Summer Palace Peter 1 History of creation. Story

The Summer Palace of Peter I is the only construction that has been preserved in the summer garden from the beginning of the XVIII century. It was built by architect D. Trezini, taking into account the wishes of Peter I in Dutch style, so Peter I can be considered a co-author of the project.
The Summer Palace is located in the northeastern part of the Summer Garden. In the time of Peter I, the palace from three sides was surrounded by water: from the North - Neva, from the East Fontanka, in the south there was a breakthrough "Havanets"For which small vessels approached the palace. Subsequently, "Havanan" was loose.

Here was "Havanets"

The palace was intended for the residence of the king and his family members. On each floor there are 7 rooms. The first floor was held by the king, the second is his wife Catherine and children. Peter lived in the palace until the death of death (1712-1725).
In the finishing of premises, the most prominent architects of the time took part: MG Zemtsov, G.I. Mattarnovy, N. Micketty, A. Gaiter.
The palace is decorated with drains in the form of a winged dragons and a vane in the form of a figure of George Victorious. The fluger is connected to the anemometer - the device showing the direction and strength of the wind, as well as time. Anneometer was ordered by Peter I in Dresden and in 1714 installed in the summer palace.

The facades passes a frieze of bas-reliefs on antique themes. The biggest bas-relief is located above the entrance. He depicts the goddess of wisdom Minerva With military trophies.

On the part of the Neva, the sculpture is established in front of the palace "Peace and Abundance".

Summer garden got its name by the name of the palace. Before that, he was called the royal garden.
Since 1934, the Summer Palace is a museum. Genuine items XVIIIV are stored here, Peter I's personal belts, picturesque canvas.

Summer Palace Peter I is open From May 1 to October 1.
Visit to the composition excursion group (up to 15 people) every hour from 11 to 16 hours.

Tuesday - day off.

Cost However entrance tickets:
Complete ticket - 350 rubles.
Preferential ticket - 200 rubles.


Before the foundation of St. Petersburg in 1703, the banks of the Neva were not deserted.

The life in the city of Nien, and at the place of branch of the Neva River Fontanka, was a rich estate of the Swedish Major, who served in Nienshanz's fortress.

The manor was called Mazz Konau, and the Russians called her "Kononov Manor".

At this place, after the founding of the city, and the summer residence of Peter was built.

It should not be assumed that the Nevsky shores were populated by the Swedes, which, as a result of the war, king Peter was kicked. Almost near Kononova estate stood a completely Russian village "Usadishi".

Unlike the surrounding marshide, the territory of the manor was landscaped not so much from the point of view of the nonsense amenities, but also quite utilitarian: the field was attenuating, fertilized and had a good garden.

On the basis of this garden (when the need for it disappeared) from 1706 around the palace began to breed the summer garden that became famous for the whole country.

At first, the building of the royal house was wooden, from the river Fontanka to him there was a channel, so for the safety of the estate was surrounded with water from three sides.

Since the main events of the start of construction of St. Petersburg unfolded on the other side of the Neva, a small moisture bay was organized before the summer palace, which was called Havanets.

In1710, on the project of the architect Domenico Trezini, built a stone summer palace.

The facade of the new building. Architect gate was decorated with bas-reliefs with the image of the events of the Northern War.

Peter instructed the same architect to equip the internal interiors of the palace, but the gate died, dedicated to the palace just a year of his life.

Peter's wife and children lived on the second floor, and the relatives of the king were located on the first. The reception room was immediately located, where he accepted his petuncts, and the Cake Center, where the king was self-made self-keenly, and where did they have been released.

It was in the lobby of the summer palace that the first attempt was made on Peter Raskolniki.

And the most favorite room of Peter in the palace was a lathe workshop.

The palace called "Summer", because the royal family moved here in May and lived until October.

The walls were quite subtle, there was no heating. But, the first in St. Petersburg sewage system was arranged in the summer palace.

She was a flow, this was facilitated by the strength of the Fontanka River. And in the house the water was served by pumps.

In 1777, the flood destroyed the channels around the palace, and the sewage system has ceased to act.

After the death of the king and his wife, no one lived in the palace, he was used for the meetings of the secret council and for recreation of the court emperors. And after the construction of a new large summer palace for Empress Elizabeth Petrovna on the shore of the sink (where the Mikhailovsky castle is now), this one was abandoned at all.

