The sights of the Crimea to see. The most beautiful places of Crimea Most Popular Sights of Crimea


Mysterious, magical, amazingly beautiful Crimea Multician, no wonder it is called "peace in miniature", because there is everything here: steppe and mountains, green valleys and medical lakes, protected forests and beautiful parks, beautiful palaces, noble estates and amazing natural monuments, mysterious Caves and monuments of culture for long disappeared peoples, the sea with its beaches and underwater caves.

Look at the map of the Crimea: the inner part of the peninsula takes the steppe, mountain ranges are concentrated in its southern part, and all this is surrounded by the sea on all sides. The many of the most beautiful places of Crimea are located on the coast, but a lot and such that lie aside from the tourist trail, and do not get there.

This wild peninsula, one of the most beautiful places of Crimea, is located in the western point and, probably, it will remain the place with which a person will never do anything. Just can not. It's too terrible with cliffs, its underwater caves are too deep.

It is so clean, that standing high on the break, you can consider stones at the bottom. But the most amazing spectacle will open from the sea: the huge through grots cut through the rocks through, caves are hidden during high arches, and the rocks are spinning in the most unthinkable figures. From time to time, the tireless surf and the wind fell a part of the rocky coast, and then in this beautiful place of Crimea there is a new rock of a fantastic look.

Athlesh, the Tarkhankut protected zone make up the rocks of white limestone, over the processing of which the brilliant sculptor worked for centuries - nature. He fantasyly cut off the shore line, giving the rocks of this beautiful place of Crimea amazing forms:

  • The turtle is a big rock, acting at sea, really resembles a giant turtle looking at the sea.
  • The bowl of love is a rock in the form of a round pool. Its depth is 6 meters, and you can only get to it through the underwater tunnel.
  • 150-meter, not studied cave, to get into which can be only one way: sailing under the rock hanging over the sea.

AK-KAYA (White Rock)

A huge White Rock is located in the Belogorsk District of Crimea, in the Valley of the River Biyuk Kara-Su. A huge stone plateau ends with a sheer wall with a height of 150 meters. Rock, hanging over the valley, is particularly beautiful in the rays of the setting sun. Once she was a seabed, and its layers are a kind of chronicles of the past 70 million years. A attentive look will surely notice the petrified clams, marine hells, crabs, and in the youngest layers that are on the surface of the plateau, the teeth of sharks, the bones of whales and seals occur.

Koyash Lake

This is an amazingly beautiful and most salty lake in the Crimea lies in the south of the Kerch Peninsula. In the summer, algae living in the lake, paint its water in pink color, and the higher the temperature, the more intense the color becomes. The coast of this beautiful place of the Crimea is covered with salt crystals, smelling violets, and on water stroits there are bizarre saline icebergs. Just a narrow strip of a sandy beach separates pink from the Black Sea.

Balaklava bay

The second such beautiful place in the Crimea, like this bay, not to find. It is clamped between the two mountains and goes into the land at a depth of 1.5 kilometers. The entrance to it is not only very narrow, but the sea is also invisible. The unique form of the bay in the form of an English letter S makes it a silent harbor even during a strong storm at sea. You can admire this beautiful place in the Crimea from the top of the mountain on the eastern shore, where the ruins of the old Genoese fortress of Cambalo are preserved.

New World

This is the name of a small village next to Sudak. When the car passes the last turn, an unusually beautiful place is open before the eyes, which is defiantly beautiful even for the roof of the Crimea. Mountains Eagle and Falcon protect a new light from the winds, and the air is powered by phytoncides of pines and juniper. Three bays of this beautiful place in the Crimea are green, blue and blue - fascinate with the purity and transparency of their waters, and mountain paths and grotes give the unique charm.


Among the most beautiful places of Crimea and an amazing mountain range, which was once a seabed. When the stone rose rose from the sea, the sun and the wind created the stone sculptures of the bizarre form. In the sunset rays of the Sun, it seems that the figures and the truth look like running people. Hence the name of the valley with stone sculptures. Of course, there are many legends that explain the appearance of stone Eastukans in this beautiful place of Crimea, and who knows, suddenly something from the described in them actually happened.

