How to spend an unforgettable vacation on the South Coast in Crimea? Tips and life hacks. Southern coast of Crimea Southern coast of Crimea

The southern coast is a real pearl of the Crimean peninsula. It is often called simply and briefly - South Coast. This paradise, along with the French Cote d'Azur, is recognized as the second world resort in terms of the effectiveness of the treatment of various diseases.

Wonderful beaches, waterfalls, embankments, palaces, ancient parks, manors are covered with legends, every corner here has its own history, so the rest on the south coast is not only useful and comfortable, but also very informative.

Climatic features

The name itself speaks of the geographical position of the southern coast. The not very wide coastal strip of the Black Sea - its width is from two to eight kilometers, stretching for 170 kilometers from west to east from Cape Aya to the legendary Karadag, is protected from the northern winds by the main ridge of the Crimean mountains.

From the southernmost point - Cape Sarych, only 142 nautical miles to Turkey. In Soviet times, it was a protected area, which made it possible to preserve rare species of plants and animals here. And now this coast covered with huge boulders remains wild, there are practically no beaches here, the underwater world is very rich and diverse, which attracts tourists-divers here.

The unique location creates a special climate on the south coast, which generally belongs to the subtropical Mediterranean, but is also divided into dry, semi-dry and semi-humid types. This separation depends on altitude and winds. In a narrow sense, the South Coast includes a section with a length of 80 kilometers from Cape Aya to Alushta. Here the climate is more humid and gentle.

In the area from Alushta to Feodosia, the climate becomes hotter and arid. Strictly speaking, this is already the southeastern coast, where the mountains recede from the sea by 10-12 kilometers. Temperature and humidity are regulated by the Black Sea, which brings coolness in summer and warmth in winter.

In winter, the temperature does not drop to negative levels, which is facilitated by the warm Crimean current and mountains that do not allow cold air here.

Winter on the South Coast is mild, but cloudy and rainy. In January, the average temperature very rarely drops below +4, and the daily temperature drops below +7. During the day it can rise even up to +18-20. This is the time of storms and strong east winds. Windy and unstable weather persists in spring, the average temperature rises to +14 degrees.

The holiday season begins in early May and continues until the end of October. This is longer than on the Côte d'Azur and the Italian coast, which are close in climate. Strong heat (+28-35 degrees) is softened by sea breezes. You can swim from June to October, the water temperature in July-August reaches 26 degrees, in September it remains the same, by October it decreases slightly, but remains comfortable until the 20th day of the month.

Plants and animals

The flora of the southern coast is very peculiar. Many of the species that exist here are endemic, that is, they live only in this natural zone, and no less number of species have been imported from other countries. The Mediterranean climate, landscape features, human economic and cultural activities - the combination of all these factors led to the uniqueness and originality of the flora of the South Coast.

Parks, gardens, vineyards merge here with evergreen wild thickets. In the famous parks of Livadia, Gurzuf, Massandra, Alupka, the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, imported exotic species have been growing for more than 200 years, and relics and endemics are carefully protected in the reserves located here. Precious beeches and oaks, living from 250 to 1000 years, can now be found throughout the coast. This is largely the merit of biologists, since entire groves were mercilessly cut down earlier.

Small-fruited strawberry is listed in the Red Book. This evergreen tree with edible, strawberry-like fruit can reach a height of 6 meters and has a bizarre winding trunk and branches. In Crimea, it is found only on the southern coast and belongs to endemic species. The evergreen coniferous cypress is valued for its unique medicinal properties. The bactericidal properties of its essential oils contribute to the suppression of many pathogenic bacteria. Even in ancient times, figs were brought to the South Coast, the fruits of which are very useful for the body.

It is simply impossible to list and describe the richest plant collection, it has more than 1.5 thousand species. One can only marvel at the beauty and fertility of this amazing land. But the fauna of the southern coast can hardly be called very rich. These are hares, squirrels, foxes, hedgehogs, martens, badgers, rodents and bats adapted to the Mediterranean climate.

Sometimes in winter, Crimean deer, moufflons and roe deer come down from the mountains. There are no large predators here.

In winter, the bird kingdom also increases. In the spring, migratory birds fly away and cormorants, gulls, white-bellied swifts, city swallows, gray crows, wild pigeons, kestrels falcons remain on the coast.

Reptiles are represented here by many lizards, among which are the endemic Crimean gecko and the relic legless yellow-bellied lizard. The leopard snake is listed in the Red Book. This beautiful snake is almost destroyed and is extremely rare.

Where can you go?

The southern coast of Crimea is distinguished by a developed infrastructure. All cities and towns have their own special atmosphere and are ready to receive tourists at any time of the year, therefore, when going on vacation, it remains only to decide on individual preferences. The pearl of Crimea and its resort capital is the beautiful Yalta. This city is also called Russian Nice. The temperate Mediterranean climate allows you not only to have a great rest, but is also ideal for the treatment of many diseases.

