Where is Bishkek in which country. Rest in Bishkek

Bishkek (Kyrgyz. Bishkek) is the capital of Kyrgyzstan and the largest city in the country. Founded on the site of the medieval city of Jul. It is a special administrative unit and is a city of republican subordination. The old names are Dzhul, Pishpek, Frunze (named after M. V. Frunze).

The city is located in the north of Kyrgyzstan, in the Chuy Valley, at the foothills of the Tien Shan, 40 km north of the Kyrgyz ridge at an altitude of 700-900 m above sea level, 25 km from the border with Kazakhstan. The territory of the city is 127 km².


According to one version, the name comes from the name of the legendary hero Bishkek-Batyr, who lived in this area in the 18th century. On the other - from the term "bishkek", that is, a club, a club, a stick for mixing kumis.


Pre-Kand period

The sites of primitive people in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Bishkek date back to the 5th-4th millennia BC. e. The city owes its geographical position to the Great Silk Road. The eastern branch of the road passed through the Chuy valley and here it met with another road leading through the Central Tien Shan. At the crossroads of these routes, there was a caravanserai belonging to the nomadic Turkic tribe of Solto. On the territory of Bishkek in the VII-XII centuries. on the site of the city was the Turkic settlement of Dzhul. By the 16th century, the “silk road” finally ceased to exist, cities disappeared. The Chui valley between the Ala-Archi and Alamedin rivers became a winter pasture for the Solto tribe, one of the forty tribes of the Kirghiz.

Kokand rule

In 1825, on the territory of the modern city, by order of Madali Khan, the Kokand fortress of Pishpek was founded, which stationed the largest garrison in the Chui valley. The fortress stood in the center of the paths of nomads from winter pastures to summer ones and along the road to Issyk-Kul and Semirechye. In it, the Kokand people collected tax from caravans.

As part of tsarist Russia

The first documentary mention of the settlement of Pishpek is given in the book "Description of Military Operations in the Trans-Ili region in 1860 and the journal of the siege of the Kokand fortress Pishpek":

The plans of Khokandtsev, constantly hostile to us, discovered in the incitement of Chuy Kirgizs to predatory intrusions into our premises, forced the corps commander of the Separate Siberian Corps and the Governor-General of Western Siberia, who was supposed to be sent to the General by the Infantry. Chu for the destruction of the Khokand fortresses of Tokmak and Pishpek. These fortunes, which were a thunderstorm for the Kirghiz, wandering outside our predecessors, served as the main points from where the influence of the Khokands spread to the edge: they contained a garrison of Khokand soldiers, used to collect the party members of the Kirghiz, for the predatory in small detachments.

Twice (September 4, 1860 and October 24, 1862) the fortress was taken by Russian troops. In November 1862, the fortress was destroyed, and in its place two years later a Cossack picket was established, then a bazaar began to gather here. In 1868 the village of Pishpek was founded. On April 29, 1878, in connection with the transfer of the center of the Pishpek district to Pishpek, it received the status of a city (see Semirechensk region).

As part of the USSR

On April 24, 1924, the Czechoslovak cooperative "Intergelpo" arrived in the city, which actually made Pishpek a modern European city by the standards of that time. Since October 1924 it becomes the administrative center of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region. Since May 1925 - the administrative center of the Kyrgyz Autonomous Region. On May 12, 1926, Pishpek was renamed Frunze in honor of a native of the city, Soviet military leader Mikhail Frunze. Since 1936, Frunze has been the capital of the Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 1938, 3 administrative districts were created in the city of Frunze: Proletarsky (now Leninsky), Pervomaisky and Sverdlovsky. In 1962, the Proletarsky district of the city of Frunze was transformed into Leninsky. In 1974, the Oktyabrsky urban district was formed.

After independence

On February 1, 1991, by decision of the Supreme Soviet of the Kyrgyz SSR, the city was renamed Bishkek. On March 23, 2005, events related to the Tulip Revolution took place in the capital, and on April 7, 2010 - with the second revolution.

City symbols

In the azure shield there is a silver belt, burdened with three azure plowshares in a row. Above and below the belt, one gold bee. In the free part, the coat of arms of the Semirechensk region. The shield is crowned with a three-pronged silver tower crown and surrounded by two golden ears of grain connected by the Alexander ribbon.

Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire No. 30174

The coat of arms of the city of Frunze was approved on September 22, 1978 by the city Council of People's Deputies. The drawing of the coat of arms, created by the employees of Frunzegorproekt G. Mulyavin and A. Sogonov, won an open competition for the 100th anniversary of the city. Colors - white, red, ultramarine, green, bronze. It existed from 1978 to 1994. In 1991, after the city was renamed, the inscription “Frunze” was changed to “Bishkek”.

The initiative to create the modern coat of arms of the city of Bishkek belonged to the former mayor of the city, Felix Kulov. The option provided by the graphic artist M. Asanaliev and the candidate of philosophical sciences S. Iptarov was chosen.

Coats of arms of the city from 1908 to the present.


Before the revolution

"The plan of the project location of the newly proposed city of Pishpek" - a city with European type buildings was approved on August 31, 1878. The street grid was broken in a checkerboard pattern, favoring the arrangement of irrigation ditches and natural ventilation of the streets. Some of the buildings in the city were built of wood, but most were made of adobe. Despite the semi-desert, the townspeople built gardens. By the beginning of the 20th century, there were 40 unpaved streets and 6 squares in Pishpek.

The building of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the KSSR, 1936

The first stage of construction in Kyrgyzstan was associated with the ideas of constructivism that came in the 1920s. At that time local peculiarities were little taken into account. In the late 1930s, professional architects came to Bishkek. During the war, evacuated enterprises were located here, new ones were built. In the post-war years, urban planning developed rapidly, a series of standard projects appeared, prefabricated structures were introduced. Decorativism and pomp prevail. Since the second half of the 50s, mass construction has been carried out according to standard designs. In 1970, a new master plan for the city was approved.

