Cannibals in our time. The last cannibal tribes in Papua New Guinea (9 photos)

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Dear readers, some names, dates and places of action in our material have been changed, because much information on this topic has not yet been declassified. A number of inaccuracies in the coverage of events were intentionally made.

At the end of the 18th century, the famous French sinologist (sinologist) Joseph de Guigne discovered in ancient Chinese chronicles a recording of a story by a Buddhist monk named Huishan, which surprised him greatly.

This April marks the 140th anniversary of the birth of a well-known man whose bones are still washed out to this day - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

What makes historians carefully read documents from 90 years ago? First of all, probably, interest in those events that have not yet been sufficiently studied by specialists and covered in the press for the general public. But people have the right to know what happened to their compatriots on this same territory almost a century ago. Novosibirsk historian Vladimir Poznansky, using recently discovered archival sources, traced the development of the Siberian Holodomor. Lenin’s call - “to save the proletarian center at any cost” - then provoked the death of many people from hunger not only in the Ukrainian granary, in the Kuban, in the Stavropol region, but also in such a relatively prosperous area as Siberia.

Not all crazy people are talented, but it is believed that the vast majority of talented people are usually a little “hello.” And some are not even slightly, but quite thoroughly mournful, one might even say they had very serious psychiatric diagnoses. Another thing is that the madness of these geniuses not only did not harm anyone, but rather, on the contrary, enriched our world with amazing creations, which we, mere mortals not examined by psychiatrists, never cease to rejoice and be amazed at.

The day of September 11, 2001 became a certain milestone in the public consciousness - the date that international terrorism reached a qualitatively new level of confrontation with socio-political institutions, which are the so-called free world declares as the only correct ones. But the circumstances of this tragedy involuntarily suggest some “wrong” thoughts.

Traveling through the south or west of Ukraine, you will certainly see a castle around almost every turn of the road. Shrouded in morning haze, well preserved or even dilapidated, it will make your heart beat faster, reminding you of the chivalric novels you once read.

On that day, July 16, 1676, all of Paris was buzzing like an alarmed beehive. Of course, it’s not every day that such a dangerous criminal, and besides, a woman, is executed. And not just any woman, but one of the first beauties of the French kingdom.

7 countries where you can be eaten.

Guidebooks warn of many dangers that may await travelers in a particular country. But no one warns about cannibalism. Surprise! Cannibalism is still practiced in some tribes such as India, Cambodia and West Africa. And here are 7 countries where tribes are still not averse to feasting on people.

South East Papua New Guinea

The Korowai tribe is one of the last on Earth that regularly eats human flesh. They live along the river, and there have been cases when they killed random tourists. Healers also considered warm brains a real delicacy.

Why do they eat people? When someone in the tribe dies for no apparent reason (illness or old age), they consider it an act of black magic and, in order to protect others from harm, must eat the person.

Interesting fact: In 1961, Michael Rockefeller (son of New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller) disappeared while collecting artifacts about the tribe. His body was never found.


The North Indian Hindu sect of Aghori eats volunteers who bequeath their entrails. However, in 2005, Indian television crews conducted an investigation and learned that they also eat decaying corpses from the Ganges (a local tradition), and also steal organs from crematoria.

Why do they eat people?

Aghori believe that this prevents the body from aging.

Interesting fact: They make really nice jewelry out of human bone and skulls.


Formerly known as "Cannibal Island". Still local residents they cannot restore order, and there are still those who eat human flesh, but not all, but only those of enemy tribes.

Why do they eat people? This is a ritual of revenge.

Interesting fact: Fijian cannibals are not animals at all - they eat with cutlery and collect rare things left over from their victims. You can find examples of such collections at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology.


The Wari tribe ate pious and religious dead until 1960, and after that some government missionaries slaughtered almost the entire tribe. However, poverty levels in Olinda's slums have been prohibitively high since 1994, and outbreaks of cannibalism still occur.

Why do they eat people? Poverty and hunger.

Interesting fact: In 2012, information appeared from researchers who interviewed local residents, and they claimed that they heard voices that told them to kill this or that person.

