War in Syria: Türkiye is forming a coalition of Islamist groups. Syrian news, May 29: Kurds continue to make deals with IS*; FSA plans provocations against official Damascus Senator called for a thorough investigation into the deaths of civilians in Raqqa

Syria, May 29. The Kurds continue to make deals with IS 1; The FSA is planning provocations against official Damascus; Ahrar al-Sharqiya has concluded a peace agreement with the Al-Bab tribes. A military source reports this Federal agency news (FAN) in Syria Ahmad Marzouq.

Briefly about the results of the confrontation

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF): They buy oil from IS in exchange for weapons and ammunition.

"Islamic State" 1: launched a series of unsuccessful attacks against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the FSA in southern Syria.

"Hayat Tahrir al-Sham": a man who wanted to plant an IED was detained in Idlib province.

Free Syrian Army (FSA): preparing provocations aimed at discrediting the government of Bashar al-Assad.

Aleppo Province

According to the Middle Eastern news agency Nedaa Syria, local tribes cities Al Bab and an alliance of armed groups "Ahrar al-Sharqiya" reached a peace agreement following clashes between the sides earlier this month. The publication recalls that on the morning of May 6, clashes between the tribe took place in the city Waki and grouping "Hasakah Martyrs' Brigade" from "Ahrar al-Sharqiya" after the action movie Abu Jammu led a military convoy blocking the entrances and exits of the city due to a dispute between the mentioned tribe.

Deir ez-Zor Province

On the east bank Euphrates continues military operation Kurdish armed forces "Jazeera's Storm", the declared goal of which is to fight the remnants "Islamic State" in this district. However, as the Telegram channel @dierezzore5 writes, information continues to be received about facts of unspoken cooperation between IS terrorists and "Democratic Forces of Syria". According to information received from local residents Ash-Shaafy, some field commanders "Islamic State" sell oil to Kurdish armed groups in exchange for weapons and ammunition for their group.

According to a source on Twitter (@sayed_ridha), coalition aircraft carried out an airstrike in the area of ​​a populated area Hajin, which is held by militants "Islamic State".

According to a source on Twitter (@SyriawatanNews), in the ranks of the militants "Islamic State" in the east of the province of Deir ez-Zor, a split has occurred between those who agree to lay down their arms and go over to the side of the Kurdish armed forces, and those who remain committed to radical Islamism. It is the latter, according to the source, who are transported through Euphrates to go into the desert Badia, as previously reported by several information resources.

Daraa Province

IN southern provinces Syria military alliance Jabhat al-Nusra 1 And Free Syrian Army continues to confront the group's militants Jaysh Khalid ibn Al-Walid, sworn "Islamic State". Currently, fighting is taking place in populated areas Hayta And Jallin. Telegram channel @hosienmortadapressnew writes about this. Action "Islamic State" They tried to carry out a series of attacks on the positions of their opponents, but failed.

According to unconfirmed reports published by the Twitter channel @raedsyrian002, some of the militants "Islamic State" in a pocket in the south of the province may try to enter the valley area under the guise of civilians Wadi al-Yarmouk. The information is being clarified.

According to a source on Twitter (@Syrian506), citing local residents, the militants Free Syrian Army received several sets of SAA military uniforms, which may indicate possible provocations aimed at discrediting official Damascus. It is possible that militants dressed in Syrian military uniforms will be used as suicide bombers against civilians.

Idlib Province

In the territory controlled "Hayat Tahrir al-Sham" Attempts to carry out terrorist attacks continue. According to the group's media center, the so-called jihadist "security forces" detained a man who was trying to pawn a homemade explosive device in the city Jisr al-Shugur, located in the north-west of the province.

Let us remind you that on May 26, a terrorist attack was already committed in this locality by unknown persons. On the same day, a car bomb on 30th Street in the city of Idlib killed one civilian and injured several others.

1 The organization is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Kurds continue to make deals with IS1; The FSA is planning provocations against official Damascus; Ahrar al-Sharqiya has concluded a peace agreement with the Al-Bab tribes.

Briefly about the results of the confrontation

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF): buy oil from IS in exchange for weapons and ammunition.

Islamic State1: launched a series of unsuccessful attacks against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the FSA in southern Syria.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham: a man who wanted to plant an IED was detained in Idlib province.

Free Syrian Army (FSA): preparing provocations aimed at discrediting the government of Bashar al-Assad.

Map of military operations in Syria.