The following buildings are prominent examples of the architecture of that time:

  • The building of the Frunzensky City Executive Committee (now the mayor's office of Bishkek)
  • Government House of the Kirghiz SSR
  • Hotel Kyrgyzstan (now the "Hyatt" hotel)
  • Palace of Sports
  • Opera and Ballet Theatre
  • Polytechnic College
  • Cinema Manas

Bishkek today

The city is built according to an orthogonal plan, which contributes to its ventilation with mountain air. There are 938 streets in Bishkek. The main streets of the city: Manas Avenue, Chui Avenue - st. Den Xiao Pina, Abdrakhmanov, Alma-Atinskaya, Pravdy, Zhibek Zholu (Silk Road), Baytik Batyr (former Soviet) streets - Baku, Moscow. On boulevards Erkindik and Molodaya Gvardiya there are many playgrounds and summer cafes. Residential areas are located in the south: microdistricts from 3 to 12, Asanbay district; in the east: Alamedin-1, Vostok-5; in the south-east: "Kok-Zhar", "Ulan"; in the central part - "Yug-2". Also, active construction of new microdistricts and individual multi-storey residential buildings and shopping centers is underway.

Stalinka and a modern building on the street. Frunze Kilometer zero in Bishkek Construction of modern buildings near Victory Square

At the foot of the snow-white mountains of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too, at an altitude of 750 m above sea level, 25 km from the border with Kazakhstan. This is the soul and heart of the republic in the full sense of the word, its political, economic, scientific and cultural center, the main transport hub.

The population of the city as of 2010 is 846.5 thousand inhabitants. In contrast to the southern regions of the republic, a high percentage of the population are Russian and Russian-speaking residents.

According to climatic conditions, Bishkek occupies the extreme southern position in the continental climate of temperate latitudes. The maximum monthly sunshine duration is in July - 322 hours, the shortest in December - 126 hours. The climate in Bishkek is sharply continental, the average annual air temperature is + 10.2 ° C. The coldest month of the year is January (-4 ° C), the warmest is July (+ 24.7 ° C). The average monthly relative humidity increases from 44% in June and July to 74% in March. The rivers Ala-Archa, Alamedin and the Great Chuisky Canal flow through the city.

The capital of Kyrgyzstan is a unique young city of a unique and mysterious mountainous country. Yes, maybe there are no ancient or medieval historical monuments here, but this is absolutely not a reason to consider this city boring and uninteresting. You can't blame, for example, a child for being small. As for Bishkek, the city was founded only in 1825, which is not more than a second for history. Therefore, in the absence of the past, the Kyrgyz capital, respectively, has no monuments of the past. Where do they come from? Nevertheless, the city is quite interesting, beautiful and extremely welcoming. And absolutely special and unique emotions arise at the sight of the majestic and alluring ridge of the Kyrgyz Alatau. Therefore, being in the city, it is quite difficult not to succumb to the temptation and not to rush into the mountains at any convenient opportunity.

An individual feature of the city is the strict layout of streets that intersect only at right angles. Residents of the capital are always proud of the fact that these streets are densely planted with trees and bushes, which creates a special comfort and invigorating coolness. Therefore, it is not for nothing that they say that Bishkek is one of the greenest cities in the world.

Bishkek is the center of national culture of Kyrgyzstan. Visitors are always welcome to the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum. M.V. Frunze, Opera and Ballet Theater, Russian and Kyrgyz Drama Theaters, Bishkek City Drama Theater, the building of the State Philharmonic named after T. Satylganova and other places for not boring leisure activities.

Science and education in the capital are represented by the National Academy of Sciences and a large number of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. Among them - 18 universities, 20 institutes, 9 academies, which graduate annually up to 5.5 thousand qualified specialists.

Various legends have been circulating about the name of the city for hundreds of years. According to one version, "Bishkek" is the name of the local hero, Bishkek-Baatyr, who did a lot of useful things for the common people; he lived here in the 18th century.

In general, the word "Bishkek" from Kyrgyz means "stirrer for whipping kumis (a drink made from mare's milk)".

But, in addition, according to some historians and writers, the word "Bishkek" means "the front, front part of a happy, beautiful mountain (Mount Baytik), as well as a five-walled fortress."

City `s history
The city of Bishkek (or rather the territory on which the modern city is located) has been known since the 7th century as the settlement of Dzhul (Blacksmith Fortress).
However, it was only in 1825 that the Kokand fortress Pishpek was formed on the territory of the Chui valley, in which the largest garrison was located. Twice - September 4, 1860 and October 24, 1862 - the fortress was taken by Russian troops. In November 1862, it was destroyed, and a Cossack picket was erected in its place two years later, then a bazaar began to gather here. Later, in April 1878, in connection with the transfer of the district center to Pishpek, the village received the status of a city.

From October 1924, the city became the administrative center of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region, then the administrative center of the Kyrgyz Autonomous Region. In 1926, Pishpek was renamed Frunze in honor of a native of the city, a Soviet military leader. Since 1936, Frunze had the status of the capital of the Kyrgyz SSR. And after gaining independence, on February 1, 1991, by the decision of the Supreme Council of Kyrgyzstan, the city was renamed Bishkek.

Bishkek, being the center of international tourism in Kyrgyzstan, often serves as a transit point and resting place on the way to or and at the same time can offer tourists a large number of attractions.

The main and favorite place for recreation and walking of guests and tourists of the capital is the center of Bishkek. Most of the museums, galleries, shops, parks, squares, squares, restaurants and cafes are concentrated here. By the way, Bishkek is the only city in Central Asia where a monument to Lenin stands to this day. True, now it is located not on the main square, but behind it, but even this is already a striking difference from other cities of the Central Asian region.

The city has 20 national parks, 4 artificial reservoirs, 6 swimming pools, 10 theaters, 5 memorial open-air museums, 8 specialized museums, as well as other squares of culture and recreation.
One of such objects is an oak park, where it is always cool under the dense crowns of trees, and fluffy, frisky squirrels scurry along the trunks, peering into the faces of vacationers in anticipation of receiving a treat. Oak Park is a kind of open-air museum of sculptures. Sculptures made in stone, metal and wood are located here alone and in groups along park alleys, paths, and some just among the trees on green lawns.

Adjacent to the oak park is the so-called "Bishkek Vernissage" - Erkindik Gallery, where you can admire the work of local craftsmen and artists.

The main square of the country - Ala-Too - opens behind the gallery. Ala-Too Square is fraught with great tourism potential - the white marble Government House is located here. The square is adorned with fountains, a stage was also built where mass concerts and discos are held. It is here that people flock in mass during the holidays and festivities. Military parades and demonstrations are also held here.