West Africa

The Leopard Society of Active Cannibals has been eating people since the last century. Until the 1980s, human remains were found in the vicinity of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire. The tribe is usually dressed in leopard skins and armed with their tusks.

Why do they eat people? The tribe believes that eating people makes them stronger and faster.

Interesting fact: They have a following - the Human Alligator community, which does similar things.


Journalist Neil Davis reported that cannibalism in these regions gained momentum during the wars in South-East Asia(in the 1960s and 1970s). Nowadays, manifestations of cannibalism are occasionally observed.

Why do they eat people? The Cambodian troops had a ritual - eating the liver of the enemy.

Interesting fact: Many people in cities and villages were under the control of the Khmer Rouge organization, which strictly controlled all food in the area and artificially created famine in the country.


There are known cases of cannibalism in the Congo, and the latest were recorded not so long ago - in 2012. They reached their maximum during the Congolese civil war (from 1998 to 2002).

Why do they eat people? During the war, rebel groups believed that enemies should be eaten, especially the heart, which was cooked using special herbs.

Interesting fact: Congolese still believe that the human heart gives special strength, and if there are people, this will scare away enemies.

Have a nice adventure! 🙂

Guidebooks warn of many dangers that may await travelers in a particular country. But no one warns about cannibalism. Surprise! Cannibalism is still practiced in some tribes such as India, Cambodia and West Africa. And here are 7 countries where tribes are still not averse to feasting on people.

South East Papua New Guinea

The Korowai tribe is one of the last on Earth that regularly eats human flesh. They live along the river, and there have been cases when they killed random tourists. Healers also considered warm brains a real delicacy.

Why do they eat people? When someone in the tribe dies for no apparent reason (illness or old age), they consider it an act of black magic and, in order to protect others from harm, must eat the person.

Interesting fact: In 1961, Michael Rockefeller (son of New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller) disappeared while collecting artifacts about the tribe. His body was never found.


The North Indian Hindu sect of Aghori eats volunteers who bequeath their entrails. However, in 2005, Indian television crews conducted an investigation and learned that they also eat decaying corpses from the Ganges (a local tradition), and also steal organs from crematoria.

Why do they eat people?

Aghori believe that this prevents the body from aging.

Interesting fact: They make really nice jewelry out of human bone and skulls.


Formerly known as "Cannibal Island". Until now, local residents cannot restore order, and there are still those who eat human flesh, but not all, but only those of enemy tribes.

Why do they eat people? This is a ritual of revenge.

Interesting fact: Fijian cannibals are not animals at all - they eat with cutlery and collect rare things left over from their victims. You can find examples of such collections at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology.


The Wari tribe ate pious and religious dead until 1960, and after that some government missionaries slaughtered almost the entire tribe. However, poverty levels in Olinda's slums have been prohibitively high since 1994, and outbreaks of cannibalism still occur.

Why do they eat people? Poverty and hunger.

Interesting fact: In 2012, information appeared from researchers who interviewed local residents, and they claimed that they heard voices that told them to kill this or that person.

West Africa

The Leopard Society of Active Cannibals has been eating people since the last century. Until the 80s, human remains were found in the vicinity of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire. The tribe is usually dressed in leopard skins and armed with their fangs.

Why do they eat people? The tribe believes that eating people makes them stronger and faster.

Interesting fact: They have a following - the Human Alligator community, which does similar things.


Journalist Neil Davis reported that cannibalism in these regions gained momentum during the wars in Southeast Asia (in the 1960s and 1970s). Nowadays, manifestations of cannibalism are occasionally observed.

Why do they eat people? The Cambodian troops had a ritual - eating the liver of the enemy.

Interesting fact: Many people in cities and villages were under the control of the Khmer Rouge organization, which strictly controlled all food in the area and artificially created famine in the country.


There are known cases of cannibalism in the Congo, and the latest were recorded not so long ago - in 2012. They reached their maximum during the Congolese civil war (from 1998 to 2002).

