Memorial complex Victory Park. History of the museum

Poklonnaya Hill and Victory Park located on it are among the main attractions of the capital. Here, next to Kutuzovsky Prospekt, residents of a huge metropolis like to relax, coming with their children, making appointments and appointments.

Guests of the capital always come here to see with their own eyes historical monuments testifying to the historical victories of the Russian people in military battles. At this place, sometimes not only the fate of the capital, but also of all of Great Rus' was decided.

And here are tips on where you can relax in the Moscow region -.

Poklonnaya Gora - the history of the creation of the memorial

Legends tell that on this, one of the seven, Moscow hills, it was customary for all guests and local residents. It was Poklonnaya Hill that opened up the entire delightful panorama of the city. Having looked at the city, everyone gave him a low bow, which was a tradition for a long time. On this hill they allegedly met important people and visitors arriving in the capital on state affairs.

According to another version, travelers who at all times sought to explore the world with their own eyes always climbed this gentle hill to see Moscow and its surroundings at the same time. Admiring the view of the beautiful city, they paid their respects to it. So the mountain, which had been located away from the city for a long time, began to be called Poklonnaya.

The city grew and over time the gentle hill became part of the city itself and residential buildings, various buildings and roads appeared on its slopes. So on the eastern side in the middle of the last century there was a road, on both sides of which the construction of the famous Kutuzovsky Avenue began.

In the last decades of the 20th century, Poklonnaya Hill Work has resumed on the arrangement of the memorial complex - Victory Park in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Several decades have passed since the authorities made the official decision to build a memorial here, since it was planned to begin work almost immediately after the war.

However, it was necessary to restore the country from destruction, so the matter was postponed for a long time, although the park itself was founded by the townspeople in 1958. It was then that a sign was installed stating that a monument dedicated to the victory of the people in the Great Patriotic War would be built here.

Over all these years, Muscovites and residents across Russia have collected almost 200 million rubles, which were invested in the improvement of the park area and the improvement of the entire designated area. In addition, additional money was allocated from the city and state budgets.

The opening of Victory Park occurred only during the ceremonial events associated with the 50th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany, in early May 1995.

Victory Park today

The huge Victory Park was created with a deep meaning to convey to subsequent generations the importance of the victories of the Russian people in defending the Motherland. In the memorial complex, almost every detail has a special meaning. Thus, the alley, called “Years of War,” is divided into five terraces. There are 1,418 fountains installed throughout the entire park - this is how many days a Russian soldier stood to defend the Motherland.

Patriotic War of 1812

The memorial on Poklonnaya Hill is dedicated to another victory of the people against external conquerors. Back in 1942, architect J. Chernikhovsky proposed erecting a monument here to the heroic deeds of the people in the Patriotic War of 1812. The idea was supported, but postponed until after the war with Nazi Germany.

Despite difficult times, Poklonnaya Hill was defeated natural Park As a place of rest for the townspeople, city folk festivals were held here. And only in 1968, the Arc de Triomphe was built in the park, reminiscent of the liberation of Russia from Napoleonic army in 1812.

Museum of Glory on Poklonnaya Hill

The Museum of Glory was created on Poklonnaya Hill on the initiative of veterans who took part in the Great Patriotic War. The museum's fund includes more than 50,000 exhibits. Everything that relates to those times when people fought on the fronts and helped the country in the rear is collected here. Military equipment, small arms and ammunition from the times of the two Patriotic Wars are on display.

Thematic exhibitions tell about the lives of soldiers and military leaders, politicians and ordinary people. Here you can read letters from the front, see awards, leaflets, documents and other exhibits telling about the war.

The most significant place of the museum is the Hall of Fame. In the center, the figure of the victorious Soldier rises above the visitors, and on the walls you can read the names of all more than 11 thousand heroes of the USSR.

This monument was erected on the eve of the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow in 2013. The initiative to establish a monument to a dog participating on the battlefield also belongs to veterans. During the war, according to historians, more than 60 thousand dogs performed hard service next to soldiers on the battlefields.

