Trains Interesting cargo. Intellectual game "We know everything about the railway

: The history of the appearance of the first locomotive and the first railways. The most unusual railway stations and ferric reference messages. "Vokzal" laws of France and a monument to the dog in Sibou.

  1. The first trains, which are trolleys moving with horses, arose in the XVII in. In Europe. The first in the history of the steam locomotive, pushing cars, built an English inventor Richard Trevik. It happened in 1801. The purpose of such transport was the carriage of iron ore at the Pen-and-Darren plant, and the speed of its movement was 8 kilometers per hour.
  2. The movement on the first railway in the world was opened in England in the first half of the XIX. The final stops of the route of the train movement were located in the cities of Stockton and Darlington, and the road itself was intended for transportation of both goods and passengers. The length of such a plot was 50 km., And the train consisted of only 6 cars.
  3. The first competition of the American locomotive Tom Thumb (in the "Boy-Finger") with an equestrian crew occurred in September 1830. The action occurred along the railway pathway from the settlement of Rielize Tavern to Baltimore. The mechanical breakdown of the transport itself and the problem of the boiler decided the fate of the competition. The victory won the animal, and the "C-finger" never reached the finish.


  4. What could be common between professional musicians and travel paths? It turns out that exceptional musical hearing. It is the sensitive hearing of the latter that allows you to detect the defects of the wheels on the rolls of the tone of the knock.
  5. At the beginning of the XX century. In France, a law was adopted, prohibiting in love with couples to kiss in the territory of railway stations. The reason for this was the frequent failures in the schedule of trains driving, caused by a long, "passionate" farewells. It acts this rule and now. Warning inscriptions are posted everywhere, and separate zones are allocated for farewells of lovers.
  6. Ferrocaril Austral Fuegano (Argentina) Railway is called the train to the most edge of the Earth. It is the most narrow scene railway state (the width of the rut is 50 cm). On the trajectory of the train movement there is a station called "End of Light", which enjoys incredible popularity among those who want to get to the final stop on the Iron Kone, and not on the cheaper bus. Interestingly, it was originally this road was intended to transport prisoners for correctional work.


  7. The monument to Hachiko dedicated to the faithful and devotional ps is located on the territory railway station Sibuya (Japan). The animal became famous for the whole country in the 30s. XX century, after the exit in one of the largest newspapers articles about the old dog, a daily waiting at the station of his host, who died a few years ago. At the opening of the monument, a year before his death, Hachiko was present personally.


  8. You can take a journey between the most romantic cities in the world - Venice and Paris at the "Train of Love".


  9. Food market one of settlements Thailand is located right on the railway tracks. Several times a day, 10-15 minutes before transportation, merchants pack their food and lowered canopies. After the train is held, the market completely renews its work.
  10. Passengers arriving in Monte Carlo on the train for the first time, often meet local residents . Strangers offer beginners to play instead of them in a casino, promising a solid reward.
  11. The most flat railway, without a single turn, is in Australia. Its length is 500 km.
  12. The fare in the express "The Eastern & Oriental", the route of which passes by South-East AsiaIt is 3000-9000 USD. As part of the train there are several restaurant wagons decorated in different styles, BibliPeques, a shop, a bar, and a magnificent viewing terrace is equipped with its rear court.


  13. The three-kilometer segment of the railway, located near the village of Klewan (Ukraine), is called the "Love Tunnel".
  14. At the end of the XIX century. Locomotive has become the main hero of the Lumiere brothers. Today, tens of paintings have been shot on trains, among the most famous, "train-fledging", "Magistral", Station for Two, etc. can be distinguished.


  15. Although the train is considered a few dozen times the car's safer, when buying tickets it is desirable to give preference to seating places in central wagons.

We hope you liked the selection with pictures - Interesting Facts About trains (15 photos) online good quality. Please leave your opinion in the comments! It is important for us every opinion.

Basically, it is the opinion that the train is so trite, so boring, so ordinary, another thing planes with their hypervostors like Mikhalkovsky rows " In a chair village, breakfast ate. What? Flew! " Or huge ocean linersBlowing by endless sea expanses seem to be beautiful oasis in the middle of the desert. But believe me, the railway is also able to saturate its passenger in full positive emotions and all kinds of interest.

