Cool pictures from the sea. Ideas and poses for a photo shoot on the sea

The most successful shots are obtained when the model behaves naturally and tries to forget about the lens aimed at her. You can run, jump, play volleyball or other beach games, fool around in the waves, splash water. An important rule is to enjoy every moment and enjoy any action. And the person who takes the photo should not spare the frames (in the age of digital cameras, this is not a problem). The more shots, the higher the chance to get the most beautiful and successful photos.

Photoshoot at the sea: time of day is the best friend of beautiful photos

Surely you yourself have noticed that photographs taken at noon often turn out to be overexposed and faded. And the sun shines in your eyes so that you constantly have to squint. Professional photographers choose early morning or sunsets for shooting, then the photos are such that it is impossible to look away from them. In this case, the sun should not be behind the model, so that the picture does not turn out dark.

Beautiful photos on the beach: look for your dignity and forget about constraint

On the beach, you should feel like a queen - perfect posture, no tightness, sparkle in your eyes. Look in the mirror, pay attention to the most attractive parts of the body and focus on them during the shooting. Look at collections of beach photos on the net, try to repeat some poses, but only those in which you feel comfortable and confident.

Poses for a photo shoot on the street: use accessories

The beach season is not only, but also the opportunity to use various beach accessories. Wide-brimmed hat, pareo, massive bracelets, glasses, bags. If the figure is not perfect, you can be photographed in tunics, knitted beach dresses, intricately tied pareos - there are many ideas, use your imagination!

The secret of successful photos is the right swimsuit

Even a figure with some flaws can be visually transformed if you choose the right swimsuit. It should always be strictly according to the type of figure and in size so that the fabric does not cut into the skin. Emphasize advantages, hide disadvantages - the main requirement for a swimsuit!

We have collected for you successful examples of photo shoots at sea for girls, from which you can draw good ideas for yourself and find beautiful photo poses on the beach and by the sea. There are examples of beautiful photos in a swimsuit, examples of photos from the back and without a face in the sunset, which will definitely collect a lot of likes on your Instagram.

We have collected only the best poses for a photo shoot, which will convey the lines of your amazing body in the most beneficial way. All possible luxurious decorations for this are given by nature itself. All you need is participation and a little ingenuity. Also given are some tips with which you will learn how to take pictures on the beach correctly and be able to make nice pictures from rest. Now you will definitely never forget your summer thanks to these unique images!

  1. Use the sand as an easel. If you are in honeymoon trip, draw a heart and your date. Print out the photo and you will never forget to wish the love of your life a happy day. If you are with girlfriends, write the name of the resort and take a memorable selfie on the sand.
  2. Don't be embarrassed, I beg you! Girls, dear, you are the most beautiful. So let's show it. Sexy photos at sea are always a hit! Do not pinch, otherwise, what you will remember about the vacation, looking at the photo, is 10 extra pounds that you tried to hide in a scarf.
  3. More activity. Luxurious photos are obtained when you are shot unexpectedly while you are trying to master a surfboard or play beach volleyball.
  4. Underwater photography is not cheap. But it costs both money and effort. Many resort photographers offer such services.
  5. Thematic photo shoots for girls at sea are an interesting leisure activity with a pleasant ending. You can become a mermaid, queen of the oceans and seas, wife of Poseidon. Remember the children's fairy tale about Ariel and try to recreate the scenes in life. Especially if you have a handsome prince at hand in the person of your spouse.

Feel everything around you, enjoy it to the fullest. Breathe in the sea air deeply and close your eyes. Try to just be happy and convey your feelings in photos.

Do not forget that your body in the water will look completely different than anywhere else. It seems to be cut off in the place where the water ends. It is better to pose so that the frame does not have that part or take into account the distortion. In extreme cases, the photo can always be corrected in Photoshop.

Waves are an amazing flower. Each time is different. Let's use it and take spectacular photos. The main rule - do not wet, ladies, hair completely. Waves in waves, and trash on the head will obviously ruin everything. Wet tips - yes, spectacular, sexy, stylish. Wet washcloth - no.

Photoshoot in the waves

A person who enters the water becomes part of it. The waves seem to stop being on their own and merge with the model. You can become part of the elements by surrendering to it, creating a harmonious duet.

The most winning poses for a water photo shoot at sea

When the sea is calm, you can shoot by going into the water a little behind your knees and posing half-turned for the camera. If the element shows its character - play with it, be a part of it, show your temper too. Take the risk of taking a step towards your feelings.

Try to put both hands on your waist, you can use one and lower the other along the hip. It's easy to play with your hair in this weather or try to "catch" the sun. Hands should not hang out on their own. Choose an even posture and relax completely. Here nature dominates and tension will not play into your hands.

If the sea is restless, and the waves are trying to wet you, try to beat it. Do you have a long delicate dress? Fine. Enter knee-deep water (do not take off your dress), look down. The photographer captured your sad, touching image. Now walk along the very edge of the beach. Look into the distance, be "on the same wavelength with the sea." Sit in the water at the edge of the sea. Pick up your hair and play with facial expressions. You can be sad or smile tenderly. Lean back and laugh! Your photos will be amazing.

