Cultural and historical monuments of the Altai region. Cultural and historical sights of the Altai region

The Altai Territory has a huge number of diverse monuments. The site presents the most significant and interesting monuments of the Altai Territory.

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    One of the Central places of Barnaul is Demidov Square, in the center of which the Demidov Pillar is located. This obelisk was erected in honor of the 100th anniversary of mining in the Altai region. Construction of the monument began in 1825 with the laying of the first stone; the completion date was 1839. The height of the obelisk is about 14 meters; it was erected from 12 granite blocks; 4 cast-iron supports lying on a pedestal were used as the base.

    0 m to city center

    In 2010, a monument to Peter I was unveiled in Biysk. It is he who is considered the founder of the city, since more than three centuries ago he issued a decree on the construction of the first outpost on this site. In the heart of the so-called merchant Biysk, namely in Garkavoy Park, the bronze horseman fits perfectly.
    With a proposal to create a monument to the founder of the city, the authorities approached several craftsmen from all over the country. As a result, the author of another Biysk monument - St. Macarius, Rostov master - Sergei Isakov, got down to business. According to the artist’s design, the emperor sits on a horse, which is mounted on a three-meter pedestal.

    0 m to city center

    In the city of Barnaul there is the only monument to the outstanding writer, director, writer and actor, Vasily Shukshin. The history of the creation of this monument is quite interesting. Nikolai Zvonkov, a man who has absolutely nothing to do with the art of sculpture, decided to make a similar monument to his fellow countryman. He is an ordinary miller, studying sculpture in the studio at the Transmash Cultural Center. Zvonkov had been nurturing this idea of ​​creating a monument for a long time. She was immediately supported by the boss and director of the plant where the self-taught sculptor worked. It took a year and a half to implement the idea.

    0 m to city center

    In Russia there are only two monuments to the leader and founder of the USSR Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, where he is depicted in a hat with earflaps, one is in Rybinsk (Yaroslavl region), the other is in Biysk. Socialist realism dictated the rules that this person had to be either without a headdress or wearing a cap. However, the Siberians decided to bring Lenin closer to culture and local color. Moreover, the leader had never been to this city during his reign. The monument to Lenin in Biysk was opened in 1983. The author of the project was Christopher Gevorkyan. The sculpture of Vladimir Ilyich, performed by master Gevorkyan, was cast in Minsk. During transportation, the figure was transported in a carriage by rail.

The Altai Republic is a beautiful and picturesque region located in Western Siberia. It has a long and difficult history. What is she famous for? What nationalities inhabit it? What historical and cultural monuments of the Altai Republic have survived to this day? Let's find out about everything in order.

Brief historical excursion

The history of Altai begins in ancient times - the first settlers settled in this territory back in the 3rd - 2nd centuries. BC. This was followed by centuries of rule by the Mongols, Turks, Tibetans and other peoples who inhabited China. Basically, these were nomads, conquerors who liked the local lands, so they founded their camps and settlements here. The map of the Altai Republic has been changed many times.

Only around the 17th century did the territory of the current Altai Republic become part of the Russian state. The transformation process took more than three hundred years, and the names of this region changed several times.

Altai on the map of Russia

Looking at the borders of the republic on the map, you can understand that the neighboring countries are Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China, and in the inner part there is the autonomy of Khakassia, Tyva, the Kemerovo region and the Altai Territory. For many centuries, Altai experienced territorial changes, and only in 1992 the territory acquired permanence.

The abundance of neighbors explains the multinationality of this region and a huge layer of diverse cultural heritage. These places are of interest to both archaeologists and connoisseurs of high art. The map of the Altai Republic is rich. Clean air and magnificent scenery make these places ideal for ecotourism.

A look through the centuries: the historical transformation of Altai

The history of the republic dates back several thousand years. During this period, many cultures and nationalities inhabited the territory of the modern republic. There are a large number of archaeological monuments of antiquity left here, which are still of interest to both archaeologists and lovers of antiquity. Altai is an inexhaustible source for research. history and culture of the Altai Republic - mounds, caves, burial grounds, “stone women”, rock writings - and now attract the attention of numerous scientists.

For example, rock writings that can be seen on rocks, stones, sculptures of sanctuaries, inscriptions, or as scientists correctly call them - petroglyphs, are a symbiosis of letters and drawings similar to Chinese characters - all this wealth attracts tourists from all over the world.

Looking at the cultural monuments of the Altai Republic, pictures from the past appear before your eyes. The study and deciphering of these ancient messages provide insight into the life of people in ancient times, their beliefs, conquests and other events. Excavations of settlements in Altai provide the opportunity to observe many important finds that reflect the life and culture of different historical eras. Currently, archaeological research and scientific expeditions continue on the territory of the republic.

Formation of the republic

Among the Altai Republic there are many familiar, familiar monuments to eminent personalities: V.I. Lenin, A.S. Pushkin, as well as the tragic events that the Soviet people experienced: memorials and obelisks to the heroic soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, soldiers of Afghanistan, victims of repression and Holodomor.

The largest part of the attractions belongs to tracts, mounds, burial grounds and caves, the number of which is impossible to count. These monuments receive traditional names, which depend on the location or the name of the archaeologist who found the monument.

Let's consider the most famous monuments and attractions of the Altai Territory: p. Barangol, Vaskin Log tract, Biryulinskoye settlement, Urlu-Aspak village, coast of the Kutash river, Kyzyk-Ozek village, Maima village, Manzherok village, right bank of the Ulalushki river, Urlu-Aspak village, Chultukov village and others. This list is constantly updated and expanded, since the lands of Altai store in their depths an endless number of ancient relics.

Cultural monuments of Altai

When studying the past of the Altai Republic, a connection is traced between historical events and the appearance of monuments. The culture of the Altai people was formed and developed under the influence of other civilizations and nationalities that inhabited the territory of the republic in different periods of time, and the states that included Altai. Most of these monuments are not only historical and cultural monuments of the Altai Republic, they are monuments of national and international significance. For example, there are numerous statues called stone women.

General concept of stone women

Stone women represent a valuable cultural heritage that has been preserved and has an ancient history. There are more than 250 such statues in the Altai Republic. Stone sculptures are a magnificent and unprecedented art for modern man. Stone blocks are silhouettes of human bodies of different shapes and sizes. On average, their height ranges from 1.5 m to 4 m. Stone women are located in groups in different territories, tracts and villages. Their origin is associated with what is happening on the territory of the republic.

