Mangoes in hand luggage from Thailand. How to export fruits from Thailand - rules and restrictions

Hello, today I will tell you how to properly export fruits from Thailand so that they do not lose their taste or become a dessert for customs officials.

What fruits can be exported from Thailand

All fruits are allowed to export, except for Durian, for obvious reasons, and coconut. The ban on coconut is in effect due to the fact that it is not displayed when scanning luggage. You can find out more about other prohibitions in this one.

There are two ways to carry fruit: in your baggage or in your carry-on baggage. However, the main thing here is to pack everything correctly so that they do not turn into jam or jam on the way.

Special fruit baskets sold in the markets cost 80-100 baht

I recommend buying special baskets that are sold in the markets. In them, the products will be fresh and will calmly transfer transportation. But don't forget to tell the seller when buying fruit to wrap each fruit in a net. If this is not possible, wrap with paper.

The price of a basket, suitable in size for hand luggage, is from 80 to 100 baht. Anything over 150-300 baht must be checked in.

IMPORTANT: there is an exception - this is a Thai apple of the chompu variety, it will turn sour during transportation.

Such an apple will turn sour during the flight

The second option is to put fruits in a suitcase, I personally took out the mango in this way. The design rules are the same, but I also recommend that you completely wrap the fruit with a bubble wrap, you can buy it at a hardware store. You can also wrap the fruit with toilet paper, or a napkin, so that excess moisture does not get on the fruit, and put it in a suitcase between things.

Ask the seller for fruit that will ripen in 2-3 days

IMPORTANT: it is allowed to take out up to 5 kg, for the overweight you will pay a surcharge, about 500 baht per 1 kilogram. Be sure to tell the seller that you are going to transport fruits, then they will choose fruits for you, which, when properly transported, will remain fresh.

For a complete list of fruits that can be found in Thailand, you can

The land of smiles is a sea of \u200b\u200bimpressions, in order to pick up a piece of memories, tourists buy souvenirs for themselves and their loved ones.

What is allowed to export from Thailand other than fruits, you can.

Who doesn't want to bring a tasty treat to loved ones from vacation? Fruits from exotic countries are the best suited for this. But how do you get fruit on the plane? Is it possible to take them in hand luggage and is it generally legal to transport them?

Such topics can often be seen on travel forums, and the answers to them are very diverse, and sometimes the opposite. The question is really not as simple as it seems, so let's figure it out.

There is no law prohibiting the transportation of fruits by airplanes within the country, so the final decision is left to the airlines. Since this is also not directly prohibited by their rules, then theoretically you can at least fill your suitcase with apples, and your hand luggage with pears, no one will tell you anything. The main thing is that there is no excess.

Why theoretically? Because apples and pears are one thing, but, say, grapes, which, thanks to the loaders, will turn into juice and stain the luggage of other passengers, is somewhat different. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the safety of the fruits so that they do not create inconveniences for your fellow travelers either by smell or condition. It is best to use special plastic containers with a tight lid for this.

How to carry fruit on international flights

But here everything is somewhat more complicated, since, in addition to the rules of the airline, customs legislation comes into force. You should familiarize yourself with the rules for the export and import of fruits in the countries of departure and arrival. Problems with export rarely arise, but countries are more careful about import.

The logic is simple. It is not known where you got these "bananas", thanks to what transgenes they were grown, and what danger they may pose. Therefore, plants, fruits and vegetables are regulated products, and their import is strictly monitored by the sanitary service.

If we talk about the import of fruits to Russia, then, according to the established quarantine standards, one person can smuggle no more than 5 kg of samples of agricultural products across the border, which include fruits, vegetables and nuts.

The import of fruits from the EU, Australia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Canada, Moldova, Norway, the USA, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, and, more recently, from Turkey is completely prohibited.

The transportation of “contraband” fruits to the country is punishable by their confiscation and a fine of 500 rubles. Moreover, it is not the surplus that is confiscated, but everything suitable for the category of regulated products. In case of repeated violation, the fine will be already 1000 rubles.

This is the way things are, according to the law. In practice, when was your luggage checked upon arrival? Customs officers are very loyal to this, which is the reason for the prevailing opinion that it is possible to import as many fruits as you like without hindrance. In fact, it all depends on luck, so you will be transporting the treats at your own peril and risk.

Is it possible to take fruit in hand luggage, on the plane

It is possible, but, again, there are limitations. It is not prohibited by airline regulations to take fruits in as they are classified as food. But! You are allowed to carry as much food on board as you may need for the duration of the flight. Thus, the bag with passionfruit will most likely be taken away from you, but they may not pay attention to a couple of kilograms.

By the way, about the exotic. If you are flying from, for example, do not try to put a fruit called durian in your hand luggage. A ban on its transportation is even spelled out in the rules of some airlines, because of its, to put it mildly, specific smell.

Otherwise, whether it is possible to carry the fruit on board depends on the person examining the hand luggage. The formal reason for the refusal may be the lack of factory packaging, but they turn a blind eye to this if the quantity does not exceed reasonable limits.

To summarize, to the question of how to carry fruit on an airplane, the answer will be as follows: it is possible, if carefully, and without fanaticism.

