That you need to fly to China. How much does it cost to travel to China without an agency? Zhujiang Nantian Hot Springs

How to maintain your sanity with two small children and the ubiquitous Chinese :)))

Why China and why now.
Reflecting on the topic of where to take children to the sea, in light of recent events: the terrorist threat in Europe and the Middle East and the sharp fall of the ruble, a rather unexpected decision was made to go to China. Moreover, at that time there was an Aeroflot promotion on air tickets, and in terms of money, if before China was at least cheap, now it is certainly not expensive.

Flight Moscow - Beijing by Aeroflot.
Everything here went without incident. Our friends took us to Sheremetyevo, from where we flew safely to Beijing.

So we flew...

A TV with cartoons and programs and games was just the thing...

Some people are having lunch...
Although it is certainly difficult with children on an airplane, they do not like to sit idle for a long time.
Upon arrival, we took the Aeroexpress to our hotel - Dragon King Hostel (previously I had to spend about 4 hours at the airport, due to the time of check-in at the hotel and the cost of the night transfer to it, but the children slept great)

This was our number. Quite worthy, in my opinion :)

The hotel can be easily reached by metro (From Zhangzizhong Road metro station (Line 5) (Exit C) it takes about 2 minutes to walk to it, we didn’t know this, so we had to get lost. Initially I thought that the distances in China are not such long distances, then I’ve radically changed my opinion, so don’t even think about the metro)

In general, the place itself is very convenient, there is a store nearby with very cheap prices for China (in the photo below there is the most unsightly entrance, where there are a bunch of boxes with goods - all the nearby stores are purchased from this store (in bulk from 2 pcs.), the prices are actually an order of magnitude lower ) (not far from the 7 eleven store - sort of), opposite there is a bank with a 24-hour ATM (across the road).

Here it is on the second floor (description and photos can be found further in the report)

Day 1. Beijing. Sky Temple...

The scale of the park and buildings is certainly impressive, especially considering when it was all built. In the park you will always see groups of Chinese who are either dancing or meditating, some are just walking and enjoying nature (you will never be left alone :)))). I somehow saw this picture: a grandmother is riding in an electric wheelchair (like for the disabled), gets to the steps, gets up, lifts the stroller, sits down and moves on (my jaw even dropped), in general they take care of themselves :)

Previously, only emperors could enter this temple, and the road to them is long and with constant slight upward slopes, as if you were rising into the sky. The temple is worth visiting, the architecture and park area are simply beautiful, I personally had doubts about the originality of the temple itself (but maybe I’m wrong), they arose while examining it very closely :)

In this temple, sacrifices were carried out (thank God only with animals) for a better harvest or rain, or something else. The interior decoration of the temples is identical.

This is another temple in the same park area. After passing this temple, only those close to the emperor went further, and only the emperor entered the Temple of Heaven itself (Temple of Heaven in the previous photos)

The main gate of the previous temple. Our children were held in high esteem here, everyone wanted to take a photo with them, especially with Ulya (blue eyes). Lukyan was sickened by such an abundance of attention to him:)

And this is another part of the park area. It’s difficult for me to say what she was responsible for, because... I wasn’t able to look through the crack much, it seems to me that this is something like a barracks.

We didn’t get there, it was already after 18-00, which means everything - everything is closed :)))) In China, if you got up at 12-00, then you were late for everything :))) For this reason, we were not successful several days - I slept for a long time, I just couldn’t get into it :)

And some of our crew move quite comfortably, almost like emperors :)
This is how our first day in Beijing ended, on way back we still managed to drop into the shopping center for souvenirs, which we will sell upon our arrival from China (wait for it...)

For information:
If you leave the central entrance of the park (next to the metro) and walk to the left for about 30 meters, you can cross the overpass to the other side of the road. Here go to big store and buy souvenirs. Don’t forget to bargain, immediately lower the prices 3-4 times. It’s a very good place to buy souvenirs and a snack (price/quality matches), we haven’t found such a choice and such a low price at other tourist sites as here:)
The cost of visiting the park (Temple of Heaven) in 2016 is 34 yuan (I don’t remember if it’s a student or not)

Well, in the evening we had locally produced fruits.... Ripe mango is just super, especially after a hard day for the body.

