Loutraki is a Greek resort with thermal springs. A story about an independent trip to Greece: a report on a trip to the resort of Loutraki Buses from Loutraki to Athens

Everything about the city of Loutraki: hotels, entertainment, attractions, map. Shopping, restaurants, shops and boutiques. Photos, and videos, reviews of tourists, a guide to Loutraki .

The Greek city of Loutraki is a place with a loud name that literally means "healing baths". These truly healing lands are ready to give everyone a fertile climate, coniferous air of tree giants, the quintessence of the centuries-old heritage of antiquity and the worldly bustle of modern life.

The edge of Loutraki extends on the shores of the Gulf of Corinth, where it is gently washed by the azure expanse of the Ionian Sea. The city is closely connected with its neighbor Corinth and will fill up its prefecture. The origins of the historical past of Loutraki go deep into the past - into heroic antiquity, which to this day echoes in the form of a rich cultural heritage and colorful identity.

However, now these regions are known as a real health resort, a stronghold of health and a source of healing. In 1847, there was a stir after the discovery of the healing properties of mineral waters, which these lands are rich in. It was during this period that the “great migration of peoples” took place - mass migrations from adjacent Italy to the fertile land of Loutraki.

However, dark spots in history could not be avoided even by such a truly sacred place. Twice the Greek Loutraki "kneeled" after the dramatic events of 1928 and 1981. Earthquakes hung a terrible threat over the prosperity of these lands. The destructive force of nature destroyed the once great and prosperous region to the ground, but the city was reborn from the ashes again and again, resurrected and now is ready to welcome all travelers who are eager to comprehend the bizarre cacophony from the temperamental color of the local Greeks and echoes of the epic legendary centuries.

The climate of the city of Loutraki, healing by nature itself

The lands of Loutraki have always been famous for their hospitality, but every traveler will feel welcome when discovering a delightful panorama of virgin nature. Everything contributes to the prosperity of the city, especially the mild climate and the life-giving air of the Mediterranean. The rays of the scorching sun illuminate this region 340 days a year, reaching their sultry climax in the July period. The winters of Loutraki are truly fertile, since not a single traveler of this region will face merciless frosts and will not be overtaken by snowfall.

The azure waters of the Loutraki Sea are ready to welcome every traveler, endowing him with the warmth and tranquility of the summer season. It seems that even Olympus could not compete with the delights of Loutraki's weather. The quintessence of such a health resort is complemented by coniferous invigorating aromas hovering in the air of this fertile land.

Excursion rest in Loutraki

Loutraki is a city with centuries-old cultural and historical heritage, it is a real cradle of ancient civilization, the atmosphere of which inspires every street, every architectural creation, every man-made sculpture that has come down to posterity. The Greek city takes you into the whirlpool of your life literally from the first acquaintance with it. The traveler is blinded by the contrast of virgin and majestic nature, the tragedy of past centuries, rooted in antiquity, and the fussiness of the mundane modern life of descendants. Such a quintessence is an inexhaustible help for comprehending all the mysteries and intriguing mysteries that this region is full of.

That is why the indigenous population of Loutraki devotes so much time to excursion programs. Excursions for local residents are a whole ritual in which they again and again return to heroic origins, mythical legends, this is an attempt to make the silent land speak, which keeps many secrets in itself, like in a grave. Travelers who set foot on the lands of Loutraki are immediately involved in an ornate labyrinth that combines the tunnels of the past and the present, carried away, they walk along the line of the sights of Loutraki. Each open memo is a new turn in the tangle of Ariadne, which brings the traveler out of ignorance and sheds light on the truth.

In pursuit of the truth, travelers go to epic places, the starting point of which can be the legendary temple of the Hydra. It rises in the northwest of Loutraki, immersed in the lush greenery of Perahora. An addition to all the splendor is the lighthouse of Cape Malagavi - the guiding star of Loutraki. The history of the Hydra Temple is deeply rooted in the Roman period, to this day the echoes of the ancient civilization keep their secret even for archaeologists, because it is not exactly established when the structure was founded. The knowledge of historians can only shed light on the period from 50 B.C. and up to 50 AD. However, such an element of intrigue only increases the admiration for the ruins and fragments of the once majestic columns of the temple. The surviving mosaics and impressive marble slabs speak of the former splendor of this place.

The land of Loutraki, hospitable to sights, leads guests of the city along its routes, dragging them west to the lagoon near the Gulf of Corinth. This place, like a time machine, takes everyone to the Bronze Age, where an ancient settlement was once formed. Here, the remains of a once flourishing civilization were discovered, the property of which migrated to the locals in the form of 500 unique vases and household items, revealing the worldly fuss of past centuries.

In the galaxy of the excursion route, the spectacular temples of Poseidon in Isthmia and the temple of Helios in Acrocorinth stand apart. Local legends of the Corinthians say that a real bloody struggle began on these lands between Helios and Poseidon, who divided the possessions of Loutraki and erected man-made monuments to themselves. Each traveler will open the veil of secrets for himself, having learned that the temple of Poseidon served as a stronghold of religious ritual life from the 11th century BC. This is a kind of pearl, the brilliance of which at one time attracted strangers, so the Romans, having established dominance over Loutraki, erected a grandiose monument to Poseidon in the temple, the fame of which still thunders throughout the world.

