Train storey. The bad and what is good two-story Railway train

The other day I drove from Moscow to Kazan in a new two-story train. The compositions of such Russian Railways. Basically, they run between Moscow and Sochi, but also go to Kazan. It was interesting to ride. By the way, the price of it is less than in the usual coupe.

So, this composition has no placentar. Only coupe and sv. Since the wagons are two-story, it is logical that passenger places in one car are more than in the usual one-storey. Accordingly, the price must be less. We'll see.

1. Russian Railways has a new pricing system. If for example watching the tickets this train, then on Friday it will be more expensive than on Monday or another weekday:

2. This is what the scheme of a two-story car looks like on the Railways website. You can choose a place when buying a ticket:

3. On the perrone of Kazan station, the train looks to mildly unusual. Speaking by aviation language, this composition goes to the Olympic Livera. They launched it to the Olympic Games in Sochi:

4. We go to the car:

5. Working space of conductors. Here, as in the old boiling water wagons. On the second floor there is no boiling water:


7. At the entrance to the left there is a staircase on the second floor, exactly the same and on the other side of the car. Straight slightly below the first floor coupe.

8. Since I had a ticket on the second floor, photos will be mostly from there. The first is exactly the same. We rise to the second floor. Mirror has been installed in order not to encounter other passengers. Under the mirror drawer for garbage:

9. Corridor of the second floor. There are no sockets in the corridor, because In each coupe of them two:

10. The coupe is opened by magnetic cards. For some reason, these cards did not distribute these cards in our car. Perhaps because time on the way to Kazan is only 1 night:

11. I drove in the last compartment of the second floor. One:

12. Coupe is a bit closed. It is felt due to the fact that the distance between the upper shelf and the ceiling is almost the same as in the placentar between the passenger shelf and the luggage shelf. Well, it can a little more:

13. For that below, everything is as in the usual coupe. The same volume. Not at all closely. Each bottom shelf outlet is very convenient:

14. Probably the biggest minus of the two-storey wagons. This lack of the upper luggage shelf as in the usual coupe. Elementally not enough space. All luggage has to be placed under the bottom shelves:

15. At the bottom, too, not so much space. In my coupe there was still some kind of metal casing. I suspect that it is not in all coupe, it is and there, respectively, places more for baggage:

16. One of the advantages - a mattress recessed into the shelf. Now you do not need to constantly correct your bed, which treacherously rolved from its place in the old coupe:

17. On the door on the inside there is a mirror, as before:

18. Electronic lock. There are also usual, mechanical:

19. Let's go down to the first floor and see the toilets:

20. Bio toilets. Does not close at stations. Their 3 on the car and are located only in one place. Are in the opposite end of the carriage from the conductor.

21. Actually the toilet itself. All clean, until new and nice:

The train was impressed. In different senses. An indifferent left, that's for sure. Decense armored train from tin foil and with plastic inside. I would like it to be made more accurately, especially, such a "exhibition" first copy. But maybe everything is your time. And the time of truly beautiful and high-quality trains has not yet come. At least, this composition in every sense is better than the usual train, with the exception of one an important nuance - Very and very little space for luggage in the coupe. But first things first.

Externally, the train looks somewhat gloomy. Gray bunker on wheels.


Maximum speed 160km / hour. It would be very interesting to ride on it at such a speed.


Lokomotiv ordinary. It is below the wagons and it looks inesticating (I did not have a desire to somehow show it, but it can be seen a little better than this difference).
I think some fairing of a locomotive and a car would improve appearance. And in general, the locomotive is needed to become such a train, at least in color.


Obviously something is missing in the design of cars. Yes, so cheaper, but still looks ugly.


Let's get into the car.




From the inside looks more pleasant than outside.



This is an ordinary coupe. The ceiling is unusually low. And places under the bottom shelves for baggage is clearly not enough. I would fit there only a small photomophy in height, and I would not get a lot. In general, designed for traveling with small suitcases. And it is desirable that there are no more than 1 small suitcase for 1 person, otherwise the baggage has nowhere to put.



