Is it worth going to Kobuleti: our review with the photo. Kobuleti: rest and recovery on the Black Sea coast of Georgia where is the city of Kobuleti

The city (since 1944) in Georgia, Adjara, on the Black M. Railway Station. 21.1 thousand inhabitants (1991). Tea, cotton weaving factory; Tung and canned plants. Climate resort ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

City, Adjara Avt. Rep., Georgia. From the cargo, Cobuli Pankon for sheep. Geographical names of the world: toponymic dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001. Kobuleti ... Geographic Encyclopedia

City (since 1944) in Georgia, Adjara, on the shore of the Black Sea. Railroad station. 21.1 thousand inhabitants (1991). Tea, cottonotskaya factory; Tung and canned plants. Climate resort. * * * Kobuleti Kobuleti, city (since 1944) in Georgia, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

City (up to 1944 villages), Center for the Kobuletsky District of the Adjar ASSR (as part of the Georgian SSR). Located on the Black Sea railway station on Samtance Batumi, 21 km north east of Batumi. 18 thousand inhabitants (1970) ...

Kobuleti - City in the Adjara Autonomous Republic of Georgia. Translated from Georgian Kobuli - "Pankon for Sheep" ... Toponymic dictionary of Caucasus

Kobuleti - City, Adjara Aut. Rep., Georgia. From the cargo, Kobuli Pankon for sheep ... Toponymic Dictionary

- (Achaaris Autonomyuri Sabchot Socialisturi Republic) Adjara. As part of the Georgian SSR. Educated July 16, 1921. Area 3.0 thousand km2. The population is 310 thousand people (as of January 1, 1969, evaluation; 245 thousand people by census 1959). In A. 5 ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Wikipedia has articles about other people with that last name, see Mzhavanadze. Kajober Mzhavanadze ... Wikipedia

Hotel Amigo II. - (Cobulents, Georgia) Hotel category: 3 star hotel Address: Tabidze Street 4, 6200 to ... Hotel catalog

Tetri etli. - (Kobuleti, Georgia) Hotel category: Address: AgmaSheneBeli Street 528, 6010 Kobuleti, Georgia ... Hotel catalog


  • Mountain campaign, Boris Gorbatov. Writer Boris Gorbatova The reader knows for the wonderful works "uncompressed", "Alexey Kulikov - Fighter", "Stories about the soldiers' soul" and others. "Army hardening, knowledge of the army ...

Ancient Georgian Kabuli resort has a lot of centuries with tourists from all over the world. In the town on the Black Sea coast, subtropical climate, picturesque nature and a long beach band. This place is suitable for both passive holidays on a pebble beach and for active pastime. Sights of Kobuleti Georgia are diverse: architecture objects, healing sources, self-sewing and eucalyptus groves, waterfalls, tea plantations.

Reference! The beach season begins in Kobuleti already in May and ends in September-October. The most popular month of rest is July, at this time the maximum number of holidaymakers. With a child, it's better to come here in June or September, when the sun is not very baked, and on the beaches calmer. "The velvet season" comes in November. The climate in the resort is subtropical with high humidity. The average air temperature in summer + 22 ° C, the strong heat is not worried about, and the rains last long.

Popular sights Kobuleti:

  • Mtirala National Park;
  • Reserve "Swamot of Spain";
  • Citadel Peter-Cihe;
  • Kintrich Reserve;
  • Amusements entertainment "Cycinatel";
  • Fazisi Stadium;
  • Ancient bridge on the Cholok River;
  • Museum of Local Lore;
  • Primorsky Park;
  • Tabisupleba area;
  • Church of Ascension.

Reserve "Istirala"

The Istirala National Park is a huge protected area and a beautiful place for pleasant walking. It was created a few kilometers from the city 11 years ago, but immediately became a popular holiday destination for local residents and visitors. It grows unique and rare vegetation, there are healing mineral springs.

The name of the reserve gave the Mountain of the same name, her name is literally translated as "crying", because it is always surrounded by fog. There is another interesting place of the village with chestnut houses whose age is more than two hundred years. There are two routes of different lengths (7 and 15 kilometers) on site. River crossing the river is a cable car, a kind of entertainment for tourists serves on it in a wooden trailer.

