The highest mountain peaks. The highest mountains in Russia

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How many highest mountains do you know? When and by whom were they conquered? And how safe are they to try to climb on them? In this article we cover the topic of the highest points of the world, which amaze with their spectacular views and equally spectacular numbers. Let's get to know them better

8091 meters
The Annapurna mountain range is famous for its highest point - Annapurna I. The height of the latter is 8091 m. This is one of the highest dangerous peaks for climbers, the mortality rate during an attempt is 33%, but since the nineties this figure has dropped to 17%. Annapurna, translated from ancient Indian, means “Goddess of Fertility.” The first to set foot on the summit were the French, the famous climbers Lou Chanel and Maurice Herzog, they did it in 1950. At first their goal was Dhaulagiri, but after inspection they decided to change the mountain, since that mountain seemed impregnable to them.

8125 meters
The first person to conquer Nanga Parbat was Hermann Buhl, who, as part of K. Herligkoffer’s expedition in 1953, set foot on its summit. Before this, many attempts were made to climb this mountain, they date back to 1932, 1934, 1937, 1939. During the war, attempts were suspended, and only the attempt of the Austro-German Herligkoffer expedition was successful. In general, the first data about the mountain appeared in the 19th century, when Adolf Schlagintveit traveled to Asian countries and made detailed drawings of the massif. Nanga Parbat is popular among climbers and has a high mortality rate of 21%.

8156 meters
The Mansiri Himal mountain range, which is located in Nepal, is famous for its Mount Manaslu. This mountain has another name - Kutang. After reconnaissance of Mount Manaslu, researcher Tilman came to the conclusion that it can only be climbed from the northeast. And only in 1984, namely in January of that year, the Poles Maciej Berbeka and Ryszard Gajewski conquered the peak of Kutanga. The mortality threshold on this mountain is not too high - only 16%.

8167 meters
The highest mountain of the Himalayan mountain range Dhaulagiri. For almost 24 years, since 1808, this mountain was considered the most high mountain peace. The global community of climbers began to conquer it back in the 50s of the 20th century, and only on the eighth attempt did they manage to win. A combined team of European climbers, led by Max Eiselin, set foot on the summit on May 13, 1960, conquering this height. Translated from the ancient Indian Dhaulagiri - “White Mountain”.

8201 meters
Cho Oyu was conquered in 1954 by an Austrian expedition that included Joseph Jächler, Pazang Dawa Lama and Herbert Tichy. This was the first official ascent without the use of oxygen cylinders and oxygen masks. This resounding success opened new horizons for world mountaineering. Today, to conquer this peak, you can choose any of 15 routes and simply enjoy the climb.

8485 meters
Makalu is one of the most complex and dangerous mountains for climbers. Only a third of all expeditions end successfully. The first ascents date back to the mid-fifties of the twentieth century. Perhaps this mountain would have been conquered earlier, but a huge number of climbers set themselves the goal of conquering Lhotse and Everest, and did not pay attention to this peak. The first to conquer Makalu was a French expedition led by Jean Cauzy and Lionel Terray in 1955. To conquer Makalu now, you can choose climbing paths of varying difficulty, there are more than 17 of them in total.

8516 meters
Only a quarter of attempts to climb Lhotse are successful. Geographically, this mountain is located on the territory of Tibet Autonomous Okrug, which makes it a cult object for many researchers and lovers of mysticism. The first to set foot on this mountain was a Swiss expedition, which included two famous climbers: Fritz Luchsinger and Ernst Reiss. It happened on May 18, 1956. Until now, remains undone Eastern wall Lhotse, as well as the traverses of all its peaks.

8586 meters

Kanchenjunga takes bronze in our top. This mountain was considered the highest mountain in the world until 1852. Interestingly, for three whole years the height calculations (which were carried out in 1849) were not published. But now, by right, Everest is considered the highest mountain, and Kanchenjunga is included in the list of famous eight-thousander mountains. It was first conquered on May 25, 1955, by two climbing friends: Joe Brown and George Bend. Over time, the mortality threshold on all mountains decreases, but only on Kanchenjunga does this figure increase from year to year. Now it is 23% and is constantly growing. There is a Nepalese legend according to which Kanchenjunga is a female mountain that kills all the fairer sex who try to climb it.

8614 meters
Karakoram is the second highest mountain in the world, after Everest. It was discovered back in 1856 by an expedition of European climbers. They gave it the name K2, which means the second peak of the Karakoram. The first to try to conquer it were Aleister Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein, but their attempt in 1902 was not successful. The first to actually set foot on the top of Chogori were the Italians, led by Ardito Desio. Now you can climb the Karakoram by ten different routes. In terms of mortality threshold, this is the second most dangerous mountain, after Annapurna, the mortality threshold is 24%. Until now, no one has yet been able to conquer Chogori in winter.

