What kind of vacation to choose for your future trip. Travel is the best kind of vacation

In words, we describe feelings, emotions and memories. Some people master them so skillfully that they make them experience an illusion and believe in things that seemed impossible.

Traveling changes us, helps us grow and develop. Travel is the best education in the modern world!

I have collected for you quotes about the travels of the most famous poets, writers and philosophers. Their experience and the words that have appeared as a result will help to understand many everyday problems and even decide on an important step.

  1. “To speak a foreign language is to conquer its world and culture” - Franz Fanon.
  2. “Nothing develops the mind like travel” - Emile Zola.
  3. “Travel is necessary for those who study” - Mark Twain.
  4. “Look at the world. He's more amazing than dreams. ”- Ray Bradburry.
  5. “Investing in travel is investing in yourself” - Matthew Carsten.
  6. “Life is either a desperate adventure or nothing.” - Hellen Keller.
  7. “The road is best measured not in miles, but in friends.” - Tim Cahill.
  8. “Traveling leaves you speechless, and then turns you into a better storyteller” - Ibn Battuta.
  9. “How I love to feel faceless in a city I've never been before” - Bill Bryson.
  10. “Never be afraid to go away from seas, borders, countries and thoughts” - Amin Maaluf.
  11. “There is something magical about it: you leave as one person and come back completely different” - Kate Douglas Wiggen.
  12. “To travel is to develop” - Pierre Bernando.
  13. “As soon as you catch a traveler's fever, you can no longer be cured of it and you will be infected with it for the rest of your life.” - Michael Palin.
  14. "Oh, all the places you will visit!" - Dr. Seuss
  15. “A real traveler has no definite plan or intention to come anywhere” - Lao Tzu.
  16. “I haven't been everywhere, but this is on my list.” - Susan Sontag.
  17. “The traveler sees what he sees; tourists see what they have come to see ”- GK Chesterton.
  18. “The goal is not a place, but the ability to see the world differently.” - Henry Miller.
  19. “Stop thinking about holes in the road, enjoy the adventure” - Fitjugh Mullan.
  20. Take Only Memories, Leave Only Traces - Chief Seattle
  21. “Once a year, visit a place you have never been.” - The Dalai Lama.
  22. “Traveling is not something you are good at. This is what you do. ”- Gail Foreman.
  23. “To travel is to live” - Hans Christian Andersen
  24. “Traveling is realizing that everyone is wrong about other countries” - Aldous Huxley
  25. “The world is a book, and those who do not travel manage to read only the first page” - Art. Augustine.
  26. “Do you want to travel far and fast? Travel light. Get rid of envy, intolerance, selfishness and fears ”- Cesar Pavese.
  27. “I have met a lot of people in Europe. I even got to know myself. ”- James Baldwin.
  28. “Not All Wanderers Have Lost Their Way.” - JR Tolkien.
  29. “Traveling helps us to be humble. Each of us is just a tiny grain of sand in this desert of people ”- Gustave Flaubert.
  30. "People are able to find and know themselves only in adventure" - Andre Hyde.
  31. “We are traveling not in order to escape from life, but so that life does not escape from us” - Anonymous.
  32. “Tourists don’t know where they’ve already been, and travelers don’t know where else they’ll go” - Paul Theroux.
  33. “People do not create travel, but travel creates people” - John Steinbeck.
  34. “Prejudice, intolerance and narrow-mindedness are detrimental to travel.” - Mark Twain.
  35. “Travel is the only thing in the world, buying which, you become richer” - Anonymous.
  36. “If you do not honor other people's traditions, religion and avoid people, you better stay at home” - James Michener.
  37. “I changed when I saw the moon shining from the other side” - Mary Ann Redmacher.
  38. “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will do.” - Lewis Carroll.
  39. “It's hard to realize how wonderful the journey is until you put your head on the old, familiar pillow.” - Ling Yutan
  40. "A traveler without the ability to observe is comparable to a bird without wings" - Mosley Eddin Saatan.
  41. “Only he who wanders opens new paths” - Norwegian proverb.
  42. “We travel the world to find beauty; we must keep it in ourselves, otherwise it will not open to us "- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  43. “The further I go, the closer I get to myself.” - Andrew McCarthy.
  44. “Every dreamer knows that it is absolutely real to miss a place where you have never been even more than where you have been.” - Judith Thurman.
  45. “Live, travel, do not regret anything and thank fate” - Jack Kerouac.
  46. “It’s not important where you end up, but what adventures will meet you along the way.” - Penelope Riley.
  47. “He who lives sees a lot. The one who travels sees more. ”- Arabic proverb.
  48. “If you think an adventure is dangerous, try a routine. It is deadly ”- Paolo Coelho.
  49. "Travel teaches tolerance" - Benjamin Disraeli
  50. "The adventure is worth it" - Aristotle.

