Where are the salt lakes. Nature that can heal: the saltiest lake in Russia

In this article, we will tell you about the seven largest salt seas and lakes on the entire planet.

More precisely, it would be more correct to call salt lakes mineral, since the mineralization of such lakes is more than 1 ppm. Salt lakes are often closed bodies of water located in arid zones. So, let's begin!

Caspian Sea

In terms of size, this is a drainless salt Lake really rather the sea - 371 thousand square kilometers! It is considered the largest lake on the planet. Caspian coast with medicinal mud, sandy beaches, as well as mineral springs is excellent tourist spot for treatment and relaxation. But due to some difficulties in the interstate relations of the Caspian countries - Kazakhstan, Iran, Russia and Turkmenistan, tourism in the Caspian Sea is very poorly developed.

Aral Sea

On the border of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, there is a former salt lake, the second largest in the world. And it used to be, because in the early sixties, the lake began to shallow very quickly, due to the increased water intake for irrigation of cotton fields from the rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya flowing into the Aral Sea. Today it has split into 2 small lakes - South and North Aral.

Dead Sea

On the border of Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Israel is the lowest land area on the planet - the coast Dead sea... The water in it is mineralized to a gigantic degree, thanks to which the lake has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times, and today it attracts many tourists.

Great Salt Lake

And in the Western Hemisphere, Great Salt Lake is considered the largest - a lake of 5 thousand square kilometers. It is located in the desert in the southwestern United States. On the coast, table salt is actively mined, as well as Glauber's salt - a rather valuable medicinal product and chemical reagent.


One of the largest European salt lakes, and one of the most mineralized on the planet. Located on the territory of the Russian Federation in the Volgograd region, near the border of Kazakhstan. Commercial salt production was carried out until the end of the 19th century, after which it stopped. Today, a mud and balneological resort has been organized on Lake Elton.


The main "salt mill" in Russia - about 80 percent of the country's table salt is mined here. It is located in the Astrakhan region in the Caspian lowland. Thanks to the deposits of healing clay on the coast of the lake, mud tourism is developed here. Travelers are also attracted by the opportunity to visit the only and very picturesque mountain Bogdo in the Caspian region, which, like Lake Baskunchak, is a protected area.

Underwater salt lakes

The facilities are located in the Arctic in the Gulf of Mexico, and some other places The Pacific... Due to the difference in water density, oceanic streams do not mix, forming a clear boundary, and forming the "shores" of underwater salt reservoirs.

There are several contenders for the title of the saltiest lake in the world. Each of them is unique in its own way, somehow stands out from the rest and has every right to worldwide fame. Consider what is the saltiest lake in the world, depending on various parameters.

The most famous salt lake

If we talk exclusively about such a parameter as the popularity of a reservoir, then it is in the first place. And do not rush to be indignant at the inconsistency of the name. In fact, the Dead Sea is big lake, because it does not have a drain, that is, it does not flow into the ocean, as it should be with every sea.

It is located in Jordan, or rather, on its border with Israel. The Jordan River and several other small rivulets and streams flow into it. Due to the hot climate, the water here constantly evaporates, while the salt does not disappear anywhere, but only accumulates, which is why its concentration is constantly increasing.

On average, the salt concentration here reaches 28-33%. For comparison: the concentration of salt in the oceans does not exceed 3-4%. And the highest concentration in the Dead Sea is observed in the south - at the farthest end from the confluence of the river. Salt pillars are even formed here due to the active drying of the brine.

The largest salt lake in the world

If we talk not only about the concentration of salt, but also about the size of the reservoir, then Lake Uyuni in the south of the Bolivian desert plain is called the largest salt lake in the world. Its area is 19,582 square kilometers. This is a record figure. At the bottom of the lake there is a thick layer of salt (up to 8 meters). The lake is filled with water only in the rainy season and becomes like a perfectly flat mirror surface.

A lake in a drought period resembles salt desert... There is active volcanoes, geysers, whole islands of cacti. Residents of nearby settlements not only use salt to cook, but even build houses.

The saltiest lake in Russia

There are many salt lakes in Russia, which are its natural wealth and attractions. So, the saltiest lake in Russia is located in the Volgograd region and it is called Elton. Its surface has a golden-pink hue, and water and mud from the bottom have healing properties. Therefore, it is not surprising that more than one health resort has been built around the lake.