In general, pretty.



Let's look at the 2nd floor.



Coupe as on the 1st floor.




Toilet on the 1st floor. Pretty neat, not what in old trains. True ventilation there is not very, but there are no windows. And very stuffy. However, in the whole car it was very stuffy. Maybe during movement air will be fresher. On the other hand, remembering the old trains, it is impossible not to shudder - there is a gentleman in the summer.


While we viewed the wagons from the inside, the official part of the event was outside.


Then they began to distribute gift calendars. At first there was just a tool. And then it almost turned into a natural fight. It was a pity to a worker, distributing calendars and ashamed of people pushing and tearing calendars with greed, as if it was unprecedented value, without which they could not live.



Here, a little later, a gift commemorative coins could be formed.






The train provided space for disabled. More precisely, 1 place for 1 disabled. But it seems to be thought out everything. There is even a lifting.




This is a lift, a view from the car.


Coupe for the disabled and accompanying.


It is also from another angle.


The toilet is quite spacious, with special handrails.


There is a shower.


And this is a wagon coupe.



There is even a ironing board. In the background - another shower.


We are in a restaurant car. On the 1st floor. Here bar, kitchen and office space.





Look at the office in the restaurant car.





On the second floor there is a restaurant itself.







The impression of the train is twofold. It seems he and clearly better than old trains. But enthusiasm also does not cause.

New two-story passenger compounds began to run on the Moscow-Adler route in November, on the eve of the Olympiad in Sochi. Although two-storey train Moscow - Adler has been applied on this route for almost a year, it still attracts attention to others. Moreover, the two-storeyt is found radically opposite reviews - from quite positive to rather critical.

Driving on this train was happening to me. I suggest to ride together and see what the two-storey train from the inside looks like.

Photos and text Viktor Borisov

1. One of the important advantages of the two-storey car is its increased passenger capacity, which allowed Russian Railways to reduce the fare. In the standard two-story coupling car 64 beds (16 coupes), while in the usual car there are only 36 (9 coupes).

Wagons are manufactured in Russia on a Tverskaya car-building factory. While only one route connects the capital with resort Sochi. This year, another 50 double-storey wagons will be purchased. They will carry people from Moscow to St. Petersburg and to Kazan.

The train departs at 10 am from Kazan Station. Time on the way - 25 hours. Pay attention to the difference in height compared to the usual one-storey car.

2. Heads the newest two-sided electric locomotive of the fifth generation - EP20. It can work both on alternating and on constant current.

3. This route has a dynamic pricing system - the larger the freight in the train, the cheaper the passage. 10% discount is still given when buying tickets in both directions. I bought a ticket for 2 days before departure at a price of 8 thousand rubles. If you buy at least a week before the trip, then the price will be around 5 thousand rubles.

4. Go inside. Tambour. Doors open from the buttons and closes automatically. Transitions between wagons are sealed. From June 1, smoking in long-distance trains is prohibited, but some kind of bad passengers were lit holes for ashtray.

5. We go further into the car. At the standard floor level there are toilets and various technical premises.

6. There are three toilets for each car. These are toilets, and you can use them at any time, including at stops.

7. Containers for separate garbage collection are installed opposite toilets.

8. Passage on the first floor. The ceiling height is just over 2 meters.

9. To block the door in the coupe there are magnetic cards.

10. General view of the coupe on the first floor. The main difference from ordinary single-storey cars is the lack of an upper luggage shelf. There is also no one to keep in mind that on the upper shelf it will not be possible to sit in full growth, swelling legs. For baggage there are places under the bottom shelves.

11. In each coupe, two outlets are located on the bottom. Lighting completely LED.

12. Coupe from the inside with a closed door.

13. The window does not open: in the wagons, the centralized heating and ventilation system. Power supply of wagons comes from locomotive. On the window there is a sliding curtain. Ventilation grilles are located under the window and on the ceiling.