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It is no secret that in our society it is customary, albeit tacitly, to label solo travelers with descriptions of "lonely", "sociopathic", "uncommunicative". Even shawarma is sometimes ashamed to eat alone. In Paris. In a Michelin-starred restaurant.

But, despite the stereotypes, lately travel alone is becoming more and more fashionable. We are in site, relying on the forums Quora and Reddit, found out what is so special about them and why everyone should go through such an experience.

1. You will see yourself in a new light

As the classic claimed, if you want to test a friend, take him to the mountains. This rule can work in the opposite direction: if you want to know yourself, go on a trip alone.

It sounds unromantic, but the logic is simple: leaving the comfort zone introduces a person into the environment of self-knowledge. If you're lost in unfamiliar city with the company, friends will create a safe atmosphere in which responsibility and panic can be shifted to others.

Loneliness leaves no choice: you have to gather your courage and figure it out on your own. This is the key moment in which the "other" qualities of a person are revealed: courage, generosity, sudden extraversion, cowardice, and so on. Such familiarization usually cannot disappear without a trace - this is a fact.

2. The single player always gets more

The more people in the company, the longer the debate about where to go lasts. A solitary traveler is always an egoist. And this is the case when the concept of selfishness does not have a negative connotation. So why not take advantage of this side of vice sometimes?

If you want - eat kebab, if you want - sleep in the park. Long live freedom!

3. Homo orientus will wake up in you - a person orienting

Planning a trip itinerary, connecting a transfer, choosing accommodation - all this will somehow make you feel like a travel logistician. Even if you bought a trip from a tour operator, you don't need to get lost at the airport, you know. Terrain orientation, even with GPS maps, will make you a real a traveler, not a simple tourist who follows an active friend or local guide.

P. S. You can acquire other unexpected talents, for example, become a master of the camera self-timer.

4. This is a great opportunity to get involved in an adventure.

You may say that you can get into good trouble with a company. True, but one has more fun - more adrenaline! Turn down the wrong street, miss the train, check into the wrong hotel - and the beginning of a good adventure movie is guaranteed. The further development of the plot is already in your hands: if you perceive the failures as a punishment from heaven, it can turn out to be an absurd tragicomedy, and if you consider everything as a fun intercultural quest, a good road movie will come out.

5. There is a risk of infection with a foreign culture

When traveling alone, you can wear a fictitious invisibility cloak. In this case, for example, a criminal court officer can ride from Mickey to Snow White at Disneyland. No one will condemn him, because, firstly, not a single soul will know about it, and secondly, everyone will understand that this is just a necessary recharge for a person, an attempt to escape into reality in which he does not need to adjust his image to the local environment.

Have you ever traveled alone? Would you like to try?

Organization of tourism business: technology for creating a tourism product Mishina Larisa Aleksandrovna

1.3. Travel like leisure and recovery

Social society is structured in such a way that almost every adult is engaged in labor activities. Undoubtedly, it is beneficial for any employer that his employee has good health, because performance directly depends on the state of health.

