Albanian capital. Albania

Albania, a state located in the south - east of Europe, in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula.

Albania's borders run next to countries such as Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Montenegro. Albania is separated from Italy by the Otranto Strait, 75 kilometers wide. The capital is Tirana. Albania is washed by two seas, the Ionian and the Adriatic. Albania is a beautiful country that can no doubt be called the pearl of the Mediterranean. Picturesque lakes, Shkoder, Presla, Ohrid Lake, are the attractions of this country, some of them are under the protection of UNESCO, due to the fact that they have a unique flora and fauna. About ¾ of the entire territory is occupied by mountains and plains.

Amazing nature and the ability to combine several types of recreation, both beach and active, attracts more and more tourists to Albania every year.

Landmarks of Albania.

Albania is an amazing country, and while on vacation it is simply impossible not to see at least some of the wonderful places that it has. Conventionally, all the sights of Albania can be divided into architectural, natural and cultural (museums). Tirana Castle, Durres Amphitheater, Rozafa Fortress, Medieval Art Museum and National Historical Museum, as well as Mount Dayt and the Karaburun - Sazan National Marine Park, the Blue Eye Spring - this is just a small list of those places that you just need to visit in Albania.

Why is Albania attractive for tourists?

Albania is a small but very beautiful country, with its own history and interesting places. For beach lovers, the season in Albania starts from May and lasts until the end of September. It is during this period that tourists will be able to soak up the magnificent beaches, and even the July heat is tolerated there quite favorably, due to the light breeze. Due to the fact that Albania is washed by two seas at once (Ionian and Adriatic), tourists have the opportunity to spend their holidays on which of the beaches. Families with children are more likely to find the Adriatic coast with sandy beaches. The Ionian coast, as a rule, has pebble and small pebble beaches, but the sea is amazing and unique beauty. Many tourists come to the Ionian Sea for diving. For tourists who prefer active holidays, Albania offers the following ways to spend it:

  • Horseback riding, in almost every resort town, there are horse breeding centers, so it will not be difficult for tourists to arrange such an excursion and get a lot of unforgettable impressions;
  • Mountaineering, an extreme form of recreation, but quite popular with tourists, it is better for an unprepared person to refrain from it;
  • Cycling, ideal for leisure and sightseeing;
  • Rafting, rafting down mountain rivers, of which there are a lot in Albania, will not leave indifferent any extreme;
  • Trekking, one of the areas of active recreation, is walking along the protected and unexplored routes of Albania.

When visiting Albania, pay attention to the fact that in this country a nod of the head means a negative answer, and a shaking of the head from side to side is a positive answer. If you are offered coffee, do not refuse this drink, it is sacred and very much loved by the Albanians.

Tourists who have visited Albania are advised to use a car rental for a few days, so it becomes possible to visit as many sights and interesting places as possible in this small but so beautiful country.

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Republic of Albania - a state in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula, on the coast of the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. The Strait of Otranto separates Albania from Italy. In the north and east it borders on Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, in the south-east - with Greece.

Most of the country is mountainous and elevated, with deep, fertile valleys. There are several large lakes in the country.

Albania airport

Tirana Mother Teresa International Airport

Albania hotels 1 - 5 stars

Albania weather

Subtropical Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and cool, humid winters. The average temperature in July is from +24 C to +28 C, in January - +4 C in the north and up to +7 C in the south, the temperature strongly depends on the height above sea level.

Precipitation (600-800 mm per year) falls mainly in autumn and spring. In mountainous areas the climate is colder (frosts down to -20 C), annual precipitation increases from 900-1200 mm. on the east, up to 2000-2600 mm. and more on the windward western slopes of the mountains. At altitudes of over 1000 meters in mountainous areas, the snow cover lasts for several months.

The best time to visit the country is September. The warm season lasts from May to September (July is the warmest month, up to +38 C), but even in April and October the weather conditions can be quite favorable.

Language of Albania

State language: Albanian

There are two groups of Albanian dialects - Gegs in the north and Tuscan in the south. The official language of Albania is based on the Tuscan dialect, which is spoken by the majority of the country's population.

Many residents understand Greek, Italian and some Slavic languages.