It saved the house from alterations and rearrangements and retained the original appearance to the present day.

After the revolution, he was transferred to the Russian museum, in 1934 they assigned the status of an independent historical and domestic museum, but then returned back.

Today, the Summer Palace of Peter First is a branch of the Russian Museum.

In the 60s of the 20th century, a complete restoration of the palace was made, thereby restored many of the initial elements.

Until now, the Summer Palace has retained a cozy home atmosphere, in the exposition of the museum you can see the personal belongings of the king, his wife Catherine, their court and Freinin of the Empress.

Opening hours:

  • Visiting the exposition of the Summer Palace of Peter I Session: 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00 and 16.00, groups up to 15 people.
  • Tickets only at the Palace Cash

Official site

The address:

  • St. Petersburg, Summer Garden, Kutuzov Embankment, House 2

How to get:

The nearest metro station is a seating courtyard.

Coming out of the subway in the underground transition we fall on the other side of the Nevsky Prospect. This is an intersection with a garden street.

For Sadovaya you need to go, without turning anywhere.

I will pass the Mikhailovsky Palace, go through the wash river, we go along the Swan's grooves (on the other side of which the summer garden is located). The road rests on the palace embankment.

Here you need to turn left, go to the top-wincing bridge and, reaching the middle of the summer garden lattice to enter inside. On the first Alley to turn left.

The alley goes to the fountain embankment, where the Palace of Peter 1 is located.

The Summer Palace of Peter I is located in the Summer Garden of St. Petersburg. The garden laid a large group of garden masters and architects in the first years of the founding of the city. Peter I had a dream - smash the garden in Versailles style. At first, in my house he only rested and followed the work, and then he lived with his family in the summer.

After the washing was connected to the Neva Swan Channel, formed small island. In his northern region in 1710-1714, a summer palace was erected, who was one of the first stone palaces in St. Petersburg. The author of the project was the architect D. Trozini. The internal situation was created under the leadership of the German architect and the sculptor A. Sothet. The legend tells that the king instructed to build a house so that the building symbolized the country's new policy. Then Trezini placed the building of the palace so that 6 of his 12 windows looked to the West, and the other 6 are strictly east. The architect explained his decision as follows: "So our Russia is equally addressed to the West and East."

In the tsarist residence, the I system of the sewerization of St. Petersburg was built. Water fell into the house with the help of pumps, and went to the fountain. Since the house with the 3rd sides was surrounded by water, the driving force of the system was the flow of the fountain. In 1777, flood happened, and the little bay Gavanan in front of the house was covered. The sewer system has ceased to operate.

In the lobby of the palace on Peter I, one of the rules made an attempt.

In 1925, the Summer Palace was transferred to the Russian Museum, and since 1934 the work of a historical and domestic museum was organized here. In the 1960s, a scientific restoration of the museum was conducted. The leader was architect A.E. Hessen. During the work, many initial elements of the Summer Palace were able to recreate.

After the death of Peter I and Catherine I, in their house almost no one lived. At one time, the meetings of the Supreme Secret Council were organized here, and later the imperial court came to the palace on vacation.

The architectural style of the building - Baroque. This is expressed in clear proportions and numerous windows, bas-reliefs and stucco frieze under the roof. The appearance of the building is strict. The roof is high, four-tight. Drains are made in the form of winged dragons. The facades are decorated with a frieze of 29 bas-reliefs that share the floors.

Each floor of the building is equipped with 7 small residential rooms. There are no big rooms. The furniture of the lobby is made in the form of carved oak panels, which dismember the pilasters of an ionic order. Sculptor N. Pinot was performed a bas-relief image of Minerva.

On the first floor were the royal chambers, on the II - his wife Catherine and children. In the reception, the emperor took oral and written complaints and requests. Near the adoption was the Cake for the guilty. From the reception it was possible to go into a large room called the Assembly. On the first floor, the cook was also located with a dining room and a bedroom, a dressing room and a room for a duty yammer. There were also a lathe and a machine on which Peter Great loved to work.

On the II floor of the building, except wardrobe, cooks and rooms for Freinin, are throne, children's, bedroom and dance room. Special attention deserves a green office, which is decorated with picturesque inserts, gilding and smearing. The cook and the cabinet of the emperor are decorated with rare Dutch tiles, fireplaces - stucco bas-reliefs. Plafones Cabinet pictorially painted by Master G. Gzelem.