Administratively, Big Yalta is distinguished - this is the territory from Foros to Krasnokamenka, which includes many villages, several cities and the port city itself - Yalta. The city is located on three hills in the valley of the mountain rivers Uchan-Su and Derekoiki, surrounded by a semicircle of mountains. On the territory of Greater Yalta, beautiful parks have been created on the basis of natural forests. The Yalta Reserve is considered a state property.

All these natural features create a special microclimate in the city and attract many people who want to improve their health. Back in 1886, Professor S.P. Botkin discovered the special healing properties of the Yalta air, filled with sea salts and phytoncides. Palaces for the royal family were built here, aristocrats, wealthy industrialists and merchants erected mansions, representatives of the creative intelligentsia aspired here.

Just 37 kilometers from Yalta is the second largest resort town of the South Coast - Alushta. Big Alushta, stretching for almost 40 kilometers along the coast, in addition to the city itself, includes 26 more settlements. Alushta is considered the cleanest and greenest city on the coast.

Aivazovsky Park is famous for its large collection of exotic plants, and in the aquarium you can see many fish listed in the Red Book.

Gurzuf- an old town, which is given a special charm by narrow streets, beautiful embankments and numerous ladders. The large city beach allows free accommodation for all vacationers. Gurzuf is also famous for its unique climate, it is no coincidence that the famous children's camp "Artek" is located here. The names of famous natural formations - Cape Suuk-Su, Ayu-Dag mountain, Adalary rocks, are familiar to many from childhood.

Livadia- This is a small urban-type settlement, which is part of Big Yalta and has a rich history. Starting from the III millennium BC, its surroundings were already densely populated. It was here that in the middle of the 19th century the residence of the royal family was located. The Livadia Palace, which preserves the furnishings and interiors of the tsarist time, the palace park complex with valuable plant species, with many sculptures by Italian masters and beautiful fountains, attract many excursions here.

Massandra- one of the suburbs of Yalta, the center of winemaking. The wine collection of Massandra is one of the largest in the world and contains a million bottles. The oldest brand of wine is Jerez de la Frontera, dated from the vintage of 1775. Local sanatoriums even offer an unusual course of wine treatment. This settlement is surrounded by three protected areas at once: Cape Martyan, Yalta and Crimean nature reserves.

Miskhor- a place of rest for the creative intelligentsia. Gorky, Mayakovsky, Chaliapin lived and worked here. The Swallow's Nest, which has become a symbol of the Crimea, is located right here, on Cape Ai-Todor. And to the top of Ai-Petri you can make an unforgettable ascent by cable car, listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Bay Laspi. Catherine II called this place a fabulous mirage from the Thousand and One Nights. The relic juniper grove in combination with the mountain air creates an unusually healing microclimate here. In addition, the coast here is rich in mineralized clay, which gave the name to the bay itself. Its origin is connected with the existence here in the past of a large number of geothermal sources. After the springs dried up, the water here became so clear that it was recognized as the cleanest on the entire coast, and the bay became a favorite place for diving enthusiasts.

It is famous for its clean sea and pristine nature.

The best beaches

Blue Flag of the European Union - this distinction is awarded to the best beaches that meet international standards. The beaches of the southern coast of Crimea proved that they deserve to install it on their territory. Almost all beaches are pebbly, equipped with everything you need: there are changing rooms, showers, bathrooms, sunbeds, umbrellas. But with small children, you have to worry about safety - the bottom drops sharply in many places. Entrance to almost all beaches is free, you only have to pay for amenities. There are also paid elite beaches, mostly they belong to hotels or resorts.

The golden Yalta beach is covered with legends. Usually sand is called “golden”, but here, as elsewhere, it is pebbles. But compared to other beaches, it is smaller and lighter. There were times when the pebbles from this beach were worth their weight in gold and exported as building material, being a real "gold mine" for the owners. In addition, unique healing properties are still attributed to it.

Golden Beach is an amazing place. It is located on the territory of a beautiful park, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the water in the sea is famous for its transparency. The bottom here is flat, so families with children prefer it. The left side of the beach belongs to the Kurpaty sanatorium, and you can get to the right side absolutely freely. The legendary staircase, built more than 50 years ago, leads to the territory. There are about 8 kilometers from the city to this coastal strip, so there are a little fewer vacationers than on the city beach, but a comfortable stay is provided here.

Massandra Beach is the proud owner of the European blue flag. This is one of the most convenient and lively beaches on the coast. The comfortable territory is divided into several zones, three of which have the status of "VIP". Entrance is mostly paid, prices in each zone are different.