Aleppo Province

According to the Middle East news agency Nedaa Syria, local tribes in the city of Al-Bab and the Ahrar al-Sharqiya alliance of armed groups have reached a peace agreement after clashes between the sides earlier this month. The publication recalls that on the morning of May 6, clashes occurred in the city between the Waki ​​tribe and the Hasaka Martyrs’ Brigade group from Ahrar al-Sharqiya after the Abu Jammu militant led a military convoy blocking the entrances and exits from the city due to dispute between the mentioned tribe.

Deir ez-Zor Province

On the eastern bank of the Euphrates, the military operation of the Kurdish armed forces “Jazeera Storm” continues, the declared goal of which is to fight the remnants of the “Islamic State” in the area. However, as the Telegram channel @dierezzore5 writes, information continues to be received about cases of unspoken cooperation between ISIS terrorists and the Syrian Democratic Forces. According to information received from local residents of Al-Shaafa, some Islamic State field commanders are selling oil to Kurdish armed groups in exchange for weapons and ammunition for their group.

According to a source on Twitter (@sayed_ridha), coalition aircraft carried out an airstrike in the area of ​​​​the village of Hajin, which is held by Islamic State militants.

According to a source on Twitter (@SyriawatanNews), there has been a split in the ranks of the Islamic State militants in the east of Deir ez-Zor province into those who agree to lay down their arms and go over to the side of the Kurdish armed forces, and those who remain committed to radical Islamism . It is the latter, according to the source, who are crossing the Euphrates to go to the Badia desert, as previously reported by several information resources.

Daraa Province

In the southern provinces of Syria, the military alliance of Jabhat al-Nusra1 and the Free Syrian Army continues to confront the militants of the Jaysh Khalid ibn Al-Walid group, which has sworn allegiance to the Islamic State. Currently, fighting is taking place in the areas of the settlements of Heita and Dzhallin. Telegram channel @hosienmortadapressnew writes about this. Islamic State militants tried to carry out a series of attacks on the positions of their opponents, but failed.

According to unconfirmed reports published by the Twitter channel @raedsyrian002, some of the Islamic State militants in a pocket in the south of the province may try to enter the Wadi al-Yarmouk valley area under the guise of civilians. The information is being clarified.

According to a source on Twitter (@Syrian506), citing local residents, fighters of the Free Syrian Army received several sets of SAA military uniforms, which may indicate possible provocations aimed at discrediting official Damascus. It is possible that militants dressed in Syrian military uniforms will be used as suicide bombers against civilians.

Idlib Province

Attempts to carry out terrorist attacks continue in the territory controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. According to the group's media center, the so-called jihadist "security forces" detained a man who tried to plant an improvised explosive device in the city of Jisr al-Shughour, located in the north-west of the province.

Let us remind you that on May 26, a terrorist attack was already committed in this locality by unknown persons. On the same day, a car bomb on 30th Street in the city of Idlib killed one civilian and injured several others.

1 The organization is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.

On the outskirts of the city At-Tabqa The remains of hundreds of victims of IS militants have been discovered. The Turkish army fired at SDF**** positions in the north of the province Aleppo and launched an airstrike on Kurdish fortified areas in the north Iraq. The Syrian Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces bombed IS positions in the east of the province Hama on the eve of the SAA offensive, reports a military source of the Federal News Agency (FAN) in Syria Ahmad Marzouq.

Briefly about the results of the confrontation

Syrian Arab Army(SAA): continued the confrontation with ISIS* in the south of Palmyra; repelled two IS attacks on the southern outskirts Deir ez-Zor, killing 17 militants; sent to Daraa fighters of the 4th Armored Division in order to regain the lost areas of the city.

"Islamic State"(ISIS): subjected to 20 airstrikes by the Syrian Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces in the vicinity of the city Ukeiribat in the east of the province Hama; loses the last Zanjili district in the northwest Mosul, 14 terrorists and two Iraqi army officers were neutralized in the battles.

Free Syrian Army**(SSA): repulsed an SAA attack in the area Badia in the south of the province Damascus; came under attack from the Syrian Air Force on the southern outskirts Daraa.

Kurds: Skirmishes with the FSA continue in the north of the province Aleppo, a civilian was killed as a result of SDF shelling; discovered a burial place with the remains of several hundred people killed by IS militants on the outskirts of At-Tabki; were hit by Turkish Air Forces near the northern border Iraq- 13 Peshmerga fighters were killed.