The capital's sights include the Museum of Arts, which displays exhibits of Kyrgyz folk art and contemporary Russian and Soviet art. Some paintings and exhibits try to combine Kyrgyz images and European technology. There are also examples of elegant traditional Kyrgyz wall carpets (tushkis, bashtiyks) of various sizes.

The Bishkek Philharmonic hosts concerts of classical and modern Western music, as well as concerts of Kyrgyz traditional and popular music. The Philharmonic Hall consists of two halls, the larger of which is usually used for concerts of Kyrgyz music and various shows.

The shops of the capital can offer tourists a variety of souvenirs and products of folk art produced in such large organizations as Kyyal, NPO Zengi-Baba, Altyn-Beshik, Shaarbek, which constantly hold exhibitions and fairs of souvenirs and decorative products. applied arts in the city squares.

Also, tourists here in Bishkek will not only be able to relax in yurts, get acquainted with the applied art of the nomadic Kyrgyz people, gain impressions of national customs, cooking, games, taste Kyrgyz cuisine, purchase souvenirs of folk crafts, but also get information on tourist routes along the whole republic.
In Bishkek, as in any other Central Asian city, one of the most striking attractions is the oriental bazaar, where generous gifts of land and goods from all over the world are presented in abundance at any time of the year, and you can also admire the beauty of mosques and Orthodox cathedrals here.

Attractions of the surroundings
Baytyk Valley - stretches behind the counters, which abuts the southern outskirts of the city. The valley is named in honor of its former owner - the manap of the Kyrgyz Orlto tribe - Baytyk Kanaev, who at one time contributed to the voluntary entry of Kyrgyzstan into Russia. Some of the slopes of the valley are planted with pistachios, while others are in their natural state. There are many bird species here. Boz-Peldek Mountain (1395 m) is located to the southwest of VDNKh of Kyrgyzstan, which can be reached by city buses. From its top, like a plan on paper, you can see the whole city.

Khan's Graves is a Kyrgyz cemetery located at the southern foot of Boz-Peldek Mountain. The former ruler of the Baytyk valley and his son Uzbek are buried here, over whose grave a magnificent forged lattice tower with a dome was erected.

State Botanical Reserve Chon-Aryk is located southeast of the city in the Besh-Kyungey tract. Plants such as Alatavian saffron, Kolpakovsky's iris, Juno Kumakevich, several types of tulips and others are strictly protected here. The surroundings of the city are rich in mineral springs.

The deposit of peat therapeutic mud is located near the village of Kamyshanovka. Therapeutic mud is used here for the treatment of support organs, peripheral nervous system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, gynecological diseases.


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Other sights of Kyrgyzstan: In which tour you can see Bishkek and other sights of Kyrgyzstan:

Bishkek made an extremely pleasant impression on me. In this city, life is just raging. I happened to live here for a month and a half, I was sent to work on a business trip.

By the way, Bishkek is translated as "Stirrer for whipping kumis", a very strange name for a city.

Bishkek is located in Kyrgyzstan

When this pride was part of the USSR, then it was called Frunze... Not far from this town there are Tien Shan mountains... These mountains are considered to be among the highest in the world.

This the city is one of the cleanest cities in Asia... Here you can really breathe with full lungs.

This city is rather big and more than eighty nationalities live here.

In Bishkek well-developed transport system... There are taxis, buses, minibuses and trolleybuses. But there are no metro and trams here.

Sights of Bishkek

Of course, I had time to wander around the city and see various interesting places and sights:

  • Panfilov Park. This park is quite old, but very nice. Here many attractions for children (many have been in operation since Soviet times). It is located in the very city \u200b\u200bcenter.
  • Ala-Too Square.The area is large enough, in the summer here fountains work, so it's nice to take a promenade along it.
  • Osh bazaar. Highly colorful bazaar. It is located in the western part of the city. Here you can buy absolutely everything: things, and fruits and vegetables, and various souvenirs, and even household appliances. And the prices here are quite adequate.
  • Botanical Garden. It is quite wonderful place for summer walks... It is kept in fair enough condition. This Botanical Garden is located not far from the third microdistrict.

Food in Bishkek

I want to say right away that food prices here are quite low, when compared with Russian ones. So you can eat in a decent cafe for two hundred rubles (already transferred to our money).

In this city it's just a bunch of institutions of Kyrgyz, Asian, Russian cuisine. Also here is very a lot of fast foods. They sell samsa, kebabs, lavash (like our shawarma).

Also in town there are also pizzeriasbut to be honest, European and Italian food is not very tasty here.

Clockwise from top: Ala-Too Square, State Historical Museum, Bishkek City Hall, Jogorku Kenesh, Resurrection Cathedral, Kyrgyz Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Maldybaev, Manas statue

42 ° 52 ′ N sh. 74 ° 34 ′ E etc. A country Status capital Internal division 4 districts
(Leninsky, Oktyabrsky, Pervomaisky, Sverdlovsky) Mayor Aziz Surakmatov History and geography Based 1825 First mention 1860 Former names

before 1926 - Pishpek

before 1991 - Frunze

City with 1878 Square 160 km² Center height 750-900 m Climate type sharply continental Timezone UTC + 6 Population Population ↗ 1,027,200 people (2019) Density 6420 people / km² Agglomeration more than 1,500,000 Nationalities Kyrgyz - 73.69%
russians - 16.64%
uighurs - 1.57%
others - 8.10% Confessions Muslims, Christians, etc. Digital identifiers Telephone code +996 +996 312 Postcode 720001-720083 Car code B, E and 01 Other Awards meria.kg
(Kyrgyz.) (Russian)

Bishkek (Kyrgyz) is the capital and largest city of the country. It is a special administrative unit and is a city of republican significance. Former names - Pishpek, Frunze (named after M. V. Frunze).

The city was founded by the Russians on the site of the destroyed Kokand fortress.

The city is located in the north of Kyrgyzstan in the Chui valley at the foothills of the Tien Shan, 40 km north of the Kyrgyz ridge at an altitude of 700-900 m above sea level, 25 km from the border with. The territory of the city is 127 km² or 160 km².

Physical and geographical characteristics

Ala Archa river near Osh market after spring rains

Bishkek is located in the center of the Chui Valley, at the foot of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too ranges, at an altitude of 760 meters above sea level.

According to climatic conditions, Bishkek occupies the extreme southern position in the continental climate of temperate latitudes.

The maximum monthly sunshine duration is in July - 322 hours, the shortest in December - 126 hours.