In this place a unique natural phenomenon is protected in the world in the world filter sphagnum swamp. Local peatlands hide several archaeological monuments. On the swamps there are several types of rare birds. Wood flooring and bridges are laid throughout which visitors walk, watching birds, frogs and other inhabitants.

The local wooden tower also opens an overview for the surrounding area. On the swamps it is easy to meet freely wandering cows and horses. This is an unusual place overlooking the mountains. For walks, visitors give special shoes resembling ski-shortly.

Important! When going to visit the "Swamps of Spain" do not forget about comfortable and practical equipment: rubber boots, jeans, waterproof jacket from the rain. Cream creams and fumigators from mosquitoes.

The archaeological complex includes citadel Peter-Cyche and several ancient settlements. Archaeologists still will not come to a common opinion regarding the time of the fortress. Most likely it happened during the periods of the late Middle Ages and the Bronze Age.

The fortified city was founded by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century. Peter's fortress at the time was at the intersection of important trading routes and was of great importance. The city over the history of existence has repeatedly passed from hand to hand. Bloody battles between Russian and Turkish wars occurred in this area. The preserved ruins of the citadel in some places threw thick vegetation and turned into beautiful "hanging gardens".

The Reserve and the Kintrichi National Park was opened in 1959. It is protected by unique relict forests, endemic plants and animals. The main part of the landscape is covered with forests, chestnis and beech are mostly distributed from trees. Mountain terrain relief, with sharp height differences. There are many small lakes, robusts, waterfalls. And the most beautiful deep-water sizerdzali lakes and Tbikels spread out at an altitude of about 2 thousand meters.

Tourists are attracted here not only the beauty of local landscapes, but also archaeological objects. Here it is possible to see the ruins of the ancient temples and monasteries, as well as other historical buildings. Fans of botany and zoology will interest local flora and fauna. On the territory of growing rhododendrons, persimmon, berry, tees, self-sewing, iglitsa. Caucasian bears, reed cats, roots, squirrels, snakes, badgers, salamandres, bats, a variety of predatory birds and other animals have found their home in the reserves.

Reference! Fruits in Kobuleti grow all year round: in May-June it is strawberries, a cherry and mushmula, in July - peaches, nectarines, plums. In August, you can taste apples, pears, figs, grapes ripen in September. In October, the local markets sell pomegranates, in November, Feichoa and persimmon comes time, and in winter there is an abundance of citrus.

This open-air museum is open in 2016 and is a park located near (9 km) from Kobuleti. Here on two hectares are assembled well-known monuments of the country. All objects of the museum are not more human growth, but give a complete picture of the important architectural and natural sights of Georgia.

There are miniature mountains (Kazbek), temples, fortresses and other historical buildings. Monuments are designed with accurate observance of the size and appearance of originals. The full panorama of the museum can be seen from the observation deck. Reduced copies of the well-known buildings of the country will be interested in not only adults, but also for children. Photos in this place are fun and unusual.

Once at the resort for the first time, it is useful to know some of the features of the local holiday.

Secrets of a good rest:

  • It is more convenient to swim in the sea in special rubber slippers, since the bottom in these places is pebble.
  • In boarding houses and hotels, there is usually no "all inclusive" system, only breakfast is included in the price. Inexpensive and delicious food can be possible in one of the many cafes nearby.
  • The water of local healing sources is useful for diseases of the digestive system, eczema and metabolic disorders. The air also has a healing effect.
  • Public transport in Kobuleti is practically absent. We advise you to rent a car and independently view the most interesting places of the city and the nearest settlements or use the services of urban taxi.
  • Kobleti beaches are different. In the southern part of the pebble small, the central part consists of a large pebble, north-sand-pebble. Umbrellas from the Sun and sun loungers for rent are far from everywhere.
  • In the city, only two streets located in parallel to each other and the beach, so focus on it simply.

The small town of Kobuleti in Adjara is suitable for a measured family holiday, as well as active and youth tours. Rafting on mountain rivers, walks through reserves and rise to the mountains will not let you get bored with those who do not like passive leisure.