Albanian currency

International name: ALL

One lek is equal to 100 kindarks. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 5000 leks of various modifications, as well as coins in 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 leks. There are three different issues of the same face value banknotes, differing from each other in appearance.

US dollars and euros are freely circulated along with the national currency.

Customs restrictions

Import and export of foreign currency is not legally limited, currency in excess of 2,500 US dollars must be declared upon entry. The export of previously imported foreign currency is allowed within a year, national currency - no more than 3000 leks.

The import of weapons, pornographic materials and drugs is strictly prohibited, although customs authorities often turn a blind eye to violations of these rules.

The export of antiquities, including stones from archaeological excavations, is prohibited. Free export of copies of antique works, which are sold everywhere, is allowed.

Mains voltage


All tips (10%) and other additional payments are best left after the service, if it was of acceptable quality. But it is not worth depriving the attendants of tips either - many of them work for a meager salary, receiving the main income from tips.

In restaurants, tipping is usually given directly to the waiter after paying the bill, rather than leaving it on the table. In a taxi, the easiest way is to simply round up the amount.


Historical and geographical features, convenience of the coastline, favorable climate, multiple interactions with neighboring peoples have had a significant impact on the richness and diversity of Albanian cuisine. Thus, the Albanians hold fish and seafood dishes in high esteem, many of which owe their appearance to ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

Many dishes were introduced by the Byzantines, Venetians, Arabs. As in neighboring Italy, here you can taste risotto or crab brodetto. From the Yugoslav cuisine, the Albanians borrowed such dishes as cevapchichi, razhnichi, pilav, many types of moussaka.

Due to the warm climate in Albania, corn is grown in large quantities, which is used both in boiled and canned form for preparing a wide variety of dishes. In addition, corn is used to produce flour for the national dish "celje".

Sheep breeding has long been practiced in the highlands of Albania. They eat not only meat, but also sheep's milk, which has healing properties. It is fermented, added to various dishes, and famous varieties of cheese are made from it.

Unfortunately, after the Second World War, the people of Albania were unlucky with the totalitarian communist regime established there, which had common features with the communist regime in North Korea, which led to the country's economic lagging and the impoverishment of the population. But when the consequences of these difficulties are finally overcome, Albania united with Kosovo will become one of the best resorts in the world.

Opening hours of institutions

Banks work from Monday to Friday, from 08.00 to 16.00.

National features of Albania. Traditions

Albanians are one of the few peoples in the world who have a habit of confirming what has been said not with a nod of their head, but by swinging from side to side. A negative gesture, accordingly, looks like our "yes", that is, a nod of the head. In the capital and large cities, this is no longer common, but in the provinces you can encounter such behavior everywhere, which often leads to many misunderstandings between locals and tourists.

On the central square of the capital, which bears the name of the great warrior of Albania Skanderbeg, a monument to the commander is erected, around the government buildings of Italian architecture. On the right is the dome of a new Orthodox church. The reconstruction of the square is carried out with the sponsorship of the Bank of Kuwait, which is financing the construction of the largest mosque in Albania in the capital.

Albanian capitalTirana (610 thousand inhabitants, 2015) is the largest city, the main political, economic and cultural center of the country.

In Tirana, fragments of a Roman building with a mosaic on the floor, subsidized by the 3rd century, were discovered, as well as the ruins of a fortress built by the Byzantine emperor Justinian in 520. The year of the development of Tirana is considered to be 1614, when Suleiman Pasha Barjini founded a mosque here, built Turkish baths, a bakery and several shops. The favorable location at the intersection of trade routes contributed to the development of the city.

On February 8, 1920, by decision of the Albanian National Congress, Tirana was proclaimed the capital and seat of the government of Albania. In April 1939 - September 1943 Tirana was occupied by Italy, in September 1943 - by Germany. On November 17, 1944, the city was liberated from the German troops by the National Liberation Army. On January 11, 1946, the People's Republic of Albania was proclaimed. In the 1950s, with the help of the Soviet Union and other socialist countries, a number of modern enterprises, an opera house and some other cultural institutions were built in Tirana. Tirana's population increased between 1955 and 1975. from 108 thousand to 200 thousand inhabitants.

