The registry number does not meet the requirements in the EIS. All about numbers in purchases

From 01/01/2017, the Federal Treasury and the bodies responsible for financial audit of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation take control measures to verify the compliance of information on the volume of financial support allocated to the organization for the implementation of procurement activities, and those data that are reflected in the planning documents formed on the basis of the volumes brought to the state customer financing. It is also verified that the data on procurement identification codes and on the amount of funding allocated to the recipient of budgetary funds for procurement are the same in the following registers:

  • in schedules and procurement plans;
  • in the notice, in the procurement documentation and information on the items of the schedules;
  • in the protocol on determining the supplier, contractor, performer and in the procurement documentation;
  • in the terms of draft contracts that are sent to the bidder with whom the contract is ultimately concluded, and in the protocols for determining the supplier, contractor, performer;
  • in the register of contracts and in the conditions of specific contracts.

Based on clause 14 of the Control Rules (approved by Government Decree No. 1367 of 12/12/2015), under part 5 of Art. 99 44-FZ, if the information posted by the customer has passed the control according to all the established conditions, then it is subject to placement in the EIS within one working day from the moment the object is sent for control. The controlling body, in turn, puts a mark on the compliance of the submitted data within 3 working days (clauses 11, 12 of the Rules).

If the submitted information does not meet the established requirements, the customer will receive a report on the non-compliance of information; schedule, procurement plan, notification, project documentation, etc. - information objects that are subject to mandatory control in accordance with 44-FZ (part 15 of the Rules).

The documents will not be placed in the Unified Information System until the moment when the customers correct all the violations and a successful re-control procedure takes place.

Supervisory authorities must form a mark and indicate to the organization the identified inconsistencies, in connection with which the object is not subject to placement in the EIS, within three working days (paragraphs 11, 12 of the Rules).

They will come into force on 01/01/2018 for organizations conducting procurement activities at the federal level. From 01/01/2019, the work of customers at the regional and local levels is controlled by the Treasury. It checks if:

  • the volume of financial support, which are indicated in the procurement plan, to the information that is approved and communicated to the customer;
  • financial indicators in planning documents; monetary parameters in notices and documentation.

The agency also checks the contracts that are sent to the winners with the data contained in the final protocols. Controllers will look for inconsistencies with the terms of contracts in the register of contracts.

Until the information is verified, it cannot be placed in the EIS. Therefore, carefully check everything that you post.

Where to see the protocol of non-compliance on the procurement site

The responsible executor of the customer organization can find it in the registry entry and in the personal account, as well as in the open part of the Unified Information System.

What to do upon receipt

If the verification of planning documents (procurement plan and schedule) is not passed and the information provided in them does not meet the requirements of Part 5 of Art. 99 44-FZ, then the customer will receive a corresponding notification about this - a protocol of inconsistencies for the registry entry 44-FZ.

If the violations affected the notification, then the customer will also receive a protocol indicating the reasons for the non-compliance and the violations committed. The notification status in the UIS will be automatically changed to "Control failed". Control documentation can be viewed in the notification card in the "Purchase Documents" tab.

In order to place the registers of the contract system in which violations were found during control measures, it is necessary to eliminate all errors indicated by the controller and send documents for the re-check procedure.

Despite the fact that if errors and violations are detected, the activity for posting information in the EIS is not suspended, the customer may be held administratively liable and fined in the amount of 20,000 to 50,000 rubles (Article 15.15.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

In organizations acting as a state customer, internal audits of the quality management system are also carried out. Errors and violations are detected in accordance with the requirements of GOST ISO (ISO) 9001.

Examples of filling in non-compliance protocols according to the QMS

Different types of purchases have different numbering rules:

  • Purchases under 44-FZ are first published in the UIS, so the number in the UIS and on the ETP is the same. For example, this purchase has the same number on Sberbank-AST and in the UIS.
  • In purchases under 223-FZ, there are usually 2 numbers - a number in the EIS and a number assigned by the ETP. For example, this purchase on has two numbers: No. 4249235 (with OTS) and No. 31705574458 (with UIS). In Kontur.Purchasing, you will have a number with a UIS.
  • For commercial purchases, only the one assigned by the ETP.

Identification code (number) of the purchase, or IPC

Contract number on paper

In competitions, quotations, requests for proposals and with a single supplier, contracts are concluded on paper. The contract number is assigned by the customer in accordance with the internal register of contracts.