To accommodate tourists on the coast, hotels, sanatoriums, boarding houses, children's facilities are built. Economic accommodation offers the private sector. Among the various costs and comfort of proposals, everyone will find suitable accommodation. Picturesque landscapes of the area, extended pebble beaches, a calm relaxing atmosphere will make rest in Kobuleti bright and memorable.

Kobuleti (Georgia) - the second largest city of Adjara after Batumi, a large youth beach resort with a coast of 10 kilometers! This is an excellent alternative to Batumi, here a little cheaper and smaller tourists, but guest houses, restaurants and various entertainment are almost as much. Kobuleti is called budgetary Batumi, and these are two main competitor resorts in Adjara.

Let's figure out what the features of Kobuleti (Georgia), what are the beaches and attractions here, as things are doing with apartments and hotels.

History of Kobuleti

The first settlements in the area appeared in the Stone Age, Georgian archaeologists still argue where people settled before - in Kobuleti or Batumi. The settlers came to the swampy soil around the modern city in the V Millennium to our era. The area inhabited Guriyanians, the people who almost does not apply to modern Adjara, and this region is very interesting. During the rules of the Ottoman Empire, nothing interesting was happening here.

Since the arrival of the Russian Empire to Georgia, cottage and sanatoriums began to be built in Kobuleti, as well as throughout the Adjar coast. The city center was chosen by the generals, with the support of which society of Batumi doctors declared the area of \u200b\u200bthe resort. Holidays in Kobuleti became more interesting with the appearance of the first sanatoriums here, which was rebuilt by the General Covenants under the USSR.

With the independence of Georgia, the boarding houses and the sanatorium have decline, and even now in the central part you can find several destroyed complexes. Since 2010, Kobuleti, Georgian authorities declared a free tourist area. Investors were exempted from taxes, so the restoration of sanatoriums and the construction of hotels was more active.

Beach Kobuleti

Before the story about the beach I can not not mention the city itself. The fact is that Kobuleti has a unique layout. There are only three main streets that go parallel to each other and the sea. Closest to the beaches there is an embankment Street, there is a central avenue of Kobuleti - David Street Street, and Rustaveli Street is considered the coupling.

Kobleti Beach stretches right under the embankment, 12 kilometers! Many argue how to count the beach within the city, but converge on numbers 9-13 kilometers, so there is enough places here. Walking along the embankment for a long time, up to 4 hours one way. In the south of the city, the street is strongly raised over the beach, but it is already in the center with the sea. North, the Street is part of Sosnovy Bor, there are now there are several sanatoriums.

In general, the beach is pretty pretty and comfortable. Due to the length of the length, you can find a variety of sections: a large pebble, small pebbles, even something similar to the sand is. When you think, where to rent an apartment in Kobuleti, immediately pay attention to the beach in the vicinity. In the high season of tourists in a resort a lot, but the secluded place to find is very easy - just a couple of kilometers to the north or south. In the central part of the beach, most entertainment, including for children.

Beach holidays in Kobuleti (private sector You will choose for housing or hotel) very good. By evening, youth show, discos, you can find a quiet place in the afternoon. Children fit a gentle entrance to the water and clean sea, youth - bars and nightclubs right on the waterfront, elderly people - a sanatorium with all the amenities. Kobuleti is a fairly multifaceted city!

To choose, as noted above, you will have to among the hotels of different star and the private sector presented by guest houses, apartments and just rooms.

Hotels in Kobuleti

Peculiar sights of Kobuleti are the resort hotels. Here you can find very cheap rooms, and elite rooms in high-rise complexes. It is more expensive to live in the southern part of the city, closer to the bus station and the road on Batumi. The farther to the north, the cheaper the rooms are becoming, on the border of the city you can find very budget housing even in hotels.