A significant part of the country's production, enterprises of the textile, food, tobacco, footwear, metalworking and glass-ceramic industries are concentrated in Tirana. The railway connects Tirana with the port of Durres.

Until recently, one could experience the shock of visiting the Albanian capital with gloomy gray, peeling five-story buildings, drowning in dirt and debris, the absence of traffic lights and street name plates. Local drivers were ready to run over a gaping pedestrian. But everything changed in a fantastically short time. Today Tirana is a dynamic European city with high-rise buildings, manicured parks and boulevards.

Since 2000, the municipal government, led by Mayor Edi Rama, has launched the Return to Identity campaign, which includes upgrading the infrastructure and renewing Tirana's bleak “post-Soviet” face. Residential neighborhoods, parks and gardens were given a "European" look, illegal buildings were demolished. The city has gone through radical changes.

Albanian public and political figure Edie Rama (born July 4, 1963, Tirana) from 2000 to 2011 was the mayor of Tirana, from 2005 the leader of the Socialist Party of Albania, from 2013 the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Albania. By education and profession - an artist, he studied in Paris. As mayor, he liquidated illegal buildings in the capital, at his suggestion, the facades of many buildings were repainted in characteristic, bright and multi-colored colors. Developed a project for landscaping and new infrastructure of the city. For his work he received the title World Mayor 2004 in 2004, and in 2005 he was included in the list of European Heroes according to the Time magazine, in a word, they were recognized as the Best Mayor of Europe.

Around the central square of Skanderbeg by the architecture of buildings one can judge the geopolitical zigzags in the history of the country. This building is reminiscent of the influence of Italy.

The Haji-Ethem-Bey Mosque (behind the Skanerbeg monument) was built by the Turks in 1789-1823. Under the communists, the mosque was closed until 1991. A corner is visible on the left Albanian Opera House, a gift from the Soviet government of communist Albania. After the severance of relations with the USSR in 1961, the building stood unfinished until the Albanians themselves completed the construction of the theater.

One of the modern symbols of the capital is the 25 - storey conical building Tirana International Development, or TID Tower, designed by a Belgian architectural bureau in 2011.
At the heart of the building is the tomb of the national hero, General of the Ottoman Empire Suleiman Pasha Barjini, the founder of the modern capital of Albania, Tirana. The high-rise building protects the tomb from the destructive effects of the environment. The building houses prestigious apartments, apartments and offices. The first floors are occupied by shops and restaurants, on the roof there is a panoramic restaurant.

TID Tower is the tallest building in Albania (85 meters). According to the general plan, nine more high-rise buildings will be erected in the center of the capital around Skanderbeg Square.

Not far from the main square, next to the shopping and entertainment center "Taiwan" is the park "Rinia".

Photo from the Internet

Rinia Park is a popular place among tourists who come on excursions to the capital. On the right is the 4-star Sky Hote with an observation deck offering panoramic views of Tirana.

To take a panoramic shot of the capital, I took the elevator to the hotel's observation deck. Imagine my surprise that the site was surrounded not only with a metal mesh, but also with a plastic wrap through which the picture was taken.

Another skyscraper under construction in the center of the capital near the shopping and entertainment center "Taiwan"

The new Orthodox Cathedral of Tirana "Resurrection of Christ" was built as compensation for the old cathedral destroyed by the communist authorities in 1967. The Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania inaugurated a new cathedral on June 24, 2012, which has been built since 2004 by the American company Papadatos Partneriteti LLP Architects (New York), owned by Orthodox Greeks who immigrated to the United States. In addition to the Cathedral, a chapel, a bell tower, the residence of the Holy Synod and a cultural center were erected.

Office of the largest foreign bank in Albania

The mountain stream Lana flows through the center of the city along a concrete gutter, dividing the city into southern and northern parts.