The dogs pulled the wounded out of the fire, brought in shells, and found mines and explosive devices. Dogs taking part in the front marched alongside the soldiers in the 1945 victory parade. Researchers claim that dogs saved the lives of more than 700 thousand wounded soldiers.

Religious and places of worship

Religion is represented on Poklonnaya Hill by two religious buildings. Orthodox church George the Victorious was consecrated at the end of the last century by Alexy II, Patriarch of All Rus'. The synagogue was installed here a little later, and exhibitions and numerous exhibits of the museum, located on the first floor of the religious building, tell about the torment of the Jewish people and the Holocaust.

Monument to soldiers of the First World War

On August 1, 2014, another monument was opened in Victory Park. The Russian Military Historical Society held a number of events and raised funds for the installation of a sculpture dedicated to the memory of soldiers who took part in the First World War. The event was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of those tragic events.

The sculptor A. Kovalchuk tried to connect in a single composition the memory of the fearless soldier - the Knight of St. George, with the flag of Russia. Thus, according to the author, he created a collective image of a warrior who fulfilled his duty with honor on the battlefields, defending his homeland at all times from invaders.

Victory Park (Moscow, Russia): detailed description, address and photo. Opportunities for sports and recreation, infrastructure, cafes and restaurants in the park. Reviews from tourists.

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Victory Park is a large memorial complex dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. It is often called Poklonnaya Gora- by the name of the historical area in which the park is located. Folk festivities are held in Victory Park in holidays, newlyweds come here to lay flowers at the memorial, and townspeople and guests of the capital rush here just to take a walk, rollerblade and bike ride, and look at the fountains.

In the Museum of the Great Patriotic War - the main object of the entire complex - the “Book of Memory” department stores almost 1,500 volumes of Books of Memory, in which the names of fallen soldiers are inscribed.

How to get there

In the Moscow metro there is a station of the same name “Park Pobedy”, it is not difficult to find your way around after leaving the subway - the 140-meter stele is visible from afar.

By car you can drive up to both the main and western entrances to the park. Focus on the addresses of the street. General Ermolov, 4 and Minskaya street, property 2A, respectively.

A little history

For the first time, the proposal to create a monument to the people's feat was voiced by the architect Chernikhov during the Great Patriotic War. However, during the war this idea was not implemented. The first memorial element was installed in 1958 - it was a granite sign with the inscription “A monument to the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 will be built here.” A park was built around the sign and given the official name of Victory Park. The memorial complex itself began to be built during the time of Brezhnev. Official opening took place on May 9, 1995.

The fire that burns on Poklonnaya Hill is lit by a piece of the Eternal Flame from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The architectural ensemble of the park consists of a WWII museum, religious memorial buildings, as well as monuments, the newest of which was opened in 2010. It was initially assumed that the monument “We were together in the fight against fascism” would be an exact copy of the memorial from Kutaisi (Georgia), which was blown up in 2009, but these plans did not materialize.

Museum of the Great Patriotic War

The Museum of the Great Patriotic War is the main object of the entire complex. Here, in the “Book of Memory” department, almost 1,500 volumes of Books of Memory are stored, in which the names of fallen soldiers are inscribed. Six dioramas on display at the museum are dedicated to the main strategic operations of the Great Patriotic War. The Hall of Glory, the Hall of Generals, the Hall of Memory and Sorrow - all of them are designed to perpetuate the memory of the tragic events in the history of our country.

The museum fund has a large number of unique objects and elements military equipment and equipment, documentary materials, as well as photographs and objects visual arts, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. Originals and copies of documents telling about the joint victory in World War II by England, the United States and other allies of the USSR, as well as many enemy documents help to more clearly restore the sad picture of the events of the war.


The main alley is decorated with 1,418 fountains - the number of days the war lasted - located on five water terraces - each of them represents a year of hostilities.

In the center of Victory Park there is a stele with a height of 141.8 meters (the number is already familiar to our readers). At the top there is a statue of the goddess Nike. At the foot of the obelisk is a sculpture of St. George the Victorious slaying a serpent with a spear.