Total hotels in the resort under the hundred, if you consider all the guest houses. I will tell about the most interesting and those who celebrated other tourists:

  • Hotel Tetri Etli is located in the north of the central part of the city, almost opposite the reserve Park. There are many rooms, all with your bathroom and bathroom.
  • Hotel National - score from visitors (on Buking) "great." The hotel on the first line, windows come directly at sea. It is located in the north of Kobuleti (Georgia), because prices even on suite here are very affordable.
  • Hotel Sanapiro is one of the extreme south resort hotels, very close to the bus station. It will be convenient to ride in Batumi and other places of the Black Sea coast of Georgia.
  • Hotel Palermo is another hotel near the park of the reserve, but it stands between the streets of David Builder and Rustaveli - in a quiet shadow area.
  • Hotel CHVENI EZO - Evaluation "Excellent". Excellent hotel for families with children, there are family rooms, private parking. On the one hand, the embankment, on the other, is a big park.
  • Hotel Savan - Evaluation "Excellent". The second hotel in the Far North is just here right on site there are my gardens. Located on the second line, but it's still close to the sea.
  • Hotel Amigo I is an evaluation of "amazing". It is closer to the south, because the prices are higher here. There is no territory there is a shop, you can arrange a transfer or order an excursion.
  • Hotel Ponto - Evaluation "Fabulous". Budget hotel in the central part, there is a swimming pool, restaurant, bar, garden for walking. A little further north - the same park reserve.
  • Kobuleti Beach Club - Evaluation "Excellent". Elite hotel in Kobuleti (Georgia) in the north of the resort. There is a swimming pool, fitness center, restaurant, your beach, full package of services.

Photo of rooms, detailed reviews of hotel guests and prices for specific dates, see the links above.

And these are only the most famous options, hotels in the resort several times more. Even in a high season, it is easy to find a good room for price-quality, but for the best offers, we still advise you to book in advance.

Housing in Kobuleti - Private Sector

The private sector in the usual understanding of Kobuleti a little - almost all the owners retrained to the owners of guest houses. Most of these small private hotels stands on the embankment, there are no longer one dozen. On parallel streets, you can find apartments, that is, the same private sector: apartments, rooms, studios.

Rent an apartment in Kobuleti in a high season is not always obtained. Many rooms are handed over in new buildings, you just do not come to them and you will not ask if there are free places. Therefore, it is better to book in advance, through the search sites of housing. With guest houses, the situation is different - in them and the truth can simply knock and clarify whether there are places. And in Kobuleti it is convenient - it is enough just to go straight along the embankment and look into every place.

If you are gathering in Kobuleti in the summer, then I advise you to book at least a hotel in advance at least an apartment. In the autumn or in winter in Kobuleti (Georgia), almost all hotels and guest houses are empty, so there will be no problems with searching for housing. Unlike typically beach resorts, there is something to do without the sea. From Kobuleti, you can travel at least south along the coast, towards Batumi, Botanical Garden, Fortresses, at least north, k.

Attractions Kobuleti

In addition to a huge beach, which I consider the main attraction of the resort, there is also a couple of interesting places:

  1. Nature reserve Kobuleti. The reserve - says loudly, it looks like a big and not fully refined park. Well, that he is located within the city of the city, at any time you can go not to the sea, but in the shadow of trees. You can walk here for a long time, but you will not find particularly interesting places, an ordinary park.
  2. Park "Citinatel". A large amusement park on the northern leaving from Kobuleti (Georgia). It starts to work at 18:00, but at this time the summer is still light, I advise you to take a ride on the ferris wheel before the onset of darkness. The park works at night, and appears in all its glory - here is very bright illumination. Login is free, but tickets for attractions are better to buy right away.
  3. National Park "Istirala". Huge reserve for 6000 hectares southeast of Kobuleti. Here are interesting subtropical mountain systems, healing springs and waterfalls, endemics plants. The park is working since May, the entrance is free, also will also be credited with routes. You can spend the night in the guest house in the caretaker - 100 lari with food for two.

Sights of Kobuleti are not too diverse, but everything saves a convenient location. Want - go south, there Batumi, and then Turkey. Want - north, in Ureki with sandy beaches. It is possible to east, deep into the country, in the mountains and the main city - Tbilisi.

