In the two-story train problem with luggage. Photo report about the trip on the first two-story train rail (48 photos)

This trip was spontaneous enough and was due to the 3 days of November holidays, to which I managed to stick for another 2 days. And voila - a small vacation is ready.
Copyright train No. 104 went to Adler from Kazan Station in 10-52 . We arrived at the station itself in 45 minutes before the departure of the train. We did this in order to make electronic tickets in the automata railway station and place a free ticket for Ulyanka - our youngest crew member. In order not to pay for the parking of the car at the station itself it was decided to leave it in Sokolniki, as they said in one famous film - "There is where to hide" (to \\ f "The meeting place cannot be changed"), but to drive 2 stops on the subway Station itself.

How and where to print an electronic ticket for the Russian Railway train and whether it is necessary to print it

Print e-ticket Railways not necessarily, you will be in electronic lists from conductors. But if you need it for reporting to work or goes small childwhere additional free ticket should be issued, then you need to print these tickets through the terminal at the Russian Railways station. Please note that after printing tickets you can return them only through the station in the station. To print tickets, we first work here are the terminals:

1. Choose the item - RECAGE TIR

2. Enter from the keyboard on the screen Order number From e-ticket
3. Leave the default system type of document - passport of the Russian Federation
4. Enter the number and series of passports in a row, without a space in the cell opposite the order number (the cell is called - Document number)

It is enough to enter only one passenger passport data and it will be possible to print all the tickets if you have several of them.
5. Press Choose
6. Press Print
7. Expect about 2-3 minutes while all the tickets are printed.
If you need to place a free ticket for a small child, then after the printout of your ticket, with your passport, the child's birth certificate and the printed ticket you should contact a long-distance train station at the station.
That's all.
And now we will proceed to review - review of company train Railways Moscow - Adler. The train made a lot of positive impressions, but there is in my opinion and things that could be made more interesting and high-quality, but about everything in order.
The appearance of the train, the quality of the outer metal case, as well as the interior decoration of the jigging cars (there are no vocational cars in the corporation) left only positive impressions.

Appearance of a company train Railways № 104

Steps on the second floor, as well as the first one is made well and lifting on them, as the descent will not deliver special problems even with suitcases and bags. The passage to the Vagon Tambura is wider than in ordinary trains, which creates additional comfort when moving with overall cargo. The temple itself has standard sizes.

Please note that the steps are equipped with handrails for a comfortable lift and descent, as well as the backlight of each step for the convenience of moving at night with a muted light in a sleeping carriage.

The quality of the materials used at a high level and does not cause any complaints, especially with the fact that it was far from new train And he runs on this route for several years. The coupe is equipped with sockets 220 only below, there are no sockets on the upper shelves, which is inconvenient and somewhat surprising. Individual lamps for each passenger securely and qualitatively cope with their function, the beam of light is enough even to the very blind passenger. Also in the coupe there are hangers on the right and left at the entrance. The place for baggage is limited only by space under the sleeping place of the lower passengers. Double-glazed windows are very high-quality and do not let the air into the cabin, as it often happened in old trains.

The sleeping place is very comfortable for sleep, after it does not hurt a back. Special attachments are made on the upper shelves, so as not to fall during sleep or emergency braking. The staircase to the top is located at the entrance to the coupe, as well as in the old cars. Separate praise deserves toilet train. It is equipped with biotales and now there is no such thing as a green zone. Toilet make it very high quality and at the European level. Toilets in the car 3, but the wagons are connected always so that the toilets from different cars are near and you can always through a tambour to get into the toilets of a neighboring car by making a couple of steps.

It should also be noted that in the company's company trains of Railways in the ticket price there is one portion of nutrition. In a personal account you can certainly choose when you eat it and what exactly, but it is meaningless, because All the same, everything is solved directly in the car and the food always bring immediately after the start of the train movement. So do not waste your time on choosing a diet in the personal account of the Mobile App for Russian Railways. It is worth a positive to note also the place of the conductor in the car, there you can find everything you need and even warm in the microwave, such as food for a small child.