No one will be bored here, there is a lot of entertainment: from fun with animators, sports competitions to relaxing and wellness massages. You can rent water equipment, frolic on the rides, have a bite to eat in a restaurant, and in the evening watch a concert or go to the dance floor.

Another blue flag is flying over the beach of the famous Yalta-Intourist hotel. This is a world-class beach, appropriately equipped and providing vacationers with a lot of interesting entertainment. There is also a fitness center, a massage parlor, a children's water park, and attractions. The use of the beach for hotel guests is free, for guests - for a fee. A high level of service implies appropriate prices.

Beach in Livadia considered one of the cleanest and most beautiful, it is distinguished by medium-sized and very smooth pebbles, on which you can even walk barefoot. The descent to the sea is quite steep, but there are elevators. The beach area is small, but it has everything you need: changing cabins, showers, cafes, rentals.

Lovers of silence and solitude will prefer this beach. There are no animators and a large influx of tourists.

It is worth noting that each beach of the South Coast is good in its own way, among them there are both lively and semi-wild ones, so any vacationer can find his “reserved place”.


The list of natural and man-made attractions of the South Coast is very extensive. It is almost impossible to refrain from excursions and devote time only to a beach holiday. What can you enjoy here?

  • Landscape park "Paradise", also known as "Aivazovskoye"- a magnificent monument of park art. Located at the foot of the Ayu-Dag mountain in the village of Partenit. The park complex is notable for its original modern design developments, which are based on the history of the Crimea, its legends and myths, as well as the achievements of gardeners from other countries. This is a whole open-air landscape museum.
  • The “eternally murmuring” Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall on the Ulu-Uzen River is the most full-flowing. Its height is 15 meters, and the water temperature does not exceed 7 degrees. Swimming in the waterfall is prohibited, but tourists still try to do it, because, according to legend, its waters relieve all sins and diseases.
  • Not so full-flowing, but very beautiful Jurla waterfall- one of the famous Crimean waterfalls. You can see the bewitching water cascade only in spring, when the snow melts in the mountains.
  • Symbol of Crimea- a unique architectural monument "Swallow's Nest" in the village of Gaspra. The castle floating in the sky invariably arouses surprise and admiration, and its observation deck offers a magnificent view of the mountains, the sea and Greater Yalta.

Rest on the southern coast of Crimea is a rest in the Crimea in its classical sense: Yalta, Massandra, Gurzuf ... Ancient seaside beaches, parks and embankments, architectural monuments of different eras, palaces and estates - all this can be found in every seaside town on the southern coast of Crimea . And rest in the southern resorts of Crimea is considered the most “Crimean” one.

This tourist region has the most developed infrastructure: cafes and restaurants, shops and shopping centers, children's entertainment areas. Accommodation options are for every taste: from small rooms in the private sector to luxurious cottages, sanatoriums or hotel rooms on the southern coast of Crimea.

Climate and weather

Main Attractions

Fans of sightseeing trips will be more than satisfied - on the southern coast of Crimea there are a lot of attractions that form the basis of any excursion program.

The coast of the Southern Crimea is famous for being the basis of a good holiday: hospitable hotels, clean beaches, a wide range of entertainment and excursions. Vivid impressions of a holiday on the south coast are guaranteed!

The most popular and invariably demanded by tourists resort area in Crimea- it is his South coast. Geographically Southern Crimea called part of the Black Sea coast on the southern side of the Main Slope of the Crimean Mountains. This territory is bounded by Kara-Dag from the west, and Cape Aya from the east. Here are the best conditions for recreation and tourism, which have long been widely recognized throughout the world. Resorts of Southern Crimea lie at a very small distance from each other, so that their boundaries are sometimes completely blurred. But at the same time, each of them can be characterized by very special features, their own microclimate, vegetation, relief lines. Unlike other parts of the Crimean coast, there are a lot of mountains here, so there will be no shortage of picturesque views. Whatever holiday resort you choose.

On the southern coast of Crimea the enchanting Mediterranean climate reigns. Warm winters, hot and dry summers, sea winds from the sea, then from the mountains, earned him the fame of a world center of healing. People with a whole range of diseases are sent here, which are cured by the local wonderful nature. The best time to relax is early autumn, the so-called “velvet season”, because the period when you can swim here ends much later than in other places, because the water in the sea remains warm for a very long time.

Add to list resorts in the region first of all, such famous health resorts as Alupka and Yalta, as well as Simeiz, Gurzuf and almost merged into one small villages like Gaspra, Foros and Koreiz are included. The mountain slopes and expanses of the plains here are strewn with a lush carpet of subtropical plants, and the beaches are pebbly and fully landscaped for the needs of vacationers. In addition to natural beauty, southern part of the Crimean coast has an interesting history, closely connected with the life of Russian monarchs, for whom luxurious palaces were built here and picturesque parks were laid out. To look at the architectural ensembles of Massandria and Livadia, as well as the magnificent Swallow's Nest castle, guests from all over the world flock every year.