For example, the Qinghai-Tibetan Single Railway is the most high-mountainous on the planet the road every year attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world to admire the magic Tibetan scenery of the roofs of the world at an altitude of more than 5,000 km above sea level.

No marine or air company can offer such a romance. Of course, such extreme conditions require special trains. Wagons are fully sealed, equipped with personal oxygen masks and oxygen supply system if necessary, and at intermediate and overview stations, passenger cars naturally do not open up, because they have nothing to breathe outside them. The Chinese themselves are experiencing an extraordinary pride for their engineering structure and put it in one row with the Great Chinese Wall.

No less awesome and Thai railway, which passes through the real market! 60 km west of Bangkok in Mauxtlong Food market, located right on the railway tracks, several times a day quickly turns its grocery trays, twists the canopies and runs right in front of the nose of the compositions.

But the most amazing thing is that even at this time trade does not stop! From open windows of the composition in merchants flies money-coin, and back in the window flies fish, sweets, fruits and other purchases. Here the main thing to catching to be able to! :-) Although, I believe that the skill to this case appears in the passengers after wiping the eyes from the broken tomatoes and the phrases "I didn't catch again!" :-) After the trains are sweeping, drawers with the remaining vegetables, fish and other goods again Returning to rails and trade is purchased a more civilized character :-)

The Railway Road Napier Gisborne is unique in that it crosses the main runway of the Gisborne airport in New Zealand. This is the only railway in the world, where it is the dispatching air report service that allows or prohibiting trains to cross the runway to continue its route.

Sometimes airplanes and trains divide the literally few seconds from each other! This wonderful "junction" is hardly the first sentence of the tourist in New Zealand guides! Agree, the steam locomotive and the aircraft rushing to meet each other, the spectacle is ordinary for Hollywood or Indian films, but not for everyday life!

If you have already found your soul mate or so far only in search, the railway strongly recommends visiting the wonderful "Love Tunnel", located near the village of Klewan in Ukraine. This picturesque three-kilometer rail segment leads to a factory for the production of tree fiber plates. The train here walks three times a day, delivering wood to the Orzhevsky Woodworking Combine. It is the railway composition that makes the growing branches of trees to go through the path and supports the tunnel in such a state.

Beautiful sunny summer, a green corridor attracts couples in love, and in the fall and winter photographers who want to capture this beautiful miracle of nature. It is believed that if you, visiting the "Tunnel of Love", make sure the cherished desire, then it will definitely come true.

The Trans-Siberian Railway Highway is the longest railway in the world, today there are 9300 km of ways and represents a whole network of railways, between Moscow and the Far East of Russia. In addition, the road has branches for all neighboring border countries. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Highway in full force began in a distance in 1891, under the personal control of Sergey Witte, who, then, then the Minister of Finance, clearly understood that Russia simply must be a strategic partner between the West and East. In order for the construction of the road and the contact infrastructure to have time for each other, the Russian leadership began construction from the East and the West at the same time, striving in the country. To understand all the scale of the project, it suffices to say that only in 2002 its full electrification was completed!

Reconstructing in the early 2000s, some parts of the road, Russia organized the first permanent corridor of a large-scale freight service between China, Mongolia, Belarus, Poland and Germany, which at times increased trade turnover and contributed to the further development of the Far East as a strategic region.

The initial name of the road is the great Siberian path. And he is not because the construction of the road was carried out almost a whole century, but because russian government Then it consciously refused to western "help", not wanting to ensure strengthening the influence of foreign capitalists in the Far East. They built only on their own! And were able! Built!

It is not for nothing that they say that to drive through the Trans-Siberian Highway, it means to see Polimyr. Does joke? The famous photographer Todd Selby, who did a long way from Paris to Shanghai by the railways, claims that this is a real truth: "This fantastic is to wake up every time, to break away from the card and try to understand where you are ... The seventh day of the journey has come, and we Still in Siberia! Siberia is very big. And Baikal is very large. But this is just a part of the Great Russia! "

If all previous facts about railways Did not cause you any emotions, then do not despair. In the world, there is still one railway, admire which is not tired to this day! Well, even if you're an avid critic and the word "adorganize" not for you, then do not worry, you also find a huge "portion" for discussion and condemnation here for yourself. What is this railway? It is a BAM!

