The best beaches in Cambodia are an unforgettable experience. When is the best time to go on holiday to Cambodia? Where to eat in Sihanoukville?

The Kingdom of Cambodia has recently become of interest to our compatriots as an independent tourist destination. Initially, people came here only as part of an excursion program from Thailand and Vietnam. But for several years now, Russians have become very interested in holidays in Cambodia. Reviews from tourists who have already visited this country and touched the ancient Khmer civilization inspire our compatriots to take a trip that they had never even thought about before. In this article we will tell you about all the nuances that tourists need to know in this amazing kingdom. We’ll also find out when to go to Cambodia on vacation.

Cambodia: brief information about the kingdom

The Kingdom of Cambodia, or Kampuchea as the country is often called, is located in Southeast Asia. The state has the longest borders with Thailand, Vietnam and Laos. Therefore, it is from these countries that it is easiest to get to Cambodia.

Most of the inhabitants of the kingdom speak English. In places where tourists often come, the locals speak English quite well. Approximately one third of residents have a good command of French. So you don’t have to worry about serious problems occurring during your vacation.

The country itself is quite small, its area does not exceed two hundred thousand square kilometers. But this territory contains a large number of ancient monuments that constitute the cultural heritage of Cambodia. It was because of these attractions that tourists came here from nearby Thailand and Vietnam. But in recent years, travelers have discovered beach holidays in Cambodia. Reviews of hotels with a high level of service, snow-white clean beaches and gentle waters allow us to conclude that the country has a great future in the tourism sector. This industry is actively developing and is ready to offer a lot to tourists from Russia and other countries of the world.

Cambodia through the eyes of tourists

If you are planning a trip to this kingdom, then keep in mind that Cambodia is a seaside holiday combined with local sightseeing. Depriving yourself of any part of this program would be an unforgivable mistake for a tourist, because getting to know the country gives vacationers incredible pleasure and gives a lot of unforgettable emotions. Almost everyone who decides to vacation in Cambodia leaves glowing reviews. They leave this country in love with its amazing culture, friendly people and incredibly delicious Asian cuisine. And if you add to this the cheapness that distinguishes the kingdom, then you will see a picture of an almost ideal vacation.

Keep in mind that it is better to vacation in Cambodia as part of group tours. Don't risk coming here on your own. Despite the fact that the streets of the country are quite calm, and the locals are very friendly towards tourists, we must not forget that not so long ago there was military action in Cambodia. Therefore, guides strongly advise tourists not to relax on wild beaches, travel to sparsely populated areas and carry large sums of money with them. It is known that there are still mined areas on the outskirts of the country, and there are quite a lot of weapons left in the hands of Cambodians.

But do not be confused by these facts, if you are careful and do not go beyond the bounds of decency, Cambodia will seem to you a real paradise, not yet spoiled by crowds of tourists and destructive human activities.

Sights of Cambodia

The most famous landmark of the kingdom is the Angkor temple complex. Once this city was the center of the country's cultural life, even its ruins testify to its former greatness - they occupy an area of ​​\u200b\u200btwo hundred square kilometers. At one time, the famous Hollywood film “Lara Croft - Tomb Raider” was filmed here.

In parallel with visiting the temple complex, tourists explore the city of Siam Reap. It serves as the gateway to Angkor and welcomes everyone who is interested in ancient and Buddhist shrines.

The capital of the kingdom, Phnom Penh, is a combination of beautiful ancient buildings and modern skyscrapers. Now the city is considered a metropolis and is ready to offer tourists many entertainment activities.

It is difficult to list the best vacation spots in Cambodia, because in order to get acquainted with the culture of the country you need to travel to many different cities. Tourists are provided with this opportunity through numerous excursion programs. But if you are primarily interested in a beach holiday, then your path should lie in Sihanoukville.

The best resort in Cambodia

Let us clarify once again that beach tourism in the country is at the initial stage of development. Therefore, do not expect resorts with developed infrastructure and numerous nightclubs. You won't find this in Cambodia. But if your dream is a cozy hotel, well integrated into the surrounding natural beauty, a clean beach and numerous inexpensive cafes, this is definitely Sihanoukville.

At the moment it is the only beach resort in the country, and a great future is predicted for it. However, now it is a small town with a population of one hundred thousand people. There are very few tourists here, and the beaches and coastal waters are crystal clear. Vacationers have a choice of numerous hotels with an average of three stars. They are equipped with everything you need, and you can eat in restaurants and cafes located along the beach.

Surprisingly, prices in Sihanoukville are much lower than in other areas of Cambodia. This is due precisely to the fact that the country is still perceived as a place where people come for a short period to explore unique temple complexes and other cultural monuments. But small towns with magnificent nature and not very developed infrastructure are not popular with tourists for most of the season.

It is worth noting that our compatriots quite rarely get to Sihanoukville, but those who were lucky enough to be here remembered it from the best side. These tourists always know the answer to the question of where the best vacation is. Of course, in Sihanoukville. After all, the beaches of this town are ideal for lazy time with family. In addition, there are simply wonderful places for diving or snorkeling - the coastal waters are distinguished by a rich and colorful underwater world. Local travel agencies offer inexpensive excursions to nearby islands that tourists should definitely visit. These corners of pristine nature seem to be created for romantic couples dreaming of solitude in paradise.

Is it worth going to Cambodia with children?

It’s hard to say how good Cambodia is for traveling with a child. Holidays with children involve traveling to countries with developed infrastructure, a large number of attractions or at least the presence of animators in hotels, as well as places where a child would be interested in going on an excursion.

Cambodia, of course, cannot boast of all this. After all, it is only at the beginning of its path to glory as a tourist center in Southeast Asia. But if your child is interested in historical monuments, loves to snorkel and is over ten years old, then feel free to choose a vacation in Cambodia. Reviews from tourists about holidays with children make it possible to form an opinion about this country as suitable for visiting with a child. Many mothers clarify in their comments that a mandatory condition for traveling with children was to take out medical insurance and pack a travel first aid kit. In it, just in case, the most necessary medications are collected, especially important are antibiotics and drugs for stomach upset. Sometimes children suffer from various digestive problems due to a sudden change in food. Therefore, you should be prepared for all unpleasant surprises. Otherwise, the children tolerate the climate and excursion program of Cambodia very well.