Taraktash trail

For this trail, you can go from Yalta to Ai-Petri and in the opposite direction. Of course, descend easier. Types opening with your eyes during the descent are beautiful, but the crazy delight will cause one of the most beautiful places of Crimea - the tract itself Taraktash and its main attraction - a arc-shaped rock with a height of several tens of meters. It is striking that with lackless walls and a fairly large altitude, the standing rock is not destroyed. The trail will hold you on the hollow, then through the narrow passage between the cliffs will bring out. This passage is called a Taraktash gate, it is terrible to go on it, but delight from this beautiful place of Crimea makes you forget about fear.

If you are lucky to be near the cliff at noon, when the sun is worth high, you can see how the rock is overflowing with all the shades of yellow and brown. The height captures the spirit, but the beauty is such that besides her do not notice anything. Continuing the descent, in another fantastically beautiful place of the Crimea - "flying water".


Study-Su is "flying" or "hanging water" in the old days called this two-chain flow of water, falling with Ai-Petri. In all its power, it appears only in the spring, during the melting of snow. In winter, water freezes, and its frozen jets become similar to organ pipes, and this sight is hardly more beautiful than April.

Nature is capable of creating amazing monuments on the beauty. But the creations of human hands are sometimes not less beautiful. Talented architects entered the history of the beautiful Crimea. Beautiful palaces and magnificent parks.

Karai Kenasi in Evpatoria

Among the beautiful places of Crimea and the White Temple Complex of Crimean Caraim, consisting of two double two-year buildings with fittings and semicircular windows. In the courtyard of this beautiful place Crimea you can see arched galleries and fountain. The building is not only a monument of architecture, but also historical value.

swallow's Nest

In the village of Gaspra, which lies on the beautiful southern coast of the Crimea, on the very edge of the rocks of Aurora, there is a tiny building from white stone. Walls with teeth, high rocky windows and a round tower with spiers make it look like a medieval knight lock. Once it was a country house with fireplaces and thick ceiling beams, but what is there now - no matter. As an elegant toy, as if soars between the sea and the sky, attracting the gaze of each guest to this amazingly beautiful place of the Crimea.

Livadia Palace

Known as a summer residence of the last Russian emperor and the venue of the Yalta Conference. But its attractive do not so much historical facts, how much the beauty of the Palace and the Park, which was broken around.

The snow-white Renaissance building with four inner courtyards, luxurious chambers and unofficifies never the interior fit perfectly into the landscape of the Crimean coast and became one of the most beautiful places of Crimea. The park, broken on 40 hectares of the Earth, was equipped and preserved until now: the winding paths are enveloped by beautiful flowers and rare trees, green lawns are decorated with sculptures and fountains, shady alley lead to the sea, and from the viewing sites to the very horizon opens an endless sea.

Palace in Massandre

One of the most amazing and beautiful places of Crimea is the emperor Alexander Third. The palace is small, but incredibly beautiful and elegant. Architect, decorating facades balconies, ornaments and sculptures, gave him a fabulous, just a gingerbread castle. On spacious terraces and in the park in the fashion of that time, the sculptures of satiries and chimer were installed. The construction was erected right in the forest, he lay down the beautiful park. On the territory of the park laid the tracks and broke the flower beds, juniper and conifers were additionally planted along Alley, exotic plants were brought from abroad.

Foros church

There is a red rock between the Sevastopol and Yalta, between the sea and the grocery of the mountains, and on its very edge, like a fragile toy on the palm of the giant, stands the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. It is clearly seen from the track, and everyone who passes by, unwittingly turns his head to see this beautiful place of Crimea again. The legend tells about the wonderful salvation of the daughter of a rich merchant on the edge of this cliff. Salvation was, but it was about the emperor Alexandra Third. Built in the Byzantine style, survived four restorations, there are worships now.