Moving towards the northern lands of Loutraki, everyone walking will see the legendary settlement of Perachora, imprisoned on all sides by the mountainous elevations of Gerania. It was there, in Perachora, that the ancient Dorians in the 10th century BC. Hydra was sacredly honored and canonized, but now Perahora is a small settlement with an inexhaustible storehouse of the past.

Such a sightseeing trip is only a small drop in the ocean, however, it can forever capture the atmosphere, spirit and impressions received in these fertile lands. The cost of excursions here ranges from $50 to $300, but the emotional rebirth that everyone experiences here is priceless.

The main attractions of Loutraki. What is worth seeing?

The starting point of the journey in search of spectacular monuments and epic heritage of the Loutraki resort is the city square. She received the palm among her own kind, having also assigned an intriguing name. “March 25” is a bloody date that marked the beginning of dramatic events back in 1821, when a wave of uprising against the Turkish invaders swept the whole of Greece. Heroism, enthusiasm and the struggle for a just cause helped the country gain inviolable independence.

In Loutraki, the square has become a kind of symbol and hallmark of these lands, since the “main arteries” of the most important routes intersect in it. Every traveler here is picked up by the whirlpool of worldly fuss and acquaints with the color of life of the indigenous people. The colonnade with a fountain serves as a kind of echo of the scale of power, prosperity and prosperity of these lands.

It is easy to get lost in the labyrinths of antiquity and dusty antiquity in the city, but the main strongholds of modern civilization that beckon and tear out of the hands of past centuries will serve as the thread of Ariadne. Casino Club Hotel Loutraki is a famous haven for all gambling souls, proudly bearing the title of the largest in Europe. This type of recreation in Loutraki is comparable to a whirlwind that takes you far, far away if you don’t stop in time, which is what attracts countless travelers. Expressive lights, inviting neon scoreboards, rich casino signs - all this creates an outlandish contrast with centuries-old burials, fragments of relic temples and virgin, pristine nature.

It is impossible to comprehend the greatness of Loutraki, bypassing the monastery of St. Potapius. It was erected on Mount Gerania, which offers a breathtaking spectacular panorama of the azure sea and the endless expanses of the coast. The Potapia Monastery will reveal to travelers the traditions and canons, religious artifacts and traditional rituals dating back centuries.

Having set foot on the fertile lands of the city, every traveler will feel his involvement in the greatness of human civilization, since it is on Loutraki that man-made monuments reach the apogee of their grandiosity. The hospitable region is ready to open the veil of secrets to everyone, singing the stadium of Isthmia, the crown of the creation of nature - the Corinth Canal and the main symbol of the region - healing thermal waters.

Thermal springs of the city of Loutraki - a pantry of health

Mediterranean Greece is generous with the panoramas created by the countless sand dunes of the coastline. But the wealth of the lands of Loutraki is a legendary health resort that has earned primacy and honor with its thermal springs. Since ancient times, springs have been known for their remarkable healing effect on the body. According to legends and legends, these places are able to heal, rejuvenate, give vigor and physical prosperity to all those who dare to discover them. Treatment on Loutraki is a whole ritual of balneotherapy.

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, since the miraculous effect of thermal waters is not at all an ancient epic or mythological legend. Life-giving water contains sodium, magnesium, it is generously saturated with mineral salts. For the Greeks, the waters of the city have a truly national significance, and for the locals it is not only a source of pride, but also a real symbol of the wealth of this region.

The miraculous saturated water of the thermal springs of Loutraki is able to pacify, calm the shattered nervous system, give peace to the main human organ - the heart. Many women make a pilgrimage to thermal springs, believing in their power to overcome gynecological ailments. The water temperature in Loutraki in the peak of the summer season reaches 23 degrees.

The thermal resort of Loutraki is the epicenter of a healthy life, every traveler will be able to taste the charm of underwater massages and the relaxing effect of wellness baths. The miraculous waters and the life-giving power of air saturated with coniferous aromas are intertwined into a real cacophony, such a duet is a powerful artillery in the fight for your health and longevity.

How to get to the "edge of therapeutic baths"?

The city of Loutraki is a treasure trove of centuries-old culture, it eclectically combines the drama of antiquity and the dynamism of modern bustle, which is why Loutraki, like a magnet, attracts more and more new travelers and guests to its lands. Thanks to this ongoing hype, Loutraki is connected to the key "road arteries" of Greece and a galaxy of the country's main cities.

Loutraki is connected to Athens by intercity bus service, which departs every two hours from the capital. This is a comfortable journey, during which every wanderer will be able to enjoy the magnificence of the panoramic view, large-scale expanses of virgin nature and the authentic landscape of Greek streets.

Another means of communication with Loutraki can be a trip with a change: having reached Corinth, everyone will have the opportunity to intercept a bus flight from the Peloponnese, stopping in transit in the city of Loutraki.

I decided to go to the Greek resorts on my own to see the sights of the Loutraki resort, evaluate the local beaches, find out where you can dine cheaply in Loutraki and what kind of shopping is here; want to know more - read the story about how to relax in Greece without the help of travel agencies

I already happened to visit the Loutraki resort a few years earlier, when I rode around Greece as part of a tourist group. We were then attached to the edge of Attica, instead of being taken directly to Athens - I think cheap hotels in Loutraki killed all other options with favorable offers for the travel agency. In my opinion, it would be more correct to live in the Greek capital, because it’s easy to make a trip to the Peloponnese from there, and an extra day of rest on the eve of a whole week on the Halkidiki peninsula didn’t make the weather, especially the beaches in Loutraki are still the same. But it turned out the way it did...