By the way, the concentration of salt in Elton is 1.5 times higher than in the Dead Sea. In summer, this lake dries up so much that its depth becomes only 7 cm (versus 1.5 meters in spring). The lake is almost perfectly round in shape; 7 rivers flow into it. So, Lake Elton is also the saltiest lake in Eurasia.

Another Russian salt lake is Lake Bulukhta. And although it does not have the healing properties of Elton, tourists still like to visit here. The lake is among wildlife, and getting here is not so easy.

The coldest salt lake in the world

An incredibly salty lake Don Juan was discovered on a glacier in Antarctica, which also has the right to be the first in terms of salinity and geographic location... The lake got its name from the names of two helicopter pilots who discovered it - Don Ro and John Hickey.

According to its parameters, the lake is small - only 1 kilometer by 400 meters. Its depth in 1991 was no more than 100 meters, and today it has dried up to a level of only 10 cm. The lake has also decreased in size - today it has a length of 300 m and a width of 100 m. Until the end, the lake does not dry up only thanks to groundwater... The salt concentration is higher here than in the Dead Sea - 40%. The lake does not freeze even in 50-degree frost.

Lake Don Juan is also interesting because the geography in its vicinity resembles the surface of Mars. Scientists suggest the presence of similar salt lakes on Mars.

At the word "lake" we all imagine a kind of quiet body of water, surrounded by a visible line of the coast. There will be no such lakes in this article. Have you ever heard of lakes that have storm surges and are larger than some seas?

I present to your attention a selection of "the most large lakes world ", which includes the 10 largest lakes. Read, rate, leave comments and feedback in discussions.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 22.03.2016 15:06

The largest lake in the world- Caspian Sea.

The Caspian Sea tops the rating - despite being called a sea, it is actually the largest closed lake on the planet. It is located at the junction of Europe and Asia, and is called the sea only because of its size. The Caspian Sea is a closed lake, and the water in it is salty, from 0.05 ‰ near the mouth of the Volga to 11-13 in the southeast.

The Caspian Sea is similar in shape to the Latin letter S, its length from north to south is about 1200 kilometers, from west to east - from 195 to 435 kilometers, on average 310-320 kilometers.

The Caspian Sea is conventionally divided by physical and geographical conditions into 3 parts - the North Caspian, the Middle Caspian and the South Caspian. The conditional border between the North and Middle Caspian runs along the line Chechen (island) - Tyub-Karagan Cape, between the Middle and South Caspian - along the line Zhiloy (island) - Gan-Gulu (cape). The area of ​​the North, Middle and South Caspian Sea is 25, 36, 39 percent of the total area The Caspian Sea.

The length of the coastline of the Caspian Sea is estimated at about 6,500 - 6,700 kilometers, with islands up to 7,000 kilometers. The shores of the Caspian Sea in most of its territory are low and smooth. In the northern part, the coastline is cut by water channels and islands of the Volga and Ural deltas, the shores are low and swampy, and the water surface is covered with thickets in many places.

On the east coast limestone shores prevail, adjacent to semi-deserts and deserts. The most winding shores are on the western coast in the area of ​​the Absheron Peninsula and on the eastern coast in the area of ​​the Kazakh Bay and Kara-Bogaz-Gol.

The territory adjacent to the Caspian Sea is called the Caspian region.

Water area and volume Caspian Sea varies significantly depending on fluctuations in water level. With a water level of 26.75 m, the area is approximately 371,000 square kilometers, the volume of water is 78,648 cubic kilometers, which is approximately 44 percent of the world's lake water reserves. The maximum depth of the Caspian Sea is in the South Caspian depression, 1025 meters above its surface. In terms of maximum depth, the Caspian Sea is second only to Baikal (1620 m) and Tanganyika (1435 m). The average depth of the Caspian Sea is 208 meters. In the same time Northern part The Caspian Sea is shallow, its maximum depth does not exceed 25 meters, and the average depth is 4 meters.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 22.03.2016 15:19

In second place among the firmly entrenched Lake Superior- the largest, deepest and coldest of the Great Lakes and, in combination, the largest freshwater lake in the world.

In the north, Lake Upper is bounded by the Canadian province of Ontario, in the west - by the American state of Minnesota, in the south - by the states of Wisconsin and Michigan.

The depressions of the lake in the Upper and northern parts of Lake Huron were developed in the crystalline rocks of the southern part of the Canadian Shield, the depressions of the remaining lakes - in the thickness of the limestone, dolomite and sandstone of the Paleozoic of the North American Platform. Hollow Upper Lake formed as a result of tectonic movements, preglacial river and glacial erosion.

