The highest points in the world that every extreme must visit. The highest mountain in the world: where is the peak The highest point on the planet

From the dark depths of the ocean to some of the tallest peaks on Earth, below are twenty-five of the world's most vast, highest, deepest and tiniest places!

25. The deepest lake is Lake Baikal

This Siberian rift lake is not only the deepest lake on Earth, but it also has the largest volume and contains approximately 20 percent of the fresh water of the entire surface of the Earth.

24. The highest mountain - Everest

As you may have suspected, Everest is officially the highest mountain in the world. But that's only if we start our measurement at sea level...

23. The highest mountain from the base to the top - Mauna Kea

Mauna Kea, a volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii, is more than twice the height of Mount Everest, measured from the base of the mountain on the seabed to its peak.

22. The point farthest from the center of the Earth - Mount Chimborazo

Due to the bulge of the Earth at the equator, the peak of Mount Everest is also not the most distant point from the center of the Earth. This honor belongs to the summit of Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador.

21. The lowest point on Earth - the Challenger Deep

Almost 11 kilometers below the surface of the ocean, this depression is the deepest point of the already deep Mariana Trench. In fact, Everest would fit comfortably below the surface here.

20. The highest waterfall - Angel (Angel Falls)

This waterfall in Venezuela is so high that the water sometimes evaporates before it reaches the ground.

19. The driest place is the Atacama Desert

In the middle of Chile's Atacama Desert, there is a point where it has never rained. Scientists call this region "absolute desert".

18. The highest human settlement - La Rinconada (La Rinconada)

This mining town, located in Peru, is located in the highest inhabited region of the globe. At an altitude higher than the location of La Rinconada, a person simply will not be able to adapt.

17. The highest temperature - Death Valley

With a recorded temperature of almost 57 degrees Celsius, Death Valley in California has once again become the hottest place on Earth in recent times.

16. The most remote inhabited place on Earth - Tristan da Cunha (Tristan da Cunha)

This small archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, located thousands of kilometers from both South Africa and South America, has a population of 271 people. The mail only reaches here a few times a year.

15. The deepest cave - Kruber-Voronya Cave

This cave, located in Abkhazia, is the only known cave in the world whose depth exceeds 2,000 meters.

14. The largest elevation difference is Mount Thor

Mount Thor, located in Canada, has a height of 1250 meters and despite its very remote location in the frozen tundra of the northern provinces of Canada, it is a popular rock climbing destination.

13. Hottest inhabited place - Dallol, Ethiopia

The hottest permanently inhabited region in the world is in Ethiopia. Although these days Dallol has become even less populated and some even say that it has become a ghost town. However, it is also worth noting that there has not been an official census in this region for a long time, so the studies are based on previously obtained data.

12. The most northern point of land on Earth - Kaffeklubben Island (Kaffeklubben Island)

This island, which belongs to Greenland, is officially considered the northernmost point of land on Earth. However, there are several slow-moving gravel bars that lie further north.

11. Lowest Temperature - Vostok Station, Antarctica

-89.2°C - this temperature was recorded in East Antarctica and, apart from some new satellite measurements, is still considered the lowest land temperature ever recorded.

10 Deepest Ice - Bentley Subglacial Trench

This place is also located in Antarctica, and the depth of the local ice exceeds 2.5 kilometers. In fact, the land it rests on is well below sea level and is the lowest point on Earth not covered by an ocean.

9. Deepest point measured from ground level - Kola Superdeep Well

Although it was artificially created, this Russian scientific project tried to get as deep as possible into the earth's crust. The drill reached a depth exceeding 12 kilometers.

8. The deepest point made by man - TauTona Mine (TauTona Mine)

This South African mine is the deepest point under the surface of the Earth that a person could fit into. Its depth is almost 4 kilometers.

7. The coldest settlement - Oymyakon, Russia

Temperatures sometimes drop below freezing in mid-September and stay there until May. The average temperature in January is -46°C. The population of the village is less than 500 people.

