Cenigsberg city gates. Seven gates of Kenigsberg-Kaliningrad

Koenigsberg was surrounded by the seven bastion fronts, i.e. Citizens of polygonal serf belts, with the inclusion of bastions in them with an earth-shaft connecting them. Lunting, cavaliers, redoubts and individual Reduits should have become auxiliary defensive structures, built into the shaft and rendered beyond its limits. The system also turned into the system, powered by water, both pregel sleeves and other reservoirs. Individual elements The defensive burden was the gate.

All city gates of Königsberg locked up for the night and put a guard. The entrance to the city from sunset to dawn was prohibited. The exception was only doctors and priests.

The history of the construction of the gate

April 5, 1843, Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm Fourth, ordered to create a second bottleneck around Königsberg. Develop a project was commissioned by the head of the engineering corps, Lieutenant-General Ernest Ludwig von Aster.

Ludwig von Aster, developing a project of second best strengthening of the city of Königsberg, took into account not only the military assignment of the gate, but also aesthetic. All urban gates were performed in one of the directions of English Neoeta - Tudor-style. Separate attention was paid to sculptures decorated them.

Construction of the city gate began on August 30, 1843 from the bookmarks of the royal gate. In this event, the King of Friedrich Wilhelm Fourth himself took part. The construction of the consecration of the Friedland gate in 1862 was completed.

At the end of the 19th century, the construction of the fortnight "Night Parina Königsberg" began, which was made at a considerable distance from the borders of the city.

The second boost strengthening of the city of Koenigsberg lost its military significance.

By decree of August 25, 1910, a number of protective structures are prescribed from the fortifications system, including the city gates of Königsberg.

During World War II, many cenigsberg City Gate (Kaliningrad), were partially damaged.

In the postwar years, they were not even considered as a monument of architecture and stained in the cast and oblivion. Some were given under a vegetable warehouse, others under workshops. So it lasted until 1960, when by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, they were declared under the protection of the state.

But the main revival of the city gate of Koenigsberg occurred in 2004. Then the Royal 750th anniversary of Kaliningrad were renovated.

Now it is seven attractions of the city. Some gates are located museum expositions, in other cozy cafes.


Royal Gate (Him. Königstor)
Located at the intersection of Frunze Street and Lithuanian shaft. Initially, there were Calfo Gate at this place.

In 1717, they were demolished, and during the entry of Königsberg to Russia in this place were built by Russian engineers.

These gates were originally called Gumbinnin, as it was in Humbinen (Gusev) who went through them the road. In 1811, the gate was renamed royal, by the name of the street on which they were (him. Königstrasse).

At the end of the first half of the 19th century, modernization of urban fortifications began in Königsberg. Then the old gates were demolished, and newly preserved in their place were built.

Solemn bookmark new royal gates It took place on August 30, 1843 in the presence of the King Friedrich-Wilhelm 4, and construction was completed in 1850.

Koenigsberg. Built in a pseudo-styled style and outdoor resemble a small castle. The author of the Gate Project General Ernst Ludwig von Aster, Architect Friedrich August Stewler answered the artistic design of facades, the bas-reliefs created a sculptor Wilhelm Ludwig Sturmer.

Royal Gate. Consist of one pass of a 4.5 meter width, on the sides of which are the chamsis. From the city of the caasemates had windows and doors, and from the outside of the ambrusura.

The roof edges are framed by teeth. At the corners of the building there are four eight-marginal turrets (on old turret pictures round), and four more eight-marched turrets are located on the high central part of the royal gate.

The facade of the city is decorated with the Borders of the King of Czech Ottokara 2 (left), King of Prussia Friedrich 1 (in the middle) and the duke of Prussia Albrecht 1 (right). The figures contain their generic emblems. Above niches depicted the coat of arms of Prussian lands - the deputy and natantia.

At the end of the 19th century, gross fortifications have lost their defense functions, and at the beginning of the 20th century Royal Gate. Were sold by the Military Ministry of the City Office.

Later, in the 20th century, the shafts adjacent to the gates on the sides were broken because they interfered with the increased car traffic. Thus, they have become a free standing, an island structure. Now they perform the function of a peculiar triumphal arch.

In the course of the Great Patriotic War, during the bombing of the city, the gates received minor damage.

After the war, the royal gates used as a bookstore number 6, which closed in the nineties of the last century. After used under the storage room.

In 2004, restoration work began, during which the building of the royal gate was completely renovated, and Friedrich 1 Basperfam 1, Duke Albrecht 1 and Ottokar 2 were led by their lost heads.

In 2005, the royal gates became a symbol of the celebration of the 750th anniversary of Kaliningrad.

On November 10, 2005, a message to descendants was prompted to the descendant's wall - a glass case with the book "City of My Dreams". One of the records in the book was made by Russian President Vladimir Putin on July 2.

Since 2005, the royal gate has been a branch of the World Ocean Museum. There is an exposure dedicated to visiting Königsberg Peter 1.

From the city main facade

bas reliefs With outside s


Rosgarten Gate (it. RossgärTer Tor)located at the intersection of the streets of Chernyakhovsky (Wrangels) and Alexander Nevsky (Cranzer Allee), next to the Vasilevsky Square and the amber museum.

The first gates that were in this place were built at the beginning of the 17th century during the construction of the first strengthening of Königsberg.

In 1852-1855, on the draft director of serf-building Irfuhelbacht and Lieutenant Engineer, Bay High, at the place of the first city gate, built new, more modern.