The origin of the water mass of Lake Upper is associated with the melting of the ice sheet, during the retreat of which a number of large lakes were formed in this area, which repeatedly changed their shape.

In the northern part of the Great Lakes, the coastline is dissected, the islands and shores (altitude up to 400 m) are rocky, steep, very picturesque, especially the shores of Lake Upper and northern parts of Lake Huron.

Fluctuations in the level of the Verkhnee Lake are artificially regulated for the purposes of shipping, energy, etc. The amplitude of seasonal fluctuations is 30-60 cm, the highest level is observed in summer, the lowest - in winter. Short-term level fluctuations caused by strong surge winds and seiches reach 3-4 m, tide heights 3-4 cm

Sasha Mitrakhovich 22.03.2016 15:26

Lake Victoria closes the top three - a lake in East Africa, on the territory of Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. Located in the tectonic trough of the East African Platform, at an altitude of 1134 m. This is the 2nd largest fresh lake world after Lake Superior and the largest lake in Africa

The lake was discovered and named after Queen Victoria by the British traveler John Henning Speke in 1858.

Square Lake Victoria 68 thousand sq km, length 320 km, maximum width 275 km. It is part of the Victoria Reservoir. Many islands. The high-water Kagera river flows in, the Victoria-Nile river flows out. The lake is navigable, the locals are engaged in fishing on it.

The northern coast of the lake crosses the equator. The lake with a maximum depth of 80 m belongs to a fairly deep lake.

Unlike its deep-sea neighbors, Tanganyika and Nyasa, which lie within Africa's gorge system, Lake Victoria fills a shallow depression between the east and west sides of the Great Gorge Valley. The lake receives a huge amount of water from the rains, more than from all of its tributaries.

30 million people live in the vicinity of the lake. The Khaya people live on the southern and western shores of the lake, who knew how to grow coffee long before the arrival of Europeans. Main ports: Entebbe (Uganda), Mwanza, Bukoba (Tanzania), Kisumu (Kenya), near north coast Kampala, capital of Uganda.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 22.03.2016 15:30

Lake Huron is the fourth largest among. It is a lake in the USA and Canada, one of the North American Great Lakes. Located east of Lake Michigan, connected to it by the Mackinac Strait. From the point of view of hydrography, Michigan and Huron form a single system (they are connected by the Mackinac Strait), but geographically they are considered to be separate lakes.

Huron's area is about 59.6 thousand square kilometers (the second largest among the Great Lakes). The surface height above sea level is about 176 m (like Michigan), the depth is up to 229 m.

The states of Michigan and the Canadian province of Ontario have access to the lake. The main ports on Huron are Saginaw, Bay City, Alpina (USA) and Sarnia (Canada).

The name of the lake, introduced into everyday life by the French, comes from the name of the Huron Indian tribe. Manitulin is located on Huron - the most big Island peace, located in a freshwater lake.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 22.03.2016 15:37

In the middle of the list, in 5th place among lake Michigan- one of the North American Great Lakes.

The only Great Lakes located entirely in the United States. Located to the south of Lake Superior, connected to Lake Huron by the Mackinac Strait, with the Mississippi River system - by the Chicago-Lockport Canal.

From the point of view of hydrography, Michigan and Huron form a single system, but geographically they are considered to be separate lakes.

Square Michigan- about 57,750 km2 (the third largest among the Great Lakes), about 500 km long, about 190 km wide. The surface height above sea level is 177 m (like that of Huron), the depth is up to 281 m. It is covered with ice for about four months a year. Islands - Beaver, North Manitou, South Manitou.

The states of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin have access to the lake. Big cities Lake Michigan includes Chicago, Evanston and Highland Park (Illinois), Milwaukee and Green Bay (Wisconsin), Gary and Hammond (Indiana).

The name of the lake comes from the word mishigami, which means "big water" in the language of the Ojibwa Indians. The first of the Europeans to discover the lake in 1634 was the Frenchman Jean Nicollet.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 22.03.2016 15:42

The sixth among is Aral Sea.

The Aral Sea is a closed salt lake in Central Asia, on the border of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Since the 1960s of the XX century, the sea level (and the volume of water in it) has been rapidly decreasing due to the withdrawal of water from the main feeding rivers of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya for irrigation purposes. Before the shallowing began, the Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake in the world.