It was in this part of the peninsula that the largest number of sanatoriums and children's health camps were built in the post-revolutionary period. Many of them are still working today. Most of the tourists visiting Southern Crimea, comes precisely to be treated. The region is very popular with families with children - all conditions are created here to turn a vacation into a fairy tale. Now the hotel fund of the Southern Crimea includes hotels, rest houses, boarding houses, private apartments of various levels of comfort with and without treatment, so it will not be difficult to choose the best offer for each client.

Morskoye village on the southern coast of Crimea just west of Sudak stretched along the valley between the mountains along the Black Sea coast. Several thousand people live here, that is, this is a small settlement. As elsewhere in the south of Crimea, holiday season in Marine lasts a very long time and is characterized by high air and water temperatures. The sun almost never hides behind clouds, giving light and warmth to tourists for two and a half thousand hours a year. Sometimes even in October you can swim and sunbathe here.

The beauty of the mountain and sea landscapes of the resort is all the more amazing because this is one of those places on the territory of the Crimean peninsula that have not yet been touched by civilization, and which still retained an absolutely natural, miraculous charm. The largest beach in the village with medium-sized pebbles is landscaped in those areas that belong to the territory of sanatoriums and boarding houses. There are booths, awnings, and fresh showers. But the cleanliness leaves much to be desired, largely due to the fact that two mountain rivers flow through the beach at once with water that is not very clean due to rain.

The choice of places to stay in Morskoye is incredibly rich - from chic stylish hotel rooms with a full range of luxury attributes to cloth tents by the very waves of the Black Sea. Accordingly, prices vary greatly, so there is a good option for almost any wallet. In Morskoye, in addition to standard beach activities such as catamarans, jet skis and scooters, horseback riding and sightseeing routes, you can go diving exploring the seabed or rush along the waves with a parachute after a motor boat. And it is clear that, like any resort town in the Crimea, it cannot do without shops, restaurants, bars, cafes and food markets.

Although this city is not a resort in the true sense of the word, nevertheless it is one of the most popular recreational areas in Crimea. In general, under this name it is customary to understand not only the city itself, but also such settlements as Inkerman, Kacha, Uchkuevka, Balaklava resort and several villages. The city, which is home to about four hundred thousand people, has a number of advantageously located bays where the water never freezes. That is why it has long become not only a seaport, a trading harbor, but also a base for the navy. And, of course, you can not ignore ancient history of Sevastopol and its status as a city-hero of the Great Patriotic War. Moreover, historical sights and architectural monuments preserved in Sevastopol attract tourists almost more than its beaches, among which there are both sandy and pebble ones.

Weather near Sevastopol stands for the most part the same as on the South coast. Summers are very warm, but not too hot, there is little rainfall, and the water is suitable for swimming from June to mid-September. The most visited are the long lines of beaches between Streletskaya Bay and Omega, as well as the central beaches of the city, and Pesochnaya Bay near the Chersonesos protected area. Most of the beaches have showers, cafes and rescue services, but there are also completely wild places where the coast line suitable for the sea is covered with stones or overgrown with grass.

For recreation in Sevastopol you can choose among a variety of hotels, boarding houses, campsites, sports facilities and residential buildings. The modern entertainment industry includes shops, a water park, water rides, a theater with dolphins and nightclubs. Surfing and diving schools are open to the greatest pleasure of athletes.

Privetnoe and Kanaka

In Privetnoye and Kanak very healthy microclimate without cold winds and sharp temperature fluctuations. Here, like nowhere else, you can fully enjoy the magnificence of the nature of the Crimea and relax away from the hustle and bustle of large cities and transport interchanges. The small pebble beaches of the resorts are very suitable for families with children, especially since they offer a wide range of water activities and attractions, as well as rental of sports equipment. Excursions to the Genoese fortress and trips to vineyards are organized, which Privetnoe resort deservedly proud.

Although holidays in these two villages are not as popular as in the more famous resorts of the Southern Crimea - like Yalta or Alushta, nevertheless, here you can find tourist complexes of the highest level. But most travelers still prefer mini-hotels, inexpensive comfortable boarding houses or cottages on the very seashore. Markets where you can buy fresh fruits and vegetables, including the best varieties of local grapes, shops, restaurants, bars and cafes are easily accessible to all guests.


