Temple fillet. Fillet - Island in the middle of the Nile light-music presentation on the island of fillet

The temple complex of fillets is one of the three most preserved temples to the modern days of the temples of the Ptolemy. File Island himself takes about 400 meters long and around 136 meters in width. Fillet is the largest island in the south of the first threshold of the Nile River. Such an interesting geographic feature was reflected in the very name of the island.

Here it is necessary to note the fact that the ancient Greek name of the island sounded like "Pilac", which translated into Russian means "angular". In some historical documents of the past, long-lasting years, there are such names such as the "extreme island" or "last island". In those distant times, File Island was located near the eastern shore of the Nile in close proximity to the small bay, in the south side of the first threshold of the river.

As mentioned earlier, fillets are the largest of the three islands. Two other islands are Agulkin and Big. Agilkia is famous for the fact that it was here that the world famous temple of Isis from the flooded island fillets was postponed. The island was flooded due to the construction of the Asuan dam. Permanent tides and foams would gradually waved the foot of the temple, which would lead to his death. Therefore, it was decided to transfer the temple into a safe place, and the island - to flood so that the dam could withstand the onslaught of the Nile. Isis is the wife of Osiris's God, who was able to join the disparate parts of the body killed by the enemies of her husband, thereby resurrecting him. The tradition of those distant times demanded that the believers of the Egyptians make a pilgrimage to this island once a year and worshiped the goddess Iside.

The Big, which today is a partially flooded island, was considered the most sacred from all islands (and not only these three) in the Egyptian. It was believed that the God of Osiris was buried on this island. For this reason, no lively soul of a simple mortal could stand on the sacred land of this island. The right to it had only priests and clergymen who made numerous rites. On the island for the ritual, a fine number of tables for sacrifices was specifically lined up, and the tables stood so that they would be shown to the burial place of Osiris.

The temple complex consists of a number of structures: the church of the first, temple in honor of the Goddess of Love Hathor, the Pavilion of Emperor Trajan, mentioned above the temple of Isis. The church of nectanem first represents a small arbor with fourteen columns. The construction of the pavilion refers to the fourth century to our era, so the pavilion is considered the most ancient building of the temple complex. It is from him that begins a giant sizes Open Column Hall with gallery on each side. Left consists of thirty-two columns, and the right is illegal. At the end of the gallery, the temple of the goddess Isis is towers. On the surviving granite altar of the temple, the Coptic cross of incredible sizes knock out. The same symbol is located in the altar part - it is applied on top of the hieroglyphs glorifying Isido.

The Hathor Temple, also located on the island of fillets, small in size, but they do not prevent him from indescribable delight and admire tourists with an amazing combination of Egyptian, Greek and Roman traditions. Temple walls are decorated with wonderful reliefs. The Hathor Temple has previously erased granite lions, but they have not survived to this day.

It is impossible not to pay attention to a very elegant pavilion, decorated with fourteen columns with beautiful carved capitals. This is the Pavilion of Trajan - the Egyptian emperor. Due to its elegance, apparent weightlessness and ideal proportions, this construction has become a kind of symbol of the entire island of fillet.

Fillet. The temple of Isis from the secret pier. (c) Photo - Viktor Skin, 2003.

File Island, located near the modern Aswan - one of the most important religious centers of the goddess Isis. His ancient name of Pairoek dates back to the expression "Island of Times (RA)", i.e. Summarked hill created by God at the beginning of time. The island was also dedicated to Hathor, "Nubia Nubia". According to the tradition, it was on this island for the first time the leg of the good "Golden" goddess returned in the appearance of Tefnut from the distant southern lands. Osiris was revered here, the spouse of Isides, one of whose tombs was located on the next "forbidden" island Abaton (Sovr. Big).