Government Contract Identifier, or GCI

The code is formed by federal, autonomous or regional customers who pay for purchases from the federal budget or enter into contracts with treasury support. The identifier is used to link the contract and settlements on them.

The procedure by which the IGK is formed on treasury support is established in the order of the Treasury of Russia dated March 20, 2017 No. 9n. ICG is a twenty-digit digital code that the customer assigns after the formation of an entry in the register of contracts and which remains for the entire duration of the contract.

The digits from the first to the 19th are similar registry number contract (or categories from the ninth to the 27th entry number in the register of contracts with state secrets). The 20th digit is the identifier of the register of contracts. If this is a regular registry, put "0", if the information in the contract is a state secret, put "1".

Customers also indicate ICG in all additional agreements, payment and settlement documents.

What is important for a supplier to remember?

Purchase winners from July 1, 2017 must indicate this identifier in invoices and other documents that are issued to the customer. The corresponding amendments appeared in Article 169 of the Tax Code and in the form of an invoice - a line with an identification code was added to the document template.

In the comments to the articles you can get answers from other suppliers, and experts will answer

The discrepancy or remark discovered (identified) by the auditor and confirmed by the representative of the audited unit must be documented in the form of a protocol (act), in which the following must be noted:

Time and place of detection (detection);

The need for correction or corrective action.

Attention!The protocol of non-compliance must not contain press neither the auditor's opinion nor his recommendation actions to eliminate nonconformities (remarks niya) or even more so any categorical instructions.

For an emotional impact on the team of the audited unit, along with the execution of a protocol on a significant non-compliance, a red card can be issued, which is attached by the auditor to the stand with the text of the Quality (Environment) Policy. The card shall contain the inscription "MAJOR NON-CONFORMITY" and indicate the content and deadline for the implementation of corrective or preventive actions. When corrective actions are taken, the card is removed by the auditor.

In addition to documenting each nonconformity, the auditor should document each remark (notice)- audit evidence that is not in the nature of a nonconformity and is recorded in order to prevent the possibility of a nonconformity.

Examples of comments (notifications) can be:

Joint storage of valid and canceled documents of management systems;

Lack of confirmation of familiarization of performers with technical documentation;

Lack of an approved list of recognized suppliers to the organization;

Lack of evidence of a separate corrective action;

Unsatisfactory environmental culture of the department's employees

lack of documentary justification for exceeding the temporarily agreed emissions.

Attention"The remarks (notices) of the auditors are, in fact, the nature of a warning, since an unresolved remark may, over time, it to become a mismatch.

In this regard, fixing the remark, as well as inconsistencies can be considered in as an added value of the audit.




No. _____ dated _____________ 200__

Security Code

Check object

Organizational unit

Verification Criteria

Auditor: _________________ ___________ __________

(Surname, first and last name) (signature) (date)





Auditor: __________ _________

(Surname, first and last name) (signature)

Department representative:

__________________ ___________

(Surname, first and last name) (signature)



Not required: 


Process manager (division):

_________________ _______________

(Surname, first and last name) (signature)

Lead Auditor:

_____________________ _____________

(Surname, first and last name) (signature)



Non-compliance resolved: Yes  No 

Date: _________________________

(day month Year)

Lead Auditor: _____________________ __________ ______

(Surname, first and last name) (signature) (date)

Notes: * ) cross out the unnecessary,

** ) is filled in only in case of non-compliance

Attention!In the form of a protocol of non-compliance (or in a written report on the results of the ki) it is advisable to indicate possible negative tive consequences if it is not eliminated.

What should I do if I receive a protocol on non-compliance of controlled information with the requirements established by Part 5 of Article 99 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ?


Oksana Balandina, chief editor of the State Order System

From July 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019, customers have a transition period - it is allowed to carry out both electronic and paper procedures. From 2019, competitions, auctions, quotes and requests for proposals on paper will be prohibited, with eight exceptions.
Read what purchases to make on the ETP, how to choose a site and get an electronic signature, what are the rules for concluding contracts during the transition period and after.

It is necessary to eliminate the violations and pass a re-control. This follows from paragraph 5 of the General Requirements from the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 22, 2016 No. 120n and paragraphs 14 and 15 of the Rules, which the Government of the Russian Federation approved by Decree No. 1367 dated December 12, 2015.

At the same time, the terms for eliminating violations in these regulatory legal acts have not been established.

