South Korea seaside holidays with children. South Korea

South Korea is washed by several seas at once. Its coastline touches the Yellow Sea, the Sea of ​​Japan, and the East China Waters. Such a diversity of seas raises many questions about beach holidays in the republic. It’s worth understanding everything in more detail.

Yellow Sea of ​​South Korea

Such a sea is called a semi-closed system. The Yellow Sea is quite shallow and is part of Pacific Ocean. The average water depth in the Yellow Sea reaches 44 meters. The area of ​​the water formation is 380 thousand square meters. km.

The capital of Korea, Seoul, is located next to the shores of the Yellow Sea.

The beaches of Jeju Island are also washed by the Yellow Sea.

Sea of ​​Japan South Korea

The area of ​​the Sea of ​​Japan is 1062 square meters. km. The sea is the marginal part of the Pacific Ocean. The average depth of its waters is 1753 meters.

The northern part of the Sea of ​​Japan freezes almost completely in winter.

The salt level in the water in this part of the ocean is 33%. It is on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan that the most major port Korea Busan.

East China Sea of ​​South Korea

This sea is a semi-closed water system. South Korea has a direct connection to this sea through the Korea Strait.

The water in the Korea Strait is heated by the warm Kuroshio undercurrent. The length of the strait is 324 km. On its banks there are great places for a beach holiday.

Beach holidays in South Korea

Best beach holiday in the republic it is worth looking in the following places:

  • On Jeju Island;
  • IN port city Busan;
  • In Geoje;
  • In Mouan;
  • And to Daegu.

All of the above recreation areas are known for their clean beaches with developed infrastructure. On Jeju Island, the sand in the coastal zone is the cleanest and finest. Busan offers its guests a lot of water activities, and in Geoje it is easy to rent accommodation and explore the local attractions.

If Geoje is famous for its highly organized coastal area, then in Muan you can party all night long in local bars and clubs along the coast. Daegu differs from other Korean resorts in its humid climate and hilly terrain, as well as a tranquil atmosphere suitable for family vacation.

in summer South Korea It’s very hot, so tourists and residents of the republic try to spend all weekends near the water. No one denies themselves the pleasure of swimming in the warm Yellow Sea, or swimming in the warm part of the Sea of ​​Japan near its many islands. The Korea Strait is also popular with tourists. Despite the proximity to big cities The coastal waters of the strait are rich in a variety of marine life, which are enjoyed by divers and scuba divers from all over the world.

Seoul and other major cities in the Republic of Korea offer tourists all kinds of shopping options. Here you will find department stores and large shopping centers, duty-free shops, and specialized shopping areas. But if you want to experience the lively pace of local life, be sure to head to the local markets that exist throughout the country. Basically, they trade in all those goods in which this province of the country specializes in production.

As a rule, large shopping centers in the country are open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Small shops and shops usually open early in the morning and work until late in the evening. Everywhere there are convenience stores that operate 24 hours a day. Seoul's largest markets, Namdaemun and Dongdaemun, become wholesale marketplaces at night, but you can also purchase some goods there at retail.

What are the most popular shopping items in Korea? First of all, these are clothes. The Korean textile industry today is becoming increasingly popular with tourists from all over the world for its products. She gained this fame thanks to high quality products and relatively affordable prices. It is in Korea that today clothes are sewn on orders from several of the world's largest fashion houses; many samples can be purchased in shopping centers in cities of the country. Local fashion designers are trying to keep up and offer their less expensive products, but in a very wide... read more

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Cost of a holiday in Seoul. September 2018.

tour cost

I’ll say right away: Travel is not cheap, but it’s worth it!

The first plus is that you don’t need a visa. You can safely stay in the country, without a visa, for 32 days.

Plane tickets were booked on the official S7 website. The reservation was made a month before departure, so we saved about 30,000 (KRW) Korean won = $30 on tickets. For 4 people, with one transfer in Beijing, from Yekaterinburg to Incheon Airport to Seoul, we spent 555,240(KRW)=$600. We booked the hotel using the selection system and chose guest house Hanok 24 Gyeongbokgung. (Gyeongbokgung), a kind of full-fledged Korean-style House, with an ideal location. It cost us 700,000 (KRW) = $700.

We did not use the transfer from the Airport to the hotel, because we decided to see everything in person.

All tickets were purchased upon arrival at the place, at specialized registration counters.

Excursion to Namsan TV Tower: Entrance ticket per adult = $12, children under 13 years old = $8.

Personal tour to Gyeongbokgung Palace (Emperor's Palace during the Joseon Dynasty) per person = $24. (Drinks in 3 cafes on the palace grounds and entrance to the emperor’s personal apartments are included, in addition to walks throughout the palace).