But the restaurant has somehow not impressed, it would be possible to make it whiter affordable at prices and entourage for perception. Here on such a wonderful train we traveled on november holidays to the city of Sochi. A trip report can be read by reference below.

Discounts for children and other categories of citizens on company, two-storey and ordinary Russian Railways trains

On Railways trains you can drive inexpensively, very inexpensive and including abroad. How to ride on the train cheaper will tell you below:
1.) At first let's start with the most banal - Special rates and promotions from Russian Railways (Link to this page on the company's website)
There is nothing easy and nothing to say, look read and buy, if you find something interesting for yourself.
2.) Secondly , everything is the same about the banal, you can buy train tickets for Russian Railways in advance (the maximum term 90 days before the trip) and then get also cheaper tickets than they cost
3.) Thirdly , everything is also about banal benefits / Discounts for children, students of pensioners for the Russian Railways train inside the country.
Brief information about benefits and discounts on Russian Railways trains:
a) Travel in the train offers discounts to children
Children under 5 years old, when locating in one place with a parent go for free
Children under 10 years old when stations in a separate location have a discount of up to 65% on all trains, in the luxury wagons, children are for free
b) the heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of Russia, the full Cavalers of the Order of Glory - the passage for these categories of citizens is free 2 times a year (back-trip) for personal needs and 1 time per year for treatment
c) heroes of socialist labor, persons awarded the Order of Labor Fame of Three degrees, persons awarded with orders "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" three degrees - travel on Russian Railways trains are free once a year for any needs
d) Well, deputies and other idlers from this category naturally free unlimited count
4.) In the chethers . There is no longer it all trite. The essence of the idea is to buy tickets that if you need to say to the Baltic States, it will be cheaper to buy a ticket to Kaliningrad and go to Vilnius.
Last time on the train I went 2 years ago from Moscow to Donetsk, until that was the last time I traveled another 5 years ago, and somehow I did not notice a special difference with my children's memories (as a child, every summer rode my grandmother and back, so that memories It was very clearly crashed into memory) - a close coupe, from the window blows, in the coupe, it is cold, it is hot, a dirty table, vintage mattresses, for whom you first need to take lingerie from the conductor, and then pass (separate quest and entertainment). In the tambour go scary not to mention to go between the cars, but what is the waiting for a queue in the toilet next to the garbage tank, which was invariably by the end of the path? And the dirty toilet whom it was impossible to use at stops?
But when I was offered to go to St. Petersburg and back on the train - curiosity won the fear. It was very tempting from the center of Moscow to get straight to the center of Peter just by sleeping at night. On the plane faster, and at a price sometimes goes like a train, but here you must not forget that you need to get to the airport and from the airport, come an hour before landing ... In short, it is not the most comfortable option to be relevant for relatively close distances. There was still an extreme option to go by car, but I would have to drive it alone at night after the work week of 800 km, without hope to get over in future a couple of days. So the train seemed the most reasonable and in a convenient wayYes, and remember the feelings from the knob of the wheels and the landscapes rushing outside the window was interesting.

The most unusual thing appeared on the railway during the time I did not use their services - two-storey wagons. They were launched about a year ago. Now there are two trains - in Adler and St. Petersburg, both of Moscow.
A two-storey car is designed for transportation of 64 people, and was clogged with fun Chinese citizens-tourists. We enter the wagon - here is light and pure, even a row of the door of the coupe. Remember, earlier in the trains in the coupling cars in the corridor there were folding crasls? There are no such chairs here. On the second floor there is a staircase and an externally corridor of the first floor does not differ from the secondary corridor.

