Tips and advice for traveling to the Philippines. safety philippines philippines safety tourists

Those who read the news regularly are sure to doubt whether it is worth looking for a relaxing holiday in the Philippines.

So, of course it's worth it.
As a journalist, and as a person who has lived in the Philippines for a while, I think that the media is a little artificially escalating the situation around the situation in this country. In general, this is understandable: the Philippines does not provide so many informational occasions that are interesting to the whole world, and the negative always attracts more attention.

The main thing is to understand that the Philippines in its structure is an island state, there is no big land, everything is rather fragmented and autonomous, like any life on the islands.

So, in general terms, let's analyze the situation with Islamic extremists.

The vast majority of Filipinos are staunch Catholics (they inherited this religion from the Spanish colonizers back in the 16th century). The south borders on Muslim Malaysia, there are dominated by supporters of Islam and a radically different situation. Firstly, two large influential Islamic groups cannot agree among themselves in any way, and secondly, both of these groups are periodically dissatisfied with the policy of the Philippine authorities, who do not want to share minerals with them and give them greater autonomy. Actually, the conflict is already 40 years old, armed clashes happen from time to time, but!
These conflicts take place in a strictly defined area - these are the southern islands of Mindanao and Sulu, where all the showdowns take place, and this does not apply to the rest of the Philippine islands. It’s really not worth going to this region, but I must say that these regions already lie away from tourist routes, because the necessary infrastructure is poorly developed, nature is not as rich as in other places.
That is, heading to other islands of the Philippines, you can safely forget about the militant Muslims.

And now about natural disasters.

The Philippines is a fairly young land, which is why there are many hot springs, there are active volcanoes and earthquakes occur periodically, the earth's crust has not yet completely cooled down and has not calmed down. However, here it is very important to know about zoning. The province of Palawan, for example, is outside the zone of seismic activity and there are no earthquakes. It is worth noting that the rest of the Philippines is not shaking so much, less than, say, neighboring Japan.
A much greater danger is typhoons, with which, however, everything is quite simple.
Typhoons are mainly affected by the North of the Philippines (including Luzon, where Manila is located), they happen there every year, in some places they are quite strong. However, there is a strictly defined season for typhoons, that is, the tourist off-season is summer.

I will write a separate post about the climate and when it is worth going to the Philippines, there are much more nuances, but in general, summer is off-season on almost all islands.

I will also write about the dangers associated with wildlife later, but in this regard, the Philippines is a rather calm region, no malaria, no aggressive sharks, and even crocodiles are extremely difficult to find.

I will add that I traveled alone in the Philippines with a one-year-old child, and I did not have any problems related to security.

For this article, we have compiled up-to-date information for travelers with a variety of expectations who are ready to choose a new destination for their vacation. You just have to book a tour and tune in to your next vacation.

The Philippines is a piece of paradise on seven thousand islands, which Russian citizens can plunge into without a visa for a period of a month. This is quite enough to gain impressions and taste the local oriental exotic, which is absolutely unique in every Asian country. Let go of the doubts you may have about unexplored places: in the Philippines, tourism is given special attention.

The best resort islands in the Philippines are Boracay, known for its white sands, Cebu, the concentration of the country's most elite resorts, and Bohol, most suitable for ecotourism and secluded relaxation.

Boracay Island is considered one of the best island resorts due to its excellent beaches. According to some reports, a significant part of the tourists, after several weeks spent in one of the island hotels, changes their return tickets and extends their vacation. Numerous restaurants and clubs, golf courses and spa centers will help diversify a serene pastime. And to satisfy cultural interest, you can visit the Butterfly Garden with your family, visit the city of Luho, or simply arrange a mini-tour to the most picturesque beaches of the island.

Cebu Island - the most ancient island, attracts not only history buffs. Hotels here are designed for a variety of families; here you can choose both quite budget and fabulously luxurious. But pay attention, unlike Boracay, when choosing a hotel in Cebu, you should carefully look at the photos of the beaches - here they can be either milky sand or gray, pebble. Of the sights, you may find interesting the Kawasan waterfalls, the Cebu Cathedral and the Taositian Chinese Temple, located on a picturesque hill of the capital city of the island.