We did not use other excursions because we traveled on our own.

Food and products

Seoul is a metropolis of shopping centers. Street food is popular. We tried everything we could. On average, we spent about $30 per night on meals in cafes and street food (4 people). Street stalls on every street where you can try Soju (Korean vodka) and Samgyeopsal (beef or pork tenderloin with lettuce). A perfect combination that you must try. A check in such cafes will cost you about $5-7 per company.

I advise you to visit Honda Street - youth and night life the city gathers there. Walking along it, in any of the cafes, you will not spend more than $20 per person.

Be sure to try Makgeolli (rice wine). A bottle of this wine will cost you an average of $10.

Try Ramyeon at any convenience store. There are many types, so the amounts vary depending on the brand. Mega-cheap pleasure (from $0.70-$2).

Souvenirs and other goods

For shopping in big centers and areas (such as Gangnam), you can spend more than $400, as I personally did. I bought 2 sweaters, a pair of jeans, 1 pair of branded sneakers and a cap from a famous brand. Mass market clothing is available in the Inseong-dong, Itaewon and Hongdae areas, but in other areas the prices are much higher.

Cost of services and entertainment

1) The public sauna (Bathhouse, which cannot be compared with the Russian one) cost us $12 per night for 4 people. The price included absolutely all sauna services.

2) We used the car rental service on the website Having made the calculation, public transport During our week in the country, we realized that it would be more profitable for us to rent a car. This pleasure cost us 457,000 (KRW) = $400. But for all 7 days we moved throughout the country in comfort.

Total money spent on vacation

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Holiday impressions in October

Hello everyone, dear Readers and possible visitors to this country. Decided to write full review about his trip to South Korea. I advise everyone to fly to Seoul (any other city in the country) for a holiday in the fall. This is the most comfortable time of year to stay. The weather is as convenient as possible for evening walks and daytime entertainment.

Youth recreation

The first time I went to Seoul for work, I was in the company of several guys. We were all about the same age. At the time of the trip we were 21-23 years old. Naturally, we are young people. Seoul is a very loud metropolis. For workaholics - during the day and for turbulent youth - at night. The city lives to the fullest after dark. In Korea, most stores are open only at night. And during the day in some areas it is impossible to find open shops or cafes (mostly only 24-hour shops with an assortment for all occasions). Arriving in Seoul and going out after 8 pm, you will see for yourself.

Holidays alone

The second time, I went to Seoul alone, and there was no more peaceful place to relax in my life. Just think about single walks in the park, or night gatherings by the Han River with a bottle of Soju.

At that time, the apple and cherry trees were in bloom, it was indescribable. To sort out all your thoughts in order and gather your goals - the ideal country for all of the above.

What to take with you on vacation?

Collecting things still directly depends on your goals. We took with us only what we needed because our plans were to buy additional things in the Country itself. And we made one very significant mistake: we did not take into account the difference in climate in our country and a country unknown to us.

As a result, we collected things for the October climate of our country, namely the Russian Federation - the Urals, and for Seoul these are very warm things. In general, we need to be more prudent than we were the first time.

Where is the best place to stay?

Regarding accommodation, I can give you a 1000000000% guarantee that you will not be able to choose the most ideal hotel or guest house or hostel. Why? Because this is Seoul! South Korea is a country of modern technologies and an automated lifestyle! On every corner of the districts there is a guest house with an open roof for picnics and parties with friends! At each metro station, within a radius of 50 meters, there are high-class five-star hotels with amenities for every need.

I can recommend an excellent Hotel that we used.

Philstay Hostel Myeongdong located at 17F (17th floor), 55, Myeongdong-gil, Jung-gu, 04538 Seoul, South Korea.

Wonderful area and location.

Free Wi-Fi, elevator and comfortable rooms with breakfast included in the price.

Room rates for one night range from 90,000 KRW - 120,000 KRW ($90 - $120).

For 12 nights in this hotel for 5 people we paid $630 (per person) in 2017.

They did not need anything and lived in comfort.

What to do at the resort?

I recommend a couple of places that you simply must visit when arriving in Seoul.

1) Namsan TV Tower. 105 Namsangongwon-gil (Namsangwon-gil), Yongsan (Yongsan) 2 (and) ga-dong (Iga-dong), Yongsan-gu (Yongsan-gu), Seoul.

Prices entry tickets: adults (from 13 years old) - 10,000 won ($10), children 3-12 years old - 8,000 won ($8), senior citizens (over 65 years old) - 8,000 won ($8).