Day 2. Beijing. Peking duck
The next day somehow didn’t work out for us and as a result, for the whole day we were able to see only half of Gugun and in the evening eat Peking duck. The duck itself somehow didn’t impress me, no, it’s certainly tasty and all that. But the whole point of it is not so much in the duck, but in the processing of its skin (so that it is crispy and juicy) and sauces while eating it.

This is what our restaurant looked like. We had to wait about ten minutes for a table.

Ulya, as always, showed herself to be a maniac before eating...

And so, Day 3
On this day we went to what everyone associates China with - the Great Wall of China, to a site called Badaling.

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For information:

Student ticket price - 20 yuan ( common price 40 yuan).
In principle, these are all costs (if you are a fairly athletic person), but if youIf you don’t want to sweat and walk up to the wall (about 30-40 minutes), you can ride on a special sled on wheels (it’s difficult to name this device correctly).
Moreover, when you go down, you will get a whole bag of positive emotions - this is a small attraction :))) We liked it, the price is 100 yuan (round trip) per person. Also, having reached the very top of the wall (one of the highest points, you definitely won’t miss this place) you canwill ride (go down) along cable car

road, but I would recommend that you save this money for something else, because...You won’t see beautiful views on the cable car anyway, but it costs a lot, and I don’t advise you to skip the attraction (on the sled ride) - it’s very cool :) As far as I remember, this is an Italian attraction from some shaggy years :)))As everywhere else, it’s better to take water and snacks with you, because... prices here will be 2 times higher than usual and no one will bargain with you. At the exit there is an enclosure with bears, and next to it there is a sliced ​​apple on a plate so that you can feed the bear, but not from your hands of course, but just throw food to him, this pleasure will cost 5 yuan :)Of course it’s a pity for the bears; spending all the time on a concrete floor somehow doesn’t seem very good to me :)
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The wall itself is certainly impressive, here are a couple of photos to get an idea of ​​the full scale. Here Lukyan met a group of schoolchildren who, as usual, wanted to take a photo next to him, so it’s not known whether the wall was a landmark or Lukyan, of course he really likes this attention :))))

There are certainly a lot of people on this section of the wall, but it has several undeniable advantages: accessibility (direct bus), proximity (only an hour's drive from Beijing), and of course the fact that it has been restored and certainly looks impressive (neither vegetation nor sea ​​or other relief features)

And on such a thing we climbed, and then descended accordingly (I highly recommend it, especially the descent)

A small attraction to remember the wall, there’s nothing too extreme there - but it’s memorable :) It was fun :)))

How to get to the wall yourself:

The easiest way is to take the subway to the 积水潭 Jishuitan subway station, exit A. When you go up and stand with your back to the steps of the subway exit, you need to walk straight back (I mean the direction). As a guide you will go through a large bus station to your left (you walk along it, as it were). Buses can be seen just outside the Deshengmen watchtower (it is not visible from the metro)and from there take bus No. 877 (tourist bus, it is much more convenient) or 919 (regular bus, only this one runs during the non-tourist season) the price of tickets for them is the same.


In the evening, fruits are on duty as usual.

Day 4. Temple of Confucius.
Getting up early in the morning (on the fourth day, and even probably on the 3rd, I somehow got into getting up at 6:00) we went to the Confucius Temple, where Confucianism originated, a landmark (I always wanted to see it).

And here is the monument to the founder of Confucianism.

Park area of ​​the Temple complex.

Inner garden. Trees that are more than..., God knows more than how many centuries these trees are :))))

Inside the temple itself. The design styles in the temples are very similar, so if you have seen one of the Chinese temples (well, maybe two), then you don’t have to waste your time on the interior decoration anymore :)

This is the house that Emperor Confucius gave to him for teaching his son:)

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For information:
Price entrance ticket for an adult - 20 yuan.
Student cards are valid only for students whose age does not exceed 24 years, we were unlucky; we were 25 years old in ISIC. In general, this rule is found quite often in China, so take this fact into account.
I definitely recommend it for inspection, also if you have time there is nearby
The Lamaist Palace of Peace (Yonghegong Lama Temple), and the quarter itself next to the temples is very interesting.
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Next we went to Gugong (Forbidden City), but since we had partially examined it the previous day, we went to Jingshan Park 景山, which is located immediately behind the Forbidden City and from the very high point which offers the best view of this most forbidden city (in fact, the name of the park is translated from Chinese - “view from the mountain” or “mountain with a beautiful view”).