A new visit to the famous resort was designed to combine business with pleasure: I could stay in Athens and get from there to Corinth, and then move deeper into the Peloponnesian Peninsula, but I wanted to collect more information along the way about where to eat in Loutraki, what kind of shopping is there, and what are the attractions. Therefore, in the evening, sometimes I set sail from the capital to the west.

To get from Athens to the resort of Loutraki, a minimum of effort is required: buses between these two cities run regularly, about once an hour, sometimes even more often; the bus schedule in Loutraki becomes denser in the evening, only on Sundays there are much fewer flights.

In addition to direct buses, there is also a fallback option to get from Athens to the resort of Loutraki: flights towards Corinth leave from the capital's bus station every half hour, and if you get off near the Corinth Canal, it's easy to catch a commuter bus to Loutraki from the terminal there. The trip will then take a little longer and cost a little more, but it will be possible to see such a wonder of the world as the famous canal. I will add that a bus trip to Loutraki from Athens cost me 8.50 euros, I calmly bought a ticket at the ticket office of the Athens bus station right before departure. It may not be so easy in the summer season, especially if you have to go on a weekend when there is a reduced schedule, so it's better to keep this nuance in mind ...

Traveling by bus to Loutraki from Athens takes about an hour and a half, almost half of this time is spent on leaving the capital on the highway. Then things go much better, and all that remains is to stare out the window at the flickering landscapes of Greece. True, I rode in the evening, when the landscapes were mostly lights, but the views of Attica remained in my memory after the last trip.

When the bus from Athens arrived in Loutraki, made a difficult maneuver and stopped, at first I did not believe that we had arrived: from my point of view, such a famous and large resort should have had a large terminal. Even when the driver turned off the engine and began to expressively look into the cabin, I still stared out the window, doubting and looking for the bus station.

The bus station of Loutraki was found only the next morning, when during a walk I went to the place of the recent disembarkation. It turned out that the intercity terminal is a tiny room with an area of ​​​​four by five meters, inside which there are five seats and an information desk. There is no luggage storage at the bus station of the Loutraki resort, just as there is no ticket office: tickets must be bought directly from the driver when boarding. So you don’t need to go inside the building at all, since the flight schedule from Loutraki to Athens, Corinth and other cities in Greece hangs on the stand at the entrance.

Judging by the map, the Marko Hotel I ordered was located near the bus station, and this proximity was one of the factors that prompted me to choose this particular place. Hotels in Loutraki are a dime a dozen, almost every second building is a hotel, and all the rest rent out rooms. Due to the abundance of offers, it is difficult to make the right choice, you need to analyze reviews very carefully and not rely on beautiful pictures alone. At one time, I saw enough bright photos in the booklet of a travel agency that promised fabulous living conditions, and then the group was settled in the sad memory of Mitzitras, which left very bad memories. Judging by the current advertising, the hotel managed to be updated, the cracks in the rooms were covered up and the shabby plumbing was changed, but my disgust for this place has survived to this day - passing by, I involuntarily shuddered ...

Things were much better with my new residence: the Marko Hotel stands in the very center of the Loutraki resort, only 1 block separates it from the sea. The reviews on it were good, and the stories of the tourists did not let me down, all the descriptions turned out to be correct. At my disposal was a large room with air conditioning, all amenities and a balcony - this is a standard set for local rooms. Another thing is that it was winter outside, albeit Greek, but still winter, so I just stuck the tip of my nose out onto the balcony and immediately slammed the door - it wasn’t enough to cool the room, and so it was not possible to warm it up to the end. Yes, the size of the room played a cruel joke in this regard: immediately after arrival, I turned on the air conditioner to full, switching it to heating mode, but the air remained cold for the most part, and I felt comfortable only on the bed, directly under the heat flow from the air conditioner.

This state of affairs somewhat upset me, because that night I was the only guest and, it seems to me, the hospitable hostess could well keep some of the joyful smiles for herself, but turn on the heating a couple of hours before my arrival, especially since I indicated when booking, when I expect to get from Athens to the resort of Loutraki.

But at breakfast, the Greek woman wrapped me in care, bringing a bunch of food, including scrambled eggs, sausage, sandwiches, delicious coffee. I’m not sure that in the summer, when tourists flood the resort, the breakfasts of the Marko Hotel will be as plentiful, but in any case, I liked the meal, and I made favorable reviews for this hotel.

According to the trip plan, I was supposed to spend about half a day exploring the sights of Loutraki, and then move to Corinth. I was able to fulfill my plan one hundred percent, laying the foundation for success with a visit to the local tourist office. It is located in the pavilion at Eleftheriou Venizelou 40, and they give out free Loutraki resort cards. With the help of such a map, I instantly established where the most interesting places are. In addition, the tour office offers a large selection of excursions in the surrounding area, so if anyone wants to get from Loutraki to the Blue Lake or go somewhere else, he can get comprehensive information from the office.