2) Youth and creative district of Seoul - Hongdae. From the evening until the morning, you can enjoy the views of Hongdae and walk around the area watching young talents. Young people take to the streets, drawing crowds with their voices (singing different songs), playing instruments, painting portraits and dancing covers of famous K-pop groups.

And of course, you can shop to your heart's content. After all, the area is full of supermarkets, luxury shopping centers and the most delicious street food.

3) Palace - Gyeongbokgung Museum. To experience the history of South Korea, try on Hanbok (traditional settler costume). View the palace of the history of kings and great rulers. The largest palace complex in Seoul: imperial palace Gyeongbokgung. Here you can completely immerse yourself in the reign of the Joseon Dynasty. You can dress up in the emperor’s costume and walk around the palace grounds and take many atmospheric photos.

Believe me, you will be impressed!

I was there personally, passing by. The second most popular beach is in Busan City. Kwannalli. Worth a look.

Gwannali Beach is not as crowded as Haeundae (Most Popular in Korea) and is cleaner. Along the entire coast there is a lot of entertainment, cafes, restaurants and places to relax. And the main attraction in the area is the glowing sea ​​bridge Kwannan. And important information - the annual Busan Sea Festival takes place on Gwannalli Beach.

Pros of holidays in Seoul

I cannot express the general impression, because I cannot find so many words in my vocabulary. You have to experience it for yourself. Personally. Let the air of this country and atmosphere into your lungs. This is the only way you can fully experience everything that this country is so famous for.

Disadvantages of holidays in Seoul

South Korea is a country of high technology. Within Seoul, free Wi-Fi is available almost everywhere. Outside the city, a wireless network is not available everywhere. However, stores sell portable routers, or Wi-Fi eggs. They distribute the Internet wherever they work cellular. The router can also be rented, for example, at the airport.

To communicate within the country, you can purchase a local SIM card. The country has three major operators: Korea Telecom (KT), SK Telecom and EG SIM. It is possible to order a card in advance online on the operator’s website in the Postpaid SIM section, and then simply pick it up at the airport. The cost of a 5-day SIM card, for example, from KT is 27,500 won (about 1,600 rubles). Cards are also sold in large supermarkets and specialty stores.

Language and communication

The official language in South Korea is Korean. The country has its own written language - the Hangeul alphabet, which is part of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. Koreans devote a lot of effort and time to learning English. Therefore, local residents will be glad if you ask them for help in English. Directions and road signs are also in English.

Residents of any country are pleased when foreigners try to speak their language. native language. Therefore, a few phrases may be useful to you.

Good afternoon, hello 안녕하세요 Annyeonghaseo
Thank you 감사합니다 Kamsahamnida
No 아니요 Aniyo
Yes Yeh
I'm sorry 죄송합니다 Chwesonghamnida
I need your help 당신의도움이필요합니다 Tanglinydoumipyrehamnida

Features of the Korean mentality

Koreans are extremely hard-working people, and it is common for them to stay late at work. Therefore, in Korea, unlike Europe, shops, markets and drinking establishments are open until the night, and many around the clock.

In the evenings, bars, cafes and restaurants are usually crowded. In Korea, after work, it is common to go out with colleagues for dinner, drinks, or have fun at karaoke.

Koreans are addicted to technology. For example, on the subway you will see all the passengers waiting for the train, staring at their phones. And on trains, most people have laptops - they work or watch viral videos on You Tube.

Koreans, like many Russians, most often do not return a smile with a smile. Therefore, if you smile at someone and do not see the expected response, do not be embarrassed.

Shopping in South Korea

The Korean currency is the won. Almost everywhere, except for small shops and markets, cards of international payment systems are accepted.

According to CNN, Seoul is one of the world's shopping capitals. Shopping can be done everywhere here - in city department stores, in malls open until the morning, on special “fashionable” streets and in traditional markets. Hundreds of stores of famous world and national Korean brands are collected under one roof in shopping centers. And in the second largest city of Korea, Busan, there is the world's largest shopping center - Shinsegae Centum City, which is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

And more good news: Duty Free, that is, a duty-free shopping area, is available not only at airports and ports in Korea, but also at department stores of large brands, for example, Lotte and Huindai.

The most commonly brought souvenirs from Korea are cosmetics, especially face masks, traditional Korean tea, which includes mint, citrus fruits, plum and ginseng root, socks and phone cases with funny designs, handicrafts made from Korean hanji paper, dried ginseng root.

Kitchen. Where and what to eat in South Korea?