Vorontsov Palace

Among the most beautiful places of Crimea and the beautiful palace in Alupka, which was created by order of Count Vorontsov, who was then the Governor-General of the Novorossiysk Territory. The graph wanted the palace to combine the English rigor and luxury of Indian palaces. Such a luxury was suitable for these beautiful places of Crimea: from the windows of the palace, the sea was visible, on the other hand, an AI-Petri array was hanging over the palace, and numerous springs would help grow a beautiful garden. So it turned out: a heavy English style is diluted with elements of a luxurious oriental style, and guard towers are adjacent to openwork ornaments and arches.

Palace Park deserves a separate place among all beautiful places in Crimea. Both of its parts are the upper park and the bottom - amazingly beautiful. In the top there are three glades (chestnut, solar and contrast), and each grow individual types of trees. Here the swan lake is broken, where these beautiful birds live, and a mirror, there is even a waterfall. The lower park is decorated in Italian style, many unique plants are growing there. Everyone who visited there claims that in this beautiful place of Crimea is always a festive mood.

Yusupovsky Palace

The magnificent Palace of Yusupova is located in one of the most beautiful places in Crimea - in Koreiz, on a steep rocky seashore. He was erected in the style of the Italian Renaissance, and his interior is simply luxurious: Viennese sofas and chairs of skillful work of the Austrian furniture masters, porcelain and bronze figurines. But the Palace Park is even more beautiful! He is decorated with trees with age from 100 to 500 years, and only 7.5 thousand species of plants grown. The whole territory of this beautiful place of the Crimea is decorated with fountains and small pools with the figures of the goddesses, nayar and mermaids. All entrances to the park, all niches are "guarded" marble lions.

Nikitsky Botanical Sad.

The garden is laid for more than two hundred years ago. Its director, Christians Stewen, conceived to create a nursery for plants that never grew into the Crimea to acclimatize them for the Crimean Earth. And it got great. But the main goal was to assemble all plants in the territory of this beautiful place, which could benefit not only the Crimea, but all of Russia. Three years later, in the collection of the Botanical Garden there were 50 varieties of pear and almost a hundred varieties of apple trees. Gradually, the collection has increased by Italian and French grape varieties, magnolias, palm trees, planenes. There were unique beautiful places of the Crimea Plants: Sequoia California, Fir Caucasian, Cedar, Oriental Pine, Strawberry Tree, Bamboo, and color species even count hard. To date, the collection consists of 30 thousand plants from all corners of the globe. And in whatever month you have visited this garden, you will always see flowering plants: in the spring it is a "tulip parade", in the summer - "Roses Ball", in the fall - "Chrysanthemum Ball". Botanical Garden, excellent human hands, and still considered one of the most beautiful places in Crimea.

Every year, millions of travelers choose the Crimean Peninsula for holidays. After all, after all, it is here that there are many wonderful memos, among which are not only resorts, but also amazing corners created by Mother-nature. So, the natural attractions and richness of Crimea - what are they? We bring to your attention the rating of the Ten Best!

10. Maiden Lake: Fantastic Water Iron Even in the photo

  • Coordinates: 44 ° 35'46 "N (44.596105), 33 ° 48'4" E (33.801063).

And the huge temple, the ruins of which peacefully rest at the bottom, artificially created many years ago, are the main secret of this corner of Crimea. From the side of the water, it seems calm and serene. The unshakable lake surface reflects the beauty of the greenery and the sun. But as soon as the water level begins to fall by the end of the summer, the ruins of the old Christian church are visible to the tourists, as if reminding themselves and silently telling their history.

9. Soldier - the deepest cave in the Crimea

  • Coordinates: 44 ° 52'29 "N (44.874634), 34 ° 34'59" E (34.582967).