The coupe themselves also underwent significant changes, perhaps only the layout remained as before, only now the shelves in the coupe immediately refilled with linen.
And remember how to get out of the coupe in turn allowing the neighbors to get the mattress? But stalling everything, trying to get dust to the dust in all directions and do not touch anyone? Now you can immediately go to bed without unnecessary televitations.
It also seemed to me that the shelves became longer - in any case, this time my legs did not rest in the wall. Visually places here are definitely no more than in the usual coupe. Worked air conditioning. In the windows of the glasskeepecite "Goodbye draft". But there is another side in it - if the air conditioner breaks, there is a chance to cook, windows do not open up. Two sockets "Joy iPhone", right in the coupe. Lamps, mirror, the table is staminated with a clean tablecloth, there are hangers . It is argued that the road set of bathroom facilities is included in the price, but I was too lazy to go behind him to the conductor.

Toilet is almost a masterpiece. And this is not sarcasm. Most importantly, they can be used at any time. It is clean, quite spacious (though there is no romantic window to the right for the knob of which it was so convenient to hold on), there are napkins and soap, almost nanotechnical flush button. Such toilets in a two-storey car three (compared to a second-class car of toilets per person became greater, compared to the jigger - less). The tambour next to the toilets is expanding a little, so several people stand quite comfortable, waiting for their turn - it's funny that they thought out. And on the scoreboard in the carriage the "toilet status" is displayed, in the sense of occupied there or not. Very comfortably. True, it was possible to go further and make such an indicator straight in the compartment, so that in vain from the shelf it was not necessary to get up.

Separate entertainment - the passage between the wagons. No terrible harmoshek with shaking floors and flashing sleepers and dirty tambourists. Now there are funny orange doors with a silver corrugation, hard floor, then quietly and completely not scary. I remember that panic children's fear when it was necessary to go between the cars - it was insanely afraid, and it's just dark and very, very noisy. Now the doors between the cars are opened by pressing the button with a quiet pneumatic sound, and close and completely automatically allowing you to easily move to the target target (but smokers will suffer - kill the cigarette here decisively nowhere.)

I had a goal. I do not remember that I someday was in a restaurant car, so I decided to go from ethnographic interest. The restaurant car also has two floors, the second is the restaurant, on the first utility room and bar. They say that they are tasty and relative to Moscow prices is not very expensive, but it was too late, I didn't want to sleep, so I wanted to sleep so making a couple of personnel chose to go to sleep.

From pleasant buns - in a two-story train there is WiFi, however, there is a suspicion that it works just through the modem from the cellular operator: that is, when cellular There are, there is an Internet. And when the train rushes in the wilderness, and the base stations for tens of kilometers - it is not.

On a two-storeyt (number 006) I was driving from St. Petersburg to Moscow. In St. Petersburg, I found myself on another train, one-story (№004 "Express", so written in the ticket). There is almost all the same thing - purely, quiet, good toilet, but no WiFi and one socket on the coupe. But I was struck that passengers are offered a light dinner - in the coupe, there were boxes with water, cookies and yogurt on the table, and the conductor asked what we want for breakfast (there was a choice of three dishes - porridge, cheesery, pancakes) and brought it in the morning - it was shock! For the first time, the train gave a normal hot food (free of charge).

True, for tea in the company chamber I had to pay 30 rubles. Interesting, by the way, this is a way of conductors to earn a tip, or in this train really breakfast and dinner are included in the ticket price, and tea for a fee? In this case, "where is the check ??"? But the price of tickets in this train is higher than in the "two-story".

By the way, now Russian Railways on some trains flexible pricing system, almost like in airplanes - the more demand (the fewer places in the train remained), the more expensive.

Here for the distortion of prices in a week (I suspect that it is not very far from a possible minimum):

A coupe with a two-story car with the departure "Tomorrow" will cost more than 3000 rubles (if the places are open - and they are usually all excavated).