Isis, hiding with a chorus in the marshes of ah bits. Relief from Mummisi Temple Isis on O-ve fille. 4 in. BC. (c) Photo - Viktor Skin, 2007

It is not known when the first temple was erected on the fillet. Here were found architectural fragments with the names of the pharaohs of the new kingdom, however, all the main temples of the island that came to our time in excellent condition were erected with the kings of the XXX dynasty and in Greco-Roman time. The oldest preserved farements on the fillet, this is a small portico, inscribed by the names of Pharaoh Netaneba, located near the ancient marina, from which the road leads to the main temple of Isis. Injured by flooding, it was rebuilt with Ptolem II. Located between the portico and the first pylon of the temple, elegant colonnades with composite capitals built the Romans - August and Tiberius. To the eastern colonnade, which was never completed, the small temples of the Nubian gods of Mandulis and Iriechhemnefer are adjacent. The third temple, which is closest to the temple of Isis, was devoted to the deified imheotep.

Osiris and Isis. Relief Hall of sacrifices of the temple of Isida. 1 in. BC. (c) Photo - Viktor Skin, 2007

In front of the first pylon of the temple of Isis, two obelisk of Ptolemy VIII was once towered, currently located in Kingstoncholl, in England. Between the first and second pilons there is a mummissi, the construction of which began with Ptolemye VIII, and ended with Tiberius. The second pylon, not such a massive as the first, is covered with reliefs depicting Ptolemy XII beating foreign people before the great goddess. Fragments of a beautiful polychry painting, which once was covered by the columns of the hypostyl hall, are still visible on the capitals, despite the fact that after the construction at the beginning of the 20th century, the first Asuan dam, the unique temple was hung up with the Waters of the Nile for nine months a year for several decades. The green spots of algae, which appeared in the sandstone of the temple walls and destroyed murals, and today indicate a mindless and barbaric attitude of a person to the heritage of the old centuries.

Hotery cap of the column at the entrance to the Mummisi Temple of the Goddess Isis. (c) Photo - Viktor Skin, 2007

Isides's sanctuary itself consists of twelve premises and crypts whose walls are richly decorated with reliefs; These halls included the famous Temple Library dedicated to God Tutu. From the chambers adjacent to the Holy Saints, the staircase leads to the terrace and the secret sanctuary of Osiris, the walls of which are covered with relief compositions telling about how Isida collected together part of the body of his killed spouse. Reliefs that are covered by the outer walls of the temple were performed in the Roman emperors. In the central sanctuary and today it is worth the stand for the Jesid rook, established at Ptolemae III; Granite Naos for the statue of the goddess was taken to Europe in the XIX century.

The central passage of the temple of Isis and the stand for the sacred rook. (c) Photo - Viktor Skin, 2003.

To the west of the temple of Isis, perpendicular to the Pilon Plane II are located the gates of Adrian and one of two nomers existing on the island. On the surface of the gate, unique images associated with the amyrable rituals fillets are preserved. At one of them, Isis watches the crocodile, which carries out the body of Osiris on the island of Big, once located opposite the gate of Adriana. The north is the ruins of the temple of the choir, built under the emperor of Claudia.

The sacrament of abuton. Relief on the gate of Adrian on fillet. (c) Photo - Viktor Skin, 2003.

To the east of the temple of Isida, with Ptolemye VI, a small temple of Hathor was erected, and somewhat south of him - one of the most beautiful structures on the island - the famous Kiosk Trajan with fourteen capitals in the form of flowers, and the sculptural faces of Isida Hathor should have been cut out. Unfortunately, striking by its monumentality and, at the same time, the elegance of the Kiosk, who was considered in antiquity, the official gates of Isis island and remained unfinished.
A huge number of graffiti left in the Church of Pilgrims, testifies to the popularity of the temple, who considered one of the greatest shrines of Egypt. Isidid read here not only by the Egyptians, but also nomadic residents of Nubia, which, despite the constant clashes with a governor of nearby Siena, always referred to the island of Isids and even, according to the contract 453 AD. Received the right to sanctify the statue of Goddess their lands. The cult of Isis flourished on fillet and after the rest of Egypt was Christianized. The temple was closed only in 550 AD. With Justinian after long fights for the ancient shrine, during which the last priests died, which kept the foundations of the culture of the Pharaohs.

"Kiosk" trayana on the island of fillet. (c) Photo - Viktor Solkin, 2007.