Entrance to the park is, of course, paid, but we are saved by the international student cards made in advance; do not forget that the age in them must be up to 24 years old inclusive. In general, student cards really help make your wallet fatter in China, so don’t forget to use it (especially if you look young, I think you don’t need to learn how to make a student card in our homeland).

View of the observation deck from which it opens good view on Gugun.

And here is the culprit himself - Gugun or the Forbidden City, in a different way. The view itself is impressive and the inside is very cool.
Then we went down and decided to walk the gugong in reverse order. But as of April 2016, I can say for sure (100%) that the entrance from the back side is closed and you can only pass through the Forbidden City from one side - the central entrance, next to the metro. Because of this, we had to take a taxi to the main entrance, otherwise we would never have had time to explore the palace completely (the taxi cost us 20 yuan :)
Well, then just photos - look and be impressed :)

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For information:
The cost of admission to the Forbidden City is 40 yuan per person, for a student it is 20 yuan.
In terms of time, count on about half a day (it took us a day, but we were with the children, and we ourselves were a little stupid at the beginning), i.e. and the Temple of Heaven and Gugun can be explored in one day if you get up early and leave late and if you are athletic enough to walk for a long time (and you will have to really walk a lot).

Day 5. Amusement park and Summer Imperial Palace.

In general, the entertainment for children in Beijing somehow didn’t work out for me (the realities turned out to be very far from the original plans). During all the days of our stay in the capital of China, we went to the Cube water park 3 times, but all these times it was closed and only On the third trip, I found a Chinese man who told me in English that the water park was closed for a whole month - in general, we were somehow unlucky with him :)
By the way, we also went to this amusement park twice, because... on the Internet it is written that it is open until 21-00, but in fact it is open until 18-00, like everyone else in China :))) Although for me this is strange for an amusement park, of course there is also Happy Valey (he it definitely works until 22-00, but many of the attractions in it close after 18-00, and open only after 13-00 (be careful in general)), but it’s still too early for us to go there, which is why we weren’t allowed to ride everywhere: ) Looking ahead, I’ll say that I liked Disneyland Paris (and this park in Beijing is an attempt to copy the park in Paris) more, somehow everything there is more well-groomed and festive than here :)

We spent about 3,000 rubles in it, which, in principle, is not a little in itself (the ruble exchange rate was, of course, very depressing; before (2 years ago, before the crisis), all the fun would have cost us 1,200 rubles). The kids certainly liked it and in such a good mood we went to see the Summer Imperial Palace.

Many countries around the world have abolished entry formalities such as visas for Russians. Under certain circumstances, our citizens can visit China without a visa. The uniqueness of the Celestial Empire is that different migration rules apply in its different territories.

Residents of Russian border regions can enter some areas of China without a visa

If you are planning a trip to the largest state East Asia, first find out whether it is possible to visit the areas you have chosen without first going to the country’s embassy or Visa Center.

The Chinese side is loyal to Russians entering its territory. However, the presence of concessions does not mean that you will be lenient if you violate migration rules. Therefore, before you start packing your bags, carefully read the rules for visiting various regions of the PRC so that, while there, you do not become a violator of state laws.

The most popular option for travelers is to obtain a visa on arrival. This option is possible in cases where a pre-formed group is sent to the Celestial Empire. Travel agencies handle paperwork for groups. Even before tourists are sent to China, their lists are sent to the border zones. To get to China this way, you need to travel in a group of more than 2 people.

This route is suitable only for Beijing and Hainan Island, where high-quality tourist services and the opportunity not only to relax, but also to receive treatment are offered. As part of a group formed by travel agencies, you can stay on the territory of these parts of the state for no more than 21 days. You can't leave them. You can leave, just like you arrived, only as part of a group.