Pedestrian boulevard

For Tirana, a symbol of rejection of the past and isolation from the outside world was the visit in 1992 of Mother Teresa (1910-1997), a nun who founded the Order of the Sisters of Mercy in Calcutta in 1948, a public figure, a blessed Catholic Church. Albanian by birth, she finally received permission from the authorities and visited the grave of her mother and sister (during their lifetime, visits behind the Iron Curtain were prohibited). The Albanians named their largest and only international airport in her memory. In 2005, the airport passed for twenty years under the management of Hochtief AirPort (Germany), which carried out the construction of a new passenger terminal building and the modernization of the entire airport complex.

The tyrant is gradually getting rid of the image of the capital of a totalitarian state. Each regime left its mark on the architecture of the capital. Before Tirana was proclaimed the capital (1920), it was a Muslim town from the time of Suleiman Pasha, the city's founder. In the 1920s-1930s, the city began to be rebuilt in the "European style", according to the plan of the invited Austrian and Italian architects. During the occupation of Tirana by the Italian and German fascists, Italian architects completed the construction of government buildings and built new streets. After the war, the city lived under the rule of the Albanian communists. Until the 20th Congress of the CPSU, the country was guided by Stalin and the USSR, and later, until 1978, by Maoist China. The city was filled with faceless block buildings and, together with the country, found itself behind a dull iron curtain. A ban was introduced on private business and private cars (canceled only in the 90s). At the same time, with the help of the USSR and other socialist states, large industrial enterprises (up to 80% of the industry of Albania), educational and cultural institutions were built in Tirana and the country; the first hydroelectric power station in the country was built near the city. Lenin. The Palace of Culture appeared on the site of the Turkish bazaar, and the historic parliament building was converted into the Palace of Pioneers.

After the death of Enver Hoxha, a pyramidal memorial complex-museum of the leader was erected in his honor in 1988 in the city. Here is the International Cultural Center, among the common people "Pyramid".

According to the municipal company Return to Identity, the facades of many buildings have been repainted in characteristic, bright and colorful colors. Opponents criticize that only the appearance of buildings has been updated. But not all at once. To change the interior of buildings, citizens must have a decent salary.

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An innovative approach to coloring building facades includes drying linen patterns. Against this background, real linen on the balconies looks most natural.

Roof garden

By studying the geographical map of the world, you can determine exactly where in the European south is Albania. The Balkan Peninsula has always been of interest to conquerors. Who of the nations did not pass through this land did not stay long. The Balkans in this area were met by hard-to-reach rocks. Albania is an eagle country. These proud birds live in rocky areas. There are so many rocks on Albanian territory that it seems as if they were taken from all over the world and poured onto this land.

In contact with

Democratic republic

For almost 100 years, the Albanian people were under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire. The country gained independence only in 1912.

Albania is a democratic parliamentary republic headed by a president... At the end of World War II, the state followed the communist path of development, but then relations with the Soviet Union and many states were interrupted. Prolonged international isolation negatively affected the country's economy. Albania is a poor agricultural country in Europe.

The Albanian language has two dialects:

  • for northerners, Gegs are characteristic;
  • in the south, Tuscan is widespread.

The Tosk dialect is spoken by most of the inhabitants, so it became the state language countries. Many Albanians speak Italian, Greek, and some Slavic languages.

Most of the country's residents profess Islam (the only state in Europe), and there are also representatives of the Greek Orthodox Church, Catholic and other few confessions.

Together with the state currency (lek), euros and US dollars are freely circulating on the territory of the state.

Medical service for the population of the country is at a low level, and there is a constant shortage of essential drugs.

Maritime and land borders

The total area of \u200b\u200bAlbania is 28.7 km²... Having looked at the photo of the world map in Russian, it becomes clear what an insignificant territory this state occupies.

The Ionian and Adriatic seas wash the coast of Albania for over 300 kilometers. The Adriatic Sea has a low coast with rare shallow bays; there are no natural harbors in the country. On the coast of this sea, if you look at the European map, there are two large Albanian ports: Durres and Vlora.

It can be reached by the Strait of Otranto. This strait has small mountain ranges, the shores are indented with small bays.

Albania's northern borders on the map of Europe are in contact with Kosovo and Montenegro. In the east - with. The southeast of the country borders on Greece.