Some natural attractions and wealth of the Republic of Crimea are distinguished by record data against the background of all Europe. Such is - a hazardous and hazing cavity in 1968 near and consisting of inclined wells, various moves and narrow deep passes up to 85 m. For tourists who want to look into the mysterious space, it is necessary to obtain permission from special services. Only then, putting gear, go for the study of lakes, streams and other amazing creatures of nature underground.

8. Balaklava Bay - Natural Decoration of Sevastopol

  • Coordinates: 44 ° 29'44 "N (44.495538), 33 ° 35'41" E (33.594715).

At the eighth position of our rankings, located, distinguished by beauty and pristine. It is easy to find good. The water here crashes into the landing quite deeply and resembles a winding path. The atmosphere of privacy and pacification, stunning landscapes leave indelible impressions and for a long time in memory. On the fortress grief, which spread nearby, it is located today, built by Genoese many centuries ago.

7. Pushkin Grotto is one of the natural wealth of Gurzuf

  • Coordinates: 44 ° 32'48 "N (44.546677), 34 ° 17'47" E (34.29642).

From the eastern side of the Pushkin Rock, a truly grand creation of nature is visible -. This writer in 1820 spent in a little more than 3 months. He rented a small boat and walked under the army of rocky education, where he found privacy and inspiration in the depths of the rocks. Now this magnificent creation is popular with tourists who come to the peninsula admire the memo. Inside the cave cavity there are places where you can relax next to the water before the expense.

6. Cape Chameleon - "Changeable" Sightseeing near Koktebel

  • Coordinates: 44 ° 57'50 "N (44.963976), 35 ° 17'42" E (35.29495).

We continue to get acquainted with the natural attractions and riches of Crimea. Not far from is located, which was formed from clay shale - solid rock, having a property to reflect light. As a result, the protrusion completely changes the color depending on weather conditions, the location of the Sun and the time of the year is identical to the lizard capable of changing the color. Thanks to this, he is wearing such a speaking name. Interestingly, on both sides, two bays were formed. The water in them differs in color, which gives additional charms, if admiring the view from the height.

5. Golden Gate - Arch to the Sun of Crimea

  • Coordinates: 44 ° 54'52 "N (44.914547), 35 ° 13'53" E (35.231274).

At the turn of our Top, in the fifth place, housed. Kara-Dag is a volcanic array on the Black Sea coast, where not far from the coast and this rock is seen in the form of the arch. In the past, this attractive structure of nature wore a sullen name - "damn gates", as it was believed that there is an entrance to hell. Today, excursion routes are laid, and travelers, catching a successful perspective, can admire how she, pumped by the rays of the setting sun, seems golden.

4. Rock Diva - legendary memo next to Simeiz

  • Coordinates: 44 ° 24'2 "N (44.40067), 34 ° 0'3" E (34.000851).

You can also find natural attractions and wealth on the SKK, the Republic of Crimea is famous for all Russia. So, in the area, in the Black Sea, at the foot, there is a limestone height of more than 45 m. It is obliged to appearance, the top, which is reminded by a bust of a woman with loose hair. There is a legend around her that once the evil spirit performed evil acts, turning into a girl. But the forces of good recognized a lie and punished him, turning to the rock. Traveling, climbing on the top of the diva, where you need to overcome 260 steps, the impressive view of the infinite water surface of the turquoise color, which fascinates, gleaming the sunny rays.

3. Jur-Jur - the most powerful waterfall of Crimea

  • Coordinates: 44 ° 48'19 "N (44.805365), 34 ° 27'34" E (34.459533).

So it's time to talk about what natural attractions and riches of the Crimea are most in demand from tourists. In, on the territory of the urban district, the streams of the River East Ulu-Uzen formed an inexhaustible, having several translations, such as "water-water" or "eternally-murder." He received the name due to the fact that even in the most dry time, the water does not erect here and seeking streams falling down the cascade threshold. Here you can make an unforgettable photo on the background of the murmuric giggle and enjoy fascinating landscapes. Due to the low temperature and the presence of stones in a raging waterfall, tourists are not recommended to climb into the water. Safety will admire the spectacle from the side.

