Where are ice. What is ice and how is it formed? China, Harbin, International Snow and Ice Festival

Traditionally, snow fun are held where winter is long and harsh, and ice and snow in abundance - for example, in Norway or Canada. However, the world's largest festivals are in Harbin (China) and Sapporo (Japan).

China, Harbin, International Snow and Ice Festival

This event is held annually since 1963. In his history there were breaks, but since 1985 the festival was renewed and now annually takes guests from around the world. There are always a lot of tourists for which an extensive program is provided, including skiing and snowmobiles, and even swimming in the corner.

The ice for sculptures are brought from the Sungari River, snow in the northeast of China, where Harbin is located, too, there is enough winter here, the thermometer's column can periodically fall below the -30 degree marks.

Especially beautiful on the territory of the festival at night, when the multicolored lights of the backlight transform the ice sculptures, painting them with bright colors.

The official start of the festival - January 5, he lasts exactly a month. But of course, fantastic creations of masters arise at its venues not by maternifying the magic wand on the eve of the opening - this is a long process that sometimes stops even at night. And in fact, the festival framework is noticeably wider: some work can be seen before the official opening, and at the end of the program, many buildings are saved while the weather allows.

Japan, Sapporo, Snow Festival

The history of this festival begins in 1950, but world fame came to him more than 20 years later - after the XI Winter Olympic Games, which were held in Sapporo in 1972. Since 1974, an international competition of snow figures is held every year, in which teams from different countries of the world participate.

The Japanese festival is held in early February and lasts only one week, but it does not prevent his participants to create grand snow monuments. Take a look at at least the next photo - it is impressive, isn't it?

Festival events in Sapporo pass on several sites. From the Snow kingdom in the park, Doruda will be transferred to the ice fairy tale, located in the Susukino quarter.

Amazing ice figures not only adorn the city, but also attract many tourists who come to the Sapporo snow festival every year.

The third platform of the festival is the Tsundom Stadium, where the masters create snowy copies of monuments of world architecture. Real size.

The snow festival in Sapporo has a competitor: the second largest city in Hokkaido - Asahikawa Every year, on the same time, its own winter festival holds. Snowy compositions of the giant sizes of participants in such events are difficult to surprise, but it was at the festival in Asahikawa recorded Guinness record for the largest snowy sculpture.

In search of "raisins" organizers Winter Festival in Asahikawa We decided to bet on unusual illumination - and did not lose. No wonder this event is now called the holiday of light.

Japan, Asahikawa, February 9, 2013. Fairy Spring - Ice sculpture with backlight. Photos from iStock.com/seiksoon

Virtuoso performed ice compositions are attractive and in themselves - and the talented selected backlight creates real magic.

Canada, Ottawa, WinterLude

Love light effects in Canada. To ensure that it is enough to look at the photos made in Ottawa at Wintersloud's Festival (Winterlude \u003d Winter (Winter) + Interlude (Interlude Intermedia - "Interlection")).

This holiday is relatively young - it is held every February, since 1979. The main activities are usually confined to the weekend, but you can admire the creations of the competition participants and on weekdays. The only thing that can spoil the festive atmosphere is unstable weather: thawed in Ottawa is not uncommon.

Unlike festivals in China and Japan, here the international competition of snowy and ice sculptures is only part of a very extensive and diverse program of events, including, among other things, such exotic fun as "waiters race" and "Racing on beds", which are held on the lake Dow. However, ice figures do not become less beautiful or less amazing.

Winterlude is not the only Festival of Ice and Snowy Sculptures in Canada. IN Toronto Every year in the February weekend passes IceFest., and B. Quebec Travelists come out every winter Winter carnival. Here on the occasion of events are built big Ice Palace And even the hotel builds ice and snow.

The holiday in Quebec is held annually since 1955 and lasts more than two weeks - from January 31 to February 16. Well, for the first time, such an event here took place in 1894. Its program is also very extensive and includes not only the competition of ice sculptures, but also numerous sports, concerts, sleigh riding and other winter entertainment.

Pedigree white, opening history, appearance features, basic advice on the content of ice fish in aquarium.

The content of the article:

Now it has come such a time when entering the house or an apartment of his friend or a friend, no longer know who you can meet there and where did this someone come from? Sometimes people pursuing the goal will stand out from the surrounding gray mass, or in order to emphasize their impeccable and the original taste can make very unusual actions, solutions and purchases. It may be in the new fashionable shoes, the objects of clothing, in which, going out into the street, you can become a minute to become the object of universal attention, sometimes not quite apparent. But in this case, it is not important for a person to admire them - the main thing is not to be like everyone else or have what others do not have.