One of the most popular attractions for tourists who are bored with a measured vacation in Loutraki is a sea cruise. Excursions start sailing from the city pier, which is located just north of the city center, it is not difficult to find this place, it is the only one on the entire coast. The choice of cruises from Loutraki is not too great, vacationers can either go to watch the Corinth Canal, or simply ride along the Aegean Sea. The 2-hour trip is expensive, €24 for an adult and half that for a child, so families have to shell out. Despite the high prices, tourists who want to take a cruise from Loutraki are dumped on ships in a shaft, and they work with a full load in the summer - I had the good fortune to see this for myself.

It was winter now, and all the local ships were lazily at anchor near the port. An almost dead season also reigned on the city embankment, which I remember as a noisy and cheerful area. Yes, with the onset of warm days, resort life is changing, and life on the coastal strip begins to bubbling. After all, a great many establishments are concentrated along the coast - restaurants, cafes, clubs of Loutraki stretch from north to south in an endless series, the atmosphere of the sea facade attracts thousands of people, at least in summer everything is like that. In winter, the resort looked completely different, only rare passers-by came across to me during a walk. The pleasant park that completes the embankment in the north also looked deserted - the benches there were lonely waiting for guests, and the fountains did not work at all, not to mention the backlight that transforms them in the evenings. In the summer, sometimes this piece of the city, I remember, really liked me ...

But I didn’t like the beach of the Loutraki resort at all. I don’t like pebbles at all, preferring sand, and here I also had to not only walk on pebbles, but also lie right on it. Some hotels in Loutraki provide their guests with free umbrellas and sunbeds on certain sections of the beach, but Mitzitras was not one of those. As far as I remember, the rental of sunbeds and umbrellas on the beach of Loutraki cost 7 euros per day - the price of a good lunch. In general, then I was miserable, all the more so since the program of the sightseeing trip around Greece did not provide for a completely free day for rest, the maximum that I managed to carve out of it was five hours after the outing to the Blue Lake. What else I didn’t like was the crowds: around four days, the beaches of Loutraki looked like the seals were driven out from the films of the Animal Planet series, the people lay naturally side by side, almost on each other’s heads ...

The beaches of Loutraki can take credit for the extraordinary purity of the water, the sea is so transparent that with a cursory glance it is difficult to discern where the coast ends. This transparency is all the more surprising that the beach of Loutraki is not equipped with toilets - there are souls there every fifty meters; apparently, vacationers use the services of coastal hotels and cafes.

The sights of the resort are small in number, Loutraki is still imprisoned for a beach holiday, for the sake of archaeological sites it is better to go to the neighbors in Corinth. Landscapes are also sparse, most of the buildings are utilitarian and do not shine with beauty. The most attractive, perhaps, is the triangular square on March 25, named after the start date of the Greek uprising against Turkish rule; starting in 1821, the independence movement finally brought Hellas to success after centuries of Muslim domination. The twenty-fifth of March is often found on the maps of Greek cities, and in Loutraki the best ensemble was named in his honor. An additional beauty of the square is given by the colonnade with a fountain, which looks elegant during the day and fantastic at night when its illumination is turned on.

From March 25 Square, the streets diverge in different directions, if you stand with your back to the sea and move along one of the buildings that go deep into the building, then the main temple of the resort will soon appear ahead. The church of St. John looks like a cathedral, but it is not a cathedral, despite its large size. The dimensions are large, but the view is somehow faded, and if you ignore the bell tower to the left of the facade, the building can be mistaken for an administrative building. There are some hints of the Greek style, and yet, in my opinion, a brighter, more memorable temple should be built.

In general, I liked other sights of Loutraki more, especially the church of St. Mary. As the information booklet I took from the turofis told me, under its vaults there is a miraculous icon, to which, without exaggeration, the entire Christian community prays. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a chance to see the relic with my own eyes, because there was a service inside, and I considered it tactless to break into it. Well, the church pleased me with its pleasant appearance, it is designed in the typical Byzantine style for these parts. The building is distinguished by exceptional harmony, and I recommend that you definitely get to it, even if you make a half-hour hike in the heat - the path from the beaches of Loutraki is not close to the corner of Georgiou Karaiskaki and Panagias streets. In the end, if necessary, you can have a cultural rest in the neighborhood, in a small garden that adjoins the church on the right - there are benches there, and it’s damn nice to sit in the shade of the trees ...

Having examined the main attractions of the resort of Loutraki, it's time to move on to the topic of daily bread, that is, to clarify the question of where you can eat inexpensively. I made acquaintance with some local establishments in the last race, the new visit added to the collection of useful catering points. In my opinion, the prices in the establishments along the waterfront are very high, and it is better to search for a place where you can have a cheap lunch in Loutraki to the east of the main city artery Eleftheriou Venizelou - the farther from the sea, the easier and more affordable everything is.

For example, the Paul's cafe stands right on the seashore, and a marvelous view opens from its tables. Here you will find soft sofas, beautiful interiors, and 2.5 euros for a cup of coffee - about twice as expensive as in other places. If you move away from the embankment a little to the side, then here it is, Olimpic cafe on Leoforos G street. Lekka, near the city park. There the same coffee costs one and a half euros ...

So I would not recommend dining directly near the sea promenade: it is unlikely that you will be able to eat cheaply there. The price tags of restaurants located among urban areas look completely different. For example, Rotopoula is located just a block from the sea, on Konstantinou Kanari Street, and the cost of food there is quite low. This is a typical local tavern in style, where you can taste Greek cuisine. So, a portion of meat in a restaurant costs about 6.5 euros, fresh fish goes for 8.5 euros. In summer, waiters set up tables right on the street, which makes the meal especially pleasant.