How to get from Tbilisi to Kobuleti

If you want to see as much as possible and be free in movement, I recommend renting a car. I know a great online service where I myself booked a car and remained very pleased. About the roads in Georgia, road rules and my car rental experience in Georgia. In the same way will find a detailed instruction on the choice of the machine and its reservation.

How to get from Batumi to Kobuleti

From Batumi in Kobuleti to drive much faster, although there are also two options - a train and a minibus. But for the train will have to pay almost as much as the ticket to Tbilisi, but to go for only 20 minutes. Therefore, an uncomfortable option.

Budget option - minibus. In Kobuleti, she departs from the old bus station or the Leogrand Hotel (near the lower station of the Kantana Road). Question price - from 1.5 lari.

If you want to get to Kobuleti with comfort, then I recommend booking a transfer on the local Gotrip website. The site is convenient because you will immediately see which car and what driver will be lucky.

If you want to go to Kobuleti for a couple of hours or half a day, then immediately order the transfer back and the price will not change!

If you need to get from Batumi to Kobuleti one way, then it is better to call a taxi. About Batumi taxi.

Relax at least once in life in the best health resorts of the Caucasus was practically a matter of honor for every self-respecting Soviet resident. Years passed, the country changed its borders, but the rest in the Caucasus still attracts dozens and hundreds of thousands of vacationers annually. That is why we offer to make a virtual journey to Sunny Georgia, the city of Kobuleti.

Where is Kobuleti in Georgia?

The district center of Kobuleti is comfortably located on the Caucasian Black Sea coast of just 20 kilometers from. You can get here by travel, buying a ticket to the station, named by the city - Kobuleti.

Georgia, Kobuleti - Weather

All those who decide to come to rest in Kobuleti will probably be fascinated by a local soft gentle climate. It is the weather conditions that turn rest in the local places in a real fairy tale. Judge for yourself: in summer, the temperature is held within a comfortable + 25 ... + 28 ° C, and in the winter there are practically no frost and snow.

History of the city of Kobuleti in Georgia

The history of the city of Kobuleti takes its beginning in ancient times. As the excavations showed, the man chose this territory back in the distant V Millennium to our era. During this period, a thriving megalopolis, whose economy and culture was worn closely intertwined with other Black Sea cities, was located on the site of modern Kobuleti. It was through this city that the trading path was held, tieding Crimea and Persia. The story of Kobuleti as a health resort began opposite not so long ago - only a hundred years ago, the first hydropathic was opened here. It is from this period that the development of modern kobulents begins, as the resort of all-union value. For some fifty years, the city of Kobuleti grew significantly and expanded, there was a huge number of boarding houses and holiday homes, intended mainly for high bosses. After the collapse of the USSR, the city of Kobuleti managed to preserve the former glory. At present, the Georgian government even created a free tourist area here to attract as much investment as possible. Today, Kobuleti can be called a place to relax a high class, with many modern hotels and boarding houses.

Georgia, Kobuleti - Attractions

  1. One of Kobuleti's most important attractions is his wonderful pebble beach. The length of the beach is about 10 km, each centimeter of which is covered with shallow pebbles. Of course, the quality of the beach varies somewhat in different areas - somewhere pebbles smaller, and somewhere practically goes into cobblestones. But one thing remains unchanged - transparent, crystal clear sea water. On the beach you can easily rent everything you need for rest: sun loungers, umbrellas, catamarans, water bikes. Wishing can visit beach cafes and bars, as well as "beats" on the beach disco.
  2. Not far from Kobuleti is the Kintrich Mountain Reserve, where everyone can go on an excursion. During the excursion, you can visit the present paradise corner of wildlife, where forests, lakes, rivers and mountain waterfalls are intact.
  3. We bored babies and adults will help disperse a merry amusement park called "Cycinatel". In the Firefly Park, namely, this name is translated, guests are waiting for many interesting entertainment: attractions, cafes, discos and fun music. Does not stop the park and at night.
  4. The same who arrived in Kobuleti to improve health, could not do without a visit to the mineral springs located just two kilometers from the city. Water from these sources will help to normalize

The municipality of Kobuleti is an area in Adjara, where the seashore stretches for 23 km, of which there is almost 10 km of coast and beaches in Kobuleti. The area characterizes the seaside plain with a dense building and uninhabited mountains, in whose territory the Kintrich reserve spread.