How to check the information that the customer places in the EIS

From January 1, 2017, the information that customers place in the EIS is checked by the control authorities under Part 5 of Article 99 of Law No. 44-FZ. From January 1, 2018, federal customers will publish information only with positive control from the Treasury. For regional and municipal customers, this rule will come into effect on January 1, 2019. The deadlines are set in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 20, 2017 No. 315.

The obligation to control customers is established in part 5 of article 99 of Law No. 44-FZ. How the controllers check the information and how the customer should act in various situations, read in the recommendation.

Which customers came under control in the EIS

The Government of the Russian Federation recognized as subjects of control:

  • customers who carry out purchases on behalf of the Russian Federation at the expense of the federal budget;
  • organizations to which the powers of the state customer were transferred in accordance with the rules of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • federal budgetary institutions that carry out purchases in accordance with the rules of part 1 of article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ;
  • federal autonomous institutions, federal state unitary enterprises that carry out purchases in accordance with the rules of part 4 of article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ;
  • federal state unitary enterprises that make purchases at the expense of federal budget subsidies for capital investments in federal property or the purchase of property for the state.

This is stated in paragraphs 3, 4, 5 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2015 No. 1367, hereinafter - Rules No. 1367.

Who exercises control in the EIS

The information that customers publish in the UIS is checked by the Federal Treasury, financial authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds (part 5 of article 99 of Law No. 44-FZ).

How can the customer find out his control body? The control body that will check your document, look at the document card in the EIS. For example, if you have already formed a procurement plan, go to the document card. In the context menu of the procurement plan, click on the "View" item. The Purchasing Plan Details page appears. On the tab " General information» find the item "Control body exercising control under paragraph 5 of Article 99". If you are creating a procurement plan, also look for the controlling body on the General Information tab.

Let's say in the field "The control body exercising control under part 5 of article 99" it is indicated "Communication is not established". This means that the control body that checks your documents did not include the organization in its list of subjects of control in the Electronic Budget system. You will not be able to send the document for verification. To correct the error, contact the controllers.

The rules by which controllers check whether information meets the requirements of Law No. 44-FZ were established by the Government of the Russian Federation in Decree No. 1367 of December 12, 2015.

What information is checked by controllers in the EIS

Controllers check the information contained in the procurement plan, procurement schedule, notices, draft contracts, as well as information that the customer sends to the register of contracts. Information on the amount of financing and on the procurement identification code also falls under control. If the customer has made changes to the listed documents, the corrected information will also be checked.

At the same time, the controllers will check only the information that the customer published after January 1, 2017. For example, the procurement plan and the procurement schedule for 2017, which the customer posted in December 2016, will not be checked. However, if the customer makes changes to the schedule already in 2017, the corrected document will be subject to control. This is due to the fact that Part 5 of Article 99 of Law No. 44-FZ and Decree No. 1367 came into force on January 1, 2017.

Rules for checking information from the EIS

What does the controller check?
(Column 1)
What is information verified against?
(Column 2)
Match formula
Procurement plan: amount of financial security

Limits of budgetary obligations;

Payments from FHD plans

Column 1 ≤ Column 2
Schedule: NMTsK Procurement plan: NMTsK Column 1 ≤ Column 2
Notice: NMTsK on IKZ Schedule: NMTsK on IKZ Column 1 = Column 2
Purchasing documentation: NMTsK on IKZ
Purchase invitations: NMTsK on IKZ
Contract with food supplier: IKZ price
: NMTsK on IKZ Purchasing documentation: NMTsK Column 1 ≤ Column 2
: IKZ Purchasing documentation: IKZ Column 1 = Column 2
Draft contract that the customer sends to the participant: NMTsK, IKZ Vendor Definition Protocol: NMTsK, IKZ Column 1 = Column 2
Register of contracts: contract price and IPC, which the customer sends to the registry Contract: contract price and IPC Column 1 = Column 2

This is stated in part 5 of article 99 of Law No. 44-FZ and paragraph 13 of the Rules approved by Decree No. 1367.

How long does the Treasury carry out financial control

The verification period is one working day, if the information being checked meets the control requirements. If the requirements are not met, then the customer is sent a protocol in which they indicate violations.

Until January 1, 2018, federal customers place information in the EIS without control results. Regional and municipal customers - until January 1, 2019. The deadlines are specified in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 20, 2016 No. 315.