In paragraph 5 of Art. 37 of the Constitution Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993, states that everyone has the right to rest. A citizen working under an employment contract is guaranteed the duration of working hours, days off and holidays, and paid annual leave established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

According to Art. 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employee must be provided annually with basic paid leave of 28 calendar days.

Recreation Is the process of restoring physical and mental performance. The rest process takes place in the conditions of cessation of activities that caused fatigue. Rest is a prerequisite for maintaining and strengthening health, it contributes to the restoration of physical and spiritual strength, and therefore makes a person active and efficient.

There are two types of rest - active and passive.

Under passive rest means the termination of the activity that caused fatigue, and the further physical rest of the body.

Leisure- this is the cessation of the tiring activity and the switching of the organism's activity to another type of activity.

Tourism is one of the types of outdoor activities.

It should be noted that each person independently decides what kind of rest suits him. The main criteria when choosing a particular method are: the needs and interests of a person, his physical characteristics and financial capabilities.

For example, in Western countries where the standard of living of most people is much higher than in Russia, a weekend tour is a widespread type of recreation. In Russia, a person plans the time of a tourist trip in advance and, as a rule, after waiting for a vacation and saving money, goes on a trip for an average of 7-12 days.

As a result of a tourist trip, a person receives a complex of positive emotions, which leads to recuperation. Thus, tourism fully meets the main goal of recreation and, therefore, is its type.

By definition, tourism- these are travels for recreational, health-improving, educational, physical culture and sports, professional and business, religious and other purposes.

Recreational tourism is a special type of tourism, the main purpose of which is to restore human strength through travel. The consequence of this type of rest is to relieve fatigue, increase efficiency, improve the general well-being of a person and his mood.

Recreational tourism is based on the use of recreation and tourism resources for recovery purposes. These include not only natural, but also anthropogenic objects. Recreational resources are divided into natural-recreational and cultural-historical.

TO natural and recreational resources include the coasts of various reservoirs, forests, mountains, etc.

Cultural and historical landmarks Are different historical monuments, works of art, archeology and architectural structures.

If the classification is based on the nature of human use recreational resources, then there are four types of resources:

1) recreational and medicinal (mineral waters, mud springs);

2) recreational and recreational (bathing and beach areas, coniferous forests);

3) recreational and sports (ski resorts);

4) recreational and educational (various historical monuments, theme parks).

Since the personality of each person is individual, and the recovery of each person occurs through the use of various resources, it is necessary to understand that the tourism program for recreation should include recreation, various entertainment and educational activities and other activities that can satisfy the needs of vacationers. Typically, this type of tourism is characterized by the use of air travel and a small number of places visited.

Health tourism Is a type of tourism aimed at treatment and recovery. An individual approach to each client is required here, depending on the state of health and the needs of a particular person for a specific method of treatment and recovery. As a rule, this is a fairly long vacation (on average 24-28 days), carried out mainly in resorts, sanatoriums, rest homes. This type of tourism is characterized by the use of air travel and the presence of a tourist in one place of stay with possible excursion trips.

The basis of health tourism is based on natural and recreational resources. These include: climate, mineral waters, mud springs, sea water, etc. In the places of the above resources, sanatoriums and resorts are located, where the recovery and treatment of tourists takes place with the help of climatotherapy (climate treatment), balneotherapy (treatment mineral waters), pelotherapy (mud therapy), etc.

Leisure tourism is distinguished by a wide variety of tourist resources used, transportation methods, duration and number of places of stay. Leisure travel programs are varied and include a variety of entertainment and leisure activities.

Tourism as a vacation is divided into active and passive. This division is based on the means of transportation used and the tourist's activity during the journey.

Let's consider all the existing groups.

1. The first group - tourists who prefer quiet rest... Such people are driven by the desire to move away from everyday worries and difficulties, to relax in a calm atmosphere. As a rule, they do not like a large crowd of people, use means of fast transportation (air transportation) and prefer one place of rest (resort, recreation center).