Even if you don't plan to purchase tourist package, it makes sense to contact a travel agency. Many of them include additional people in the formed groups for a fee.

If your area borders China

Citizens can freely stay in China without a visa Russian Federation living in regions sharing the border with China:

  • Amur region,
  • Primorsky Krai,
  • Irkutsk region,
  • Khabarovsk region,
  • Transbaikal region.

If you live in one of the listed regions, you will need a visa issued by the Chinese side to pass border control. You also need a foreign passport and a document indicating where you are registered. With these documents, you will receive permission at the border control point.

The period of stay in China varies from 15 to 180 days.

Before heading to the Celestial Empire in this way, check which points at that time have the right to admit Russians with invitations. There are crossing points where such permits are not issued.

Transit travelers

Those traveling to other countries who have purchased connecting flights in China need to be aware of the country's immigration rules regarding transit guests.

Without visa documents, you have the right to stay in the country for 72 hours, provided that the transfer point is the following international airports: Harbin, Guangzhou, Guilin, Chongqing, Xi'an and Shenyang. In Shanghai, Xiamen, Qingdao, Chengdu, Wuhan, Kunming, Beijing, Tianjin, Dalian, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Qinhuangdao, Shijiazhuani and Shenyang time transit connection you can stay for 144 hours in 2019.

It is important that you depart from the same airport you arrived at. This rule can only be bypassed in the following cases:

  • Your flights are served by one carrier.
  • The airline changes airports due to the need to refuel the aircraft.
  • You are contacted by different companies, but you have a single reservation form with one code.

Not all transit passengers can travel smoothly within China. For example, if your drop-off point is Chongqing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu or , you are allowed to admire the beauty of the city, but leaving its borders is strictly prohibited.

No matter what airport you arrive at, you cannot change to any means of transport other than an airplane to continue your trip.

Where a visa is not required

If you are thinking about how to travel to China on your own without contacting tourist agency To buy a trip or join a group, consider various options for visiting the country.

For example, you have the opportunity to travel to Heihe without obtaining a visa. This is a city located very close to Russian border. You can go to it from Blagoveshchensk, located just one kilometer away. It is enough to cross the Amur, and you are in China.
When traveling, you only need to take your international passport for presentation at the border. Since 2004, Chinese migration legislation has allowed Russians to stay in Heihe for 30 days.

The trip from Blagoveshchensk to Heihe takes from 15 to 20 minutes. The choice of transport depends on the season. In the off-season, Puma ships equipped with air cushions are transported from Blagoveshchensk across the river to the Chinese side. Departures every 20 minutes. This method of crossing is relevant for December, November and April.

While in the region in winter months, you can travel from Blagoveshchensk on one of the buses that travel across the Amur on temporary pontoon bridges. The availability of this type of travel to Chinese borders depends on weather conditions.

In the summer, once an hour along the Amur River to Heihe, a ship carrying 200 passengers carries people.

The Blagoveshchensk route is extremely popular, so to get through security, you need to stand in a rather impressive line. To go to the other side, you need to fill out a migration card, half of which is returned after verification. It should be stored for the return crossing of the border. There is a fee for crossing to the Chinese side.

Suifenhe City

An excellent holiday destination is the city of Suifenhe, located in Heilongjiang Province. Since 2013 Russian citizens can stay in it without a visa for 15 days.


Another attractive tourist place for guests from all over the world is Macau.

This is a special administrative region of the state, where since the end of September 2012 Russians can come without a visa and stay here for about 30 days.

In order to travel to the listed areas without a visa stamp in your passport, you need to have return tickets and a passport with you.

Before you travel, check which areas may require proof of financial solvency and hotel reservations at the time of your trip. But it’s better to stock up on both the first and the second, just in case. This guarantees you unhindered passage.

An article about ways to get to China from Russia.

One of the first questions when planning an independent trip around the Middle Kingdom is how to get to China. Transport costs often account for up to half of the total cost of the trip. First of all, you should decide for yourself which region of China you are going to visit. Based on this, you can plan how to get there. There are several options for getting to China from Russia: by plane, by train, by bus.

How to get to China from Russia on your own?