But when it comes to style in clothes, dear ornaments, an interior of an apartment or a supernova and trendy mobile phone - one, but there are among people who have little to be special outwardly, they also acquire special friends from the Grand Kingdom of Animals. Who is not possible to meet in a particular house: raccoons, hedgehogs, a wide variety of reptiles, snakes and even tigers and hippos. Yes, this is a list of modern pets and this is not the entire list. Sometimes, when a person chooses the same animal to bring to his house, he is not always guided by common sense and its tastes, and preferences, most often it depends on the financial position, which in itself can not be not upset. It is still a shame when animals accustomed to live free, become a means of underlining the material situation or status in society.

This judgment, of course, is far from all, after all, there are also such people who dreamed of the Martushka or Lemur and did everything possible so that their cherished four-legged friend appears in their home.

But not everyone is violent fans of large shaggy animals or snakes, there are people who love the aquariums. This big beautiful container inhabited by the most diverse living beings, originally from the sea and ocean depths, simply cannot leave anyone indifferent. Probably does not exist on our planet of such a person who in a restaurant, in an office or someone visiting, seeing floating fish in the aquarium, would have managed to pass by.

Such a subject of interior as aquarium, and it doesn't matter at all any size, in any room is always very appropriate. Looking at him and his inhabitants, it is unwittingly to catch themselves on the idea that the whole world has stopped at a time and is in standby mode. The expectations where the contemplator of this wonderful building will fully enjoy the harmony of water "space", which seems to have supernormalities to give a sense of calm, put thoughts in order, and simply raise the mood.

If you have decided to put such a house in your house with fish, but you do not know who is so special and unique in it to populate. It is worth paying attention to such a copy like an ice fish. Perhaps you know her from the pages of the encyclopedia, the Internet and, perhaps, how sad it sounds not sounded, the most often its name can be found on the pages of the menu of expensive elite restaurants.

Today, people began to start her in the house, as a conventional aquarium fish, this is really a beautiful living creation, and besides, highlighting her place in the home "water house", you save this living beauty from ocean waters from hand poachers and knives, and chefs frying pan.

Where is the ice fish, its origin

Pike-shaped whiteflies, an ordinary white pike or ordinary ice fish - under these all the names, the same live creation is hidden.

Champsocephalus Gunnari is a representative of the Grand Kingdom of Animals, whom a zoologist's scientist, a native of Sweden, attributed to the type of chord, the class of ammunition of fish, the detachment of perch-shaped, schoocry white bonds and family of white fish in 1905.

The natural habitat of this white-growing fish is the great depths of Antarctic, as some sources say, this pike is furious to oceanic waters at a depth of about 400-700 m from the surface of the water.

History of the opening of ice pike and interesting facts

In the distant ??? A eyelid whaling industry was a very popular and fairly effective source of income for residents of Norway. It is the workers of this craft, returning, home from the next navigation, told local residents An amazing story that they allegedly managed to catch an amazing fish, completely unlike all other inhabitants of cold waters. Her uniqueness, according to the Kitoboev, was that she had white or even completely transparent, like water with blood, for this physiological feature they were eliminated by its "ice" or "white". Many, having heard this seemingly not a completely realistic story, did not betray this story of particular, because there are few things that could invent or, which could continue these workers.

Only many-many years later, in 1954, scientists began to carefully study this mysterious fish and found incredible - the Norwegian workers were still right, it was not red blood, on the contrary, it is almost transparent with some turbidity or even "nebula." The whole secret of this feature is that hematocrit (blood cell blood cells) of this icy ocean resident is zero, that is, neither erythrocytes or even gemoglobin protein, which give the red blood of the blood almost to all living beings.

"No one appreciates what has been here and now" is an expression, perhaps once it was said not at all about food, but in the case of ice fish on the territory of the Soviet Union, it is not possible by the way. The thing is that around the 1980s, our Motherland had the opportunity to boast the largest worldwide ocean fishing fleet around the world. All records were catching and supplied fish in the USSR, all records, the mass of the catch on one Soviet resident exceeded almost three times the catch of American and English fishermen. Due to such large-scale supplies of products from ocean waters, including ice fish, our people did not pay any special attention to this amazing puffy and considered it the fish of the lower varieties. She basked his kittens, since a kilogram of such an ordinary product on the market was about 60-70 kopecks. No one was interested in any beneficial properties and special flavoring qualities of Antarctic.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, gradually burst into the defeat of the Russian fishing fleet, soon the vessel began to leave the oceans, the repair of the old and the construction of new ships was stopped by day, and people began to step down step by step to leave so profitable earlier and the necessary craft.

