What does interception in aviation mean. Intercept spy

The Pentagon once again stated that the aircraft of the US Air Force "intercepted" Russian long-range bombers-rocket mines Tu-95.

On September 1 and 11, 2018, the invisibility fighters of the F-22A flew to the "interception" in neutral waters in the Alaska area of \u200b\u200btwo turboprop Tu-95m. At the same time, Russian aircraft did not enter the airspace or Canada nor the United States. September 11, the bombers accompanied the Su-35s fighters.

It would be more correct to call such meetings not by interception, but accompaniment, because "Raptors" flew by one course with "bears" at the removal, not approaching and without showing any aggressive actions. Both Russian pilots and American pilots fulfilled their tasks - our worked out long flights with refueling in the air and denoted their presence near the zones of responsibility of the likely enemy. The Americans worked out the response time for the emergence of Russian aircraft - takeoff, rapprochement, support and return at the airfield, and also watched the flight of bombers and worked out the guidance of weapons.

Interception is a little different actions of both sides. The pilot of the interceptor gets the task to find an object to get close to it to make it either leave the Russian airspace, or sit on the airfield in Russia. In the extreme case, with the failure of the impairment of the requirements, it can be shot down.

A classic example of interceptions can be called the actions of the pilots of the SU-27 fighters over the black, the Barents or the Baltic seas, when the aircraft fly out to benthene from our borders of all sorts of Poseidones and Orions of NATO countries. At the same time, the Pentagon such cases calls "dangerous" and "non-professional". But in our opinion, the emergence of Russian "dryers" near the revealing US intelligence aircraft can be dangerous only for the American (Norwegian, Canadian, etc.) pilots, because Extraked to the task, they understand where and for what purpose they fly.

The vivid proof is the actions of the senior lieutenant of Vasily Zimbala, who traveled on September 13, 1987 on its SU-27 to intercept the intelligence aircraft P-3 ORION.

The Norwegian aircraft was not just intelligent, he dumped down the hydroacoustic boys to the Farvater, according to which Soviet submarines were published in the sea. Finding the armed SU-27 nearby, the Norwegians did not respond to him and continued their work.

To prevent the reset of the reconnaissance equipment Vasily Tymbal decided to adjust Orion's belly, and, having released the brake shield, began maneuvering, but did not calculate the speed of rapprochement and hopped the Norwegian aircraft. The wrecks of the screw scattered in different directions and proportions of the Orion fuselage. Only after that, the Norwegian plane changed the course and went towards Norway.

SU-27 drove the Norwegian exploy aircraft P-3 ORION

But the senior lieutenant decided to consolidate the knowledge of the crew of the reconnaissance aircraft about what Russian pilots are capable of, if their "sworn friends" do not show enough respect for "partners." Having taught the position above "Norwegian", Vasily Tsimbal merged into the Cabin of Orion part of the fuel and only after that went to his airfield.

Professionally worked cymbal? Sure! Aggressively? Naturally! But without pressure, decisiveness and non-standard actions to convey to "partners", which can not be wrong to fly from our borders does not work.

Recently, the air interception reports by our US aircraft fighters are equally regular as information on the preparation of the Victory Parade.

On April 14, SU-27 intercepted the American scout RC-135 in the sky over the Baltic Sea. I didn't like this maneuver to American generals. They stated that the Russian pilot was incorrectly, threatening the security of his American colleague. He frightened and changed the course.

On April 21, MiG-31 intercepted American anti-submarine aircraft R-8 in the Kamchatka area. At the same time, American generals expressed satisfaction with the actions of the Russian pilot, stating that everything was done competently.

These two events commented on different generals, since in both cases, Russian pilots approached the intercepted goals for the same distance in 15 meters.

This kind of incidents frequent in connection with the exacerbation of relations between Russia and the United States. At the same time, the West traditionally accuses the Russian side in dangerous maneuvers. That is, everything turns upside down. Since in reality, interceptions are a response to the unfriendly actions of NATO Aviation, which intensified intelligence flights from the Russian border. And if they did not meet unsubsion, then the intelligence aircraft would be introduced into our airspace.