The territory of the park was first mentioned in the “Chronicle of Bykhovets” in 1368. Historians also claim that in 1612 Hetman Zholkiewski stayed here. The purpose of his visit was to meet the Polish delegation. It is also known that in the fall of 1812, Napoleon was waiting here for the capital’s boyars, who were supposed to hand him the keys to the Kremlin.

As for the opening of the memorial zone, this idea was first voiced by the architect Chernikhov. But his idea did not immediately become a reality. The first sculptural composition was erected here only in 1958. This is a sign decorated with an inscription about the construction of a memorial in honor of the triumph. In the coming months, a park area was created around it, and monuments and buildings began to be erected during the reign of Brezhnev. The entire territory of the complex was officially opened on May 9, 1995.

What is important to know about the park

Victory Park, located next to Poklonnaya Gora, is a whole system of alleys decorated with sculptures and temples. The central part is the main alley, called “Years of War”. It includes five terraces, symbolizing 5 years of battle. And the number of days of the war is indicated by the number of fountains, of which there are exactly 1418. As soon as it gets dark, the red lights turn on here, thanks to which Muscovites call the fountains “bloody”.

In addition to a large number of monuments and sculptures, the park is distinguished beautiful nature with well-groomed flower beds and lawns. Some of them are laid out in the form of ribbons, inscriptions and clocks. In addition to the park alleys, Poklonnaya Gora is also considered a favorite place for visitors. Despite the fact that earlier from its top there was a view of the main attractions of Moscow, which were later blocked by high-rise buildings, today you can also enjoy a picturesque view from here.

Not long ago, a tradition developed in the capital according to which newlyweds come here on their wedding day to lay flowers at the monuments. If you are lucky enough to be here during the peak wedding season, then you will definitely appreciate the indescribable atmosphere of the celebration, when dozens of young couples stroll along the alleys of the park with bouquets.

The most varied leisure activities are possible on the territory of the memorial complex. For example, its landscaped alleys are great for skateboarding or cycling. In spring and summer, young people from different parts of Moscow come here to demonstrate their skills in extreme sports sports

Main attractions of the park

Museum of the Great Patriotic War

This exposition is recognized as the central dominant of the park. It includes two exhibitions: military history, where you can see a complete chronicle of the war years, and art. The key element of the museum is a diorama consisting of 6 compositions. Each of them is dedicated to the decisive battle of the war.

In addition to the museum complex, the exhibition also covers part of the park area. Right underneath open air there is a huge exhibition of military equipment. Here you will see a variety of models of domestic tanks, aircraft, self-propelled guns, combat vehicles of Germany and other countries. There are more than 300 exhibits in total.

Victory Monument

The main square of the park is decorated with a majestic monument reaching 141.8 meters in height. This figure symbolically reflects 1418 days of the victorious battle. At an altitude of 100 meters there is a bronze sculpture of the ancient Greek goddess of victory Nike surrounded by angels. And the granite base of the monument is guarded by St. George the Victorious, piercing a snake with a weapon.

Temple of St. George the Victorious

Another important landmark of the complex, built next to it on May 9, 1994. It is interesting that the temple was built entirely with municipal funds, and its architectural design belonged to the master Polyansky. The illumination of the landmark took place on May 6, 1995, by the famous capital Patriarch Alexei II.

Today architectural style The temple is classified as postmodernism, although thanks to its decor the shrine is more reminiscent of an example of ancient Russian architecture. Besides the impressive appearance, the temple is also interesting for its interior design. In addition to icons of saints, here you can see military attributes and a memorial to fallen soldiers. The main relic of the shrine is considered to be the relics of the Great Martyr George.

This temple is one of the main symbols of the memorial complex. Much of the triumph of the Russian army is associated with the name of St. George the Victorious, the patron saint of war.

Monument "Tragedy of the People"

The architectural monument was built in 1997 in honor of the victims of the genocide. Its author was the famous sculptor Zurab Tsereteli. At first glance, the monument discourages visitors, because it depicts naked figures with shaved heads. In this way, the author tried to convey the idea that people are in line to die.

Memorial Mosque

Some park visitors are surprised to see Muslim mosque on its territory. This shrine was erected in 1997 in honor of Muslim soldiers who died in the war.