The project facade of the gate was developed by the secret Supreme Construction Advisor to August, the head of the technical construction deputation in Berlin. Stewler himself worked the project of the facade, giving him pronounced gothic forms. Author of sculptural jewelry - Wilhelm Ludwig Sturmer.

Rosgarian Gate There are only one pass four meters wiper. On both sides of the sides of the passage, there are three caasemate. In this way facade Rosgarian Gate Consists of seven openings. From the city of the caasemates have windows, from the outside of the city of ambrusura. From above above the facade of the gate is a series of teeth, divided into two halves sublime central part.

On the sides, the central part is framed by two high eight-grown turrets. Above the entrance is the observation platform, fenced by the teeth. On the right and left of the entrance are arcades, consisting of arches based on columns. On the sides of the main archway there are two medallion-portrait depicting Prussian generals of Sharnhorsta and Gneisenau.

From the outside, the passage is covered with blockhouse, from which you can conduct a circular rifle and artillery fire and Cordegardia, from the Ambrazur of which the front and flank fire could be conducted. Cordegardia had a swing gate. In front of Cordegardia, through which the lifting bridge is thrown.

After the war Rosgarian Gate were restored and began to be used as a cafe-restaurant "Sunny Stone".

From the outside From the city
Rosgarian Gate medallion-portrait of the Sharnhorst medallion-portrait Gneisenau


Zakhaimsky Gate (Sack. SackHeim Tor) Located at the intersection of Moscow Avenue and the street Lithuanian shaft. The first gates that were in this place were built at the beginning of the 17th century during the construction of the first strengthening of Königsberg.

Construction Zakhaimsk gate, which reached our time, it was built in the middle of the 19th century.

They have one passage in the form of an arch, which performed the function of the checkpoint when entering the city.

The gatehouse is built in neoctic style from red brick of varying degrees. From it, walls and decorative parts are folded. At the corners of the gate there are four towers: two round from the city side and two eight-marched from the outside. From the side of the city, they were decorated with the bas-reliefs of Johann David Ludwig York and Friedrich Wilhelm Bülov, on the outside - the image of a black eagle.

At the end of the 19th century, gross fortifications have lost their defense functions, and early 20th century Zakhaimsk gate Were sold by the Military Ministry to the city administration, and they were left as a monument of architecture, in the form of a triumphant arch. Part of the champows was demolished and residential buildings were attached to the gate. Through them stopped walking, which was allowed next to the gate, the breakdown of a significant part of the defensive shaft.

During World War II, the gate was not injured. After the war, they began to be used under the warehouse, which function they performed until 2006.

In 2006, the restoration of the gate began. In the Zakrhaim gate, the Federal State Institution "Center for Standardization and Metrology", his laboratory and a small museum could be accommodated, where the scales and other vintage measuring instruments can be seen.

At the moment (April 2011), no work is conducted, and we can only dream about the museum.

From the city From the outside

From the city From the outside


On the outskirts of the city, not far from the cattle courtyard, on the road from the Austrian street (Kalinin Ave), and crossing it with Schienglisserally Street (Ul Dzerzhinsky), the shaft was built with a gate, to cover the city from the south, the road that led to the city Friedland (Pravdinsk).

The first mention of O. Friedland gate (it. Friedländer Tor) Refers to 1657, this year, Prussia was freed from vassal dependence on the part of Poland.

Defensive structures were well equipped with artillery, but these fortifications were seriously inspected only during the Napoleonic Wars. Attempting the French to take Koenigsberg somewhat, but this fact is an exception, since the first cool ring showed its inconsistency at the occurrence of the enemy.

And already in 1857-1862, the construction of a new second defensive ring around the city began. The olds were disassembled and in their place in 1862 new ones were built, and they were the most fortified in the system of the second rings. Friedland gates were built under the direction of architect F. A. Stewler (1800-1865).

Friedland gates are made in the style of neoctic from red bricks of varying degrees. From it, walls and decorative parts are folded. The gates had a large number of Casemates with windows and embrasures. They had an escarp wall (the inner wall of the fortress shaft) with a sentiment of it. This wall, goes along the park and preserved to the present day.

The gates of the gate had not only rifle embrasures, but also cannon. The gate had two drives with the portals of a shadow outline, and the portals had platbands repeating their forms. The front part of the goal from the city is disseminated vertically five counterphorties, ending at the level of decorative gear paw with pointed double turrets - pinakles with phylami. From the outside of the gate of such turrers, only three.

Parapet's turrets and teeth for creating lighting and greater architectural expressiveness are decorated with decorative niches with multibane and double-centered arches. Under the gear paws, the ornament from the repetitive crosses, wearing the name of the Besant in the ancient architecture.

From the side of the city, the figure was decorated with the figure of Friedrich von Trollena, who at the beginning of the 15th century was the Comnor of the Balg Fortress. From the outside of the gate is the image of the fifteenth Master Master of Teutonic Order Siegfried von Faochtwangen.

The author of the sculptures Wilhelm Ludwig Sturmer (1812-1864). The date of creation of sculptures discovered during the restoration - 1864.
Currently, sculptures are restored (the sculpture of Fahtwangen - in 2005, the Sculpture of Trollena - in 2008).

In the early 20th century, Friedland gate We wanted to demolish, but the gate together with all the second topics were sold by the military ministry in 1910 by the city administration, and they were left as a monument of architecture.

After World War I, the Friedland gate closes for transport and become entrance gates to the park, which is created at the site of defensive structures of the South Front. And the road to Friedland (the current street of Dzerzhinsky) began to pass on the side of the gate, while the part of the defensive shaft was demolished.