2. The second group - tourists who prefer active rest and vivid impressions. They are active and adventurous people seeking variety and fun.

3. The third group - tourists who prefer active rest. These people want to be in harmony with nature, prefer to be outdoors and give themselves a certain amount of stress (volleyball, fishing).

4. The fourth group - tourists who prefer sports recreation. These are tourists for whom sport is a hobby. Such people tend to places of various amateur sports competitions, they love loads and movement.

5. The fifth group - tourists who prefer adventure. They are single tourists who love adventure tourism, risk and the opportunity to challenge themselves.

6. Sixth group - tourists who prefer cognitive activities. For this type of tourists, the main thing is to improve the level of their education. They are driven by the desire to see for themselves what they have heard or read about, they are interested in historical monuments and other cultural attractions.

Active tourism is an intensive human activity in the process of recreation, for example, entertainment, sports activities. Such tourism includes various tours associated with visiting exotic places, hunting, fishing, etc.

Passive tourism is a human activity in the process of recreation, which does not require strong physical exertion. Passive tourism tour programs are more focused on physical relaxation and cognitive activity. Such tours can be designed for couples with children or retirees.

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1. An ever-changing look

When you relax in a hotel, you have the same view from your window all the time. Whether you're cruising in Glacier Bay in Alaska, in the fjords in Norway, or on islands in the Caribbean, the view outside your window will constantly change.

Cruise on Norwegian fjords on the new NIEUW STATENDAM PREMIUM liner + a spectacular parade of ships Sail Amsterdam for 1999 €.

2. Visit many different countries / cities / places by unpacking your suitcases only once

It is a cruise vacation that gives you the opportunity to visit many most interesting places(countries, cities, islands or even continents) by unpacking your suitcases only once. You do not need to check in and check out from different hotels, each time unpacking and packing things. Go on a cruise ship, unpack your suitcases once and you are ready for all the exciting journeys at once. It couldn't be easier 😉

Christmas cruise: Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Fr. Ocean Cay + 3 nights in Miami Beach for 1422 €.

3. You do not waste time moving between travel points

One of the main benefits of a cruise vacation is that you don't waste time moving between important points on your journey. While you are moving from one place to another, you can dine in a great restaurant, watch an actual Broadway or comedy show, or even visit a spa treatment. Better way there is no travel 😉

Cruise in the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Goa, Bombay for 1099 €.

4. Opportunity to try a varied new cuisine

Often in restaurants we do not order something new and unknown, because we do not want to pay later for something that we might not like. Everyone loves cruises, including the fact that you always have the opportunity to try many different cuisines for free. Employees of MANDRUI, for example, thus for the first time in their life tried toad feet, snails, alligator and much more.

Cruise in the Mediterranean on the NEWS Costa Smeralda for only 925 € with accommodation in CABIN WITH BALCONY and meals All Inclusive.

5. The best price / quality ratio

For its price, a cruise vacation allows you to get the most out of it compared to other types of travel. You pay a fixed amount per day, which includes accommodation, All Inclusive meals, entertainment and travel.

Athens, Kotor, Corfu and Dubrovnik on a cruise + 2 nights in Venice for only 865 €.

6. Broadway shows are completely free

On cruise ships you have the opportunity to enjoy real Broadway productions for free. From the famous CATS on the Oasis of the seas, before the Witches of Paris at MSC Divina - watching all of these shows won't cost you a dime.

Bermuda on a Norwegian Escape cruise + 2 nights in New York for only 1325 €.

7. Sunrises / sunsets at sea

Sunrises and sunsets at sea are truly beautiful. On a cruise, you can enjoy both every day of your vacation. There are no bad views on the liner, as you have a 360-degree view of the sea around.

2 weeks on All Inclusive cruise Mauritius + Seychelles + Madagascar from 2539 € with flight.