Russian artists of I. Zavarzin, A. Zaharov and F. Matsev took part in the design of the rooms. The living rooms have preserved atmosphere, which reigned and former times. Also here you can see rare portraits, cloths depicting sea vessels Both battles and landscapes. The museum rarity is a wind device brought from Dresden. In the movement, it leads to the roof of the vane in the form of a figure of George Victorious.

In the summer palace of Peter I still preserved a cozy family atmosphere.

St. Petersburg is similar to a carved casket from turquoise and gems. Carved-painted walls - bas-reliefs with hundreds and other old fairy tales and semi-thousand stories. Cover - dome churches and high spiers, crowned with flora and crosses. The bottom is the foundations of old buildings that still remember the breath of their creators, high vaults and powerful beams that continue to solemnly hold weight in a few centuries. And it is necessary to open the box, and inside the eclectics of styles and the striking combinations - grace, strength and power, which bloom with new colors with the onset of each century.

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The summer palace of Peter Great is difficult to call the beautiful palace complex Northern capital - This building looks somewhat modest or even pale against the backdrop of other giants - real poetry in stone, however, it is this palace that is part of the Russian Museum, representing a residence, where most of his time, not engaged in the roads or military campaigns, conducted the Great Monarch . So, it is here that it is worth noting if the desire arises to understand exactly and how this person lived.

The summer palace was initially built as the imperial residence, appearing on the map of St. Petersburg hardly with the foundation of the city. The main concerns on his appearance And the design lay down on the shoulders of an eminent master of their business - Domenico Trezini, by whose project and was subsequently erected by a small two-storey mansion in the rhythm baroque. It is worth noting that, despite the fact that the architect is still formally, the first mansion plan was developed by a monarch personally, and only then these drawings were adjusted and several recycled in a creative manner. The location of the residence also chose Petr Great personally - between Fontanka and Neva.

Some find the design of the summer palace somewhat scanty - his walls are decorated with only twenty-eight bas-reliefs, which, as expected, turned out to be another variation on the perpetuation of victory over the Swedes in brilliant Northern Wars for Russia, and the layout of the rooms is the same for both floors, but this simplicity Buildings with interest pays off by the complexity of the laconicity of the device of the summer garden, which was thinking as imitation of Versailles. It is noteworthy that the imitation came more than complete - and today the summer garden continues to be considered one of the most sophisticated samples of landscape art.


Summer Residence Monarch is pretty interesting place To visit, not only from the position of deepening to the life of the emperor himself, but also from the point of view of observation of those innovations that this energetic person decided to take over their more confident in the technical issues of neighbors. So, an unusual vane, which is a figure of George a victorious, who is familiar with the gesture of Smya, is the work of one mechanic with whom Peter the Great met in Dresden.

The unusualness of this mechanism was that its main component is located just the same under the roof of the mansion and is a complex panel for that time, on which it was possible to track not only the direction, but also the strength of the wind. Another peculiar detail of the summer palace is the presence of sewage, which was the first sample of the structures of this orientation in the entire city.

Today, visiting the summer palace includes not only the opportunity to personally take a look at the monarch's office, his dressing room, personal rooms and workshops, but also visit another pretty remarkable building, which is called human peace. What is the value of these premises? It was here that once there was so barbaric stolen amber room, as well as a number of collections that were replenished by personal initiatives of Peter the Great. So, it was here that the same collection of Ryuysh, Dutch anatoma, who caused genuine interest from the Russian monarch and admire the results of his work. Today, this collection can be found in the course of a visit to Kuntskamera, as it has become one of the first components of the future museum of oddities.

The most interesting sights of St. Petersburg in our article.

Opening hours and ticket costs

A visit to the palace complex usually begins at ten o'clock in the morning and ends 18:00. Cashs are closed by an hour earlier. Pretty atponed the selection of the day off - this is Tuesday. There are differences in the cost of tickets for citizens of Russia and some CIS countries, for foreign citizens. The first in the general case will spend on tickets no more than one hundred rubles, of course, if they are not included in preferential categories, the second will have to pay up to three hundred rubles for the entrance ticket.