The similarity of the sculptures can be seen in the nature of the depiction of human facial features. At the same time, other features inherent in the human body are poorly visible - arms, torso and legs. Women are a relative concept; in fact, they are men - strong and brave warriors. These monuments left a big mark on the history of mankind and the culture of the Altai Republic.

Gorno-Altaisk - the capital of the Altai Republic

One of the main attractions of the Altai Republic is its capital, Gorno-Altaisk. Due to historical events, this is the only city in the Altai Republic. Gorno-Altaisk is a fairly young city, which appeared less than a hundred years ago. The appearance of the capital of the Altai Territory is tied to 1928; during its short history, Gorno-Altaisk was renamed in 1948 to Oirot-Tura. The status of the capital of the Altai Republic was assigned to Gorno-Altaisk in 1992.

Sights and monuments of Gorno-Altaisk

Gorno-Altaisk is a small city that is distinguished by a number of attractions. This is a large number of monuments, a square of stones, the Palace of Justice, the square named after. Lenin, an ancient fountain, Victory Park and the National Museum. At the National Museum. A.V. Anokhin presents more than 50,000 exhibits of archaeological, ethnological, paleontological and other finds; it stores finds and relics of world scale, for example, the mummy of Princess Ukoka. The cultural landmark of Gorno-Altaisk is the Temple of Macarius of Altai and the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Every year the city grows and develops, the population increases and the territory expands. But it cannot be called a cramped and noisy metropolis, despite the fact that Gorno-Altaisk is, in fact, the only scientific, cultural and industrially developed center of the republic.

Gorny Altai: history and features

Gorny Altai deserves special attention. This is what the Altai Republic itself was previously called, but now this name refers to the part of the Altai Mountains that is located on the territory of the republic. This area is truly picturesque. The mountainous terrain - massifs, intermountain plateaus, winding rivers - contains historical monuments of the republic called golden, information about them can even be found in the UNESCO cultural heritage list. Within the mountain range there are also places of worship and archaeological monuments of Altai, for example, the Ak-Alah burial mound, located on the Ukok plateau.

Another attraction of the Altai region, which has more than 155 archaeological monuments belonging to different time periods. The value of these sites is very important to scientists, due to the fact that archaeological finds were stored in stunning conditions of cold and ice. The frozen state made it possible to preserve many valuable reminders, even substances of organic origin: food, mummies and bodies of people, their hair, nails. And now, using knowledge in the field of genetics, scientists are deciphering the picture of the life and everyday life of ancient people.

Tourism in Altai

Undoubtedly, the historical and cultural monuments of the Altai Republic attract the attention of a large number of people. First of all, these are people closely associated with the sciences - history, archeology, paleontology, ethnography, as well as specialists - experts in religion, culture, and military affairs. The territory of the Altai Republic is captivating with its magnificent nature: mountain air, clean rivers and lakes, plains rich in vegetation.

Due to the underdevelopment of the industrial sector, the natural beauty remains untouched and pristine. Therefore, people tired of city noise, bustle, soot and smog from factories and cars come to this region. They come to admire the beauty of nature, see cults and ancient monuments, touch the relics of history, and recharge themselves with energy and inspiration. And tourism, in turn, gives development to the Altai Republic itself. Currently, many tourist centers have been built here, providing a varied range of services. Among them are excursions to historical places, an overview of interesting and significant archaeological finds: ancient sites, burials, burial grounds. Also popular are visits to the Bolshoi Chulchinsky Waterfall, Lake Teletskoye, and the Edelweiss Valley.

The value of the Altai Republic

The Altai Republic on the map of Russia is a unique place. The land here is not covered with railways and endless pipelines. There are no mineral mines, gold or diamond deposits here. There are no oil and gas wells. But there is something that other localities and regions sorely lack - fabulous nature, unsurpassed landscape, terrain, historical and cultural monuments and attractions. Monuments of history and archeology on the territory of the Altai Republic are of world significance. Therefore, many of them are included in the list of objects protected by the state.

It is impossible to tell about all the charms and attractions of Altai. It is also difficult to convey in words how beautiful Altai appears to its visitors. Anyone who visits the republic will not remain indifferent to the unprecedented beauty, picturesque terrain and pictures of the antiquity of this region.

Altai region

Officially. Altai Territory is located in the southeast of Western Siberia, 3419 km from Moscow. Territory 168,000 square km.

Informally. The Altai region is very large and diverse. The topography changes as you move through the area. He seems to be a growing bear, at first quiet and calm, then huge and majestic. This is how steppes and plains grow into foothills and mountains.

Officially. The climate is temperate continental, formed as a result of frequent changes in air masses.

Unofficially. The four seasons have many variations, and come back each year to see a different perspective. You can come in the hot summer, or you can come in the cool and rainy weather. Give me variety! - this is the main rule of Altai weather.

Summer and Altai Mountains

Officially: The Altai Mountains are a complex system of the highest ridges in Siberia, which are separated by deep valleys of mountain rivers and vast basins located inside the mountains.

Informally: The nature of Altai is amazing. Tourists from all over the globe rush to these places to enjoy the beautiful views of high mountains, mountain rivers, mysterious caves and deserted spaces. Immerse yourself in the tranquility and beauty of these places.

The settlement of the Altai Territory has begun
in the 18th century

Young Russia needed metal to produce weapons and coins. The Ural factory owner Akinfiy Demidov founded the first metallurgical plant in 1729 - Kolyvano-Voskresensky. The depths of Altai were also rich in silver. In 1744, Demidov began producing silver. The result of Akinfiy Demidov’s activities in the Altai region was the establishment of a feudal mining industry based on the serf labor of assigned peasants and artisans.

Event tourism in the Altai region

The creation and development of bright, interesting events in the business, cultural, and sports life of the Altai Territory has become the basis for the development of event tourism in the region. The region annually hosts more than a dozen festivals, forums, and holidays that can attract thousands of tourists from various regions of Russia and from abroad. These are the International Tourism Forum “VISIT ALTAI”, the festival “Blossoming of the Maralnik”, the drinks festival “Altaifest”, the Day of Russia at the “Turquoise Katun”, the festival “Shukshin Days in Altai”, the International Youth Forum of the Asia-Pacific Region, the SCO Forum, the Siberian International Forum on Health and medical tourism, the Altai Wintering holiday and many others.

beauty and health

Officially. The useful flora of the region has 1184 plant species. The largest group of drugs, including about 100 types widely used in official medicine.