1. By plane from Russia to China

Aeroflot, S7, Air China, China Southern, and China Eastern Airlines fly regularly from Russia to China. Flights operate from many Russian cities. The largest selection is, of course, from Moscow: you can fly to Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Urumqi and many other cities. Round-trip prices start from 17,000 rubles. for a flight with a transfer, and from 19,000 rubles. for direct flights. You can also fly from Novosibirsk to Urumqi for 11,000 rubles, to Beijing for 19,000 rubles. The cheapest flights to China from Khabarovsk and Vladivostok: to Beijing - 12,000 rubles. round trip, to Harbin - 9,000 rubles, to Shanghai - 16,000 rubles.

There are promotions and sales - you can get a ticket even cheaper. At the height of the tourist season, on the contrary, prices rise. So it’s better to buy a plane ticket in advance or on special offer. You can find the cheapest plane tickets to China by searching in the form below. The system itself will select air tickets for more than 700 airlines and many reservation systems.

To buy the cheapest plane tickets, read where the main ways to save on buying an air ticket are discussed.

Airplanes fly within China very often and in any direction, so you can always quickly fly even to a small town by making a transfer in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, etc.

2. By train from Russia to China

Getting to China by train is quite easy, but long. There are two trains from Moscow to Beijing. Train No. 043 is transiting Mongolia, so you will need transit visa of this country. It runs once a week on Tuesdays, travel time is 132 hours, cost is about 9,000 rubles. for a reserved seat and this price is growing. Another train No. 020 travels through Zabaikalsk directly to China (i.e., bypassing Mongolia). It runs once a week on Saturdays, travel time is 145 hours, the cost is even more expensive than the previous one.

A train runs from Almaty to Urumqi once a week, travel time is 35 hours, cost is 5,000 rubles.

3. By bus from Russia to China

Several buses run from Russia's Far Eastern border cities to China.

To summarize, we can say that for residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and the central regions of Russia, the best option to get to China is by plane. You can save money only by hitchhiking to Zabaikalsk or Blagoveshchensk)). For residents of the Urals and Western Siberia, a bus from the cities of Kazakhstan is a good option. For residents Far East— it is also most convenient to cross the border with China by bus, and then by train across China.

How to get to China from Kazakhstan?

Now let's look at how to get to China from Kazakhstan, because many people from this country read us.

1. By plane from Kazakhstan to China

You can take a direct flight to China from Almaty and Astana Air airlines Astana and China Southern. The event is quite expensive, but it’s quick - just an hour and a half and you’re in Urumqi. Flights to Beijing, Guangzhou, Nanjing are also available, but with a transfer to Urumqi.

It is best to search for air tickets on metasearch engines, for example or.

I also advise you to look and subscribe to, sometimes you can catch good prices!

2. By train from Kazakhstan to China

The train from Kazakhstan to China runs from Astana and Almaty. Moreover, I was unable to find out the exact price for these trains; the Kazakhstan Railways website does not show them and, unfortunately, you cannot buy tickets for these trains there.

Train No. 54C runs from Astana to Urumqi on Saturdays; the journey takes a little over 40 hours.

There are two trains from Almaty: No. 014C on Tuesdays (travel time 31 hours) and No. 014 T on Sundays (travel time 31 hours). The cost for them is 20,000 tenge. This is what they told me at the Almaty railway station information desk. Not very budget friendly!

3. By bus from Kazakhstan to China

As mentioned above, many buses run from the cities of eastern Kazakhstan to Urumqi and some other cities of the XUAR.

From Semey (Semipalatinsk) the bus to Urumqi runs on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, travel time is 30 hours, cost is 9,000 tenge.

From Ust-Kamenogorsk the schedule and price are the same.

From Almaty The bus to Urumqi runs every day except Saturday. The fare is also about 9,000 tenge.

Back from China you can get to Almaty, Semipalatinsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk, as well as to Zyryanovsk, Ridder, Taldykurgan, Chundzhi and even Karaganda! But on last cities The information is not accurate, we just saw the prices at the bus station in Urumqi.