14. We go to the second floor. Steps are highlighted (as in the cinema), there are handrails. On the stairs there is another garbage container and a spherical mirror in order to see the passengers towards pre-stop.

15. The second floor is completely identical to the first. The difference is only here in this small bevel of the roof. And the windows are below the belt below, and you need to lean if you want to admire the scenery from the corridor

16. Upper shelves in the coupe on the second floor. On the ceiling, the ventilation grille, the center of the speaker with the volume adjustment. An interesting moment was noticed - on the second floor there are two personal fixtures on each top shelf. Probably, this is due to the spoke of the roof - not everyone can be comfortable lying heads to the window.

17. The rest is completely identical. I do not know how for quite high peopleBut with me with an increase in 182 cm the length of the bedroom was enough.

18. Each passenger is a personal hygienic set, small groceries and water. Tea and coffee are served, of course, in branded cupchers.

19. So far there was no one, I went immediately into the wagon-restaurant for exploration. The main hall is located on the second floor. By the way, the views in the window on the second floor is better.

20. On the ground floor there is a small bar and kitchen itself. And for lifting ready-made dishes, two small elevators are used.

21. On the way, the two-storey train Moscow - Adler makes several stops lasting from 5 to 15 minutes. All smoking passengers at the first opportunity are running to the street. For wagons not fundamentally, high or low platform at the station.

22. On the way from Moscow to the Voronezh region, there was absolutely nothing to look. If bored, you can try to use free internet. All cars are wifi routers with a connection from megaphone. True, it all depends on the availability of a cellular network, and on the route the following route is not very good. In fact, more or less stable communication and the Internet were only on the Black Sea coast.

23. At stops can be observed for a provincial life.

24. In motion - admire nature.

25. Another stop. Station Rossosh.

26. Not all kinds are obtained normally photograph - the numerous wires interfere. Sometimes, by the way, it turns out that from the windows of the first floor of the wires in the frame falls less than from the second.

27. At 2 o'clock in the morning, the train must arrive in Rostov-on-Don. Time in the way passes unnoticed. If we compare with the plane, then the train is much less than fuss, spacious, and there is time to work. But this is not two hours on the iron bird.

28. In the morning, the two-storey train Moscow - Adler leaves on the coast. Vacationers are looking at a two-story train. Many are photographed.

29. The path passes almost close to the water. Uniquely the most picturesque part of the route.

30. At 10 am the next day I go out at the station in Sochi. As for the two-storey wagons, they are at times better to equip the usual one-storey. Slightly closer on the top shelf? But there are normal toilets, sockets, internet and everything else.

The other day I drove from Moscow to Kazan in a new two-story train. The compositions of such Russian Railways. Basically, they run between Moscow and Sochi, but also go to Kazan. It was interesting to ride. By the way, the price is cheaper than in the usual coupe.

So, this composition has no placentar. Only coupe and sv. Since the wagons are two-story, it is logical that passenger places in one car are more than in the usual one-storey. Accordingly, the price must be less. We'll see.

1. Russian Railways has a new pricing system. If for example watching the tickets this train, then on Friday it will be more expensive than on Monday or another weekday:

2. This is what the scheme of a two-story car looks like on the Railways website. You can choose a place when buying a ticket:

3. On the perrone of Kazan station, the train looks to mildly unusual. Talking by aviation language, this composition goes to the Olympic livery. They launched it to the Olympic Games in Sochi:

4. We go to the car:

5. Working space of conductors. Here, as in the old boiling water wagons. On the second floor there is no boiling water:

7. At the entrance to the left there is a staircase on the second floor, exactly the same and on the other side of the car. Straight slightly below the first floor coupe.