Informally. Decoction, herbal teas, berry fruit drinks - this is what everyone who comes to the Altai Territory should try. Spas, health and wellness centers use products made from Altai herbs.

Altai Attractions

Interesting places in the Altai Territory annually attract tourists from all over Russia. Mountainous terrain, crystal clear and fresh air - here it is a pleasure not only to enjoy the beauty of nature, but also to undergo a course of treatment. Springs with fresh and salt water, silt mud, herbal medicine - it is not possible to list all the benefits. Health paths that pass through the taiga forest, highlands and lowlands will help you improve your health. You will definitely be impressed sights of the Altai region, a couple of which we’ll talk about below.
Route for the day
Start traveling from the lowlands to the highs. First, take a boat ride on White, Yarovoye or Mokhovoye lakes. Visit the Tigirek Nature Reserve and Denisova Cave. In the first, the population of rare species of animals, birds and plants is preserved. The second is a large-scale cavity in Western Siberia. The last thing to do is climb Mount Tserkovka, Semipeschernaya or Charming. Watching the sunset at a bird's eye view is true happiness!

Tigireksky Nature Reserve - spreads over 41,500 hectares in the southwestern part of the Altai Territory. Has state status. The reserve consists of three sections: Tigireksky, Beloretsky and Khankharinsky.

Another amazing natural attraction of the Altai region is Ikonniv Island, the place where two rivers merge: Biya and Katun.

Altai has a rich history, the most famous monuments of which are collected in the Barnaul Museum of Local Lore. Its collections contain unique ethnographic material, cultural objects, and paintings.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Altai People's University, the registration and requisition commission under the revolutionary committee of the city and the Zemstvo Administration of Biysk collected unique collections of exhibits.

The Tsar's Mound - sometimes the mound is also called Sentelek or Charysh, but for archaeologists it is Tsar's - both in size and in finds.

Information about the Rock has been preserved in the local archive, which indicates that the Four Brothers were already known in the 19th century. The rock is located very close to the city - at a distance of about four kilometers, at the junction of the Belokurikha River and the Bear Creek.

The official date of creation of the Museum of Fine and Applied Arts is considered to be February 6, 1959. Assistance in the creation of museum funds was provided by employees of the Tretyakov Gallery, the Hermitage, the Historical Museum, and local museums of the Altai Territory.

In 1992, a big fan of the history of Altai, Yu. Nikishin realized his old dream and, together with the staff of the local history museum named after V.V. Bianchi created the Chuysky Tract Museum. This is where the famous Chuysky tract begins!

Denisov Cave - the cave is located in the valley of the Anuy River, Altai Territory. Nearby (approximately 4 kilometers) is the village of Black Anui

Although the cascade on Shinka is not often seen on tourist maps, this natural site is considered the largest in the area. The Shinok River itself is a tributary of the Anui River, its length is 15 kilometers.

The cave was found by local residents in the early 60s of the twentieth century. Later, scientists from Tomsk University began research. Speleologists carried out a topographical survey of the discovered cave and built a 35-meter manhole ahead of the entrance to the cavity.

The Charysh caves are located on the territory of the Tigirek Nature Reserve, not far from the village of Tigirek in the Krasnoshchekovsky district of the Altai Mountains. Their fame was brought to them by the fossilized remains of ancient animals found here, as well as traces of the life activity of primitive

Sights of Altai

Altai region

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Mount Piket and the monument to Shukshin

Assumption Cathedral in Biysk

Monument to Roerich

Monument to Peter I in Biysk


Altai is a subject of the Russian Federation, a republic within it. The Altai Republic is part of the Russian Federation, but at the same time borders on Kazakhstan and Mongolia. It is not considered a tourist destination or a popular place to visit in Russia, like seaside resorts, for example. But this is a magnificent place, consisting of magnificent mountain ranges and flowering fields. If you see the wildlife of Altai, you will never forget it and will simply fall in love. The number of mountain ranges is impressive; Belukha, the highest mountain in Siberia (4509 meters), is located on its territory.

Moreover, their contrast with the huge river valleys is impressive. The climate change in the Altai region looks especially colorful; in the landscape of mountains and rivers you can see not only the colorful and bright summer season, when everything around blooms and shimmers. But also to experience severe cold and harsh winter. But at any time, Gorny Altai impresses with its picturesque splendor. Of course, Western Siberia is famous not only for its beauty, but also for its culture. This beautiful area is filled with monuments and memories of its own culture, whose history you will certainly enjoy learning about, especially through historical artifacts. It has a past full of mysteries, which are not so easy to solve, but very interesting to study.

The first settlements appeared in Altai back in the 2nd-3rd centuries. BC. In ancient times, the Mongols reigned there, and then other peoples of China and Central Asia, and the original peoples of Altai are considered to be the Mongols, Turks and Tibetans, who settled there as nomads and later formed settlements there. Thus, the nomadism and diversity of color of the neighbors of this region make this territory interesting for archaeology.

Historical and cultural monuments of Altai

Stone women

One of the most memorable finds is the creations of the Altai peoples depicting warriors. The strangest thing is that they eventually acquired such a name. And when heard, it is misleading, because it concerns the depiction of warriors and men. More than 200 such stone blocks were found in the Altai region, and some were transported to the central cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. They date back to the 8th-9th century AD. Not one image is like the other, so to speak, they are all made in a different style, although they represent the same thing. This is a large stone, sometimes made to resemble a person's silhouette with the image of a man or his face. Usually each of them has a straight, wide-eyed look. Everyone has some kind of distinctive sign that shows their status.

In the lowered hand there is usually a saber or a dagger, possibly on the belt. They are dressed in warrior robes and hold a bowl or goblet of drink in their hand. It is believed that this cup in the hand is a symbol of the participation of the soul in the burial. These stone sculptures attract with some kind of magical aura, reminiscent of something distant and sacred. They only resemble people from a distance; they serve rather as a description of them. The height of the statues varies from 1.5 m to 4 m. Sometimes they are located in groups near some ancient villages. They belong to the same time and are associated with a historical event. They are closely connected with the history of Altai and are considered its heritage. These amazing stone blocks are the image of strong and brave men who once lived like this.