Good chances to dine in Loutraki inexpensively give all sorts of eateries. I looked at the Goody's establishment near the bus station, which serves good sandwiches with meat and vegetables. Each serving that can thoroughly reinforce your strength costs 4 euros, but if you take a set of a sandwich, a bag of french fries and a drink, you will have to pay only 5.50 euros In addition, there are temporary specials on a number of positions, so you can eat even cheaper.

Also interesting in this regard is the Woody snack bar, which is located near the beach. There you can really buy a plate of meat with potatoes for 8 euros or grab a whole grilled chicken for 17 euros that can feed three or four people. Look for this place where you can have an inexpensive lunch in the very center of the Loutraki resort on Lamprou Katsoni Street.

I will add that many small bakeries and confectioneries are scattered around the town, they look like a scattering of dots on the map. Prices are quite low for resort conditions; so, a fresh loaf costs 1-1.30 euros, cakes will cost about 2.5-3 euros. You can also buy water, juices and other drinks in local bakeries, but I personally believe that if there is a place to buy food in Loutraki, it is in supermarkets - there is more choice and prices are lower. You won’t have to look for the right place for a long time: right on the main street Eleftheriou Venizelou, building 59 is occupied by the Spak office. I singled out this grocery supermarket for the abundance of ready-made salads in the Greek spirit, they cost 2.50 euros for a package of 250 grams. The assortment of juices was also good, there is a section of fresh fish, semi-finished products are in demand: many tourists who come to rest in Loutraki on their own prefer to rent apartments with a kitchen and cook for themselves - this is a good help for them.

Another useful point is located right on the main square of the resort. True, seeing over the house 30 Plateia Eikostis Pemptis Martiou enticing inscription "Carrefour", do not flatter yourself: this is not a supermarket in the general sense of the word, but rather its pale copy or, more correctly, an imitation. In the store you can buy cheap food and drinks, but the choice will be very poor; and cheeses, and sausages, and semi-finished products, and Greek wines are presented very sparingly. The prices are also not so attractive, Spak, where everything is much cheaper, definitely wins here, and, in my opinion, you need to buy groceries in Loutraki there, even though you have to walk several blocks south of the center.

I also suggest taking a closer look at the Galatios shopping center at Agiou Ioannou 15, almost next to the church of St. John. There, on the second floor, you can buy clothes and shoes made in Greece, and a supermarket has occupied the lower premises. In terms of prices, it is similar to Spak, something is even cheaper, something, on the contrary, is more expensive. I note that the trading floor has a large section of perfumes and cosmetics, where you can buy skin protection products and after-sun lotions cheaper than anywhere else in the Loutraki resort.

It is interesting that many local residents do not favor supermarkets, preferring to visit small private shops, even if prices are higher there. It pushes them to this desire to communicate: no matter how you pass by a tiny shop, you see the same picture when the seller and the buyer are slowly indulging, choosing vegetables or fruits. It is clear that there is no such atmosphere in large retail outlets, and the Greeks are very fond of talking “for life” ...

Many, of course, are interested in the question of where to buy souvenirs in the resort of Loutraki. Personally, I think the Dipilos store at the very beginning of Thodi Street, next to the fountain and colonnade, is the best option. Prices there are slightly higher than in Athens, but for a resort they are quite tolerable. For example, magnets cost 2 euros, and their choice is rich. The assortment of mugs and spoons is also good, there are plates with views of Greece, for 3 euros you can buy a small lighthouse in the Greek spirit, about the same cost are small columns of the Corinthian or Ionic order. In a word, it is quite possible to buy souvenirs in the Loutraki resort, it is not necessary to go to Athens or anywhere else for this. Oh yes, the seller in my presence spoke quite tolerably in Russian with the visiting couple, and although his language is not perfect, it is quite possible to explain himself to him.

In terms of memorabilia, I can also advise the Glamor store, which sells beautiful costume jewelry and jewelry in the Greek style. Handbags made of genuine leather also attract attention with good quality and relatively low prices. There is a shop at Karaiskaki Georgiou 22.

In general, shopping in the resort of Loutraki is not bad, I didn’t even expect so many shops - on the last visit, the interests of the tour group were reduced mainly to the beach and the nearest restaurants, we didn’t even really see the sights of Loutraki, there was simply no time to visit the eastern part of the city. But there prices are lower, and the choice of things is huge; I can remember that next to the church of St. Mary there are a lot of shops where you can buy summer clothes, swimming trunks, swimwear, beach slippers and even large umbrellas - since sunbeds and umbrellas on the beach of the Loutraki resort are paid, it is reasonable to invest 8-10 euros in your own an umbrella and install it anywhere, since it is not forbidden to do this.

This I theorize: unfortunately, it was winter outside, and that day I did not manage to enjoy the Greek sun properly. The sun greeted me a little later when I went

The beautiful and modern city of Loutraki (Greece) is the most famous resort of the Peloponnese, located on the shores of the Gulf of Corinth. It is famous for its healing thermal springs, the largest casino in Europe, ecologically clean beaches and developed tourist infrastructure.

About 12 thousand people live in the city (by the standards of Greece, this is a fairly large settlement). There are quite a lot of Russian-speaking citizens among them: they even registered an official community that teaches the Russian language and organizes cultural events.