How many things I wanted to take with me: lychee, pitahaya, mangosteen, longan and many others. But, at the airport security checkpoint, we ran into a small problem. Overload!

Rules for the carriage of fruits in the luggage of the aircraft:

  • Check with the airline the permissible baggage weight and the cost of payment for each 1 kg of overload. In some countries, overloading costs "fabulous" means and you need to think before taking "bales" with you.
  • Fruit must be transported in special containers. Each container can be weighed at the airport to see if the weight is correct. Usually the weight of a fruit container is about 5-6 kg.
  • Ask the fruit seller to pack each large fruit separately from each other in special "nets" for transportation (in extreme cases, plastic bags).

Also, it all depends on the country from which you plan to export fruits. For example, since the beginning of 2015, imports from Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia have been prohibited into Russia. Therefore, be sure to check before departure or study for yourself whether your "country of rest" is on the list of prohibited for Russia.

The weight of the fruit basket is usually 5 kg. This weight is for 1 person, including small children. What happens if you exceed these limits? You will be fined, forced to pay extra for excess cargo, or simply withdrawn “valuable cargo”.

We, the inhabitants of cold expanses who have found themselves in tropical countries, want to stock up on heat and take it with us, at least in the form of incredibly tasty exotic fruits. While vacationing in Thailand, Vietnam or South China, you wonder how to take your favorite fragrant fruits home to enjoy yourself or surprise your family and friends with Thai fruits. Our review will answer all questions.

Is it possible to take fruit out of Thailand

With the export of Thai fruits, you will not have any problems. From Thailand, it is allowed to take any fruits by plane, except for the fragrant durian. The maximum weight will only be limited by airline requirements. Bear in mind that the transported fruits are added to the mass of things and they will weigh everything together.

If you fly with Aeroflot, you can carry 1 bag weighing 23 kg in your luggage (this includes things) and 1 bag weighing 10 kg in your carry-on baggage per passenger.

But when entering Russia, it is rare, but complications are possible. If the norm established by the sanitary service is exceeded, the employees of the Russian customs have the right to confiscate the product. True, such cases are rare and usually only carry-on baggage is inspected - it is better to check it in.

The Russian sanitary standards indicate that a passenger can import no more than 5 kg of fruit for personal use, if the weight is greater, a certificate and payment of a duty are required.

Russian travelers also often bring fruit from Vietnam. We do not recommend taking the risk and taking out Vietnamese coconuts, durians and watermelons on the plane.

What fruits to bring from Thailand and Vietnam

If you want to feel the tai at home:
yellow mango
a pineapple
mini bananas

Choose fruits that are slightly unripe, without dents, cracks or darkening.

If everything is eaten up quickly:
papaya (stored for up to 4 days)
lychee (stored for 2-3 days)
longan (up to 5 days)

You can buy Thai fruits at the fruit market or supermarket, as convenient.

If you want to surprise your friends:
dragon fruit

Explain to the Thais that you are taking fruit on the road - the seller will choose fruit that will take a long flight and keep fresh for several days.

Don't forget to bring sapodilla, pomegranates and jackfruit from Vietnam, and buy your favorite tangerines, they are so delicious here.

What is the best way to bring fruits from Thailand by plane

In order for the precious cargo to reach home intact, you need to properly pack your luggage. Fruit can be transported in a suitcase or in a special plastic container. We do not recommend using the bags - the fruits will wrinkle and flow.

Write your last name on the fruit container, there will be many similar baskets on the flight.

We select slightly unripe fruits, each packed in a paper newspaper, film or foil. First we fold large, dense and heavy fruits, then softer and smaller ones. We put paper or soft things between the fruits, on top and on the sides. Outside, we wrap the packaging with foil for greater reliability.

Some travelers simply take a free cardboard box from the store and tape it over, but this is not the most reliable option.

Large quantities of containers for the transport of fruits are sold in the supermarkets Taya BigSie and Tesco. You can choose a model on wheels or with a handle - these are convenient to take in hand luggage.

Thai baskets attract the attention of fruit lovers among airport workers - wrap the contents in an opaque bag or seal the container with plastic.

Sets of fruits for transportation already packed in a basket are sold everywhere, take this if you do not have time for shopping and packing.

What fruits cannot be exported

It is strictly forbidden to export durian from Thailand, Vietnam and China. Durian has a very strong, unpleasant and persistent odor.

You obviously haven't tasted this fruit if you are wondering why you shouldn't take durian out of Thailand. Its acrid and terribly unpleasant smell cannot be interrupted by anything, and it disappears for several days.

Also, we do not recommend taking coconuts and watermelon (whole) with you. The thick skin of the coconut is not scanned by the scanner and the bag will go to the inspection, where the coconut is confiscated or required to be opened, and watermelons can explode during the flight due to high pressure. If you really want to, you can take the watermelon cut, but in the heat it will quickly deteriorate.

How to get durian out of Thailand

As they say, if you can't, but you really want to ...

  1. choose a slightly unripe fruit, without dents, cracks and damage;
  2. we wrap in several layers, alternating newspapers and film and trying to achieve maximum tightness;
  3. we pack in a container, carefully palletize the container with foil;
  4. put in a suitcase, put things around;
  5. we pack the suitcase again in film
  6. at home we open it carefully and it is better not in our apartment)