The hallmark of Korean cuisine is spicy pickled kimchi. There are a huge variety of it. The most famous version is made from Chinese cabbage. It is fermented in bright red chili flakes. If you fall in love with kimchi, you will take a big step forward in your knowledge of Korean cuisine.

Another favorite dish among Koreans is samgyeopsal. These are pieces of pork belly, grilled without oil or spices. They are served with a side dish of lettuce, chili paste and garlic.

No the best way What better way to spend an evening than sitting around your personal grill and cooking Korean barbecue kalbitang ribs. It cooks quite slowly, during which time you can have a lot of conversation.

If you get hungry while walking and don’t have time for lunch, you can snack on street food. Particularly popular are steamed hoppan buns, rice cakes in spicy tteokbokki sauce, and sweet fried hotteok flatbreads. The largest variety of street food is at the Gwangjang Market in Seoul. In addition, the capital has 173 Michelin-starred restaurants.

The average bill for lunch or dinner is 5,000 – 10,000 won (from 300 to 500 rubles) per person. The cost of street food varies from 1,000 to 5,000 won (from 60 to 300 rubles).

Holidays and Events

There are two major traditional holidays in Korea: New Year according to the lunar calendar Seollal and the autumn harvest festival Chuseok. They are celebrated for several days in a row. Many shops and cafes are closed, but a number of attractions can be visited for free.

Every year the country hosts a huge number of vibrant cultural festivals. Most of these events occur in autumn. The most interesting are the masked dance festival in Andong, lantern festivals in Seoul and Jinju, fireworks festivals in Busan and Seoul, Busan International Film Festival and many others.

In winter, you can take part in ice fishing and winter active games festivals, and in spring, in cherry blossom festivals in all regions of the country. And in the summer west coast in the town of Boryeong there is a world-famous International festival sea ​​mud.

About security

South Korea is one of the most safe countries peace. In the entire country of more than 50 million people, there are approximately 20 violent crimes per year. Koreans are not afraid to leave their personal belongings, such as a bag or laptop, unattended in a cafe. The owner of the shop can step away for ten minutes and leave the doors unlocked. In Korea there is practically no stealing or cheating, including tourists.

There are tourist police in places popular with foreigners in Seoul and Busan. The staff is always happy to help foreign guests solve their problems. Police officers can be identified by their uniform: black trousers, blue jacket and black beret.

There is a 24-hour hotline for tourists at number 1330, organized by the National Tourism Organization of Korea. Help in Russian is available from 09:00 to 18:00 (extension 5).

    To order a taxi, use special applications, for example, Kakao T.

    You can and should bargain in markets and souvenir shops. The magic phrase “Harin chom hejuseyo” means “Please give me a discount” and works flawlessly.

    Payment in a cafe occurs at the exit; usually there are counters specially equipped for this. It is not customary to leave a tip in Korea.

    In cafes and restaurants it is not customary to share one dish between two people. Everyone should order something. Otherwise you simply will not be served.

South Korea has long become popular among residents Russian Federation. Increasingly, domestic tourists choose the country of “morning freshness”, abandoning the boring Egypt, Greece and Bulgaria. They often visit beaches, ski resorts and the capital itself - Seoul. However, it should be noted that Korea is exotic, which not everyone can afford. The same expensive countries include Japan, Australia and the Philippines. Most travelers, when choosing among the listed countries, still give preference to South Korea. What is it that attracts Russian-speaking tourists? Bullfights, many varieties of tangerines, skyscrapers, toilets controlled by special remote controls, open Internet access points and sauerkraut, which has long become national dish. All this can be found on the territory of interesting and diverse Korea. Don't be afraid of all of the above. The state is open to any tourists who can choose a recreation area for themselves: monasteries, pagodas, slopes, beaches. Holidays in South Korea, the reviews of which are excellent, will appeal to many, if not all.

Tourists in Korea

South Korea has long been ranked as one of the safest countries in the world. However, as they say, there are two sides to a medal. The republic took first place among all states in the number of deaths as a result of car accidents. That is why tourists should be as careful as possible. In addition, even though the country is calm, it is still not recommended to walk through parks and alleys alone at night.

Local residents treat tourists well. However, there may be some problems with understanding (communication), since not everyone knows English.

Shopping in the land of morning freshness

The largest stores are open from 10:30 to 20 pm. Smaller retail outlets start their day much earlier and end late at night. All necessary conditions have been created for shopping in Korea. There are specialized areas, many markets, arcades, department stores and centers, and duty-free shops are open. While spending your holidays in South Korea, you definitely need to visit popular retail outlets.