At the same time, the maneuver, which the Pentagon calls "Dangerous", is not only effective, but also to the only means to force the potential boundaries of the boundaries to change the course sharply. The smaller the distance of the rapprochement, the big emotions are experiencing American pilots, in this century they did not face relation to themselves. So, in mid-2014, the SU-27 pilot flew over the same Baltic sea flew to RC-135, a rather awkward aircraft, a distance of about eight meters. The American was so shocked that with a fright invaded the airspace of Sweden. Swedes showed much more friendliness to him.

What is the interception of the aircraft

To be accurate in the terminological relation, then everything was said above, this is no interception. A demonstration of intentions and opportunities. Interception is the event of air defense forces, which is intended to destroy the goal or to bring it out or forced landing. It uses ground services (RLS and team target points), anti-aircraft missile and artillery complexes, as well as fighter aviation. Moreover, aviation specialized - interceptors who include MiG-31 and Su-27 planes.

The sequence of actions is as follows. Ground radars detect a goal. Its coordinates, distance, speed, direction of movement are calculated. The trajectory of movement is determined. And the command is served to start the anti-aircraft missile. Either the interceptor rises to the air, which is issued flight task - speed and direction of flight. What is called the injury to the target. Following teams from the ground, the interceptor at some point of its trajectory approaches the target at the distance of the attack. And it is in a position convenient for attack. And either shells the target from the gun, or is striking the rocket.

If we are talking about a forced landing, the attackering fighter for demonstrating the seriousness of his intentions makes warning shots from the gun. Warning rocket shelling is impossible because the rocket has a homing system for a goal.

Higher demands are presented to the fighter-interceptor than to aircraft intended for the conquest of domination in the air - in speed and in high-rise. Because it is necessary to fight with scouts, which, as a rule, also speed and high (RC-135, which was discussed above, does not apply to such).

Until now, exploited in the third world countries, including Ukraine, the Soviet interceptor MiG-25 has a maximum speed of 3000 km / h and the ceiling of 27,000 m. It has been exploited from 1970 until 2012. It was armed with four manageable missiles.

Su-27 with more modest speed and high-speed indicators (2500 km / h and 18500 m) has more serious weapons. First, this is a gun that MiG-25. Secondly, the entire 10 suspension nodes, as the plane refers to the class of heavy fighters.

And finally, without a doubt, the world's best interceptor MiG-31, which is now modified to the MiG-31BM version. Despite the fact that it has been operated since 1981, the equipment of the new radar and the armament management system led the machine to the 4 ++ generation. The plane has a gun. Equipped with 8 missiles of small, medium and high range (up to 300 km) in various combinations. MiG 31BM is able to hit not only any aircraft, but also winged rockets. The maximum speed is 3000 km, the dynamic ceiling - 29000 m, practical - 20600 m.


In the mid-50s, the Boeing RB-47 Stratojet, refurbished from the main US reactive bomber, is blown in the middle of the 50s. He had a subsonic speed and a ceiling of 13 thousand meters, but took his power. Shot from two guns and had a big vitality. Due to the high load capacity (up to 11 tons), a large volume of spyware, which was served by three officers. In 1954, six Soviet MiG-17 could not do anything with the "American" in the Kola Peninsula area. In the same year, three more invasions in the Soviet limits were unpunished. However, then, since 1955, the US Air Force, the US Air Force was forgated with another shot of a little annually.

The most impressive was the interception, which was carried out in the summer of 1960 over the Kola Peninsula captain Vasily Amvrosievich Polyakov on MiG-19.

After the Poles handed over to the CP, which visually identified the type of aircraft and his belonging, entered the order to plant the violator. Pilot RB-47 William Palm Did not obey the signal: "Attention! Follow me".

After that, the team was received from the Earth to destroy the goal. Since the Poles was at a distance of 30 meters from the "American", it was impossible to take advantage of unmanaged missiles. And then he gave a queue of 30-mm gun, spending 111 shells.

The intelligence has a fire of two engines. The plane lost control and began to lose height. The crew consisting of three people left the plane and took advantage of inflatable rafts. The commander died in water from supercooling. Two picked up the fishing trawler "Tobolsk". Three operators of explorations for unknown reasons the plane did not leave, and enclosed with him went to the bottom.

In 1956, the intelligence officer Lockheed U-2 still has the highest aerodynamic quality in the world (the ratio of the lifting force to the frontal resistance) among serial aircraft. In fact, it is a glider with a jet engine. It is able to float at an altitude greater than 20 km, a long time, periodically shutting down the engine. For a whole 4 years, he was inadequate for the Soviet Fighter Aviation - no plane could get to such a height. For 4 years, U-2 made 24 flights over the territory of the USSR. It sends the location of the Baikonur cosmodrome and a number of other strategic objects.