Just a couple of hours by ferry from Cebu is the island of Bohol, which is not very developed in terms of resort. There are not many hotels here, and, accordingly, tourists who, if they visit the island, then for the sake of a one-day sightseeing tour. Bohol can be a real find for connoisseurs of secluded relaxation, diluted with excursions to the Chocolate Hills. Children will love the island's tiny tarsier monkeys.

On all the islands of the Philippines, the whole year is considered a resort, but the most favorable for Russian tourists is the dry season, which lasts from November to April. During these months, the heat is not exacerbated by monsoon rains and high humidity, so the Philippines can be a great choice for those who are used to escaping our winters to foreign summers.

Gourmets in the Philippines will definitely taste the most incredible tropical fruits, as well as fish dishes, which will regularly have to eat with rice. Filipino cuisine is also a chance to taste Asian-style spicy dishes without fear for your well-being, because during the years of Spanish rule, local cuisine has become much more insipid. Spain is not the only country that has played a part in shaping the modern Philippine culinary flavor. Experienced tourists will definitely notice the echoes of Indian and Chinese cuisines. Typical Filipino dishes include riyetafel (fried chicken with boiled vegetables and curry sauce), adobo (marinated pork and chicken, then fried), kare-kare soup, and pansit noodles, for which there is no generally accepted recipe. To summarize, Filipino cuisine is an incredible amount of culinary quotes that have come from all over the world. In the Philippines, you can choose between typical Asian combinations and familiar European dishes, slightly adapted to local tastes. But the most important thing is that here you can order inexpensive seafood dishes and try fish that is not common in our country.

You may not know, but the Philippines is not only beaches and entertainment venues, but also an opportunity to actively travel and play sports. The archipelago is considered a great option for divers due to coral reefs, secluded lagoons and sunken ships. The latter can be explored in Subic Bay - if you leave Manila by car, you can get to it in three hours. This bay was closed for a long time due to the American naval base, which was located here until 1992. Another attractive diving spot is Coron Bay, located between the islands of Palawan and Mindoro. There are only about fifteen diving sites, among which Apo-Reef is a group of coral reefs, occupying a total area of ​​34 square meters. kilometers. In addition, many flooded caves can be found on the archipelago, but experts recommend not diving more than once a day because of the danger of decompression sickness after long flights.

However, you can do without diving, because in the Philippines there is something to see on land. The practice of outdoor activities is common among tourists, and, as a rule, many try to see as much as possible at one time. For example, you can take a tour of the beaches, while capturing several islands at once, such as Paglao and Palawan. The National Geographic Traveler Magazine named Palawan as the best island holiday destination in East and Southeast Asia. In Palawan, there are boat tours along the Underground River, which is not so easy to get to. First, from the administrative center of the city of Puerto Princesa, you need to get to the village of Sabang, and then either on foot along one of the trekking tracks or by motor boat. In addition to the bus and their own legs, travelers can choose minibuses for several people, which are called “jeeppies” here, as a means of transportation. You can move on them both in cities and beyond (they are common throughout the country). From Puerto Princesa by jeep you can get to the Tabon Caves cave complex, another attraction of the island of Palawan. The historical sites of the Philippines deserve special attention, and the review should start with Manila, the main city and capital of the Philippines. Here it is worth visiting the ancient city of Intramorus, built by the Spaniards. In the northwestern part of the complex, Fort Satiago, a legacy of Spanish colonization, is still preserved, and on the contrary, the miraculously preserved Manila Cathedral. The local "Manhattan" - the business center of the city and Chinatown - have a special tourist charm. And on the island of Mindao, be sure to visit Cebu Lake (not to be confused with the island), you can even have a small picnic on its shores.

