Transit visa to the UK. Does a transit visa need a transplant in the UK if a transplant in London is needed by a visa

In the UK, a visa-free transit for 24 hours in residents of Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan is allowed. At the same time, you can not only sit inside the airport, but also go to the city. Well, let's try to deal with all aspects that may arise with such a transit.

Why make a visa-free transit

  1. First of all, to view London or other city of Great Britain without visa. As you know, the visa to this country is made quite difficult and besides it is expensive (from € 100).
  2. Throughout London, it is beneficial to fly to many cities of Europe and partially America, which more than once mentioned in the articles on budget flights. For example, by opening a map of Losuksost EasyJet routes (, you can see hundreds of places where flights from London will be completed.

London also flives the most budget airline in Europe - Ryanair ( With the help of said traffic, you can purchase tickets from Moscow to Europe and back (through the UK) of just € 120.

  1. If you want to use the services of the airline Thomson ( for transit to the countries of the Caribbean, Europe or Africa. Tickets for the Caribbean Sea and a change in London or Manchester can be found for € 300.

Conditions of visa-free transit through the city of Great Britain

  • entry and departure from the UK Only by plane (other transport is not allowed);
  • between arrival and departure less than 24 hours;
  • the departure must be in the third country;
  • we need a visa of a third country (if it is needed there at all);
  • forbidden a visa-free transit to Ireland, Man Island and the Norman Islands;
  • it is allowed to go out into the city, while it is assumed that London for you is a purely transit city, so do not report on the right and left that you came to see the very capital of England and its attractions (although no one for you, of course, will not follow) ;
  • departure from another airport or from another city is allowed.

More information about a transit visa in the UK, see the link

How to avoid problems when landing on the flight

Complete control in the UK is not difficult, the main thing is to get to the flight to England. Some airlines are illegally not sitting on the flight if you do not have a visa in the passport. Previously, such cases were quite a lot, now they have become rare. Nevertheless, it is possible to avoid this trouble. For this you need:

  1. When landing have tickets from the UK on hand. They must be in printed form.
  2. Flying to London and Manchester on aircraft airlinesEasyJet. Not only are there tickets cheap, so also on the carrier website it is indicated that the visa is not needed for the transit.
  3. If you do not fly EasyJet, be sure to run on-lineregistration and print the boarding pass. The presence of the latter means that you already have a place on board and it is forcibly unnecessary to approach the reception.
  4. Having in the hands of printed transit rules from official sources. So that you do not seek where to get the information, download the information you link. Here are only 3 pages: one from the official site of the border service, the second is from the subject (professional program for airline employees), the third is the rules from EasyJet. If you are not allowed to fly, while you showed your transit tickets, then place the above "trumps" and say that border guards violate the established landing rates.
  5. In case of refusal to landing, call the senior manager and stand on its own. Most likely, before this stage, it will not happen.

How to pass passport control in London

This is absolute formality and here is usually unnecessary questions. To quickly go through passport control Follow the rules:

  1. Go to one officer all together, especially if you travel your family.
  2. Present documents:
  • passport;
  • filled migration card;
  • ticket or boarding pass to third country.
  1. The officer either immediately will give you a transit for 24 hours, or asks one of the following questions:
  • "The goal of the visit to the UK?", Answer: "Transit";
  • "Where are you going?", Answer: country name;
  • "The purpose of the visit to the third country?", Answer: "Tourism".

After that, you put a stamp for staying in the country 24 hours, and you can go to the city.

How to fill out a migration card

Migration card can be found in the plane, the main thing is not to sleep when it is issued. Listen carefully when the stewardles will offer LandingCard. On the map you need to specify the name and name (as in the passport), the floor, date of birth (DD-day, mm - month, yyyy - year). Next, write the city and country of birth, nationality. The Occupation field is not a place of work, but profession, do not confuse. In advance, find out how is the name of your activity in English. If you are a pensioner or a student, then write it. It is undesirable to indicate that you are unemployed. Below you need to designate the contact address in the UK. Actual for those who will stop overnight in some hotel. The following indicates the passport number and its placement (placeofissue). The LengthofstayIntheuk field is the duration of your bus stop in the UK. Here you need to write not 24 hours, and how much hours of hours before your next flight. The last lines are the city, from where you flew, the flight number you arrived, and signature.

When planning travel through airfares to other countries, it is important to consider the flight route, possible transplants and an action plan between flights to the smallest detail. In order not to be in an unpleasant situation in transit and transplantation and not be forced to incur additional costs, you should carefully examine the features of transit and transfers. For example, you should find out in advance, whether the visa needs if you fly in transit through Europe.

Transit is the passage through the territory of the country and finding on its territory within the limits of permissible deadlines to perform a transplant to the next flight.