However, after these deadlines, you can post information in the EIS only when you eliminate the violations and pass the re-control. This follows from paragraph 5 of the General Requirements from the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 22, 2016 No. 120n and paragraphs 14 and 15 of the Rules, which the Government of the Russian Federation approved by Decree No. 1367 dated December 12, 2015.

How control works in the EIS

You will see all the decisions of the controllers in the personal account of the EIS. And it doesn't matter if the control results are positive or negative. Act according to the controller's decision.

Let's say you created a purchase notice in the EIS and sent it for control. To do this, in the context menu of the notification, select the “Send for control and place” item.

The system does not publish a notice at the same time, but sends the document to the control body for verification. If you filled in all the fields of the notification correctly, the system will display a message stating that the document is being sent for control. Click the OK button. You will see a printed notice form. Check the box that you agree to sign the information, and click the "Sign and place" button.

A warning message will appear, click the Place button. The system will inform you that it has sent a notification for control. Click the OK button. The notification will receive the status "Submitted for control".

If the notification complies with the formats of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the system will assign the notification status "Under control". In the "Under control" status, the notification is not displayed in the open part of the UIS, that is, the participants do not yet see the document. The customer has the opportunity to view the document. You cannot edit or make changes to a document with the status "Under control".

If the status “Not accepted for control” appears, edit the notice and resubmit it for control.

In the personal account of the UIS system, the controller will see the notice of the customer and check the document.

Attention: documents will be published in the EIS immediately, before the Treasury or the financial agency will carry out control. This rule is valid until January 1, 2018 for federal customers, until January 1, 2019 - for regional customers. After the specified deadlines, information will be published only on the results of control. The ban on blocking the publication is established in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 20, 2017 No. 315.

If a contract was sent to the regulatory authorities, through the website of the EIS-Electronic Budget-Register of Contracts, they received a protocol stating that the control was not passed, the deadline for placement of 3 days has already been missed, the program indicates these violations when editing, we need another date to conclude the contract?


Answered by Galina Khalturina, expert

No, you don't need to re-contract. In the minutes, the controllers will indicate the reasons for not accepting the document. Eliminate the violations that the controller indicated in the protocol, and go through a second control. This is stated in paragraph 15 of the Rules approved by Resolution No. 1367.

How to check the information that the customer places in the EIS

The document did not pass control

If the notification information does not meet the requirements of Article 99 of Law No. 44-FZ, the controller will send a “Report on non-compliance of controlled information”. The system will change the notification status to "Control failed". You have the opportunity to view the protocol in the EIS. To do this, in the notification card, go to the "Purchase Documents" tab. *

In the minutes, the controllers will indicate the reasons for not accepting the document. The system will not place a notice in the UIS. Eliminate the violations that the controller indicated in the protocol, and go through a second control. This is stated in the Rules approved

Non-conformity registration protocol No. ________________

Registration of non-compliance
Check date
Check object Standard GOST R ISO 9001-2008 Section, paragraph:
Description of the discrepancy:
Non-compliance category: Lead Auditor: (Name, signature) Auditors: (Name, signature)
Reasons for non-compliance:
Corrective Actions:
Correction: Artists: Period of execution:
Corrective actions: Artists: Period of execution:
Preventive actions Artists: Period of execution:
Implementation of actions to eliminate non-compliance
Execution check Done? (yes/no) On time? (Not really) Effective (yes/no) Position Full name Signature date
Lead auditor: ____________ _________________ signature and transcript Head of the department: ____________ _________________ signature and transcript
Action Analysis:
Lead auditor: ____________ _________________ signature and transcript Head of the department: ____________ _________________ signature and transcript

Annex 3

Notice form

Notification Registration Protocol No. ____

Registration notice
____________________________Business name Check date
Check object:
Lead auditor: ____________ _________________ signature and transcript Head of the department: ____________ _________________ signature and transcript
No. p / p Notification Description Item GOST R ISO 9001-2008 Link to the document of the checked department Confirmation of corrective (preventive actions)
Department head signature Signature of the lead auditor
Lead Auditor: ____________ _________________ Signature and transcript Auditors: ____________ _________________ Signature and transcript

Appendix 4

Corrective and/or preventive action plan form


Corrective and/or preventive action plan

Practical work No. 6

Topic: Completion of the audit and reporting documents

Target: draw up a final audit report

General instructions:

The lead auditor is responsible for the preparation and content of the report.