However, on May 1, 1960, a rocket was shot down by a missile defense system of the Soviet Union of VRS-75. From this point on, the impunity of U-2 has sunk in the past. It was these rockets that were shot down in China, and in Cuba, and in Vietnam. In our sky, the pilots of this beautiful plane fate no longer have experienced.

Repeatedly upgraded U-2 is still in the ranks. But the flights on it are perceived by the pilots are no longer as much useful with intelligent purposes, but as a certain pure art, like the poetry of the sky.

The legendary Lockheed SR-71 BlackBird ("Black Drozd"), operated until 1998, was able to accelerate to 3.3 m and climb a height of 25,600 meters. Due to the sharp maneuvers, he could leave the rocket. When it was created, stealth technologies were used. However, they were ineffective. At high speeds, the case is pretty disappeared and strongly phonyl in the infrared range. An even greater visibility gave a jet exhaust.

For quite a long time, he was completely quietly "visited" Kamchatka, collecting the sedimentation. True, the border did not cross. But after the appearance in the MiG-31 air defense forces, a quiet life for American pilots ceased. Although, of course, the deadly danger did not appear. Several times the pilots of migs in the neutral zone met "Black Drozda". That is, they waited when he would run the interceptor on his terrible speed. After that, they caught the "American" in the sight, "feeling" the beam of the guidance system. SR-71 Feeling "Toast", dramatically changed the course and went away from Kamchatka to the Okinawan base, without having completed a combat task.

"Pass" scout and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kola Peninsula. Here the MGI used the same tactics of conditional interception. But once, on May 27, 1987, SR-71 became interested in and ended in our territory. On the same scenario he was supplanted in a neutral zone.

In the late 80s, the activity of flights of "black drosses" has decreased significantly. And then there is no one at all. Attempts by the United States to resume the project in 1993 were unsuccessful. The official version is too expensive operation of unique machines. However, there is an opinion that was expressed not only in Russia, but in the United States, which to a certain extent to the refusal to use SR-71 influenced capable of confrontation of the MiG-31 interceptors. As well as the adoption of the latest modifications of the S-300 Sprink, which can easily get the "Drozda" in the swelling, no matter how rapidly he accelerates.

As for RC-135 and P-8, which were conditionally intercepted in April, then for Russian interceptors they do not represent the slightest problem. The first was created in the mid-60s. The second began to be operated in 2013. But, in fact, it is passenger airliners who have exactly the same flight characteristics. The first is naked with spyware. The second patrols the water space in search of submarines. That's just too close to the Russian shores, he should not approach.

About what "interception" of an airplane in the air means and for what purpose it is held, Ayf.ru told former aircraft commander, Flight Safety Specialist Alexander Romanov:

- Each state has special airfields on its territory, on which fighters-interceptor fighters are on duty. As a rule, the crew is right in the cockpit to instantly start the engine and take off into the sky. Combat readiness - five minutes.

Finding and mapping a goal, the fighter gets closer to it. The interceptor flies to the violator on the right side and draws attention to the shaking of the wings (also this maneuver is interpreted by pilots as a greeting). On all channels of communication with him, negotiations are underway, in order to find out the reason for his appearance in someone else's airspace or on the border with it. This can be a deliberate effect (collecting intelligence, provocation), or the board could simply be knocked down from the course, losing the spatial position.

In any case, the task of the Air Force is to stop the intruder. There is such an international fleece: if the interceptor fighter crosses the course of another aircraft and leaves, let's say, to the left, this means that his pilots must follow it.

That is, there is practically the opportunity to force the plane to sit on the right airfield to find out if the aircraft has permission to fly in this place. Also, the fighter can "set out" from the bottom up, showing that the road is further prohibited. There are many similar signals, about 25, and all of them are known to each pilot.

This is the essence of the "interception" of the aircraft in the air. About any destruction of the "enemy" in the air is not talking. The interceptor fighter simply forces the borne-violator to adjust the course (leave the guarded airspace when accompanied) or sit on the ground to further determine the circumstances of the incident in the violation of the air borders.

- What happens if the violator does not react?