Then the Russian markets began to endure a fish with white blood, but already foreign suppliers and already on the fish shelves reigned a completely different pricing policy. Fluffy pets of Russian people no longer had the opportunity to enjoy such a delicacy, like meat of white-growing fish, and over time already people themselves could not afford such a luxury.
At this particular time, and began to think about what this pike-shaped whiteboard began such expensive and inaccessible to an ordinary employee. The impact of this mystery is very simple and even elementary. It's all about the special flavor qualities of this leafer fish. Almost every fish every year and even the day of its life cycle absorbs a large number of The various elements from the water in which she lives, in other words, with the age of the fishing organism is strongly polluted. Ice fish is an exception to this rule, because water in the native habitat territories of this Arctic beauty is one of the cleanest in the world, therefore, the meat of this fish does not contain any harmful substances and connections. Also, neither the fish itself nor the finished dish of it does not make up a specific fish smell inherent in its sets, thanks to this, people who do not eat fish products because of the intolerance of this "aroma". According to the taste properties of ice pike meat, several resembling shrimp. There is a theory that this is due to the fact that the white-growing fish in a natural habitat also carefully chooses food for itself and for lunch prefers mainly krill - these are small sea plankton crustaceans, characterized by very small dimensions (only from 8 to 60 mm).

In no case should not be noted the fact that perch-like whitefold is not just a fish, it's just a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals such as potassium, fluorine, phosphorus and many others. Pure protein contains over 17-18%, in connection with this, it's just a find for people who are going to sit on a diet. There are practically no such elements such as magnesium and calcium in its configuration, for this reason its meat is so convenient to eat in food, in the body of ice fish there is almost no bone tissue.

A simple white pike is one of those rare representatives of the animal world of the planet, which are not only delicious and extremely useful, but also received from nature a very early appearance. Perhaps, few people had such an opportunity to see this cute creation of nature in alive, but at least not in frozen form. After all, today, almost the only place meeting with ice fish are fish showcases of supermarkets, fish stores and occasionally vegetable bazaars, where she quietly waiting for its consumer, bought by a thick layer of snow and ice from the freezer.

But, if you have fallen out the opportunity to see this beauty actively floating on aquarium, you will be amazed by the elegance and the magnitude of its outer shell.

The parameters of the body of an adult individual can be different, depending on the amount of food in the habitat territories of one or another ice fish, as well as from the state of its physical health. The average length of the body of this perch-like habitual of antarctic waters ranges from 30 to 80 cm, the body weight range varies from 200 to 1200 grams.

The body of the whitefish is naked, absolutely not covered with scales. Persistently looking at her, it seems that it is completely transparent and through the body of ice fish can be seen the worldBut this is not the case, due to the fact that there are no red blood tales in the blood, then the skin does not have a peculiar "fish Rumyanta", so the shine on the light body of the fish and creates such an amazing effect. The fabulous cauldron of the ocean cold waters is decorated with wide stripes, which are placed transversely and painted in dark shades. Also on the body of this whipper, it is possible to easily notice the side longitudinal lines, they are most often two or three.

The head of ice fish in relation to the size of the entire body is very large, in its form a somewhat oblong and, as it were, a little flattened in the upper part. The mouth and large jaws in their morphological structure are very similar to the sick, from which, in all likelihood, there was one of the names of the ice fish, which is sometimes called another sea pouch, which is not at all right, because this name is representatives of a completely different fish family.

In the event that you had a happy opportunity to see this miracle fish, floating from someone in the aquarium and you have an insurmountable desire to contemplate such a fabulous creation of nature in your home, we can say that in the era of our modern times there is simply nothing impossible. And to get such a rare and not quite familiar homemade pet is still absolutely real. It is just necessary to seriously work in search of such a person who sells wonderful whitebies not only in supermarkets and institutions of restaurant type, but also in the hands of lovers of exotic home pupils.

To ensure that your homemade ice pike will feel quite comfortable and cozy in your home, you will need to work a little, and, of course, to upset.