During the construction of the high-altitude Asuan dam in the 60s of the 20th century, the temple of Isis, rightfully considered the pearl of the ancient Egyptian architecture, was moved to the neighboring, higher island of Agilkia and thereby saved from full flooding.

Solkin V.V. Pillars of heaven. Half Egypt. M., 2006.
Junker G. Der Grosse Pylon Des Tempels Der Isis in Philä. Vienna, 1958.
Junker H., Winter E. Das Geburtshaus Des Tempels Der Isis in Philä. Vienna, 1965.
Kákosy L. ZU EINER ETYMOLOGIE VON PHILÄ: DIE "INSEL DER ZEIT" .// Studia AEGYPTIACA VII. Budapest, 1981, pp. 185-194.
PETERS-DESTÉRACT M. Philae. Le Domaine d'Isis. Paris, 1997.
Sauneron S., Stierlin H. Edfou Et Philae, Derniers Temples d'Egypte. Paris, 1975.
Vassilika E. Ptolemaic Philae. LEUVEN, 1989.

Cyt. By: Solkin V.V. Fillet // Ancient Egypt. Encyclopedia. M., 2005, 2008

Isis, "Decoration of intimate". Chapter VIII from the book

The Egyptian File Island was the center of Cults of the Goddess Isis. The original ancient temple island completely plunged into the water of Lake Nasser after the construction of the Asuan dam. As part of the rescue operation, all the great temples and monuments of fillets were extracted from the water and rebuilt on the next island, which was renamed in fillets.

This island was one of the last proostle of the Egyptian religion, having survived for two centuries to appeal to Christianity of the Roman Empire. The earliest building on the island is considered to be a small temple of Isis, built about 370 BC. e. A number of rulers later expanded him to the size of the great church of Isida. Other ruins are mainly dated Ptolemyev's kingdom (282-145 BC), many traces of the Roman era.

The sacred island attracted many Greek and Roman pilgrims who walked to pray for the healing of the mysterious Egyptian goddess Isis. Even after the ban on other beliefs by Emperor Markian in 451, Nubian priests were allowed to make it up with ISID on the island of fillets. The temples of the island were finally closed in 535 N. e. By order of Emperor Justinian. Some of the buildings were redesigned for Christian worship, the Coptic community was settled on the fillet, which lived on the island before the arrival of Islam.

To the ancient temple of Isides, the passage from the river led through a double colonnade. Two huge lions from granite were located in front of the propellants (front gates), pair obelisks were tested for 13 meters in height. The gates were a pyramid shape and colossal sizes. At each corner of the sanctuary stood a monolithic temple - "Cell of the Sacred Equipment". These shrines are now transported to the Paris Louvre and the Florence Museum.

Then followed the churches are smaller, dedicated to Iside, Hator and various deities related to medicine and fertility. Their walls covered bas-reliefs with scenes depicting the birth of Ptolemy under the figure of God Mountain. Everywhere on the walls there are images of Osiris, and two interior premises are especially rich in ancient symbols. On two cutlets, the carved Greek inscriptions intersect with partially destroyed Egyptian figures.

The images were very damaged by the first Christians and iconoborets. South of the monumental structure is a small temple dedicated to the Horter, several surviving columns are crowned with his head of this goddess. His portico consisted of twelve columns. Their vertices are made in various forms and combinations of palm branches and lotus colors. Columns and sculptures on them, ceilings and walls were painted with bright colors that lost the initial shine due to climate dryness.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, the island became known as a beautiful place of rest and a popular resort with a beneficial climate. When they built the first Asuan dam, the island began to go under the water for most of the year. Gray coloring at the bottom of the temples reminds of this period.

The new draft of the altitude dam has threatened the existence of the island, then it was decided to disassemble and transport the temples. International organizations under the auspices of UNESCO conducted a number of works in the period between 1972 and 1980. File Island was surrounded by a protective dam, the water is merged with him, on the next island of Agilki is cleared and prepared a place for architectural masterpieces. Temples were broken into sections and are thoroughly numbered, and then re-installed in the same positions in a new place. So far failed to move two Coptic churches and the monastery, the ruins of the temple of Augustus and the large Roman city gate, they stayed there, on the underwater island of fillet. The government hopes to restore them later.