2. Valley of Ghosts - the most mysterious place on the peninsula

  • Coordinates: 44 ° 45'3 "N (44.750934), 34 ° 24'28" E (34.407894).

On the slope located in the northern part of the Alushta Valley, there is a mysterious and mysterious place -. Large stone blocks created by nature, all their views resemble living beings - people and animals that forever froze immobilized. There is a legend of ancient nomads in Crimea, who once wanted to occupy the lands of the peninsula. But the grief did not like the attitude of the uninvited guests to the local, she shook them, turning into stone statues. An even greater mysteriousness gives a thick fog, often settleting on the valley. Thanks to this phenomenon in distant times, Demerji was called "FUN", which means "smoking". An interesting game of light and shadows, creating the impression of the presence of life among still rocks. Excursions are often arranged here when tourists may watch an inexpensive logic picture and think about what secret is a landmark.

1. Ay-Petri is a majestic elevation that does not need a description

  • Coordinates: 44 ° 27'4 "N (44.450996), 34 ° 3'17" E (34.054659).

The first place of our rating is, which is not the highest in the Crimea, but does not inferior on the beauty and painting to any other note of nature. From the Greek language, its name is translated as "Saint Peter". You can get to the top either from where he originates, with a length of 1860 m, or on a car from Yalta. Not far from the famous observation deck "Shishko" on the plateau spread the most high mountain Crimean settlement - the village of Hunting. From the height of Ai-Petri, there is a stunning view that will impress any tourist, inspires new feats and charges energy!

We hope that the natural sights of Crimea with photos and descriptions above, inspired you to new accomplishments! However, there are many other corners created by nature on tourist attention on the peninsula. They do not cease to surprise with their incredible beauty, mystery and splendor!

Travelers are now worried about many reasons: currency rates grow, prices are also, and flights to many countries are canceled. What to do? There is a way out - and this is the Crimea. Someone who has already been to the Crimea, from year to year returns to the loved place, well, and someone is just preparing to discover all the beauty of recreation on the popularity of the Peninsula.

To facilitate the task of those who go there for the first time, and may simply decide to update old memories, we wrote this article in which you will find all the useful information about the most popular sights of Crimea. If this is not enough, and everything is already studied, then in this case we have an article "10 of the most unusual sights of Crimea", in which we advise to look.

The only one of its kind, the Bakhchisaray Palace is a unique example of the Crimean-Tatar architecture and every year attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world. The huge territory of the palace is not only the Palace Complex itself, but also the mosque, gardens with fountains and museums: Art Museum, Museums of History and Culture of the Crimean Tatars and, of course, the main exposition of the museum, which includes not only the decoration of the palace, but also an impressive exhibition of cold Weapons.

There is a palace, as you can guess, in the city of Bakhchisarai, which is approximately 50 kilometers from Sevastopol and 30 kilometers from Simferopol. You can get to the city by car - from the nearest major cities, the road will take about an hour, but, for example, from Yalta or Evpatoria - one and a half hours, from Feodosia - two and a half. Except on the car, you can get to Bakhchisaraya from Sevastopol and Simferopol on buses, departing several times a day from the bus station, and by train. The Bakhchisaray Palace itself is easy to find in the city, it is located at: River Street, 133.

The time of work of the palace fluctuates depending on the time of year: in the winter period, the cash registers are open from 9 am to 5 pm, in the summer - from 9 am to 6 pm. A visit to the palace is only possible with a tour of a rather democratic price: 275 rubles for adults and about 150 rubles for students.

Swallow nest is one of the symbols of the Crimean Peninsula. This small, but so strongly resembling a knightly castle, the architectural monument is located right on the top of the rolling rock of Ai-Todor. Initially, the swallow the nest was wooden and only very remotely resembled a modern building. But periodic restorations and reconstructions after earthquakes and wars have done their own business, and now it's not to take the eyes from the swirl nest.