I would not like to argue with those who claim that the BAM is a "deadlock" of the Soviet era, that they built his sites that all this territory of Bama is a huge zone or camp ... Around this, no matter how cool, a brilliant engineering project to this day goes A huge number of beaks and legends ... But, nevertheless, for thousands of thousands of Bamovtsev, this construction remained the happiest and bright memories. And they respond about him as a bright, romantic, heroic and better time in their lives. So it was.

The best youth from all over the Soviet Union came, worked, hacked. Families were created here, they committed real labor feats, discoveries occurred. Bam built the whole country.

« Through passages, rivers and swamps
Highway carry on the century. Not terrible any work,
In the call of heart, we came here! "

The BAM was designed as part of a systemic project to master the significant natural wealth of unstasted areas, according to which, actually, the road flew.

On the path of Bama planned to build about ten territorial-industrial giants complexesbut very "promising" Gorbachev Perestroika, allowed to complete only oneSouth Yakut coal complex. Then no less "promising" privatization with great hopes handed over a number of resource deposits into private hands, but instead of loading the capacity of the Bam and the massive development of mineral deposits in the area of \u200b\u200bthe "At the exit" area, only oligarchs with yachts were obtained. By the beginning of the 2000salmost all projects for the development of the Baikal-Amur Railway area were suspended Under the "ideological" pretexts of inexpediency, and the decision of the Soviet leadership to build the BAM diligently accepted the stamp of erroneousness and futility. As this is the truth of "oligarchy" to cover up the sudden "unproductiveness" of the project, which half a century was considered simply vital for Siberia and Far East According to all experts.

Hears the soul just that today's leadership of the country is seriously aimed at the revival of Bam and the region as a whole. And it is not just words. Recently The Elginsky deposit is successfully operating, where the first coal was produced in the summer of 2011. A driveway railway branch connecting it with a highway. According to the Bami in May of this year, the first freight trains of super-heavy weight, allowing to carry 7,100 tons instead of the previous weight norm in 4800 tons, which should increase the profitability of traffic. This became possible after the introduction of new powerful two-piece locomotives of the 2 S5K series "Yermak" series and diesel locomotives 2TE25A "Vityaz". The compositions successfully overcome the most complex portion of the route - Kuznetsovsky pass.

The railway tracks themselves were reconstructed and strengthened, a new Kuznetsov tunnel was commissioned.I note for critics: "Trains went, and not go. Pass is reconstructed, and will not be ever. "Ermaki" and "Vityazi" put into operation, and not in the design stage. "

I am sure that the Bam is waiting for a bright future because the road built with love can not live forever!

Alena Yurevna Seliverstov
Intellectual game "We know everything about the railway"


Consolidate kids about railway, rail transportabout security rules on railway. To form the ability to work in the team, help and support each other.

Develop visual and auditory attention, memory, logical thinking. - Form interest in railway professions.

Equipment: 4 puzzles, multimedia board, visual manual, musical accompaniment, yellow flags, semaphore, visual allowance.

Organizing time. 4 teams participate in the quiz. For each correct answer, the team receives one puzzle, at the end of the game the winning team must completely collect the picture. If the picture is not fully assembled, the team gets 2nd place, etc.

Representation of the team: Teams choose the captain, they say their name.

("Locomotive", "Swallow", "Sapsan" and "Elektrovoz")

Poem pro railway(Reads student).

What road? this sweat on the temples

These are hands in the corns, this is a sash in shoulders,

Knock of wheels under the car and flickering of persons.

These songs are steel endless ways

Lireith of green semaphore lights,

What road?

To understand this, you just need road

His heart give!

1 task: "Show what you call" (Children from each team are invited to show the items in the picture railway terminology). Appendix number 1.

* Locomotive * wagons * rails * sleepers * Tunnel * Own * barrier * Moving * High-speed train * DEWORD

2 task: "Guess what hid" (Children show part of the illustration on the topic « Railway» , Command participants should guess what is depicted, 1 task to each team.