Land boundaries, as Wikipedia claims about Albania, were artificially defined (1912-1913). In London, the ambassadors of the great powers designated the country's borders on a map. Its territory in the First World War was occupied by troops:

  • Greece;
  • Italy;
  • Serbia;
  • France.

After the end of the war in the early twenties, the victorious countries did not change the borders of Albania.

The boundaries were determined by the separation of the settlements of the Albanians from other peoples:

  • greeks;
  • serbs;
  • montenegrins.

At the same time, they tried not to violate the interests of different parties. Lakeside region in the west of Macedonia was divided between 3 countries (Greece, Yugoslavia, Albania), each of them received part of the lowlands.


Ore is being mined in Albania:

  • iron;
  • copper;
  • nickel;
  • chrome.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe capital, coal is mined, near the city of Vlora there is a bitumen deposit, the north-east is rich in phosphates.

Landscape and water resources

Looking at Albania on a world map, one can determine that most of the country is covered with mountains, the rest of the territory is plains. On the border with Macedonia, there is the Korabi mountain range, the height of which reaches more than 2700 meters - the highest point in the country. Among the mountains there are hollows where large Albanian cities have grown - Berat, Korca, Peshkopia.

A fertile plain runs along the coast of the Adriatic Sea for almost 200 km. More than half of the country's population is concentrated here. The plain near the coast is covered with swamps, in some places they were drained (between Durres and Vlora). These lands are now occupied by agricultural land.

Almost all Albanian rivers flow into the Adriatic Sea. The largest river is Drin. There are several large lakes and reservoirs in the country.

There are no fertile soils in the mountains. Almost 40% of the Albanian territory is covered with forests, part of the area is covered with shrubs, there are many meadows.

Mountain ranges of the country are divided into several belts:

  1. The lower belt (height up to 600 m) is the brown soil of the subtropics; evergreen shrub vegetation (maquis, laurel, myrtle) prevails.
  2. The middle belt (height up to 2000 m) is mountainous, brown soil, deciduous forests grow (beech, oak, chestnut).
  3. At an altitude of more than 2000 m, there is a belt of alpine grass meadows.

Climate and fauna

The western coastal plains are prone to warm masses of washed seas, summers are long and hot, winters are wet and not cold. In mountainous terrain, temperature indicators are lower, snow lies for a long time. In the north, there are colder winters with heavy snowfalls.

Most of the wild animals and reptiles are concentrated in sparsely populated mountainous areas where there is a sufficient amount of water resources. The warm climate of the coast is favorable for migratory birds. Mountain lakes and rivers are rich in rare fish species.

State capital

On the territory of the country, the first area inhabited by people was in the Tirana region. The 15th century dates back to the mention of it as a small village. The crossing of trade routes contributed to the rapid development of Tirana. In the 17th century, the city was famous for its bazaar, where merchants traded:

  • jewelry;
  • spices;
  • silk fabrics;
  • ceramic products.

In February 1920 Tirana was proclaimed the capital of Albania, the government has settled in the city. From 1939 to September 1943 - the occupation by Italy. In September 1943, German troops entered Tirana. The city was the center of the liberation struggle of the people of Albania. In November 1944, Tirana was liberated from the Nazi troops by the National Liberation Army. January 1946 was marked by the proclamation of the People's Republic of Albania.

The population of the capital of the state, according to unofficial data, is about 1 million people.

Most of the country's industry is concentrated in Tirana. There are industrial enterprises in the city:

  • metalworking;
  • shoe;
  • food;
  • glass-ceramic;
  • tobacco;
  • textile.

All industry in the capital is located in the western and southwestern regions. Not far from Tirana in 1951, with the help of the USSR, the first hydroelectric power station was built. From the mountain river Selita, water flows through tunnels to the turbines, and then through the water supply to the city blocks.

In the old districts of Tirana there are crooked and narrow streets with houses in the depths of the courtyards. The building in which the parliament sits was built in 1924 as an officers' club. The construction of the administrative and cultural center took place in the 20-30s of the last century:

  • skanderbeg square;
  • university;
  • efem Bey Mosque;
  • opera theatre;
  • bank.

After the reconstruction plan adopted in the 1950s, new residential areas were built in Tirana. Russian architect G.L. Lavrov designed the film studio "New Albania".