There is a restaurant and observation deck, no museums or exhibitions in a swallow nest. There is a "castle" in the south of the peninsula, approximately 15 kilometers from the city of Yalta. You can get by car or buses number 32 and №102. In addition, local travel agencies are offered to the sights on the water - on the boat or on the boat.

Ai-Petri is the highest mountain in the massif mountains located in the south of the peninsula, near the city of Yalta. Its height is 1231 meters. Actually, this figure speaks for itself - to the top to rise definitely - for the sake of air, for the sake of the mountains on one side and the sea on the other, for the sake of excellent nature. You can go up on foot, by car or on a cable car, which originates in the village of Mishor on the south coast.

In winter, except for walking and lifts to the mountain, you can also go skiing how many local people do. And in the summer there is the possibility of excursions even on horseback. In addition, on the way there are interesting caves and waterfalls, so that not to miss anything, perhaps it makes sense to take an excursion. On the other hand, "conquest" of Ai-Petri without a sightseeing group gives completely different, more rich impressions.

From Yalta to Mishor regularly run minibuses. Cost - 25 rubles, in the way about an hour.

One of the main attractions of the Crimea and the largest waterfall of the Peninsula of Peninsula-Su is 7 kilometers from Yalta, on one of the tourist trails to the mountain ah-Petri, which we wrote about.

Almost 100 meters, or rather 98 and a half - such is the height of the student. Powerful streams of water, seeking to break up the rocky rocks at the foot of the waterfall, do not leave anyone indifferent. One exception. In the most popular tourist season in the Crimea, that is, in summer, the waterfall dries up, and there is a chance that in the hot months you will not see the power, which will enjoy the delight of tourists and local residents. The most successful time to visit the student-su - rainy autumn and spring months or winter, when you can even catch the frozen waterfall, which, although it happens, is quite rare.

The nearest tourist to the student-sob trail is Tarakashkaya, it is the most picturesque of all. You can also get to the waterfall by transport: on the route taxi №30 from the bus station of Yalta and by car on the M18 highway.

The surroundings of the mountain Ai-Petri are rich not only on natural attractions and beaches, there are also somewhat curious architectural structures and museums. One of these attractions is Crimea - Vorontsov Palace, which is essentially a whole palace complex consisting of several structures and a wonderful well-kept park. He was still created by the beginning of the XIX century, and in 1990 he was assigned the status of a museum-reserve.

A lot of time to visit the Boronevsky Palace. If you want to walk around the territory and look at the palace outside - planning that it will take from a few hours, until half of the day. Well, if the visiting plan also includes the inspection of the Palace from the inside - on the same day, it is better not to plan anything else, the Museum-Reserve for various "Interests" is so rich. In addition, in the park at the palace there is a beach, which will allow you to combine the cultural program with rest on the sea.

There is a Vorontsov Palace in Alupka, which is not far from Yalta, on the southern coast of Crimea. From Yalta can be reached by route taxi №32, which stops in the city center, or No. 102, which departs from the bus station. Minibilities №107 and №115 are also suitable, they simply stop a little further - minutes of 15 minutes to the palace.

The Palace Museum works every day from 9 am to 17-17.30 pm. Cashs are closed at 16.15. In addition to the main exhibition, exhibitions receiving visitors are working on the territory of the museum, except Monday and Environment.

Tickets for each exhibition or exposition are sold separately and cost from 50 to 300 rubles per adult and from 25 to 150 rubles per child. There is no single ticket.

One of the most prominent artists of Russia is a lot of fans both in their homeland and around the world. The great marinist artist became famous for his life, and after his death and to the present day, the Glory of Aivazovsky is only grown.

In Feodosia, where the artist was born, they themselves opened an exhibition of paintings in his own house, which now wears the proud name "National Picture Gallery named after Ayvazovsky". It is not surprising that in it the largest number of Aivazovsky works, as well as not surprisingly, most of them were written in the Crimea.