It does not give the right to linger in the state longer than the specified time and often limits tourists locating in the country. However, this is a convenient way to travel indirect flights with a chance to make a flight at a more favorable price. Transit rules, in general, similar in all countries, however there are differences in the time of stay and necessary manipulations in different countries. As a rule, the airport staff with the help of specialized programs and existing knowledge will explain to you key points of transit, but it is much more convenient and more reliable to find out about all the necessary conditions and chances of transit without a visa or the peculiarities of its receipt. So you can fully enjoy the journey, and it will not bring you unpleasant surprises.

Transit is performed in two ways: without leaving the airport and the transit zone and with the possibility of accessing the city.

Quite often, when the transit flight may require a transit visa. For example, if the passenger needs to move to another airport to continue traveling or change the terminal in the airport building itself, or in the Schengen zone there is a need to make more than one transplant, in such cases there may be a need to receive a transit visa. It usually makes it possible to find within the state for up to 72 hours.

Visa will necessarily need to transplant Berlin, except for those passengers who travel with the help of Air Berlin Airlines. Without a visa, a visit to the United States, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand and Australia will not cost. Let us dwell on the most popular transit routes.

Transit through the United Kingdom

And if you plan to make a transit through London, is it necessary for a visa? In some cases, yes. In the UK there are two transit options: Airside and Landside-transits. The first implies on the border of the airport transit zone, the second makes it possible to go beyond the airport. Airside-transit can be made at Manchester airports, Heathrow, London and Gatvik.

The list of documents required for transit, standard - documents confirming the right to enter the country and, if necessary, entry into the next stop.

The passenger is obliged to fly out of England until 23:59 following the day of arrival day. It is impossible to place this type of transit when flying to Ireland. During the transition to another terminal, you will not need a visa at the airport of Gatherik and Heathrow due to the design of the buildings of the Airproofs. Transit type Landside quite often implies a visa opening. But there are exceptions. The visa will not need if:

  1. Flight is carried out in Canada, New Zealand, USA, Australia. The presence of permission to entry into these states is necessary.
  2. The passenger flies from the countries mentioned above, while the visa is either even valid, or from the moment of arrival in these countries has passed no more than six months.
  3. A tourist has a residence permit in these countries, as well as Switzerland. A residence permit should not be electronic.
  4. In the presence of a long-term visa category D in Switzerland and EU countries.
  5. The passenger flies to Ireland or from it no later than six months after arriving in the country. A biometric visa is required.

You are guaranteed to refuse a visa if you have a violation of the law, non-compliance with the visa regime, or one day it was already denied entry into the territory of the UK.

Remember that the immigration officer, despite the observance of all the above conditions, has the right to refuse any person in obtaining a transit visa. He also has the right to ask questions about how you plan to get to the hotel, and where it is located. Transit is not the possibility of excursion around the city, he is designed to help tourists to make a transplant and proceed further along the travel route. We described in detail in detail whether a transit visa need a transplantation in London, and now consider other cases.

Transit via China

If you want to carry out a transit in China, you need a visa at the same time, depends on the time of staying in the country and the airport through which the flight is carried out. China has in stock three alternatives to visa-free transit duration of 24, 72 and 144 hours.

144 hours can be held when traveling through Shanghai airports, Hangzhou and Nanjing. The possibility of 72-hour transit provides the following airports:

  • Dalian;
  • Beijing;
  • Guangzhou;
  • Guilin;
  • Xian;
  • Xiamen;
  • Kunming;
  • Harbin.
  • Chengdu;
  • Chongqing;
  • Shenyang.

Airports of the rest of the settlements have the possibility of a day of transit, except for Fuzhou and Yanji, in which there is no transit opportunity at all. In Urumchi, the transit has a duration of up to two hours.

When designing 144 or 72-hour transit, the passenger is obliged to provide his valid passport, travel documents for the previous and next transit flight and a visa to the next stop point if it is necessary. A stamp will be affixed to the passport, which reports the time of arrival and duration of the transit. Seating coupons upon presentation must be published in English.

The initial point of the countdown of 72-hour transit is the time of arrival at the airports of Changdu, Dalian, Shenyang, Guilin, Xiamen, Kunming and Harbin. From 00.01 the next day they consider in Beijing, Guangzhou, Chongqing, and Sihani.

For the beginning of the 144-hour transit at appropriate airports received 0.01 days after arrival. In the case of daily transit, there is a possibility of moving to another city. It can be carried out when flying by one airline or different companies with shared booking on a single letterhead. It can also be dictated by the need to make a technical stop at one of the airports.

To obtain the right to transit for a period of 24 hours, in addition to passport and travel documents, it is necessary to present a migration form filled with a passenger. The passport is also made a stamp indicating the time of staying in China.