Cambodia Climate

The kingdom has a tropical climate, which is influenced by the monsoons. The average air temperature does not fall below twenty-five degrees Celsius, and in the dry season it often fluctuates within forty degrees above zero. This makes Cambodia very convenient for year-round recreation, but it is worth taking into account some of the country’s climatic features.

Like many other Asian countries, Cambodia has two distinct seasons:

  • dry;
  • rainy.

The dry season begins in November and lasts until April. During this period, Cambodia experiences a slight increase in tourist flow, which allows us to consider this time as the high season in the country. The most comfortable temperature is maintained in the winter months, and with the onset of spring the thermometer begins to creep up quite quickly.

The rainy season starts from May to October and the heaviest rainfall occurs during this time. The rains are usually short-lived, but very heavy. Many tourists note that this does not interfere with lying on the beach and sightseeing. Therefore, you can vacation in Cambodia all year round. Keep in mind that the country has very high humidity. Its level - more than 90% - often becomes a serious test for Europeans who find themselves in Asia for the first time.

The best holiday season in Cambodia by month

Winter is the most comfortable time to visit the country with children. The weather is stable and the air temperature is ideal for spending long days on the beach at the water's edge. In addition, during this period you can freely visit all attractions, because the sun will not be an obstacle to being outdoors. Let's look at the weather in each of the winter months separately:

  1. December.

The temperature in the first month of winter is quite comfortable - an average of thirty degrees Celsius. The beaches and popular places are quite deserted and are just starting to fill with tourists. The water at this time is surprisingly clean, and prices in catering establishments can pleasantly surprise you.

If we rely on tourist reviews, we can say that January is the best month to travel to Cambodia. The weather in Sihanoukville is calm and warm, and the water temperature does not drop below twenty-five degrees Celsius. At this time, guides highly recommend visiting Buddhist temples and other cultural monuments of the country.

The temperature begins to gradually increase. In February, the daily norm is thirty-three degrees, and at night it stays at around twenty-two degrees. This makes it possible to relax not only during the day, but also to indulge in a romantic walk under the moonlight or a night scuba dive. The last winter month in Cambodia will please those who prefer mainly a beach holiday, because going on excursions is already getting a little hot.

Spring makes its own adjustments to tourists' plans. Usually at this time only those who can tolerate the heat and high importance take the risk of coming to Cambodia. Don't expect temperatures to drop below thirty-five degrees Celsius for even one day in March. The first month of spring is suitable for visiting the highlands of Cambodia. Here are Khmer villages where you can get acquainted with their cultural traditions and way of life.

Hottest season in Cambodia

Spring is the time of the highest temperatures. But for those for whom Cambodia is a seaside holiday, April and May are almost ideal. During this period, you can get a luxurious tropical tan in just a couple of days, but you should use the highest sunscreen.

April is perfect for those who are not keen on traveling and sightseeing. This category of tourists goes to the snow-white ones in the morning and spends all their free time there. Well, if you get bored with this lazy pastime, you can always go to the mountains, where the most beautiful ancient temples are located.

Holidays in Cambodia in May will be spoiled by extremely high temperatures, which not everyone can endure. At this time, it is no longer advisable to be on the beach; the air temperature often exceeds forty degrees. Therefore, most tourists prefer to visit numerous national parks and Popoquel Falls. Among the parks, Bokor, which is located near the capital of Cambodia, is more popular.

Rainy season in the kingdom

Usually, already in May, tourists can experience short-term rains, but the rainy season opens in all its glory with the arrival of summer. Each month has its own weather and temperature:

  1. June.

The air temperature is still at a fairly high level of thirty-two degrees Celsius, but there are noticeably fewer vacationers on the beach. Showers are becoming more frequent and prolonged, and the sea is rough due to frequent winds.

This month sees the highest rainfall in Cambodia, but tourists still come here. Most often, such travelers are interested in the city of Siam Reap, which is closest to the Angkor temple complex.

The last month of summer is characterized by high humidity and rather hot weather. Local residents prefer not to go outside during the day and only at dusk, when the thermometer drops to twenty-five degrees Celsius, do they begin to do some business. However, already at this time you can notice rare tourists on the beaches enjoying sea bathing.

Autumn marks the threshold of the high season, but the weather in Cambodia can bring a lot of surprises:

  1. September.

This month is least suitable for tourist trips. The country is quite windy and still rainy, and the overflowing Tholensap Lake makes it difficult to see the sights of Cambodia.

At this time, the weather gradually becomes more comfortable, the temperature remains at thirty degrees above zero. But strong winds significantly spoil the holiday experience. During the day the sky is usually overcast, and at night it often rains.

The last month of autumn begins the high season. Night temperatures during this period are not conducive to walking, but during the day the air warms up to thirty degrees. The first tourists who are eager to relax in Cambodia are beginning to appear on the beaches.

In recent years, tourism operators have noted that tours to Cambodia are becoming very popular during the New Year holidays, as well as in late autumn. Apparently, during this period our compatriots really lack warmth and sunshine.

Holidays in Cambodia: hotels

We have already clarified that the country’s tourism infrastructure is not as developed as in Russia. But still, the number of hotels presented is enough to make the right choice. Keep in mind that most hotels are three stars. Moreover, these are very decent options, where the room will have a safe, satellite TV, free Internet, slippers with a robe, air conditioning and even a minibar. Meals are usually limited to a fairly varied breakfast.

If you choose a hotel in the city center, it will not have a pool. This is a characteristic of Cambodia that frustrates many tourists. If you are looking for a hotel with a high level of service, then you can find them in the kingdom. They are worth staying in when you plan to spend more than five days in the country. For example, in Sihanoukville the best hotel complexes are:

  • Sokha Beach (4 stars).
  • Independence (4 stars).

They are located on the first coastline, have their own piece of the beach and offer excellent food.

If you are in Cambodia just for sightseeing, you can stay at the Angkor Way Hotel (3 stars). It is the closest to the temple complex of the same name, so you won't have to spend several hours on the road.

Cost of a holiday in Cambodia

When you are planning a family vacation, the financial side of the event becomes extremely important. It is not surprising that most of our compatriots are primarily concerned with the question of how much a holiday in Cambodia costs. We hasten to please you - the prices can pleasantly surprise any Russian.

On average, tours to Cambodia from Moscow will cost Russians fifty to sixty thousand rubles per week of vacation. This price includes flights, accommodation in a four-star hotel and buffet breakfast.