Moreover, in the museum you can see not only the pictures themselves, but also the personal belongings of the artist. And the guys of the gallery will be happy to tell more about the work of the artist.

The museum is open all the days of the week, except for the medium, from 10 am to 5 pm. Casses are closed at 4 pm. Tuesday - a short day, so the gallery is open up to 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The price of a ticket with an excursion is 250 rubles for adults and 125 - for children. There is a museum of Aivazovsky near the railway station of the city of Feodosia, on Galleneina Street, 2.

The ancient Genoese Fortress Chamblock is located on the fortress grief in the city of Balaklava, who, in fact, is only a district of Sevastopol.

The fortress after its centuries-old history has not been preserved very well, or rather even to say, bad. But this does not reduce the interest of travelers who go from all over the Crimea to look at the historical monument of this scale.

Today, the Genoese Fortress is an open-air attraction, free and not fenced. Now it is carried out by restoration and restoration work, since quite recently, without that destroyed fortress suffered from a strong shower, which almost wrapped the main tower. But from a hill, which is located, the chamblock offers a beautiful view of the city and the Balaklava bay.

The rise begins with Nazukina's embankment. It is better to wear comfortable shoes and stock food and water. And at the top you can even arrange a picnic overlooking the sea, if, of course, the weather has.

The most western point of the city Sevastopol is called Cape Chersonese, which, unambiguous, takes the attention of the tourist. There is a lot of reasons for a lot: beautiful views of the sea, the same light, the rocky coast (although there is also a sandy beach), but the main reason is the ruins of the ancient Greek city. Agree, well, where else in Russia, you can see the ruins of the buildings of this ancient civilization?

Today, the cape has the status of the National Reserve called "Chersonese Tavrichesky". And pleases a variety of leisure types offered by the reserve administration. Whether the excursions come here for free every hour from 9:30 to 15:30. Or be it excavations, in which by prior arrangement, you can take part. Here are constantly the thematic exhibitions, and for children and adults, they read lectures and are generally engaged in scientific and educational work.

Chersonese Tavrician Reserve is open for visitors daily from 8:30 am to 6 pm. Cashier closes at 5 o'clock. You can get from the center of Sevastopol by bus number 22.

A huge mountain range called Ayu Dag, and in the people just "Bear Mountain" is located in the south of the Crimean Peninsula, sharing Greater Yalta and Greater Alushta. The height of the mountain is 577 meters above sea level, and from the coast of the far edge separates more than two kilometers, so be sure, a bearish mountain unnoticed for you and all visitors to Yalta will not remain.

Today it is a sign monument of the nature of the Crimean Peninsula, which also boasts the ruins of the medieval settlement. Archeology lovers will be satisfied.

Mountain ispriced by tourist trails and tracks, to bypass which in full in one day is simply impossible. There is a very diverse flora and fauna on ayu-dage, so delays due to wondrous plants are provided to you. Several species of animals and plants on the bears of the mountain are listed in the Red Book, so in order to behave respectfully towards nature. However, it is always worth doing it everywhere.

The entrance to the reserve is carried out through the checkpoint due to a sanatorium located here, but the entire fence is dug holes than tourists successfully and use.

The Karadag Natural Reserve is an amazing combination of unearthly landscapes, interesting history, complete legends and myths, rich vegetable and animal peace and long-dead volcano. It is located in the south-east of the Crimean Peninsula half an hour from Feodosia. There are hotels on the territory of the reserve, which is ideal for those who do not want to limit their visit to one day. And there are a lot of such travelers, because the common territory of the Karadag is almost three thousand hectares on sushi and the sea.

You can take a guide and start studying the reserve on foot. Moreover, if you ask, the guide will not refuse to show not only the most popular routes, but also reserved trails.

And many tourists choose another way of examining the Karadaga - from the sea. From pike perch, Feodosia and Koktebel, a boat and boats walk here, and the views on the coast are opening such that, without exaggeration, the spirit captures. Well, as a bonus - you will see Shaitan Cappa (golden gates) - a rock having the shape of the arches sticking out of the water. Sometimes the vessel even swim the arch through.