Collector-drainage water flowing from the fields into the channel of the Syr Darya and Amu Darya caused deposits from pesticides and various other agricultural pesticides, appearing in some places on 54 thousand square kilometers of the former seabed covered with salt. Dust storms carry salt, dust and toxic chemicals to a distance of 500 km. Sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate are airborne and destroy or inhibit the development of natural vegetation and crops. Local population suffers from a high prevalence of respiratory diseases, anemia, cancer of the larynx and esophagus, and digestive disorders. Liver and kidney diseases and eye diseases have become more frequent.

In 2001, as a result of a drop in the water level, Vozrozhdenie Island merged with the mainland. On this island, the Soviet Union tested bacteriological weapons: pathogens of anthrax, tularemia, brucellosis, plague, typhoid, smallpox, as well as botulinum toxin were tested here on horses, monkeys, sheep, donkeys and other laboratory animals. This is the reason for fears that the deadly microorganisms have survived, and infected rodents could spread them to other regions.

According to the calculations of scientists, it is no longer possible to save the Aral Sea. Even if we completely abandon the withdrawal of water from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya, the previous water level in it will be restored no earlier than in 200 years.

The Aral Sea once occupied 68 thousand square kilometers and was the fourth largest in the world. Now its area is about 10% of that recorded in the 60s of the last century. Pictures from 1989 and 2003:

From the 1950s to the present, projects have been repeatedly proposed for the construction of a canal to transfer water from the Ob basin to the Aral Sea basin, which would significantly develop the Aral Sea economy (in particular, agriculture) and partially revive the Aral Sea. Such construction will require very large material costs (from several states - Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan), therefore, there is no talk of the practical implementation of these projects yet.

Some scientists predict the complete disappearance of the Aral Sea by 2020 ...

Sasha Mitrakhovich 22.03.2016 15:47

Lake Tanganyikalarge lake in Central Africa. This is one of the most ancient in origin. In terms of volume and depth, Tanganyika ranks second after Lake Baikal. The shores of the lake belong to four countries - Democratic Republic Congo, Tanzania, Zambia and Burundi.

The lake is about 650 km long and 40-80 km wide. The area is 34 thousand sq. Km. Lies at an altitude of 773 meters above sea level in the tectonic depression of the East African Rift Valley. Coastal landscapes, as a rule, are huge rocks and only on the eastern side of the coast are gentle. On the west coast, the steep sidewalls of the East African Rift Zone that form the coastline reach 2,000 m in height. Coastline dotted with bays and bays. The largest of these is Burton Bay. The lake is fed by several tributaries. The only flowing river - Lukuga (Lukuga) begins in the middle west coast and flows westward, connecting with the Zaire River, which flows into the Atlantic.

The lake is home to hippos, crocodiles, and many waterfowl. Fishing and shipping are well developed.

The antiquity of the lake and the long period of isolation ended with the development a large number endemic organisms, including those from the Cichlidae family (cichlids). Of the more than 200 fish species in the lake, about 170 are endemic.

Tanganyika is inhabited to a depth of 200 m, below this mark there is a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide and life is absent to the very bottom. This layer of the lake is a huge "burial ground" consisting of organic silt and sedimentary mineral compounds.

The temperature of the Tanganyika water is strictly different by layers. So, in the upper layer, the temperature ranges from 24 to 30 degrees, with a decrease at great depths. Due to the different density of water and the absence of a bottom current, the layers do not mix, and the temperature at the lower horizons reaches only 6-8 degrees.

The depth of the temperature jump layer is about 100 m. Tanganyka water is very transparent (up to 30 m). A lot of salts are dissolved in it in small concentrations, so that in its composition it resembles a highly diluted sea salt. The hardness of water (mainly due to magnesium salts) ranges from 8 to 15 degrees. Water has an alkaline reaction, pH 8.0 - 9.5.

There are several salt lakes in the world. Each of the contenders for the title of "the saltiest lake in the world" is special in its own way, one stands out from the other. Undoubtedly, the salt lake itself is an incredible natural phenomenon. You can meet salt lakes anywhere in the world. There are especially many such phenomena in America and Russia. It is impossible to say with certainty which lake is the saltiest of all. The concentration of salt and minerals can change, for example, with the seasons. In this article, we will highlight several of the saltiest lakes in the world, some of which have approximately the same amount of salt in the water.