But sights can be not only historical or natural, sometimes the most interesting can be hidden in the culture of the country. In almost every Filipino village, and sometimes in small towns, you can watch a very exotic spectacle - cockfights. And for another time, Filipino healers were on everyone's lips. Remembered? Contact them for a unique hilot massage.

Finally, the Philippines can be a great place for hard-core shoppers. Many resorts, in addition to the snow-white beach and restaurants, are ready to offer their tourists large trading platforms. On the island of Boracay, visit the D'Mall complex, where among branded boutiques there are small shops with local goods and beach accessories. In Manila, the Mall of Asia is considered the largest, and nearby, in the Seaside market, you can buy fresh fish and seafood, which will be prepared for you in the desired way here. By the way, the main monetary unit of the Philippines is the Philippine peso (one dollar - 45.5 pesos). In the markets, prices are not too high, so most often you will need an exchange: the most popular bills are 5, 10 and 2 pesos. Other currencies are not accepted in the Philippines, so dollars will have to be changed on the spot. It is better not to take euros to the Philippines, as the rates will most likely be unreasonably high. It is not difficult to find exchange points in resort towns, but there are places where you will have to change money by hand.

The Philippines is a great place to relax, not only because of the snow-white beaches and developed entertainment infrastructure. The Filipinos themselves will brighten up your vacation. The local population is a hospitable and open people, so be prepared for attention from them. They love to pose for photos, often greet and ask travelers about their impressions and have a fun, almost festive Sunday. Many of the locals understand English, however, here, as elsewhere, sign language works. It will not be difficult for you to negotiate with them about a special menu for your child or to bargain for a smaller amount for an extensive tour of the islands. And by showing reciprocal friendliness, you will definitely receive valuable travel tips and learn a lot of interesting things about the country.

Ksenia Syrtsova

Rainbow Philippines will give you many unforgettable pleasant moments if you travel with common sense.

This predominantly Christian country, where almost everyone speaks English fluently, is close to European tourists, and in the country of the Philippines, security is comparable to other developing countries. You don't have to give up on a trip to the Philippines out of fear, but there are a few recommendations worth heeding.


Moving away from the group in Manila, one must be aware of the reality of the threat of robbery, which is a common occurrence for the police, which will simply be put in line for investigation in order to guarantee security in the country of the Philippines in the future. You also need to be careful with pickpockets. When visiting places for adults, it is better to take no more than a few tens of dollars with you, and it is better to visit areas where the homeless live with a guide.

The Abu Salif guerrillas and the pirates in the Philippines are not only comic book characters. To protect yourself from meeting with them, you should not go with a backpack deep into the large islands or visit beaches where tourists have been kidnapped. But on the island of Boracay you can move without restrictions at any time of the day or night.

What is prohibited?

In the country of the Philippines, safety is associated with the observance of a number of prohibitions. In particular, the sale of shells of tridacnus and royal strombus, protected by the Washington Convention, is prohibited here. Sometimes they are sold illegally in local markets, but when trying to export them abroad, serious troubles can arise. The export of reef-building corals is also prohibited.

In the Philippines, there are criminal penalties, up to the death penalty, for drug-related crimes, including the purchase and possession of drugs.

Everyday life

Believers Filipinos (and here they are in the majority) are very zealous about religion - tourists should remember this. Recommendations on this matter are not new: you should not enter temples in revealing clothes, T-shirts or shorts, do not eat or litter in temples, speak quietly and do not laugh. Religious tolerance and the security associated with it in the country of the Philippines is at a high level, if you simply treat believers with respect.

The Philippines is a good place for shopping, but many tourists who buy goods online find that the post office does not work very well here. A popular type of theft is also the so-called "arrangements" for the delivery of goods. Sellers agree with buyers to transfer the purchase at a subway station, in a restaurant, or somewhere else. In the same place, the theft takes place, in which the friends of the "seller" participate.

The Philippines is at high risk of contracting dengue and mosquito-borne malaria. It is best to buy a local insect repellant, or purchase one before you even start your trip;

Tap water in the Philippines cannot be consumed, it is advisable to buy bottled water.