International coalition: as a result of another aerial bombardment in the outskirts Raqqa killed 17 civilians.

Damascus Province

Dahiyat Al-Assad quarter on the eastern outskirts Damascus the day before came under intense fire from militants of opposition groups. They fired about 20 large-caliber artillery shells from the direction of the city Thought located on the territory Eastern Ghouta northeast of the city, the F.S.N.N news center reported. Information about possible casualties among local population not received yet. Later, soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) returned fire at the fortified areas of the radicals near Duma with mortars.

As stated by the opposition Twitter channel (@VivaRevolt), government troops the previous morning attempted to attack the positions of militants of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the south of Damascus province, but the attack was repulsed by the Ahmad Abdu Martirs and Jaysh Asud Al-Sharqiya units. members of the SSA. SAR army units tried to occupy territories in the Makhul Heights area in the desert region Badia. SAA troops are conducting an offensive in the southern part of the republic in several directions at once, intending to seal the border of the SAR, along which the “free army” detachments are currently located. Government forces and allies attack from the side Es Suwayda, Damascus and Homs.

Aleppo Province

In the north of the province, clashes between the Turkish military and fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continued over the past 24 hours. Skirmishes took place along the front line in urban areas Ain Dakna, Darat Izza And Sheikh Issa. At the same time, under fire from Kurdish forces in the front-line city Marie, controlled by FSA militants, a civilian was killed, the Syrian Monitoring Center for Human Rights (SOHR) reported. The Turkish side and its allied opposition militants expect to completely clear the Kurds from northern part Syria, bordering Turkey. Ankara has added the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) to the list of terrorist organizations, considering it no less dangerous than IS militants.

Homs Province

Fierce fighting between the forces of the Syrian Arab Army and the Islamic State* in the first half of the day took place west of the village of Al-Aliniya, located in the Syrian Desert south of Palmyra, SOHR reported. Let us remind you that this settlement was completely cleared of militants the day before. The day before, there were no significant changes in the situation in the area. However, this week the Syrian military and its allies achieved significant success in liberating territories in the region from terrorists. Thus, the SAR army took control of vast areas in the mountainous areas and the entire section of the highway Damascus – Palmyra. At the same time, ISIS militants surrendered most of their positions almost without a fight.

Deir ez-Zor Province

Around Deir ez-Zor There had been fierce fighting the day before. Syrian troops managed to repel several attacks by ISIS militants. Thus, a group of terrorists was spotted trying to get into the air base. During the clashes that broke out, SAA soldiers destroyed most of the Islamic State detachment. For the third year in a row, the terrorist group has been trying to recapture the besieged airfield from the SAR army, but the Syrian military continues to hold the line.

Later, the militants made a new attack on the positions of Syrian units near the base of the 137th regiment, intending to recapture the strategically important Brook Peak in the area. Nevertheless, this attack was repulsed. The clashes lasted several hours, during the confrontation at least 17 ISIS terrorists were neutralized, the Lebanese agency AMN reported.

Daraa Province

Over the past 24 hours in the region northeast of the city Daraa three civilians died as a result of the explosion of large-caliber mines fired by radical detachments during shelling of the positions of the government army of the Syrian Arab Republic. In the morning, an explosion occurred on a section of the highway between the city Saida and the village of Ghariyat Al-Gharbiya. As a result, two civilians were killed, the SOHR portal reported. Another similar incident occurred between the villages of Al-Maliha Al-Sharqiyah and Nahita near the border with Suwayda. Another local resident was killed when a mine exploded in the area.

As a military source reported on his Twitter page (@abbanos), the command of the SAR army transferred soldiers of the 4th Armored Division to the city of Daraa in anticipation of the impending counter-offensive on the positions of the radicals. Let us remind you that the militants of the “free army” and “Jabhat al-Nusra”*** were able to occupy almost half of the territories of the provincial capital. Islamists continue to attack SAA positions, despite the fact that a ceasefire regime is currently in effect in the south of the republic. The Syrian army units defending the city are using their last strength to hold back the onslaught of terrorists.

They are provided with significant support by the government air force. Thus, the day before, information appeared on the FSA Twitter page (@FSAPlatform) that SAR Air Force bombers carried out four strikes on militant fortified areas on the southern outskirts of the city of Daraa. The results of the air operation were not reported.