3 Task: "Smart Questions" (questions are asked by an alternately each command if the player of one command does not cope, the player answers the other command)

What are the people who go on the train? Passengers

For which part railway Can future passengers walk? platform

How should passengers go to another Perron? bridge

What is at the station?

What are you purchased in railway checkout? ticket

What for? To go

What is celebrated on the railway ticket? FULL NAME, date, place of an hour of departure and arrival

Why do you need loudspeakers at the station? What was heard everywhere

Tell us about the behavior of the child at the station.

What are the cars? Passenger, freight

if the yellow checkbox rolls what makes the driver (rides faster)

Expanded (slow)

Who first invented the steam locomotive? Brothers Cherepanov

4 task: "Collect the picture" (Teams are offered cutting pictures of the locomotive and electric locomotive, one of the fragments, children should guess which picture whose team collects, then collect the picture - who is faster)

While the teams are occupied, captains are held.

5 task: "Captain Competition"

Logic problem (one at all - who is faster): You are a driver, in your train 5 cars, in every carriage 2 conductors, each conductor is 25 years old. How old is the driver?

What node can not be unleashed? Railway.

- "What I'm talking about?" (Captains are offered definitions (alternately) For which they should guess about the mandated subject). First, tail, postal, trailed, soft, blue, sleeping, crowded, tram, railway, jewelry ... (railway carriage).

- "Who quickly?" (Captains are offered a spear, who will say faster and cleaner): Thirty-three cars in a row, tarators, tauralate, tarators, tauralate.

Poem (reads a child).

Rushing the train in the distance somewhere

Passengers sleep long ago

Driving driver

Looks intently in the window

And it does not fall to sleep today

Before dawn, the conductor,

And dispatcher and repairman

Do not plunge not on a moment

Because their work -

Transportation, long-distance,

That's why these people

Even once to take away!

6 task: « Railway signs»

At the station, on Perron

Everywhere and everywhere rules

They should always know;

Never come out without them

From train station.

Each team is offered for 2 characters that can be seen near railwayChildren must explain their meaning. Appendix number 2.

7 Task: "Merry steam locomotive" (mobile the game) . The driving beep and 2 yellow flags. Children walk to the music, along the signal, the trailers should be built behind their locomotive - captain from 1 to 5 cars, pay attention to the signals of the lead. If the yellow checkbox gets drunk, they go quickly, if they are deployed - slowly, if the red semaphore is stopped.

8 task:

So that the fervor fun is not ugas,

So that time went faster.

Friends i invite you

To mysteries quickly.

Competition of mysteries (the mystery is prepared to each player, if it makes it difficult to answer, the captain comes to the rescue)

* In the Staircase field lies, the house on the stairs runs. (Rails, sleepers, train)

* Although he has two eyes, but does not look at everyone at once, but he always looks alone, the driver follows him. (semaphore)

* Brothers went to visit, we clung to each other. And they rushed into the path of distale, only left the smoke. (wagons)

* And horse, and worker, to the water hunter. Fyrchit, but drinks, keeps at home. (locomotive)

* For big distances, he rushes without late. This train is free, called ... (express)

* Iron The hut is attached to each other. One of them with a pipe leads all of them. (a train)

* I am coal, I drink water, as I get, I'll add the go. Vivid travels on a hundred wheels, and called .... (locomotive)

* They are different, green and red. They flew around the rails, everywhere they meet them and wait. (wagons)

* Rush, rushing iron Creek, by gland iron rattles. Couples smoke, smoke goes, rushes, rushing iron Creek. (a train)

* He is always at the station, a train is suitable for him. (platform)

I am the hostess in the house on the wheels,

I always drink you.

Day and night worry not tired.

Name my profession! (conductor)

9 task: "Merry tasks" (Each command in the envelope is offered task for a mixture - (collective work)

* The bus goes beyond the city. What happens if he comes to the rails?

* Rails are running around the rails and steamer. Who will first come to the station?

* Flew in the sky diesel locomotive and aircraft. Who will do faster?

* What starts and how it ends railway for the passenger?

10. Lead Specifies questions with options. replies:

1. As in the last century called railroad?

a) yambs;

b) after

c) paths;

d) Plantains.