Why do they eat people? During the war, rebel groups believed that enemies should be eaten, especially the heart, which was cooked using special herbs.

Interesting fact: Congolese still believe that the human heart gives special strength, and if there are people, this will scare away enemies.

Have a nice adventure! :)

The Yali are the wildest and most dangerous tribe of cannibals in the 21st century, numbering more than 20,000 people. In their opinion, cannibalism is a common thing and there is nothing special about it; eating an enemy for them is valor, and not the most cruel way of reprisal. Their leader says that it is the same as a fish eats a fish, the one who is stronger wins. For the yali, this is to some extent a ritual, during which the power of the enemy he eats is transferred to the winner.

The government of New Guinea is trying to combat the inhumane addictions of its wild citizens. And their adoption of Christianity influenced their psychological perception - the number of cannibal feasts decreased significantly.
The most experienced warriors remember recipes for cooking dishes from their enemies. With imperturbable calm, one might even say with pleasure, they tell that the enemy’s buttocks are the most delicious part of a person, for them it is a true delicacy!
Even today, Yali residents believe that pieces of human flesh enrich them spiritually; eating the victim while pronouncing the name of the enemy gives special power. Therefore, having visited the most creepy place planet, it is better not to tell the savages your name, so as not to provoke them into the ritual of eating you.

Recently, the Yali tribe believes in the existence of the savior of all mankind - Christ, so they do not eat people with white skin. The reason for this is that the color white is associated with the color of death. However, recently an incident occurred - a Japanese correspondent disappeared in Irian Jaya as a result of strange events. They probably don’t consider people with yellow and black skin to be the servants of the old woman with the scythe.
Since colonization, the life of the tribe has remained virtually unchanged, as has the attire of these coal-black citizens of New Guinea. Yali women are almost completely naked, their daytime clothing consists only of a skirt with plant fibers. Men, in turn, walk naked, covering their genital organs with a cover (halim), which is made from dried bottle gourd. According to them, the process of making clothes for men requires great skill.

As the pumpkin grows, a weight in the form of a stone is tied to it, which is strengthened with threads of vines to give it an interesting shape. At the final stage of preparation, the pumpkin is decorated with feathers and shells. It is worth noting that the Halim also serves as a “wallet” in which men store roots and tobacco. The tribesmen also love jewelry made from shells and beads. But their perception of beauty is unique. For example, they knock out the front two teeth of local beauties in order to make them even more attractive.
The noble, favorite and only occupation of men is hunting. And yet in the villages of the tribe you can find livestock - chickens, pigs and possums, which are looked after by women. It also happens that several clans hold large-scale meals at once, where everyone has their own place and the social status of each savage is taken into account in terms of food distribution. They do not drink alcoholic drinks, but they do consume the bright red pulp of the batel nut - for them it is a local drug, so tourists can often see them with a red mouth and blurred eyes...

During joint meals, clans exchange gifts. Although Yali cannot be called very hospitable people, they will accept gifts from guests with great pleasure. They especially appreciate bright shirts and shorts. The peculiarity is that they put the shorts on the head, and use the shirt as a skirt. This is because they do not contain soap, the result of which is that unwashed clothes can cause skin diseases over time.
Even taking into account the fact that the Yali have officially stopped fighting with neighboring tribes and eating victims, only the most “frostbitten” adventurers can go to these inhuman parts of the world. According to stories from this area, savages still sometimes allow themselves to carry out barbaric acts of eating the flesh of their enemies. But in order to justify their actions, they come up with various stories about how the victim either drowned or fell to his death from a cliff.

The government of New Guinea has developed a powerful program for bodybuilding and improving the standard of living of the inhabitants of the island, including this tribe. According to the plan, the hill tribes would move to the valley, while officials promised to give the settlers an adequate supply of rice and building materials, as well as a free television in every home.
The citizens of the valley were forced to wear Western clothes in government buildings and schools. The government even took such measures as declaring the territory of the savages a national park where hunting is prohibited. Naturally, the Yali began to oppose the resettlement, since out of the first 300 people, 18 died, and this in the first month (from malaria).
An even greater disappointment for the surviving settlers was what they saw: they were given barren land and rotten houses. As a result, the government’s strategy collapsed and the settlers returned back to their beloved mountainous regions, where they still live, rejoicing in the “protection of the spirits of their ancestors.”