From natural attractions in this area, waterfalls can be noted (in Chavistavi and Kintrichi), as well as the ancient fortresses (the Greek fortress of Peter on the seashore near the village of Cihisdziri, the fortress in the village of Alabari and the fortress in the village of Achquistavi). Also, the attention of tourists attracted the preserved vintage temples or their ruins: in the city of Kobuleti, in the village of Dagwa, in the village of Gwara, in the village of Achi, the Temple of Lvalva, the Temple of Kakuti, the monastery of Chino in the village of the same name, as well as the only mosque in the village of Kvirik. ATTENTION ATTRACT ATTRACT ADDRESS AND VINAL MOSTS, that on the way to Ginino on the Kintrichi River: Kobalauri and Chkemovani.

Kobuleti is a small town 21 km north of Batumi. In the city of just 2 streets that stretch in length 9 km and are located in parallel. Along the coast, the same long sandy-pebble beach stretched. The main advantage of the resort is that there is never no "Ashland" on the beach, because for 9 km, everyone will find free space. At the same time, the infrastructure in Kobuleti is well developed: there are many hotels, guesthouses, cafes and restaurants. Since Kobuleti to Batumi is half an hour by car, tourists can see many Batuman attractions, as well as go to Turkey. Tourists' most popular tourists are visiting a huge Botanical Garden in Batumi and the town of Makhindjauri, who specializes in the treatment of various diseases based on mineral waters.

The territory of Kobuleti inhabited people still in the era of Mesolitis and Neolithic - they proved the finds of archaeologists. In Kobulet peatings, the remnants of the settlement of people were identified, which belong to the V-III millenniums BC. e. In the ancient period, cultural and economic life flourished here, as the city was on the trading path leading to the Middle East.

Parks and recreation areas



Stationary communication system in Tbilisi is sufficiently developed. Call not only on the territory of Georgia, but also by the border you can, using telephone cards through the telephone machine. In other areas of Georgia, old telephone machines operating on coins are still preserved. Also, the call abroad can be made from the negotiation point, which is with large post offices. If you stayed at the hotel, remember that the call will cost you more, as it is done through intermediary operators. At the same time, the quality may not be very good, so it is better to order telephone conversations in advance.

International code of Georgia + 995, Kobuleti phone code - 236, that is, to call in Tbilisi from Russia, you need to type from a landline phone: 8 beep 10 995 32 (subscriber phone), and from a cell phone: + 995 32 (Subscriber phone) . When making all calls, consider that the time zone of this country UTC +4.

About 30% of the population of Georgia uses cellular communications, while the cost of these services is considered one of the highest in the world. The following operators are operating on the Georgian market: Geocell, Silknet, Caucasus, Beeline. At the same time, Beeline tariffs are usually democratic than competitors, that is, if the rates for Georgia are approximately comparable to all operators, then it is more profitable to call Russia from Bilain. You can buy a sim card upon arrival in Tbilisi in the office of the cellular operator, most of which are located on the main Avenue of the Georgian capital - Rustaveli. Cellular communication is paid both in the office of operators and in the terminals that are in stores and are equipped with an English-speaking or Russian-speaking translation. Unlimited Internet and Wi-Fi points in Tbilisi can be found in major urban parks, in the area of \u200b\u200bRustaveli Prospectus, with hotels and large shopping centers. Internet domain of Georgian sites: .ge

Over the past few years, Georgian mail has been significantly upgraded and moved to international standards. In addition to local courier postal services in Georgia, international orders are shipped by DHL, UPS and Fed Express. Also through the postal service and with the help of Western Union, you can send and receive postal transfer both on the territory of Georgia and from anywhere in the world.

Where to stay in Kobuleti offers for booking more than 440 hotels in Kobuleti. You can choose a hotel using a variety of filters: hotel star, hotel type (hotel, apartments, villa, hostel, etc.), cost, hotel location, assessments of people visiting the hotel, availability Wi-Fi and much more. .