Albanian cuisine and some traditions

Due to the convenient geographical location, historical features, mild climate albanian cuisine is famous for its richness and variety... The main place on the table among the Albanians is occupied by fish dishes and seafood. The ancient Greeks and Romans had a great influence on the gastronomic tastes of the inhabitants of the country.

The indigenous people of Albania have an interesting habit - when they say something, they shake their head (most Europeans understand this gesture as denial). And, conversely, nodding their heads, they say no. Residents of large cities rarely do this, and in the provinces, this behavior is common. Travelers and residents of the Albanian hinterland sometimes do not understand each other.

Basic moments

Albania is located off the coast of the Adriatic Sea, in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. The Otranto Strait, 75 km wide, separates Albania from Italy. Albania shares borders with Serbia and Montenegro, Macedonia and Greece. Area - 28.7 thousand km². The population of Albania is about 3.4 million people. The capital is Tirana.

Albania gained its independence in 1912, before that it was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. During World War II, from 1939 to 1944, the country was occupied by Italy. From 1944 to 1992, the communist Albanian Party of Labor ruled in Albania, pursuing a policy of artificially isolating the country from the outside world. The consequences of this are felt even now: the standard of living in Albania is one of the lowest in Europe.

Albania is a single national country, Albanians make up 97% of the population. They are descendants of the ancient population of the Balkans - Illyrians and Thracians. The state language of the country - Albanian - is unlike any other European language. Most Albanians are Sunni Muslims.

A narrow hilly plain stretches along the Albanian coast of the Adriatic. In the south, east and north, it is framed by high, peaked mountain ranges overgrown with forest. The highest point in the country is Mount Korabi (2764 m). In the north of Albania, on the border with Yugoslavia, rises the massif of the North Albanian Alps. Albania partially owns three large lakes - Ohrid, Shkoder (Skadar) and Prespa. The largest rivers in the country are Drin and Mati.

The climate in Albania is Mediterranean, with dry hot summers (24-25 ° C) and mild rainy winters (8-9 ° C). Snow lies in the mountains for several months in winter. The main natural attractions of Albania are mountains, cut by deep narrow valleys, and picturesque lakes, primarily Ohrid. Albania has preserved monuments of ancient Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman architecture, fragments of Byzantine fresco painting. The largest cities in the country include Tirana, Durres, Shkoder, Vlora, Korca, Elbasan.

Geographic data

Apart from the coastline, it should be recognized that all the borders of Albania were drawn artificially. They were mainly determined at the conference of ambassadors of the great powers in London (1912-1913). During the First World War, Albania was occupied by Italian, Serbian, Greek and French troops, but in 1921 the victorious states basically confirmed the previously established borders. The borders were drawn in such a way as to separate the territories of compact residence of Albanians from neighboring peoples - Serbs, Montenegrins and Greeks, while trying to take into account the interests of all parties as much as possible and, if possible, use the most noticeable relief elements when drawing the borders. At the same time, the lake region of western Macedonia was divided between three states - Albania, Greece and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

The division of the lake region between the three states was carried out in such a way that each side received its share of the lowlands adjacent to the lakes. Such an artificial division, of course, influenced the passage of borders in the north and south direction from the lakes. The border, running to the north, follows the line of the ridge to the east, but is approximately 16 to 32 km from the watershed. The border of Albania in the extreme north and northeast - where it passes through mountainous regions - is drawn in such a way that it connects the highest points of the relief and follows the line of mountain ranges through the almost impassable Northern Albanian Alps (local name - Bjeshkët e Namunës) ... In the section of the northwestern border between the highlands and the Adriatic, natural boundaries are largely absent, except for Lake Shkoder and the section of the Buna River to the south of it.

To the south and southwest of the lake edge in the direction of the Ionian Sea, the southeastern border of Albania does not follow the landforms, but directly crosses several mountain ranges.

As a result of such a drawing of borders, a fairly significant part of the Albanian population found itself outside the national state, which subsequently led to numerous conflicts between the large Albanian diaspora and the authorities of the states of residence.