To begin with, you should think about where it will live. Like everyone else's fish for their habitat in the conditions of the apartment to her the necessary aquarium filled with water, only choosing glass accommodation for such an original oceanic instance, do not forget that it is in size ten times more than all known and favorite colorful aquarium fish, such as Guppie, Mollyonsia , Coridorators, Terechi and many other miniature "animals" covered with scales. For this reason, for ordinary white stations, it is necessary to choose the dwelling of such dimensions, wherever she would simply fit, but could freely swim in their possessions.

If you have decided that you need an aquarium with ice fish, it is better that it was her personal apartment, it is impossible to say that it represents a threat to the life of other fish species, but the conditions in which she is used to live is already Quite another matter. After all, the optimal temperature of water for fish with white blood is 2-7 degrees, which will endure not every living creature. Perhaps after some time, you will be able to teach this amateur cold to more acceptable temperature conditions, but it is necessary to do it gradually increasing the water heat indicators for 1-2 degrees, but initially run it into more climatic conditions for it.

It is very difficult to achieve such low hydraulic indicators in the aquarium, for this in specialized pet shops there is an opportunity to purchase special coolers for home aquariums. On the pages of the Internet "walks" a lot of information on how to construct such adaptations with your own hands without much cash costs. But this will be suitable if a person needs to reduce the temperature of several degrees, and in your situation, it is necessary that the water is very cold, and that this temperature is maintained at a constant level.

It is impossible to ignore the fact that ice fish in the natural environment chose the purest water for their habitat. Therefore, at home, your fish should always be in clean waterAfter all, it is not known anyone how her aesthetic organism will respond to a variety of pollution.

Also in the ocean, the whiteboard prefers to eat a kind of delicacies in the form of Krill, so at first time it is better to find her favorite dish, but some time after adaptation of the fish to the aquarium conditions you can also try to treat it with a conventional fish feed.

Comment OT Foxin.

Soon there will be my way Heben, from here I will start my own trip to create my country. Therefore, do not be surprised if I suddenly Nuffulton your farm or your breakfast, or maybe you. True, the government is probably playing some snake to me. But if you want to join, then come, I have Ocelot and metal gears, everything else is not yet pronounced. Everyone before the meeting, with you was bi * b *** (the name is encrypted for the sake of your security) * climbed into the box *

P.S. If you did not like my nonsense, then be boldly put a minus, since all this is absolutely not appropriate here, I'm just writing on emotions from one of the favorite series of games, all IPR;)

Comment OT Foxin.

My Outer Haven Will Soon Be Ready, Fulton Go. Hide Their Breakfasts and Themselves, Fulton Knows No Boundaries.

Comment OT Foxin.

Chapter 1. This is my garrison!
It happened on Thursday, the 13th number of the 11th month, the year 2014 from the Nativity of Christ. It was cold on the street, it seems to me, quickly wanted to come home and see new worldwhose name is Drtenor. No problems arose with the entrance. I thought that they finally managed to do without problems on startup. At the entrance to the game I was met by the letter of Kadgar, he said that I am the greatest warrior of Azeroth, that only I can save everyone. I went to the portal, where I was met by the great heroes of the two factions. Together we broke through the portal and saw the great hordes of the Iron Horde. I thought that everything was lost, but I was also glad that they managed to make such an epic. I helped the great heroes to repel the attack and destroy the portal, the forces JO were no longer threatened by Azerost. We met the cruel leaders of JO, and we had to run away. We fled and fled until finally did not reach the jo ships. We hijacked one of them and went to another end of the continent. And here it begins ...
* Locks a cigarette * The weather spoiled on the street, it became more darker and darker, a good mood began to fall, and only thoughts about Dratenor returned it. Loading passed and it turned out that the ship was crashed. I've run away from the shore along with Tral. Later we met the Great Leader of Durotan from the Nordic Wolves clan. Fortunately, this clan was against JO, and we decided to combine efforts to discard the strength of the JO. Everything went well until finally I did not reach the place where we planned to build a camp for me. I, as a commander of the forces of the Horde, was to build a fortress here and consolidate the influence of the horde on this continent, from here it was supposed to begin a real campaign against the forces of JO. The first two tasks that were prescribed by my helper and the architect called only a smile. So they were simple. Of course, before this I had to look for it in a pile of a couple of thousands of other heroes. As soon as I moved away from this heap, there were truly magical things. I saw dozens of Gronnov's corpses - whose beings had to be killed for the construction of the garrison. All of them were at one point and did not disappear. Then I did not pay attention to it ... But after a couple of minutes I saw that the caste of any thing goes for a second of 30 or even a minute longer. That is where I am prose! I saw that Hronno, I attacked did not react to me at all! But after one minute he was drawn damage, and I found that there were still dozens of other heroes nearby. After the hour of completing the first two tasks, I did another couple and got it! All torments were just for him! I thought that all problems would disappear as soon as the garrison appears. After all, there was a phasing system and no lags and responses to a pair of minutes should not be, except for quite a bit. But I have never been mistaken in my life (c) the first 34! The approach finally gave the result, and as soon as the valiant defender of the garrison began to prode, I saw that in my garrison! There were another thousand heroes!
* Locks 6 cigarettes for an hour and a half * This world is mired in spherical, the evil forces of the ancient gods penetrated into my brain and showed me these illusions thought I. The precipitation outside the window was intensified, the darkness became more and more. And in the garrison, in the meantime, only one thing shouted, "this is my garrison!" "Valite N. [Email Protected] From my garrison "" What is it for illegal immigrants in my garrison "" That they shouted ... Enough intensified, in the Horde and the Alliance it was ready to begin a civil war. But everything has changed in a patch with Murlokami! Then the defender of the All Universe arrived on the gamon - Hogger! He saved everyone from the war. And in two days the conflict was exhausted. The valiant heroes of the two factions beat the power of JO in all directions, but of course the victory was still far away.
During the civil war, such heroes were lost as vein, orgim, marats, ha "Nar ...