The audit report must provide complete, accurate and reliable data on the work performed:

The name of the unit or process being audited;

Basis for audit;

Date of approval of the audit plan;

Surnames of the members of the audit team;

Audit result;

Conclusion on the implementation of corrective measures based on the results of the previous audit;

Annex (protocols of nonconformities and notifications);

Signatures of the auditors, as well as the head of the audited unit.


1. Review the working documentation of the audit at each stage of the audit

2. Prepare and issue the final report on the internal audit. A possible form of an audit report is given in Appendix 1.

In the “Conclusions” section, assess how the audited unit or process is able to achieve the quality goals stated in the “Quality Policy” and “Quality Manual”; to what extent the activities of the personnel comply with the requirements of the QMS; whether corrective actions based on the results of previous audits are effective; What is the speed of elimination of inconsistencies.

In the "Recommendations" section, indicate: auditors' proposals based on the results of the audit; the need and timing for the development of corrective measures at the level of a department or enterprise; inconsistencies that need to be eliminated before the development of an action plan; proposals for inclusion in the corrective action plan; recommendations for improving QMS documents.

Control questions:

1. How are the results of internal audit at the enterprise formalized?

2. What is the purpose of the closing meeting?

3. To whom are copies of the audit report sent?

4. How does the management of the enterprise use the results of audits to analyze the QMS?

5. Specify the distinguishing features of internal and external audits

Annex 1

Audit report form


Head of the SC: ___________ Director ____________

(name of the enterprise, full name) (name of the enterprise, full name)

____________ _________________ ____________ _________________

signature transcript signature transcript

"____" ________________20__ "____" ________________20__

Audit report

v _______________________________

(name of division, service, department)

1. Purpose and scope of the test

2. Base
internal audit plan for 20__

3. Timing of the audit

4. Composition of the audit team
lead auditor -
auditors -

5. Normative basis of verification
5.1. GOST R ISO 9001-2008. Quality Management System. Requirements
5.2. Documents of the enterprise quality management system

6. Check results

Lead Auditor: ____________ _________________
signature transcript

Auditors: ____________ _________________
signature transcript

Practical work number 7

Topic: Applying a process approach to internal auditing

Target: consider the process "Internal audit" as one of the components of the network of enterprise processes (QMS) and propose its model

General instructions:

The GOST R ISO 9001-2008 standard is based on the use of a "process approach" in the development, implementation and improvement of the effectiveness of the QMS in order to satisfy customers by fulfilling their requirements.

Any activity that uses resources and is managed to transform inputs into outputs is considered a process.

The internal audit of the QMS can also be presented as a process. The application of this approach to the perception of internal audit activities will ensure a better understanding and implementation of relevant requirements, the continuity of the management of interrelated processes, as well as increase the effectiveness of this process and its continuous improvement.


1. Analyze the main stages of the internal audit at the enterprise. The algorithm for the quality audit process is presented in Appendix 1.

2. Describe the procedure for conducting internal audit at the enterprise in the form of processes.

3. Determine the parameters of the process and establish its characteristics, taking into account the requirements of the GOST R ISO 9001-2008 standard. Present the results in the form of a table.

Table 1

Table 3

Control questions:

1. List the main stages of internal audit

2. What life cycle processes are identified in the QMS in accordance with GOST R ISO 9001-2008?

3. What is the essence of the process approach in management?

4. What is the input and output of processes?

5. Who is the process owner?

1.1. This manual is intended for workers who repair oversized tires.

1.2. Oversized tires can be repaired by persons who have reached the age of 18, who have the appropriate qualifications, who have passed a medical examination, industrial training, as well as briefings: introductory, primary at the workplace, as well as training and knowledge testing before starting independent work.

1.3. Periodic medical examination, on-the-job training and knowledge testing for such employees are carried out at least once a year.

1.4. When changing the technological process or upgrading equipment, fixtures, transferring to a new temporary or permanent job, violation of safety requirements by employees that can lead to injury, accident or fire, as well as during breaks in work for more than 30 calendar days, the employee must undergo an unscheduled briefing .

1.5. Individuals who have become familiar with the features and methods of safe performance of work and have completed an internship under the supervision of a foreman or foreman are allowed to work independently.

1.6. The permit for independent performance of work is issued by the head of work.

1.7. In the course of work, an employee may be exposed to various harmful production factors, such as:

  • moving machines and mechanisms;
  • falling objects (flying fragments);
  • dangerous level of electrical circuit voltage;
  • increased dust and gas contamination of the working area;
  • increased surface temperature of equipment and materials;
  • insufficient level of illumination of the working area;
  • collapsing structures;
  • increased noise and vibration levels in the workplace;
  • contamination by chemicals, radiation and pesticides of surfaces of equipment, machines and materials;
  • steam under pressure;
  • petrol;
  • sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc.