Near Alushta in the Crimea, at a very short distance from each other, there are several cozy villages with a mild and sunny climate and lovely landscapes of a mountain valley. The settlements of Malorechenskoye and Rybachye , as well as the town of Solnechnogorsk practically do not differ from each other, but at the same time, each of them has its own characteristics. Rybachye is a wider and more spacious, well-equipped resort area, but in Malorechensky will appeal to those who are looking for peace and solitude. Both villages boast attractions, such as a lighthouse temple on the edge of a steep cliff or the Bay of Love. Both villages are perfect for holidays with children - there is no transport, no manufacturing plants, no noisy entertainment - only greenery, sea, sun and an atmosphere of peace.

Spacious pebble beaches at both resorts are equipped with rental shops, showers, sunbeds and outdoor cafes. And a little further, outside the villages, a strip of wild beaches stretches, given to nudists and lovers of camping. Rybachye and Malorechenskoye offer sanatoriums, holiday homes and small hotels, various types of accommodation right next to the sea. In terms of service, the local hotels are in no way inferior to the most prestigious Crimean resorts and guarantee a truly unforgettable vacation.


Alushta is an affordable and prestigious Crimean resort in the southern part of the Black Sea coast. In terms of importance and popularity, this city is second only to Yalta. For many years now, this resort has annually welcomed any category of tourists, giving them the opportunity to spend time in accordance with their age and interests, having fun, improving their health and learning new things. Moderately humid climate formed with a mixture of sea and steppe air currents creates optimal conditions for recreation during the entire holiday season from May to October. There are a lot of sunny days a year, and the temperature of air and water stays steadfastly at the same pleasant level. That is why in Alushta recommend to go as a patient with a variety of different diseases.

Another very important dignity of Alushta that encourages so many vacationers to choose it for their holidays is a very developed transport network. From here you can get to almost any place in the Crimea: large nearby cities of Yalta and Simferopol and small villages. Through Simferopol, there is a railway connection with Krasnodar and the south of Russia, there is also an international airport. Of course, it is very convenient for exploring the sights of the Crimea, so for those who love excursions, there is simply no better place than Alushta. In the Alushta there is also something to see: the Valley of Ghosts, geysers, caves, chains of waterfalls and rocks that delight with their beauty. The hotel and resort business in Alushta actively competes with affordable housing in the private sector, so vacationers always have the opportunity to choose.

Strip of Alushta beaches is about six kilometers long. For the most part, they are covered with small and medium-sized pebbles or sometimes dark-colored sand of a rather large size. All beaches are well equipped and completely safe even for small children. Resort life is constantly in full swing on the wide embankments of Alushta - it is here that most of the cultural and entertainment establishments, restaurants and retail outlets are concentrated. And although there are always a lot of people here, even in the midst of summer there is no feeling of unpleasant crowding and everyone can freely indulge in relaxation exactly the way he likes it best.

Partenit and Utes

At the feet of Ayu-Dag, at some distance from Alushta and Yalta, lies another the prestigious resort of the South coast - the village of Partenit . This is the very edge of the Alushta region, next to Cape Plaka. Thousands of tourists come here to sunbathe and swim, attracted by the stunning climate of the Southern Crimea. At this time, the well-groomed pebble and sandy beaches of the village are full of people, and a variety of activities such as diving, surfing, boating and jet skis are extremely in demand. Those who do not like such fun can find a romantic retreat on the wild beaches of the blue lagoons under the Ayu-Dag mountain. Restaurants and cafes await customers in the village, travel around the neighborhood, supermarkets and a dolphinarium are offered, where you should go with children.

Near Partenit situated new resort called Utes with the unique architecture of modern high-rise hotels, standing almost right next to the coast. A cozy secluded place without a loud nightlife, conducive to relaxation and relieves accumulated fatigue. Natural pebble and artificial concrete beaches of Utes equipped with a convenient entry into the sea. And yet, to the delight of history lovers, it is in this small village that you can see the ancient palaces of Prince Yusupov and Countess Gagarina framed by a magnificent park with southern tropical plants.

Gurzuf urban-type settlement , a little east of Yalta near the famous Ayu-Dag mountain, also known as the Bear Mountain, has long won fame as one of the best resorts on the Crimean peninsula. A wonderful Mediterranean climate with warm, but not too hot sunny days, lush and varied vegetation on the picturesque mountain slopes, a swimming season from June to October, a huge park with shady groves, fountains and sculptures - this is the “visiting card”. Paid and free pebble beaches with stones of different sizes are located along the transparent clear sea. Most of the paid ones belong to sanatoriums and boarding houses, while city and municipal ones rent umbrellas, sun loungers, and showers. In some places there are beach cafes. During the season, as elsewhere on the South Coast, there is very little free space on public beaches. Therefore, many tourists prefer to take a boat to a more deserted coastline at the foot of the Ayu-Dag, where you can swim and sunbathe in the open.