Raqqa Province

SDF fighters who continue to advance towards Raqqa under the leadership of Washington, in the past 24 hours they discovered northeast of the city they captured At-Tabqa west of the provincial capital, a mass grave containing the bodies of hundreds of civilians killed by Islamic State terrorists. A local source reported this on his Twitter page (@melisaraimmo). At the same time, according to eyewitnesses, the militants played football with the heads of the people they killed.

The civilian population is suffering not only as a result of the criminal activities of ISIS terrorists, but also due to the incessant air raids of the anti-terrorist coalition led by the United States. Over the past 24 hours, coalition aircraft carried out at least 10 strikes in the vicinity of Raqqa, according to Damascus Now. As a result, 17 local residents were killed and several dozen more were injured.

Hama Province

According to information from the AMN portal, the Syrian Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces jointly carried out approximately 20 strikes on fortified areas of the “Islamic State” in the vicinity of the city in one day. Ukeiribat, located in the east of Hama province. The bombing was carried out in anticipation of the upcoming large-scale offensive by Syrian troops. The SAA command intends to move IS units as far as possible from the key highway - the “road of life” that connects Aleppo with the central part of the republic. The forces of the 5th Assault Corps of the SAR Army have already been sent to the region. The operation to liberate Uqairibat, the main ISIS outpost in the region, is expected to start this week.

In addition, government soldiers conducted artillery fire on terrorist positions on the outskirts of Ukeiribat the day before. The upcoming campaign in this direction is currently especially relevant due to the increasing frequency of attacks by Islamic State forces on SAA checkpoints east of the key highway in the area between the cities Itria And Salamia.


Iraqi government forces, with the support of the Shiite militia Hashd Al-Shaabi and the anti-terrorist coalition air force, were able to make some more progress in clearing the territories of the western part over the past 24 hours Mosul from ISIS terrorists. Federal police forces marched about 250 meters into militant territory in the Zanjili area, which is located north of the Old City and remains the last refuge of the Islamic State. According to Iraqi Day, 14 terrorists were neutralized during the clashes. Government forces, however, lost two officers killed. The city of Mosul, which was previously considered the main bastion of the terrorist group in Iraq, is thus now almost completely liberated from ISIS occupation.

The previous day, Turkish aircraft carried out a powerful bombing of the strongholds of the paramilitary Kurdish formation Peshmerga in northern Iraq. As the Syrian news center Damascus Now reported, citing the command of the Turkish Armed Forces, at least 13 Kurdish fighters were killed during the sortie.

* The organization is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Georgia has begun procedures to sever diplomatic relations with Syria

Georgia has begun the process of severing diplomatic relations with Syria. This was stated by Deputy Foreign Minister David Dondua.

Thus, Tbilisi responded to Damascus’ decision to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Tskhinvali reaction

South Ossetian Foreign Minister Dmitry Medoev welcomed the initiative of the Syrian authorities.

“The preparatory process lasted several years, and work in this direction continues. Finding new friends on different continents is ongoing,” Medoev noted in an interview with the Sputnik South Ossetia agency.

He said that the day before, an agreement was concluded in Italy between Tskhinvali and the city of Gradara on cooperation in the field of economics, culture and student exchanges.

“It was a very good visit,” the diplomat concluded.

The South Ossetian authorities announced that they would consider opening an embassy in Damascus.

Constructive solution

Director of the Institute of Strategic Planning, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Alexander Gusev, in turn, called Damascus’ decision a landmark event.

According to him, Damascus’ initiative is fully consistent with the norms of international law and the UN Charter.

“The Syrian people understand, on the one hand, the complexity of the situation, including in the Caucasus. Because the Caucasus is quite close to the SAR. I think (Syrian President) Bashar al-Assad is on the right track. In addition, people understand that they have the main right enshrined in the UN Charter: the right to self-determination, it is fundamental,” the political scientist noted.

Five Day War

Georgia attacked South Ossetia in 2008 and destroyed part of its capital. In response to aggression against civilians, Russia sent in troops and drove out enemy forces.

After the “five-day war,” Moscow recognized the sovereignty of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which were previously subordinate to Tbilisi.

The former autonomies chose the path of independence. At the same time, the authorities of the republics declared the creation of a union state with Russia a priority.

Damascus will gain control of Syria's southern borders, source said

Control over the southern borders of Syria, including the At-Tanf region, will be transferred to Syrian government forces as a result of negotiations, an informed source told RIA Novosti.

“All areas on the (southern) border will be transferred to the Syrian government, the agreement on the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) zone will be renewed on the Gola Heights, the presence of Iranian forces in the border areas is not envisaged,” the agency’s source said.