During World War II, the Friedland gate had to become a military facility. Upstairs still traces from the trenches and holes for artillery guns. During the storming of the city of 1945, the gate was practically not affected. What can not be said about the Soviet period. In the post-war, the gate was empty for a long time, then a warehouse was located in them. Unique ceramic bricks were repeatedly descended, painted, trees sprout on the roof of the gate and in the end the gate was destroyed.

In 1988. Friedland gate The park named after the "40th anniversary of the VLKSM" (now the South Park) was transferred. For donations of individuals and public organizations, the Friedland gates managed to restore and discover the Museum of Eastern Prussia.

When cleaning the pond ponds, various items were found, which were the first exposition of the museum. Here collected a collection of weapons of the 19-20th centuries, a collection of wine and beer bottles, blacksmith and carpentry tool, bricks with prints of animals and stamp masters.

Museum in the Friedland Gate Founded Alexander Georgievich Novik. Initially, the museum was actually private and did not have official status. Only in 2002 the museum was officially created by order of the director of the South Park.
Now the "Friedland Gate" Museum is the only museum of Kaliningrad, the exposition of which is devoted to the history of the pre-war Königsberg.

Permanent exposition Museum:

"City-fortress, garden city. Virtual walk through the streets of Old Konigsberg ": the opportunity to see what city was in 1895-1910, look into shop windows.
"Königsberg of the first half of the 20th century": life of the townspeople of the first half of the 20th century, the usual things in unusual appearance, famous trademarks.

"Civilization begins with sewage": the history of water supply and sewage from ancient times to the present.

From the city From the outside
sculpture of Friedrich von Trollena sculpture Siegfried von Fahtvangen


Brandenburg (Berlin)

Brandenburg (Berlin) Gate (it. Brandenburger Tor) Located at the intersection of Bagration Street (Alter Garten) and the Luga South.
The first city gates at this place were built in 1657. They were intended to protect the city on the southwestern plot, and the road leading to the castle of Brandenburg (now pos. Ushakovo).

Because of the scarce financing, a wooden gate was built with a roof, which rested in the earthen shaft. For reliability in front of them was died and filled with water.

18th century, by order of the Prussian King Friedrich 2, Brandenburg Gate They were demolished, but in their place, to cover the city from the south (now Suvorov Street), a massive construction of bricks was built.

They had two spacious drives, the premises of the garrison guard, service, utility and warehouses.

In 1843, restoration work was carried out, the gate building was almost completely rebuilt.

The frontones became pointed, with cruciform flowers from sandstone and stylized leaves.

The gates are installed sculptural portraits of Field Marshal Boyen (1771-1848), Military Minister, participant in the reforms in the Prussian army, and Lieutenant-General Ernst von Aster (1778-1855), the Chief of the Engineering Corps, one of the authors of the second strengthening.

Brandenburg Gate - The only of all the Königsberg city gates that have been preserved to our days performing their former transport function. The structure of the Brandenburg gate is renovated and protected by the state as a monument of architecture.

From the outside From the city


Ausfalstor AusFalStor), Located at the intersection of the Guards Prospect (Deutschordenring) and the streets of Mountain.

The first gates on the site of the current were built in the twenties 17th century during the construction of the first strengthening of Königsberg.

In 1866. Ausfalsk gatewere completely rebuilt in the style of brick gothic. Due to the fact that they were intended only for pedestrians, and were less significant in relation to the rest of the city gate, the architectural design of the gate was an order of magnitude poorer than the remaining city gates of Königsberg.

Designed new Ausfalist gatesarchitect Ludwig von Aster.

Ausfalist gates have only one passage, to which the staircase and a narrow bridge conducted from the outside of the city. On the sides of the passage are the chambers of the front and flank fire. The passage is blocked on an arc of an arc, which is decorated with a casing with teeth. Side outdoor wines of the gate are lined with granite slabs.

ABOUT appearance The facade of the gate from the side of the city is not known, since the facade of the gate is covered in fire, and his photographs or drawings are not preserved. On the passage there is a combat platform with a toothed parapet. From the very beginning, the shaft crashed from the very beginning and were actually below the ground level.

At the end of the 19th century, the city's strengthening of the city lost their defense functions, and at the beginning of the 20th century, the Ausfalsky gates were sold by the Military Ministry to the city administration, and the only passage of the gate was laid.

During the Second World War Ausfalsk gate were converted under the management of military units. Extensive indoor gates were divided into separate compartments with concrete walls. Passages between compartments were closed with hermetic protective doors.

After the war B. Ausfalist gates Used as a warehouse, later - as a bomb shelter located near the school of the police, and even later they were located in them a wastewater collector.
In 1993, the Orthodox Chapel of St. George, dedicated to the Soviet soldiers who died during the Königsberg Soldiers, was built on the upper coating of the gate, which is located in the roadside of the roadway.

In the spring of 2007. Ausfali and railway gates were transferred to the Kaliningrad historical and artistic museum. It is planned to restore the gate, and placement of museum expositions in their premises. Together with the monument of 1200 guardsmen and the Park of Victory, the gate should be part of the military-historical complex.

Ausfali wastewater collector

orthodox chapel of St. George


Steindammer Thor (Steindammer Thor)They were located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe current Victory Square. They were demolished in 1912, after the defensive structures of the second obligation are outdated, lost defense significance and were sold by the city by the military department.

There were two broad drives for transport and two travels for pedestrians. On the right and left were placed three barracks.

Like most Kenigsberg city gates, building Stordammsky gate It was built in the Gothic style.