Hotels, health resorts and rest houses are built up almost all embankment in Gurzuf. Private housing is rented out in two main urban areas - the old and the new. It is up to you to decide which type of accommodation is most suitable for your purposes. In the village, in addition to traditional types of attractions and entertainment on the water, tourists will be offered boat trips to Yalta and Alupka, as well as to the famous Swallow's Nest castle - the tourist pearl of the Crimean coast.

Yalta is the most famous and fashionable resort in the Southern Crimea , its tourist capital. The city is surrounded by a semicircle of high mountains, descending into a bay with unusually beautiful landscapes. The city is literally immersed in tropical greenery, which is so abundant here that if you look from a height, it seems as if buildings are scattered here and there among the continuous green carpet. In addition to the city itself, for more than seventy kilometers of the coast, the territory that is commonly called Big Yalta, which includes Gurzuf, Alupka and some other towns and villages, stretches. This must be remembered and always clarified when choosing a place to go on vacation.

If you want to choose the season when you will be guaranteed the most favorable weather in Yalta- it is better to go there in the so-called "velvet season", because here the period suitable for swimming begins later than in other places, as the water warms up longer. There are quite a few beaches in Yalta, but all of them are mostly private and belong to sanatoriums, hotels and boarding houses. There are free beaches, but they still have to pay for a sun lounger rental. In addition, as a rule, due to the number of vacationers, at the beginning of the day there is not a single free place left even to lay a towel. So if you want space and clean sea - pay attention to the vast coastal strip outside the city. But with regard to entertainment Yalta There is something to surprise your guests. There is a water park, a dolphinarium, a zoo and a botanical garden, a fantastic park-museum "Glade of fairy tales", with sculptures of fairy-tale heroes, which will not leave any child indifferent. In the summer season, well-known acting troupes give performances and concerts at the local theater. I have no shortage of Yalta in all kinds of restaurants, cafes and shops where you can make all the necessary purchases. So if you expect not only sunshine and sea bathing from a vacation in Crimea, then Yalta - resort just for you.


Charming Simeiz is a popular youth resort in the south of Crimea , which nestled comfortably at the foot of Mount Koshka on the territory of Greater Yalta. The bizarre relief of the Crimean mountains and the rocks sticking out of the water give it a very special beauty. On foot travel around Simeiz quite difficult - it is an endless chain of descents and ascents, steep mountain paths and slopes overgrown with coniferous relic forests. But how much fun you can get during such walks and what amazing photos you get! The beach season in this resort, as in the entire South Coast, continues until September. It is characterized by consistently hot summers with almost no precipitation with temperatures around 23-25 ​​degrees and well-heated water.

The free pebble beaches of the village are crowded and therefore heavily polluted at the height of the season, but the sanatoriums and hotels take care of their private beaches very carefully, cleaning and landscaping them. So it's better to pay to get on one of them than to endure the inconvenience. But in the secluded bays of the Blue Bay, you can not only dive into the clear water from the rocks, but also dive with scuba gear or just take a good swim without pandemonium and din. There is also a water park with water slides, which is a kind of "highlight" that complements the usual range of Crimean beach fun provided to vacationers in almost every resort.


Speaking of Forose, it should be noted that this is the most southern of all the resort villages of Crimea. In addition to the developed infrastructure and the subtropical Mediterranean climate, it is known for its clean, well-groomed pebble beaches. By the way, Foros has always been liked by actors and musicians for its picturesqueness, evoking romantic thoughts and stimulating inspiration. On both sides of the resort I limit two high mountains, and in the center the third high point is created by the architectural dominant of the Foros Church - the main attraction of the village. In three tiers, a huge park descends to the sea with a delightful collection of rare plants and trees. In its fabulous groves with ponds and lakes, not only tourists, but also the residents themselves willingly rest.

All city ​​beaches of Foros are available to vacationers for free, and the main one is indented with countless coves with transparent blue water and has a completely wild, unkempt appearance. However, this "uncivilization" only makes it more beautiful. Near the shore in the water you can often see jellyfish, crabs and other marine life, which, as you know, usually appear only in very clear water. Private beaches of hotels, of course, are much better equipped - they have awnings, toilets, bars. Prices for accommodation and entertainment in Foros are on average no higher than along the entire southern coast. Water activities, excursions and discos are visited by vacationers very actively, and if this is not enough, you can go to Yalta, where it certainly will not be boring.