Despite the fact that in front of every store, restaurant or bank there is a guard, often armed, in general, security in the country of the Philippines, with the exception of the capital Manila, is quite acceptable. Outsiders are still treated as a separate attraction and, apart from smiles and a constant "hello", tourists are usually not in danger from the locals.

Somehow "twisted, wound up" by studying materials for my blogs. Was too busy with work. There was not even time to follow the latest news about travel, tours. Wrapped up the usual routine work on the Internet. But somehow I gradually figured out all the accumulated cases on blogs and decided to look at everything that happened in the world of travel. And I immediately came across an interesting fact, which I want to write about now. I think it will be unexpected for you ... Residents of America compare the trip to this country with the trip of Thor Hyerdahl. Full of danger and adventure.

Philippines. Perhaps this is one of the most beautiful countries in Southeast Asia. Lovers of the sun and beaches come here. Diving enthusiasts. The coastline has more than seven thousand islands. Which is very popular with tourists, nature lovers, lovers of exploring its endless wonders.

Thousands of people come to rest in the Philippines. Thousands of people come here to get the most out of their vacation. But unfortunately this is often not the case. In this article, I would like to warn my regular readers, as well as all new ones, from some of the dangers for any tourist in the Philippines. This cheerful, corrupt state.


In the Philippines, terrorism has recently become the "scourge" of this country. A constant threat that can be quite dangerous for every tourist. The Philippine authorities themselves do not recommend tourists to visit the Mindanao region, the small Zamboanga Peninsula. Authorities warn that these areas are the most dangerous for those traveling in the Philippines.

To date, there are many facts about the kidnapping of tourists. It's the tourists. It must be very profitable there.

Also in some areas of the Philippines there have been multiple cases of terrorism with the use of explosives. In public transport, restaurants, markets. in which the victims were often locals and tourists themselves.

It is advisable to go to the Philippines in a small group. So it will still be safer. But thousands of tourists every year still come to rest in the Philippines. This country is still very beautiful. Here, like nowhere else in the world, you can find the most diverse types of recreation for your taste. Perhaps you will find something new for yourself in this article, so do not be lazy, before traveling to the Philippines, try to find out the political situation in this country. No wonder the US State Department recently warned all Americans about the unstable situation in the Philippines. And he recommended not to visit this country without urgent need.

Fraudsters in the Philippines.

The Philippines is a third world country. High unemployment and crime rates are the result. This is what the US State Department says in an appeal to its citizens. From January 30, 2013.

The capital of the Philippines, Manila, is a rather dangerous city. It is doubly dangerous if you do not know how to behave here. Of course, it is not much more dangerous than any other city or country that belongs to the "third world countries", but it still poses a danger.

In Manila, you can often encounter scammers who dress up as law enforcement officers. I really "dug" all the news publications in the Philippines, but I did not find the answer how to distinguish such policemen from real ones. Found the truth is the only way, but rather advice; Do not rent a car, but use the services of taxi drivers.

Trying to "catch" a taxi, do not try to run across the street. Traffic lights in the Philippines are very often out of order. And no one will stop you at the crosswalk. Cars will pass within five centimeters of you, but don't be afraid. They won't hit you on purpose. Walk a little further down the street. There are transitions, though.

The number one scam in the Philippines is Earn Your Trust. By any means. Putting drugs in your food for one reason only. Rob, kidnap or rape. This is what happens in the Philippines:

Neatly dressed, to some extent even elegant people (and they can be of any age) can approach you and start a conversation with you. For example, to help translate the name of the street, suggest the direction, in principle, they can ask anything. You somehow decide to help them. Helped or not - it is not so important. Arriving in the Philippines for the first time, you yourself do not really know anything. The next diagram is simple.

They want to thank you. Persistently offer to treat you with a drink or something else to eat for the attention paid to them. Well, of course, this treat will already be stuffed with a drug that causes unconsciousness. What all kinds of scammers use.