2. Which of these professions exists?

a) the holder of the highways;

b) pathways;

c) overseas roads;

d) Perron controller.

(It railwayman, regularly coming to the purpose of observation and the protection of the plot allot railway track.)

3. Professional carrying suitcases on railway station is ... who?

a) carrier;

c) porter;

d) Mobile.

4. What a position is in the staff schedule railway station?

a) compiler of rails;

b) compiler of protocols;

c) trains compiler;

d) compiler suitcases.

5. What device allows rolling stock (trains) Go from the main path formed?

a) arrow;

b) barrier;

c) semaphore;

d) shoe.

(Arrower translation.)

6. What of these concepts does not exist?

but) Railway knot;

b) Railway branch;

in) Railway cloth;

d) Railway Spice.

7. What is the name of the end railway track?

b) traveling;

c) distillation;

8. What is the name of a rolling stock specifically, specially intended for traction of trains and not adapted by itself for the transport of passengers or goods?

a) dynamo;

b) locomotive;

c) diesel;

d) Moters.

9. What kind of locomotives does not exist on Russian railways?

a) passenger;

b) cargo;

c) maneuver;

d) sports.

Poem (tells the child)

By space road iron

Trains Like Birds fly ...

Holing all wind and smoke

And goodbye to us: "Vivat!"

Wheel Wheel Like Drinking Drum

Beats the rail melody,

In the tact cars sink him

Gul is spreading already to heaven!

And the diesel locomotives are puffy,

The whole composition is rushing forward.

Peacefully dorms in the coupe passengers,

The conductor carries a corporate tea ...

Well, and we fell by hand,

We wish good luck on the way!

Wish road iron,

Never collapse from the rut!

For all mankind, trains have already become more than the usual type of transport. However, the world of cars and railway tracks is not simple. In this material, we will tell about some interesting facts related to this means of movement: from historical to funny.

  • Railway connects cities, countries, and sometimes whole parts of the world! Such an expensive is the Trans-Siberian Railway Highway. Its length is about 9300 km.
  • In the collection of Faberge eggs there is an instance depicting the Trans-Siberian Highway. An egg model of the imperial train made of gold and platinum is placed in the egg.
  • Like in a bologna, where, according to legend, St. Petersburg Burbar goes to the Moscow Border, the Transsiberian Highway has its own middle - this is the "Half" station. Historically, the Trans-Siberian Highway walked from Vladivostok to Miass, and "Half" shared this way.
  • The road between Moscow and St. Petersburg became the first railway. In the year of the death of Nikolai I, in which construction began, it was named Nikolaev. The first three days the journey through the Nikolaev railway was free, since no one wanted to go on an unfamiliar "terrible thing."
  • The first train in our country with a refrigeration unit was designed and was created specifically for transportation to the royal table of fresh oysters from Sevastopol.
  • In France, over the past year, there is a law prohibiting kisses at train stations. The reason for the release of such a rule was frequent trains delays due to touching fares of passengers and seekers.

In Russia, it is still limited to simple warnings - in one of the airports you can see a poster with the words: "We ask passengers to start kissing right now so that the plane flew on time."

  • Do you know, what is the similarity of the violinist and the way spectrum? And both need absolute hearing. It is required to determine the presence of faults in wheels. But many people thought that any person will cope with this work - go and knock at his pleasure.
  • In our relatively plain country there is no problem with the construction of high mountain paths. But in Peru the paths are held high in the mountains - at an altitude of 3 km from the sea level. Passengers on this site are offered oxygen pillows.