In continuation

Elefanthin was located at the border of Egypt with Nubia. The island served excellent protection for the city and an excellent item for river trading. The city, lying in the southeastern part of the island, was the capital of the first noma of Egypt.

Most monuments of Elefantine were destroyed before the XIX century, but the sketches of these architectural wonders remained to this day. On the island, whether the Os-rugs, Os-Tuts, Nes-Kol-Kih, there are also temples, sau-yum pain-shim from the Java-la-Xia Khnu-Ma temple, races -I-false in southern hour-t-os-tro-va.

From the ancient temple of Khnum and expanded during the reign of nectanen (allegedly in the 400s BC), as well as in the Greek-Roman Epoch, only the foundation reached this day.

To the se-faith from the Khnu-Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma Raga-Et-Smi-Smi-Maja-Rum, the temple of the Goddess Sathet.
During the excavations produced from 1906 to 1909, there was a necropolis of sacred Aries with the burials of mummified Aries, coated with gilded cardboard cases between the Khnum temple and the temple of the Satect, one of which enters the exposition of the Nubian Museum.


During the reign of Queen Hatsepsut, the temple was erected in honor of the Goddess Sathet. The temple was located in such a place where the noise of the approaching mass of water could be heard before they became visible. Thus, its function of the guardianship of the borders, the hostess of flooding the Nile and the goddess, from which abundance and fertility depended on it.
Pharaoh XII Ameless Dynasty II (OK.1917-1882 BC) in the Asuan inscription called himself "Favorite Satis, Mrs. Elefantina". Pharaoh of the same dynasty of Heduster III (approx. 1878-1841 BC) built a canal in her honor. In fact, the entire Upper Egypt was called Ta-Satet or "Earth Sathet".

Near the temple was one of the most important "nomers" of Ancient Egypt, with the help of which the height of the spill of the Nile was measured.
Nimer (water level meter) consists of an inclined mine with steps leading to the Nile, the height of the water in which is marked on the measuring scales applied on the side. White marble signs show that the Roman time nimer in the XIX century was renovated.
Since now, after the construction of the HPP dam, the water level is always low, the nimer lost its value.

The first name is SA-TIS in Java-La-Xia on the KUV-Shi-na, the Nai-Den, under the stu-pen-cha - that Pi-Rami-Doya in sak-ka-re.
SA-TIS UPO-MINA-ET-XIA in "Tek-Stah Pi-Ramid", where she is thinking of the died of died, and -Not in the KUV-Shih na with Os-Tro-Va-Va-Fan Ti-on. It is our pre-faith-la-whether in the circle of you-juice, building-like women with Be-Loa Ko-Roda-Gune Egypt with Urem, on the sides Usually there are horn antelope or feathers.
The Satis Temple is decorated with amazing reliefs and several chaotic pilasters. Also in the temple, the goddess itself is depicted in the crown of the Upper Egypt with the horns of antelope.

The Satis Temple was erected on the spot an even earlier predictive sanctuary, which represented a cave cut down in a rock. The temple was frustrated and decorated for many centuries.
AR HE-OLO-GICCH-KIA DANEST SWI-CHILDRY-THAT that OS-TRU was on-selenged in the Dynas-Ti-Cau Epo-Hu, and Ek-Special Diotia is not -Tho-co-in-si-tuta Ar-He-Ool-Gia in Ka-Ira of Our La under the Kom-Mom SA-TIS OS-Tutchka Bo-More Trees-Moves, from-no - Pen-Oda Di-Ri-Oda. And Dei-Tel-tel-but, the OSO-Ben-Book of the Tea Sa-Tis Zak-Liu-Et is that he is pos-tro-en at once-va-linets Themes of them are the mows, earning under Earth Layers, like a singer Pi-Rog.
Archaeologists are confident that under the temples of the 18th, 11th, the 6th pharaoh dynasty was found a early-wing structure. These buildings are very different from many other temples in Egypt, where the "old" structures - foundations were simply removed to build "new".