A unique corner of the Crimean coast, which is Balaklava, stretched out in the Balaklava Bay, one and a half kilometers long, one of the most beautiful in all of Crimea. Balaklava - a resort with a very ancient history , it was described by Homer in the poem "Odyssey". Now it is a district of Sevastopol, which has long been adapted for sailing. Here you can see many private yachts gliding on the always calm surface of the azure water. The bulk of the Genoese fortress hangs over the exit to the bay, and flocks of dolphins often swim up to the shore - in a word, the place is absolutely fabulous. It is not surprising that there are so many tourists here, despite the fact that there are no beaches at all in Balaklava. But from here you will be taken by boat to the famous Golden, Silver, Middle, Jasper and other beaches outside the resort. All the way you will be able to admire the breathtaking panorama of the coast from the sea.

Until recently in Balaklava it was impossible to find any hotels or sanatoriums, because this city was completely non-tourist. But then several good rest houses and small hotels with decent service were built, and private housing continues to be in demand. As entertainment, walking and water excursions to Cape Fiolent and the Lost World, an inspection of the Cembalo fortress and a visit to the Cold War Museum are organized. After long and interesting trips, a great end to the day will be dinner at one of the many fish restaurants on the waterfront.

Most Russian tourists who decide to spend their holidays on the Black Sea traditionally choose the southern coast of Crimea. Where it is better to relax and how to use your free time, you will learn from this article.

Treatment and rest

The first health resorts appeared in the Crimea in the 19th century. Here they treated tuberculosis and lung diseases. In Soviet times, a whole network of sanatoriums appeared, in which they worked with such serious diseases as neurocircular dystonia, disruption of the cerebral vessels and the musculoskeletal system. Nowadays, clinics work all year round and accept patients of any age for treatment. Therefore, children suffering from nervous diseases and cerebral palsy are specially brought here. Ordinary citizens are attracted by the healing air of the peninsula, which, according to scientists, is saturated with ions and phytoncides. Modern hotels offer their guests trendy spa treatments aimed at rejuvenating and restoring the body.

Where to relax with a child in the Crimea (South Coast)

Boarding houses and sanatoriums of the peninsula offer a wide range of services for families with children. The mild climate, beautiful nature and clear sea will make your stay with your child cozy and calm. In all cities and resort areas you can find something to your liking - visiting water parks, children's entertainment centers and attractions. There are also children's camps, where every day seems like a holiday. Next, we will take a closer look at the best resorts and tell you more about (where it is better to relax).


This is one of the central areas of the South Coast - an ideal place for recreation and entertainment. The resort area here stretches for 40 km, dozens of sanatoriums, boarding houses and recreation centers welcome thousands of tourists from many countries of the world into their hospitable arms. In this, young people can have a great time visiting beaches, bars, discos and nightclubs. There are also many entertainments for children in Alushta. They can visit the water park, dolphinarium, aquarium and amusement park. Fans of outdoor activities can choose one of the many natural tourist routes, go to the mountains, explore the most beautiful caves and drive jeeps. Fans of excursions will find many interesting historical places, visit ancient ruins, museums, get acquainted with the folklore and legends that the region is famous for.


The south coast of Crimea. Where is the best place to relax? Feodosia

This name is inextricably linked with the fate of such great people as Aivazovsky, Chekhov, Green and many other talents. Here you can visit the oldest historical museum, see the famous Kafsky fortress, take part in one of the many festivals. Feodosia is a favorite place for fans of a relaxing holiday, as there are beaches of the southern coast of Crimea for every taste. They stretch along the coast for 15 km, many of them are sandy, others are pebble or sand and pebble. This resort has more than 60 rest houses, sanatoriums and boarding houses. The local climate and nature make it possible to treat nervous diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders and a number of other diseases.


This small and cozy village is simply created for a relaxing holiday and is perfect for those who are tired of the bustle of the city. Local sandy beaches are called "golden", here you can enjoy natural beauties and clear sea for a long time. Outdoor enthusiasts can entertain themselves with beach sports and fun rides. Holidaymakers spend their free time in local restaurants and cafes, visit souvenir shops and markets. In addition, everyone can use the bus to get to Feodosia and enjoy all the joys of the big city.


In this article, we tried to talk about the best beaches on the southern coast of Crimea, where to relax and what to do in your free time, we also found out. Of course, this is far from a complete story, since one can talk endlessly about the beauties of the peninsula. Therefore, we advise you to come here and see the local landscapes with your own eyes, swim in the gentle sea and bask in the hot sun.

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Sanatoriums located on the Southern Coast of Crimea

The southern coast of Crimea is a zone of a subtropical mild climate, protected from the cold air by the ridge of the Crimean mountains from the north, due to which summer here sometimes drags on until November, and begins as early as April.

The South Coast is the most popular and most developed resort region in Crimea. The largest number of institutions for recreation, comprehensive rehabilitation and treatment are collected here. The most famous place is the city of Yalta and its environs: Gurzuf, Partenit, Livadia, Massandra, Miskhor (Koreiz), Alupka, Simeiz and further to Foros and Laspi. The environs of Yalta and Yalta itself constitute the territorial unit of Greater Yalta. The second most important resort on the southern coast of the Black Sea of ​​Crimea is the city of Alushta.