Transparent, solid, playing in the sun's rays of the ice, every winter swams our rivers and lakes, flies on skating roofs with long icicles, turns the autumn puddles in the smooth, slippery rollers for the defers.

In the freezer of the refrigerator, the ice can be prepared in the midst of hot summer. It can be similar to transparent glass and on muddy white plastic. Almost everyone knows what is ice and how it is formed - this is just frozen water. But what do we actually know about this amazing substance?

What is ice?

First of all, it should be said that the statement seems to be formed from water, not quite accurate. In addition to water, there is also an ammonia, methane, as well as the so-called "dry" ice, which is formed when freezing carbon dioxide. Dry it was called, since when melting it does not form a puddle: carbon dioxide is instantly evaporates directly from the frozen state.

But we will only talk about Ice, which is formed from the water. Its crystals are characterized by the so-called hexagonal syingonia, when all water molecules are built into the correct volumetric grille, and one molecule is associated with four closest. This structure is characteristic of many precious stones and minerals - diamonds, quartz, tourmaline, korundu, beryl, etc. The crystal lattice holds the molecule at a distance of each other, so the ice density is less than the density of the water from which it is formed. Slices of ice float on the surface of the water, and not drown at the bottom.

According to research, our planet now has about 30 million square kilometers Ice. The main amount focused on the polar hats - there the thickness of the ice layer in some places reaches 4 kilometers.

How is ice?

Getting ice is very simple: you just need to lower the water temperature, lowering it below zero degrees. In this case, the crystallization process begins in water: its molecules are built into an ordered structure called a crystal lattice. This process is equally occurring in the freezer, in the pool and in the ocean.

Freezing always starts with the top layer of water. Initially, microscopic icy needles are formed in it, which are then fatal to each other, forming a kind of film on the surface of the watertasis. In large reservoirs, the wind dispersion the surface of the water, forming the waves on it, so the freezing goes longer than with fixed water.

If the excitement continues, the films are knocked into the ice pancakes with a diameter of up to 30 centimeters, which are then fatal to a single layer with a thickness of at least 10 centimeters. On this layer, called the juvenile, subsequently below, and sometimes over new Loda, forming enough durable and thick cover.

The strength of ice depends on its type: transparent one and a half times more stronger muddy white. It is believed that the 5-centimeter layer of ice can already withstand the weight of a person, and the 10-santimetime - weight of the passenger car. But still it is undesirable to go to the ice of the reservoir, while its thickness does not reach 12-15 centimeters.

Ice properties

The most famous and important property for us is the ability to relatively easily melting, turning into water at zero temperature. From the point of view of science, it has both other qualities:

transparency, ability to skip light well;

colorlessness - Loda itself does not have color, but can be painted with colored additives;

hardness, the ability to maintain its shape without an outer shell;

fluidity - But this property is inherent in him only in some modifications;

fragility - A piece of ice is split even with a slight effort;

spike. The ability to split over the crystallographic lines.