Crimea, for obvious reasons, one of the most sought-after tourist destinations from Russians in 2016. Thousands of tourists come here to enjoy the sleeve climate of the resort, the beauty of mountain landscapes and local attractions. To visit all the iconic locations of the Crimea, you will need not one vacation. And if you have the first one - it is important to know where exactly go beyond the most vivid impressions from the solar peninsula.

Portal gathered the top ten of the most interesting sights of Crimea - and admiration for tourists in social networks:

1. Swallow nest - Castle in the Gothic style, which is located on a sheer 40-meter Avrory Rock on the southern coast of Crimea. This is one of the most visited objects of the peninsula, which is also a kind of emblem of the Crimea. Castles with similar architecture can be found in Portugal and North-East Italy. I received my current view of the castle only in the 30s. last century. Some holidaymakers noted that the most breathtaking view of the architectural creation is from the sea, so they advise you to go to the castle on the steamer. We have visited tourists here there are associations with fabulous and mystical castles, and someone he also seizes the atmosphere of Garripotter Hogwarts, but in fact the most swallowing nest is known for shooting in the film "Ten Negreat".

Address: Republic of Crimea, Yalta, PGT. Gaspra, Alupkinskoe highway 9a.

2. Jur-Jur waterfall - The most complete 15-meter Waterfall of the Crimea, who has become fame in ancient times. Translated from Armenian "Jur-Jur" literally means "water-water". It is located at an altitude of 468 meters above sea level in Haphal gorge in Alushta on the territory of the reserve. Nearby is the cave of the same name and a spacious observation deck. Someone is not solved in icy water, but there are fearless, which can plunge into the font of youth, love and health. One exactly: here you can arrange a good cardiothrog for the whole family.

Address: Republic of Crimea, p. Solnechnogorsk (Alushta district).

5. Massandrovsky Palace - Truly the fabulous possession of Emperor Alexander III, similar to the residence of the French Renaissance. In the decorative decoration of interiors, romance and gothic styles are used, as well as baroque and classicism. Unique household items are preserved in the palace: handmade chandeliers, fireplace, mirrors, decorative panels, mahogany furniture. And his well-groomed territory attracts visitors with an ancient garden and sculptures. Someone finds the palace cozy and cute, and someone even "toy". Imperial possession is a real find for anyone who seeks to an impressive personnel for instagram or their own archive: good dressmen allowed to photograph everything in any perspective. The palace is located in the Upper Massandra area on the territory of the Big Yalta of the Southern Coast of Crimea.

Address: Republic of Crimea, Yalta, PGT. Massandra, Simferopol highway, 13.

8. Cave City Chufut-Kale - The largest cave settlement in the Crimea, which is located on a plateau with a height of 558 m. This medieval city was created presumably in the V-VI centuries. As the Byzantine fortification. Buildings consist of terrestrial objects and structures carved in rocks. Today, tourists can see the preserved combat caves, the remains of three streets, palace, mosques and a mint, mausoleum and residential estates. For someone, this city is "shelter from any inclues", only with a paid entrance. But this is the museum, so you have to pay.

Address: Republic of Crimea, Bakhchisarai.

A Post Shared by Nataliya (@whitejouravlik) on Jul 18, 2016 at 5:47 am PDT

10. Vorontsov Palace - Elegant residence of Count Mikhail Vorontsov, built in Alupka in the XIX century. The palace is surrounded by a magnificent park and is the standard of romanticism architecture. There are various styles here: from Neoeta to Neomavritish. In the Palace 150 rooms, including the front. The residence can be divided into the main and shuvalovsky corps, the library, the hour and western towers, the winter garden, fountains, the palace courtyard, the summer terraces and the rim of marble steps in the surroundings of the lion's figures leading almost to the very sea. By the way, Vorontsovsky and Buckingham palaces are one architect.