6. The highest road is the Aucanquilcha mining road

This mining road was once used for trucks climbing this Chilean volcano to a height of over 6,000 meters.

5. The highest mountain pass - Marsimik La, India

Although the Volcanic Mountain Road we saw in the previous paragraph is technically the highest road in the world, it is a dead end and is no longer in use. In contrast, the Marsimik-La pass, located at an altitude of 5,582 meters in northern India, is often considered the highest functional road in the world.

4. The highest lake - Lake Titicaca (Titicaca)

This lake is located on the border of Peru and Bolivia in the Andes at an altitude of 3,812 meters. There are several unnamed crater lakes in the world that may be located slightly higher.

3. The most remote island - Bouvet Island

This small uninhabited Norwegian island in the South Atlantic Ocean lies between Antarctica and Tristan da Cunha (a place that, you remember, is quite remote in itself).

2. The longest river is the Nile

Despite the difficulty in accurately calculating the sources and directions of the various rivers, the Nile is generally considered to be the longest river in the world. Its length is 6,650 kilometers. In ancient times, when water was still flowing from Lake Tanganyika, the Nile was 1,500 kilometers longer.

1. The farthest point from the ocean - Xinjiang, China

This region in China is the Asian pole of inaccessibility. This basically means that it is the furthest point on the continent from any ocean.

Wherever this question is asked, the answer will always be "Mount Everest". However, few people think about the meaning of this question. Most people on the planet won't try to think twice and will immediately answer it the same way. Everest. Therefore, it is not in vain that when we compare the highest mountains on other planets in our solar system (for example, Mount Olympus on Mars), we definitely put Everest in comparison. The truth is that Everest is not the highest point on planet Earth.

The peculiarity of our planet is that instead of an ideal sphere, the Earth is an oblate spheroid. Therefore, those places that are near the equator, as a rule, are much further from the center of the planet than those that are located at its poles. Given this fact, Everest, like all the Himalayas, can hardly be called the highest point on the planet.
Earth as a sphere

The understanding that the Earth is a spherical body came to people as early as the 6th century BC. The ancient Greeks were the first to know about it. And although this theory is attributed to Pythagoras, it is equally likely that it could equally have appeared by itself as a result of travel between Greek settlements. The fact is that sailors began to notice changes in the position and visibility of the stars, depending on the chosen geographical latitude.

By the 3rd century BC, the theory of a spherical earth began to acquire quite scientific significance. By measuring the angle of falling shadows at various geographic locations, Eratosthenes (276 BC - 194 BC) - a Greek astronomer from Cyrene (modern Libya) - was able to calculate the circumference of the Earth with an error of 5-15 percent . With the rise of the Roman Empire and the adoption of Hellenistic astronomy, the theory of a spherical earth spread throughout the Mediterranean and Europe.

Knowledge of this was preserved thanks to the transfer from generation to generation by monks, as well as thanks to the scholasticism of the Middle Ages. By the era of the Renaissance and the revolution in science (mid-16th - late 18th centuries), geological and heliocentric views were well established in science. With the advent of modern astronomy, more accurate measurement methods and the ability to look at the Earth from space, mankind was still able to see the true shape and size of our planet.

Let's clarify the situation a bit: the Earth is not a perfect sphere, but it's not flat either. In the first case, I would like to ask for forgiveness from Galileo, in the second - from the flat Earth society. As mentioned above, the Earth has the shape of an oblate spheroid, which, in turn, is a consequence of the peculiarity of rotation. At the poles, it is, as it were, flattened, and in the equatorial part it is elongated. Many space objects in the solar system have the same shape (take at least Jupiter or Saturn). Even rapidly rotating stars, such as one of the brightest, Altair, have the same shape.