In local cafes you can please your stomach with a wide variety of dishes. It is worth noting that they are all very tasty and quite cheap. The basis of the Cambodian diet is soups and main courses of rice, meat and vegetables. They are served with exotic sauces, which locals add to almost all their food without exception. The average bill per person in a small cafe will not exceed one hundred and fifty rubles.

Russian tour operators claim that the low cost of holidays is the factor that almost always tips the scales in favor of Cambodia. But those who choose this country according to this criterion are left with a pleasant impression of the trip thanks to the magnificent nature, beautiful architectural monuments and interesting excursions that can give tourists a lot of thrills.

For many decades, Cambodia was closed to tourism, so only the most intrepid travelers dared to visit it. Today, the country in Southeast Asia is considered a popular destination among tourists of various categories. Some go on vacation to Cambodia to wander through the mysterious jungle, others prefer to alternate lazy lying on the beach with a relaxing massage, and still others cannot imagine life without educational excursions to ancient temples.

When is the best time to go?

The climate of Cambodia is clearly divided into two seasons: dry and wet. The rainy season lasts from May to October. In addition to the risk of getting wet, rainy times cause a number of other inconveniences: washed-out roads make it difficult to move along the streets, the countryside suffers from floods, and many non-essential bridges are closed. Among the advantages, it is worth noting the incredible beauty of landscapes surrounded by lush greenery, a significant reduction in prices in Cambodia for accommodation and a minimum of crowds at attractions.

From November to March there is a dry season, which is characterized by heat, dust and a huge flow of tourists. Experienced holidaymakers flock to the country's resorts en masse from late autumn to mid-winter, trying to take advantage of the relatively cool days and lack of precipitation. As spring approaches, the thermometer confidently creeps up, gradually replacing comfortable weather with hellish heat.

Main cities

Phnom Penh. The name alone creates an image of an exotic destination in your head. The shimmering spiers of the Royal Palace, the precious metal floor of the Silver Pagoda and its prime location on the banks of the mighty Mekong River represent a legacy of fabulous Asia. Although today's noisy, dirty capital is unlikely to win the tourist award, it would be a grave mistake to ignore the city literally reborn from the ashes.

Siem Reap. The main destination for those wishing to visit the ancient temple complex of Angkor. In addition, the city is interesting from the point of view of gastronomic tourism or extreme entertainment.

Sihanoukville. The most popular ticket to a heavenly trip to Cambodia. A small, very young town cannot boast of stunning architecture or hosting worthwhile festivals. The destination attracts with luxurious relaxation on the white sandy coast of the South China Sea, the proximity of uninhabited islands, and vibrant nightlife.

Popular attractions

Angkor. A superstructure of antiquity, the Hindu temple complex is considered one of the most amazing architectural projects in the world. Temple City is the national symbol and pride of Cambodia. He combined creative ambitions and spiritual devotion. Angkor Wat is a unique structure over 1000 years old, which covers an area of ​​200 hectares. It often takes 3 days to inspect the entire territory. When purchasing a trip to Cambodia, you can arrange an excursion in advance.

Royal Palace. Classic Khmer roofs and dazzling gilding catch the eye of visitors to the capital. This striking architectural ensemble, located near the embankment, bears a striking resemblance to its counterpart from Thailand. Since the palace is the official residence of King Sihamoni, many of its halls are hidden from the public eye. However, those to which access is permitted are quite capable of satisfying the curiosity of foreigners.


Due to the unstable political situation, tourists are advised to avoid getting into disputes about Cambodian rulers and stay away from rallies and demonstrations. As in many resort regions, cases of petty theft and robbery are often recorded here. Leave valuables and documents in the hotel safe. It is advisable to carry a minimum of things with you. In public transport and crowded places, beware of pickpockets.

So a month has flown by, a month since we left our beloved and comfortable one and set off to explore new horizons :) We spent this month in Cambodia. Today I decided to deviate from my rule (write most articles in chronological order) and write a short article about our impressions of Cambodia, sum it up, give tips and recommendations for holidays in this country.

Famous Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Country Cambodia

First time about Cambodia I heard in 2005, before that I somehow never thought that there was such a country on the world map :) And in 2005, while relaxing and sitting in the evening in one of the bars with live music, drinking cocktails, I met the company guys, one of them was from Cambodia. Then I began to wonder, what kind of strange Cambodia is?

Cambodia is a state in Southeast Asia, bordering Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. The capital is Phnom Penh. The most visited and tourist city is. Seaside resort – Siankouville.

Seaside resort of Sihanoukville. Otres Beach

The state on the current territory of Cambodia arose a very long time ago, in 600 years. The mighty Khmer Empire rules here. It was the Khmers who built Angkor Wat, the world-famous temple complex, in the 11th century.

Since 1880, Cambodia became a colony of France and only gained independence in 1953. For a time, the country was called the Khmer Republic, and foreigners called it Kampuchea. Cambodia experienced a civil war, in which both the United States and Vietnam intervened, and in 1975 the Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, came to power and carried out a bloody reign of terror on the population in the country. During these years, the entire intelligentsia of the country, doctors, engineers, Buddhists, townspeople were destroyed, education, healthcare were abolished, temples were destroyed - Pol Pot built “agrarian socialism”. In just four years, according to various estimates, from 1 to 3 million people were destroyed. In 1979, the Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown, but the civil war in Cambodia continued for a long time. Now the country is headed by the King, but in fact the country is ruled by the Prime Minister.

What we managed to see in Cambodia in a month

We only stayed in Cambodia for a month. At first I thought that we would stay there for two months, but we decided not to stay (and why we decided not to stay in this country, read below in the article).

To describe it in a few words, this month passed under our motto: temples, work, sea, beer, barbecue 🙂

Sometimes our evenings went like this. Oliva Restaurant, Sihanoukville

We spent a week in Siem Reap: we lived in (I recommend!), worked, made forays into temples, went up in a hot air balloon and viewed Angkor from above, tried to watch the sunrises, and in the evenings we walked along the street of Pub Street bars, drank cheap beer and ate delicious food. Khmer food.

One of the temples of the Angkor Wat complex

A week later we took an overnight bus to the seaside resort of Sihanoukville. I must say that we chose not a very good period for visiting Cambodia: we arrived in Sihanoukville 4 days after the Chinese New Year (this year it fell on February 19), so many Asians and Chinese who came here were still vacationing in the city on vacation.