This is a subject of discussion among archaeologists. This is also considered the property of Altai and represents a large number of stone blocks installed close to each other. There are several versions of the explanation for this phenomenon, or rather, their purpose. After all, this is a question of why someone once installed a large number of stones in one place away from the village, they must have some meaning. Their role in the funeral ritual is generally accepted, but it is the meaning of this arrangement that is important. These are definitely not the tombstones of the dead, because not a single bone was found near the burial. But at that time the corpses were burned. However, looking at the history and legends about these lands, some believe that it is directly related to tales of wars.

In ancient stories, it is said that when some glorious warrior or commander died, as many stones were placed next to his burial as the number of enemies he killed. True, even for that period it is very difficult to imagine that a person killed about a hundred people. And they are usually found in large quantities. Therefore, this is more of a legend, albeit interesting, but dubious. In another version, these funeral stones are also considered a kind of cemetery; they said that soldiers and stones were buried there - this is a sign of recognition of the one who came to honor him. But, on the other hand, they could bury women and children, and then the stones would also be respected by the people who came to see off their soul.

In another version, they put forward the theory that these are not just stones, but hitching posts that nomadic peoples usually placed near their houses towards the east. And it is possible that when the burial ceremony took place, people brought hitching posts to this place, as a sign of respect or as a stay there. Perhaps they had a deeper meaning as a sign of attention to the human soul, so that he could know that this person remembers him. Therefore, such places in Balbala are still a controversial cultural monument. Everyone agrees that they have a ritual significance, but what remains to be seen. While they are impressive with their multiplicity and location among the rocks, they resemble a kind of cemetery, and on these stones you can even find inscriptions, like some kind of messages to the deceased.

Denisova Cave

Altai is full of mountains and ranges, very amazing in their beauty. And of course there are a lot of different caves there. But these names contain not only the spirit of the people, but also historical significance. The cave itself is called “Bear Stone” among the people, because according to legend, a dark Shaman used to live there, who terrorized neighboring settlements and forced them to pay him. He himself could turn into a huge bear and sculpt a boulder that rolled into the villages, and where his road lay, then it always rained and spoiled the crops. Only the highest deity, to whom the locals prayed, could defeat him.

He destroyed the shaman and pushed the thunderous boulder deep into the cave. Now there are many archaeologists there, and neighboring settlements scold them for this. After all, they believe that if they break off even a piece from the stone, the rain will fall on their houses again. But they are unlikely to leave this place alone, because it was this cave that became the source of the cultural find. Namely, it was found in it that confirmation was found that in this part of the continent, people began to settle not from the 1st century. AD, but already from 2-3, and this had more influence.

Of course, the question then arises, why is it called Deonisova? It acquired this name due to the fact that he lived there for some time in the 18th century. hermit Dionysius. For the Old Believers who lived there, he was a shepherd. Believers came to his cave for blessings and advice. That’s why the cave is now marked that way.

Ukok princess

This unexpected and amazing find fell into the hands of researchers of a mound on the Ukok plateau. In 1993, she found the burial of a man with two knives and a couple of horses, which was quite expected for this place. But then something truly amazing was discovered under this burial. They discovered an entire burial room, with the body of a young woman encased in ice, who is now called the Ukok Princess. The room was decorated with various skins, and 6 horses were also buried there, which speaks of its status, because only the royal family could have owned so many horses.

Altai region

Altai region. Attractions

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A simple and convenient catalog of the most interesting attractions of the Altai Territory that you can visit at this resort.

The Altai Territory guide includes bars, restaurants, entertainment centers and other interesting places in the resort. Attractions profiles contain tourist reviews, photos and other useful information on interesting places in the Altai Territory.

For some of the places you can find excursions, news and special promotions, as well as a list of tickets that can be bought online.

Monuments (71)

German settlers erected an obelisk in memory of the reformer after his death, perhaps the first in Russia.

The vase on the column at the entrance to the village of Kolyvan was installed in honor of the Altai stone carvers.

Wooden characters from Vasily Makarovich's books were carved in Srostki by craftsmen from all over the country.

Officially. Altai Territory is located in the southeast of Western Siberia, 3419 km from Moscow. Territory 168,000 square km.

Informally. The Altai region is very large and diverse. The topography changes as you move through the area. He seems to be a growing bear, at first quiet and calm, then huge and majestic. This is how steppes and plains grow into foothills and mountains.

Officially. The climate is temperate continental, formed as a result of frequent changes in air masses.

Unofficially. The four seasons have many variations, and come back each year to see a different perspective. You can come in the hot summer, or you can come in the cool and rainy weather. Give me variety! - this is the main rule of Altai weather.

Officially: The Altai Mountains are a complex system of the highest ridges in Siberia, which are separated by deep valleys of mountain rivers and vast basins located inside the mountains.

Young Russia needed metal to produce weapons and coins. The Ural factory owner Akinfiy Demidov founded the first metallurgical plant in 1729 - Kolyvano-Voskresensky. The depths of Altai were also rich in silver. In 1744, Demidov began producing silver. The result of Akinfiy Demidov’s activities in the Altai region was the establishment of a feudal mining industry based on the serf labor of assigned peasants and artisans.

The creation and development of bright, interesting events in the business, cultural, and sports life of the Altai Territory has become the basis for the development of event tourism in the region. The region annually hosts more than a dozen festivals, forums, and holidays that can attract thousands of tourists from various regions of Russia and from abroad. These are the International Tourism Forum “VISIT ALTAI”, the festival “Blossoming of the Maralnik”, the drinks festival “Altaifest”, the Day of Russia at the “Turquoise Katun”, the festival “Shukshin Days in Altai”, the International Youth Forum of the Asia-Pacific Region, the SCO Forum, the Siberian International Forum on Health and medical tourism, the Altai Wintering holiday and many others.

Officially. The useful flora of the region has 1184 plant species. The largest group of drugs, including about 100 types widely used in official medicine.

Informally. Decoction, herbal teas, berry fruit drinks - this is what everyone who comes to the Altai Territory should try. Spas, health and wellness centers use products made from Altai herbs.

Sights of the Altai Territory: description of what to see

The Altai region is rich in natural beauty. Every year crowds of tourists flock to these regions. Mountains, air, clean rivers and lakes are real wealth. Many come here to improve their health surrounded by picturesque nature. Herbal medicine, bathing in fresh and salty springs, routes through taiga forests and highlands - these are only part of the wellness activities that this region can offer its guests.

Mysterious Altai

The sights of the Altai Territory can be divided into several categories. The first and main ones consist of natural monuments, the second includes cultural institutions, the third consists of architectural monuments. The main ones of all categories will be presented in this article.