Tubes of the arched gate had a sweatshop. The roof edges completed the teeth. At the edges of the pedestrian portals towering turrets. In the center of the gate, in Niche, the statue of King Friedrich Wilheyma 4 was posted.


HOLLANDERBAUM THOR (HOLLANDERBAUM THOR) They were in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crossroads of General Boutkova (AusfallTorstr) and the embankment of Marshal Baghamyan (Hollanderbaumstr), next to the bunk bridge across the Preligol River.

The gate was called the area in which they were located (Hollenderbaum, "Dutch tree"). The gate was demolished at the beginning of the 20th century, after the defensive structures of the second obligation are outdated, lost defense significance and were sold by the city by the military department.


Tragheimsky gate
Located in the area of \u200b\u200bGorky Street (Waldburgstr). They were demolished in 1910, after the defensive structures of the second obligation are outdated, lost their defense significance and were sold by the city by the military department.


Railway Gate (Eisenbahnhof Tor) They were built in 1866-1869 on the project of architect Ludwig von Aster.

The railway gate had two spans (North and South), decorated with fitted arches. On the sides of railway spans are the casemates with embrasures, and from the outside - the room for the guard.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Doychordering street was laid on top of the gate (it. Deutschordenring, now Guards Avenue).

After World War II, the movement on the branch passing through the gate ceased due to the construction of a new one. The old paths were finally dismantled only in the 1990s, now a pedestrian walkway was laid in the Victory Park.


It was a grand project. Unfortunately, not all preserved to our days.

Leaving behind the railway gate, I went out on the street. General Butkova (formerly. Ausfalltor Straße), and then on the Guards Avenue (previously Deutschordenring). My further path was lying in the direction of the automotive and railway bridge across the Pragol River.

After a couple of hundred meters, a huge bulk of the bunk bridge appeared in front of me, and the building of the former Holländerbaum station, which preserved to the present day, had a little right. Now the Kaliningrad Regional Customs is located in this building.

But, before joining the bridge, I decided to approach the edge of the embankment to admire the type of the Pragol River, still a custodized ice, and the snow shiny in the sun.

There was quite clear weather and the opposite bank was clearly visible. There, proudly towering over low warehouse buildings, a powerful tower of the Friedrichsburg gate was visible. It is these gates that are the next stopping point of our journey.

Having made several frames that were visible on the opposite shore, the gate, I headed for a brown bunk bridge (formerly Reichsbahnbrucke). The original bridge was blown up by the retreating Germans in 1945, but already in 1959-60. The bridge was completely restored and rebuilt. A unique mechanism unfolding 1000-ton Machine in just 2.5 minutes, was irrevocably destroyed, so the modern bridge acquired a new, already vertical, adjustable mechanism, working and to this day.

It is worth noting that here, not far from the bridge, at the intersection of ul. General Butkova (formerly Ausfalltor Straße) and the embankment of Marshal Baghamyan (Holländerbaum Straße), have previously been another gate - Hollenderbaum, which were demolished at the beginning of the 20th century.

Crossing the bridge, wrapped left on ul. Port (formerly Friedrichsburger Straße), where, among numerous warehouses and autocentrers, are located that interest us Friedrichsburg gate (it. Friedrichsburg Tor). Looking ahead, I will say that these gates are not related to the city gate of Königsberg, as they were not in the city, but in a small fort, but, nevertheless, they are beautiful and interesting in their own way.

Long ago, in 1657, on the left bank of the Pregel, to protect Königsberg from the sea, as well as the control of the water path to the Pillau fortress, on the orders of the Kurfenburg Friedrich Vilhegelma, the Fortress of Friedrichsburg was laid, and the gate of the same name, built a little later, performed Bandwidth through a protective shaft of the fortress.

The project of the fortress was developed by a Prussian engineer and mathematician Christian Otter (1598-1660). He belongs to the invention of the Dutch system of building fortresses, which he successfully applied and during the construction of the Fritronichsburg Fortress, surrounding it with a wide, filled with water mo. The construction of the fortress was led by Georg Neumann. The first commandant of Fritronichsburg fortress was appointed Dutch Colonel Engraner Gerhard von Belgulm.

In the form, a small fortress resembled the right square, with four sides protected by earthy bastions. Inside the fortress there were barracks, prison, food and weapons warehouses, a customs service and a small church. In 1858, the modernized fortress, which received the status of the fort, became part of the second strengthening. At the same time, on the project of Friedrich August August, the brick Friedrichsburg Gate was attached to the fort.

The gate, striking by its heavily, was built from the burned clinker brick in the style of Tudor - the English course of neootics. The vaults of pass-through pass are made in a traditional boar style, and the caasemates located on the sides of the gate, in the crusade.

If you carefully look at the goal, we will see that the walls, as well as complex architectural jewelry over the entrance arch, are made of bricks of various colors and forms, which speaks of the high mastery of the builders of the XIX century. On the front facade of the gate to this day, the Black Gothic inscription "Friedrichsburg" and the core of the Prussian Eagle are preserved.

On the left and right of the arched passage are massive round towers, decorated with decorative teeth. The names of the towers are unusual and interesting and interesting: "Rubin", "Pearls", "Almaz" and "Smaragd (Emerald)". Each tower has six round and four firewalls - boys.

On August 23, 1910, Fort has ceased to be a military facility, and was transferred to the management of the Imperial Railway, and after 10 years the bastions were completely disassembled, and the Rips are covered in order to free the place under the railway station railway routes and do not interfere with the construction of the railway bridge.