The climate of the city is sharply continental. The average annual temperature is +11.3 ° C. The annual precipitation is 450 mm. With an average summer temperature of about 25 ° C and an average winter temperature of about −2 ° C, it is not uncommon for the heat to exceed 40 ° C in summer, and frosts down to −30 ° C in winter. The coldest month is January (-2.6 ° C), the warmest is July (+24.9 ° C). The average monthly relative humidity increases from 44% in June and July to 74% in March, the average annual - 60%. The Ala-Archa and Alamedin rivers flow through the city, flowing down from the southern mountains; in the north of Bishkek from east to west, the Big Chuisky Canal (BCHK) flows.

Bishkek climate
Index Jan. Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Absolute maximum, ° C 19,2 25,4 30,5 34,7 36,7 40,9 42,1 39,7 37,1 34,2 29,8 23,3 42,1
Average maximum, ° C 3,2 4,8 11,1 18,4 23,5 28,9 31,7 30,9 25,3 17,9 11,0 5,0 17,6
Average temperature, ° C −2,7 −1 5,2 12,2 17,2 22,5 25,0 23,9 18,5 11,1 4,5 −0,8 11,3
Average minimum, ° C −7,2 −5,3 0,4 6,3 11,1 15,6 17,9 16,4 10,9 4,9 −0,3 −5,2 5,5
Absolute minimum, ° C −31,9 −34 −21,8 −12,3 −4 3,9 7,4 5,1 −2,8 −11,2 −32,2 −29,1 −34
Precipitation rate, mm 27 34 52 71 63 33 21 14 18 42 44 33 451
Source: Weather and Climate

Administrative division

Main article: Administrative division of Bishkek

Administratively divided into 4 districts. Population - according to the 2009 population census of Kyrgyzstan:

  • Oktyabrsky District - 242 382 (2009)
  • Pervomaisky district - 175 894 (2009)
  • Sverdlovsk region - 231 801 (2009)
  • Leninsky district - 201 626 (2009)
    • urban-type settlement Chon-Aryk - 9724 (2009)
    • village (ayil) Orto-Sai - 4100 (2009)

The Chon-Aryk village kenesh is subordinate to the Leninsky district, which includes the urban-type settlement Chon-Aryk, the Orto-Sai village, as well as part of the Manas village (Aviagorodok) near the airport.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Bishkek proper is 127 km², then together with the settlements subordinate to the city - 160 km².

The heads of the districts are the heads of the municipal administrations of the districts, who are appointed by the mayor.


Main article: Population of Bishkek

Commemorative plaque at Deutsches Haus in Bishkek. According to the 1989 census, 13,619 Germans lived in Frunze.

Population - 1027.2 thousand (permanent), 1042.3 thousand (cash) as of January 1, 2019. Within the boundaries of the territory subordinated to the city administration, which, in addition to the city itself, also includes the urban-type settlement Chon-Aryk (10.1 thousand inhabitants), as well as the Orto-Sai village (according to the aiyl okmotu, 2.7 thousand inhabitants, according to According to the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, 4.4 thousand inhabitants), the resident population is 1027.2 thousand inhabitants, the actual population is 1057.0 thousand inhabitants. From the moment the city was founded until the 1990s, the main population of Bishkek was Russians, the Kyrgyz became the majority in the city only after the collapse of the USSR.

The population of Bishkek is characterized by a rapid growth in numbers, due to the influx of migrants from other regions of the republic, as well as a relatively high natural increase in the Kyrgyz population. The share and absolute number of European peoples, 50 years ago, made up more than 80% of the city's population during the years of Kyrgyzstan's independence, has sharply decreased due to emigration and low birth rates in these categories of the population.

National composition

Ethnic composition of the population according to the 1989 censuses - 2009 and assessed for 2018:

in 1989

% Number

in 1999

% Number

in 2009

% Number

in 2018

total 619903 100,00 % 762308 100,00 % 835743 100,00 % 1 002 146 100,00 %
Kyrgyz 141841 22,88 % 398000 52,21 % 552957 66,16 % 738 526 73,69 %
Russians 345387 55,72 % 252831 33,17 % 192080 22,98 % 166 742 16,64 %
Uyghurs 10977 1,77 % 13143 1,72 % 13380 1,60 % 15 714 1,57 %
Uzbeks 10390 1,68 % 12393 1,63 % 11801 1,41 % 13 763 1,37 %
Koreans 10043 1,62 % 12710 1,67 % 12014 1,44 % 12 372 1,23 %
Tatars 16984 2,74 % 15817 2,07 % 12712 1,52 % 11 828 1,18 %
Kazakhs 8943 1,44 % 12064 1,58 % 9013 1,08 % 10 102 1,01 %
Dungans 2618 0,42 % 3558 0,47 % 4040 0,48 % 5 171 0,52 %
Ukrainians 34321 5,54 % 16125 2,12 % 7987 0,96 % 4 831 0,48 %
Turks 908 0,15 % 2277 0,30 % 3149 0,38 % 3 676 0,37 %
Azerbaijanis 2166 0,35 % 2454 0,32 % 2142 0,26 % 2 684 0,27 %
Germans 13619 2,20 % 5228 0,69 % 2554 0,31 % 2 432 0,24 %
Tajiks 709 0,11 % 1828 0,24 % 817 0,10 % 1 035 0,10 %
Turkmens 369 0,06 % 132 0,02 % 703 0,08 % 782 0,08 %
Armenians 1218 0,20 % 726 0,10 % 512 0,06 % 488 0,05 %
Belarusians 4119 0,66 % 1341 0,18 % 638 0,08 % 410 0,04 %
Jews 4822 0,78 % 1293 0,17 % 498 0,06 % 389 0,04 %
others 10469 1,69 % 10388 1,36 % 8746 1,05 % 11201 1,12 %


Ancient and medieval settlements on the territory of the modern city

The sites of primitive people in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Bishkek date back to the 5th-4th millennia BC. e. The city owes its geographical position to the Great Silk Road. The eastern branch of the road passed through the Chuy valley and here it met with another road leading through the Central Tien Shan. On the territory of modern Bishkek in the 7th-12th centuries, the settlement of Dzhul was located.


In 1825, on the territory of the modern city, on the orders of Madali Khan, the Kokand fortress Pishpek was founded, which housed the largest garrison in the Chui valley. The fortress stood in the center of the nomads' paths from winter to summer pastures and along the road to Issyk-Kul and Semirechye.