Resort city of Sihanoukville. From the observation deck it even looks nice...

And in Cambodia, on the Russian island near Sihanoukville, from February 18 to 28, the Kazantip festival was supposed to take place (yes, yes, our Kazantip was transported to Cambodia!). But, a few days before the start of Kazantip, several Russian groups did not share something among themselves; there was a shooting in a bar. After this incident, the Cambodian government banned Kazantip from being held on its territory. But they banned it literally the day before the start of the festival! And people have already arrived in Sihanoukville! Many had hotels paid for and tickets purchased. Therefore, despite the cancellation of the festival, most of those who came decided to stay in Sihanoukville and party no matter what :)

Therefore, when we arrived in Sihanoukville by bus on the morning of February 23, we were amazed at the number of people in the city: not only were there crowds of Chinese wandering the streets, but also a bunch of cheerful (drunk or stoned) young people who, despite the cancellation of the festival, stayed to drink, walk and relax in Sihanoukville.

It was difficult to find accommodation for these dates. We planned to stay either in a guest house near the sea for 10-15 dollars a day, or to find an inexpensive apartment - for 120 - 180 dollars for three weeks in the city center.

The search for housing was unsuccessful: almost all guest hotels were full or prices soared several times. For example, I was hoping to check into a guest house near the sea, where our friends lived before us for two weeks: they rented a room for 15 dollars a day, and now they were already asking 35 dollars for the same room! Nobody wanted to bargain (in general, Khmers are very reluctant to bargain). No one agreed to lower prices even for monthly rent.

We found an apartment option (without a kitchen, i.e. there is space for a kitchen, but no stove) in the city center, near a large store and market for $200 (+ utilities) for 3 weeks, but then, after thinking about it, we decided check into a guest house near the sea for at least the first week, so you can swim in the sea. If we lived in the city center (3-4 km to the beaches), we would rarely go to the sea. At the same time, you would also have to rent a bike for the entire period ($60-100 per month).

Therefore, we decided to check into a guest house near the sea for $15 per day. For this money we rented a small room with air conditioning, but without a refrigerator. At first we agreed to stay for a week, and after a week, when the excitement subsided, we planned to find new housing: better or cheaper :)

As the week passed, we made new attempts to find accommodation, but despite the fact that the rush had subsided and many hotels were empty, prices did not drop. The average cost of a room with air conditioning in a guest house near the sea near Ochheuteal beach is $25, with a fan - $15. Therefore, we stayed in our room for the rest of our stay in Sihanoukville.

Our housing had a significant advantage - its location. It’s a 3-minute walk to the sea (Occheuteal and Serendipity beaches), there are many inexpensive cafes nearby that serve delicious barbecue and beer for $0.50 per glass, and various cocktails for $2.

The closest beach is Ocheuteal - Serendipity was a 3 minute walk from our hotel

During 3 weeks in Sihanoukville, we rented a bike only 5 times, in order to go to the Vietnamese Embassy and to neighboring beaches. We did not visit any attractions except two small temples in the city. Although there is a national park and waterfall next to Sihanoukvel.

In Sihanoukville we just relaxed, sunbathed on the beaches, swam in the sea, worked and ate and drank :) And so 3 weeks passed. By the way, Sihanoukville very much reminded me of Yevpatoria, where I loved to relax every summer as a student! And the landscapes are almost the same, and the beaches are similar :)

Sokha Beach, Sihanoukville
Otres Beach, Sihanoukville

From Sihanoukville we went to the capital of Cambodia to the city. We spent 2 days there: we stayed in a hotel right next to the embankment and the Royal Palace, walked around the city a little, visited the genocide museum (former prison), several pagodas and temples, and of course, . But we didn’t have time to go to the National Museum.

Royal Palace in Phnom Penh

Royal Palace in Phnom Penh, video

It's very hot in Phnom Penh right now! I felt as if I were not walking along the city streets, but walking around a sauna. It was constantly difficult for me to walk, my leg hurt, although I usually tolerate the heat well. Therefore, in Phnom Penh we walked from 8 to 10 in the morning and after 3 in the afternoon. The rest of the time we slept in the room, under the air conditioning :)

Our impressions of Cambodia

Our impressions of Cambodia are so contradictory, they managed to change not just several times in a month, they changed several times a day! The emotions were from “Let’s get out of here immediately!” before “Or maybe we can extend our visa and stay for another month?”

When we went to Cambodia, we understood that this was a poor country, that people had suffered such horrors and suffering, that the civil war had recently ended, that the country was going through a period of formation, so we did not expect such comfort as in Thailand. Cambodia reminded me of our dashing 90s: corruption, theft, robbery, showdowns, dirt and destruction, a very strong division between the poor and the rich, there is no middle class in the country at all.

I would like to remind you that our impressions of the country are based on visiting only 3 cities: Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Phnom Penh , and there is also Kompot, Kep and other cities where, they say, it’s not bad at all.

Pros of Cambodia

1. Angkor Wat Temples near Siem Reap this is something! Angkor is something worth coming to Cambodia for at least a couple of days. Many tourists do this when vacationing in Thailand, for example, on a package tour to Pattaya or to, travel on their own or take a 2-3-day excursion to Siem Reap.

The temples of Angkor Wat are something worth coming to Cambodia for!

2. Siem Reap city very touristy, quite clean, there are large supermarkets, delicious food, lots of cute cafes.

Evening in the city center, Siem Reap

Siem Reap city. Video

3. Sihanoukville has a very warm sea. It’s been a long time since I swam in such warm, pleasant-to-the-touch water.

4. Great beaches in Sihanoukville with developed infrastructure (sunbeds, umbrellas, bars, cafes). And what comfortable chairs there are!