The most common souvenirs include paintings, various goods made from wood, dolls, fans, and so on. Quite a lot of interesting items decorated with mother-of-pearl can be found in stores. Since we are already talking about shells and other things, it should be said that Korea is the only state on Earth where only women are engaged in mining valuable objects from the bottom of the sea.

General information about the holiday

The Republic of Korea is famous for its ski resorts and beaches. She has a huge cultural heritage which he is proud of. All available recreation areas are suitable both for those who want to relax and get away from problems, and for those who come for active adventures. In winter, the most popular ski resorts are: Muju, Phoenix and Yeonpheng. Tourists often attend local festivals.

As for the summer period, they have become famous. They have many beaches, near which there are shops and restaurants. If a tourist comes with a child, then one should prefer relaxation on Jeju Island, but if without, Busan and Namsan are suitable. Every tourist will find South Korea very interesting. Beach holidays will be described in more detail below.

The one who loves sightseeing trips, can come to the state any time from September to November. This period is considered the most favorable for conducting various educational activities. If a tourist just wants to walk the streets of Seoul and admire the beauty of the scenery, you need to come to Korea from mid-March to June.

Climate in Korea

The vast majority of the country is located in the temperate region climate zone, so the change of seasons and their influence is felt quite strongly. Traditionally, spring and autumn are short and not cold. Most of warm days falls during the period from March to May. Summer is often the hottest average temperature in some parts of the country it reaches +35°C. It rains frequently. Chanma (or monsoon rainfall) begins from June and lasts until July. August is also hot. Autumn is considered the most pleasant and comfortable time of year in Korea, as there are slight winds and the weather is dry. In winter, the average air temperature reaches -10°C, and there is little precipitation.

The best time to visit a country like South Korea is from April to October. A beach holiday, the season of which opens during this period, will definitely give you unforgettable experience. Ski resorts open their “doors” to tourists from November to mid-spring.

West Sea

If a tourist decides to stay in Seoul and wants to enjoy a beach holiday, you can pay attention to the western border. This is where Daecheon Beach is located. A mud festival is most often held on its territory. The Western Sea, on the coast of which the beach is located, is shallow and the waves are small. The sand is soft but coarse. Relaxation in mud baths is available.

South Sea

Traveling to a country such as South Korea is considered popular. Seaside holidays are one of the most common activities.

Haeundae is considered the best beach in Korea. In summer it's as full as local residents, and foreigners, that it is difficult to find a free place. But there is no need to be upset about this. South coast rich in islands that you can quickly get to and have a good rest. One of these should be called Jeju. It is popular due to its interesting and picturesque views, which will allow you to have a good holiday in South Korea. The water is emerald green, there are black rocks, sand of different shades. And not far from the beach you can find a cave, near which exotic plants have sprouted. There is also a waterfall and Botanical Garden. You can visit the village, which has traditional houses. The Jeju coastline is more suitable for those who prefer active holidays. This is due to the fact that the sea here is choppy and the waves are rather large.

East Sea

The East Coast is in great demand among tourists, as it offers beautiful and scenic views. Many travelers suggest giving preference to Sokcho Beach. It became popular due to its location on the coast Eastern Sea, which has clear waters. Located nearby Pine forest, and the sand covering the surface of the earth is snow-white. Not far from the beach there is Seoraksan Park, which has mountains on its territory. You can also go to Chodo. This island is popular among fishermen. In general, holidays in South Korea by the sea, reviews of which are quite good, are extremely popular. Especially on the east coast.

Sanho Beach

This beach is also popular among Koreans. Located on the island of Udo Sanho, you will feel like you are in Hawaii. The sand is white, the water is turquoise. This place is suitable for a wedding or just a romantic getaway in South Korea. At sea, prices are much higher than in the city, so it is worth purchasing all accessories (towels, swimsuits) in advance.

Gujora Beach

On Geojedo Island, Gujora Beach is the most popular. The land is connected to Busan through a unique “bridge”. The bay is as quiet and calm as possible. The sand covering the wide beach is small in size. If you don’t want to spend too much time outside of Busan, but want some privacy, this beach will be an excellent solution.

Getting to the coast is easy. This can be done by either ferry or bus.


Busan has its own beach. It is considered to be as calm as possible during rush hour (in summer). The fact is that the beach is located far from the city center, so it is not in great demand among local population. However, tourists are not uncommon. After all, everyone likes to vacation in a country like South Korea. A holiday at sea will give you a lot of sensations.

You can get to the beach either by bus or by taxi. It will also be easy to reach on foot.


Another beach located in Busan. It will allow you to have a good holiday in South Korea. In terms of size, it ranks second in the city. It opens beautiful view to the bridge connecting Busan with another island. You can get to it using the metro.