Data from the 2014 Global Earth Model, where brighter colors indicate points farthest from the Earth's center

Based on some recent measurements, it was found that the polar radius of the Earth (that is, the distance from the center of the planet to one or another pole) is 6356.8 kilometers, while the equatorial radius (from the center to the equator) is 6378.1 kilometers. In other words, objects located along the equator are 22 kilometers farther from the center of the Earth (geocenter) than objects located at the poles.

Naturally, it is worth considering some topographical changes in certain areas, where some objects located near the equator are closer to the center, while others are further from the center of the Earth, compared to other objects of a particular region. The most notable exceptions are the Mariana Trench (the deepest place on Earth, at 10,911 meters) and Mount Everest, at 8,848 meters above sea level. However, these two geological features represent a very small difference, if we take into account the general shape of the Earth. The difference in this case is only 0.17 percent and 0.14 percent, respectively.
The highest point on Earth

In fairness, we note that Everest is indeed one of the highest points on our planet. The height at its peak is 8488 meters above sea level. However, due to its location in the Himalayan range (27 degrees 59 minutes north of the equator), it is actually lower than the mountains located in Ecuador.

Mount Chimborazo

It is here, where the Andes mountain range is located, that the highest point on planet Earth is located. The height of Mount Chimborazo is 6263.47 meters above sea level. However, due to its location (1 degree 28 minutes south of the equator) in the highest protruding part of the planet, its total height from the center is about 21 kilometers.

If we consider the issue in terms of distance to the geocenter, Everest is located at a distance of 6382 kilometers from the center of the Earth, while Chimborazo is located at 6384 kilometers. The difference is only about 3.2 kilometers, which at first glance may seem quite insignificant. However, when it comes to the titles of the “most-most”, you need to be precise.

Of course, even after such explanations, there will be people who will confidently say that Mount Everest is still the highest point on the planet, if we consider its height from the foot (base) to the peak. Unfortunately, they are wrong here too. Because in this case, the title of the highest mountain goes to Mauna Kea, a shield volcano located on the island of Hawaii. The height of the mountain from the base to the very top at Mauna Kea is 10,206 meters. This is the highest mountain on our planet. However, most of the mountain goes several thousand meters deep into the ocean, and therefore we can only see its peak with a height of 4207 meters.

However, those who consider Everest to be the highest mountain according to its height above sea level will be right. If we consider its height as the height above sea level, then Everest is indeed the highest mountain in the world.

Not everyone can go around the world in search of the highest mountain in the world, but it is quite possible to make a virtual trip.

The highest mountains in the world

How far will a person have to travel to reach the highest point on our planet? What mountains are recognized as the highest on Earth? Who conquered them first and what difficulties await them on the way to the top? You may also be interested in learning about the longest mountains in the world.


Height: 8485 m.
The country: PRC/Nepal
mountain system: Himalayas

The Tibetan "Black Giant" Makalu opens our rating - one of the five highest "eight-thousanders". Europeans learned about this snowy beauty in the middle of the 19th century, but the first expedition to its summit was equipped only a hundred years later. This is because in those years the hearts of brave climbers were captivated by its nearest neighbor, Everest, and the peak of Makalu remained “in the shadow” of this giant and was “defeated” only in 1955. The legendary ascent was made by the French under the leadership of Jean Franco.


Height: 8516 m.
The country: PRC/Nepal
mountain system: Himalayas

There are not so many points on the map of our planet that have overcome the mark of 8 kilometers in height. Mount Lhotse is one of them. Its last peak (Lhotse Middle) was conquered by climbers only in 2001. Members of the Russian expedition led by V. Kozlov and N. Cherny were the first to set foot on this pointed rocky peak. The main peak was conquered in 1956 by a group of Swiss climbers while climbing neighboring Everest. But the eastern wall of Lhotse remains unconquered to this day.


Height: 8568 m.
The country: India/Nepal
mountain system: Himalayas

The third highest point on our planet is located on the Kanchenjunga mountain range, which, in turn, belongs to the Himalaya system. There are five peaks at Kanchenjunga, hence the name, which in Tibetan means "Five treasures of the great snows." The highest is the Main Kanchenjunga (8568 m.). However, three more of them rightfully bear the proud title of eight-thousanders: Yalun-Kang (8505), South (8491) and Central (8478).