According to my Impressions, Russian Railways made a pretty big step forward in terms of the development of quality of service and comfort, but without singularities, it also did not cost. I'll tell you immediately, I don't have any complaints about the carriage train - everything was very cool there (though without WiFi). But there are a couple of comments on a two-story carriage:
1. Staircase - older people and those who have heavy suitcases better to immediately choose places on the first floor
2. Claustrophobia - Those who do not like closed spaces and low ceilings are better not to take up the tops on the second floor. The ceiling there is a little befell in the side of the window, and hangs very low above the head
3. Place for baggage. I fully admit that it was somehow not lucky and we had a special coupe (extreme to the stairs), but under the bottom bed there was some kind of metal technical box that occupied almost all the place. So we hardly managed to shove my backpack (in size as manual jack On the plane) and Tanin Suitcase (not much more). What people will do with big bags, baby carriages, skiing, bicycles even imagine scary, because the "third shelves" on which it was all stuffed in the old car. I really want to hope that somewhere there is a luggage compartment that can be used if necessary. If you have a big luggage - it is better to take another train.
4. Poor conductors. The car has become a two-story, the number of passengers doubled (compared to the usual jigger wagon), and the conductors are still two. We are honestly said that if something needs (tea or something else), then it's better to go to him right away, and not wait until he bring, because he will serve six hundred people for several hours.

The first two-storey train appeared in Russia. A two-storey train has already set off on the route Moscow-Adler on November 1.

Passengers of the first flight were journalists and volunteers of the Olympiad in Sochi-2014. The time spent by passengers of the new train on the way will be 25 hours 19 minutes - an hour with a little smaller than on the usual train. In the near future, the train will overcome the same way for only 22 hours.

From the advantages of the new RZD train marks smooth driving, free Wi-Fi, 3 toilets instead of two in the car, as well as a small savings on tickets. The upper shelf in the compartment of the two-story train will cost 3206 rubles against 4530 in the usual train, writes

At first glance it seems that the two-story train is only the advantages. But the supervisory Internet users have already discussed innovation from all sides and found a number of minuses that Russian Railways were default. User with Nick Alexid1 on the forum clearly described the shortcomings of the two-storey train.

The lack of the first. ServiceIn the usual jewel car 36 seats. In a new two-story 64 place. You will have to wait longer to find maintenance, because the conductors no longer become. They are still two. And passengers in a two-story carriage more by 28 people. Even more than in a second-class car, where 54 passengers. So tea will bring slower than in a placentar. Also longer have to wait for the landing into the car. And you pay as for the usual one-story jewelry car. We are told that there will be more tickets than in ordinary trains, but this is also not quite so. No one will drive extra wagons, simply if the passengers are less than any direction, the number of cars will be reduced proportionally.

Lack of the second. Stairs Older people and disabled people will especially grateful Russian Railways for the need to carry suitcases on the second floor. Even from the first floor there will be a small staircase to go to the exit. Only one car in the whole composition will be one-story. And of course there will be places in it first.

Lack of the third. Baggage By the way about suitcases and bags. The luggage shelf above the entrance in the compartment is no longer there. Neither on neither the second floor. Where to fold a big luggage 4 passengers are incomprehensible. Also on this shelf, the conductors usually placed blankets and pillows, so as not to occupy the bottom shelves. Now they will interfere.

Fastener fourth. Ventilation I often go to the jigging cars of branded trains. All of them are new, but continuous ventilation works only in one trip from five. Usually ventilation include in the evening, and turn off at night. I'm not talking about conditioning, but about a banal influx of fresh air. The coupe has long put hermetic unopened windows, and when 4 passengers ride, and the ventilation does not work for several hours in a row, it just nothing to breathe. I do not even imagine as asthmatics and cores carry such torture. This is a gross violation of sanitary standards for many years comes with Russian Railways. AT two-storey wagons It will be even harder, because The volume of the coupe has become more significant, due to the reduced level of the ceiling and the absence of space where there was a luggage shelf. You might think that in the newest wagons ventilation will work. I really doubt it, because even in the corporate train 01/02 Moscow-Vladivostok, where the latest wagons with double toilets are used at one end of the car, ventilation at all is not included in the entire trip! Many times swore with the guides - they refer to different technical problems. Thus, the risk literally suffocate when the ventilation is turned off even more increases in a two-storey car. Many are surprised by the breakdown after the trip in the night train - still did not hurt the head - if there was no ventilation all night, and the air did not correspond to any sanitary standards!