The magnificent beaches of Sihanoukville

5. Free sunbeds on the beaches of Sihanoukville (something that is so lacking on the island): to use them, you just need to order something at the bar to which they belong, for example

  • Water 0.5$ -1$
  • Beer 0.5$ – 1$
  • Fruit shake – $1
  • Coconut – 1$
  • Coffee – 0.75 – 1.5$

6. Very tasty and inexpensive food in a cafe , For example

  • piece of pork, baked potato and salad – $3
  • baked mussels + potatoes, salad – $3-4
  • pizza 4-5$
  • spaghetti 3.5-7$

Pork steak with potatoes and salad for $3
Very tasty pizza 5-7 dollars

7. Cheap alcohol. Good local beer Ankor and Cambodia - $0.5 per glass, $2 per jug. Delicious and cheap cocktails $2-3.

8. Cheap fruit at the market (not on the beach!)

  • Mango, kg – 1$
  • Watermelon, kg – $0.5
  • Bananas, huge bunch – $1

9. Magnificent sunsets and every day is different

10. Beautiful royal palace in Phnom Penh and a very well-kept promenade

Embankment in Phnom Penh

Cons of Cambodia

I’ll start with the not very significant disadvantages, and then I’ll move on to those disadvantages, precisely because of which we decided not to stay in Sihanoukville for another month.

Not very significant disadvantages

1. Dirt. There's just a lot of garbage and dirt. You walk through Sihanoukville as if you were walking through a garbage dump. I already thought that after Chiang Mai, Pattaya was very dirty, but in Sihanoukville there is more garbage, but it doesn’t stink of sewage.

And the beaches can be like this...

2. Dust. The roads are all kind of dusty, the ground itself is red and dusty

3. In Sihanoukville no large supermarkets . I’m not even talking about such large supermarkets as Big C, Tesco or Macro, but at least like Laky Mart in Siem Reap or Phnom Penh! The largest supermarket in Sihanoukville is considered to be the Samudera store, but there is not much to choose from. Even if we rented a house with a kitchen, by and large, there would be nothing to cook with, except perhaps to buy meat and fish at the market... but we don’t like markets.

And in Sihanoukville, the lights are often turned off and all the products stored in refrigerators in stores begin to spoil. I took yogurt a couple of times and it turned out to be spoiled. Even wine that is stored on store shelves in the heat turns into vinegar :)

4. Enough high prices in stores. We usually eat full meals 2 times a day, and snack all day with nuts, cookies, chips, fruits and other small things. All this little stuff costs more in Cambodia than in Thailand, and even in Russia. There are no local products in stores! Cambodia produces almost no products. Everything was imported: we bought cookies from Croatia, and chocolate produced in Male (Maldives!), a lot of cookies were imported from Indonesia! By the way, in Sihanoukville I lost the habit of eating chocolate. Once I bought a chocolate bar - 50 grams for 2 dollars, it turned out to be not tasty at all, and normal bars cost from 4-5 dollars! I decided not to take any more.

And now the significant disadvantages for us

1. Safety in the city

Security in Sihanoukville is bad. The whole month in Cambodia we felt tense and could not relax properly.

First of all, here steal. On the beach, we literally tied our bag to the sun lounger and took turns swimming. It's funny.

Secondly, in Sihanoukville they don’t just steal (they take not only what is “badly lying”, what they didn’t inspect or accidentally left on the beach), but also rob. One day I went for a walk with a camera along the shore along Ochuteal beach, walked to the pier, walked past the Ukrainian cafe to the cape. There a foreigner stopped me and said that it was not worth going further, and explained why. He said that he has been living here for 3 years and almost every day in this place, on the cape between the beaches of Serendipity and Sokho, tourists are robbed in broad daylight!

It’s not worth going to the right behind the stones, tourists are robbed here every day

They snatch people's bags, and often, while snatching the bag, they pull the person off the bike. During the 3 weeks we lived in Sihanoukville, we learned a lot of such stories. Literally on March 8, a guy was riding a bicycle in the city center and his bag with money was snatched from him. Oh well, they would have pulled him out, so they pulled him by the bag so that he fell and was injured! Another guy riding a bike had a stone thrown in his face, he fell and, of course, woke up without money or documents. These two incidents happened in the city center. And there are many such cases. Victims contact the police, but the police do nothing! Sometimes they don't even accept the application.

Now Russian-speaking centenarians of Sihanoukville have gathered and written a letter to the consul about all this chaos in the city. Let's see how this ends.

One evening, next to the Lions (the Lions statue is located in the center of the tourist area of ​​Sihanoukville), literally 500 m from our hotel, there was shootout. It seems that the Russians did not share something with the locals.

In the evenings we tried to stay at home or go only to busy tourist places.

They steal bikes! In Sihanoukville, bikes are tied with chains and a lock. And there are still many cases of bike theft. There is information that the bikes are stolen by the renters themselves in order to knock off $1000-1500 later!

2. Road safety

Let me start with the fact that most of the bikes that are rented are in disrepair. We took 3 different bikes, and looked at many more, and there was something wrong with each of them. In one place we were immediately told that the rear brakes were not working. And they, knowing this, rent out the bike!!! Most bikes don’t start well, we struggled with one for half an hour, then it started, but we weren’t in the mood to go anywhere else that day :)

Many bikes are handed over without numbers, which means another reason for the police to stop you, and it’s easier to steal such bikes.

Even if everything is fine with your bike, you ride carefully and follow the rules, this does not guarantee that you will get from point A to point B safe and sound! The way the locals drive is just crap! They can drive in oncoming traffic, don’t turn on their headlights at night, overtake, speed, and no one pays attention to traffic lights at all—it’s a nice thing to drive through a red light! There are 5 people riding on one bike and very often in a drunken state! There are no traffic rules for them.

We always drive very carefully and slowly. And then, in the center of the city, a girl with a child almost drove into us! We were driving along the main road, she was coming at us from the side, we collided only with our front wheels, I was scared, Lesha scratched his leg a little on his bike (but “a little” takes a very long time to heal in this climate). I swore at her in Russian, of course, but what’s the point...

If you are not a driver, but a pedestrian, also beware of local drivers.

3. Scam for money from the traffic police

As you know, local police officers love to take bribes. They are fined for driving without a helmet, for having headlights on during the day (this is one of the worst mistakes drivers make), and for not having a local license. You should give no more than 1-2 dollars!

In general, our international rights (booklet) are valid in Cambodia, but we are still in Chiang Mai just in case, which are valid in 10 ASEAN member countries, including Cambodia.