This temple of the early-winged structure is one of the earliest found in Egypt..
For this small sanctuary, a natural niche in a rock was used, which expanded into small rooms in which many small household items were found.

SA-ME PRIEND BY TILE-NO-NO SITE TO THE EPO HE PERT DI-NAS-TIM AND DAY-TIR-ET-SIA Pribe-Liezer, but 2900 year house to n. e., in the fact, there is a link-tying EPO-CHI of the Treats-Nesh Tsars-Twee (2200 BC. er), the Temple of the Epo-Che of the medium of non-Tsars-Twee (1800 BC . e.), Temple of the Epo-Hee of NO-TSAR-TDA and, on-End, Res-Tavri-rye Church of the Epo-Hee PTO-Leme-ev, which can be Vi-Childo -Yone and other Da-Tiru-Sia WTO-rye ves to n. e.
The current temple was reconstructed by the German Archaeological Institute from the Blocks of the Last Church of the Ptolemyev era.

Onceth-of-one-different epi-tets of Bo-Guini Swim-Children-cubs are about Torn Savy-zi-Tis with the Zvezon Mi-Rum and on-Meka - Her Return-Vla "Gos-most stars", "Ho-Zyy-Ka-Ka-Ka-exact-go-ricon-ta-ka, pre-ride-ta-ba, a view of a co-rome", "Ve-liking in Neu-Be, Pra-Vitel-Nuclear Star", "SA-TIS, whose Kra-Hofty Os-Vez is two Termina."
In 1983, Astronomer Ron Wells became interested in the University of California and decided to explore his orientation. Wells knew that Satis was closely related to the spill of the Nile, and therefore with the Heliakic sunrise of Sirius. The last temple of Satis in this place was built in the Ptolemaev era, and he saw (noticeably even with the naked eye) that his axis was turned on several degrees to the north in relation to the axis of the more ancient temple, on the ruins of which it was built.
Wells realized that this shift in the north can be explained by the displacement of Sirius (also north) as a result of the precession. He calculated that the temple of the Ptolemaev era had an orientation 24,65 Southeast, while the axis of the previous temple was located at an angle of 30.60 south of the eastern direction. He then discovered that this difference in 5.95 corresponds to the precession displacement of Sirius during the time passed between the construction of two temples.

Despite the fact that the exact orientation of the more ancient temples is harder, it is quite obvious that their axes are even more shifted in the southern direction, and this confirms that the ancient Egyptian topographers knew about the influence of the precession at the Sirius star and, even more interesting, followed this influence. For three thousand years.

It is known that the Heliakic sunrise of Sirius is the first appearance of the star in the sky after a long period.
The invisibility period of Sirius begins from the moment when Sirius is still visible over the Western horizon. In Egypt, this happens at the end of May. Thereafter star approaching the Sun and becomes invisible against the background of his bright radiance. In fact, this is due to the movement of the earth around the Sun.
In the sky it looks like this. In the process of annual movement The sun moves among stars direct movement from the west to the East. Therefore, for stars setting on this observation latitude, there are periods of time when they are in the day sky with the sun, so we do not observe them.
Over time, the sun moves to the east, which is why Sirius begins to go up in the morning earlier than the sun. At some point in time, the star ceases to be lost in the rays of the morning dawn and becomes accessible to observation. It is believed that the Geliakic Sunrise of the Star occurred on this day.

Obviously, if we watch the star ascending at dawn, then the closer this moment to the sunrise, the harder it is to watch it. Therefore, there is a reasonable question, what time should there be between the sunrises of two shining, so that the star's sunrise in the rays of the rising sun can be clearly observed?
How many degrees should the sun be lower than the horizon for clear observation of Sirius's sunrise and the orientation of the temple on the sunrise of the star?