Failure fifth. Toilets Here are looking. In the usual jewelry car 36 seats and 2 toilets. It turns out 1 toilet for 18 passengers. In a two-story carriage 64 seats and 3 toilets - 1 toilet for 21 passengers. Toilets will be loaded by 15%. Not the biggest problem, but in this regard will become a little worse.

Lack of the sixth. Tambour and smokers
The vestibule from the opposite side from the conductor's coupe was completely removed. And smoke more now. In theory, this is wonderful. Yes, and the new law of the Russian Federation prohibits smoking in trains. I do not smoke and tolerate I can't tobacco smoke, which penetrates the Corridor from the Tambura in ordinary cars. But after all, the reality in Russia is such that many egoist smokers will still want to smoke and will do it in the toilets. And everyone will be forced to poison to the tobacco smoke when visiting toilets. And in the Tambour, where the entrance to the carrier is not allowed to smoke - they themselves often go and spend any service of the car of the car.

Lack of seventh. Risk of injury Once again about the stairs. Unlike Europe, our railway tracks are not so perfect and the wagons are not so thought out in terms of the comfort of the suspension and the wagons very much shakes while driving. The risk is injured when you descend on the stairs when you gathered to the toilet very great. Or if you need to bring hot tea or boiling water. Yes, and swing the second floor will be more accurate.

Modern two-story trains I have seen only in Europe. In Finland on Allegro, passed by a similar train with the VR logo - Finnish railways. And in Germany and Belgium managed to use them for their intended purpose. But then there were trains with seating places that go between the cities of one country during the daytime. And new RZD wagons are designed to occupy a niche of budget night trains. There is a problem with the shortage of tickets on the weekend of the week, and the two-storey wagons will take on this passenger traffic.

At the moment, new cars are in the depot of the Moscow railway station:

In the first photo, you can judge the height of new cars and compare with old one-storey. Sergey, a large expert of railway transport, kindly agreed to help me clearly demonstrate the height of the carriage in the photo. Impressive, right?

So looks like a hitch of wagons outside. How the passage between the wagons inside can be seen below:

For about such a picture they will see those who first go into the car. I would like to note the pleasant colors in which everything around is painted:

These two-storey wagons produce in Russia on a Tverskaya car-building factory. I did not know about the existence of this, everyone on hearing only Mytishchinsky plant, which makes cars for the Metro trains :)

General view of the passage on the first floor. I will note the digital scoreboard on the ceiling, which shows time, temperature and car room:

On both sides of the corridor there are stairs for which you can climb to the second floor:

The view of the corridor of the second floor is practically no different from the appearance on the first. If you do not pay attention to the details and do not look out the window, of course. Numbering places on two floors is the following: on the first floor - 1-32 place, on the second floor - 81-112 place. The lower places of the jigging cars are odd, and the upper even.

And now consider in detail the coupe. Doors here are unlocked by magnetic cards, which are issued to passengers when landing:

General view on the coupe. Energy-saving LED lamps are used as sources of lighting. Sleeping linen is included in the ticket price. The top shelves are covered with the conductor before departure, the lower shelves - the packed linen sets are already in the compartment.

Now consider the details. On this wall there are advanced steps to be convenient to climb to the top place:

Both sides of each bedroom mounted bright sofa light bulbs with switches. With their help, you can arrange personal lighting, without interfering with others to sleep. The window is a glass. Over the window in the middle, the speaker is set, from which music played, and if necessary, voice alerts sound. Under the speaker there are volume buttons:

Included Sofit, and hooks with hangers. Below Switches Basic Lighting:

Behind the electrical outlet will say thank you very much:

Here I used to help Mikhail to show the distance between the places:

The number of information tablets with inscriptions and warnings is impressive:

Coupling cars are two types: staff and ordinary. In the pile car, along with passengers, the head of the train rides, the whole train will be one such car. There is a slightly different configuration of the premises in the headquarters, and because of this there are fewer places - 50 against 64 seats in a regular car. In this regard, some premises in different wagons may look different. For example, toilets can be at least in three different configurations. In the photo below the main toilet in the wagon car. On the right hand of the sink, water crane, dispenser for liquid soap, socket for the electric rates and three rather big mirrors:

Toilet and toiletries in front of the sink:



In addition, there is a toilet toilet in the pile wagon, including carriage moving. Here the room is several times more spacious:

And near the wall of the coupe for the disabled. There are two beds (one for the disabled person, the second for the accompanying person), and a separate chair.