We were stopped when we were leaving the hotel; they forgot that the headlights in Cambodia, unlike Thailand, must be turned off. If a policeman stops you, immediately take the keys out of the bike - otherwise he will take it away and you will pay $1-2, or $5-10. We showed our Thai license (which is valid in Cambodia!), and the policeman began to prove to us that it was not valid. We argued for a long time, I said that I would now call the tourist police and together we would look on the Internet that Thai rights also apply in Cambodia. As a result, the policeman actually started shouting at us: “You Russians, you are nothing but problems, get out of the country, you should not ride a bike, but a tuk-tuk!” And I told him that we were from Ukraine, not Russia :) In the end, we gave him 1 dollar, which he didn’t want to take (like it wasn’t enough), but in the end he took it and let him go.

4. Beggars and local children

In Siem Reap, surprisingly, there were almost no beggars and children near the temples, only a few times children pestered with a request to buy postcards, but in Sihanoukville the situation with beggars is worse. They walk along the beach and interfere with rest. But they are quite understanding, if you say “no”, they immediately leave.

But local children... Many are simply not educated and they do crazy things on the street: they scream, throw stones, sand. The most annoying thing was a crowd of children about 7 years old who attacked us in the evening near the beach when we were walking along the path along the sea. Most likely, they wanted to take something out of Lesha’s pockets, but Lesha pushed one away well, and they didn’t bother us anymore.

It’s not easy to walk along the path along the beach in the evenings; children and local beggars often pester you

One day we had dinner at a restaurant. Usually we sit deep in the cafe, away from the road, but this time there were no seats inside and we sat at the end table near the road. I eat spaghetti, next to it on another plate there is a piece of pizza and on another plate there is a bun, which they always bring for free before waiting for the order. A child of 7-8 years old comes up and puts his dirty hands on my pizza and bread! And he’s moaning about something. Once I calmly said “No”, then again, and then I had to shout that I’m going to call the police, he didn’t lag behind! Advice: if children or beggars pester you, answer them “No” as harshly as possible, they won’t understand any other way!

In general, it was precisely because of these significant disadvantages that we decided not to extend the visa for another month and not stay in Sihanoukville. Although, when we lay on the beach, swam in the warm sea, and then ate delicious food, thoughts arose of living here longer. But still, we are tired of feeling constantly in danger and always being on alert. If in Thailand the question of going somewhere on a bike was not discussed at all, then you will think a hundred times whether you need to go there: will you get there, will someone drive into you, will the bike be stolen somewhere near the beach, not will they take your bag off...

Cambodian locals

Local residents of Cambodia (Khmers), like the whole country, were left with mixed feelings. On the one hand, there were annoying tuk-tukers (on the first day I wanted to send them, then I learned to take them calmly), annoying children taking bribes and the police doing nothing, I was amazed by the laziness of the locals and the dirt in which they live.

But on the other hand, the Khmers are like children. Most of them are quite normal people, very friendly, and speak English quite well. Those who work in tourist areas are very helpful and always eager to help. And they also cook deliciously :) The Khmers seemed to us much smarter and smarter than the Thais, and this despite the fact that the entire intelligentsia was exterminated under Pol Pot and there was no normal education in the country for several years! Some residents are simply truly sorry.

I hope that the country can get rid of corruption, theft, robbery, restore order on the roads and then the Khmers will live happily ever after! 🙂 It’s not for nothing that the Great Khmer Empire was here many years ago!

Contingent of vacationers in Sihanoukville

A lot of young people vacation in Sihanoukville, a lot of cheerful students from Europe and America. There are European pensioners and noisy Chinese, but still the resort seemed more youthful to us. But we didn’t see families with children. In fact, in 3 weeks we saw foreign children on the beach literally twice! Locals, of course, relax with children, but they only come on weekends. We are quite happy with this contingent, our format :)

There were a lot of Russian speakers in the first week (at the time when Kazantip was supposed to be there). In the following weeks, there were fewer Russian speakers. Mostly people aged 35-50 relax. The vacationers are completely normal people: these are not package travelers (I don’t know if our tour operators sell tours to Sihanoukville), not yogis or raw foodists, and not those who drink strong drinks from morning to evening (we hardly saw drunk people either, despite very cheap alcohol), but he can drink a glass or two of beer and eat a tasty piece of meat. Those. ORDINARY people 🙂 That’s why we liked Sihanoukville, otherwise in Thailand there are too many “correct” people who are starving, don’t eat meat, don’t drink alcohol, etc., I was really scared that I’d become like that too :)))

After March 9, Sihanoukville was completely empty! There were many advertisements for housing rentals, and there were more special offers and promotions in the cafe. It's time to go on vacation to Sihanoukville! 🙂

Let's see if Cambodia, namely Sihanoukville, is suitable for a long winter? I think that No. Despite the fact that in Sihanoukville a room without a kitchen in the city center (3-4 km to the beaches) can be rented for $150-250 a month, and a room with a kitchen or even a house for $300-500 a month, I would rather live in Sihanoukville I wouldn't want to. If you rent a house far from the sea, then you definitely need a bike, and riding a bike around Sihanoukville is risky, especially if you are with children. And all the housing that is not near the sea is in some kind of dirt, surrounded by trash and landscapes that are not pleasing to the eye. The roads are almost never illuminated in the evening. Walking is dangerous and driving is dangerous.

There are no large stores in the city; there are several stores that are considered large, but they are like Tesco Express in Thailand.

There is dirt, garbage everywhere, there is no feeling of comfort and safety. And with medicine, everything is not simple.

Food prices in stores are not at all low. If you still think that everything is very cheap in Cambodia, that you can live here on $500 a month for two, then you are mistaken. Subscribe to blog updates (subscription form at the bottom of the article), in the next article I will tell you how much money we spent in “cheap” Cambodia (looking ahead, I’ll say that we spent more than when we lived in, while trying to save).

I kept wondering what attracts centenarians to Sihanoukville, why quite a few Russian speakers live there for a long time, give birth and raise children, build businesses, open cafes, hotels, shops. And then I realized why many choose Sihanoukville to live: Cambodia is so similar to our country! Here any issue can be solved for money; bribery and corruption flourish here. Therefore, it is very easy for many of us in Cambodia to do business.

Cambodia for holidays

1. Siem Reap- a city that you definitely need to go to to visit Angkor Wat. Set aside at least 2-3 days and travel/fly from Thailand or Vietnam to Siem Reap (fortunately, AirAsia has now launched cheap flights to Siem Reap directly from).

2. Phnom Penh- capital of Cambodia. A city worth spending a day on or using as a transit when traveling to Sihanoukville.