The sand on the beach is fine, the climate is favorable. Near it you can find theaters, exhibitions, and museums. The fact is that the beach is located in cultural center settlement. Of course, there are cafes and restaurants nearby. There are bars and night clubs.

"Korean Wave"

Korea involves getting to know the local culture. The “Korean Wave” was the name given to the spread of local musical traditions to other countries of the world. K-pop gained its greatest popularity in Southeast Asia. Previously, only music was considered such an art and a “wave,” but now it includes cinema, cuisine, and so on. A sufficient number of local actors have long ago begun acting abroad, mainly in America, which indicates success. Some were able to make it to Hollywood. It is safe to say that Korea clearly has something to show and something to be proud of.

Cost of food

Any tourist will want to refresh himself while spending his holidays in South Korea. We'll look at prices below. In inexpensive cafes, the average cost per dish is approximately the same: from 7 to 12 thousand won. If you buy food in the parks, you will have to pay a little more. The cost is completely justified, because the dishes are usually large and have special snacks. The cafes do not sell water; it is provided free of charge. Coffee will cost 5 thousand won, the same amount will have to be paid for various rolls, cakes or burgers.

In Myeongdong (you can buy sweets. For example, ice cream will cost about 2 thousand won, cotton candy - the same.

Cost of entertainment

If you need to get to any attraction, you can always use the metro. If desired, you are allowed to buy a one-time ticket, although it would be more profitable to buy a transport card. It sells for 2 thousand won. If you buy it at the airport, it will be a little more expensive, about 4 thousand.

The fare depends on the distance of the “journey”. Average prices: for a child with a transport card you will have to pay 450 won, for an adult - 1 thousand won. A holiday in South Korea by the sea, the prices for which are high, will bring a lot of impressions, even despite considerable expenses.

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Holidays in South Korea

Holidays in South Korea

Holidays in South Korea

Republic of Korea (unofficial name - South Korea) - a state in East Asia, located on the Korean Peninsula.

Pros and cons of South Korea

South Korea offers guests a varied holiday experience, which has both pros and cons.

In general, it can be noted that a trip to South Korea is an option for those who want to get acquainted with Korean culture and local attractions, and experience all the advantages and disadvantages of the country. For simple tourism and lying on the beach, it is better to choose other countries.


South Korea is a state that is part of the Asian monsoon region, so it experiences four seasons. Winters are long, cold and dry, summers are short, with high humidity and heat. Two-thirds of the annual precipitation occurs during the rainy season (June-September). In South Korea (along with Taiwan, the Philippines, Japan and east coast China) typhoons occur (this leads to floods) - about 1-3 times a year, more often in August.


Where to relax in South Korea? Of course in Seoul - the capital, commercial and tourist center countries. Tourists come here for shopping, entertainment and sightseeing.


According to legend, Joseon Lee Seong-gye (the founder of the dynasty) had been looking for a place to build a residence for a long time. As a result, he listened to the words of one of the local plowmen, after which Gyeongbokgung Palace appeared in the north of Seoul. Its main structures are Gyeonghweru Pavilion and Geunjeongjeong Hall.

Gyeonghigun is an important historical building, which was an additional “shelter” for the ruler in case of unexpected events. Today, there is a historical museum inside.

You should definitely visit the unique Changdeokgung and the Changnyenung Palace complex with the Queen's Pavilion and the Botanical Garden, as well as the local Deoksugung Palace.

The buildings of Seoul not only look grandiose, but also have interesting story. Try visiting one of observation platforms local skyscrapers, testing yourself. One of the most famous high-rise buildings in the capital is the Yuksam Building, equipped with an elevator that rises at a speed of 54 meters per second. Opens from Seoul Tower beautiful view to the city.

The Buddhist temples, especially Jogyesa, are worth visiting. The ancient Confucian Cathedral of Jongmyo, built in honor of the Joseon Dynasty, is incredibly beautiful.

Be sure to visit the Republic of Korea War Memorial as well National Museum Korea, whose collection includes 220 thousand exhibits.

The folk village is located an hour's drive from the country's capital. It consists of houses typical of various provinces of South Korea. Street folk dances, competitions in kite flying and traditional sports, “weddings” and “funerals” are common here.

If you are looking for entertainment, be sure to visit the indoor entertainment complex Lotte World or Everland Park in the suburbs of Seoul. Also worthy of attention is the local aquarium, which is popular with both children and adults.