Excursions around the Altai Territory most often begin with trips to the lakes. You can visit White or Moss Lake. Many tourists recommend visiting the Tigirinsky Nature Reserve and looking into the Denisova Cave. After exploring the lowlands, you can climb to the tops of the majestic mountains: Charming, Tserkovka or Semipeschernaya. Watching the sunset on a mountain peak is a special pleasure. The natural monuments of the Altai Territory are numerous. Within the scope of this article, only a few of them can be described.

Ikonnikov Island

The rivers of the Altai Territory are of particular interest to tourists. Some of them are located near historical and cultural monuments, which generally creates a single excursion complex. One of such complexes is Ikonnikov Island. It is located at the confluence of the Biya and Katun - the main waterways of the Altai Territory. This attraction is popular not only among tourists, but also among local residents.

Blue Lakes

The natural attractions of the Altai Territory are represented by various reservoirs that have an unusual origin. The Blue Lakes, for example, were formed more than 25 thousand years ago. They are located on the left bank of the Katun River, 4 km from the village of Askat. The lakes got their name due to the shade of the water. In sunny weather it is an incredibly beautiful azure color. There is a belief among local residents that this water can treat eye diseases. But this landmark of the Altai region can not always be seen. When the Katun floods, the lakes disappear, then appear again when the water recedes.

In winter the lakes do not freeze. Even when it is very cold, the water temperature does not drop below 9 degrees. The fact is that there are springs at the bottom, but not hot, but icy. Lakes do not freeze because the number and power of beating underwater springs is incredibly large. Blue lakes can only be seen in winter or autumn. The rest of the time they are hidden by the muddy waters of the Katun. Among the attractions of the Altai Territory, holy monasteries are also distinguished.

Temple on the island of Patmos

Near the village of Chemal, on the island of Patmos, there is a small church. The temple is a copy of the ancient monastery of St. John the Theologian. This is the first Orthodox church in Chemal with an unusual history. The island itself is also of interest. Patmos means “holy place.” There are legends and tales about him. According to the most famous legend, John saw two temples floating above the surface of the water: one above the Mediterranean Sea, and the other at the opposite end of the earth. Interestingly, both islands are called Patmos.

Miracles are constantly happening in this amazing place. One of them is the self-renewal of the ancient icon of the Mother of God. She was brought to the temple in terrible condition, her face was practically invisible. The monks wanted to restore it, but for now they placed the icon in the monastery. And she began to recover on her own. The face acquired clear features, colors began to appear. It seemed that someone was re-painting the icon. There is another amazing shrine in the temple - the icon “Lord Almighty”. Temple servants regularly notice droplets of moisture on the image. The priests say that this icon is also capable of hearing. People turn to the image with their requests.

In the temple there is another miracle created by hands - beats. These are the ancestors of church bells. When they are hit, the entire village is enveloped in unearthly sound vibrations. Tourists love this place very much. It can be reached via a suspension bridge over the seething Katunya. The transition itself already causes a storm of emotions.

The natural attractions of the Altai Territory amaze with their beauty, but it is not always possible to see them. If you come on vacation with children, then a trip to the zoo should be preferred over excursions to lakes or a nature reserve.

To visit our smaller brothers

The Barnaul Zoo is a real attraction of the city. Here you can look not only at rare animals, but also take part in various events that the administration organizes for children and adults. The territory of the Barnaul Zoo itself is decorated in a very original way. Tiled paths, comfortable benches, flower beds, figurines of fairy-tale characters - all this creates an atmosphere of comfort and safety.

The zoo administration pays a lot of attention to educational activities. Biology and zoology classes are held on site. You can also attend educational excursions and take part in a quiz with prizes.

Barnaul is a city not only with picturesque nature, but also with unusual architectural structures.

House under the spire in Barnaul

This building is symbolic for the city. It was built during the time of Stalin. But at the same time, the building is a modern landmark. The house was finally completed in 1956, but construction work began much earlier. The building is designed in the style of classicism. Since its opening, there has been a grocery store on the ground floor, which immediately gained popularity. But not everyone could live in the building. Preference was given to military personnel, scientists, honorary citizens, war veterans and party members. Descendants of the first residents still live in some apartments.

The spire attracts attention to this building. Together with it, the height of the building is 46 m. ​​In Barnaul, this building was considered the tallest for a long time. There was a clock on the tower with a spire that showed the most accurate time. Today the mechanism requires repair, which requires serious investments. Another distinctive feature of the building is the weather vane, which is also not operational today. Replacing it costs about a million rubles. The city administration is not abandoning attempts to raise funds, but so far this has not brought any results. The façade of the house is regularly restored, and the courtyard area is thoroughly cleaned. This landmark is depicted on all prospectuses and postcards of Barnaul.

Cultural program

Art connoisseurs will appreciate the theaters of the Altai Territory. Most of them are located in Barnaul. The Altai Theater of Children and Youth received flattering reviews. Many argue that in its repertoire it surpasses even the Barnaul Regional Drama Theater. Classic works are staged here. For many years now, the Drama Theater in the city of Biysk has been delighting with wonderful productions. Barnaul also has a puppet theater.

Altai Territory is a great place for a varied holiday. Here you can enjoy the picturesque nature, visit interesting establishments, admire cultural monuments, become spiritually enriched and even touch the beautiful.

All sights of Altai (109)

Sights of Altai presented on this page in the form of a rating based on tourist reviews. So what is interesting to see in Altai? Below, all the attractions of Altai are collected in one summary table: each attraction is equipped with a large photo, a detailed description, address and telephone number, marked on the map, and any tourist can leave a review for it.

Altai region

  • popularity
  • popularity
  • name
  • name
  • All attractions (109)
  • Architecture: buildings and structures (8)
  • Temples and monasteries (10)
  • Museums, exhibitions and galleries (23)
  • Observation platforms (0)
  • Monuments and Monuments (10)
  • Historical districts, streets, squares (2)
  • Natural sites, gardens and parks (42)
  • Amusement parks, water parks (5)
  • Zoos, aquariums (2)
  • Theatres, cinemas, circuses and stadiums (0)
  • Festivals and holidays (1)
  • Markets, shopping, shops (0)
  • Memorials and cemeteries (1)
  • Technological attractions (5)
  • Educational and scientific institutions (0)
  • Tourist Information Centers (0)

Mount Piket and the monument to Shukshin

Assumption Cathedral in Biysk

Monument to the Migrants to Altai

Monument at the landing site of Tereshkova

Chairlift to Mount Tserkovka

Gambling zone "Siberian Coin"

Monument to Roerich

Reserve "Cascade of waterfalls on the Shinok River"

Archaeological Park "Crossroads of Worlds"

Monument to Peter I in Biysk

The sights of the Altai region are wonderful virgin nature: magnificent lakes, interesting caves and rocks, as well as ancient mounds and rock paintings of primitive man.