- In the event that the detected aircraft continues to fly into a dangerous or prohibit zone, ignoring the requirements of the Air Force, the military can open the warning fire by tracing shells before the pilot cabin. If there is no reaction here, they can shoot on defeat.

As a rule, if the violator is a civil board, then for his "interception" is just one fighter, if we are talking about military aircraft, then several interceptor military fighters rose into the sky.

Today, many military aircraft and intelligence aircraft flies in neutral zones and over the territory of water spaces. Unfortunately, all this is a rude strategic (or rather political) game. Unfortunately, even there were cases when uninvited guests prevented the flight of civilian ships, and it had to emerge for their course, which led to trauma of passengers.

Pilots on duty fighter aviation of the Russian Air Defense in recent months literally live in the sky. NATO aircraft appear in the ruble countries more and more often: more than ten times a week, according to the Ministry of Defense. At the same time, the aviation "Western partners" behaves all the impudence and assertion.

However, serious incidents can be avoided, largely due to the professionalism and composure of Russian fighter pilots. The fact that the air interception is present in all the rules of aviation tactics is in the material of RIA Novosti.

Information confrontation between major states can often set the routine, in general, the situation is unprofitable for one party.

The crew of the fighter allegedly, without visible reasons, "cut" an American over the neutral waters of the Black Sea - a sharp maneuver right-left crossed the course "Poseidon". At the same time, the P-8a thoroughly "shaked" the reactive jets of powerful SU-30 engine jets, after which the purely "peaceful" board chose not to contact the "Zabi" and removed the ravis.

The version of the Ministry of Defense of Russia is much more prose. The American plane at high speed moved towards the Russian State Government. His interception flew the fighter of the duty forces of the air defense of the Southern Military District.

Su-30 became close to Poshödon, the aircraft flew off, determined its type and nationality. After that, both aircraft went on their affairs - R-8A took a course to remove from Russian borders, and Su-30 returned to the airbag. In principle, even the interception is difficult to call this event - "greeted" and felt.

"Gentlemen" signals

As military specialists and civil analysts have repeatedly argued, the main goal of NATO aviation survey near Russian borders is to check the power of air defense for strength. How quickly they react, where they are located, which complexes are represented.

VKS responds to each similar "visit" as quickly as possible.

First, other countries are not necessarily owned by such important information.

Secondly, to repel the military aircraft, demonstratively to the border of the sovereign state, is the case of prestige and principle.

Thirdly, it is not known which order received a pilot of a potential intruder. So, his interception is a matter of national security. As a rule, each air surgery is carried out on a clear scenario.

"First of all, the aircraft must be taken on support," said Major General, honored military pilot of Russia Vladimir Popov, told RIA Novosti. - The duty fighter comes closer to and goes with her parallel course. The main task at this stage is to identify the intruder.

Further, the interceptor transfers the initial information: the type of aircraft, the nationality, the on-board number. Immediately after this, the pilot of the fighter begins to actively attract the attention of a suspicious board - it is necessary to show that he is supervised.

The pilot, continuing to move in a parallel course, makes a quick roll left-right - "waving wings." On the one hand, reports: "Please note, I'm here!" On the other hand, unambiguously demonstrates the "air-air" missiles, fixed on the pendants under the wings. "

If the offender does not react in any way, the fighter, withsting the former course, increases the speed and comes out a little further to be guaranteed to be in the visibility zone of the crew of his "Visazawi".

When the pilot makes sure that he is observed, then the rotation of the control handle makes a delicate "nod" away from the state border, hinting that the flying guest would be time to know.

If the intruder does not react, the pilot repeats all the elements in the same sequence, but from the other side of the suspicious aircraft. According to the rules of aviation etiquette, these actions are extremely correct, "gentlemen" signals.

"In most cases, our pilots have no connection with NATO aircraft," Popov emphasized. - We can not talk to the intruder pilot, because we usually do not know his radio frequency.

But if we know, then, of course, continuously "bombard" air reports about the inadmissibility of his behavior and strongly recommend it to change the course. In Syria, by the way, Russian and American aviation loudly poorly coordinate their actions and have a common communication channel.

This allows you to avoid potential aircases. But such cooperation today is a rarity. "

Hepacity or breakdown

Over the past three or four years, the situation in the sky has become more intense. At the initiative of NATO, many programs for the interaction of Russian and Western military aviation were minimized.

