What is fjords in Norway. Majestic Norwegian fjords

Norway is a country of fjords, which is famous for its beautiful nature and fascinating landscapes. Fjords are a bright proof. They represent the narrow winding sea bays of glacial origin, which are crashed into a mainland on a plurality of kilometers. Fjords are in European and North American countries, but the largest and most beautiful accumulation of such formations can be observed in the western part of Scandinavia. Thanks to its own geographical position Norway has a huge many beautiful fjords, look at which millions of tourist flows from around the world come. Here, lovers of extreme sports and simply those who wish to relax from civilization of megacities are found here. See further Description and photo 10 the best fjords of Norwaywho is useful if you ever come to this country.

The most beautiful fjords in Norway

1. Heianger-fjord

The most popular Norwegian fjords includes Heianger-Fird in the Sunnomera region. The beauty of his landscape will capture tourists and travelers. In addition to enjoying the magnificence of local landscapes, resting is invited to make fishing, rafting, make a riding riding or swim on the kayak. Also in the bay there are two small villages in which they stop cruise liners. Another magnificence of Heianger-fjord is its waterfalls that appear from the forest school and rice of straight into the water of the bay. Heianger-fjord received object status World Heritage UNESCO.

2. Sogne Fjord

The record holder in length among the best fjords of Norway is the Sogne-Fjord, which, besides, part-time occupies a second position in the length in the world. He is in the province of Sogn-Og Firan. Guests of Norway are invited to evaluate the beauty of this place with both the bay and sushi. Serene water Walks On the motor ship will give the palette of colorful emotions, and on Earth, tourists will be able to visit one (or several) of five local colorful villages. Those interested can visit local attractions - national Park, Museum and Church.

3. Luce Fjord

This beautiful fjord in Norway has received its popularity thanks to picturesque rocks - staven and kierag - which are the main attractions of this place. Tourists are offered several routes for travel (both land and aquatic), each of which will present their picturesque and fascinating perspectives. In addition, at the top of the cliff, the eponymed house, which opened the doors for its visitors, and in the summer she offering them overnight and nutrition. In Lyus Fjord, tourists are waiting for many active sports and recreation. There is a fjord in the Westland region.

4. Oslo-Fjord

Oslo fjord belongs to the number of beautiful fjords of Norway. This sea bay is unique in that over all thousands are located throughout its territory. small islands. On land, you will find several wonderful cities of Norway, each of whom is known for something: for example, Halden - found his place in the anthem of the country, Drammen - gave the world of the great athlete-biathlete Biorndalen. As in another self-respecting fjord, there is also a marina of cruise boats.

5. Hardanger Fjord

In the spring, it is best to visit Hardanger Fjord, because at this time of the year already the picturesque beauty of the fjord decorate the blooming trees. Some weather, the trees will be everywhere to adopt their branches, full of fruits: pears, apples, a sweet cherry (by the way, rumors have been growing that the most delicious sweet cherry is growing in all Norway). If we talk about the natural beauties of Hardanger Fjord, then it is practically not to find competition in all of Norway. Beautiful view Mountains and glaciers fascinates tourists, the waterfalls captive the views, and fishing and boating riding here you want to do forever. Hardanger Fjord is one of best resorts country. He is in Southwestern Norway.

6. Neri Fjord

The smallest width among the fjords of Norway has a fjord (from 300 to 1000 meters). When you watch his landscape, it seems that the water surface of the fjord is diligently squeezed between the mountain ranges that are trying to oppress it. The name of the fjord got from the ancient Norwegian deity of Nyorda, who heard the patron of the sea. On both shores of the fjord there are many small and medium-sized settlements that in a compartment with the magnificence of the landscape creates a beautiful picturesque background of Neri Fjord.

7. West Fjord

Quite unusual in terms of definitions is the Norwegian West Fjord, because it is also characterized as Liman or open bay. On the territory of this fjord, from medieval years they are engaged in catching cod. A peculiar "attraction" of the West Fjord became, who live in his waters, which goes around a lot of tourists. It is better to rest here in the warm season, because in the winter the fjord is often blown by cold frosty winds.