The unique vegetation of the mountainous Crimea creates a truly healing air in this region. This air is the main healing factor on which the treatment in the sanatoriums of the southern coast of Crimea is built.

Climatotherapy is indicated for everyone who has diseases of the respiratory system and respiratory tract. In addition, diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, diseases of the male and female genitourinary systems (urology, gynecology) and many other concomitant diseases are treated on the southern coast of Crimea. In the treatment, both a natural resource and the latest technologies of this industry are used.

Stunning scenery and landscape, an abundance of attractions will complement your rest and treatment. The beaches of the southern coast of Crimea are mostly pebbly, the swimming season on the South Coast lasts from May to October.


Clinical sanatorium "Miskhor" - is located on the Southern Coast of Crimea, in its picturesque corner, town. Koreiz (Big Yalta), 15 km from the city of Yalta, on the seashore, the territory of the sanatorium park covers an area of ​​18.2 hectares. Wonderful climatic conditions, the amazing and unique beauty of the nature of the Crimean southern coast, highly qualified specialists of the sanatorium, who have proven their effectiveness over decades of practical application of technologies for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation, and modern equipment - these are the main advantages of healing in the Miskhor sanatorium. The sanatorium has developed programs for complex spa treatment: bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, diseases of the nervous system, including migraine, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Sanatorium "Ai-Petri" is located in the center of the resort town of Miskhor, in the Big Yalta region. The climate of Miskhor is considered to be the most healing on the southern coast of Crimea. The sanatorium has a year-round cycle of work. The highlight of the sanatorium is the medical beach, the length of which is 450 meters, equipped with original shady areas and various infrastructure for recreation for adults and children. The sanatorium "Ai-Petri" has a comfortable number of rooms, with all amenities, the dormitories of the sanatorium are located 50 meters from the sea. Meals in the sanatorium are organized according to the "buffet" system. The medical complex of the sanatorium has an excellent base, including diagnostic and treatment rooms equipped with modern equipment, an inhalation room, a physiotherapy room, and a gym.

The sanatorium "Dyulber" is located in a picturesque corner of the Miskhor Park, near the Vorontsov Palace and the cable car to Mount Ai-Petri. The sanatorium complex "Dyulber" unites today the sanatoriums "Dyulber", "Sea Surf" and the dacha department "Miskhor". All of them are equipped with modern infrastructure and have a strong tradition of high level of service. Luxury apartments, deluxe rooms, deluxe single and double rooms are designed for simultaneous reception of 400 vacationers. In addition, there are more than 200 double beds on the balconies for year-round aerotherapy. At your service: children's playroom, intercity telephone, beauty parlor, hairdresser, music salon, billiards, table tennis, tennis court, gym, volleyball court, parking, cinema, restaurant and bar, pharmacy, sauna, excursion services. In the sanatorium you can get treatment for such diseases as: dermatology (general diseases), neurology (general diseases), respiratory organs (respiratory tract diseases, diseases of the ENT organs), cardiovascular system (general diseases), musculoskeletal system (diseases spine, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the joints).

The current sanatorium "Utyos" is a historical place, the former castle-estate "Kuchuk-Lambat", the park of which was laid simultaneously with the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

The resort is located on the southern coast of Crimea in the village of the same name Utyos, between Alushta and Yalta on the seashore and offers accommodation of different comfort: "standard", "junior suite", "luxury apartments" and various types of "studios" - spacious rooms with all amenities.

The main indications for treatment are: respiratory diseases (not associated with tuberculosis), nervous disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

At your service on the territory of the complex: a swimming pool, a sauna, a fitness room, a playground, a cinema hall, a parking lot, a reading room, a tennis court and sports grounds, a well-maintained beach with a boat station, a cafe-pizzeria, a billiard room, grocery and souvenir shops, a newsstand , currency exchange, ATM and much more.

Sanatorium "Kyiv" - a sanatorium-resort complex, year-round working cycle, for 420 people, with a modern, powerful medical base, an indoor swimming pool and developed infrastructure. The sanatorium specializes in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system and the circulatory system, you can also undergo a comprehensive examination and treatment for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and metabolic disorders in the body, including diabetes and gout. Sanatorium "Kyiv" is geographically located in the elite area of ​​the resort Alushta - "Professor's Corner". The number fund of the sanatorium consists of single and double rooms of various categories of comfort. The resort has its own equipped beach located 600 meters away. For conferences and business events in the sanatorium "Kyiv" there is a concert hall for 220 seats, equipped with everything necessary.