Algujeong. This is the name of a shopping area famous for its main street th - Rodeo, where the most exclusive, expensive and fashionable stores of famous world brands are located. Designer clothing and luxury jewelry are sold here. Also in this area there is the Galleria department store, beauty salons, cinemas, Asian restaurants;

Myeongdong. This is a shopping area in the center of Seoul. Its main street is lined with fashion stores of famous brands, where you can buy shoes and clothes, jewelry and accessories. There are also large shopping centers here: the Migliore complex and the Shinsegae department store. Sometimes you come across restaurants serving Korean and European cuisine;

Itaewon. This is the name of a modern shopping area where most of the sellers speak English language. Here you can find various bars and restaurants, and many signs are written in English for the convenience of travelers;


Jeju is one of the best beach resorts countries. The island has a lot of entertainment and good conditions for families with children. If you are interested in beaches during your holiday in South Korea, then you should definitely go here.


Jeju is a beach paradise in South Korea, the “Island of Three Abundances,” located in the strait between the Sea of ​​Japan and the Yellow Sea. If you're looking for a place to vacation in South Korea, the first place to look is Jeju.

The island is of volcanic origin. It contains volcanic rock reliefs formed by frozen lava flows. Bizarre sculptures and grottoes, waterfalls and lakes - all this diversifies your beach holiday in South Korea.

The south-eastern part of the island is ideal for tourists with children. The sea is calmest around Pyoseong Beach. For lovers active rest and entertainment, there is the Chunmun resort, as well as the Haepcho hotel area with diving centers and equipment rentals for snorkeling and windsurfing.


Jeju Island attracts tourists with sculptures made of solidified lava, similar to miniatures of sculptures from Easter Island. The island has a folklore village, rows of volcanic grottoes, and the main attraction - Mount Hallasan, 1950 meters high. At its top is dormant volcano and Lake Bannocktam.

Other attractions include the Gwandoken Pavilion in central Gojeju, national park Hallasan, Hallim Park, Mok Seok Won Garden, Yomiji Botanical Garden, Iho Beach Area, rock temple Sanbangulsa, Jeongban Waterfall, scenic Andok Valley, Manjangul Cave and beautiful park with the Yonduam rock.

Nearby is Udo Island, famous for its “eight landscapes” and coral beach.


If your holiday in Korea should be active, then welcome to Yongpyen - the first ski resort countries. Located in an ecologically clean place, it is very popular among lovers of active recreation.


There are 31 in Yeng Pyen ski slope, designed for various levels of training. For example, the Yellow Course is intended for beginners, while the fairly long Rainbow Paradise and Pink Run are suitable for intermediate skiers. For experienced athletes there are more difficult trails Gold Fantastic and Gold Valley.

There are 15 lifts, 14 of which are chairlifts, as well as a gondola designed for 8 skiers. With their help, skiers can climb the slopes where the Gangwon Asian Winter Games were held in 1999, as well as the Ski World Cup. For snowboarding enthusiasts there is a fully equipped area.

After active skiing, you can visit the sauna or swimming pool. There is also a play park and a six-hole indoor golf club, an archery, tennis and croquet area, a gym and a billiards room.


Muju is another excellent Korean ski resort, which is also interesting for its attractions, which means you can visit it all year round.


The most visited slope in Muju has a length of 6 kilometers and many difficult jumps. Skiers who want to ride along the longest Silk Road slope in the country, at 6,100 meters high, will be transported to the beginning of the descent by 15 lifts.

There is a school for visitors alpine skiing, where you can work out with experienced local and Australian ski instructors and experts.

Near the resort area of ​​Muju there are springs with hot water(temperature about 40 degrees), as well as a SPA complex with solariums, saunas, massage rooms and diagnostic rooms.


In Muju you can climb to an altitude of about 1600 meters, from where you can see a wonderful view of the ruins of the Jeoksansanseong fortress. In the past, it was one of five sites dedicated to storing historically important records of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910).

Don't forget to visit the most high mountain in the country - Chirisan (1915 meters) and in the legendary Haeinsa Monastery - the site of Buddhist sutras. Nearby is an example of ancient architecture - Najetomun Gate, as well as Mount Maisan and Bennyongsa Temple, which are worth a visit.


Incheon is a rapidly developing and growing city with an abundance of entertainment and attractions. He is especially loved by young people.


Incheon City Museum is the first public museum in the country, opened to the public in 1946 for the purpose of studying and actively exploring the cultural and historical values ​​of Incheon. For the city's centenary (1984), a complex was opened in honor of the Incheon landing operation, as well as a Memorial Hall. Currently, there is a lot of video and photographic materials telling about each stage of the landing. The complex includes an eighteen-meter memorial tower and 16 national flags of countries that participated in the Korean War.