The first attempt to conquer the wayward peak was made in 1905, but was not crowned with success. After three-quarters of the way, the group led by Aleister Crowley turned back. Only in 1955, the Englishmen Joe Brown and George Bend were able to reach the main peak.

There is a legend among the local population that Mount Kanchenjunga is a woman, and therefore hates in advance all the girls who set foot on its slope. Only one woman, Ginette Harrison, an Englishwoman, climbed the summit in 1998.


Height: 8611 m.
The country: PRC/Pakistan
mountain system: Karakoram

The second highest mountain in the world after Everest also belongs to the Himalayas. Chogori, codenamed K-2 among climbers, is located on the northern border of Pakistan and China. The letter "K" means "Karakoram", and "2" is the serial number of the peak, which in 1856 was awarded to it by the traveler Colonel Montgomery.

According to statistics, every fourth person who dared to conquer the top of Chogori is doomed to death. Therefore, this peak has another name - the killer mountain. On its slopes, the legendary Russian climber Pyotr Kuznetsov found his last refuge.

The highest mountain is Everest

Height: 8848 m.
The country: Nepal/PRC
mountain system: Himalayas

The highest mountain peak in the world is Chomolungma, better known to us as Everest. It is located almost in the most "philosophical" part of the earth - in Tibet. This majestic snow-covered pyramid has amazed many generations of travelers, and even now, when the summit of Everest has been repeatedly conquered, it inspires thousands of brave climbers to pack their bags and set off on a long journey full of deadly dangers.

Everest, one of the most beautiful places in the world, is part of the Himalayas. The mountain is located between Nepal and China, but its peak is still located in China, in the Tibet Autonomous Region. According to various sources, the height of Everest ranges from 8844 to 8852 meters.

This data is constantly changing. In the spring of 2010, the people of China officially recorded the highest mountain at 8848 meters. And in 2016, scientists “proved” that the top of Everest is actually 4 meters lower than the claimed height. By the way, it has already been proven that Chomolungma grows annually by about five millimeters due to the movement of lithospheric plates, at the junction of which Everest is located.

The highest mountain on the planet has quite a few names. The inhabitants of Tibet call Everest the "Mother of the gods of the earth" ("Divine (qomo) mother (ma) of life (lung)" - Chomolungma). But the Nepalese call it Sagarmatha. It means "Forehead of Heaven" or "Mother of the Gods". Well, the name "Everest" was given to the mountain by the British in honor of George Everest, who in 1830-1843 led the geodetic service of British India. A few years after the scientist's death, in 1856, his successor Andrew Waugh proposed that the mountain should be named Everest. By the way, it was he who presented the data on the study of the heights of "Peak XV" and confirmed that this is the highest peak, probably in the whole world.

The history of climbing Everest

The first time a man climbed the highest mountain on May 29, 1953. The pioneers of Everest were New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpas (Sherpas are one of the peoples of Nepal) Tenzing Norgay. They passed through the South Col along the path that the Swiss had explored shortly before. The conquerors took oxygen devices with them. The team itself consisted of 30 people. In May 1982, 11 climbers from the Soviet Union climbed this "roof of the world". They climbed the southwestern slope, which until then was considered impassable. Ukrainians Mikhail Turkevich and Sergey Bershov especially distinguished themselves in the expedition - they were the first in history to climb Everest at night.

Well, in 2001, an amazing feat was accomplished - a blind American named Eric Weihenmeier climbed the mountain. Before this ascent, he had already visited all the highest peaks of all seven continents, he also visited the highest mountains of Russia. Thus, the man wanted to prove that all the tasks that people seem unattainable are actually achievable. Another Everest record was set on May 14, 2005. Test pilot Didier Delsalle of Eurocopter was the first in the world to successfully land a helicopter on the peak of the mountain.