Today the memory of the earthquake in Haiti is still vivid. More than 300 thousand died, millions were left homeless and without a roof over their heads. Hunger and looting. But the international community extended a helping hand to the victims. Rescuers from different countries, concerts of famous artists, humanitarian aid... Thousands of reports and broadcasts around the world. And today we would like to talk about a country in which the Apocalypse came a long time ago! But they rarely talk about it, even less often they show it on TV... Meanwhile, the number of deaths there cannot be compared with Haiti!

In this country, for many decades, residents do not know what peace is. Here you can lose your life for a handful of cartridges, a canister drinking water, a piece of meat (often your own!). Simply because you have something that appeals to a person who has a weapon. Or because your skin color is a little darker or you speak a slightly different language...Here, in the virgin jungles and vast savannahs, looting, robbery and murder are a way of life! A country where a child’s first (and often last!) toy is ammunition and a Kalashnikov assault rifle! A country in which a raped woman is glad to be alive... A country of contrasts, where the richest palaces of the capital coexist with the tents of refugees fleeing the fighting. Where Western mining companies earn billions, and local population dying of hunger...

We will tell you about the heart of the Dark Continent - the Democratic Republic of the Congo!

A little history. Until 1960, the Congo was a Belgian colony; on June 30, 1960, it gained independence under the name of the Republic of the Congo. Since 1971 renamed Zaire. In 1965, Joseph-Désiré Mobutu came to power. Under the guise of slogans of nationalism and the fight against the influence of mzungu (white people), he carried out partial nationalization and dealt with his opponents. But a communist paradise “the African way” did not work out. Mobutu's reign has gone down in history as one of the most corrupt in the twentieth century. Bribery and embezzlement flourished. The president himself had several palaces in Kinshasa and other cities of the country, a fleet of Mercedes cars and personal capital in Swiss banks, which by 1984 amounted to approximately $5 billion (at that time this amount was comparable to the country's external debt). Like many other dictators, Mobutu was elevated to the status of a virtual demigod during his lifetime. He was called the “father of the people”, “savior of the nation”. His portraits hung in most public institutions; members of parliament and government wore badges with the portrait of the president. On the evening news, Mobutu appeared every day sitting in heaven. Each banknote also featured the president.

Lake Albert was renamed in honor of Mobutu (1973), which had been named after Queen Victoria's husband since the 19th century. Only part of the water area of ​​this lake belonged to Zaire; in Uganda the old name was used, but in the USSR the renaming was recognized, and Lake Mobutu-Sese-Seko was listed in all reference books and maps. After the overthrow of Mobutu in 1996, the former name was restored. However, today it became known that Joseph-Désiré Mobutu had close “friendly” contacts with the US CIA, which continued even after the US declared him persona non grata at the end of the Cold War.

During the Cold War, Mobutu pursued a rather pro-Western foreign policy, in particular supporting the anti-communist rebels of Angola (UNITA). However, it cannot be said that Zaire’s relations with socialist countries were hostile: Mobutu was a friend of the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, established a good relationship with China and North Korea, and allowed the Soviet Union to build an embassy in Kinshasa.

All this led to the fact that the country's economic and social infrastructure was almost completely destroyed. Wage was delayed for months, the number of hungry and unemployed reached unprecedented levels, and inflation was at a high level. The only profession that guaranteed stable high earnings was the military profession: the army was the backbone of the regime.

In 1975, an economic crisis began in Zaire; in 1989, a default was declared: the state was unable to pay off its external debt. Under Mobutu, social benefits were introduced for large families, the disabled, etc., but due to high inflation, these benefits quickly depreciated.