The capital of Albania - Tirana - beckons to take a leisurely stroll along the central streets, to get acquainted with its sights. It's worth starting from Skenderberg Square, on which the monument of the same name is located.

Also in Tirana it is worth visiting the Museum of National Culture of Albania. Also, be sure to visit the Natural History Museum and Art Gallery.

The best views of Tirana are, oddly enough, from the Cemetery of the Martyrs.

When traveling in Albania, it is worth going to the ancient city of Shkoder. Here you should definitely pay attention to the Sheikh Zamil Abdullah Al-Zamil Mosque. Not far from it is the Public Museum, which contains an excellent collection of archaeological finds and unique photographs.

The city of Shkoder itself is located on the coast of Lake Skadar, so there are a lot of restaurants with fish cuisine here.

In the vicinity of Shkoder, visit the Lead Mosque and the Rozafa Fortress.

In the south of the country, in the valley of the Drin River, the city of Gjirokastra is located. It is worth getting acquainted with the Bazaar Mosque, as well as visiting the citadel, dating from the XIV century, which overlooks the city. It now functions as a Weapons Museum. In the lower part of the city you can visit the old Turkish baths.

Durres is also rich in attractions. It was founded by the Greeks, and now the city is the second largest in the country. The heart of the city and its trademark is the imposing amphitheater. In addition to it, you should get acquainted with the Roman ruins and fortifications, as well as visit the Archaeological Museum.

In Durres, the Venetian Towers and the Ahmet Zoga Palace are also worth noticing.

Another Albanian city that attracts travelers is Korca. It is located on a high plateau surrounded by picturesque vegetation. This area is considered one of the cleanest places in the country.

There are no historical sights here, but tourists are offered to visit several museums. For example, the Museum of Medieval Art and the Museum of Education.

In addition, there is a brewery in Korca, famous for its beer festival, which it organizes annually in August.

Well, another city popular with tourists is Berat. It is famous for the fortress that was built here in the XIV century. The Muslim quarter Mangalem with unique architecture will also be of interest to travelers. There are very interesting churches of the Holy Trinity and the Evangelists in the city.

Berat will be remembered for a long time and for one more detail: on its narrow streets, there are many old houses with many windows. Because of this, it has long been called "the city of a thousand windows." You may be lucky enough to see the sun reflecting in these many windows. A sight of indescribable beauty!


The national cuisine of Albania is very diverse. The traditional dishes here are a mixture of Balkan traditions and European cooking characteristics. A good climate creates the most favorable conditions for growing many vegetables and fruits, without which, naturally, the local cuisine cannot do.

In all regions of the country, mutton or lamb is very popular, which is baked with lemon, spices and olive oil.

Here are some Albanian meat dishes that you should definitely try if you come here: tav elbuasani - meat baked with yogurt; fergesa tiranė - a tomato and egg liver, cooked in a pot; burek - puff pastry pie stuffed with meat, spinach and feta cheese.

The local cuisine also features seafood. Try Ohrid trout cooked with walnuts. This fish is found exclusively in Lake Ohrid.

Locals also prepare a tarator. This is a cold soup based on kefir or yogurt. You will not try anything like this anywhere else.

They prefer honey and nut sweets and fruits as desserts. Baklava and pudding are often prepared based on figs and sheep's milk. Served for dessert and Albanian ice cream to akullore.

Of the drinks, coffee is used here, which is distinguished by its strength. From alcohol, the local brandy and the herbal setting "Fernet" are in high esteem.


Living in Albania is not yet as good as we would like. In recent years, local hotels have fallen short of the European level, the service leaves much to be desired.

Prices for a night stay here start at 30 € per person. At the same time, when checking in, you should definitely make sure that everything in the room is working properly.

Each of the cities has hotels of various levels of "star", but the largest selection is in Tirana, Durres, Berat, Shkoder.

There is one more nuance associated with local hotels: hotel reservations are very problematic here, because they are not included in international reservation systems. Tourists can only hope for good luck, especially in summer, which is the peak of the tourist season.

Entertainment and recreation

Most of the Albanian beaches are sandy, but pebble beaches are rare. As a rule, the most comfortable beaches belong to large hotels. But the length of the beaches is pleasantly pleasing - more than 300 km! So there is enough space for all vacationers.