8. Porshanger Fjord

At the fourth position in the length among the fjords of Norway is the Porshanger-Fjord - its length exceeds 120 kilometers. The fjord takes its beginning near the small village of Lakselv, which has gained great popularity among tourists. Porshanger-Fjord offers resting to enjoy the beauty of his landscapes, wake up a good fishing catch, as well as visit the local National Park "Stubbursdalen". Local nature is almost not touched by a person and thus fascinates its guests.

9. Trondheims Fjord

The Norwegian Trondheim Fjord has a unique climate and nature. He is named after the city of Trondheim, located on the shores of Limana. This fjord is famous for the fact that in fact the whole year there is no snow here. From the ecosystem in coastal waters was formed unique - over 90 varieties of sea fish dwell in Trondheims fjord. Resting here are mostly those who prefer silence and peace. But it is worth considering that a major rich commercial district is a significant share of the land territory of the fjord.

10. Stur-Fjord

A special place among all the fjords of Norway is given to the Stur Fjord. Translated its name means "Big Fjord". He is known for the fact that with its length of 110 kilometers, it also managed to divide in two, having formed two other fjord - Heiangerger-Fjord and Tafjord Fjord. But with all this, Stur-Fjord remains "behind the scenes" of tourist life - it is little known and is not popular with holidaymakers, and information about him is not represented by almost any tourist brochure or postcard.

Today, the photo-post about the fjords of Norway, which I was lucky to visit in July of this year. In this weather, as now outside the window, I especially want saturated paints, and the region of the fjords of Norway - just the place where bright colors in the oppression.

Therefore, I invite you to your fairy tale, because for me a trip to the amazing land of glaciers and the gorges has become a real summer miracle. During his journey, we lived in excellent hotels, I can safely recommend any of them. Links to hotels are indicated in the description of each fjord.

What is fjords?

Fjords are narrow winding sea bays of glacial origin, cutting into a lot of kilometers. Such education is in Greenland, Iceland, Canada, Chile, Montenegro, New Zealand and even in Russia, but the largest and beautiful plot of fjords is located in the West of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Norway is not cheap, and most people go there for no more than a week. Therefore, I will tell you only about those places that, in my opinion, definitely deserve to include them in the trip route. Acquaintance with Norwegian fjords of the Cup of all starts with or, which I wrote earlier, and now Ida to the sea!

Geianger Fjord.

Heiangerger is one of the most visited fjords of Norway, and this popularity is absolutely deserved and justified. Its length is only 15 km away, located 100 km from the city of Aalesund, is under the protection of UNESCO, and it is the Heiangerger that you most often see in the photo and in tourist booklets.

If you have a little time to rest in Norway, you can only visit him - entertainment there will be enough for several days. Lived at Hotel Union Geiranger, 4 * - this family-run hotel for some reason loves the Royal Operations. Price per room from 190 €. Cool spa and mountain view and fjord.

What to do on Geiranger:

- Hayeking along Heiranger to the highland Farms of Skaghephlo and Booksflo. We have dinner on the farm Westeros, where Lama and goats live. Feed tasty, animals clean, types exciting.

- Cruise on a ship or on a boat. We rode a boat, and it was something! More already wrote about about, there is a lot of pictures, videos and prices.

- kayaking - in good weather Floating on kayaks along the rocks and waterfalls of Heiranger.

- Fishing. Cod, Side, Salmon is found in the water. You can fish all year round, just first acquire a license.

Salmon Production on Geiranger

Mountain road Trollstigen, she is the "Trolley Foress". Serpentine, hiding the mountains at an angle of 9 degrees, is one of the famous sights of Norway. The length of the route is more than 100 km.

Eagle road - This is the biggest trollstigen area. Mountain serpentine, having 11 very sharp turns and lead from the shores of Heiranger to the top of the mountain at an altitude of 620 m above sea level. This part of the path has received its name in honor of a large number of eagles living in the region.

Fords of Norway in the photo:

Gayranger Fjord

Having risen to the top of the mountain along the eagle road, we fall on the observation platform of Ornesbingen. There is indescribable beauty and many Chinese in yellow clothes. If you are lucky with the weather, you can see the "Seven Sisters" waterfall. We leave the inhabitants in the way alone alone and go further.