The composition of the ice is characterized by a high degree of purity, because in the crystal lattice there is no place to be extraneous molecules. Frozening, water displaces impurities that were dissolved in it. But many substances dissolved in water inhibit the freezing - so, in the sea water, the ice is formed at a lower temperature than usual, the salt, when freezing, is displaced from water, forming small salt crystals. When melting, they again dissolve in water. In fact, the process of annual freezing of water supports its self-cleaning from various impurities for millions of years in a row.

Where is the ice found in nature?

On our planet ice can be found everywhere where the temperature ambient Sleeps below zero degrees (Celsius):

- in the atmosphere in the form of small crystallines - snow either inlet, as well as larger granules -;

- on the surface of the planet in the form of glaciers - centuries-old clusters located in the North and South Poles, as well as on the tops of the highest mountain ranges;

- Under the ground in the form of permafrost - in the upper layer of the earth's crust around.

In addition, according to the research of astronomers, ice, i.e. Frozen water, discovered on many planets of the solar system. In minor quantities, it is available on Mars and on a number of dwarf planets, as well as on satellites of Jupiter and Saturn.

In the mountains of Shanxi Province (Shanxi) in China, there is the largest ice cave in China - a 85-meter underground bowling structure for bowling, which is located on the side of the mountain. Its walls and floor are covered with a thick layer of ice, and large icicles and stalactites hang from the ceiling to the floor. The Nina cave (Ningwu Cave) has one unique feature: it remains frozen throughout the summer, even when the outer temperature rises to summer highs.

Throughout Continental Europe, Central Asia and North America Many such ice caves where winter lasts all year round. Most of them are located in colder regions, such as Alaska, Iceland and Russia, where low temperatures that persist during the year helps to keep the caves in the frozen form. However, ice caves can be found in a warmer climate.

Ice cave Nina in China. Photo Credit: Zhou Junxiang / Image China

Most of these caves are the so-called "cold traps". In these caves, cleft and exits, which allow the cold air to penetrate there in winter, and through which he can not penetrate the warm air in the summer. In winter, cold tight air settles in the cave, outering anyone gathered here is warm, which rises up and leave the caves. In the summer, cold air remains in the cave, because relatively warm air rises up and can not get into it.

Ice inside the cave also acts as a buffer, helping stabilize the temperature inside. The ice is immediately cooled by any warm air entering outside before it can cause significant warming inside the cave. Of course, under its influence, the ice is tapping, but the temperature inside the cave remains almost unchanged. There is also a reverse effect: in winter, when very cold air falls into the cave, any liquid water freezes, highlighting the heat and not giving the temperature in the cave to fall too low.

For the formation of ice caves, a sufficient amount of water is also necessary for the desired period of time. In winter, the climate should be so that there are enough snow in the mountains, and in summer the temperature should be high enough to melted, but the air in the cave is not too warmed. In order for the ice cave to be formed and maintained, a subtle balance between all these factors should be maintained.

The largest ice cave in the world is Eisriesenwelt, located in Verper, Austria, about 40 km south of Salzburg. The cave extended more than 42 kilometers. Photo: Michael & Sophia / Flickr

Decorah Ice Cave Ice Cave (Decorah Ice Cave) in Iowa, USA is one of America's largest caves in which there is ice. The cave remains relatively free from ice in autumn and early in winter. During this period, the cold winter air enters the cave and lowers the temperature of stone walls. When the spring begins to melting snow, melting water seeps into the cave and freezes when contacting with still cold walls, and in May-June, the ice layer reaches the maximum thickness of several centimeters. The ice often remains inside the cave until the end of August, while the outer temperature rises above 30 degrees.

A similar phenomenon is observed in Kaudesport Ice Mine (Coudersport Ice Mine) in Pennsylvania. This is a small cave, where ice is formed only in the summer months, and in the winter melts. Photo Credit: Rivercouple75 / TripAdvisor

BOOMING ICE CHASM (BOOMING ICE CHASM) in Canadian Rocky Mountains Albert is known for its incredible acoustics. It is said that when the stones fall off and fall on the floor of the cave, 140 meters down, it causes a rumbling echo. The cave was discovered only in 2005 using Google Earth. Photo: Francois-Xavier de Ruydts

Ice cave Nina in China. Photo: Zhou Junxiang / Image China

Ice cave Nina in China. Photo: Zhou Junxiang / Image China

Ice cave Nina in China. Photo: Zhou Junxiang / Image China

Ice cave Nina in China. Photo: Zhou Junxiang / Image China

Ice cave Nina in China. Photo: Zhou Junxiang / Image China