Dead Sea

The most salty of all lakes is the Dead Sea, it is located in the Middle East. The water level is several hundred meters lower than sea level and continues to drop by 1 meter per year. The Dead Sea Coast is the lowest surface area on the territory of our land.

Salinity is 300%, this figure is higher than many other lakes. Compared to the Black Sea, the salinity is 20%. For a long time it was believed that such a level of salinity excludes the presence of living organisms in the water, but this is not entirely true. Some types of bacteria and fungi live here. But on the territory of the lake there are no fish and algae, the shore is also lifeless.

The size of the lake and its depth are decreasing, this is due to several factors:

  • Changing of the climate.
  • Reduction of groundwater due to industrial development.

Many people come to the sea for treatment; not only water, but also mud has beneficial properties. Having bathed in this salt water, you can get rid of many skin diseases, but the bathing process itself is unpleasant, the water is so salty that it can corrode the skin, so you should only swim in the sea on the recommendation of a doctor.

Water with a high salt content has many beneficial properties, especially medicinal

Uyuni is the largest salt lake in the world. At the bottom there is a thick layer of salt, about 8 meters. Water replenishment occurs only during the rainy season. However, there is very little water here, and the surface resembles a huge mirror, there is a feeling that there is no border between the earth and the sky. And during the period when the water in the lake is critically small, it looks like a salt desert. Local residents even build their own homes from salt.

The landscape of the territory is unique: huge layers of salt and volcanoes.

From plants and animals, only giant cacti can be found here, making their way through layers of salt, they grow up to 12 meters in height, from the animal world only flocks of rodents live.

At the end of the year, pink flamingos arrive, the spectacle is simply stunning, these majestic birds pace the snow-white surface.

Previously, real hotels made of salt were built on the coastal territory, tourists were invited to stop and relax there. This could not be found anywhere else on our planet. However, the unusual houses were demolished due to bad conditions sanitary and hygienic standards.

Salt reserves in Uyuni territory will last for another millions of years

Don Juan

Lake Don Juan is the coldest salt lake in Antarctica. Its dimensions are small, its depth does not even reach 100 meters, and its length is only 1 kilometer. The size is gradually decreasing due to the fact that it is fed only by underground groundwater and the water evaporates quickly.

Scientists have found that when the humidity in the air rises, the salt around the water begins to absorb moisture. Salt water flows through the soil until it reaches the permafrost layer. This is very serious and important discovery since similar water can form on Mars. Landscapes of water footprints on Don Juan are similar to footprints on Mars, they appear at the same times of the year. There are scientists who think that these stripes are the result of streams of water, which is proof that there is water on Mars.

Lake Don Juan - best place where you can very well simulate living conditions on Mars

Salt lakes of Russia

One of the natural resources of our country is the many salt lakes. This attraction is popular with tourists. It is difficult to say which lake is the saltiest in Russia. We will consider several reservoirs located throughout our vast country.


Lake Elton is located in Russia, in the direction of Volgograd, once salt was mined from this reservoir. The surface of the water is golden, with a pink tint. The water acquired this color because of the bacteria living there. The salt water of Lake Elton, as well as the mud, are good for health. There are several sanatoriums nearby. Elton is a real miracle, a lake with mineral waters the largest in all of Europe. In shape, it resembles a circle located in the lowland between the salt hills. The reservoir has no drain. In hot summer months, the lake has a tendency to practically dry up, and the depth becomes less than 10 centimeters. In the cold season, the average depth is 1.5 meters.

Salt concentration in Elton is 1.5 times higher than in the Dead Sea


Lake Razval is located in Orenburg region in the city of Sol-Iletsk. At the moment it is famous resort where people come from all cities, the water is also considered medicinal. As in any salt lake, it is difficult to swim there, the water just keeps on the surface of a person due to the very high concentration of salt. The depth of the Breakup reaches 18 meters.

The pond appeared in the place where salt was mined earlier

A reservoir located at the top of a salt mountain. Baskunchak is the largest in Russia and one of the largest salt lakes in the world. It is located in the Astrakhan region. The brine and clay have medicinal properties here. Sulfide mud, like Dead Sea mud, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The air is useful here, it contains a lot of bromine and phytoncides. Therefore, those who want to improve their health come here.