Transit in the USA

Very often, tourists are interested, whether a visa need a transit in the United States. The United States enters the list of countries where the receipt of a transit visa is necessarily in any case. There are two types of visas: C-1 and B-2. The first implies permanent location in the transit zone, the second provides the possibility of exiting its limits.

For a S-1 visa, you must provide a ticket for a sufficient amount of money for staying in the United States and confirming the right to enter the following country.

Visa B-2 will require a presentation of an electronic statement, passport with a period of six months longer than the intended stay in the United States, photo 5 * 5 cm. And letters with an invitation to the interview. Applications for both types of visas are quickly accepted and processed. Visas B-2 are distinguished by durability and multipleness, therefore they are considered a more preferred option for those who would like to stroll through the streets of the city or those who often flies through the states.

Transit through the UAE.

Now we'll figure it out if you have a transplant in Dubai, you need a visa. If you plan to stay in the emirates for no more than 24 hours and do not plan to leave the transit zone, you will not need a visa. In other cases, you can apply for a visa in the airlines of the UAE or to the Office for Citizenship and Migration Affairs. The application can be both electronic and paper through the office. It should be submitted no later than three days before the intended arrival. List of documents Next:

  1. Copy of passport in color format;
  2. Stock Foto Passenger on light background;
  3. Air ticket.
  4. Additional documents (selected one at will).
  5. Filled questionnaire sheet.

Transplant in Singapore

When transit through Singapore, a visa-free stay in the country can last up to 96 hours.

At the same time, it is necessary to provide tickets and documents for entering the destination point next on the route, confirmation of hotel reservation at the hotel or hostel for transit time and cash in stock sufficient to stay in the country at the specified time. It is not recommended to use the scheme at which you leave Singapore on the sea or land. There are cases when tourists manage to make such maneuvers, but in case of disclosure, you may be denied entry into the country.

Transit in Doha

In carrying out transplantation in Doha, you can take advantage of the popular service of Qatar Airways, which consists in providing housing, food and assistance in obtaining a visa in case the transit time is from 8 to 24 hours.

This airline owns exceptional rights to provide services for this kind. However, it is not responsible for a possible refusal to visa to solve the migration officers. Therefore, the risk that the tourist after refusal in a visa will lose money made for booking at the hotel and other manipulations, fully falls on the passenger's shoulders.

That's all you need to know for a successful airfare between the countries of the world with transfers. Remember that the conditions and time staying in various states may differ significantly. In case you find yourself in a country where you should take care of the opening of a visa in advance, you will incur substantial costs to correct the situation in place.

You should also know in advance about what kind of type of transit is allowed in a particular state to take care of housing and overnight or be prepared for the fact that you will spend all the time in the territory of the transit operations zone. Be sure to take care of the opportunity to get beyond the state on time and prepare the necessary documents for staying in this country. Compliance with all these rules and requirements will allow you to save not only money and time, but also nerves. Travel comfortably and with pleasure.

In contact with

Transit is a fairly common phenomenon for travelers. First, prices for tickets with a transfer are usually lower, and secondly, not from each city to another can be reached by direct flight, especially from Russia. We have already talked about transit visas and most popular countries for transit, and now let's dwell on in more detail on the UK and on how to make a transit visa to the UK.

Airports in United Kingdom are a fairly popular transport point in travel from Russia to North America, which has become popular lately Iceland and many other countries. Until recently, the Government of Great Britain was flexible and allowed transit without a visa for a limited term in a rather large number of cases, giving even the right to enter the city. Now the country's migration rules tightened, and the Russians planning a transplant there, you need to receive a transit visa to the UK in most cases.

Before worrying, how to make a transit visa to the UK, first you need to make sure that you really need a visa. You can count on transit without a visa only when you fly through the airports Heathrow and Gatwick in London, as well as through Manchester Airport, and do not plan to leave the transit zone at the airport. Remember that baggage reception tapes and reception rack are outside the transit zone. In addition, your next flight to a third country must fly until midnight after the next day after arrival.

It is worth paying attention to that, to pass the transit without a visa, citizens of Russia should fall under one of the following conditions:

  • Go to Australia, New Zealand, United States or Canada with a valid visa of this country
  • To fly from Australia, New Zealand, United States or Canada, after staying in this country less than six months
  • Have a residence permit in Australia, New Zealand, one of the EU countries or Switzerland, Canada (issued not earlier than 28.06.2002) or US (issued not earlier than 21.04.1998)
  • Possess a European or Swiss visa category D
  • Fly to Ireland or from Ireland (less than 3 months after entry) and have an active biometric visa of Ireland (relevant only if you get an Irish visa outside of Russia, since in Russia, biometric data is not going to this visa)

Electronic visas and electronic residence permits for consideration are not accepted and are not a reason for resolving visa-free transit.