3. Sihanoukville– a good seaside resort with excellent beaches, delicious food, inexpensive guesthouses and hotels. There is cheap food in cafes (dinner for two with beer is 6-10 dollars), cheap fruit, cheap alcohol, cheap accommodation and good beaches with free sun loungers. From Sihanoukville you can sail to neighboring islands, visit a national park and a waterfall.

If I were planning a two-week vacation in Cambodia, I would organize it like this:

  1. Arrival in Siem Reap. 4 nights in Siem Reap, visiting the temples of Angkor
  2. Transfer to Sihanoukville, 5 nights in Sihanoukville, Ochheuteal Beach (Serendipity)
  3. One of the neighboring islands, for example Koh Rong - 2 nights
  4. Sihanoukville, Otres Beach – 2 nights
  5. Phnom Penh – 1 night

Total 14 nights (for more detailed information you can use).

Subscribe to updates, many articles about holidays in Cambodia will come soon!

P.S. This article describes our subjective view of Cambodia. What kind of Cambodia did you see? Share in the comments :)

The once great power of Southeast Asia can today be considered the most economically poor and ruined state. Having been excluded from the world community by the regime of dictator Pol Pot for seven long years, Cambodia was left without intelligentsia, specialists and simply educated people. The long civil war completely ruined the country; only by the mid-90s did peaceful life begin to improve.

Tourism for Cambodia is the most important revenue item in the budget. Despite the weak infrastructure, the country is proud of its temple complexes, natural parks, excellent beaches and delicious cuisine. The mild climate, very cheap housing and food well compensate for the lack of European comfort and inconvenience when moving around the country.

Many domestic tourists note the similarity of the current economic situation in Cambodia with Russia in the 90s. High corruption, an abundance of poor people and outright beggars on the streets. On the other hand, they try to protect tourists from all possible troubles. But vigilance will never be superfluous.

Travel companies sell five-day tours to the country of jungles and Hindu temples at prices starting from 1,400 euros for two (without meals, the price includes flights and a simple room in a 3* hotel). The real cost of the trip in this case will eventually increase to more than a thousand euros per person. Can you save money by traveling on your own? Let's figure it out!


Despite the fact that Russians need a visa to visit Cambodia, it will not significantly increase the travel budget. A visa can be obtained in Russia, through a travel company, or in person at the consulate, as well as at the airport terminal.

The cost of an entry permit does not cost more than 18 euros (in both cases). However, if you use the services of travel companies, you will have to pay approximately the same amount.

A Cambodian visa entitles a tourist to visit Thailand and return back. An undoubted advantage, isn't it?


There are no direct scheduled flights between Russia and Cambodia. Organized tourists enter the country on charter flights, for which it is quite difficult to get a ticket. You will have to fly with transfers in China, Vietnam or Thailand.

The cheapest months to fly to Cambodia are November-December and February-March. At this time, the most attractive discounts on tickets from Moscow to Phnom Penh or Sihanoukville are offered by China Eastern - from 525 euros round trip. The flight takes about a day (long wait at the transfer in Shanghai). A flight through Thailand or Vietnam can be found much faster, but the cost of such a flight will be more than two thousand euros per person.

Hotels, apartments, residences

Most often in Cambodia there are hotels that do not provide meals to guests. This circumstance will not spoil your vacation, since in any city in the country the number of cafes, restaurants and eateries is amazing.

And the prices are very reasonable:

  • You can find a European-level hotel for one hundred euros per night, or you can stay in an excellent small guest house a kilometer from the beach for 6 euros (in November-December, double room with a fan and free internet).
  • For 12 euros you can rent an excellent room with air conditioning, TV (satellite TV, several Russian channels), in a hotel that provides a fairly high level of comfort.
  • A bungalow fully equipped with all amenities (shower, toilet, air conditioning, terrace, outdoor cooking facilities) will cost no more than 13-15 euros.
  • A hotel room that provides guests with breakfast starts from 22 euros. Bungalow 300 meters from the beach - from 30 euros (breakfast included).

The level of service for tourists in hotels is very high. Khmers in general are very friendly and helpful people.

Gastronomic features and prices for food in restaurants and cafes

In terms of ingredients, traditional Cambodian dishes are not very different from dishes from neighboring countries (Thailand, Vietnam), which are well known to our tourists. But the taste of these same dishes here is completely special: not as spicy as in Thailand, not as balanced as in Vietnam. Khmer dishes are almost always a little sweet, and the range of spices is such that it creates a special and unique aroma.

In Cambodia, an Asian and traditional country, rice is the basis of nutrition. Meat and fish are also held in high esteem here. The climate provides an extraordinary variety of vegetables and fruits in the diet. If in other countries of Southeast Asia, dishes from insects and reptiles are prepared more for tourists, in Cambodia the local population happily feasts on red ants, larvae, spiders, beetles and grasshoppers, snakes, fried or stewed frogs. Such exotic dishes most often appear as snacks for strong alcohol.

Exotic dishes of Cambodia are not in demand by all tourists, but all travelers note the especially delicious dishes prepared from traditional European ingredients:

  • Bai sach chrouk is a widespread, inexpensive, but very filling and spicy dish. Spicy rice with pieces of pork roasted over an open fire, served with fresh cabbage and a cup of broth. Excellent breakfast, costing no more than 1 euro;
  • Lap Khmer is a great salad with marinated beef and vegetables. It may well pass as a main dish, especially in the hot season;
  • Kdam chaa - fried crab with herbs and local peppers, served in resort towns on the ocean;
  • Ankh dtrey myk - grilled squid with lime and basil sauce;
  • Fried fish is a very special dish, the fish is cooked in coconut milk and served with a sauce of many spices and lime juice.

Prices for food in street cafes are very low, and the quality of food is always excellent. If you feed yourself, you will have to spend a little more.

The fact is that in Cambodian supermarkets the products are mostly imported. Their prices cannot be called low, and their quality is even more so. There are frequent power cuts in the country. During the hot season, food spoils quickly.

When eating in inexpensive cafes and restaurants, expenses should be planned as follows:

  • Breakfast - one dish and a drink - 1.5-2 euros;
  • Lunch - two dishes and a drink - 3-4 euros;
  • Dinner - one dish, beer or wine - 3 euros.

The daily food budget is therefore between 7.5 and 9 euros per person.

Historical and natural attractions

All the main tourist attractions of Cambodia can be divided into three groups: temples, beaches, natural parks and pepper plantations.