During the season, Russian speech is heard everywhere here: tourists from the CIS are very fond of this city. And for good reason: an important advantage of the Loutraki resort is its convenient location in relation to the main attractions of Greece. Ancient Corinth is 22 km away, Mycenae is 50 km away, Epidaurus and Acropolis are an hour away, Olympia and Delphi are 140-200 km away. If you wish, you can easily combine a beach and wellness vacation with an educational one.

How to get to Loutraki

Budget housing options in Loutraki.

Sights of Loutraki

There are not many attractions in the city itself, but a large number of interesting places are located near the resort: therefore, tourists are offered a variety of excursions.

The embankment of Loutraki is the main place in the city where tourists and locals like to walk. Hotels have been built along the embankment, numerous restaurants, bars with alcoholic drinks and music clubs are operating. There are no crowds in this part of the city.

The brightest place of entertainment in Loutraki is the casino, which is included in the group of the largest in Europe. Casino Loutraki operates in a hotel surrounded by a green park with 75,000 plants. In addition to the casino, this place boasts a chic spa. The hotel was awarded a special prize by Carl Faberge, and it is sure to be mentioned when listing the most interesting sights of Loutraki.

According to scientists, on the site of this ancient sanctuary (6th century BC) there used to be a temple dedicated to the goddess Hera. Now the attraction is a ruin on the coast of a picturesque bay, not far from the famous lighthouse towering on Cape Malankavi.

The area of ​​the rectangular sanctuary is almost 320 square meters. m. The most interesting thing here is the platform for sacrifices, which is decorated with triglyphs (stone slabs with longitudinal grooves in the form of triangles). This landmark of Greece may be familiar to you from the movie "300 Spartans".

Lighthouse in front of the rock

In the 19th century, a lighthouse appeared on Cape Malagawi, which saved ships and boats from colliding with a rock. In bad weather, it was easy to miss it, so a lighthouse was built 100 meters from it - made of white stone with an emerald dome. The lighthouse has become a symbol of the city; it can often be seen on tourist photos of Loutraki.

The monastery of St. Potapius was erected on a mountain - at an altitude of 1 km from the ground. From here you can admire a magnificent view - the coast and the city of Loutraki. You can climb to the monastery by 144 steps. It is believed that while climbing them, you get rid of sins.

It was no coincidence that the convent was built on the mountain: St. Potapius, who dedicated himself to God, lived in a cave in these places. Now an altar has been carved in that cave. It is worth visiting here at least for the sake of ancient Byzantine frescoes of 800 years ago.

The main attraction of Loutraki is thermal springs. These are the underground waters of Loutra, which rise to the surface near Mount Vora from a great depth - about 3 km. Passing through the rock, the waters are filled with trace elements and useful substances that give them healing properties.

In terms of mineral composition, thermal water in Loutraki does not differ from the famous Vichy resort in France. Bathing and drinking such water restores the digestive system, heals the heart, cleanses the skin and has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system in women. The water temperature in the thermal springs of Loutraki reaches 37°C. The stream rises from the ground at a high speed (approximately 650 m3 per hour), which provides ideal conditions for spas.

In addition to open sources with thermal water, the city has large balnearies: Loutraki Thermal Spa and Loutra Loutrakiu. These complexes have several swimming pools, jacuzzi baths, saunas and baths. For an additional fee, special medical procedures can be performed.

Spa center in Loutraki

The main place in the city where you can enjoy the thermal waters to the fullest is a large spa center (Georgiou Lekka, 24). It is located in the northern part of the resort, not far from the waterfall. This is a modern center with a large pool with jets and many treatment rooms. Here you can not only swim, but also order different types of massages. Before swimming in the pool, you need to undergo a small examination with a local doctor.

thermal waterfall

You can swim in thermal water not only in a spa center or hotel, but also in nature - under a real waterfall. Leaving Loutraki towards the village of Perehora, you will see the slopes that surround the waterfall. There are excellent conditions for walking here. In the evening, the waterfall is beautifully illuminated, and nearby there is a cafe with a terrace overlooking the coast and the city.

The water temperature in the pool under the waterfall is 32 degrees. Tourists who have been here say that when traveling to Greece, the city of Loutraki must be visited - at least for the sake of this wonderful thermal waterfall.

The beaches of Loutraki

The resort of Loutraki in Greece is located on the coast of the Ionian Sea, surrounded by picturesque mountains and pine forests. Most city beaches are covered with pleasant small pebbles, as a result, the water in the sea is especially clean and transparent. For the cleanliness and grooming of the coast, the city has been awarded the prestigious UN Blue Flag several times. This award is given only to the best and most environmentally friendly beaches in the world.

The beaches of Loutraki delight not only with cleanliness and picturesqueness, but also with developed infrastructure. Fans of outdoor activities and water sports will find something to do here. Volleyball courts are equipped on the coast, they offer diving and surfing, ride the waves on a catamaran and other entertainment.

Weather and climate in Loutraki

The resort has a pleasant temperate Mediterranean climate, so the weather remains mild even in summer. The sultry heat and stuffiness here is rather an exception. The maximum air temperature in the summer months is mainly 28-29 degrees Celsius. In autumn, the air cools down to +22 °C.