“These agreements have been discussed for several weeks,” the source added.

Israel agreed to station Syrian troops near its border

Israel has agreed to allow Syrian government troops to its northern borders, Israeli television's Channel 2 reported, citing an unnamed senior official.

The agreement was reached through the mediation of Russia, the media clarifies.

“They (the agreements - editor's note) provide that Assad's army will take positions near the border with Israel, and in return the Russians will promise that there will be no presence of Iran and Hezbollah there,” the report says.

The area near the Israeli-Syrian demarcation line is part of the de-escalation zone, which was created in 2017 by agreement between Russia, the United States and Jordan.

The day before, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that only government forces of the country should be on the southern border of Syria.

Syria recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia

Syria recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and also established diplomatic relations with Sukhum and Tskhinvali, the Foreign Ministry of the countries said in a statement.

The parties refer to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961 and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of April 23, 1963.

As the head of the South Ossetian Foreign Ministry Dmitry Medoev said, Tskhinvali will consider opening an embassy in Damascus.

“The recognition of South Ossetia by the Syrian Arab Republic means for us great importance. We are grateful to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for making such a decision. This is a great honor for us, and it places great responsibility on our country. We are ready for this responsibility,” Medoev said.

Russia recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia on August 26, 2008. Following Moscow, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Nauru, Vanuatu, and Tuvalu did this.

In Damascus they spoke about the training in Russia of personnel for the reconstruction of Syria

Students from Syria have received significantly more opportunities to study at leading universities in Russia and become specialists who are necessary for the restoration of the Syrian Arab Republic in the post-war period, the Deputy Minister told RIA Novosti higher education Syria Najim Abdulnunir.

At the invitation of the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in Lebanon, a large delegation consisting of representatives of a number of leading Russian universities, some of which are of federal importance, arrived in Damascus. For several days, a joint Russian-Syrian commission conducted a campaign to select students. In total, from more than 2 thousand applicants, the commission selected 500 best candidates.

“Firstly, we want to thank Russian people and the government for allocating 500 quotas for Syrian students. We, as a ministry, have been working with commissions for four days now (from the Russian Federation - ed.). We held hearings for applicants. It is very important for us that we are starting to train specialists for Syria in various fields who will develop Syria in the post-war period, until which, God willing, the last step remains,” Abdulnunir said.

According to the deputy minister, there are quite a lot of people in Syria who want to receive Russian higher education. In addition to the state quotas allocated by the Russian leadership, the Syrian leadership will additionally pay for the education of 200 graduate students and masters this year. “In addition to helping Russia provide housing, we will give graduate and master’s students about $900 (scholarships) every month. Last year, the number of students sent was half that,” he added.

The head of the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in Lebanon, Vadim Zaichikov, in turn, told RIA Novosti about actions aimed at training specialists in areas that are especially important for Syria, noting the need to develop Russian-Syrian relations, in particular, against the backdrop of stabilization of the situation in the country, primarily after complete liberation of Damascus and its outskirts from terrorists.

“Cooperation with the (Syrian) Ministry of Education is extremely important. It is very important for us that our students, returning home, take part in economic projects. For example, there is a big tourism project in Tartus. This year we will send students to Russia to study tourism; they already have an idea of ​​what they will do upon returning to Syria. Selected a large number of engineers and architects who will be involved in the restoration of the country - this is very important. For us, in particular, the training of future Russian language teachers is very important,” said Zaichikov.

According to a representative of Rossotrudnichestvo, today the demand for the Russian language in Syria is “unprecedented”; more than 12 thousand students study it; Russian language courses are held in most universities in the country. The Russian language department at the State Damascus University graduated its first group of specialists this year, half of the best of them will continue their studies in Russia.

“The Syrian Ministry of Education responded to our request and entered into contracts with these students, on the basis of which the ministry will pay scholarships to these students on its own, and after returning to their country they will go to work in universities to teach Russian,” Zaichikov added.

Conflict of interests could hinder the liberation of southern Syria, expert says

The liberation of southern Syria, which the country's authorities expect to achieve politically, may be delayed due to the complex conflicting interests of Damascus, Amman and Tel Aviv, says Akil Mahfoud, director of the department of international relations at the Syrian Ministry of Higher Education.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday that only the country's government forces should be present on Syria's southern border. Deputy Foreign Minister of the Syrian Arab Republic Faisal Mikdad, in an interview with RIA Novosti last week, said that Damascus expects to liberate the remaining territories of the republic without bloodshed. At the same time, the Syrian leadership reserves the right to apply a military scenario otherwise.

