thanks to its natural beauty and surprisingly mild climate, the Baydar Valley received unofficial name- Crimean Switzerland. Walking through its picturesque places is wonderful at any time of the year.

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The natural border between Koktebel Bay and Quiet Bay is Cape Chameleon. Today it is a narrow, high ridge with a very unusual silhouette. Thanks to ancient maps of Crimea, it is known that the cape became this way centuries later: the part of the land formed by clay rocks, eroded by the sea and rains, significantly decreased in size over time.

The Cape was named a chameleon because of its phenomenal ability to change shades depending on the lighting. So, in the morning you can observe a gray-blue color. But at sunset, the sun's rays “color” the rocks golden, gradually turning into purple and blue shades. The “play of light” continues throughout the day, during which the cape changes its appearance up to twenty times.