Thus, we recommend tourists to visit Lake Aya, which is fed by underground springs. Interestingly, you can swim in this lake in the summer season - the water here is quite warm during this period.

Other interesting landmark of Altai- rock Four Brothers. This natural monument is under state protection. This rock is 10 meters high. Several beautiful legends are associated with it.

The sights of Barnaul are also interesting, for example, some historical buildings, the Regional History and Art Museums, as well as the Museum of the History of Literature, Culture and Art.

The architectural sights of Biysk are also interesting, such as mansions in the Art Nouveau style, as well as eclectic buildings. By the way, it is in Biysk that tourist routes to Belokurikha, to Lake Teletskoye, begin. Be sure to visit the Vitaly Bianki Museum, as well as the Biysk Museum of Local Lore.

In addition to the above, travelers will be interested in visiting such Altai attractions as the Charysh caves, where archaeologists discovered the remains of ancient animals that became extinct many years ago. These historical animals are mammoths and bison, woolly rhinoceroses and cave wild hyenas. Here you can see the remains of animals that can no longer be found in the Altai region today, for example, the bones of a fossil deer. There are other interesting caves in Altai, where tourists can go either independently or as part of an organized tour.

The interesting natural attractions of Altai also include the Tsarsky Kurgan, a unique archaeological complex on the Sentelek River, built in the 5th century BC. In this amazing territory, tourists will find 19 steles (4.5 meters) reaching into the sky, a circumference ring made of slabs, as well as an internal mound ring. This is the largest memorial complex in Altai.

Presentation on the topic “Attractions of the Altai Territory”

“creative work with children from 3 to 10 years old”

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

Sights of the Altai region. Compiled by: Natalya Aleksandrovna Maslova, primary school teacher, Belokurikha, Altai Territory

Mount Charming. Altai Territory, Kurinsky District, Kolyvan Village Russia, Western Siberia, Altai, Altai Territory Located 5 km from the village of Kolyvan to the northeast and 6 km from the village named after. March 8. At the top of Mount Charming there is a grotto resembling the head of a fish, animal or bird with an open mouth (beak) and even an eye. The resemblance to a living creature is even more enhanced if you look into the grotto from the top platform of the rock. From there you can see a wide-open mouth with smooth inner walls, turning into a dark “pharynx” and then into the “larynx” - a thin crevice between stone layers.

At the top of Mount Charming there are no other water sources except the lake in the southern part on the slope of the mountain. The lake is shallow, with clear water, brownish-red in color, slightly swampy, with a rocky bottom and a small layer of silt. The lake has the shape of an irregular oval with a southern shore overgrown with birches. In the south-eastern part of the shore there is a convenient approach to the water with “steps”. Next to the water, on a flattened rocky outcrop, there is a shallow hole - a hole. Perhaps the edges of the hole were corrected in ancient times, and it was used in rituals. The very name of the mountain – “Charming” – comes from the word “enchantment”. It is believed that sacrifices were made on the shore of the lake to the spirits of the “lower world” - water and earth.

Belokurikha healing springs. They are located in the city of Belokurikha, Smolensk district, Altai Territory. The Belokurikha deposit of thermal radon waters is located within a fault located at the junction of the West Siberian Plain and the Altai-Sayan mountainous country in the valley of the Bolshaya Belokurikha River at an altitude of 250 m above sea level. The springs have been known since 1866. The healing properties of hot springs were experienced by local residents of Gudkov and Kazantsev in the middle of the century before last. The researcher of Siberia S.I. paid a lot of attention to the sources. Gulyaev. In 1867, the first patients arrived “for the keys.” The Belokurikha resort dates back to this year, and S.I. Gulyaev is deservedly considered its founder.

Belokurikha radon springs are one of the amazing natural phenomena. The deposit is small in area - about a square kilometer; in cross-section it resembles a giant multi-layer granite bowl or a stack of plates placed one on top of the other, the space between which is filled with water. Passing through labyrinths and aquifers, heated and enriched with trace elements and radon, the water is directed towards the slope of the giant bowl, where it emerges to the surface in numerous hot springs. They are unique in their medicinal and chemical properties. Radon waters have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-allergic effects, have a unique ability to reduce cholesterol in the body, and even prevent aging.

Mount Seven Caves. It is located in the Krasnoshchekovsky district, 5 km downstream of the Ini River from the village of Tigirek, on the left bank. Of great interest is the picturesque Mount Semipeschernaya or Seven Brothers. This is a cliff made of limestone, rising 150 m above the river. Grotto caves of different sizes and shapes have their own names. None of the caves are like the other. Two of them, in particular, are of particular interest - String and Gloomy.

The Struna Cave is a through, steeply inclined tunnel, the lower exit of which is located at the very edge of the water, and the upper one is 40 m higher and has the appearance of a sinkhole, the length of the cave is 75 m. Gloomy Cave. The length of the cave is 76 m, the amplitude is 5 m. From the spacious, south-facing entrance there is a narrowing gallery leading in the north direction, ending with a ledge into a grotto with a flat and bowl-shaped floor. The Gloomy Cave is interesting as an archaeological site.

The mountain is located 56 km from the regional center of Kurya, 8 km east of the village of Kolyvan and 2 km from the village of 8 March. This is the highest mountain of the Kolyvan ridge, it is located at the northern end of the ridge. Its height is 1210 m above sea level. The mountain got its name not by chance: from a distance, the fir forest covering the slopes of the mountain really appears blue.

The top of the mountain is represented by rocks, devoid of any vegetation due to weak rocky soil, on which young trees do not take root well. The mountain is dominated by round, dome-shaped shapes, and rocky outcrops are common. A beautiful panorama opens from the top of the mountain. Through the efforts of water and winds, the most unexpected and interesting forms of relief have been created on Sinyukha: sometimes these are arches, sometimes columns, sometimes fantastic animals. The slopes of the mountain are occupied by a fir forest; the flora of Mount Sinyukha includes 541 species of higher vascular plants, 18 of which are included in the Red Book of the Altai Territory. Mount Sinyukha has long been considered a place of pilgrimage. On the top and slopes of the mountain there are several natural granite bowls filled with what many believe to be holy water.