“We know about the role of Russia, about the agreements on the de-escalation zone with the participation of the United States in southern region. The situation in the south is very sensitive - it will not be easy for the United States and Israel to agree to transfer full control to the Syrian army and the Syrian leadership. Washington and Tel Aviv are afraid of the presence of Iran and Hezbollah in that part of Syria,” Mahfud told RIA Novosti.

According to the expert, Syria does not intend to abandon its alliance with Iran and its supporters and highly appreciates the assistance provided by Tehran and Moscow in the fight against terrorism throughout the years of the crisis.

Speaking about Jordan's interest, Mahfud noted that, on the one hand, peace and stability on the border with Syria are economically beneficial for Amman, which will contribute to the opening of the main border crossing"Nasib" in Daraa province.

“On the other hand, Jordan fears pressure from countries Persian Gulf and Israel. But the messages last months suggest that they (in Amman – ed.) are inclined to move closer to Russia’s position. There is a certain mutual understanding regarding the south. The influence of the Russian Federation is felt. Meanwhile, the Syrian leadership is determined to regain its southern territories... The Syrian crisis has changed. Many difficulties have been left behind, but the tasks ahead are complex and confusing,” the agency’s interlocutor added.

Syrian sappers defused more than 60 explosive devices near Damascus

More than 60 mines, shells and improvised explosive devices were neutralized by Syrian sappers trained by Russian specialists, in populated areas Ruheib and Duma in a day, said the head of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in Syria, Major General Yuri Yevtushenko.

He noted that the situation in Damascus and its suburbs is returning to normal. The engineering and sapper units of the Syrian army, trained by Russian specialists, are working to ensure the safety of the population and socio-economic infrastructure. In the settlements of Ruheiba and Duma, 26 buildings and adjacent areas were examined. “Six mines, 11 shells and 48 improvised explosive devices were discovered and neutralized,” he said.

The head of the Center added that the joint Iranian-Russian-Turkish coordination center continued to record violations of the cessation of hostilities by illegal armed groups in the provinces of Aleppo, Laqaiya, Hama and Deraa throughout the day.

According to Yevtushenko, representatives of the Center for Reconciliation monitored the restoration of infrastructure in the village of Kafer Batna. There are markets and shops in the city, work is underway to restore a medical center, a bakery, three schools, water and electricity supply facilities. Local authorities, in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, organized the delivery of food and drinking water to the needy population.

Yevtushenko recalled that the Russian side, together with the Syrian government, is implementing post-conflict resolution measures in the provinces of Hama and Homs. Repairs of the M5 international highway continue, on the Er-Rastan-Tell Bisa road section, and the restoration of the destroyed bridge is underway.

Syrian security authorities are working to normalize the status of members of illegal armed groups who have decided to remain in the Homs de-escalation zone and return to peaceful life. During the day, under the control of the Center, more than 5.4 thousand people regulated their status, they handed over 46 small arms. “In total, 16,557 people have undergone this procedure since May 16,” Yevtushenko added. He noted that to suppress provocations and illegal actions in the settlements of Er-Rastan, Kafer Laha, Tell Bisa, Zaafarana and Haret Tukuman, the Russian military police set up observation posts.

More than 300 Syrians have returned to their homes in Homs and Eastern Ghouta provinces

More than 300 Syrians have returned to their homes in the provinces of Homs and Eastern Ghouta over the past 24 hours, said the head of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in Syria, Major General Yuri Yevtushenko.

“Over the past 24 hours, 198 people returned to their homes in Homs province, and 106 people returned to Eastern Ghouta,” he said. Thanks to the improvement in the humanitarian situation, 66,823 residents of Eastern Ghouta have returned to their homes from camps for refugees and temporarily displaced persons, Yevtushenko added.

He also recalled that the priority areas of the Center’s activities are creating conditions for improving the humanitarian situation, providing medical care to people in need and meeting the priority needs of Syrian citizens.

As Yevtushenko reported, a charity event was held in the city of Aleppo. The Russian military set up a field kitchen and distributed more than 300 servings of hot food and over one ton of fresh bread to the population.

In addition, Russian military doctors provided medical assistance to 78 Syrians, including 53 children, within 24 hours.

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