8. Since I had a ticket on the second floor, photos will be mostly from there. The first is exactly the same. We rise to the second floor. Mirror has been installed in order not to encounter other passengers. Under the mirror drawer for garbage:

9. Corridor of the second floor. There are no sockets in the corridor, because In each coupe of them two:

10. The coupe is opened by magnetic cards. For some reason, these cards did not distribute these cards in our car. Perhaps because time on the way to Kazan is only 1 night:

11. I drove in the last compartment of the second floor. One:

12. Coupe is a bit closed. It is felt due to the fact that the distance between the upper shelf and the ceiling is almost the same as in the placentar between the passenger shelf and the luggage shelf. Well, it can a little more:

13. For that below, everything is as in the usual coupe. The same volume. Not at all closely. Each bottom shelf outlet is very convenient:

14. Probably the biggest minus of the two-storey wagons. This lack of the upper luggage shelf as in the usual coupe. Elementally not enough space. All luggage has to be placed under the bottom shelves:

15. At the bottom, too, not so much space. In my coupe there was still some kind of metal casing. I suspect that it is not in all coupe, it is and there, respectively, places more for baggage:

16. One of the advantages - a mattress recessed into the shelf. Now you do not need to constantly correct your bed, which treacherously rolved from its place in the old coupe:

17. On the door on the inside there is a mirror, as before:

18. Electronic lock. There are also usual, mechanical:

19. Let's go down to the first floor and see the toilets:

20. Bio toilets. Does not close at stations. Their 3 on the car and are located only in one place. Are in the opposite end of the carriage from the conductor.

21. Actually the toilet itself. All clean, until new and nice:

23. It looks like a vestibule with toilets and a staircase not the second floor:

22. And this is a coupe of the conductor. By the way, you probably know that it is forbidden to smoke in trains. Conductors legally sell electronic cigarettes for 250 rubles / pc. You can smoke directly in the corridor:

23. If in the old cars, the intervagracial space closed and the air was walking there, then in the new cars it is almost hermetically. Here you no longer smash the ward. In addition, the doors come off automatically when you press the button and close them from the inside cannot be:

24. This is already a platform of Kazan:

That's all. See in my next. He is also a two-story.

It is noteworthy that just a few days ago I had the pleasure of the famous one walks from London. The contrast is very large, I hope soon to rate. While I am engaged in the material.


For the first time, Russian Railways launched a train with two-storey wagons in 2013.The goal was alone - replaced by such placentar cars at the same time the price in such cars should be comparable to the target price in the "placentar". But promises remained promises. Moreover, Russian Railways have no competition - they said "There will be two-story trains!" So will be. And pay tickets to pay "Will be so many say!".

Immediately I apologize for the small number of photos in the revocation of the train - I was driving in September 2015 and at that time did not know that I would write feedback on IreCommend. But if fate begetted that I will go again - I will update this review.

The train Moscow-Adler consists of 13 wagons. Judging by the Railways - there is still a car for transportation personal cars ! (I did not use this service - but I know that Railways it appeared recently). All wagons are two-story. 1 car - "SV", other "coupe". The train goes and arrives at Kazan Station Moscow is almost daily (see in advance - for some reason sometimes at certain days the train does not go).

Curious that on the site tutu. There is a "folk" rating of trains, compiled on the basis of passenger reviews. So this train takes 5th placein the top 10!


THE MOST IMPORTANT THING - it with corovety train!

Total 1 day From Moscow - and you're on the sea! Such speed is achieved due to the fact that the train should be almost without stopping, and where there are stops - the parking is minimal. (For comparison, a fast train on this route rides for 12-14 hours longer!).

By the way, the opportunity to get to the sea so quickly to the sea is Muscovites. Pieters will go 2 days!(Although from St. Petersburg, Moscow can be reached in 4 hours). But for some reason Russian Railways does not think to run the high-speed train Petersburg - Adler. Although it seems to me it would be very in demand!


In principle, now they are in all new trains. Of course, it's great! Now there is no such idiotism as a "sanitary zone." This was especially true on this route - a sanitary zone for ordinary trains stretches from Tuapse before Adlerwhere the train is coming several hours! Wipe without toilet this time is unreal even an adult, what to talk about small children.