By the way, if you do not want to overpay for housing in the fjords region, you can rent an apartment or a house in Norway - it will get cheaper than to live in the hotel, especially if you are traveling family or company.

Dalnsnibba and Fludalsyuva
Viewing platforms at an altitude of 1500 m. View of the geiranger, the clean air, light chill and a lot of stones - everything like I love.

On this photo there are me :) @ Photographer Nyazanov

The neighborhood of Heiranger, photos of the fjords of Norway:


Pearl of the Norwegian fjords system. On the bank of Nord-Fjord is a wonderful, where the King of Norway is fishing, as well as the beautiful Turquoise Lake LovatNet, along which we rode bikes. Located at the Hotel Loenfjord, 3 * - this is probably my favorite hotel from everyone who has ever lived. It is where the mountain river flows into the fjord. There is unreal delicious food, numbers from 200 €.

The meaning of the word "fjord" in Scandinavia is more general than in the rest of the world - for example, in the eastern part of Norway, the term is used, including for narrow freshwater lakes or even rivers.

However, it is usually a fjord to consider the rocky sea bay of a winding form, penetrating the sushi deep into many kilometers. Most fjords are deeper than the level of the surrounding sea. The height of the rocks that are shores of such a bay reaches a few hundred meters, and the length exceeds the width of many times. Usually, many branches of forming a peculiar tree structure depart from the main fjord.

The presence of such wonders of nature can boast some regions of Chile, New Zealand, USA, Russia, Canada and other countries. But the most interesting fjords are located in Scandinavia, and the most picturesque in Norway.

Norwegian fjords

In Greenland Skorsby, the length of which is 350 km, and the height of the rocky shores reaches almost 1.5 km, is considered the longest in Europe.

The second and third places rightly occupy the Norwegian Sogne-Ford and Hardanger Fjord. The first length is 204km with a maximum width of 6km and the height of the coast of just over 1.3 km. The size of the second is modest - the length is 183km, the width is 10km, and the height is 750m.

In total, there are more than a thousand fjords in Norway. Some of them are extremely narrow (in some places no more than 250m), for example, a heyranger fjord or a fjord, others, other way around, wide as bays - Bokenfjord or Thornheims Fjord. Often the fjords are so deep and wide (especially in Western Norway) that they can only cross them on the ferry. Historically, these bays were the only possible trunk paths, since land travels are difficult for such a terrain, and then simply unreal. Until today, fjords remain a serious obstacle to construction railways and motorways.


In winter, fjords are usually not freezing, thanks to the relatively warm ocean. Summer temperatures also depend on the ocean remoteness - on the outer parts are quite moderate, while in the summer is relatively long and warm. Such climate makes it possible to grow fruits and berries on an industrial scale inside the fjords, on the fields protected from winds. Most of the fruit-berry products grows on the slopes of Hardanger Fjord.

The most beautiful fjords

Geiranger Fjord and Neri-Fjord, located in Southwestern Norway, are distant from each other at a distance of 120km and are part of the Western Norwegian fjord, which extends from Stavanger in the south to Ontalsnes in 500km in the northeast. Two fjords located in the list of the longest and deep in the world are included in the list of the most picturesque. Numerous waterfalls, shore forest, lakes and glaciers create an unusually beautiful landscape. In 2005, Geiranger Fjord and Neri Fjord were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

In addition to the Sogne, Hardanger, Heianger and Neri Fjords are popular among tourists:

  • Lyus Fjord, thanks to the picturesque rocks stuck and kierag;
  • Oslo-Fjord, in which hundreds of small islands are located;
  • West Fjord, in the waters of which the tales dwell, and many others.

Coral reefs

At the beginning of the XXI century, along the bottom of some Norwegian fjords, coral reefs located at a depth of 40 to 150 m were found and partially investigated. It is believed to be due to their presence of Norwegian coastline It is a good destination for fisheries. The reefs meet a lot of forms of life: plankton, corals, anemones, fish, several types of sharks and others. Most are specially adapted to life under high water pressure and in complete darkness.

Norway is considered one of interesting countries Europe is just due to the beauty of their landscapes, the unusuality of which fjords are attached, bizarrely cut almost all the coast.