Three years later, the oldest person climbed to the top of the Chomolungma. They became 76-year-old Nepalese Bahadur Sherkhan.

Two years later, the youngest person appeared on the peak of Everest, 13-year-old American citizen Jordan Romero, who conquered the summit with his father. Prior to this, this record was assigned to a 15-year-old boy.

Another unusual ascent was made by a group of Nepalese. 20 people went on a risky expedition to collect waste that climbers leave on the slopes. They collected about 1800 kilograms of garbage.

Everest dangers

Every year about 500 people try to reach the summit of Everest. They are not afraid that at night the air temperature there can drop to -600 C, and the wind literally knocks you off your feet - the speed of its gusts reaches 200 meters per second. Nevertheless, according to some estimates, about 5 thousand climbers have already climbed the highest mountain. Each climb takes approximately 2 months. At this time, the period of acclimatization and the installation of camps is laid. By the way, during such a trip, travelers lose weight by an average of 10-15 kilograms.

And one more difficulty, however, insignificant in comparison with the previous ones. The states on whose territory the approaches to the mountain are located ask for a large amount of money for the right to climb the summit of Everest. The authorities also establish the order of departures of climbing companies. You will have to pay the least for climbing Chomolungma from Tibet. Well, it’s better to try to conquer the peak in spring and autumn, since the monsoons are not so active at this time.

Travel companies call different prices for hiking up the mountain from Nepal: on average, from 20 to 60 thousand dollars. From the Chinese side, this can be done cheaper: about 4.6 thousand dollars will have to be spent per person. It is worth adding that these funds are used to purchase an attempt to climb, but do not guarantee a successful result.

How much does it cost to conquer Everest?

Experts say that the success of the expedition depends on the weather and the equipment of the team. Before climbing Everest, you must definitely go through acclimatization. The most difficult, experienced people say, is the last three hundred meters of the way to the top. Climbers call them the "dead zone" or "the longest mile on Earth." In this area you need to go through a very smooth and steep stone slope, which is covered with snow. But the main obstacle is not a slippery surface, but rarefied air, literally overshadowing the climber's mind.

Pay for a dream

Thousands of climbers have tried to climb Mount Everest. Some paid for it with their lives. Since the discovery of the peak until today, more than two hundred people have died during the expeditions. According to some reports, most often this happened due to lack of oxygen. Sometimes people died in avalanches, on descents or ascents, due to heart failure or frostbite.

Found dead climbers bury the people of Nepal. They sincerely follow centuries-old traditions and do everything so that the souls of climbers find peace. According to beliefs, if you do not make a special solemn ceremony "saving the souls of the dead", then the dead climbers will not find peace and will wander on the "roof of the world". And local climbers set off on their way to the top of the highest mountain only with talismans and rituals, so as not to meet the spirits of Chomolungma.

The dark side of Everest

According to the Buddhist and professional Nepalese guide Pemba Dorj, in May 2004, on his way to the top of Everest, he took with him a medallion with the image of the Dalai Lama and an amulet from a Buddhist monastery. The man climbed the peak in a record 8 hours and 10 minutes. And in the "dead zone", which is located at an altitude of 8 kilometers above sea level, he met the shadows of people who held out their hands and asked for food. The Nepalese is sure that if he did not have amulets, he would not have returned alive.

Alternative record holders

In 2016, scientists stunned the public with the message that Everest is no longer the highest point on the planet. The earth, they say, has the shape of a geoid - a figure flattened at the poles and convex at the equator. And this means that if you measure the height of a mountain from the center of the earth, then the mountain ranges located along the equator will have an a priori advantage in height. Of course, such reports caused only loud laughter among the surveyors. But - for the sake of interest - we will give below the data on the "new champions".