4. Combined way to get from Kazakhstan to China

From Almaty you can take a bus to the border town of Zharkent, not far from border crossing Khorgos, cross the border there on a special bus. Then you need to get to any more or less large city, for example, to Yining, and from there to Urumqi. This is the hard way to get to China.

But the cost will be inexpensive: the Almaty-Zharkent bus is about 1000 tenge, from the border to Yining about 50 yuan, and then by train Ying-Urumqi (about 100 yuan).

For the past decade, our enterprising compatriots have been constantly traveling to this exotic country for the goods. If at the end of the last century they brought bags of clothes, today the flow of clothing consists of electronic equipment, cosmetics and even furniture and cars. You can buy everything in China!

In addition to commercial interest, “the Celestial Empire” became a discovery for Russian tourists, like an unknown land rich in exclusive attractions. Today it is very easy to purchase a tourist package to any country, including China, including specifically for goods. But it turns out that it is much cheaper and more interesting to organize an independent trip.

What awaits you there

It is difficult to list the sights of the country, on the territory of which one of the most ancient civilizations on the planet arose, in one article; let’s try to mention at least the most famous in the world.

Leshane. Giant Buddha in the west of the country in Sichuan province is carved out of rock giant statue 71 meters high. There are taller buildings on the planet, but this work was carved out of stone in 713.

Xi'an. Terracotta Army More than 8,000 warriors, 670 horses, 130 chariots carved from natural material in 200 BC. and dug out of the ground are now in three special halls of the museum. And this is not the entire army of ruler Qin Shi Huang. Some of the sculptures are still underground.

Forbidden City At the beginning of the 15th century, one of the largest palace ensembles, consisting of thousands of buildings and walls 10 meters high. Now the Forbidden City has become a museum and is open to tourists.

The great Wall of China. The only man-made object on the planet visible from Space with the naked eye. It is difficult to imagine a trip that would not include a visit to this colossal structure, erected in the 14th-16th centuries to protect the country from attacks by northern nomadic tribes.

Transfer natural monuments China is almost impossible. Li River, Huangshan Mountains, Hainan Island, Victoria Harbor and thousands more interesting places are waiting for you.

When planning to get acquainted with places that interest you, historical monuments, interesting artifacts, you need to be aware of natural conditions, which you will find yourself in. Excursion China is most favorable in spring and autumn. In summer, the air temperature here rises to 400, and in winter, on the contrary, it drops to the same temperature with a minus sign.

A huge country, of course, has a different temperature range from south to north and humidity from east to west. Best time beach holiday on the famous Chinese resort island of Hainan from October to May. And you can take part in the grandiose, original celebrations of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar at New Year holidays in all big cities China.

Need a visa

China - visa country. You can arrange it either through a travel agency or independently at the Chinese embassy. In the first case, it will be done for you quickly, without unnecessary delays and bureaucracy, but for an amount that will exceed two or three times the embassy visa. In the second, you will have to fill out all the paperwork yourself, but it will cost an order of magnitude cheaper (about 2,000 rubles).

There are privileges in obtaining visas for groups of tourists numbering more than 5 people. Visas also differ into tourist, business, multiple and double entry visas.

On resort island You will be issued a Hainan visa on the spot for two weeks, but it is not a fact that you will then be allowed to travel with it to other territories. This tropical island with craters has long been extinct volcanoes is a special economic zone oriented by the government of the country to the beach holidays of tourists from all over the world.

Are we flying or driving?

The most convenient transport Aviation is considered to be the vehicle that brings tourists here. Even within the country, a well-developed network of local airlines allows you to quickly and inexpensively reach any remote point.

Experienced tourists advise starting their trip to China in Hong Kong. The short distance to the capital, inexpensive flights and visa concessions speak in favor of this particular route.

Trains and regular buses also run between cities and regions and are quite inexpensive, however, they do not offer the comfort we are accustomed to. Don’t be surprised if the train, subway, or bus suddenly turns out to be smoky and dirty. But the prices for travel will pleasantly surprise you.

Don't be afraid if your trip suddenly takes you to the most remote area. There are villages in China where no one has set foot yet white man, and where all the cafe visitors will stand when you enter.