After the Great Patriotic War, the gate was badly damaged and were under threat of demolition, but in 1960 they still received the status of an architectural monument, but it did not save them from further destruction and illness.

And now, quite recently, it was finally a bright period in the post-war gate history. The collapsed gate took the museum of the World Ocean under his wing. In the FDP "Culture", more than 20 million rubles were allocated for the restoration and gateing the initial architectural image. The complexity lies in the fact that for the restoration of the gate, a special brick is required, purchased in Latvia, and already on the spot from it the necessary figured elements are cut.

The director of Azimut-Stroy LLC, which performs the restoration of the gate, Alexander Feschanko says that, in comparison with the royal gate, there are much more difficult things here, as 46 species of different bricks are required for numerous elements.

Upon completion of all works, the gate will take long-awaited guests already in the status of the branch of the World Ocean Museum. It is planned that the Museum Squares will be devoted to the history of shipbuilding, the center of the restoration of underwater archaeological finds will be opened, the area in front of the gate will be decorated with a beautiful fountain, as well as the opening of Minique.

In conclusion, the story of the Friedrichsburg gate, I want to mention another interesting historical fact. In 1697, the Frydrichsburg Fortress, for the purpose of learning artillery skills, was visited by Peter I.

The Brandenburg Colonel Von Sternefeld, who spoke as a teacher, gave a high appreciation to his student. Upon returning to Moscow, Peter I received a certificate in which it was said: " Peter Mikhailov to admit and read for the bombs perfect in throwing, cautious and skilled firearm»

The last time I looked around the gate slaughtered snow, between the towers of which the rays of the winter sun were glanced, I went further on the street. Port and, soon, wrapped on the street. Serpukhovskaya (formerly. Knochen Straße), which in turn brought me to the street. Bagration (former. Alter Garten Straße).

On this street there are the following gates on our route - Brandenburg (it. Brandenburg Tor) - The only of the seven preserved city gates of Königsberg, who perform their transport function to this day.

The name of the gate comes from the Oddensky castle of Brandenburg on the Freshing River, the ruins of which are still preserved in modern pos. Ushakovo Bagrationovsky District. It is through these gates that a broken road from Königsberg was walking toward the castle of Brandenburg.

The date of construction is 1860. The author of the project of the Facade of the Brandenburg Gate, as well as Friedrichsburg, is a talented military engineer Friedrich August of Stüler. The gate was part of the second strengthening and served to pass pedestrians and transport across the Earth's Tree at Bastion Brandenburg.

These gates made in neo-style style in the architectural plan are slightly more lightweight, in comparison with the rest of the city gates. On both sides of the two symmetric arched openings for travel, there are small incapshots with embrasures. Previously, these premises served to protect and customs service, and now they are located in the city of the "Frame and Framework" store.

The walls wallmates are made of clinker bricks; The base is lined with granite slabs in the KVAD technique, and the facades are decorated with a carved stone and shallow plastic.

Over the two inaccurate arches, the gate is decorated with very beautiful "vimpergami" - Roman frontons with faceted turrets - "phylami".

The frontones on the edges are decorated with stylized sandstone flowers - "crabs", and impertly - "crossflowers". The semi-branches are interconnected by gear parapets.

"Timpans" (fields of frontones) are decorated by the city of the corelines, on the other hand - coat of arms. The author of sculpture plastics - Wilhelm Ludwig Sturmer.

Gorotor's burners depict portraits of military generals, Russia's allies in the fight against Napoleonic France: Military engineer Hermann von Boyen (left) and lieutenant-General Ernsta Ludwig von Asterig (right).

Hermann von Boyen was born in the city of Kroyzburg (modern village. Yenino Bagrationsky district) and is known for taking an active part in wars with Napoleon, fought in battles near Leipzig, Lyon and Paris. With his participation in Prussia, a military service system was introduced. At the place of his generic estate still there is a forgotten and dilapidated monument to this outstanding person ...

The second terminal belongs to Ernstu Ludwig von Aster, also an active participant in battles with Napoleonic France. However, he brought the greatest fame to work on the project of serfs of second strengthening.

During World War II, the Brandenburg Gate suffered, relatively, not much. In the post-time, it was used as a warehouse and were in general start-up. And only in 1960, the decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the Brandenburg gate was declared a monument of urban planning and architecture of republican significance ...

Bright, but still cold February sun highlighted the vintage walls of the gate - silent witnesses of the rich history of Königsberg. Aspirated winding frontons beautifully looked on the background of the blue sky, probably, as well as and a half a century ago, causing a view of a random passerby.

I wanted to look infinitely for a long time to look at the gate and a row of cars passing through them, but my path lay on - towards the southern station, where in a hundred meters from the gate, at the site of the old wall there are commemorative burners informing us that here in the XIX century were drunk Professor - Rectors of Königsberg University "Albertina".

This is a philosopher Christian Jacob Kraus (1753-1807) (christian Jacob Kraus), Anatas and Physiologist Karl Friedrich Burdach (1776-1847) (it. Karl Friedrich Burdach), the name of which is called a nervous bundle in the rear poles of the spinal cord, providing a touch and the deep sensitivity of the lower extremities and the lower parts of the body and the philologist Ludwicas Reza (1776-1840) (it. Liudvikas Gediminas Rėza).

By the way, an unforgivable mistake in the name (Ludwigas instead of Ludwicas) was admitted to the burrow of the famous Lithuanian poet, but let it be on the conscience of the author of this memorial sign. I also add that in Kaliningrad in 2000, in the square of Lithuanian cities-twinths at the intersection of ul. The chestnut alley, etc. Victory, solemnly discovered a monument to Ludvicas, the sculptor A. Sakalaususas.