Despite the fact that the building is built from reinforced concrete structures, thanks to the red decorative brick and white stone it looks quite sophisticated. The main entrance to the shrine is decorated with a high portal. On the left side of it you can see a brass board decorated with a Russian inscription. Opposite you can see the same inscription, but only in Arabic. Here you can read the date and reason for the opening of the mosque.

The halls of the temple are painted with ornaments and decorated with snow-white carvings. The key element of the decor is a huge crystal chandelier, shaped like a crescent.

Holocaust Memorial Synagogue and Museum

This temple was erected in honor of the 6 million Jews who died. Thus, Russia expressed sympathy and respect for the Jewish people, who were massacred during the war.

Designed by architects Zarkhi and Budaev, today the building is recognized as one of the best examples of synagogue architecture. The interior decoration of the shrine, designed in a solemn and austere palette, is considered no less impressive.

Looking into the synagogue, you will see an exhibition dedicated to the history of the Jewish nation, which settled in Russia. Here you can learn about the contribution of Jews to the culture and economy of Russia. Among the exhibits, the most noteworthy are various ritual attributes, including bells, crowns, candlesticks, ceremonial cups, silver jewelry and much more.

Monument to Internationalist Soldiers

One of the new monuments, erected on December 27, 2004. This date is associated with the 25th anniversary of the appearance of Russian troops in Afghanistan. The monument depicts a huge bronze figure of a soldier holding a weapon in his hands.

Note. If you are traveling through the streets of the capital for the first time, we recommend visiting Victory Park during one of the sightseeing tours presented on the Sputnik portal. In just a few hours you will see the main symbols of Moscow and learn many interesting facts from the life of the city.

In general, Victory Park is not only an excellent opportunity to relax with loved ones among the picturesque alleys, but also a reason not to forget about important stages of the country’s history.

How to get there

Victory Park is surrounded by more than 4 streets. On one side it intersects with Kutuzovsky Prospekt, on the western part it is surrounded by Minskaya Street, on the eastern part by Fonchenko Brothers Street, and in the south it borders railway station. Part of the recreation area is occupied by Poklonnaya Gora, next to which there are 2 metro stations: “Minskaya” and “Park Pobedy”.

The most convenient way to get to the complex will be by metro. From the stops listed above, getting here on foot is not difficult. A 140-meter stele, which is visible from afar, will serve as a guide.

You can also get to Victory Park by car. Passage is allowed to the main and western entrances. If you are planning a route in a navigator, then you can set General Ermolov Street 4 or Minskaya Street as the final destination.

Here, on Poklonnaya Hill, on October 24, 1508, envoys of the Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey were met. Here the Moscow delegation met with Hetman Zholkevich to give the royal throne to the Polish prince Vladislav. Napoleon's advisers probably told him about this - so he decided to wait for the delegation with the keys to Poklonnaya Hill. From here he saw the city for the first time.

But the delight was short-lived: instead of the keys to the city, Napoleon was waiting for a fire.

Also, some researchers associate the name of the mountain with a bow - a payment collected when traveling or temporarily staying in Moscow.

Previously, Poklonnaya Hill was double-headed, but the eastern crown was gradually torn down, and on the western there is a stele with Nike. Now on the mountain there is a memorial complex for Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The architect Ya. Chernikhov suggested erecting a monument here back in 1942. He wanted to dedicate it to the heroism of the people in the Patriotic War of 1812. The idea was supported, but postponed until the end of the war with Germany. And on February 23, 1958, a memorial granite sign appeared on Poklonnaya Hill with the inscription: A monument to the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 will be built here. At the same time, trees were planted around and Victory Park was laid out.

In the 1970-80s, 194 million rubles were collected for the construction of the monument. Subsequently, funds were allocated by the state and the Moscow government. 135 hectares of land were allocated for the construction of the complex. They offered different options for the monument - a red banner on the obelisk, a single mother with her son in the regiment, disabled people who returned from the war on a T-34 tank... But none were accepted. Only on the 50th anniversary of the Victory, on May 9, 1995, the Victory Memorial Complex was opened.