You can relax in Loutraki (Greece) even in winter: at this time, lovers of walks without the scorching sun come to the resort. The air temperature during the day in the winter months reaches about 16 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the temperature of the water in the thermal springs reaches +34 ° C: therefore, rest in the Greek city of Loutraki is possible in any season. Moreover, many hotel complexes invite guests all year round.

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From Athens you can always go on a day trip to the town Loutraki located on the coast Gulf of Corinth Ionian Sea. For a weekend trip, the most suitable distance from the capital is just under 100 km along a beautiful three-lane motorway.

The city itself does not represent anything historical and entertaining in terms of architecture - a typical Greek urban development of the new time, but the location is right on the shore, balneology (mineral water flows from the tap and right on the street), the presence of a casino, 7 Orthodox monasteries, a lake with a sea water, the ancient excavations of the Temple of Hera make Loutraki an attractive place for the Athenians.

In addition, there are not so many places in Greece that the city (and not the resort village) is located right on the shore and you can leave the house a couple of steps and start swimming. Therefore, by the way, housing prices are higher than the usual level for Greek resort real estate and are quite close to capital prices (say, 2000-3000 euros per sq.m. even in the context of the crisis in Greece). Many Athenians simply have an apartment there instead of a country house, especially since the town is small and even from the outskirts it is still no more than 15 minutes on foot to the sea. However, the Russians also acquire real estate there :)

In recent years Loutraki has also become a popular place to accommodate tourists from the countries of the former USSR - tour operators, in addition to the above, appreciated the geographical location - equidistance from popular archaeological sites and historical sites: Corinth, Mycenae, Nafplio, Olympia, Delphi etc. Therefore, the presence of the Russian language in the city is felt: taverns and souvenir shops with an inscription in Russian, advertising of a fur shop is also in Russian, etc. There is a shop "Arbat" with Russian goods (turn around the corner of the hotel "Grand Elit"). German is heard from other foreigners on the streets.

But it's better to see once, of course. So, some photos (all clickable) of the town Loutraki and other attractions in the area (most of the photos were taken on October 4 and 11, 2009).

Exit towards Loutraki from the highway Athens - Corinth (in front of the Corinth Canal)

Road with eucalyptus trees Loutraki from the track Athens-Corinth, the entrance to the city and the central street of Loutraki (it was filmed from the car on the go, so the quality is not very good). The Russian flag on the street is no longer an accident :)

It is worth noting that in summer the passage along the main street is very difficult, the traffic is high. Therefore, if you need to head towards the hotels "Pappas", "Posidonas" or towards the lake, Temple of Hera And Perachory, then it is worth choosing the path along the new ring road. A small section is not yet ready, you need to get to the blue and white building of the Ivi mineral water plant and immediately turn right, soon the fresh asphalt of the district will appear.

Oh, familiar faces! ... The inscription reads "Leader - he is only one!"

Construction of a new building balneological hospital in Loutraki already finished. The construction of the outdoor swimming pool is in full swing and should be completed by the summer of 2010. The institution is municipal, so the prices are divine (or divine?). If I remember correctly, dipping into the radon pool is 5 euros, the same + sauna is 9 euros.

Examples of new architecture in Loutraki: houses in front of the entrance to the city and city high-rise building

Fishing pier and cruise ship in Loutraki that takes tourists to Corinth Canal

Park at the end of the waterfront Loutraki, there is a playground and cafes and taverns start from there (in one of the photos you can see the monastery of the Prophet Elijah high on the mountain)

Spring "two-faced", on the one hand mineral water, on the other - tap. Tap water in Loutraki is also mineral, only purified. Those. just delicious drinking water, and in the mineral you can feel the presence of salts.

Promenade and beach Loutraki, with a blue flag for cleanliness, by the way

embankment of Loutraki and hotel "Achilion"

In the end Loutraki at the exit near the old balneology building there are waterfalls with mineral water, a cafe nearby, a large parking lot and a view of the city

After passing the waterfalls, you leave Loutraki towards the monasteries, the village of Perahora And Lake Vouliagmeni past the hotel "Posidonas". The road is a normal Greek country road: slightly winding narrow asphalt with the following views:

On the way there will be a complex of two taverns "Eden" and "Panorama", and a cafe "Egli", made in the original style. The taverns offer a wonderful view of the Gulf of Corinth and Lake Vouliagmenis, in the evening the taverns are beautifully illuminated.

After passing the taverns, there will be a fork to Perahora and to the right up to the monasteries. During the day, only the monastery of St. Potapius is open, the rest are closed for lunch. Therefore, depending on the time of the day, you can choose: go directly to the monasteries or first to the village of Perahora, to the lake, the lighthouse and the temple of Hera.

Perachora- quite a large and pleasant-looking village. The story goes that next to the temple of Hera there was an ancient city, which is now under water, and it was located opposite Corinth on the opposite shore of the bay, the Corinthians called it "pera chorus" - "city further / city opposite." One of the charms of Perahora is the presence right on the road of a shop from a local olive oil producer, which holds, by the way, the head of the district administration (unless, of course, he lost his post after the last local elections). Finding a store is very easy - there will be a U-shaped fork at the entrance: to the right into the village, to the left towards the lake and the temple of Hera, we go to the left and immediately after the fork there will be a store. Inside you can find good quality olive oil, many types of olives, many of which are prepared according to unique recipes, olive oil soap, as well as other local products: honey, wine, capers, herbal teas, etc. The man is very fond of Russians and his occupation, so he treats with might and main his products and makes small gifts to customers. In short, stocked up with oil, honey and giant white olives with garlic and drove on.