And in the meantime, after time, bypassing the beautiful building of the South Station, went to Kalinina Avenue and headed towards the next goal on our route - Friedland. Also in the third part, I will introduce you to the same city gates of Königsberg - Zakhaimsk.

To be continued...

And now the turn has come to explain why the header is mentioned in the header of the post.
In 1626 - 1634, it was built a strengthening, which was surrounded by Königsberg from all sides. Strengthening consisted of several bastions and semi-lastons, as well as from 9 gates. In addition, from the sea in 1657, a powerful Fort Friedrichsburg was laid.
And already two centuries later, the King Friedrich Wilhelm IV issues a decree on the start of the construction of a second strengthening, in general, the repeating contours of the previous one. Powerful towers of Don and Wrangel are being built, the defensive barracks of crownprints and an astronomical bastion, as well as new fortified gates, on the site of the previous ones. The first in 1843 began to build the royal gate, and the construction of the Friedland gate was completed in 1862.
We managed to visit not all the gate: (But some of them I still show you :)

Branderburg Gate.

On the wall a memorable plate.

And here is the sword themselves. Through the tram line passes through them.

The Brandenburg Gate was built in about 1860s. The project of the facade developed the architect Auguston Stüler. On the side directed to the city, two portrait medallers of Wilhelma Ludwig Ameligra are preserved: on the left - Military engineer Field Marshal Hermann Boyen, left - General Ernst Ludwig von Aster, Member of Napoleonic Wars and the author of the second strengthening of the Konigsberg Fortress. The name of the gate can be interpreted in two: the first - through them the road goes to the Oddensky castle of Brandenburg (now pos. Ushakovo); The second is the same road leads to the German land Brandenburg. But they do not have anything in common with the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

which of them is Feldmarshal, and who the general I confused))

This is a view of the gate on the other side. By the way, pay attention to the tram line is a narrow scene. And trams go quite ordinary dimensions. According to my feelings shook in the way in their two times more than in Moscow :)
A little from the history of the Königsbean tram. In the 19th century, due to the growth of the city, there was a need for public transport. In May 1881, the first end route was opened in Konigsberg (the electric tram was already launched in Berlin). The owners of the compets were joint stock companies. Compared to trees, the cost of a trip at the end was much democratic: from 10 to 20 panenigs (depending on the distance) against 60 panenigs per passenger, 70 panenits for two, 80 for three and brands for four passengers on the trees.
And in May 1895, the first trams came to Königsberg streets. In 1901, the city bought all the lines of the kink (except for the lines in the hufen) and began their electrification.

A strange building ahead is a bridge.

The next gate is Friedrichsburg.

The Friedrichsburg Gate is the only historical gates in Kaliningrad, who did not lead to the city of Konigsberg, but to the same fortress. In 1657, on the instructions of the Great Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm on the southern bank of the Pragol River, Frydrichsburg Fortress was built. It was built on the project of Christian Otters and in the topographic plan had the shape of a square. At its corners there were four bastions with benevolent names - Rubin, Emerald, Diamond and Pearls. On a quadruginous yard, surrounded by earthen shafts, various buildings were located: a compendension, barracks, a ceighaus, barns, gaptwaht, prison and church.

During his stay in 1697, the Great Russian Embassy in Königsberg under the name of the Sprik Peter Mikhailov, Russian Tsar Peter I passed artillery science in the Friedrichsburg and Pillau fortunes. Training held a Brandenburg specialist in this field Colonel von Sternefeld. He noted the ability of his 25-year-old student. By returning to Moscow, Peter I received a certificate, which said: "Peter Mikhailov recognize and read for the bombs perfect in throwing, a cautious and skilled firearm."

In the middle of the XIX century, during the construction around Konigsberg, the FRIDRIHSURG Fortress was rebuilt into the forty fort. In 1852, a brick gate was built in Fortrichsburg Fortrichsburg. The author of the project of these gates was August Stewler - the court architect of the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm IV. On August 23, 1910, Fort Friedrichsburg was excluded from Konigsberg defensive fortifications and sold by the Imperial Railway. The shafts were broken, the Rips of Fort Friedrichsburg are covered. The main part of its structures is dismantled. Railway tracks were laid in the territory previously occupied by this fort. From the buildings of the Fort, only the gate and the barracks at the Eastern defensive wall of the southeast bastion are preserved.
Now the Friedrichsburg gates are transferred to the Museum of the World Ocean.

Some tiny hatches))

Bridge. This strange design is a distribution mechanism, more precisely raising :) The new railway bridge was built in 1926. Its design was swivel, the upper part of the bridge was intended for trains, lower for pedestrians and cars. The swivel part was 57 meters and weighed 1225 tons, while the bridge could be rotated within 2-3 minutes. It was blown upon by the retreat of German troops and restored in 1949. The construction of the bridge was changed to the lifting. Bridge lift height is about 50 meters.

Bridge in such a ... launched picturesque condition. My friends were even afraid to move it through the rusty metal. And my home was remembered and the staircase on the embankment)))

Views from the bridge very much!

Can piles of some old bridge?

The cathedral is visible away.

The kitte somehow looks at the guests of the city :)

"Garden of stones" in one of the courtyards :)

Here I am most pleased with the pink "Toy" house)

The building on the right is also very interesting.

This Yui MVD is a police university. Building construction approx. 1931, in German Time there was a labor exchange.