All switches are signed by Braille's embossed font for poorly seen and blind:

In the usual car, dressing rooms are simpler and smaller. Apparently, in this train a lack of free toilets will not be:

Promised to show the pass between the wagons. Orange doors open when you press the "Open" button, and it is tightly closed automatically seconds after 15. There is a tambour, but it is already in older trains, and it is impossible to smoke:

We pass into the third car, which we showed - a restaurant car. He is also a two-story.

On the ground floor bar and kitchen:

View opposite the bar counter:



On the second floor, the restaurant is 48 seats, 4 seats for each table:


A panel for calling waiters is installed above each table. Disabled a separate button in order to ask for an account. Common!

While you can watch football, for example:

The restaurant has a very rich menu for the train. I am used to see this in decent restaurants. What about the burger for 400 rubles? It is quite an adequate price, given that food is available on the train along the way from Peter to Moscow and back.

In addition to the main menu, there are corporate dishes. This menu is different depending on the direction of movement:

Well, some kinds of service premises. Here you can pour cold water or boiling water for tea, warm the food, wash the dishes. On the contrary there is a coffee maker:

Each car is equipped with a heating and air conditioning system that is managed from such a panel. Here the video surveillance system, protection and access control panels are displayed. All power supply wagons are obtained from electric locomotive. A boiler car, in addition, is also equipped with satellite and navigation systems.

And I also want to add that young and smiling conductors work on this train:

Now let's talk about the price of the issue. The train we watched will receive number 5/6. At number 5, he will go from St. Petersburg to Moscow, and at number 6 - back. The first flight, as I said above, appointed on February 1. You can buy tickets only in the coupe, there are no second-class cars here.

Tickets are already sold at all. It happens on the system of dynamic pricing, when the cost of tickets increases as they sell and fill the places in the train. The most first 200 tickets for the flight will be in a minimum amount - 1299 rubles. The next 300 places will cost 1699 rubles, and further on increasing. The most expensive will be the last 100 seats, they have the price at 2999-3299 rubles. You still need to know that the lower shelves will be slightly trembling the upper, namely 150-200 rubles. But the fare on the first and second floor does not have the price difference.
For comparison, usual to us film wagons Other trains are 1100-1600 rubles, and the coupe is 2000-3000 rubles.

Now you know about what you are waiting for, if you decide to buy a night ticket in the coupe in the direction of St. Petersburg - Moscow - St. Petersburg. We will follow the first reviews during the real flight. If there are any comments and suggestions - write here, I will give responsible employees.

New two-story passenger compounds began to run on the Moscow-Adler route in November, on the eve of the Olympiad in Sochi. Despite the fact that the two-storey train Moscow - Adler has been applied on this route for almost a year, it still attracts attention to others. Moreover, the two-storeyt is found radically opposite reviews - from quite positive to rather critical.

Driving on this train was happening to me. I suggest to ride together and see what the two-storey train from the inside looks like.

Photos and text Viktor Borisov

1. One of the important advantages of the two-storey car is its increased passenger capacity, which allowed Russian Railways to reduce the fare. In the standard two-story coupling car 64 beds (16 coupes), while in the usual car there are only 36 (9 coupes).

Wagons are manufactured in Russia on a Tverskaya car-building factory. While only one route connects the capital with resort Sochi. This year, another 50 double-storey wagons will be purchased. They will carry people from Moscow to St. Petersburg and to Kazan.

The train departs at 10 am from Kazan Station. Time on the way - 25 hours. Pay attention to the difference in height compared to the usual one-storey car.

2. Heads the newest two-sided electric locomotive of the fifth generation - EP20. It can work both on alternating and on constant current.