Height: 6384 m.
The country: Ecuador
mountain system: Andes

By measuring the height of Everest from the center of the Earth and comparing the data obtained with the height of the extinct Chimborazo volcano, scientists found that the latter “bypasses” the Tibetan giant by 4 meters. However, the fact that the peak of Chimborazo is the most distant point from the center of the Earth was found out back in 1998.

mauna kea

Height: 4205 / 10203 m.
The country: USA
mountain system: –

The Mauna Kea volcano protrudes 4.2 kilometers above the surface of the Pacific Ocean - an impressive figure. But this, as they say, is only a small part of the iceberg. Most of its base is hidden under water, and the total height of the mountain is 10203 meters. Therefore, if we take into account only the distance from the foot to the top, and not the height of the mountain above sea level, then Mauna Kea can safely be considered the highest mountain in the world.
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The names of the highest mountains in the world have different names, but at the same time they can be called briefly - Seven Peaks - this is a term that appeared in 1985 at the suggestion of Richard Bass (the man who first conquered all seven peaks) and united the seven highest peaks on each continent. This association is not equal to the ranking of the highest mountains in the world, most of which are located in Nepal. This list is made up of mountains, each of which is the highest on its continent.

The highest peak in North America is located in Alaska and is the center of the Denali National Park. The top of Mount McKinley is 6194 meters from the ground. This mountain is the third in the world in terms of topographic position, it was overtaken only by Everest and Aconcagua. And if you take into account the ratio of the base to the peak, then McKinley is the highest mountain in the world. The mountain got its name in honor of the American president, and the Indian name - Denali - means "great."

Part of the Andes and at 6,959 meters, Mount Aconcagua is considered the highest mountain in South America. The mountain is located in the Argentine province of Mendoza and is 15 km away from the border with Chile. The name of the mountain comes from the words in the language of the Quechua people "stone guard".

Europe - Mount Elbrus (Russia)

Elbrus is an inactive volcano with a height of 5642 meters, which is located in the Caucasus Mountains on the border of Russia and Georgia.

Elbrus has several other names, the most romantic of which, translated from Adyghe and Kabardino-Circassian, means "a mountain that brings happiness."

Asia - Mount Everest (Nepal/China)

The highest mountain in the world, Everest, is located exactly on the border of Nepal and China. Everest is part of the Himalayas, the highest mountain range in the world. It is here that the highest mountains in the world are located. The height of Everest is 8848 meters. Everest attracts all the climbers of the world and this is understandable. Technically, the routes of Everest are not very difficult, but problems such as altitude sickness, strong winds and disgusting weather conditions are added to them. The name Everest is English - in honor of the head of the geodetic service, who first told the European community about this peak. The mountain has the Tibetan name Chomolungma (divine mother of life) and the equivalent Nepalese Sagarmatha (mother of the gods).

The highest mountain on the African continent is an extinct volcano, the highest point of which is 5895 meters from sea level. Moreover, Kilimanjaro has three peaks, two of which are extinct, and the third may well wake up. Kilimanjaro erupted 360,000 years ago, but volcanic activity at Kibo Peak (the highest of the three) was seen 200 years ago, suggesting the volcano is potentially active. In Swahili, the name Kilimanjaro means "sparkling mountain".

The highest point of Oceania is also the highest mountain in the world, which is located on the island. Punchak Jaya is located in the west of New Guinea. Puncak Jaya, also known simply as Jaya or Karstensza Pyramid, is 4,884 meters high. The name of the mountain in Indonesian means "mountain of victory".

Antarctica - Mount Vinson

The seventh highest mountain in the world got its name in honor of Carl Vinson, an American eminent politician. Mount Vinson is part of the Ellsworth Mountains and has its highest point at a distance of 4892 meters from sea level.

Seven mountains, each of which is unique in its origin and beauty, attract climbers from all over the world. The climbers who have conquered the Seven Peaks are united in an informal community.

People have studied almost every corner of our planet, measured the highest mountains and the deepest depressions. However, nature creates amazing, unique creations, and it is impossible to measure everything with one size.