1.8. The dangerous state of the equipment is:

  • increased pressure of compressed air;
  • clutter of the workplace with foreign objects, etc.

1.9. The dangerous activities are:

  • use of machines, equipment, tools not for their intended purpose or in a faulty condition;
  • performance of work in a state of alcoholic and drug intoxication;
  • performance of work in violation of safety regulations.

1.10. Pressurized steam is dangerous because it can cause severe burns. Gasoline can cause a fire if handled carelessly. Sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and other gases released during the vulcanization process, entering the body, lead to poisoning.

1.11. The employee must work in special clothing, and, if necessary, use other personal protective equipment.

1.12. Personal protective equipment should be used for its intended purpose and the administration should be notified in a timely manner of the need to clean, wash, dry and repair them. They are not allowed to be taken outside the enterprise.

1.13. Know and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Do not smoke at the workplace, do not drink alcohol before and during work. Do not store food or eat in the workplace.

1.14. Carry out only the work for which training, instruction on labor protection has been completed and for which the manager has been admitted.

1.15. Persons who are not related to the work performed are not allowed to the workplace. Do not outsource your work to others.

1.16. Comply with safety signs.

1.17. Do not go beyond electrical equipment fences.

1.18. Be attentive to the warning signals of lifting machines, cars, tractors and other types of moving vehicles.

1.19. Report to the manager about the noticed equipment malfunctions, violations of safety requirements and do not start work until appropriate measures are taken.

1.20. If the victim himself or with outside help cannot come to the medical institution (loss of consciousness, electric shock, severe injuries and fractures), inform the employer, who is obliged to organize the delivery of the victim to the medical institution. Before arriving at a medical facility, provide the victim with first (pre-medical) aid and, if possible, calm him down, as excitement increases bleeding from wounds, worsens the protective functions of the body and complicates the treatment process.

1.21. Employees are required to know the fire warning signals, the location of fire extinguishing equipment and be able to use them. It is not allowed to use fire equipment for other purposes.

1.22. Do not obstruct aisles and access to fire fighting equipment.

1.23. Do not store flammable and combustible liquids, acids and alkalis in the workplace in quantities exceeding the replacement need in a ready-to-use form.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Wear personal protective equipment.

2.2. Get a job assignment from your immediate supervisor. Perform work only in accordance with the assignment received.

2.3. Inspect your workspace and prepare it for work.

2.4. Check the condition of the floor in the workplace. If the floor is slippery or wet, demand that it be mopped or sprinkled with sawdust, or do it yourself.

2.5. Check the availability and serviceability of equipment, safety devices, tools, fixtures.

2.6. Check the availability of grounding equipment, fences, serviceability of electrical wiring, local suction (from the roughening machine).

2.7. Turn on the supply and exhaust ventilation.

2.8. When using an electrically driven compressor unit to inflate tires:

  • inspect (without removing covers, disassembling) electrical devices, pressure gauges, knife switches, contactors, starting resistances. The manometer is not allowed for operation if there is no seal or stamp, the verification period is overdue, the manometer needle does not return to the zero mark of the scale when it is turned off, the glass is broken or there are other damages that may affect the correctness of the readings;
  • check the serviceability of the insulation of cables and wires, the presence of grounding and personal protective equipment (dielectric gloves, rugs and tools);
  • drain the condensate through the purge cocks from the air collector (receiver), while staying away from the flowing jet.

2.9. Before turning on the compressor, manually scrolling, check for jamming, shocks, shocks and extraneous sounds.

2.10. Test the operation of the compressor at idle speed with the release of air to the outside (the duration of operation in idle mode is set by the manufacturer).

2.11. After switching the compressor to the “Operation” mode, check the lubrication of the mechanisms, cooling and air pressure in the receiver.

2.12. If malfunctions of the devices are detected, the compressor unit cannot be put into operation.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

When carrying out tire repair work, it is necessary:

3.1. Cut out damaged areas of tires only after thorough cleaning (washing) of tires from dirt. Wash tires in a special chamber or in a bath.

3.2. Comply with electrical safety requirements at work.

3.3. During the roughening of tires, wear goggles and turn on local suction.

3.4. Cut out damaged areas and patches by holding the knife away from you. Work only with a knife that has a serviceable handle and a sharply sharpened blade.