In his book "Echo of Ancient Heaven", an archaeostereomy specialist Dr. Ed Crow writes:
« After disappearing from the night sky (for seventy days), Sirius appears again at dawn, before sunrise. This is an event that happens every year is called the Heliakic Sunrise of the Star. On this day, Sirius remains visible only for a short period of timeuntil the sky becomes too light to distinguish the star. In ancient Egypt, the annual re-appearance of Sirius fell close to the summer solstice and coincided in time with the spill of the Nile. Isis, like Sirius, was a "mistress of the beginning of the year," because the Egyptian New Year was linked to this event. In New Year's ceremonial texts, the dendere says that Isis persuades Nile to get out of the shores. Metaphor Astronomical, hydraulic and sexy, it is parallel to the functions of Isis in myth. Sirius revitalues \u200b\u200bNile just as Isis revives Osiris. Her turns hide from Seth when Sirius leaves (seventy days) from the night sky. She (Isis) gives life to his son Mountain, and Sirius gives the beginning of the new year, and in the texts of the mountains and the New Year are identified. It is a link for the revival of life and order. Having a mig, only one morning in summer, she awakens the Nile and starts the year».
Archaeosastron speaks about a short period of time.

In turn, the period before the sunrise or sunset is called twilight. At this time, the solar disk is located near the horizon, and therefore part of the rays, falling into the upper layer of the atmosphere, reflected from it to the earth's surface.
It is customary to distinguish between three types of twilight: civil, navigation and astronomical, depending on the maximum angle of finding the Sun (Sun Disc Center) under the True Horizon. The light border of twilight is 0 ° 50 '.
Most sources give the following separation of twilight:

Dusk Sun is the angle under the horizon
civilians from 0 ° 50 'to 6 °
navigation from 6 ° to 12 °
astronomical from 12 ° to 18 °

Navigation twilight. It is believed that all navigation stars are already clearly visible in the angle of the angle of the sun under the horizon from 6 ° to 12 ° and is still visible the horizon line, which allows the vessel to use a sextant to measure the angle between the celestial luminais and visible horizon.

Astronomical twilight. In the range of an angle of staying at the horizon from 12 ° to 18 °, most random observers note that all the sky is completely dark and is practically no different from the night. At this time, astronomers can easily monitor heavenly luminaires, such as stars.
In many cases, entitled "Astronomical Twilight" is understood all the time when the sun is between the limits of 6 and 18 °.
It can be concluded that after the sun dive below 12 °, the twilight lighting on Earth almost stops and only weak light of dawn remains in the sky.

In the time of Ptolemy, in the case of Heliakic sunrises and points of the first magnitude, if the star and the sun were on the same horizon, the angle of immersion of the sun for the horizon was taken equal to 11 °; If on opposite horizons, the immersion angle was taken to 7 °. For stars of the second magnitude, these values \u200b\u200bwere 14 ° and 8.5 °.
However, it is not necessary to think that even in Egypt, all the stars can be observed at the very moment when they appear above the horizon. In the mornings, fogs are particularly often there, so often due to the constant strip of evaporation along the horizon only the brightest stars are visible, and the rest only when they ride at 1 ° or 2 °.

The solar disc moves with an average speed of 0.25 ° per minute, or 15 ° per hour (360 ° per day), but the movement during sunrise and the sunset occurs, as a rule, not at right angles to the horizon, so the duration of any twilight interval is determined by this An angle, increasing with more acute corners. The angle of the trajectory of the movement of the solar disk near the horizon depends:
- from the geographical latitude of the place;
- From the time of year (due to changes in the angle of inclination of the earth's axis towards the Sun).
The smallest average twilight duration is observed at the equator.

Astronomers argue that in general in Egypt during the Heliakic sunrise of the star Sirius, the sun was about 10 ° below the horizon.
So we will take this angular value in further calculations.

So. Sat - SA-TIS-La Twee-but is connected with the time-Nom Ni-La and with Ge Li-Aki-Kim Vost-Ho-House Si-Ri-Usa. Poshylaye temple SA-TIS on this ME-Those was co-wives in EPO-Hu PtO-Leme-ev.

Temple Sathet. 24 ° 05'28 "s. sh. 32 ° 53'12 "in. d.
IS-I follow his Ori-EN-Total, using for computing, Google Earth and Starcalc 572 heavenly calculator.