In the mid-1990s, mass genocide began in neighboring Rwanda, and several hundred thousand people fled to Zaire. Mobutu sent to eastern regions government troops in the country to expel refugees from there, and at the same time the Tutsi people (in 1996, this people were ordered to leave the country). These actions caused widespread discontent in the country, and in October 1996 the Tutsis rebelled against the Mobutu regime. Together with other rebels, they united in the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of the Congo. The organization was headed by Laurent Kabila, supported by the governments of Uganda and Rwanda.

Government troops could do nothing to oppose the rebels, and in May 1997, opposition troops entered Kinshasa. Mobutu fled the country, again renamed the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

This was the beginning of the so-called Great African War,

which involved more than twenty armed groups representing nine African states. Bloody clashes with massacres began civilians and reprisals against prisoners of war. Gang rapes became widespread, both of women and men. The militants have the most modern weapons in their hands, but horrific ancient cults have not been forgotten. Lendu warriors devour the hearts, livers and lungs of slain enemies: according to ancient belief, this makes the man invulnerable to enemy bullets and gives him additional magical powers. Evidence of cannibalism during the Congolese civil war continues to emerge...

In 2003, the UN launched Operation Artemis, the landing of an international peacekeeping force in Democratic Republic Congo. French paratroopers occupied the airport in Bunia, the center of the affected civil war Ituri province in the east of the country. The decision to send peacekeepers to Ituri was made by the UN Security Council. The main forces are from EU countries. The total number of peacekeepers is about 1,400 people, most of them - 750 soldiers - are French. The French will begin to command the contingent in the French-speaking country. In addition, there will be soldiers from Belgium (the former mother country), Great Britain, Sweden and Ireland, Pakistan and India. The Germans avoided sending soldiers, but took over all air transportation and medical assistance. UN forces have previously been stationed in Ituri - 750 soldiers from neighboring Uganda. However, their capabilities were extremely limited - the mandate practically prohibited them from using weapons. Current peacekeepers have heavy equipment and have the right to shoot “to protect themselves and the civilian population.”

I must say that the local residents are not very happy with the “peacekeepers”, and there is a reason...

Example - A BBC investigation found evidence that Pakistani UN peacekeepers in eastern DRC were involved in illegal gold trading with the FNI armed group and were supplying militants with weapons to guard mines. And Indian peacekeepers stationed in the vicinity of the city of Goma entered into direct deals with paramilitary groups responsible for the genocide of local tribes... In particular, they were involved in the drug and gold trade.

Below we would like to present photographic materials about life in the country of the Apocalypse.

However, there are quite decent neighborhoods in cities, but NOT everyone can go there...

And these are refugee camps and villages outside...

Death by one's own hands, when one no longer has the strength to live...

Refugees fleeing war zones.

In rural areas, local residents are forced to organize self-defense/militia units, they are called Mai-Mai...

And this is a soldier of an armed formation guarding a village field with yams for hire.

This is already a regular government army.

There is no point in relaxing in the bush. A soldier even cooks sweet potatoes without releasing his machine gun...

In government units of the Congolese army, almost every third soldier is a woman.

Many fight with their children...

And children fight too.

This patrol of government troops was not careful and attentive enough... No weapons, no shoes...

However, it is difficult to surprise anyone with corpses in the world after the Apocalypse. They are everywhere. In the city and the bush, on the roads and in the rivers... adults and children...

Lots and lots...

But the dead are still lucky, worse are those who, having received a serious injury or illness, remained to live...

These are wounds left by a panga - a wide and heavy knife, a local version of the machete.

Consequences of ordinary syphilis.

They say that this is the effect of long-term radiation exposure in uranium mines on Africans.

Juvenile marauder...

The future marauder is holding a homemade panga in his hands, the traces of which you could see on his body above...

Just like that, this time they used the panga as a cutting knife...

But sometimes there are too many marauders, inevitable quarrels over food, who will get the “roast” today:

Many corpses, burned in fires, after battles with rebels, Simbu, simply marauders and bandits, are often missing some parts of the body. Please note that the female burnt corpse is missing both feet - most likely they were cut off before the fire. The arm and part of the sternum are after.