The Riviera of Flowers is an excellent resort. It is part of the Ionian Sea coast from Vlore to Saranda. The resort is a combination of small and very clean beaches and old mansions converted into hotels. It also has the freshest mountain air and a constant light sea breeze.

The most popular beaches among tourists on the Ionian coast are Velipoja, Durres, Golemi, Lezha and Divyaka.

For a family vacation, the beaches on the Adriatic coast are great. The best resort of the Albanian Adriatic is Dhermi. It is famous for its crystal clear waters, golden sandy beaches, picturesque nature and clean mountain air.

Not far from Dhermi there is a small secluded beach of incredible beauty. Finding the way to it is not so easy, but if you try very hard, you can find a narrow path that leads to this amazing beach.

Two more beautiful beaches on this coast are Durres (one of the largest Albanian beaches) and Saint John (ideal for young couples).

Lovers of active recreation can go mountaineering in the mountains of Albania, and people interested in speleology can explore the numerous caves.

Opera fans can visit the annual Mary Kray Festival held in the capital of Albania.

There are not so many nightclubs here. Most of them are located in Durres and Saranda.


From a trip you always want to bring something to remember. And a trip to Albania, of course, will not be an exception. Souvenirs can be bought here in specialized shops or city markets. What do tourists most often buy as a keepsake of this country? Usually these are various kinds of copper gizmos, wooden pipes, colorful embroidery, national musical instruments, handmade by local artisans. Rakia, the local vodka, is often brought from Albania.

Prices for all goods for foreigners are higher than for local ones, but almost everywhere you can bargain.


Urban public transport in Albania is low-cost buses and minibuses that must be paid directly to the driver.

As for intercity transport, buses and minibuses run here. True, there are certain nuances: you will not find a bus station here. There is no schedule here either. In such a situation, only local residents can help you out.

The situation with rail transport in Albania leaves much to be desired. The country's trains are in a deplorable state, they travel extremely slowly, and there are no latrines in them. It is also worth considering that there are only a few lines of movement here, and the intervals between trains are very large.

Since the country has access to two seas, many coastal cities have ports. The main one is located in Durres: from here ferries go to Italy.

There are also taxis in cities, which are easiest to find at hotels. It is extremely difficult to catch a car in the middle of the street in the city: an outstretched hand is not perceived here. It is better to negotiate the cost of the trip right away.

Another option for moving around the cities of Albania is car rental. Car rental is easy enough: you need to have a driver's license and a credit card. True, rent is possible only in large cities, and it will cost you from $ 25 per day.


Albania has two mobile operators: Albanian Mobile Communications and Vodafone Albania. Mobile communication is of good enough quality here. There are problems with fixed telephony and Internet access. Telephones from which you can call outside the country are available only on the streets of large cities. Also, an international call can be made from the hotel or post offices.

There are internet cafes in big cities and tourist centers.

Major Russian mobile operators offer roaming services in Albania.


Today in Albania a tourist can feel completely safe. And yet, as in any other country that is popular with tourists, caution does not hurt.

First, you should avoid buying expensive things (phones, watches) from street vendors, as they are most often stolen.

Secondly, remember that the water here is quite clean, but it is still recommended to drink bottled water.

Before entering the country, you must be vaccinated against typhoid and polio.

To visit the country, medical insurance is required, since only first aid is provided to tourists for free.


Albania's real estate market has become a profitable area for investment today. Construction is very cheap here, and housing prices are gradually starting to rise due to an increase in demand.

It is also profitable to do tourism or service industries here. The country is just beginning to gain popularity among tourists, so there are all opportunities here, and most importantly, there is a need for the development of tourist infrastructure.

The property

The real estate market in Albania is very promising. And in recent years, Russians have begun to pay more and more attention to him.

Perhaps one of the most important advantages of the Albanian real estate market is the low prices. They are much lower here than in neighboring countries. This also applies to those facilities that are located in resort towns.

The low prices are due to the low price of land. In addition, there are quite a few agencies here that sell real estate directly from developers.