The church of the SATTEAT in the current form has an azimuth orientation114,66 degree, or Ori-EN-Thai24,66 On the south-re-current, which corresponds to the orientation of the temple of the era of Ptolemyev.

07/29/2000. Heliakic sunrise of Sirius. Azimuth \u003d. 108.65 °.

Syrium's sunrise - 1 ° (0.992) above the horizon. Horizontal coordinates - the height of the sun below at 9.63 ° sirus (8.642 + 0.992).
The difference between Sirius and Sun sunrises is 42 minutes (04.34 and 05.16)

Direction for Sirius, Azimuth 108.65 °.

Dates (year, day) and azimuths, direct climbing, decline in Syrium's helicic sunrise, based on the calculations of the celestial calculator Starcalc 5.72
Summary table.

The temple was built according to estimates almost 5,000 years ago, one of the first and was practically destroyed.
In the region of 2000 to NE. The Heliakic sunrise of Sirius took place during the summer solstice (the sun's declination of 23.55).

We pay attention that for 500 years of age (1 - 500 years. NE.) Date 13.07 Heliakic sunrise does not change. Sirius only 5 minutes later began to climb over the horizon.
It is worth noting that it was at the turn of 500 years of NE. The precession course of Sirius changed the direction. Azimuth (amplitude) of Sirius used to shifted closer to the east, after 500 years (107.52) moves closer to the south of the sky. This is associated with a similar change in decline (latitude) of sirium. Up to this turn, the declination of the star unequivocally indicated her offset closer to the heavenly equator (-16.27; -15.45). Now the star shifts south of the Equator (-16.43).
All these changes are observed against the background of a linear progressive offset of the azimuth of the Sun to the eastern point of the horizon of 2000 G. NE to date (63.2; 69.03). The decline of the Sun has changed steadily in the direction of heavenly equator (+23.55; +16.43)

Based on the calculations, and the above can be stated primarily that no global displacements of the earth's axis, with the exception of precession movements, did not occur.
And changes in the decline of Sirius at the turn of the 500s of the NE, probably occurred due to the movement of the Sirius system itself relative to the solar system.
In addition, the star in the Sirius system is not alone.

Temple Isisy

The temple complex Isis is located on File Island, so you can get to it only on a motor boat. You will open a magnificent unique landscape, which is doubly beautiful at night.

If you are lucky - be sure to go to the light-representation in the evening, it is great, with nothing with a comparable romantic spectacle.

The temple of Isis is called the "underwater" temple due to its flooding during the construction of the Asuan dam at the end of the XIX century.

Temple Isis. File Island

Phile Island was called in antiquity of Pairoke, or the "Island". Not only Isis, but also the goddess Hathor-Tefnut, who, according to legend, returned to Egypt from Nubia was washed in Lake Isides and Osiris near Filie. The sacred waters turned the furious divine lioness first into the cat Bastet, and then in the "golden" goddess of Love Hathor, whose return is carrying the Nile Flood and well-being.

The small temple of Hathor is shown in the center of this photo, and in front of him - part of the ancient column, which they wanted to turn into a millstone.

Shooting parameters:

focal lens distance: 17 mm

f8 diaphragm priority mode (exposure was 1/160 seconds)

the flash was not used

sensitivity: ISO 100

Temple Isisy

In addition to common panoramic frames, pay attention to the details. In each temple there is something unique, of interest. For example, this frame has an interesting composition: in the foreground window with the embossed image of Isis, in the background, the shapeless romance of the stones.

Shooting parameters:

focal length lens: 35 mm

the priority mode of the F8 diaphragm (excerpt was 1/125 seconds)

the flash was not used

white Balance - "Daylight"

sensitivity: ISO 200

To restore the temple in the original appearance, Italian specialists saw it into blocks in those short months when the water retreat. In 1984, the last Egyptian temple was again assembled at the neighboring island of Aguilik, who was artificially giving the shape of the Holy Bird of Isis, similar to the ancient File. And today on the blocks of the temple you can see the parts of the parts that he was once disassembled.

Once in the temple of Isis, it is difficult to believe in the fact that this huge temple complex stone behind a stone was moved from the flooded island to another!