The main alley “Years of War” consists of five terraces, symbolizing 5 years of war. There were 1,418 fountains built over the five water surfaces of Poklonnaya Gora—the number of days the war lasted.

In the center of the Victory Park square there is a stele 141.8 m high (10 cm for each day of the war), crowned with the goddess of victory Nike. At the foot of the obelisk, on a granite podium, there is a statue that kills a snake with a spear - a symbol of the victory of good over evil.

The stele on Poklonnaya Hill by Z. Tsereteli was criticized - it was called either a “chisel”, then “a woman on a needle”, then a “chisel”, then a “crucified fly”, or “locust on a needle”. The sculptor was accused of using a “weapon of war” (the bayonet) and it was slandered that St. George “cuts the snake like boiled sausage.” Nevertheless, Nika, fixed on one point of support, and the system of dampers that keep it from swaying in the wind, became an engineering breakthrough.

But the artist’s gift to Moscow - the monument “Tragedy of Nations” - was not appreciated or understood, and was removed deeper into the park.

There is also an open-air exhibition of military equipment and engineering and fortification structures in Victory Park. More than 300 samples of heavy equipment from the USSR, Germany and other countries that took part in the battles are presented here. Lots of captured equipment.

Poklonnaya Hill is a place of religious tolerance. Three churches of different faiths coexist here.

The memorial mosque was opened on September 6, 1997. The memorial synagogue “Temple of Memory of Jewish Victims of the Holocaust” was built in 1998 in memory of more than 6,000,000 Jews exterminated during World War II. And in 1993, the foundation stone was laid for the Church of St. George the Victorious, since it was on the day of remembrance of St. George that Nazi Germany admitted itself defeated.

In 2003, a chapel was opened in Victory Park in memory of the Spanish volunteers who died in the Great Patriotic War. In addition, they plan to erect a Buddhist stupa, an Armenian chapel and a Catholic church on Poklonnaya Hill.

Victory Park in photographs from different years:

A grandiose memorial complex and one of the most popular parks in Moscow at the same time. Despite its status as a memorial, Victory Park has not become a formal piece of granite - on the contrary, it is an ebullient space filled with life, loved by Muscovites and tourists for its diversity, abundance of opportunities for leisure and recreation and a vibrant historical context.

Initially, Victory Park was dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, but in Lately the memorial is gaining relevance as a monument to the glory of Russian weapons in principle: for example, in 2014 a sculptural composition dedicated to the First World War was unveiled here.

The park was opened in a symbolic place on Poklonnaya Mount. In the past height Poklonnaya Gora reached several tens of meters, and there is an opinion that travelers climbed it to admire the city and worship Moscow churches. In 1812 he stopped on Poklonnaya Hill Napoleon: The Frenchman was waiting for the Moscow boyars, who were supposed to give him the keys to the Kremlin. Unfortunately, during the preparatory work and construction of the park, the mountain was demolished, and now it is more of a high hill with a flat top.

Victory Park - A relatively young park in the capital, it was opened in 1995. Its history is much longer: the idea to build a park first appeared in 1942, and in the 1960s a competition was announced and a natural park was “temporarily” established. Construction began only in 1985, but soon stopped because the money raised was not enough, and the park could only be opened 10 years later. A kind of “unfinished construction” - but the result was worth it.

Victory Park Ensemble

The park has a regular layout, the central part of which is the building Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the horseshoe-shaped colonnade which surrounds Victory Monument, and the Victory Monument itself is a giant obelisk 141.8 meters high. There is a fire on the square between the museum building and the monument. Eternal flame.

From the main entrance to the park towards the museum building and the Victory Monument there is a wide Main alley "Years of War", consisting of 5 terraces symbolizing 5 years of war. In fact, the Main Alley of Victory Park is a gigantic square where mass city events are often held. Along the left side of the alley there is a memorial colonnade of 15 steles dedicated to To the fronts and fleets of WWII 1941-1945, the right side is decorated with fountains. The fountains, like the Main Alley, are arranged in terraces: 225 jets flow above 5 water bowls, symbolizing 225 weeks of war. At night, the fountains are illuminated in red.