Do you know how to take a cool photo in a swimsuit? Go waist-deep into the sea, tilt your head down so that your hair is in the water and throw your head back sharply. Splashes of water that will scatter after the hair will look amazing in the frame. Run in the water, enjoy its gentle splashes. When a person behaves like a child, the pictures are soulful.

And here are the photos for Instagram. Awesome photo ideas! You will be blown away by an avalanche of likes and reposts!

Photographs at sea are a wonderful way to express yourself as a model. Get inspired and create with us! Photos of the silhouette from the back, splashing waves, sunset of the sea sun, curves of the figure in the waves ... Everything is in your hands.

Summer is a time for miracles, it's a whole amazing little life. It's hard to argue with that expression. Most often, during the summer season, we manage to experience and feel so many positive moments and joys that their memories and taste are enough for the rest of the year. Summer always fascinates and gives inspiration, hope for something special. Spend these feelings on a beautiful marine photo shoot.

Rules for holding

But in order for the shooting result to be on top, it is necessary to correctly approach the photo shoot, the choice of ideas and poses. For a marine photo shoot, there are posing criteria.

The best time for a photo shoot is at dawn.

The sunset is also able to decorate the frame, but it has a little less softness than at dawn, but more colors.

A photo session can also be carried out between 12 and 14 o'clock in the afternoon (the most suitable period of time if you use a regular camera).

When choosing a composition for a shot (depending on the idea of ​​a photo shoot), try to avoid signs of human activity in it, in other words, it will be much better if you find a secluded deserted place, and not spend it on a city beach.

Posing Options

Here is a list of the most suitable poses for a marine photo shoot:

On the shore

If you are confident in your figure, then you can try full-length poses in front of the photographer. But, for a better presentation of your external data, you should use full-length poses with a slight turn (standing half-side to the photographer).

It is also necessary to carefully use postures in a sitting position. Remember that in a swimsuit all the flaws of the figure are visible. You can not pinch, stoop strongly, allow wrinkles to appear on the body. Such poses can be used if you refuse a swimsuit in favor of a spacious summer dress.

The most advantageous will be poses on the beach in a prone position. Moreover, it is important to draw in the stomach and maintain a beautiful deflection in the back.

In water

Keep in mind that your body in the water will look completely different than in real life. It seems to be cut in the place where the water ends. That part of the body that is underwater is not visible in the frame or is visible in distortion.

So, if you went into the water and became wrong, it may seem that you simply do not have legs or arms. To avoid this, always try to enter the water along the line of the joints, starting from the knee joint, then there are poses along the line of the hips, then along the line of the chest, then poses along the collarbone. It is undesirable to take pictures below the knees in the water, it visually spoils the frame, makes you shorter and adds weight.


Here posing comes down to choosing a good angle. The background does not play a special role. The emphasis goes to the face, but it will be good if the background is a sea panorama, a rock, a rocky beach, a yacht, and not an ordinary beach clogged with tourists.

In move

The sea is rarely calm. It moves, it changes. It would be nice to capture this movement in a photo. You can convey both calmness and fast rhythm. For example: take a series of pictures of a walk along sea ​​wave, or a quick and fun run on a wet, wave-sheltered beach.

Also, the movement of the sea can be caught in the waves themselves: sit in them, frolic, fool around. At the same time, you need to remember the merits of appearance: do not forget to keep your muscles in good shape and your stomach pulled in.

Under the water

This kind of photo session is not cheap, but its result will amaze you. In many resorts, you can find a photographer in advance who would provide underwater shooting services. You have to prepare yourself for the photo session.

The main thing in it is not to be afraid of water. While underwater, imagine that you are in zero gravity. So it is approximately. Your body becomes free from gravity. While posing, stretch your body, stretch your socks, arms, rotate. Try not to close your eyes.

Think about your outfit ahead of time. Pay attention to the photo example: flying outfits with unnaturally long trains look amazingly beautiful under water.

Makeup must be done with waterproof products, and it is better to just let your hair down.


The sea is associated with contradictions. It can be both calm and stormy, mysterious and transparent like water, romantic and tragic. When choosing an idea for a marine photo shoot, do not stray too far from these characteristics. Your image should also be like a continuation of the mood of the sea.


Poses in a romantic style should convey not only the essence of your image, but also the nature of the sea - nostalgia, sad joy, longing, loneliness, inner beauty, and so on. Therefore, there should be nothing unnatural in the poses, especially signs of fashionable poses from glossy magazines.

Makeup is better to choose natural. Do not bother with the hairstyle either - let the wind do it for you - loose your hair over your shoulders, and it's not scary even if they get tangled or disheveled. It's even a plus. The maximum that you can do with them is to assemble them into a light knot, but so that individual strands are still in the wind. You can also collect hair with your hands, holding it with your palm, which will favorably emphasize the line of the neck.


If funds allow, it is worth working out an interesting thematic image. For example: little mermaids, naiads, Sirens, etc. The darker your image, the darker the setting should be. It is better to shoot a siren in the moonlight and on stones. For the little mermaid, dawn is suitable. For a naiad it is twilight.

It is better to shoot these images either in the water or on a rocky shore. The poses are suitable in the lying position on the stones and in the sitting position. You can copy the recognizable pose of Ariel on the stones for the little mermaid.