Despite the fact that the ability to make a transplant without registration of a transit visa in the UK still is whether it will be really allowed for you, always remains at the discretion of the immigration officer at the airport. In the event that the registration of a visa at the airport will be required, its cost will be 30 pounds sterling, and with it you will need to have a passport, tickets and a visa to the country of destination, as well as immigration form.

How to issue a transit visa to the UK

Transit visa to the UK gives the right to be in the country of 48 hours. Submission of an application for a visa takes place in several stages:

  • fill online questionnaire,
  • payment of visa costs (92 US dollars according to the official site),
  • registration on the website of visa centers and making all the details of your application,
  • interview.

At the interview you will need a printed and completed questionnaire, tickets to the third country destination within 48 hours after arriving in the UK, visa to the third country (if applicable), as well as 2 color photos.

Registration of a transit visa to the UK may take some time, so it is better to do it in advance (not earlier than 3 months before the trip).

Now you know how to make a transit visa to the UK and planning the following journey, you can include on your route, for example, London. About how to issue other categories of visas to the country of Beatles and Sherlock Holmes, you can also read on our website. Aviasales is always ready to help you find cheap tickets.

Pleasant travel!

Many companies offer their passengers to get to the destination of a transit flight through London. Is it necessary in this case a visa, and is it possible to be fully confident in a comfortable flight in this way? The information below will help to figure it out in this difficult question.

A few years ago, transit rules through the UK became more stringent. If earlier the traveler without a visa could afford to see London, being travel there, then in 2020 he has no opportunity to leave the airport. But sometimes you can do without a complex procedure for obtaining permission in the embassy. For Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhstanis (a complete list can be found on the website of the embassy) there is a so-called "visa concession".

It is applicable subject to such conditions:

  • finding in the country no more than 1 day (24 hours);
  • the use of one type of transport (air or water, for ground transportation of a visa required);
  • an open visa to the country that is the ultimate goal, or if the visa is not needed, the receipt of the payment of the hotel.

In addition, there is a concept of air transit. It is said about him when the passenger of the aircraft does not undergo customs control and registration at the airport of transplant. In this situation, the visa will not need.

The next important question is: "Do you need a visa to those who fly through the United Kingdom in the USA, Australia, Canada or New Zealand?" Since usually at the time of arrival at the British airport already has permission to visit these countries, it will not need anything to make anything. These rules are valid for passengers with a Schengen visa, as well as overlooking the residence permit in any of the states mentioned above or in the eurozone.

Who needs a transit visa to the UK?

In most cases, the warward expects a transplant in London. Whether a visa is needed, depends on the airport: if it is necessary to take advantage of the assignment in Heathrow or Gatherik, then at all other airports in Britain there are no appropriate conditions for this. Fortunately, most often the docking occurs at these points. However, do not forget to clarify this moment when buying a ticket.

In all cases, when the landing site and departure does not coincide, to move around the city there will be a transit visa to England. It should be done similarly and then when waiting for transplant to over 24 hours.

But the most important nuance is as follows: "Visa concession" is not an accurate guarantee of prosperous transit through London. Does the visa need a traveler, finally solves the customs officer directly when passing passport control. If something seems suspicious to him, he may well refuse to visit the kingdom. Officially, it is justified as a mismatch of the rules of migration.

So if you make time, a transit visa to the UK for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhstanis is still better to open. According to the latest data, the inhabitants of the CIS are increasingly denied permission to visit this state.

What else do you need to know?

Some airlines have their own opinion on the expense, whether a transit visa is needed to the British kingdom. The forums write that Wizzair, EasyJet and Ryanair are often not allowed to board people without permission to enter, so as not to earn additional problems with customs officers. Documents in electronic form are not considered by the migration service.

How to place a visa?

Make it is not so difficult, as arranged, but there is enough of your difficulties. Officially will need from 15 days to 2 months in order to get a transit visa. England is a country with a very strict migration policy and quite often refuses to visit, including travel. For an additional fee, the service of urgent decoration of permission is available, the exact amount is better to look at the Consulate website. Speaking about how much a visa is in London, it is worth noting the lowest consular fee just for a transit category: it is about 80 euros.

But even this amount is unlikely to wish in vain. Therefore, the documents should be carefully prepared:

  • passport with a sufficient number of empty pages;
  • photo 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • certificate of bank account state;
  • family status document;
  • certificate of work;
  • mandatory photocopies tickets to the end point of the travel and back;
  • paid medical insurance;
  • in addition, the site of the embassy will have to fill in a special questionnaire.

Please note that all documents are filled in English. Thus, a rather risky event is a transplant in London. It will be necessary for this visa or not, such a trip will still be conjugate with a large number of risks and uncertainties.

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