The salt extracted from Lake Baskunchak is the purest


This reservoir is located in Altai. Like other lakes, it has no runoff; it is one of the deepest in this region. The main value of Yarovoye is brine, which contains a huge amount of mineral salts. It also has beneficial properties, muddy mud from the bottom of the reservoir, itself salty water and clean air. Scientists' studies have confirmed that the content of nutrients is not inferior to their content in the Dead Sea, therefore, the therapeutic effect on Lake Yarovoye will be no worse than the Israeli one. More and more doctors began to recommend this place for medical visits.

You won't be able to plunge headlong into the water of the lake, the high salt content will not allow you to do this

Raspberry lake

Altai, Astrakhan region, is rich in salt water bodies. Another equally famous one is the Malinovoye Lake. In the early spring in the morning, the surface of the water turns crimson, which is why it got its name. In the rest of the year, the color is brown. Water is also considered to be very beneficial for the skin.


Bitter and salty Bulukhta has less useful properties than Elton, but tourists also like to come here. However, this picturesque place is located in the wild, it is extremely difficult to get there. The number of tourists is less here, mostly fans of extreme sports and wildlife. The lake is not very deep, the water contains minerals and useful salts.

The area around the reservoir is swampy

Our planet Earth is rich in many incredible natural phenomena. Salt lakes are among them. They are scattered throughout the territory, thanks to which people from all over the world can see this phenomenon live, improve their health by bathing in healing water, carry out therapeutic procedures using mud and simply breathe in the clean healing air.

There are many salt lakes in Russia that are unique in their composition and healing properties. Almost every region has a similar reservoir, which has its own special history and is steeped in legends. Salt lakes are always popular with vacationers.

Russian salt lakes are in no way inferior to the famous Dead Sea. Let us dwell in more detail on the features of several reservoirs, rich in deposits of medicinal mud and mineral salts.

The largest salt lake in Russia is Kulundinskoye. It is located in the Altai Territory and is even called local residents"Altai sea". It is considered a slightly saline reservoir (salinity is about 11%), after swimming in it, no plaque remains on the body. The diameter of Lake Kulunda is 35 km, so the shores are lost in the distance. In summer, the water temperature can warm up to +26 degrees.

Lake Tambukan is located near Pyatigorsk. At the bottom of the lake there are several tons of medicinal mud, which is systematically extracted for use in medicine and cosmetology. It is noteworthy that Lake Tambukan has an almost perfect oval shape.

Baskunchak is located in the Astrakhan region, slightly north of the Caspian Sea. It is divided into Upper, Lower and Middle Baskunchak. The reservoir is a kind of depression at the top of a salt mountain, which goes thousands of meters into the depths of the earth. The area of ​​the lake is 106 km², and its maximum depth is 3 meters. Salinity is 300%. About 1,500 tons of salt is extracted from the lake annually, which is 80% of the total production in the Russian Federation. The healing mud deposits successfully cure many diseases.

Elton, the largest salt lake in Europe, is one of the most interesting sights of the Volgograd region. The area of ​​the reservoir is 152 km², the shape is close to a circle. It is self-nesting; in the off-season it becomes a refuge for migratory birds. Salinity can range from 200 to 500%. The mineralization of Elton is twice that of the Dead Sea. Mineral salts give the water a golden-pink hue, which is why the name is translated as "golden lake".

Chany is the largest salt reservoir in Western Siberia and is located in Novosibirsk region... Most of the lake is located in the forest-steppe. The area is 1500-2000 km². There is a legend that says about the presence of a giant snake in the reservoir, devouring people who are swimming. Resting on the lake is not always safe because high waves rise in bad weather - several cases of death have been noted.

Bulukhta is the second largest salt lake after Elton in the Volgograd region. It is a bitter-salty closed water body. The boundaries of the lake are constantly changing, the reservoir itself is extremely swampy, has a muddy bottom. On the shores of the reservoir there is a rare bird listed in the Red Book - the burial eagle.

The collapse - the reservoir is the main attraction of Sol-Iletsk. The lake is of artificial origin. The salt concentration in it exceeds 200 grams per liter of water. Due to the beneficial properties of the water, several health-improving institutions are located on the shore of the lake. It is interesting that the rhombs depicted on the coat of arms of Sol-Iletsk are a reflection of the salt mined from Lake Razval.

On the Russian salt lakes, you can not only relax, but also restore your health. As a rule, for some diseases, patients are prescribed not only medication, but also spa treatment. The beneficial effect of salt lakes on the human body, with their help they treat various skin diseases, gynecological, musculoskeletal diseases and others.