Shelves have become longer.

Unlike old wagons in modern cars, the shelves began to do longer - the average human growth became higher. (In this case, the corridor in the car became narrow).


✔ No place for baggage!

To have the 2nd floor in the car, it is necessary to refuse something from something - all the same, the height of the car can not be greater than the distance from the rails to the contact network. Naturally designers "removed" upper luggage shelves over the doors in the coupe. See -

In addition, they cut the height from the floor to the lower shelf.

As a result, if the passenger rides alone on the upper shelf - he just physically has nowhere to remove the luggage! Yes, even if there is a free place at the bottom - then it is not a fact that the suitcase can be "crawl" under the bottom shelf.

Tip:If you plan to go to this train, pay attention to your suitcase. If he is big - do not be lazy to measure it and compare with floor height to the bottom shelf.

If you eat with your family, then as a rule, it happens to south of things - they do not physically fit into such a coupe! Especially baby carriages or something like that even in folded form.

Low ceiling above the top shelf.

Because of this "two-story" ceiling above the upper shelf is not direct, but has a beep to the side of the window. As a result, if you sleep your head to the window, you can hurt the ceiling, rising sharply. (I hit a couple of times).

New neighbors.

In addition to passengers in the adjacent coupe right left - Now neighbors appear from above / below. Of course, people are usually adequate in such trains, but if a noisy company falls, it will not seem little. We drove on the second floor and sometimes heard noise from the neighbors from the 1st floor.

✔ 3 toilets in 64 seats.

In the car on each floor instead of the 9th coupe - 8 . If the car is completely filled, then it is 64 people. At the end of the wagon there 3 Biotica. It is easy to calculate that there are 21 people on average for 1 toilet. For comparison in the classic coupe - 18. That is, there is a risk to wait for its turn to the toilet. Especially in the morning before arrival, when everyone goes to brush teeth or change clothes. As dignity, it can be noted that in the corridor there is an electronic scoreboard on which the presence of free toilets is indicated.

✔ Parking at Sochi Station - 5 minutes! At Lazarevskoye station - 4 minutes !!!

Well, how so ?? The train is specifically and created for a trip to Sochi! Okay, there to go out in 5 minutes. But how to enter? We just went from Sochi. On the Sochi platform, there were probably 80% of passengers of this train! And in one door of the car (total) 64 passengers should go, and not 54 as in a placentar. As soon as the train approached the running and the crush began - people tried to reach their car with all their luggage. It is good that the conductors caught understanding - they simply did not check tickets - and people sat down under an honest word.

At the station Lazarevskoye Also many people sat down. There also people ran.

Tip: If you are planning a trip to this train back to Moscow, i recommend buying a ticket from Adler and sit there.

There are no stops at many stations of Sochi.

Sochi is a very elongated city and it begins literally immediately for Tuapse. Previously (I remember in 2001), long-distance trains did stop at such stations as Loo, Dagomys, Matsesta, Shepsie and others. Now they can only be reached by train. As a result, electric trains in Sochi are overcrowded not only by vacationers, but also passengers with luggage, which are going to the nearest train station or from the station. I do not understand why it is all inconvenient.

Additional services:

✔ Nutrition

Feed 1 time per day. For the price that is installed for food, I consider the packs sufficiently scarce. From the hot, I remember a small piece of curd casseled. There was also a little sausage, pair of buns and a tiny bottle of non-carbonated water.

✔ Pay attention to the rooms.

I do not understand the logic of Russian Railways, but instead of ordinary numbering in the car there are no places from 33 to 80. But the rule is that even places are always the upper shelves act. Here is a wagon scheme -


Railways positioned two-storey cars as an alternative to a reserved seat at a price. But it turned out to be a lie! The price of a ticket is comparable to a jigger car. With such disadvantages it is more profitable to buy a ticket to the ordinary coupe in another train.