You can also visit the Wolmi recreation and entertainment quarter.


The most popular and fashionable area of ​​the city - Sinpo-dong - is a place that is constantly changing and surprising with new products. The traditional Sinpo Market and Yankee Market are the main points of Korean shopping. Those who like original pastimes and purchasing interesting goods are advised to find the entrance to the local underground mall Down Town (located between DongIncheon Station and Sinpo-dong).



The beaches of Busan are clean and well-groomed, they have a well-developed infrastructure.

Renting a sun lounger and umbrella will cost approximately 9 euros. Nearby there are restaurants, bars, activity stations aquatic species sports There is also the most beautiful Busan Aquarium with a variety of marine life. On clear days, Tsushima, an island in Japan, is visible from the beach.

Kwanalli is a local beach where sea ​​waters Quite calm. At a length of about 1.4 kilometers you can relax quite privately, there are all conditions for a family holiday.


Museums. The Busan Museum with 25 thousand exhibits is interesting, as well as the Art Museum with works of ancient and modern artists of the country and the Museum of Contemporary History

You can visit the city aquarium with children

Of interest is the local film center built for the Busan International Film Festival


Chakalchi Fish Market is a must-do shopping destination in Busan. You should come here in the morning. The purchased fish will be cooked with pleasure in the restaurants above this market.

At the Canton Market you can buy spices, products and interesting things. Don't forget about Nampodong, Gwangbok-dong and Guke markets. If you are looking for shoes, clothes and accessories from Western brands, you should visit the Shinseke and Lotte shopping centers.

You can get medical advice and purchase traditional medicine products on Semyon Street. Also in Busan there is a duty-free shop near the Paradise Hotel (on Haeundaegu) with a duty free range (you need to present a foreign passport, as well as a return ticket).


Among the souvenir products in South Korea, a variety of crafts, wooden masks, handicrafts, original seals, and paper lanterns are especially in demand.

Tojan seal

In South Korea, it is worth purchasing a personalized dojang seal, which has long been made using a special method. In the past, such seals served as an analogue of a personal signature

Paper lanterns and buche fans

Interesting holiday products include paper lanterns and Buche faiths


Handicrafts from local craftsmen are in particular demand. If you are interested in authentic interior items, take a closer look at original chairs, carved tables or handmade wooden masks, as well as beautiful products of Korean potters

Tea blends

A particularly delicious mixture of chaksolcha made from young tea leaves


It is worth trying soju rice vodka, makgeolli rice wine, and a strong moonbaeja drink made from pearl millet and wheat. Local flower, ginseng, apple and fruit infusions are no less tasty.

Green tea

These include various types of green tea, ginseng, and drinks made from local herbs

Local dishes

For example, kimchi made from fermented vegetables that can be stored for a long time

Hanbok, the national costume of South Korea, as well as interior items will be an excellent souvenir purchase.


Thanks to the latest scientific advances and attractive designs, Korean cosmetics are in demand among women all over the world. The country produces face masks, compact powders and creams for various purposes based on extracts of herbs, fruits and vegetables.

Gold jewelry and crafts made from decorative stones

The most popular beauty products from South Korea

Visa and customs

Russian citizens wishing to visit South Korea require a visa. Visa-free entry for a month is allowed to citizens who have already visited the country at least 4 times over the past two years, or have been to this country at least 10 times in total.

Customs rules are standard - duties apply on alcohol and cigarettes, currency and jewelry must be declared. The import of drugs, weapons and other dangerous substances is prohibited.

How to get there

By plane

There are direct flights Moscow-Seoul (Aeroflot, Korean Air). Some airlines operate flights with connections in various Asian and European cities. international Airport Incheon is located 52 kilometers from Seoul. It is connected to the capital by an expressway. You can travel to Seoul from the airport by taxi and express buses.


Transport in South Korea works like clockwork, it is clean, comfortable and safe. The service staff is courteous and polite, and in some places there are English-speaking staff.

IN major cities There are a lot of cars driving around the country, so there are traffic jams. Road signs signed in Korean (there are small English inscriptions).

Local public transport is affordable and well developed, although city buses (express and regular options) are difficult for tourists to use, because all signs and announcements are in Korean.

Subways and taxis are much more convenient for guests of the country. Subway lines are available in Seoul, Daegu, Busan, Incheon, Daejeon and Gwangju. Crossing signs, stations and tables at ticket offices are duplicated in English.

Taxis in South Korea are cheap, clean and safe. Their parking lots are located in busy parts of the city, but you can also park your car on the street. Some taxis can be ordered, but they will cost more.

Many taxi drivers speak English