  • Everything branded trains Russia has their name written on board the wagon. But some formulations also have names given to them by passengers. Such, for example, is the train "Rostov - Odessa". He was called "Dad - Mom."
  • The Australian Railway, passing along the desert plain, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. There is not a single turn on its stretch of 500 km.
  • Monument to the dog, for nine years waiting for the return of the owner's traveling by the train, is at Sibuya station in Japan. This story has become the most famous illustration of a dog devotion and loyalty.
  • On the first part built between Liverpool and Manchester, the British section decided to hold a contest between five steam locomotives. However, immediately before the race, the fifth participant was removed from the competition with the wording "due to an obsolete engine." Under the trimming of the locomotive, real horses were hidden.
  • The driver of the train "Ahvaz - Tehran" was severely punished for movement during Namaz (prayers). The fact is that during the commission of the Muslim rite, it should be turned strictly towards Mecca, and at each turn of the train passengers had to turn on the spot.
  • Safety specialists advise you to purchase seating tickets in the center and avoid the first and last wagons, in case of an accident. In general, the safety of the train is estimated 45 times higher than the car.
  • It is said that one day there was a case of a collision of completely different types of transport - trains and steamers. Ohio Lake in the United States left the shores and flooded the railway tracks by a meter water layer. The driver decided to continue the path of the flooded path, but ran into a steamer. Obviously, to such a turn, neither life nor the study of these drivers was prepared.

People at all times fascinated train. And some they gave rise to creativity. The Lumiere brothers as an object for their first film chose a steam locomotive. As we remember, the film was called "the arrival of the train at La Cita Station" and the audience is horrified by their realism.

1. Two equator lengths.

The total length of railway lines owned by Russian Railways -85.2 thousand km. If all the available RZD rails lay out along the equator, it would be enough for two circles and a little more left. Moreover, one of these two circles was electrified and could walk by train and electric locomotives. The second round - would remain exclusively for diesel locomotives, smoked heaven from the pipe. The length of electrified lines is 42.9 thousand km.

2. Russian railways consume up to 6% of all generated electricity in the country, or 44 billion kWh per year, and 10% diesel fuel.

3. High-speed trains - Russian Railways pride. Their photos are printed on posters and booklets, on the company's website everywhere hangs banners with their advertising. To date, Russian Railways have five trains called high-speed. Two of them are "Sapsan" and "Nevsky Express" - they run between Moscow and St. Petersburg, between Moscow and the Nizhny Novgorod walk "Sapsan", "Burevestnik" (twin brother of Nevsky Express) and "Swallow". And from St. Petersburg in Helsinki walks "Allegro". The fastest of them are "Sapsans" and Allegro, they go to 220 km / h.

4. The longest route of the train is Kharkov - Vladivostok (No. 053), the distance is 9722 km (in the reverse direction - 9715 km).

The most extended direct routes - 10 267 km: Moscow  Pyongyang via Khabarovsk (directive car to train № 001/002 Moscow Vladivostok) and Kiev → Vladivostok (foreign car train number 053 Kharkov Vladivostok).

5. On the most high point Railway canvas rises on the Transsiber between the stations of Turgutus and the Apple Blank. The composition moves here at an altitude of 1040 meters. In second place in height above sea, the Kizh station is occupied, which is the west of the Petrovsky plant, whose height is more than 900 meters. And at the third place of the high-altitude pedestal is the Andrianovsky Pass, which is located west of Baikal. Its height reaches 900 meters.

6. The coldest place on the railway is located on the site of the Trans-Siberian highway between the villages Mogocha and Skovorodino. Interestingly, this site is not the northernmost from the point of view of geography, but the coldest in terms of climate. This place can be called the real pole of the cold, as the temperature in the winter is sometimes lowered to - 62 degrees. It is difficult to imagine how in the zone of permafrost when it was laid by rail.

7. Annually in Russia, 1,300,000,000 passengers enjoy rail transport. That is, each resident of Russia in the year is 9 times by train. However, this figure is far from the limit. In the USSR, each person accounted for 15 travel trips.

8. The Trans-Siberian Highway is considered the most extended railway not only in Russia, but also throughout the world. The length of this railway from the find to Moscow is 9438 kilometers. There are 97 major stations on this road.

9. The Middle Transsib Station is called "Half". From her to Moscow and to Vladivostok identical distance.

10. Before the revolution in Russia existed the same major society of Russian railways, formed on January 26, 1857 in accordance with the Imperial Decree of Alexander II. The founders of the Company were Russian, Polish, British and French bankers. The capital of the Company was 275 million rubles with silver. The first Chairman of the Board of Management of the Company was Baron Peter Casimirovich Meyendorf, and the head of the director was Karl Koldignon - the main inspector of bridges and roads of France.