Rock Tserkovka Altai Territory, Belokurikha It has a height of 794 m, is located 4 km southwest of Belokurikha and is a cone-shaped mountain covered with forest with several rocky outcrops. Mount Tserkovka has long become a local landmark of the resort town of Belokurikha. At the top of Tserkovka there is a wonderful view of the Biysk Plain approaching the mountains, the city of Belokurikha, the resort area with sanatoriums and the undulating ridges of the Cherginsky Range. Rock Church is impossible to confuse. She stands on the edge of a steep descent from the ridge of the mountain. The rock is formed by large weathered blocks - outlier rocks. And it narrows from the base to the top. The top of the rock is an onion-shaped block, similar to a church dome, with a cross installed on it. This probably explains the name of the mountain. In past centuries, a sacred tree of the Altai people grew and a chapel stood on the eastern side of the rock. Birds are usually fed near the Tserkovka rock. The birds are so accustomed to people that they sit directly on the hand of those feeding them.

Mountains Big and Small Monastery.

Mountain Small Monastery, rising 70 m above the level of the valley. At the top of the mountain there is a stone gate, and on the southwestern slope there are about a dozen small karst caves from 2 to 15 m long, as well as a karst arch. In the second grotto of the cave there is a small lake with healing water. The Big and Small Monastery mountains are located in the valley of the Charysh River, near the village of Ust-Pustynka, Krasnoshchekovsky district of the Altai Territory. These are rocks “made” by nature from white marble limestone; they contain numerous grotto caves, towers, and arches. There are 18 caves alone. Rocks, shaped like the building of ancient monasteries, sparkling in the sun with white, gray, blue and pink limestone. The pastel palette gives the Big and Small Monasteries a particularly romantic look.

The cave is located in the middle reaches of the Anui River, 50 km upstream from the village of Soloneshnoye, 4 km from the village of Topolnoye. The wide entrance to the cave opens right into the mountainside, a few meters above the road. “Denisova Cave” is a unique archaeological and natural monument. Since 1982, archaeological research has been carried out here; more than 20 cultural layers have already been discovered, characterizing the main stages of ancient history - from the early Paleolithic to the Middle Ages. Many finds are kept in museums in the Altai region and Siberia.

The Denisova Cave monument was formed 800 thousand years ago. The water gradually washed away the rock, forming a cavity with two internal dead-end galleries and three external openings (the upper, central entrance and the right cavity). Thanks to the upper opening, the central, vast and convenient part of the grotto was illuminated; in addition, it provided excellent smoke draft. The grotto has always been a good natural refuge for humans and animals.

Rural tourism in Altai

There are many known objects in our region that may be of interest to tourists. Resources for the development of rural tourism in the region are very diverse:

  • the long history of the formation of the agricultural sector of the regional economy has led to a variety of farming systems, the formation of remarkable personnel of rural labor, many truly outstanding masters of agricultural production, whose names are known throughout the country;
  • the presence of facilities at the national level, indicating the high potential of the region’s farmers. These are irrigation systems, state forest belts, main canals, powerful elevators and much more, each of which can become the object of an excursion for tourists;
  • ethnic features of land management, represented in the farms of Russians, Germans, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, etc.;
  • close connection between agricultural production and industrial facilities;
  • a formed system of suburban farms;
  • natural objects;
  • various landscapes of the region’s natural zones, which make it possible to organize ecological routes in the vicinity of the villages in which economic entities are located, etc.

Tourists visiting rural areas first of all want to get acquainted with local natural attractions. Among them are: steppe lakes, pine forests, birch groves of the forest-steppe strip of the region, the banks of the main rivers, interesting peaks and much more. A significant part of them are legally classified as specially protected natural areas. These are nature reserves located in mountain (“Bashchelaksky”, “Mikhailovsky”, “Charyshsky”), steppe (“Blagoveshchensky”, “Urzhumsky”), forest (“Zalesovsky”, “Sokolovsky”) areas of the region. Many of them are associated with water bodies (“Cascade of waterfalls on the Shinok River”, “Swan”). The buffer zone of the Tigirek Nature Reserve, located in the southwestern part of the region, is of great interest to tourists.

Local residents are encouraged to identify the recreational potential of existing protected areas and determine their capabilities in creating recreation programs in their area. Natural monuments can become an attractive object. Some of them have been visited by tourists for a long time (Lake Aya, Giraffe Waterfall, Mount Bobyrgan, Yashchur Cave, the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers, Mount Sinyukha, Denisova Cave, Kolyvansky Borok, etc.). There are 123 natural monuments in the region, and even more objects may acquire this status in the future.

Most tourists associate their holidays with visiting water bodies. In this regard, interesting areas of rivers, lakes, ponds, and swamps should certainly be offered as places for walks and recreation for visitors. Places for swimming and fishing in most areas of our region are mostly unknown to tourists. Therefore, many interesting areas that rural residents know about remain inaccessible to vacationers.

Many areas of the region are rich in medicinal resources: mineral waters and medicinal mud. The most famous therapeutic muds are in the lakes Yarovoye, Zhirnoye, Mostovoe, Zerkalnoye, Malinovoye, Gorkoye, etc. In the conditions of oxbow lakes of the Pre-Altai Plain and the Priobya forest zone, peat muds of good quality are formed.

We especially note the springs. Their arrangement and analysis of water composition can contribute to the popularization of these objects. Our region is rich in underground medicinal and medicinal table waters. In addition to the famous Belokurikha springs, in the Smolensk region there are Iskrovskoye and Chernovskoye deposits of water containing radon.

Mineral waters of different composition are available in Ust-Kalmansky (Berezovskoye deposit), Zavyalovsky (Zavyalovskoye), Biysky (Stan-Bekhtemirskoye), Pankrushikhinsky, Aleisky, Shipunovsky, Volchikhinsky, Egorievsky, Rodinsky, Slavgorodsky, Pospelikhinsky, Novichikhinsky and other areas.