Railway doors

1866-1869 Designed Railway Gate Architect Ludwig von Aster.
Through these gates passed railwayleading to Pillau (now Baltiysk). After the defensive structures of the city center were removed, the street was laid by the former shaft. Thus, since then the gate is minorly, and rather reminiscent of the tunnel through the road mound.

On the gate an unexpected sign)))

Over the gate beautiful park With ponds.

And this is ausfalist gate.
The first gates of approximately the place of the current were built in the twenties of the XVII, during the construction of a defensive shaft around the city. Later, in 1866, the gate was reinstalled, in the style of brick gothic. Built in the XIX century, the Ausfalcian gate passed only pedestrians, and were less significant in relation to the rest of the city gate (as he says, for example, poorer architectural design). Designed new Ausfalist Gate Architect Ludwig von Aster.

The gate from the very beginning crashed into the shaft and were actually below the ground level. In the XX century, the only goal fare was laid. Like all other city gates, in 1910, the Ausfalcian gates were sold by the Military Office in the city.
During the war, the Ausfalist gates were converted to the management of military units. Extensive indoor gates were divided into separate compartments with concrete walls. Passages between compartments were closed with hermetic protective doors.
After the war, the gate was used as a warehouse, later - as a bomb shelter located near the school of the police, and later in them a wastewater collector was located.

In 1993, the Orthodox Chapel of St. George, dedicated to the Soviet soldiers who died during Königsberg's Soldiers, was built on the upper coating of the gate, which is located in the roadside of the arrival part of the Guards Prospect.

The historic center is surrounded by eight gates - they were originally ten, but people and time spared not all the facilities. Urban gate Kaliningrad They were erected in the XIX century, as part of the second rolling defensive circuit, hailing the city in the form of a ring. In addition to the gate, it includes towers, bastions, redoubts and defensive barracks "Kronprints".

The second basal defensive distribution is the fortification facilities, which, together with, called "Night Cenigsberg" form a fortress city.

Brandenburg Gate Kaliningrad

Friedrichsburg gate They are not urban gates, they were part of the Fritrichsburg Fortress, which was demolished at the beginning of the 20th century. According to the architecture, they are similar to the city gates of Königsberg and are also built in a neo-neutic style from the burned figure brick.

During the construction work, not only the protective function was taken into account, but also the aesthetics of these buildings - all of them are made of red bricks in a neo-neutic style and are very similar to medieval knightly castles. Their historical appearance was preserved and during restoration work.

Each of the eight buildings in its own way is unique and has its own history, some of them are located. Visiting the majestic Gates of Königsberg, you can sit in a cozy cafe, to visit museum exhibitions and truly penetrate the spirit of the history of this beautiful ancient city.

Map of the gate

Museum site: http://fvmuseum.ru. The address: ul. Dzerzhinsky, house 30. Opening hours: Every day from 10.00 to 18.00, the first Friday of the month is a sanitary day. Ticket price: 200 rub., Students, Schoolchildren, Pensioners - 100 rubles, from 5 to 7 years - 50 rubles, Family ticket - 400 rubles.

The Friedland Gate is located on the outskirts of the historic center of Kaliningrad, it is from them that the guests are familiar with the sights of the city. They are made of red brick in neo-style style. The gate have two large portals and five counterphorts, which are divided by the facade of the structure.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Friedland gate of Kaliningrad had to demolish, but they were transferred to the ownership of the municipality - this was saved by their destroy. The gate was preserved as an architectural monument. In the period between the first and second world wars, the construction was closed to traffic and performed the entry function to the park.

During World War II, the Friedland gate returned the status of a military facility. It must be said that in 1945 in Koenigsberg in 1945, the structure remains almost intact, which cannot be said about post-war time. In the Soviet years, the Friedland Gate was empty, a unique red brick on a lot of layers was covered with a lime, grass and even trees grew on the roof, and the facade was slowly destroyed. They managed to restore only in the late 80s of the 20th century on funds collected by non-indulgent citizens.


At this place is located museum "Friedland Gate". As part of a museum - collections of weapons of the XIX-XX centuries, antique dishes, various craft tools and much more. Permanent exposures: "Knight's Hall", "Civilization begins with sewage", "With faith in the heart", "Echo of War".

Exposition "Echo War"

Ticket price: 50 rubles., Schoolchildren, students, retirees - 30 rubles. Opening hours: Every day from 11.00 to 17.30. The first Friday of the month is a sanitary day. A visit to the object on sessions (at the beginning of each hour).

In the underground bunker, which the population of Königsberg was used as a bomb shelter during the war, a permanent exposition of the Echo of War was created. There are no items, except for photos on the walls of the destroyed Koenigsberg. Only the atmosphere of the close space, as well as sound and light effects: howl sirens, diverting bomber and tearing shells against the background of flashing and switching light.

"Echo of War" - allows you to imagine a little that civilians felt during World War II.

Through the Brandenburg Gate of Kaliningrad, unlike the rest of the gate, the movement of road transport is still organized, the tram line is also laid here. Through the side parts of the gate, pedestrians could walk, but today they are masonry.

This massive and majestic antique buildings from red brick have two drives. Initially, there were rooms for guard, weapons warehouses and various utility rooms. However, during the restoration of 1843, the building was almost completely changed - epontons appeared with sharp vertices and cross-shaped flowers from sandstone, the sculptures of Prussian military leaders were established.

Some tourists, being impressed by the beauty of this historical structure, compare it with a folk "gingerbread house".


The Brandenburg Gate is fully restored and have the status of a state monument of history and architecture. Here is the free Museum of Marzipan from the company "Pomatti" - manufacturer of marzipan and chocolate. Next to the museum are the shop "Pomatti" and cafes.