If earlier, representatives of the North Atlantic Alliance warned the Ministry of Defense about the planned flights in neighboring countries (for example, in the Baltic States), now prefer to be silent about them. Moreover, NATOs have significantly increased the number of border air operations.

"We do not know in advance who, what and why" sniffing "from our borders," says Major General. "Maybe the board is flying past, he may have a breakdown." And perhaps, he specifically forces us to respond, so that later Western politicians once again stated that the Russian Bear does not know how to behave in the air.

By the way, if you take the American version of the Saturday events on faith, then "Breast" is the "Poseidon". If our Su-30 really "cut" the R-8A and sang it with his reactive jets, then all previous "gentlemen" signals "Antiodemaker" brazenly ignored.

And the fighter pilot had to draw the attention of the "Poseidon" to the more aggressive way. I can assume that American boards walked with a small angle towards our border, so the Russian pilot could decide on such a maneuver. "

If the violator is not a timid and turbulence, it is not frightened, the interceptor "cuts" it again. In parallel, he can request the help of another car.

Further, two fighters take an intelligence aircraft in "Pliers" and accompany it from two sides. If the violator, even under such a convoy, still crosses the border, the interceptors neat, but unambiguous maneuvers begin to force it to land on the Russian airfield.

The second option of developing events - the pilot of the fighter can show the "yellow card" and open fire along the course of the flight of the offender from the cannon, as well as a combat or signal rocket.

This is an obvious threat, and the last attempt to attract attention: "Where are you moving?! Rotate immediately! " According to Vladimir Popov, such situations in the 50s of the last century at the borders of the USSR were regularly arose.

"I want to emphasize that today such a development of events is a rarity," Lieutenant General said. - Pilots most countries fly politely and do not cross the border. Provocate, yes. But know when you need to stop.

Another point: It is very important to understand that even a military aircraft may have a refusal of radio equipment, navigation systems. And it suffers disaster, but it is not able to serve a signal. In this case, we politely "sazing" it with us, and subsequently let the ravis. "

Victor Popov reminded how a Russian aircraft turned out to be in such a situation. September Fifteenth of September 2005, the Su-27 fighter group flew from the Sivere Leningrad region airfield to one of the air base under Kaliningrad.

Already on the route of the pilot of one of the cars, Major Valery Trojanov reported on loss of orientation. Having exhausted the reserve of fuel, the pilot catapulted. It turned out that he mistakenly found himself in Lithuania. The fighter fell 55 kilometers from Kaunas. During the investigation, it turned out that the causes of the accident were piloting errors, as well as the failure of the navigation system.

Pilot, fortunately, stayed alive. A loud international scandal managed to avoid - it was obvious to those skilled in the art that the plane crossed the border inequately. However, this incident provoked a scandal in Lithuania when it turned out that the "invasion" of the Russian "drying" remained unnoticed for the national air defense.

Last argument

Nevertheless, it is impossible to forget that border incidents in the air may end much more tragic.

"Open the fire for the defeat of the pilot of the fighter only in the event that a foreign aircraft broke the airspace, did not respond to previous signals and refuses to follow the convoy," explains Vladimir Popov.

The pilot requests the "Earth" and, if the corresponding order receives the goal. The most striking example: on November 28, 1973, the RF-4C Air Force Air Force, piloted by Iranian and American pilots, from Turkey invaded the USSR airspace through Armenia and Georgia.

In the region of Georgia, our fighter MiG-21cm flew through Captain Gennady Eliseeva. He had two rockets. One he lasted along the enemy airplane flight as a warning.

He did not turn away. Eliseev struck the second rocket for defeat, but she lost the goal in the clouds. And the gun jammed.

From the Earth received an order to stop the enemy at all costs. It was unknown, what equipment and weapons carried an airplane and what was his goal. And Eliseev decided on the last argument. He took the enemy to the ram, hitting his plane from below. The Soviet captain died, and the RF-4C crew ebbed and was captured on earth. Later they were exchanged for our scouts.

This case is the first air ramp on the history of air ramp on a supersonic aircraft. Western pilots, growing along Russian borders today, should be more often remembered. "

Over the past week, Russian fighters have already intercepted three foreign scout aircraft, in particular, over the Baltic, where NATO exercises are held. Military experts told "360", which is interception and for which other countries send air spies to the Russian borders.