Cultural and historical attractions can take their rightful place in the offerings of rural guest houses. Our region has been inhabited by different peoples for many thousands of years, and important historical events took place here. For example, one of the major campaigns of Genghis Khan’s army (1207) passed through the territories of Altai, Sovetsky, Smolensk, Bystroistok and other regions of the region. In all areas of the region there are archaeological sites (sites, settlements, mounds, burial grounds, traces of ancient mining). This is the “Denisova Cave” site, the “Karama” settlement (in the Soloneshensky district), whose age dates back to the Early Paleolithic era, or the “Tsar’s Mound” (IX – IV centuries BC) in the Charyshsky district. There are archaeological sites near almost all the famous natural attractions of the region. Very often, where modern villages are now conveniently located, there were previously settlements of ancient people.

Historical and architectural monuments are located in the oldest villages of the region:

  • shops of merchants Firsov and Rozhdestvensky in the village. Altai;
  • trading house and residential building of merchant A.I. Chernova in the village. Wolf;
  • Orthodox Church (1880) in the village. Dumchevo;
  • house-shop of the merchant Shkrelev in the village. Pleshkovo;
  • house of the merchant Buravlev in the village. Krasnogorskoe;
  • the territory of the first plant of A. Demidov, 4 km from the village. Kolyvan;
  • Loktevsky silver smelting plant (1872) on the territory of the village. Elbow;
  • parochial school building, parish administration in the village. Ust-Kalmanka;
  • Church of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God (1906) in the village. Korobeinikov and many others.

A historical monument is the place where the world's first female cosmonaut, Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, landed (06/19/1963).

Many villages in our region are connected with the life and activities of famous people:

  • With. Srostki is the birthplace of V.M. Shukshin, an outstanding cultural figure, writer, film director, actor;
  • With. Bystry Istok is the birthplace of V.S. Zolotukhin, theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Russia;
  • With. Verkh-Obskoye, Smolensk district - the birthplace of M.S. Evdokimov, actor, former governor of the Altai Territory;
  • With. Kurya, Kurya district - the birthplace of M.T. Kalashnikov, small arms designer, twice Hero of Socialist Labor;
  • village May morning in Kosikhinsky district - the birthplace of G.S. Titov, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel General of Aviation (the G.S. Titov Museum is located in the village of Polkovnikovo);
  • With. Blizzards of the Shipunovsky district are the birthplace of the founder of the movement of leading agricultural workers of the USSR for high grain yields M.E. Efremov, Hero of Socialist Labor;
  • With. Savvushka, Zmeinogorsk district, is the birthplace of V.M. Bakholdina, hero of Socialist Labor, the first female tractor driver in Altai;
  • With. Smolensk is associated with the childhood years of the life of the writer A.P. Soboleva;
  • The poet R.I. was born in the village of Kosikha. Christmas.

Tourist visits to villages can be short-term or long-term. If a tourist stays for one night, then it is necessary to organize accommodation and meals for him. If a tourist’s stay in the village does not include an overnight stay, then this is excursion tourism.

Tourists in the village are attracted by:

  • objects for display, where you can not only look, but also participate in an unusual labor process (mill, cheese factory, forge, etc.);
  • museums of folk culture and crafts, where you can view exhibits and buy souvenirs;
  • possibility of contact with animals (horse farms, etc.);
  • local food, traditional food, etc.

Such objects become the basis for organizing rural tourism with long stays. The vast majority of consumers of rural tourism services expect to be offered a large package of active recreation services in the vicinity of the village or region. The income source of tourism is not only the rental of accommodation for the night.

Additional income comes from:

  • sale of local products (without intermediaries and transport);
  • sale of lunches prepared from own products;
  • sale of handicrafts;
  • rental of equipment, transport services, excursions, etc.

Most tourists prefer active holidays. Just contemplating nature and the picturesque landscape is not enough for them. Tourists need to be guaranteed interesting ways to spend their free time, not forgetting about bad weather. In this regard, the presence of sports and recreational facilities in the area is important. They need to be created through the efforts of the local community, making maximum use of existing ones. However, you should not count on large financial investments. Initially, this could be a sports ground, a children's playground, walking paths, walking and cycling. Over time - large objects: a swimming pool, a tennis court and much more. With an increase in income from tourism and investment by local authorities, all this can be done.

You can also diversify the stay of tourists by inviting them to participate in local holidays, festivals, folk festivals, etc. Such events allow guests to learn and feel local customs and flavor. Rides in a cart (sleigh), on horseback, bonfires, and barbecues are very popular among tourists. The organization of such entertainment benefits from the reasonable interaction of the hosts in a particular village: some offer accommodation and stay, others prepare an entertainment program.

Sights of Altai

In the southeast of Western Siberia there is an unforgettably beautiful region - the Altai Territory. It is famous for its nature, which combines mystery and a certain exoticism, for which the Altai Mountains mountain system is often called “Russian Tibet”. We invite you to get acquainted with the most remarkable sights of Altai.

"Stone mushrooms" in Altai

In the Karasu gorge there is the Akkurum tract, which is nicknamed “Stone Mushrooms”. This accumulation of fragments and blocks of rock really resembles in its shape huge elongated mushrooms that appeared as a result of being washed out by water and blown by the wind.

Rock "Four Brothers" in Altai

Among the natural attractions of Altai, an unusually shaped rock nicknamed “Four Brothers” is popular among tourists. The almost 10 m high rock really resembles people standing close to each other.

Altai Stonehenge

On the high mountain plateau of Ukok there is a mysterious place dotted with ancient stone monuments - 5 smooth white slabs up to 7 m high.

Waterfalls of the Shinok River in Altai

The Shinok River rushes through steep and inaccessible mountain gorges, repeatedly falling down in a cascade of waterfalls. The most famous waterfalls are Tender Mirage, Yog, Giraffe. Their maximum height is 70 m.

The unique attractions of the Altai Mountains include the Blue Lakes, located in the northern part of the region. They amaze with their beauty and rare, azure color of water.

Patmos Island in Altai

One of the most picturesque sights of the Altai Mountains is located near the village of Chemal, in the middle of the Katun River. It is a rocky island with a small but beautiful church on it. Tourists get to it via a suspension bridge.

Denisova Cave in Altai

Not far from the right bank of the Anui River near the village of Soloneshnoye there is Denisova Cave, located 670 m above sea level. It is known that the cave was used as a refuge by Neanderthals, then by Scythians, Turks and Huns.

Mount Devil's Finger in Altai

Among what to see in the Altai Mountains, one cannot fail to mention the Devil's Finger Mountain. It rises near Lake Aya. In fact, thanks to its stone protrusion, the rock resembles a finger protruding from the surface of the earth. Having climbed the landmark, the tourist is presented with a mesmerizing panorama of the lake and surrounding hills covered with dense forests.