Friedrichsburg gate

Friedrichsburg Gate is all that remained from the once majestic fortress Friedrichsburg. They now resemble the castle of a medieval knight - four towers in the corners, parapels-teeth and gothic false windows.

It was here that the Great Peter I was trained by the artillery case, and the drawings of this building were based on Petropavlovsk Fortress. An interesting fact - the bastions in the corners of the ever-existing fort had very unusual names - emerald, ruby, diamond, pearls.

Fort Friedrichsburg was erected in 1657, and the gate was attached to him only two centuries later - in 1852. The citadel was demolished after the First World War, the gate remained. They are very similar to other urban gates of Königsberg.


Friedrichsburg Gate are a branch of the World Ocean Museum - historical and Cultural Center Ship Resurrection. Here you can get acquainted with the history of shipbuilding and ship business. A school of navigation sciences has been created on the basis of the institution - the lessons in it are available to anyone.

In addition, you can visit the Cabinet of Peter the Great. The open territory of the museum represents visitors the exposition of traditional swimming facilities of various peoples of the world - Lodeynny Yard.

Railway gates were built in the 60s of the XIX century. They have two spans with stroke vertices. On the sides of them are the case-based rooms with embrasures, and on the outside - the guard room.

It is noteworthy that today there is a passing part over these gates, and they themselves perform the function of entering the park. Railway gates are more reminiscent of a short tunnel, through which the railway tracks leading to modern Baltiisk were laid before. The movement has long been discontinued, and the rails removed.

Railway gates since 2007 are part of the city historical and art complex. It is planned to restore the construction and placement of museum expositions in it. Railway gates are 240 meters from the Ausfalg Gate.


Now in the railway gate is the Kaliningrad planetarium. Bessel.

The address: Guards prosp., House 22a

Ausfalist gates were not originally intended for the movement of transport, so their external registration is much more modest than the other gates of Kaliningrad. They are called the most invisible gates of Kaliningrad.

The gate is only one passage and are fulfilled entirely in the Gothic brick style. The facade from the city was destroyed, and drawings and photographs, if they were, hardly preserved, so about how he looked, now nothing is known. Over the passage there is a combat platform and parapet with teeth.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Ausfalsky gate moved to the ownership of the municipality, and the passage was closed. The structure was actively operated in 1939-1945. - Then there was a part of the control point. After the war, there was a warehouse here, and in the years of the USSR - bomb shelter. After some time there were treatment facilities here. In the early 90s, a small chapel, acting and to this day, was built in this place.


On the territory of the Ausfalsk gate is located St. George Chapel. Nearby are a pond and a victory park.

Restaurant site:sun-stone.ru. The address: Marshal Vasilevsky's Square, House 3a

Rosgarian gates are located at the crossroads of Alexander Nevsky and Chernyakhovsky streets, close to Marshal Vasilevsky Square. Building dated 50 years XIX century. The gate has a wide central passage in the form of the arch and six caasemates - three on each side. On both sides of the central arch towers towers.

Most likely, Rosgarian gate has never been intended to move pedestrians, and in the case of the indoors, the gates were discharged. In the second half of the last century, the structure was restored, but it lost its initial function, there is no passage through it.


Here is the popular among tourists and local residents restaurant "Sunny Stone"And the former incomplete incomes turned into the kitchen and various utility rooms for staff.

These are the most beautiful and majestic gates of Kaliningrad, no wonder they received just such a name. For a long time, they were considered a parade entrance to the city and were used for celebrations and various official events.

By the way, the royal gates are not called the royal gate - through them from the late XVIII century, the royal families went to look at the parades and build the troops of the Königsberg garrison. It is also known that Emperor Napoleon drove through the royal gate to the city.

History and time spared this massive, completed and having an additional attachment an old structure, but in different years there was a warehouse, and a bookstore, and in the heavy and vague 90s it stood in the launch of the King's 750th anniversary The gate was fully restored.


Now, as in the Friedrichsburg gate, in the royal gate is located branch of the World Ocean Museum - Historical and Cultural Center "Great Embassy". Here are exhibitions on the subject of international relations between Russia and Europe. Here you can find the samples of amber from all over the globe.

Zakhaimsk gates have one passage in the shape of a variety of round gothic towers around the edges. Perhaps, thanks to these towers, the building and looks very majestic and massive.

Like other gates of Kaliningrad, this construction initially performed the function of protecting the city, but at the beginning of the 20th century it was transferred to the municipality, which did not attach a large historical meaning to this object. As a result, part of the incidents was demolished, and residential buildings for citizens were attached to the gates themselves.

Starting from the post-war time and up to the beginning of the XXI century, a warehouse was located here. Only in 2006 it started his restoration. The Zakhaimian gate is assigned the status of a federal historical and architectural monument.


Here is located Art platform "Gate"which is engaged in artistic exhibitions, conferences, concerts, exhibitions and many others.

Not preserved gate

In Koenigsberg there were other gates, unfortunately, not survived to this day - Steindhamskywho were considered in their time beautiful goal of all Hollenderbaum and Tragheimgate. All the gates were destroyed by order of the head of the city council at the beginning of the 20th century.

Every year, millions of tourists from all over the world go to Kaliningrad in order to get acquainted with another culture - a mysterious, unfamiliar and so hazing. Downtown Gates of Kaliningrad - part of this culture, stood and preserved even in the most difficult and terrible times. Therefore, humanity is obliged to maintain it for descendants on a par with other attractions.