The first documentary mention of the settlement of Pishpek is given in the book "Description of military operations in the Trans-Ili region in 1860 and the journal of the siege of the Kokand fortress Pishpek":

The plans of Khokandtsev, constantly hostile to us, discovered in the incitement of Chuy Kirgizs to predatory intrusions into our premises, forced the corps commander of the Separate Siberian Corps and the Governor-General of Western Siberia, who was supposed to be sent to the General by the Infantry. Chu for the destruction of the Khokand fortresses of Tokmak and Pishpek. These fortunes, which were a thunderstorm for the Kirghiz, wandering outside our predecessors, served as the main points from where the influence of the Khokands spread to the edge: they contained a garrison of Khokand soldiers, used to collect the party members of the Kirghiz, for the predatory in small detachments.

Twice (September 4, 1860 and October 24, 1862) the fortress was taken by Russian troops. In November 1862, the remains of the fortress were destroyed by the Kirghiz of the Solto tribe, and in its place two years later a Cossack picket was set up, then a bazaar began to gather here.

In 1868 the Russian settlement of Pishpek was founded. On April 29, 1878, in connection with the transfer of the center of the Pishpek district to Pishpek, it received the status (see Semirechensk region), it is this date that is officially marked as the date of foundation of the city.

On April 24, 1924, the Czechoslovak cooperative "Intergelpo" arrived in the city, which actually made Pishpek a modern European city by the standards of that time.

Since October 1924, it has become the administrative center of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region. Since May 1925 - the administrative center of the Kyrgyz Autonomous Region.


On May 12, 1926, Pishpek was renamed Frunze in honor of a native of the city, Soviet military leader Mikhail Frunze. Since 1936 Frunze has been the capital of the Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republic.

In 1938, 3 administrative districts were created in the city of Frunze: Proletarsky (now Leninsky), Pervomaisky and Sverdlovsky. In 1962, the Proletarsky district of the city of Frunze was transformed into Leninsky. In 1974, the Oktyabrsky urban district was formed.

On February 5, 1991, by the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the Kyrgyz SSR, the city was renamed into Bishkek. On March 23, 2005, events related to the Tulip Revolution took place in the capital, and on April 7, 2010, with the second revolution.


  • Order "Manas" I degree (June 12, 2003) - for a special contribution to the socio-economic and cultural development of the Kyrgyz Republic, strengthening friendship and interethnic harmony, a leading role in the implementation of democratic reforms and in connection with the 125th anniversary.


Bishkek is the economic center of the country.

In 2011, the city produced industrial products worth 28,108.4 million soms, an increase of 17.2%. Of the total volume of services provided in the republic, Bishkek accounts for 58.7%. The average monthly salary for January-November 2011 amounted to 12,035 soms, which is 1.4 times higher than the republican level. Bishkek is a donor for the rest of the republic. The expected contribution to the country's GDP will be 36.1% in 2012. Free economic zone "Bishkek" is located in the vicinity of the capital.


There are all branches of industrial production. Among them, the main ones are: mechanical engineering and metalworking, light and food industries, energy. Large industrial enterprises of Bishkek include: Bishkek CHP, Reemtsma - Kyrgyzstan JSC, Dastan Corporation, Worsted Cloth Factory, Coca-Cola Bishkek Botlers, Bishkek Dan-Azyk; joint stock companies: Bishkeksyut, Bishkek Machine-Building Plant, Kyrgyzavtomash, Kyrgyzshampany, Bishkek Reinforced Concrete Plant, Keramin, Bulgary, Zhyldyz, Baipak, and others.

Industrial enterprises are located in the west and east of Bishkek. Among them: Akun flour mill, Kyrgyz Konyagy brandy factory, Kyrgyzmebel JSC, producer of national drinks Shoro, Severelectro, TPP.



"Vefa" center (right)

The city of Bishkek is a regional center of trade, being a hub between the PRC and Russia. Bishkek has the largest wholesale and retail market "Dordoi", the largest car market "Azamat", and a number of other markets: "Osh" (market), "Alamedin" (market), "Orto-Sai" (market), "Ala- Archa - 2 "(market)," Narboto "," Kudaibergen "and others. There are large shopping centers:" Vefa "," Biskek Park "," Dordoi-plaza "," Tash-Rabat "," TSUM-Aichurek ", "TAC Vesna" (formerly "Rakhat Palace shopping and entertainment center"), "Karavan", "Detsky Mir", "Tabylga", "MOTO", "BETA STORE", "BETA STORE 2".

The city has representative offices of such large international companies as Mercedes-Benz, Audi-VW, Sumitomo, Federal Express, DHL, UPS, LG-Electronics, Daewoo, Phillips, Siemens, Panasonic, Reemtsma, Coca-Cola, Samsung, Toyota, Kia and etc.


Head offices of banks are located in Bishkek: RSK Bank, Aiyl Bank (both state-owned), Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank, Demir Kyrgyz International Bank, Rosinbank, OptimaBank, BakaiBank, Dos -CredoBank "and others.


Bishkek is the central city where the bulk (up to 70%) of the country's specialists and taxpayers are concentrated. The most promising, according to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, include it, mining and construction professions. The state actively participates in the organization of jobs in the country and supports private and non-profit organizations for the employment of specialists with secondary and higher education, as well as people with disabilities.

  • Employment Center for Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic under the Ministry of Labor
  • Youth Labor Exchange of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Electronic labor exchange USTALAR.KG
  • Center for training and employment of PWDs


Hotel "Zhannat"

There are large hotels in Bishkek: Zhannat, Hyatt, Ak-Keme, Dostuk, Damas, Sayakat, Ysyk-Kel, Semetey, Bishkek, Ala-Too "," Eldorado "and others.

Internet and cellular

A significant mass of Internet and mobile users is concentrated in the city. The Internet is provided via an optical line. More than 10 Internet providers operate, the largest ones: AsiaInfo, Jet, ElKat, Megaline, FastNet, Aknet, Saima-Telecom, Homeline, Transfer. The Internet coverage area is almost 90% of the city.

Mobile communications in the city are represented by 3 telecom operators under the brands "Beeline", "MegaCom", "O!"