But this does not mean that you need to worry much about the friendly intentions of the people of the Philippines.

Just try to be attentive and resourceful in such situations. And be wary of the fact that as soon as you set foot on the land of the Philippines, strangers will want to make friends with you. This should already alert you.

Well, a little more about taxis in the Philippines.

Before getting into a taxi, make sure that opening or closing the window is not difficult. Discuss the fare in advance or agree on the amount. Lock the doors while moving around the city. If someone is trying to pick you up along the way, refuse this taxi immediately. Pay the amount you traveled and change taxis. It is advisable to discuss all these conditions before boarding a taxi. Recently, there have been cases of murder of tourists in the Philippines. Single tourists were leaving by taxi from the airport. Then they were found dead on the roads. Allegedly, they were accidentally hit by a car.

Try not to get into a jeepney taxi. The Philippine police quite often receive complaints from tourists that it is in such taxis (the type of taxi may be different) that they are often robbed and raped.

But your biggest mistake in the Philippines will be if you take a taxi into the city from the NAIA airport. No taxi is licensed or authorized to operate here. Only those that Philippine tourists book through the hotel. If you want to leave by taxi, book it in advance through your hotel. The taxi driver must have your names, the hotel must confirm your order.

Have you forgotten that at the beginning of the article I mentioned corruption in the Philippines? One of my readers in his letter to me mentioned cases when, in front of his eyes, taxi drivers who illegally traded at this airport stood next to a policeman. who naturally was already in the "share" with him. Fraudsters are ready to take any risk for their profit.

In this article, I have outlined only the most dangerous types of fraud in the Philippines. From which the majority of tourists who visit this exotic country suffer.

It makes no sense to enumerate the entire criminal code of the Philippines. But keep in mind that if you broke the law even without realizing it, you can be deported from the country. Fined and even jailed. Just try to stick to your plans for a good vacation and not break the law in the most brazen way.

Typhoons are very common in the Philippines. Floods. Landslides. Mostly from May to December. What can seriously delay you on the road. By land, sea or air transport.

Schistosomiasis in the Philippines.

Have a good rest. If you need additional information about the nuances of holidays in the Philippines - write. I will be happy to answer or create an additional article on your topic.

Not all places in the Philippines are suitable for a beach holiday and are safe for a foreign tourist.

In this article I will talk about places that are best avoided.

Military zones in the Philippines

After the ISIS attack on government facilities in the city Marawi On May 23, 2017, the President of the Philippines declared martial law for 60 days.

Due to the high risk of terrorism, military forces are always present in the Philippines. Be prepared for the fact that even if a cessation of hostilities is declared, the conflict may break out without warning.

Therefore, despite the current state of affairs, it is better to try to avoid such areas in the Philippines.

Terrorism in the Philippines

Terrorism is an ongoing problem in the Philippines and is the biggest threat to the safety of tourists today.

The forbidden zone for tourism is the extreme south, which includes areas:

  • Mindanao,
  • Sulu Archipelago,
  • the Zamboanga Peninsula.

Here you can suffer from the terrorist group Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which is accused of violence and kidnappings.

The Abu Sayyaf and Jemana Islamiya groups pose a particular danger. They are credited with numerous explosions, which caused not only injuries and property damage, but also deaths.

In recent years, terrorist attacks have occurred in these places, which resulted in the death of 41 people and another 100 were injured:

  • Province of North Cotabato;
  • Basilan;
  • Isabela;
  • Jolo;
  • Cotabato;
  • Makati;
  • Zamboanga airport.

The main danger of terrorist acts is unpredictability. Therefore, when going to the Philippines, try to avoid such potentially dangerous places.

Can I be kidnapped in the Philippines?

The risk of kidnapping is increased for tourists due to the possibility of a large ransom. But it is worth noting that there are not so many cases of kidnapping in the Philippines.

To be on the safe side, avoid the following areas:

  • Sarangani;
  • Northern Province of Cotabato;
  • Southern Province of Cotabato;
  • General Santos;
  • Sultan Kudarat;
  • South Lanao;
  • Iligan;
  • Pangaturan.