3.5. Install and remove tires from vulcanizing equipment using lifting mechanisms or two workers at the same time.

3.6. Keep the containers with gasoline and glue constantly closed, open them only as needed. At the workplace, store gasoline and glue in an amount not exceeding the shift requirement. Gasoline and glue should be no closer than three meters from the furnace of the steam generator.

3.7. Prepare glue only in the preparation room.

3.8. Turn off and wrap steam valves and clamps only in mittens.

3.9. When repairing cameras, clean the damaged area (puncture or cut up to 60 mm) with a grater or sandpaper, rinse with gasoline and coat with glue. When roughening damaged areas of the chamber on a grinding machine, wear protective goggles and with the dust collector turned on.

3.10. Apply glue with a brush, the handle of which has a reflector that protects fingers.

3.11. Cut the material into blanks and cut out damage using special knives and templates. The knife must have a serviceable handle and a sharply sharpened blade. Moisten knives with water when cutting to reduce the applied force.

3.12. The presence of gasoline, glue and other compounds containing gasoline in the workplace should not exceed the three-hour requirement.

3.13. Store gasoline and glue in a metal tightly closed container.

3.14. When repairing the chamber using an electric vulcanizer, apply a patch of raw rubber to the damaged area and, using a clamp, firmly press the heating element of the electric vulcanizer to the patch. Put a sheet of paper or cellophane on top of the patch.

3.15. Do not work on the electric vulcanizer:

  • in the absence of grounding;
  • in the absence of a lining made of heat and electrical insulating material under the base of the desktop electric vulcanizer;
  • in the absence of a dielectric mat on the floor;
  • in case of wire insulation failure.

3.16. For minor tire repairs, use a tire spreader to inspect the inner surface of the tire.

3.17. To remove metal objects, nails from the tire, use pliers, and not a screwdriver, awl or knife.

3.18. Punctures in the tire with a diameter of up to 10 mm should be eliminated by setting fungi. Insert the fungus into the puncture from the inside of the tire until its cap fits snugly against the inner surface of the tire, having previously smeared the leg and cap of the fungus with glue. This operation is carried out on a special stand or on a workbench using spacers or expanders.

3.19. When performing repair work in rooms where gasoline or rubber glue is used, use only copper, brass or wooden tools to eliminate the possibility of a spark.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1. Stop the compressor immediately when inflating tires:

  • in cases provided by the manufacturer;
  • if the pressure gauges show air pressure above the allowable;
  • if there are knocks, shocks in the compressor or malfunctions are found that can lead to an accident;
  • in case of fire;
  • at a temperature of compressed air above the maximum permissible norm;
  • when there is a smell of burning or smoke in the compressor;
  • with a noticeable increase in compressor vibration;
  • when the tire inflation hoses break.

4.2. After an emergency shutdown of the compressor, start it up with the permission of the work manager.

4.3. In case of deterioration of health (suffocation, dizziness, etc.), immediately turn off the vulcanizer, close containers with adhesives and solvents tightly, notify the head of the department, and consult a doctor.

4.4. Stop work immediately if smoke or a smell characteristic of burning rubber appears, as well as if the wiring of the electric vulcanizer is damaged or the temperature of the electric vulcanizer rises above the set value (140-150 ° C).

4.5. Turn off the electric vulcanizer with a common switch when the voltage in the mains fails.

4.6. In case of electric shock, release the victim from the action of the current as soon as possible, since the duration of its action determines the severity of the injury. To do this, quickly turn off with a knife switch or other disconnecting device that part of the electrical installation that the victim touches.

5. Labor protection requirements at the end of work

5.1. Unplug the equipment. Tidy up the workplace, clean the equipment, wipe the tools and fixtures, put them in a specially designated place.

5.2. It is forbidden to leave the repaired unit with the wheels removed on the hydraulic lift (jack). When installing the machine on special stands, it is necessary to check their reliability.

5.3. All containers with gasoline and rubber glue, brushes and other tools must be placed in lockable metal boxes located in a specially equipped room.

5.4. Disconnect and put away the hoses for tire inflation.

5.5. Inform the master about the existing problems in the operation of the equipment and about the measures taken to eliminate them.

5.6. Remove, clean and store personal protective equipment.

5.7. Wash your face and hands, take a shower.

5.8. Notify your immediate supervisor of any deficiencies found during work.