The most famous are Norwegian fjords. As a result of the movement of the globe, many years ago in this part of the sushi was formed a large number of Fault and cracks. Many of them are quite deep, they go below the sea level. These faults were turned into long bays filled with sea water. There was time and the initiated glaciers were completed, on river valleys, as well as the resulting faults, they pierced themselves with a straight path to the water - to the sea. It is because of this that the water here has a different color and shade. Very popular cruises on the fjords of Norway in tourists, and the Norwegians themselves argue that each of the fjords has not just its own landscape, but by character. Norwegian fjords are distinguished by their landscape, this is possible not everywhere to meet on the whole earth. Just imagine: You are in the boat, and in the area you are towering cliffs of unusual beauty. From almost vertically located slopes of the mountains in the fjord, water is striving to water from local waterfalls, which are originated in glaciers. In the lakes swims the fish, which may appear for dinner. It is possible to go fishing, then the seagulls are begged near the boat, which are still waiting for you, the whole catch of mackeli. On the rocky cliffs are farms that are currently abandoned. In the region where fjords are located, there are small villages where you can easily get there. To the mouth of the fjord can be reached on the ship, with the guide you can go to the mountains, to the glacier or in local restaurants to taste the traditional dishes for these places. You can try the brand head, it is if you are lucky. The UNESCO World Heritage List has some sections of the fjords regions. Thanks untouched nature and amazing landscapes they were recognized as one of beautiful seats in the world.

There are many fjords that are given a name. Hardanger Fjord is famous for his Folgefonna Glacier and fruit gardens. On the glacier you can even ski. The length of the fjord is 179 kilometers, in length it is the third fjord in the world. Its maximum depth of eight hundred meters. You can get to it from different cities: Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, Trondheim. Usually get all possible modes of transport: by bus, plane, car and from some cities by train.

Nord-Fjord stretches to the ocean from the JashedalSben glacier, the length of it is about one hundred and ten kilometers. Local entertainment are: visit Cape Westcap, summer skiing in Strin, visiting the historic monastery of the village, climbing the glacier, hayking, fishing, canoeing, cycling, rafting, horse riding and many other entertainment. Getting sophisticated from Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim. By bus or plane.

One of the most visited Norwegian fjords is Heiranger-Fjord, it is a small length of it only twenty kilometers. This fjord is distinguished by its delicious landscapes and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. From entertainment, you can go fishing, rifting, alloy on kayaks, riding riding and summer skiing. Two Gayranger and Goodwangen villages located in the central part of the fjords are considered one of popular seatswhere Scandinavia cruise ships are performed. Delightful view from the cliff Fludaulus, hence the fjord is the best kind, because it seems to soar in heaven. Other local attractions are the waterfalls "Seven Sisters" and "Fata Bride", which collapses their water in the mirror smooth of Fjord from somewhere from the depths of thick forests. Also visit the local museum, here are presented to the attention of numerous artifacts that narrate about the history of the region. Can be descended from the top of the Dewvaschut to the shore by making a bicycle walk along the wonderful road, the award for the effort will be beautiful views Seventeen kilometers. Getting sophisticated from Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim.

Lyus Fjord is famous for its rock called Staples, located near the cities of Stavanger and Hansend in the Ryufülke region. The active view of the rest, such as horse riding, hayking, base jumping and climbing are popular here. Getting to this fjord from the north and east is only pleasure. Here, after all, there is a famous road Rufuylkevegen, it goes along the highway RV520 and RV13 and extends to Reldala in the north of the south, from the ferry berth located in Oanes. You can get here from Oslo, Bergen and on the ship from Stavanger. Look here two cliffs are stuck and kierag. On the rock Kierag, a Kieragbolten stone stuck between rocks, from where all tourists make their stunning photos, one of them presented below. This is not all Norwegian fjords and others, just do not describe it better to go and once to see them.

Norway - the country is harsh and mysterious, even some difficult to the names of its cities and natural objects can pose and cause difficulties in preparing independent travel. This article will help to navigate and figure out which cities of Norway it is more convenient to perform ribs to the most attractive and peculiar sights of the country - Fjordam.