Railway station Bishkek-2

Railway communication is carried out by three railway stations: Pishpek, Bishkek and Alamedin. The main flow of passengers and cargo is directed to the cities of Russia through the territory of Kazakhstan. There are also local intercity and suburban trains.


There is a trolleybus system as urban public transport.

Trolleybus of the 4th route on the ring at the Dordoi market

It is planned to create a light metro and city electric train.


The main type of public transport is automobile: buses, route taxis, taxis.

The number of passenger cars from 2000 to 2011 increased 3 times. The number of trucks has slightly decreased from 9 thousand in 2000 to 8.7 thousand in 2011. The number of buses registered in the capital has doubled.

Currently, 160 106 vehicles are registered. Of these, individuals own 145 957 cars, legal entities - 14 139. In 2010, 141 433 were registered in Bishkek. Of these, 127 168 cars belonged to individuals and legal entities - 14 265.

The construction of the first ring road has begun in the city, and the city's bridges have been reconstructed through a grant from the Japanese government. The length of roads is more than 1.2 thousand km. Also, the repair of the bypass road began, which should lead to a decrease in traffic jams on the streets of the capital.

Intercity service from Bishkek

Western (New) Bus Station

On the Issyk-Kul direction from Bishkek, especially in summer during the holiday season, there is a significant flow of buses, minibuses and taxis. You can also get from Bishkek to Issyk-Kul by train to the city (formerly Rybachye) at the beginning of the Issyk-Kul coast, and then by car to the city - the resort center of the northern coast of Lake Issyk-Kul, where there are many boarding houses, as well as to the city (formerly Przhevalsk ) is the administrative center of the Issyk-Kul region, located 10-12 km from the eastern coast of the lake.

A private intercity taxi is a common way to travel around the republic: between Bishkek and regional centers, Batken, as well as in other directions. There are two bus stations in the city: Western (new) and Eastern (old).

The road to and may involve crossing the borders of neighboring countries; there are internal routes, but some sections are not always satisfactory (to Batken) or are high-mountain passes (to Talas).


Terminal "Manas 2" at Bishkek airport

On the administrative territory of Bishkek, 23 km from the city limits, there is the Manas international airport, named after the hero of the eponymous Kyrgyz epic. According to the ICAO classification, Manas is a 4E class airport. Its 4.2 km runway allows it to receive aircraft of all types, including in adverse weather conditions. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe apron is 242 thousand square meters. The airport has 38 parking lots and two telescopic ramps. A new terminal has been built.

Science and education

Kyrgyz State Technical University named after Iskhak Razzakov

Bishkek is the largest scientific and educational center in Kyrgyzstan. In Bishkek there are:

  • International University of Innovative Technologies (IITU)
  • Kyrgyz State Institute of Arts named after B. Beishenalieva (KGII)
  • National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Scientific station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek
  • Kyrgyz National University named after Zhusup Balasagyn
  • Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (formerly Frunze Polytechnic Institute)
  • Bishkek Humanitarian University. K. Karasaeva
  • Kyrgyz Economic University. M. Ryskulbekova
  • Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture (KGUSTA)
  • Kyrgyz Agrarian University named after K. Skryabin (former Agricultural Institute named after K. Skryabin)
  • Kyrgyz State Medical Academy. I. K. Akhunbaeva
  • Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
  • American University of Central Asia
  • International University of Kyrgyzstan
  • International University "Ataturk-Ala-Too"
  • Kyrgyz Turkish University "Manas"
  • Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economics
  • Kyrgyz Academy of Tourism
  • Higher Military Institute of the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • International Academy of Management, Law, Finance and Business
  • Kyrgyz Academy of Physical Culture and Sports
  • International Medical University

The following research organizations are also located in Bishkek:

  • National Surgical Center of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic

There are two large libraries

  • National Library. Alykula Osmonova
  • Republican Public Library. N. G. Chernyshevsky




  • Kyrgyz State Historical Museum
  • National Museum of Arts named after Gapar Aitiev
  • Museum of the National Academy of Arts. T. Sadykova
  • Zoological Museum of the Institute of Biology and Soil Science of the National Academy of Sciences
  • Archaeological Museum of the National Academy of Sciences (specialized)
  • Mineralogy Museum
  • Geological Museum of the Institute of Mining and Mining Technologies
  • Memorial House-Museum. M. Frunze
  • Memorial House-Museum. I. Razzakova
  • Memorial House-Museum. Aaly Tokombaeva
  • Memorial House Museum. Semyon Chuikova
  • Memorial House Museum. Olga Manuylova


The Kyrgyzfilm film studio is located in the capital. And:

  • Kyrgyz National Philharmonic. T. Satylganova
North side of the Opera and Ballet Theater National Library In the history museum Kyrgyz Philharmonic

City symbols

Main article: Coat of arms of Bishkek

In the azure shield there is a silver belt burdened with three azure plowshares in a row. Above and below the belt, one gold bee. In the free part, the coat of arms of the Semirechensk region. The shield is crowned with a three-pronged silver tower crown and surrounded by two golden ears of grain connected by the Alexander ribbon. Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire No. 30174

The coat of arms of the city of Frunze was approved on September 22, 1978 by the city Council of People's Deputies. The drawing of the coat of arms, created by the employees of Frunzegorproekt G. Mulyavin and A. Sogonov, won an open competition for the 100th anniversary of the city. Colors - white, red, ultramarine, green, bronze. It existed from 1978 to 1994. In 1991, after the city was renamed, the inscription “Frunze” was changed to “Bishkek”.

The initiative to create the modern coat of arms of the city of Bishkek belonged to the former mayor of the city, Felix Kulov. The option provided by the graphic artist M. Asanaliev and the candidate of philosophical sciences S. Iptarov was chosen.

Coats of arms of the city from 1908 to the present.



Main article: Islam in Kyrgyzstan

There are 50 mosques in Bishkek. More than 10 Islamic religious foundations and societies, one Islamic University are operating. The Central Mosque, the Dungan Mosque are operating, a new Central Mosque for 20 thousand parishioners was built at the expense of Turkey and Jordan.


Main article: Christianity in Kyrgyzstan

Resurrection Cathedral

The Russian Orthodox Church has 4 churches. There is a community of the Russian Orthodox Old Believers Church in the city, a community of Old Orthodox Christians-Pomors (Old Believers-Pomors). There are Protestant churches.