On June 10, the Su-27 fighter intercepted two aircraft of the US Air Force and Sweden from the Russian border, over the neutral waters of the Baltic. About this RIA "News" reported in the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense. Following the international rules for using airspace, the pilot accompanied aircraft without allowing the violation by them of the Russian border.

"The crew of the Russian fighter approached the safe distance to air objects and identified them as US Air Force Options RC-135 and the Sweden Air Force" Golf Stream "," the department reported.

From 9 to 21 June, NATO Baltops-2019 is held in the Baltic Sea. 8.6 thousand military personnel are involved in marine and air maneuvers, as well as 40 ships and submarines from 18 countries of the Alliance and partner countries. For the first time in a long time, the exercises were joined by ships recreated in 2018 the second US Fleet.

And on June 4, the Agency provides a news press service of the sixth fleet of the United States, the fighter SU-35 fighter grabbed the P-8A Poseidon intelligence aircraft in the international airspace over the Mediterranean Sea. The second convergence of the US military sentence called "dangerous." The Russian aircraft at high speed flew right in front of the P-8A, which caused a turbulence wave.

"We expect that they (the Russian side - ed.) Will behave within the framework of international standards established to ensure the safety and prevention of incidents.<…> Insecure interceptions increase the risk of miscalculations and the possibility of a collision in the air, "said in a statement.

In 2018, VKS aircraft accompanied more than 980 thousand aircraft, including three thousand combat aircraft, of which a thousand - scouts.

What is interception

Military expert Alexei Leonkov explained "360", which in Russia there is an echelonized air defense system. If radar stations fix approximation to the boundaries of aircraft with transponders turned off, the fighters raise into the air. They are approaching "guests" and determine what the ship is civil or military.

"At this time, the radiotechnical intelligence station determine whether the equipment of their aircraft works at this time. They see aircraft with inconquent transponders who are trying to carry out radar exploration of our territory, "added Leonkov.

Then the Russian fighter accompanies the "guest", special signs and maneuvers, showing that someone else's plane goes to break the boundaries, approaching them too close. It comes to a common link, and if the pilot does not respond to calls to leave the airspace, SU pilots demonstrate weapons - air-air rockets.

"If the crew is reasonable, the plane is deleted with nothing, without reconnaissance data. If a further violation occurs, foreign pilots do not respond to teams, go to the same course deep into the country, then maneuvering, preventive fire at the aircraft rate. If the plane still does not respond, it is either forced to landing, or if it is impossible, a decision is made to knock off the air borders, "the expert told.

International Space

In the international airspace or over the neutral waters of the Court, intelligence aircraft, capable of stations of the lateral review, look at 300-400 kilometers deep into Russia and learn as much as possible about opposite means and the work of radio equipment. To prevent data collection, in the air and raise fighters that play on the nerves from foreign pilots and forced to stop exploration.

"If this was performed by our aircraft, Americans would have acted as well. For example, they accompany our strategic aviation aircraft in the Far East. Or when our vessels fly to Kaliningrad, "added Leonkov.

During the Cold War, the interlocutor added, the Americans often "violated our peace", sending not only intelligence aircraft, but also strategic bombers with nuclear warheads to the borders. Nowadays, the expert noted, the event was not that ordinary, but regular. Especially where military actions or teachings are being held.

Political plane

Military expert Sergey Khatalev explained that the flight rules in the international airspace explain over waters and at what height can fly, for what distance you can approach, what signs you need to use and so on. All these rules are spelled out in international, state documents, as well as documents of the Ministry of Defense and military departments. Russian pilots always strictly fulfill these requirements.

"And all these complaints of the United States and European countries that our pilots fly too closely, prevent problems with tasks - elementary disrespect, rudeness and discontent. Previously, they flew and no one did not control them so hard, and now they are controlled - and they go to deliberate provocations, "said Khatylev.

In particular, on June 10, the US military for two hours included the "muffler" on a flying aircraft flying over the Baltic, trying to prevent the work of communications in Kaliningrad. Including those ensuring aviation flights. All cases of interception are always investigated as military departments of countries whose vessels participated in the event and international organizations. And loud statements about the "dangerous" interceptions are made to injected the situation.

"It is basically done in the political plane. As a rule, applications are not related to the military or the use of airspace. And simply ambitions: "You quickly fly, you fly close", "signed Khatlev.