Immediately make a reservation that, although there are examples of independent travel in the mountains and fjords using only public transport, after all, because of the long distances and features of the Norwegian relief, the car is the best and, I would say, the main means of traveling around the country on land ( Plus, many places have to be ferry). Another popular type of transport in the country is an aircraft. Air communication connects all major cities of Norway. In order to see the fjords, it is absolutely necessary to fly through the Norwegian capital Oslo: you can buy connecting tickets through Europe to the city, close to this or that famous natural attractions ( international Airports There are in Bergen, Alesundne, Stavanger).

Tickets for domestic flights to Norway, performed by the Norvegian Airlines, are relatively inexpensive (except for additional luggage costs, which, like all louxers, is paid separately, and power on board).

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Fjords- Sea bays formed as a result of tectonic shifts and "weighing" sushi territory for dozens and even hundreds of kilometers (the longest fjord in the world - Skorsbi - is located in Greenland and stretched more than 350 kilometers, followed by his Norwegian "fellow" - Sogne fjord in 204 kilometers).

The number of fjords of Norway and the Spitsbergen archipelago is huge and amounts to about 1200. The length of most Norwegian fjords from 4 to 50 kilometers, but there are also real giants from a hundred kilometers or more. At the same time, naturally, their beauty does not depend on the size, for example, the world's most famous heyranger fjord, entered into the UNESCO World Heritage List, only 15 kilometers long. As can be seen, it is impossible to physically cover all the fjords, so you have to choose only a few of them.

The most famous and popular tourists of the fjords of Norway:

Heiangerger-Fjord, Lyus Fjord, Hardanger Fjord, Trondheims Fjord, Sogne Fjord, Nareui Fjord, Aurlandes Fjord, Nord Fjord.

They are focused on west coast Norway (see Cartu) https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid\u003dzpmssusmriho.ks9dz3qlvhca

TRONHEIM city (Trondheim) - The third largest city of Norway is located on the shore of Trondheim Fjord. Attractions: Trondheims Fjord (the third in length in the country), the medieval Nidaros Cathedral - a sign for the Norwegian history of the Cathedral, in the place of which the legendary King Olaf II (Saint Olaf) is buried, the oldest location of the Norwegian monarchs.

City of Kristiansunn (Kristiansund) - (not to be confused with Kristiansand, located in the southern part of Norway!) - Atlantic road, Mountain road Aurchesegen, Trollehemen (Troll House) - Mountain Range with picturesque valleys.

The Atlantic Road is one of the popular attractions of Norway, it is located between the cities of Christiansunn and Molde. This is the 8-kilometer of the National Tourist Road 64, which passes through the islands in the Atlantic Ocean. In some places, the road resembles a wave, with it open color views - both in the weather, and during the storm on the Atlantic. There are several here watching siteswhere you can put the car, admire the views and picked up.

Molde city(Molde) - Mountain road Trollsigen (Staircase trolls), Rumsdal and Atlantic road.

Staircase trolls

Alesund city (Alesund) - beautiful city In the Art Nouveau style, located on seven hills. Sights: Geianger Fjord. and Yorund Fjord, Bird Island Runda, Road Orlov. (Mountain serpentine between Geiranger Fjord and Nurddals Fjord) and the already mentioned staircase of trolls Trollsigen.


Geianger Fjord.

Bergen City(Bergen) - The second largest city of Norway is called "gates to the kingdom of fjords." From here you can go to the long fjord of Norway - Sogne Fjord, His branches - Naroy-Fjord and Aurelands Fjord, Hardanger Fjord (the second largest in the country), to drive Flaza railway. In the city itself there is an object from UNESCO World Heritage List - Beautiful embankment Bruges, as well as a house-museum of the famous Norwegian composer Edward Griega.

Embankment in Bergen

Sogne Fjord.

City of Haugesund (Haugesund) - impressive Lose Fjord. and small Okra Fjord.

Lose Fjord.

City Stavanger (Stavanger) - Lose Fjord., Department of Preacher (Stop) - Giant flat cliff over lude fjord, route Ryufluk. (Road of waterfalls), Sulastranden Beach.


When to go to watch fjords?

The best time for a trip to Norway to Fjordam - from June to mid-August (or, as a last resort, from May to September), this is due to the country's harsh climate. The rest of the year it is better to devote time to the inspection of only Norwegian cities.