Park at the "South Gate"

  • Blacksmith fortress (hill and parts of the fortress)
  • Memorial complex "Ata-Beyit"
  • State circus
  • Hippodrome
  • Republican Center for Children and Youth "Seytek"
  • South gate


  • Ala-Too Square is the central square of Bishkek. There is a monument to "Manas the Magnanimous"
  • Old square
  • Victory Square and Victory Monument
  • station Square
  • University Square
  • theatre square
  • Sovetskaya Square - Architectural complex, between the building of the mayor's office and the building of the Philharmonic.


  • Erkindik Boulevard (former Dzerzhinsky Boulevard)
  • Boulevard of the Young Guard
  • chui Avenue

Parks and gardens

  • Karagachevaya grove
  • Park them. Fucik
  • Victory Park
  • Botanical Garden
  • Ataturk Park (formerly Friendship Park)
  • Park them. Panfilova
  • Oak Park is the first park in Bishkek, founded in 1890. The Oak Garden (now the Oak Park) is decorated with sculptural compositions that symbolize the idea of \u200b\u200bpeace, reason and goodness; there is also an 11-meter granite stele dedicated to the fighters of the revolution. The eternal flame was lit in memory of those who fell during the Great Patriotic War.
  • Youth Park
  • Ala-Archa National Park
theatre square Ala-Too Square Chui Avenue Erkindik Boulevard


Main article: List of monuments in Bishkek

The city has many monuments in honor of various historical figures. Bishkek is the only capital of the Central Asian countries where a large monument to V.I. The Kyrgyz government declared the monument a part of the country's history and adopted a special law to protect it.


The flagship of Bishkek is the football club "Alga" - a 5-time champion and 9-time winner of the Kyrgyz Cup. Various types of martial arts are very popular.

  • Sports Palace named after Kozhomkula
  • stadium "Spartak"
  • National Hippodrome
  • Equestrian school
  • School of Olympic reserve
  • Institute of Physical Education


The official website of the Bishkek mayor's office provides the following legendary justification for the name of the city: the pregnant wife of one batyr (hero) lost a whorl (Kyrgyz Bishkek) for whipping kumis. In the process of searching for "Bishkek", she suddenly had childbirth, and she gave birth to a boy, who was given the name Bishkek. He became a batyr, after his death he was buried on a hillock near the bank of the Alamedin River, where the grave gumbez-Bishkek was erected. It was this structure that was seen and described by travelers of the 17th-18th centuries.



The system of state administration and local self-government of the city is formed by the city state administration, the city kenesh, regional executive authorities and local self-government. The city kenesh is the highest representative body of local self-government. The capital is the seat of the Parliament of the Jogorku Kenesh.


Before the revolution

Surgical building of the national hospital. Pre-revolutionary building

"The plan of the project location of the newly proposed city of Pishpek" - a city with European type buildings was approved on August 31, 1878. The street grid was broken in a checkerboard pattern, favoring the arrangement of irrigation ditches and natural ventilation of the streets. Some of the buildings in the city were built of wood, but most were made of adobe. Despite the semi-desert, the townspeople built gardens. By the beginning of the 20th century, there were 40 unpaved streets and 6 squares in Pishpek.

The building of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the KSSR, 1936

House of the Central Executive Committee of the Kyrgyz ASSR, 1927.

Central Bank of the Kyrgyz ASSR, 1927

The first stage of construction in Kyrgyzstan was associated with the ideas of constructivism that came in the 1920s. At that time local peculiarities were little taken into account. In the late 1930s, professional architects came to Bishkek. During the war, evacuated enterprises were located here, new ones were built. In the post-war years, urban planning developed rapidly, a series of standard projects appeared, prefabricated structures were introduced. Decorativism and pomp prevail. Since the second half of the 50s, mass construction has been carried out according to standard designs. In 1970, a new master plan for the city was approved.

The following buildings are prominent examples of the architecture of that time:

  • The building of the Frunzensky City Executive Committee (now the mayor's office of Bishkek)
  • Government House of the Kirghiz SSR
  • Hotel Kyrgyzstan (now the "Hyatt" hotel)
  • Palace of Sports
  • Opera and Ballet Theatre
  • Polytechnic College
  • Cinema Manas

Modern period

The city is built according to an orthogonal plan, which contributes to its ventilation with mountain air. There are 938 streets in Bishkek. The main streets of the city: Manas Avenue, Chui Avenue - st. Den Xiao Pina, Abdrakhmanov, Alma-Atinskaya, Pravdy, Zhibek Zholu (Silk Road), Baytik Batyr (former Soviet) streets - Baku, Moscow. On boulevards Erkindik and Molodaya Gvardiya there are many playgrounds and summer cafes. Residential areas are located in the south: microdistricts from 3 to 12, Asanbay district; in the east: Alamedin-1, Vostok-5; in the south-east: "Kok-Zhar", "Ulan"; in the central part - "Yug-2". Also, active construction of new microdistricts and individual multi-storey residential buildings and shopping centers is underway.

Stalinka and modern building on Frunze street Zero kilometer in Bishkek Construction of modern buildings near Victory Square



Advertising newspapers

"What? Where? How much? "," Showcase "," Buy-Sell "


  • Men's intellectual magazine "#ONE MAGAZINE"
  • Business analytical magazine "Business interlocutor"
  • Women's magazine BISHKEKCHANKA
  • Glossy magazine for smart and successful "for Woman"
  • Blife magazine in Russian and English
  • Magazine for parents "Little joy"

News agencies

  • IA "K-News"
  • UNIpress
  • pravda.kg
  • AKIpress
  • 24.kg
  • "Kabar"
  • "KANT.kg"
  • JEBE news
  • Kloop.kg
  • Sputnik Kyrgyzstan
  • IP Russia in Kyrgyzstan
  • Kaktus.media

International relationships

Sister cities

  • , (since December 12, 1997)
  • Nur-Sultan, (since 2011)

"Stirrer for whipping kumis" - this is how the name of the city of Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, its modern and historical center is translated. The green city is what the Kirghiz call it, not only because of the abundance of age-old oaks and poplars that shadow the busy boulevards with a dense shadow, but also because of the young spirit and optimism of the Kyrgyz capital soaring in the air. Founded in the 7th century, Bishkek today is an unusually young and vibrant city: there are a lot of bars and disco, next to which traditional teahouses coexist, monuments of independence and sculptures of ancient Kyrgyz heroes do not interfere - on the contrary, they complement each other, but on the streets the age-old elders in "kalpaks" and colorful robes and starlets with a minimum of clothes are mingling. And kumis, by the way, is much easier to find here than some foreign "mojito".