The central square, on which the museum colonnade and the Victory Monument are located, diverges into a number of small radial alleys dedicated to types and branches of troops and war heroes: Alley of Pilots, Alley of Signalmen, Alley of Tankers, Alley of Sailors, Alley of Military Engineers, Alley of Artillerymen, Alley of Soldiers, Alley of Partisans, Alley of Defenders of Moscow. Also in Victory Park there are the alleys of Veterans, Young Heroes, War and Labor and the alley of Peace. In a semicircle, intersecting with other alleys, the Memory Alley runs through the park.

A number of buildings have been erected on the territory of the park places of worship: Church of the Great Martyr George the Victorious, a chapel in memory of the Spanish volunteers who fell in the Great Patriotic War, the Shuhada Memorial Mosque and the Memorial Synagogue.

The park also features exposition of military equipment, on which you can see Soviet and German equipment and aircraft from the Second World War, and exposition Navy, where boats, torpedoes and other Navy equipment are available for viewing. Visiting exhibitions is possible for an additional fee.

Despite the fact that the territory of the park is abundantly filled with memorial objects, its “back” part from Minskaya Street is practically a natural territory where a large number of protein.

Monuments of Victory Park

Being primarily a memorial complex, Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill contains a number of monuments dedicated to the Great Patriotic War and other wars and conflicts significant for the history of Russia.

Victory Monument - a giant obelisk in the shape of a triangular bayonet in front of the building of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, the tallest monument in Russia. The height of the obelisk is 141.8 meters - 10 centimeters for each day of the war. More than half of its height, the monument is covered with bronze bas-reliefs, and at a height of 104 meters there is a sculptural group: the goddess of victory Nike with a crown and 2 cupids trumpeting victory.

Monument to the defenders of the Russian land installed near the intersection of Minskaya Street and Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The sculptural composition consists of 3 figures of Russian warriors: a hero of the times Ancient Rus', a guardsman of the Patriotic War of 1812 and a Soviet soldier of the Great Patriotic War with a machine gun. The monument is installed on an artificial hill.

Tragedy of Nations - a sculptural composition dedicated to the victims of the genocide. The subject of the sculpture depicts an endless line of people, similar to each other, shaved bald and naked. With their hands down in doom, they stand in line to die. In the center of the composition are the figures of a man, woman and child, the people following them are depicted more and more schematically and eventually merge with granite stones, turning into tombstones on which the inscription is carved in the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR: “May their memory be sacred, may it be preserved.” it lasts for centuries." The shocking plot and terrible images have more than once become a reason for criticism of the sculpture.

Monument to the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition - A 20-meter marble stele, on top of which is a gilded UN emblem. On the pedestal in front of the stele there are bronze figures of Soviet, American, British and French soldiers.

To missing soldiers without graves - monument depicting the image of a wounded soldier. Made in a characteristic style: the figure is molded in “layers” and not completely processed.

Monument to Internationalist Soldiers was opened in 2004 - on the 25th anniversary of the introduction Soviet troops to Afghanistan. The sculpture depicts a young Soviet soldier with a helmet in his left hand and a machine gun in his right, standing on the edge of a cliff and looking into the distance.

Monument to the Heroes of the First World War opened in 2014 in honor of the centenary of the First World War. The monument consists of 2 parts: a sculpture of a Russian soldier and a multi-figure composition, including figures of an officer, foot and horse soldiers and a nurse against the background of the Russian tricolor.

Victory Park today

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill - not just a memorial complex, but one of the most popular parks in Moscow and a cult place for tourists visiting the capital.

The park regularly hosts large city events, concerts and festivals, but there is plenty to do here on a regular day. Despite its memorial status, Victory Park has not become something formal and burdensome; on the contrary, it is a bright monument to life in all its manifestations. People come here for cultural recreation, sports and walks with children, meet and have fun, walk or just sit on benches.

In addition, the park has become a cult place for the capital’s cyclists and rollerbladers: you can ride along its numerous alleys all day long. The lucky owners of scooters also fell in love with it.

Get to Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill you can walk from the metro station "Victory Park" Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line.