Especially beautiful Pavilion Trajan - he became a symbol of the temple, formally not being part of it. The pavilion is perfectly in the photos, so be sure to make a frame for memory.

The goddess Isis was a patroness of women and family relationships. Therefore, an integral part of the temple is the "birthday", or Mummisi. Here, Pharaohs confirmed the legality of their power, and women who walked to have children came here for prayer. The patron of women who wearing children was a funny god-dwarf BES.

During the first two centuries of our era, the cult of Isis was the main rival of Christianity. He enjoyed wide popularity not only in Egypt, but also far beyond. In the Greek-Roman world, ISIDA called the "goddess of thousands of names".

The story of Isis is closely intertwined with the myth of Osiris, and Ishida usually acts as a faithful and devoted spouse. After the murder of Osiris, she, finding the body of her husband, buried him and, conceiving from the dead Osiris, gave birth to the son of Xora, who had to take revenge on the network. When Xor groaned, Isis appeared to the court of gods and began to demand for him as the legal son of Osiris the royal throne. As a result, Isis has achieved the conviction of the set and the recognition of the king of Egypt of His Son.

This text is a familiarization fragment. From the book in the country of Pharaoh by Jacques Christian

Egyptian Temple of Egypt, the times of Pharaohs was a reflection of the sky on Earth. Any sanctuary filled the cosmic force, which descended to the ground, only if a special dwelling was cooked there for her. This is a dwelling - the temple. Constructed by architects in the laws of harmony,

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (for) by the author BSE

Ramses II Temple of Ramses II, located in the north-west of the temple of his father of Network I, is very modest, judging by the fact that it remains from him. Plafones, the tops of the walls and supports disappeared, but beautiful reliefs reached us. You can see the animals of the God of Seta - Sorry and

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The church of Mut Avenue of Sphinxes (No. 28), which follows the tenth pylon, leads to the fence of the temple of the goddess Mut (No. 29), approximately 300 meters from the fence of the Amon Temple. The name of Mut means "mother". The mouse is Mut, apparently, existed at this place back during the middle kingdom. During

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36. FILE. The sanctuary of Isis "Pearl of Egypt", "Delightful Island" File belongs to the goddess Isis. Before the construction of the first Asuan dam, travelers could admire the beauties of this place. But the dam has become a curse for the island, which for several months

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Nefertari temple in a hundred meters north of the large temple Ramses II was created by the sanctuary in honor of the great wife of Pharaoh Tsaritsa Nefertari, "the one for which the sun shines.".. Sickie a height of 10 m, frozen in motion,

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Temple Temple, a cult facility, intended for the commission of worship services and religious rites. Types of H. and the history of their development are due to the cultural requirements, also the overall development of architecture and construction equipment in various peoples in different countries.

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16. Solomon Temple Although the first Jerusalem temple was built by King Solomon, but preparations for his construction were launched in previous reign. King David acquired a place for the temple, made extensive preparations of the building material, compiled a plan of the temple,

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** The temple of Isis from the island of fillets itself itself is ** the temple of Isis of the Ptolemyyev era from File Island (Philae) (5). Now he was on Agilika Island (Agilika), but the name of the former island is still in the go, and even more consuming. Below the old dam is the pier, from

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The temple at the bottom of the abyss of the Temple of Kailas Natha (Vladyka Kailas), named so named the sacred mountain, whose vertex was considered to be a paradise of Shiva, was built in a completely special way. For the creation of the temple, builders first carved in the rock in the form of the letter "P" long

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So the temple left - all the temple, / idol attacked - all God! From the poem "I do not love you" (1830) M. Yu. Lermontova (1814-1841). In fact: even if any shrine, authority, etc. and are debunked, nevertheless there are people who they have - Spent of respect, and

Temple of the Virgin Mary before the tint - Tiny temple Kostel Panny Marie P? ED T? Pet - T? NSK? CHR? M Address: Prague 1, Star Place, Old Town Square. How to get there: Staromestska Metro Station. The Temple of the Virgin Mary before the tight is located in the old place Prague. Initially, it consisted of settlements