Cambodia offers so many sites that no matter where you are (Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville, Kampot, etc.), you can visit many unusual temple complexes, special museums, walk through the real jungle and enjoy the most fantastic views.

List of objects of the “obligatory” tourist program:

  • Angkor Wat is the main treasure of Cambodia, which no tourist can miss. A Hindu temple city, symbolically representing the center of the world - Mount Meru. Dedicated to god Vishnu. Despite the fact that the temple is abandoned and has not been active for a long time, when visiting it, you must observe some restrictions on clothing (shorts and short T-shirts are prohibited). It will take several days to explore the complex. The best option is a 72-hour ticket (35 euros). Taxi (tuk-tuk) from the nearest major city (Sien Reap) - 10 euros (if rented for the whole day). You can get from the capital by bus (the journey takes 7 hours, ticket costs 13.50 euros one way). The best time to visit is early morning (no later than 5 o’clock), at other times you will have to wade through the crowd;
  • Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, has only two truly interesting sites for tourists: the Royal Palace and the Genocide Museum. The Royal Palace will take at least two hours. The main thing here is the silver pagoda and the emerald Buddha. Entrance ticket - 8.5 euros. Covered clothing is required to visit (no shorts or short T-shirts!). The Genocide Museum is a terrible place, a political prison from the time of Pol Pot. Torture chambers, punishment cells, historical exhibitions - all this makes a strong impression. Entrance ticket - 2 euros;
  • Sihanoukville is the main resort of the country. There are many ancient temples in the city, and in the city surroundings you can see waterfalls and pepper plantations. But the main thing here is the beaches (they are basically free, a sunbed is provided after ordering at the beach bar - from 1 euro). Prices in the city are higher than in other areas of the country;
  • Kampot is a small town in the vicinity of which is the Bokor Natural Park. In addition to the natural beauty, you should definitely see the abandoned royal residence and caves. In the town itself there is an unusually original market, where you can find not only vegetables and fruits, but also inexpensive and high-quality silk scarves (5-7 euros). You can explore the park and temples for free;
  • Uninhabited islands near Sihanoukville - visiting these islands is a unique opportunity to escape from civilization and relax in the lap of virgin nature (conditionally, of course, there are now many people who want to visit these islands).

Precautions and features of Cambodian life

The main troubles that tourists encounter in Cambodia are related to three features of the country:

  • Lack of ATMs, currency scammers;
  • Corruption;
  • Beggars (most often children).

In the first case, you need to have cash with you. American dollars are best; they can always be exchanged in banks and exchange offices at a favorable rate. Moreover, you can pay with dollars almost everywhere, although this is not convenient. The best option: have cash in local currency and dollars in small denominations.

In the second case, nothing can be done. You need to be doomedly prepared that the “magic” 1 dollar bill solves almost all misunderstandings: you crossed the road incorrectly (although the locals never follow traffic rules), you want to stay in the temple longer (almost all of them are officially open until 6 pm ), you want to get a working sunbed, you want your room to have a view of the sea... Everything is solvable, and the price of the issue is 1 American dollar.

In the third case, you will have to work harder. To keep the beggars away from you for the entire duration of your vacation, you will have to make a scandal with the participation of the tourist police once. They will leave immediately and forever!

Enjoy your holiday in Cambodia!

When to fly to Cambodia? Around the same time as in Thailand. A tropical monsoon climate awaits you. There are two clearly defined seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. The rainy season lasts approximately from May to October. Much rain falls from July to September. It is at this time that the country's main lake, Tonle Sap, overflows its banks. As happens in countries with similar climates, the rains are very heavy, but short-lived.

In general, this is the low season in Cambodia. The dry season lasts from November to April, which is considered the high season in Cambodia. There is almost no rain at this time, and the highest temperatures are observed in March and April. The best time to vacation in Cambodia is easy to determine. The most pleasant weather to visit is during the winter months.

Temperatures throughout the year range between +25°C and +40°C. In the summer months, on average from +26°C to +32°C, in winter from +22°C to +26°C. During the year, precipitation falls from 750 to 2000 mm and humidity remains above 90%. To understand when is the best time to go to Cambodia, decide on your plans. If you want to see the sights, then choose winter time; it is hot here at the beginning of spring. You can swim all year round, but hurricanes occur in the summer. If you are not afraid of rain and want to save money, then you can take the risk of traveling in the summer.

Holidays in Cambodia in winter

The weather in Cambodia in winter is dry and hot. The water temperature off the coast of the country is around +25°C. It is quite hot in the capital, but throughout the territory the air temperature can drop to +25°C, +28°C. There is an interesting route from Cambodia to South Vietnam, it is by water and goes along the Mekong River. Here the tourist can expect both the vastness of the floods of this famous river and the unusual life of ordinary Cambodians and Vietnamese. With a simple visa and border crossing, traveling between these two countries is not difficult. In the vicinity of the resort town in Cambodia there are unique natural attractions. One of them is the Kbal Chhay waterfall.

Read also:

Holidays in Cambodia in spring

The weather in Cambodia in spring is hot and quite dry at the beginning, but by May it already rains. Visit Kep, a small provincial town on the Gulf of Thailand coast in southern Cambodia. It is known to all gourmets of the world as the city of blue crab. From the famous Bokor National Park, at the foot of the Elephant Mountains, you can go to Kampot province, located in the southwestern part of Cambodia.

Think over your route in advance by studying the roads and nuances of traveling around the country. So, in order to see the beautiful and mystical natural park of Cambodia, Phnom Bokor, on the Bokor plateau, you need to move southeast from Sihanoukville. The beginning of spring is considered a good time to visit natural parks and other attractions of the country. But by the end the weather already threatens with showers and floods.

Read also:

Holidays in Cambodia in summer

The weather in Cambodia in summer is humid, hot and rainy. The rains are tropical, violent and frequent, but there are fair intervals of sunshine between them. If you decide to travel to the country at this time, choose trusted, well-known and large cities that have good hotels with air conditioning. And, of course, the sights. For example, you can visit Wat Krom, or Lower Temple, the second most important Buddhist temple in Sihanoukville.

It is better to postpone a trip to Siem Reap (Siem Reap in other spellings) until late autumn or winter. But if you are determined to see the Angkor Wat temples at this time, you will see that there are slightly fewer tourists here. True, there is enough rain.