In addition, in recent years there have been cases of people being taken prisoner in places such as Zamboanga, Pagadian, Patikul and Jolo.

Cebu Island

Don't worry, this island is safe for tourists.

I spent several days touring the island with a taxi driver in search of good, comfortable beaches for relaxing. But she didn't find anything.

I am on one of the best beaches in Cebu (it is paid, without guesthouses nearby and Filipino :)))

On the Internet, many articles say otherwise in order to attract tourists. it is beneficial for them. But apart from 1-2 attractions, there is nothing special on the island.

Near the island of Cebu there are islands for a great beach holiday. Better pay attention to them.


Palawan, in particular the islands of El Nido, is one of the most visited places in the Philippines. This is a safe place for tourists.

But without going into details of the places, you can skip one point - in Palawan, sand fleas are found on the beaches that can infect with cutaneous leishmaniasis.

My friend Daria returned from there bitten and with unpleasant impressions of a beach holiday in El Nido.

It would seem - nonsense, some kind of midges on the beach. But hundreds of bites all over the body that itch and don't go away. I think this can spoil the rest of many who dreamed of a comfortable beach holiday in the Philippines.

Yes to excursions! No beach holiday.

Is the Philippines dangerous?

In November 2016, the US government warned its citizens and other travelers about the dangers of kidnapping for ransom in the Philippines.

The danger was represented by the Abu Sayyaf group, which threatened tourists heading to the southern part of the island of Cebu, as well as Dalagheta, Santander and Sumilon.

Abductions and terrorist acts are unpredictable.

Perhaps the most common hazards in tourist areas in the Philippines are:

  • jellyfish/plankton sting,
  • get sick with dengue or other tropical diseases,
  • step on sea urchins.

Unsure which island to choose? Request my assistance in organizing a trip to the Philippines

I am currently (writing this article) planning my 6th trip to the Philippines.

In total, I visited 5 large tourist and non-tourist islands and dozens of small ones. Therefore, I have experience and I can help you plan a profitable
desired vacation.

My master class in the Philippines (Samal island) for Russian-speakers on the topic “How to buy the most profitable air tickets” (12/12/2018)

Why are my services paid? I believe that any experience, knowledge, time of a person who ultimately help should be rewarded.

Why are my services beneficial? I have been traveling since 2010 and have a lot of experience in
planning independent travel from A to Z.

I will help you organize a safe, comfortable vacation without overpayments in the Philippines.

You will save time, money, nerves, get answers to your questions.

And most importantly, go to rest in the best place for you prepared, with a calm soul.

During the consultation you will learn:

  1. Which holiday island suits you best?
  2. How to find out which islands are safe and there are no typhoons, tsunamis and others
  3. Where and how to rent profitable housing in the Philippines?
  4. How to buy the cheapest flights to the Philippines and within the Philippines?
  5. What kind of transport would you like to use?
  6. How to get to the necessary places, islands?
  7. How to navigate the Philippines and not get lost?
  8. What should you be prepared for, what precautions should you take?
  9. What is important to take with you from Russia?
  10. What is the minimum budget for the Philippines?
  11. What are the prices for different products, services on different islands?
  12. What is the best internet connection in the Philippines?
  13. Which bank card is better to use and where is it more profitable to withdraw money?
  14. What diseases lie in wait for a Russian tourist in the Philippines?
  15. What is the cheapest way to extend a visa?
  16. How to solve the problem with English? What can you do if you do not know English
    at all?
  17. Which places in the Philippines are the most beautiful, must-see, and which
    Is it better not to visit islands and places?
  18. How to determine the season / off season, the weather in the Philippines by months, days?

I will answer all your questions.

Most importantly, we will arrange for you from A to Z a comfortable, without overpayments, safe
dream trip in the philippines.

Don't worry, get in touch ;)


Fortunately, There are many beautiful and safe places in the Philippines!

I wish you a great holiday.