8. On cruises people get better

There is something about a cruise vacation that shows their best side in people (even if it is not particularly visible on land). We never get tired of watching old grandparents dance on decks as if they were 50-60 years younger. Do you think this is salty air or the soothing movement of the ocean? Whatever it is, it never stops.

Jamaica, Mexico, Cayman Islands, about. Ocean Cay on a cruise on the MSC Meraviglia + 2 nights in Miami Beach for 1330 €.

9. Cruises are a drug

Anyone who has been on a cruise knows it is like a drug. There is even such a saying: “If you are in this moment not on a cruise, so you are planning or thinking about your next cruise. " Why is that? Because cruises are the BEST KIND OF TRAVEL and RECREATION 😉

Vietnamese capitals, cruise on and beach vacation on about. Phu Quoc for $ 1755 with flight and meals.

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We are always striving for something new. Even an ideal stay-at-home will always reach for impressions, for travel in his soul.

It's time to get ready for the long-awaited vacation. And I want to make it as memorable as possible. Organize an unforgettable annual event and most importantly don't spoil it. Experienced travelers know about many "pitfalls", verified by their own experience. The inexperienced tourist has no time to make mistakes.

The quality of your vacation is up to you. View reviews of the hotel, tour operator or tourist destination- this is the "edge of the iceberg". In order to prepare as much as possible in advance for all the nuances of the trip, we have compiled a short overview of vacation options, pros and cons.

If you don't care about the classic sandy beach, the excursions included in the tour program, you can find interest groups.

1. Car travel

Today, there are enough people around the world to go to group car trip... Why not visit dozens, maybe hundreds of unique places on one vacation. Often, routes are designed to maximize the capture of attractions, including sunbathing on the beautiful seashore. The advantages of such a vacation include not a standard vacation, but romance and adventure.

The opportunity to prepare for the trip, drawing on the experience of others, while minimizing possible negativity. The term "travel" implies in itself personal visit uncharted places, so to speak "touch in person." A car tour reveals these possibilities in full.

The disadvantages include loss of comfort... This is not surprising if you imagine how much time you need to spend on the road by car. Even if you stop at roadside hotels and eat in decent cafes.

2. Extreme recreation

Do you have an extreme personality trait? Interest groups may include those who like skiing in the mountains or kayaking on mountain rivers. The mountains have always pulled people with their beauty, and, perhaps, unpredictability, primordiality. The advantages of traveling in the mountains include a kind of clean air, which we lack in the city.

An active type of recreation will tighten the physical condition after working office weekdays and leave a lot of impressions with recharging for the next year. The disadvantages include the loss of comfort, the degree of comfort will depend on the nature of the rest.

Join the fans of “ride the air currents” - paragliding. New acquaintances with unusual people, with those who "conquer nature" will become a plus of the rest. It is hard to find disadvantages in this kind of recreation if you are extreme.

3. Go hiking

Go on a week-long hike in the wild forest with tents. Guitar songs by the fire, new acquaintances, romance. All this will become an integral part of recreation for amateurs. hiking... The advantages of rest are contact with nature, clean air, remoteness from the bustle of the city. The highlight of such a vacation will be the loss of comfort, primordiality, which can hardly be attributed to the disadvantages for lovers of such a vacation.

The key to success in a group vacation by interests will be the fact that there are certainly experienced travelers in the group who will always prompt and help, based on their experience. Finding such like-minded people will not be difficult. Usually initiators lead their pages to social networks or blogs, reporting on their adventures. And they are often glad to new like-minded people.

4. Nobody canceled high-quality classic rest

If the soul lies to a classic holiday on the beach with all inclusive, your vacation can be also unforgettable. Time-tested tour operators value their reputation and are interested in your return for the next tourist season.

The chain of providing you with quality services will be drawn to the choice of an air carrier, hotel and related services by the tour operator. But do not forget about possible force majeure circumstances. Therefore, you should not only fully rely on your travel agency, but also prepare yourself for various situations wherever you go.