Perahora, "olive shop"

Perahora, "olive shop"

Perahora, "olive shop"

Perahora, "olive shop"

Perahora, "olive shop"

Perahora, "olive shop"

If you drive a little the other way from Perahora to the mountains above the village, you can enjoy another beautiful view, as well as admire the wild flower beds of cyclamen under olives

We return to perahora and continue the path towards the lake, about 10 kilometers. The lake was once freshwater, but then a narrow channel opened, which now connects the lake with the sea and the water is, of course, salty. The reservoir has two names - Lake Vouliagmenis(not to be confused with the lake of the same name, located in the Athenian region of Vouliagmeni) or Lake Ireu(by the name of the excavations of the temple of Hera, which in Greek are called Ireo or in Russian Heraion). However, in antiquity the lake was called in another way "Eschatiotis". The lake is large and beautiful surrounded by green mountains. When in Loutraki winds blow, then everyone comes to swim here.

Around the lake there are several fish taverns, the first two meet immediately in the place where the road goes to the lake. Others are further away if you go to the side Temple of Hera, going around the lake on the right. The biggest tavern on that side (by the way, open in winter) is called "Lindo".

You can feed the flocks of anchovies that run along the coast with bread and see the "fish outrage" - the struggle for daily bread :)

Loutraki, Vouliagmenis lake, "Lindo" tavern

Loutraki, Vouliagmenis lake, "Lindo" tavern

Loutraki, Vouliagmenis lake, "Lindo" tavern

Loutraki, Vouliagmenis lake, "Lindo" tavern

Next to "Lindo" is another smaller tavern, open in summer and on weekends the rest of the year. To call on her, having traveled around the "Lindo" from above.

In front of the tavern there is a small boat mooring and a small man-made decorative rock with variations on the Greek marine theme :) In the distance you can see a small church near the canal connecting the lake with the sea.

The lake beach in front of the "Lindo" tavern is sandy, very pleasant with sunbeds and umbrellas. Two local seagulls can keep the swimmers company. There are also water sports.

Admire the tiny church, located right on the seashore and painted in white and blue colors typical of the Cyclades

And sit down for coffee at the coastal bar-restaurant Ypanema

Very nice place, good music, eucalyptus trees, tables next to the sea. True, the prices are at the level of Athens, but the place is very pleasant, you don’t want to leave there. Nearby there is an organized beach with umbrellas and sun loungers, a volleyball court, water sports. There is parking for clients.

Loutraki is located at the base of a small peninsula, on the edge of which, in the very west, on Cape Melagavi, as you might guess, there is a lighthouse built in 1897. You can see the south and north coast Gulf of Corinth, the mountains of Boeotia, in the distance Loutraki and Corinth. A very beautiful place, many come and sit there for a long time on the edge of the rocks, relax. It is especially beautiful in the evening, before sunset.

Under the lighthouse on the shore of a small bay are excavations Temple of Hera so the place is called Heraion(Ireo in Greek). The place itself is very beautiful and the excavations are interesting, you can see the stone cistern and the foundations of the columns of the temple, more precisely, two temples. Above the excavations there is a small church of St. John, like a balcony. There is a small beach under the excavations. Somewhere near the shore in the sea there should be a sunken ancient city. Apparently, for this reason, a free diving championship was held in this place a couple of years ago. By the way, when you live in Greece and see ancient excavations constantly, it is somehow difficult to be impressed by new ones (especially after the Acropolis, Corinth, Delphi, Olympia). But I don’t want to leave this place, there is some kind of energy point here, a unique combination of antiquity, Orthodoxy, the sea and rocks. After staying there for a while, you notice that other people are also in no hurry to leave this place. Yes, admission is free, by the way.

Well, now to monasteries, of which in the area Loutraki 7 pieces: St. Potapius, St. John, St. Gerasim, St. Stephen, St. Nicholas, St. Trinity and Prophet Elijah. The monastery of the Holy Trinity is located to the right of Loutraki, if you look from the direction of the Corinth Canal, St. Nicholas and Stefan somewhere above the road to the lake, perhaps the primer leads there, next time we will find out. And the other four monasteries are located above Loutraki, an asphalt road leads there. Convents located opposite each other are the first to meet on the way. St. Gerasim(to the right of the road) and St. John(left).

Monastery of Saint John small, in the church there are copies of the icons of the Mother of God and the Birth of St. John, the originals of which are on Athos, there is also one old icon of the Mother of God, blackened from time. To the right of the entrance is a church shop. The monastery closes at lunchtime from 14:30 to 16:30.

The most important thing is that the monastery is an Old Believer and representatives of the modern Greek Church do not favor schismatics, as well as vice versa.

Monastery of St. Gerasimos Kefalonia is much larger in territory and is located on the edge of a cliff with a beautiful panoramic view of the Gulf of Corinth. At the very edge of the monastery courtyard, a platform was built on which a large cross rises, which is visible from afar and is illuminated at night. There are two churches in the monastery, one is bigger, the other is smaller. The bell tower, in contrast to the generally accepted for Greek churches, was built directly on the ground in the form of three arches, through which you can see the sea and Lake Vouliagmenis. There is a large church shop.