Over millions of years, the relief of the Earth has changed many times before becoming the way we see it now. Of course, many more millennia will pass, and some records will be replaced by others. But for now, we can observe the unique landscape of our planet.

This collection contains the most interesting geological records of our planet!

1 highest point

Everest, Shengmufeng, Chomolungma, Sagarmatha - all these are the names of the highest peak on the planet. Above sea level, the mountain rises to 8848 meters. Despite its impressive size, it attracts many tourists. Everest is more than 60 million years old, but the first attempts to conquer the summit began only in the 1920s. The history of its discovery is full of failures and victims - about 280 people died only according to official statistics.

2 Tallest mountain from base to peak

Of course, Everest is recognized as the highest point on Earth - taking into account sea level. However, if we take into account what is hidden under water, Chomolungma is displaced from the pedestal by the Mauna Kea volcano. Most of it is located under water, and only 4205 meters protrude above sea level. If we consider the entire height of an extinct volcano, then it will be about 10 kilometers. Mauna Kea formed in Hawaii about a million years ago during an active eruption period.

3 The highest settlement in the world

The highest points on the planet are simply unsuitable for human life. But still there is a place on Earth remote from sea level where people live. On the border with Bolivia, in the middle of the Andes, is the town of La Rinconada. About 30 thousand people live in it, although the climate at an altitude of 5100 meters is quite severe. The population is attracted by a huge supply of gold ore, for which this city was founded.

4 Farthest point from the center of the earth

But there is another peak that claims to be the highest. The Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador has been considered the highest point on Earth for several centuries, and this is partly true. From the center of the planet, its peak is the most distant. According to the latest data, this extinct volcano rises to 6384 meters. In the course of research, it was possible to find out that, if compared from the center of the planet, then Chimborazo is a couple of kilometers higher than Everest.

5 The deepest depression in the world

The sea holds many secrets, and one of them is the deepest depression in the world, created by nature. The deepest point on the planet, the Challenger Deep, is located in the Mariana Trench. The name was given to this place because of the vessel Challenger II, which first registered the point in 1951. Later it was possible to establish that the depth reaches 11,023 meters. By the way, a curious fact - director James Cameron was able to visit the Abyss alone in 2012.

6 The deepest well in the world, created by human hands

Not only nature is working on the appearance of our planet. Man also actively intervenes in the relief of the Earth, especially for the extraction of minerals. The super-deep Kola well has entered the Guinness Book of Records, the depth of which has not yet been exceeded by anyone. At the moment, this place is mothballed, but the depth is still 12,262 meters. There are wells in the world that are longer, but not deeper.

7 lowest point on land

Our planet is really amazing, because there are places on it where you stand in the middle of the sand, and the sea level shows that you are already in the sea. This place is the shore of the Dead Sea, located at a level of 417.5 meters. In fact, this point is at a depth of almost half a kilometer, but still on land. However, the Dead Sea is unique in many ways. Its water has healing properties, and a person can safely lie on its surface, reading a newspaper.

8 The deepest cave in the world

Among the caves, too, there are champions. For more than 15 years, until 2017, it was believed that the deepest cave in the world is the Krubera Cave. It is located in Abkhazia and is 2199 meters deep. However, in 2017 it was possible to establish that the cave named after Verevkin, which is also located in Abkhazia, moved 2204 meters deep.

9 The highest waterfall in the world

Separately, waterfalls can be noted in the list of the highest points in the world. These incredibly beautiful creations of nature with a flowing stream of water are even more beautiful. And the highest of them is Angel, which is located in Venezuela. Its height is 979 meters, but the free fall height is lower, 807 meters.

10 The deepest lake in the world

There are many lakes on the whole planet, but the deepest of them is Baikal. According to reports, its maximum depth is 1642 meters. However, the underwater secrets of Baikal have not yet been discovered, and the lake is constantly being studied. Its volumes are amazing - about 19% of the supply of all fresh water on the planet.

Our planet is unique and beautiful. Its relief has been formed for millions of years, and the result is impressive!