3. This route has a dynamic pricing system - the larger the freight in the train, the cheaper the passage. 10% discount is still given when buying tickets in both directions. I bought a ticket for 2 days before departure at a price of 8 thousand rubles. If you buy at least a week before the trip, then the price will be around 5 thousand rubles.

4. Go inside. Tambour. Doors open from the buttons and closes automatically. Transitions between wagons are sealed. From June 1, smoking in long-distance trains is prohibited, but some kind of bad passengers were lit holes for ashtray.

5. We go further into the car. At the standard floor level there are toilets and various technical premises.

6. There are three toilets for each car. These are toilets, and you can use them at any time, including at stops.

7. Containers for separate garbage collection are installed opposite toilets.

8. Passage on the first floor. The ceiling height is just over 2 meters.

9. To block the door in the coupe there are magnetic cards.

10. General view of the coupe on the first floor. The main difference from ordinary single-storey cars is the lack of an upper luggage shelf. There is also no one to keep in mind that on the upper shelf it will not be possible to sit in full growth, swelling legs. For baggage there are places under the bottom shelves.

11. In each coupe, two outlets are located on the bottom. Lighting completely LED.

12. Coupe from the inside with a closed door.

13. The window does not open: in the wagons, the centralized heating and ventilation system. Power supply of wagons comes from locomotive. On the window there is a sliding curtain. Ventilation grilles are located under the window and on the ceiling.

14. We go to the second floor. Steps are highlighted (as in the cinema), there are handrails. On the stairs there is another garbage container and a spherical mirror in order to see the passengers towards pre-stop.

15. The second floor is completely identical to the first. The difference is only here in this small bevel of the roof. And the windows are below the belt below, and you need to lean if you want to admire the scenery from the corridor

16. Upper shelves in the coupe on the second floor. On the ceiling, the ventilation grille, the center of the speaker with the volume adjustment. An interesting moment was noticed - on the second floor there are two personal fixtures on each top shelf. Probably, this is due to the spoke of the roof - not everyone can be comfortable lying heads to the window.

17. The rest is completely identical. I do not know how for quite high peopleBut with me with an increase in 182 cm the length of the bedroom was enough.

18. Each passenger is a personal hygienic set, small groceries and water. Tea and coffee are served, of course, in branded cupchers.

19. So far there was no one, I went immediately into the wagon-restaurant for exploration. The main hall is located on the second floor. By the way, the views in the window on the second floor is better.

20. On the ground floor there is a small bar and kitchen itself. And for lifting ready-made dishes, two small elevators are used.

21. On the way, the two-storey train Moscow - Adler makes several stops lasting from 5 to 15 minutes. All smoking passengers at the first opportunity are running to the street. For wagons not fundamentally, high or low platform at the station.

22. On the way from Moscow to the Voronezh region, there was absolutely nothing to look. If bored, you can try to use free internet. All cars are wifi routers with a connection from megaphone. True, it all depends on the availability of a cellular network, and on the route the following route is not very good. In fact, more or less stable communication and the Internet were only on the Black Sea coast.

23. At stops can be observed for a provincial life.

24. In motion - admire nature.

25. Another stop. Station Rossosh.

26. Not all kinds are obtained normally photograph - the numerous wires interfere. Sometimes, by the way, it turns out that from the windows of the first floor of the wires in the frame falls less than from the second.

27. At 2 o'clock in the morning, the train must arrive in Rostov-on-Don. Time in the way passes unnoticed. If we compare with the plane, then the train is much less than fuss, spacious, and there is time to work. But this is not two hours on the iron bird.

28. In the morning, the two-storey train Moscow - Adler leaves on the coast. Vacationers are looking at a two-story train. Many are photographed.

29. The path passes almost close to the water. Uniquely the most picturesque part of the route.

30. At 10 am the next day I go out at the station in Sochi. As for the two-storey wagons, they are at times better to equip the usual one-storey. Slightly closer on the top shelf? But there are normal toilets, sockets, internet and everything else.