The Chinese are very peaceful and friendly to all guests. And you can get out of any remote places by calling a taxi. By the way, don’t forget to write down their phone numbers immediately upon arrival.

Hotels and others like them

A huge selection of hotels of different star ratings and comfort explains the wide range of prices. There are hotels familiar to Russians, where all-inclusive with five stars on the façade. A day there will cost you from 5,000 to 18,000 rubles.

If your trip is not designed for a long stay in one place, you can stay in an inexpensive hostel or hotel, spending only 1000-3000 rubles per night.

You can freely and safely use private sector services. It will become even cheaper. Prices vary from 180 rubles to infinity. They are comparable to the price ranges of Crimean offers and, naturally, depend on the location and comfort.

In many hotels it is more profitable to book rooms in advance. This will not only provide significant discounts, but will also give you a guarantee that you will not be left under open air, especially if you come on holidays. Moreover, it is recommended to make reservations two to three months before the trip.

To eat or not to eat - that is the question

China has very spicy food. Be careful. If you want to prepare dishes yourself, try to purchase raw materials for them in stores, without being tempted by low market prices. It's not difficult if you don't give in to curiosity and don't experiment with display offers. All the products we are familiar with and at the same price can be found in all Chinese provinces in large department stores.

It is most profitable and interesting to eat in local cafes and restaurants. Of course, even if you know Chinese, you will not understand anything of the menu that will be served to you. Do not be shy! Feel free to point your finger at the plate from which a white gentleman is devouring both cheeks on the next table. You can even, taking the waiter’s hand, make a defile for yourself around the hall and choose on the tables the dish that seems most edible to you. Point your finger at it and they will bring you the same.

What do you guys have in your backpacks?

What to take on a trip is a big problem for the female half of travelers. Despite the diversity of climatic and natural areas, and therefore weather conditions, you don’t have to take anything to this country. Yes, just put your documents and wallet in the case and go light. Remember that all clothes, electronics and other necessary little things are made in China!

If you still want to be independent from stores, look on the Internet for the climate of the place where you are planning your trip. Be sure to study the weather forecast for the duration of your trip and only then pack umbrellas, swimsuits or fur coats in your suitcase.

The State of China is located on an area of ​​more than 9 million square meters. km and in terms of scale confidently ranks 3rd in the world, behind Canada and the Russian Federation. Rich cultural heritage China attracts travelers from all over the world globe and does not leave any tourist indifferent.

    Sights of China

How to travel to China on your own

China for a tourist is a world of contrasts, a combination of the splendor of a modern metropolis, a carefree and expensive life with the modest life of farmers and market traders of trinkets. The pace is fast here modern life fits best with ancient history.

You can go to the Celestial Empire as part of a group, and then some of the organizational issues will be resolved by the travel agent. Sophisticated tourists who prefer to travel independently should take into account some simple details of the trip:

    Book accommodation or hotel rooms in advance.

    Apply for a visa and buy insurance.

    Buy plane tickets.

At independent travel In the PRC it is necessary to understand that 80% of the population does not speak foreign languages. To avoid problems with the language barrier, it is advisable to raise your level of Chinese to at least HSK1.

Registration for training

Free Trial Lessons

Every week we offer free trial lessons for adults and children. During the lesson you will become familiar with the basics of the Chinese language, its phonetics, hieroglyphs and learn your first phrase. We regularly conduct program presentations for parents of students.

Level determination

If you or your child have already learned Chinese before, then before starting classes you must undergo an interview to determine the level. Then we will select a suitable group and schedule a trial lesson in it.

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Route around China: where is the best place to go?

Popular tourist destinations include modern and traditional types of recreation:

    SPA resorts
    There are many professional health centers on the territory of the People's Republic of China, where the developments of modern Western medicine are effectively combined with unique methods of Chinese therapy. You will be offered therapeutic mud baths, aromatherapy, acupuncture, herbal treatments, wraps, moxibustion, balneotherapy, acupuncture, inhalations, and various massages. People go to China to improve the functions of the musculoskeletal system, to treat cardiovascular and gastrointestinal pathologies, the respiratory and nervous systems, rheumatism and arthritis.