How to get to Bishkek

It is easy to get from Moscow to Bishkek by regular flights of the national carrier "Airline Kyrgyzstan" and Russian S7 and Aeroflot. The aircrafts of "Kyrgyzstan Airlines" take off 4 times a week from Moscow Domodedovo. Aeroflot operates one flight daily and two on Wednesday and Friday from Sheremetyevo-F. The flight time is about 4 hours. On S7 wings you can get to Bishkek only with a stopover in Novosibirsk.

Bishkek Manas International Airport is located about 30 km from the city. You can get from there to the center of the Kyrgyz capital by taxi in half an hour.

Search for flights to Bishkek

Transport in the city

The most convenient way to get around Bishkek is by taxi - they are very inexpensive and scurry around the streets of the capital in abundance. You can “catch” a car on the street or order at any time of the day by calling 150, 152, 154, 156, 166, 182 or 188. A trip within the city will cost 100-300 KGS during the day and 150-500 KGS at night. In any case, it is better to clarify the cost in advance. You can also hire a car with a driver for the whole day - it will be cheaper than a similar service in a rental office. Count on 1500-2000 KGS per day.

The prices on the page are for October 2018.

Since gaining independence, many street names in Bishkek have changed, therefore, when going to any address, it is better to know both the old and the new name, and even better - to use a noticeable landmark.

Another option is democratic minibuses for 9-14 seats, running along all the more or less busy streets. The rules for their use are identical to those in Russia: wave your hand at an approaching car, pass the fare to the driver (15-20 KGS, indicated in the cabin) and loudly announce the drop-off point.

Public transport in Bishkek is represented by buses and trolleybuses. They work from 5: 30-6: 00 to 21: 00-21: 30. The fare is 8-10 KGS. You must enter through the back door, and leave through the front. The fare is paid at the exit to the conductor.

Weather forecast

Average monthly temperature, ° C day and night





  • june







Bishkek maps

Bishkek cuisine and restaurants

In Bishkek, there are a lot of establishments of Kyrgyz, Asian, Russian, Persian and other friendly cuisines. You can have an inexpensive snack in fast foods, where they serve the Kyrgyz analogue of a hamburger: a sandwich with a flat cutlet and all kinds of vegetable and sauce stuff. Other fast food options are samsa, kebabs and a variety of kebabs. Of course, there is also a brasserie pizzeria in the Kyrgyz capital (and where are they not?) - there you can taste international Italian pizza, pasta and other pasta, French crepe pancakes, etc. To thoroughly taste the dishes of national "haute cuisine", go in the cafe "Labyrinth" (delicious "beshbarmak" is served here), cafe "Mazai" (a variety of hare dishes), cafe "Astana" (chicken barbecue and live music in the evenings on the weekend), teahouse "Jalalabad" and cafe "Faiza ". You can “sit with taste” in the pompous Four Seasons - delicious dishes of European and Asian cuisines, live music and the opportunity to dine on the open terrace in the warm season.

You can freshen up while walking around the city with a carbonated drink “Shoro” based on wheat flour - it is sold post-hunt from street stalls.

Popular hotels in Bishkek

Shopping and shops

It is worth buying Kyrgyz souvenirs in the TSUM, which is familiar to us from the common Soviet past - the central department store of the Kyrgyz capital at 155 Chui Avenue. There is a large selection of local handicrafts at reasonable prices. Another popular shopping site in Bishkek is the noisy and colorful Osh bazaar, where it seems that you can buy even the most outlandish goods. The Dordoi market sells a variety of household goods, clothing and footwear, while the Ak-Emir bazaar sells fresh produce from local farmers: fruits and vegetables, kumis and soft cheeses, horse sausage and much more. High-quality handicrafts - "kalpaks", felt carpets, items of national costume - are sold in the Kyrgyz Style store at 133 Bokonbaev Street and in the cozy Asakhi boutique at 136 Chui Avenue. here are collected a lot of Kyrgyz and Asian antiquities, as well as iconic things of the Soviet era. For “painting” it is worth looking at Asia Gallery, cute and original clay products can be found in the Saimaluu-Tash art gallery, and magnificent (and expensive) embroidery is presented in the Tumar art salon.

Guides in Bishkek

Entertainment and attractions of Bishkek

Modern sights of Bishkek: the central Ala-Too square and the statue of Liberty "Erkindik" in the form of a Kyrgyz woman holding the upper elements of the "tyundyuk" yurt, the Parliament building, the State flagpole (changing of the guard every hour from 7:00 to 18:00), the sculptural complex " Manas ", depicting the legendary Kyrgyz hero on a faithful horse, surrounded by his wife and adviser, and the Victory Monument.

Among the museums of the city, the Historical Museum is recommended for visiting - here you can see numerous ancient artifacts found during excavations: rock paintings of the Saimaluu-Tash settlement, runic inscriptions of Talas, household items of the Bronze Age and jewelry of nomadic tribes of the beginning of our era, ancient coins. Ethnographic collections deserve special attention: embroidery and national costumes, richly decorated horse harness, felt and woolen carpets, clay and straw products. In the Museum of Fine Arts, you can delve into the intricacies of the installation and internal layout of a traditional yurt, see national shyrdaki carpets and other felt products, and also enjoy the picturesque canvases of Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Russian artists. Those nostalgic for the Soviet era can go to the Frunze Museum and visit the Sculpture Park with an exhibition on the theme "Peace and Labor".

In the Museum of Fine Arts, you can delve into the intricacies of the installation and internal layout of a traditional yurt, as well as see the national shyrdaki carpets.

Popular parks in Bishkek: Oak Park and Panfilov Park, Kemal Ataturk Park, Erkindik Avenue, planted with oaks and silver poplars, Molodaya Gvardiya Boulevard.

In the vicinity of the city, it is worth visiting the natural park "Baytyk Valley" and climbing the Boz-Peldek mountain, which offers a beautiful view of Bishkek. On the southern slope of the mountain there is a cemetery "Khan's graves", where the legendary ruler of the valley is buried. Note the forged tower with a magnificent dome. You can see rare plants in the Chon-Aryk botanical reserve, and improve your health at the peat mud deposit in the village of Kamyshanovka.