    Ski resorts
    Fans of active pastime will appreciate the infrastructure and high service ski resorts Baidahe, Jinguetan and Yabuli. Modern tracks that meet international standards allow both professionals and amateurs to actively engage in sports.

    There are numerous historical monuments architecture, ancient temples, places of pilgrimage Sacred Mountain Huashan, National parks in the area of ​​Sanqingshan and Jade Mountain with a huge variety of rare plants and animals, National Park Volun with the natural habitat of giant pandas. Most areas are designated as World Heritage UNESCO.

    Dive resorts
    The surroundings of Sanya - Xiaodonghai, Yalongwan and Dadonghai bays, Wuzhizhou and Sidao islands - are suitable for exciting diving. Among the diversity of marine fauna you can find starfish, many fancy fish, large jellyfish, and more than 50 varieties of corals. The water of the South China Sea is so clear that underwater landscapes can be viewed at a depth of up to 25 meters.

Sights of China

    the great Wall of China- one of the seven modern wonders of the world, the largest structure on the planet. Climbing the wall will seem like an exciting walk only for physically prepared tourists. Assess your body's capabilities in advance, as a large number of steps can take all your strength, and the excursion will not be enjoyable. An alternative could be a funicular.

    Shaolin Monastery. Here you can observe with your own eyes the life of the monks, see their daily hours-long training of strength and spirit, as well as demonstrations of martial arts.

    Tropical island of Hainan. Ideal place for a relaxing beach holiday with white sandy shores and crystal clean water. Admire the beauty underwater world with vibrant landscapes, unusual fauna and coral thickets, lovers of diving and snorkeling will be able to enjoy it.

    Thermal springs Nantian. In the territory health complex more than 40 warm water pools, the available temperature range allows everyone to find their comfort zone.

    Oceanarium on Henkin Island. The world's largest aquarium houses the rarest specimens depths of the sea. Here tourists can feed crocodiles and look at the most terrible and unusual animals up close.

    Monkey Island. The journey to the island itself along the longest and most picturesque cable car China can already be considered an additional excursion. And on the island, tourists will find a sparkling pearl museum and jewelry stores.

    Shanghai. Arriving in Shanghai, tourists should definitely see the Temple of the Guardian God of the city and the Temple of the Jade Buddha, as well as take a walk along Nanjing Street (Shanghai Arbat).

    Hong Kong. Cultural and historical center with many galleries, exhibitions and museums: horse racing, police, medical sciences, Madame Tussauds wax figures, Art Museum Tsui, Lau Uk Folklore House Museum, Pao Art Center and other attractions.

Important and useful little things for tourists

Additional Information will make your stay in the country easier and help avoid embarrassing situations for both beginners and experienced tourists:

    Time. The difference with the Moscow time zone is +5 hours.

    Payment system. In modern shopping centers, hotels, restaurants accept payment bank cards almost all payment systems. For small purchases, it is best to have cash in national currency. The most profitable currency converter is located at the airport.

    Transport. Traveling around China is quite easy with high speed trains(350 km/h), tickets should be purchased in advance, especially if the planned trip falls on a weekend or holiday. Car rental is only possible with a driver, as international driving licenses are not valid here. To travel short distances, you can use taxi services; prices are reasonable. It is important to have an address written in Chinese with you; almost no one speaks English.

    Shopping. The finest natural silk and world-famous Chinese porcelain are among the most popular and expensive souvenirs. Exclusive gifts include pearl jewelry, healing tinctures of ants, snakes, scorpions, and Chinese Maotai vodka. Expensive gifts should only be purchased in stores or factories. You can bargain and talk about reducing prices not only in the market, but even in large stores.

    Weather. When planning a trip to China, you must take into account that the weather in different areas can vary significantly, even at the same time of year. Depending on the location, some provinces may experience freezing temperatures while other areas may be exposed to the scorching sun.

A trip to China will allow you to immerse yourself in the ancient traditions and unusual culture of this country and see stunning landscapes national parks And mountain ranges, visit the largest architectural monuments, palaces of emperors, ancient temples, pagodas and museums, and also appreciate the dishes local cuisine, which has preserved thousand-year-old traditions and secrets.