8848 meters
So, the first place that everyone has always heard of is Chomolungma. Sherab Zhamm is the Bonn goddess, after whom the mountain was named, Chomolungma - “Divine Life Energy”, translated from Tibetan. The name Everest was given in honor of George Everest, who led the British Indian Survey. This name was proposed by Andrew Waugh, a follower of George, in 1856. The first person to conquer Everest was a climber from New Zealand, Hillary Edmund. It happened on May 29, 1953. More than 280 deaths have already been recorded while attempting to climb Everest. But this does not stop daredevils; every year more than 400 people try to climb the highest peak in the world.

05/08/2015 at 15:50 · Johnny · 161 630

Top 10 most high mountains in the world

There are fourteen on Earth mountain peaks, having a height of more than eight thousand meters. All these peaks are located in Central Asia. But most highest mountain peaks are located in the Himalayas. They are also called the “roof of the world.” Climbing such mountains is a very dangerous activity. Until the middle of the last century, it was believed that mountains above eight thousand meters were inaccessible to humans. We compiled a rating of ten, which included highest mountains in the world.

10. Annapurna | 8091 m

This top opens the ten the highest mountains on our planet. Annapurna is very famous and famous, it is the first Himalayan eight-thousander to be conquered by people. People first climbed to its summit back in 1950. Annapurna is located in Nepal, the height of its peak is 8091 meters. The mountain has as many as nine peaks, one of which (Machapuchare) has never been touched by a human foot. Locals They consider this peak to be the sacred abode of God Shiva. Therefore, climbing it is prohibited. The highest of the nine peaks is called Annapurna 1. Annapurna is very dangerous; climbing to its peak has claimed the lives of many experienced climbers.

9. Nanga Parbat | 8125 m

This mountain is the ninth highest on our planet. It is located in Pakistan and has a height of 8125 meters. The second name of Nanga Parbat is Diamir, which translates as “Mountain of the Gods”. They were able to conquer it for the first time only in 1953. Six attempts were made unsuccessful attempts climbing to the top. A lot of climbers died while trying to climb this mountain peak. In terms of mortality among climbers, it ranks sadly third after K-2 and Everest. This mountain is also called the “killer”.

8. Manaslu | 8156 m

This eight-thousander ranks eighth on our list highest mountains in the world. It is also located in Nepal and is part of the Mansiri Himal mountain range. The height of the peak is 8156 meters. The top of the mountain and the surrounding area are very picturesque. It was first conquered in 1956 Japanese expedition. Tourists love to come here. But to conquer the peak you need a lot of experience and excellent preparation. 53 climbers died while trying to climb Manaslu.

7. Dhaulagiri | 8167 m

A mountain peak located in the Nepalese part of the Himalayas. Its height is 8167 meters. The name of the mountain is translated from the local language as “white mountain”. Almost all of it is covered with snow and glaciers. Dhaulagiri is quite difficult to climb. They were able to conquer it in 1960. Climbing this peak took the lives of 58 experienced (others do not go to the Himalayas) climbers.

6. Cho Oyu | 8201 m

Another Himalayan eight-thousander, which is located on the border of Nepal and China. The height of this peak is 8201 meters. It is considered not too difficult to climb, but despite this, it has already claimed the lives of 39 climbers and ranks sixth on our list of the highest mountains on our planet.

5. Makalu | 8485 m

The fifth highest mountain in the world is Makalu, the second name of this peak is the Black Giant. It is also located in the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and China and has an altitude of 8485 meters. It is located nineteen kilometers from Everest. This mountain is incredibly difficult to climb; its slopes are very steep. Only a third of expeditions that aim to reach its summit succeed. 26 climbers died while climbing this peak.

4. Lhotse | 8516 m

Another mountain located in the Himalayas and having a height of more than eight kilometers. Lhotse is located on the border between China and Nepal. Its height is 8516 meters. It is located three kilometers from Everest. They were able to conquer this mountain for the first time only in 1956. Lhotse has three peaks, each of them over eight kilometers in height. This mountain is considered one of the highest, most dangerous and difficult peaks to climb.

3. Kanchenjunga | 8585 m

This mountain peak is also located in the Himalayas, between India and Nepal. It is the third highest mountain peak in the world: the peak height is 8585 meters. The mountain is very beautiful, it consists of five peaks. The first ascent of it took place in 1954. The conquest of this peak cost the lives of forty climbers.

2. Chogori (K-2) | 8614 m

Chogori is the second highest mountain in the world. Its height is 8614 meters. K-2 is located in the Himalayas, on the border of China and Pakistan. Chogori is considered one of the most difficult mountain peaks to climb; it was only conquered in 1954. Of the 249 climbers who visited its summit, 60 people died. This mountain peak is very picturesque.

1. Everest (Qomolungma) | 8848 m

This mountain peak is located in Nepal. Its height is 8848 meters. Everest is highest mountain peak The Himalayas and our entire planet. Everest is part of the Mahalangur Himal mountain range. This mountain has two peaks: northern (8848 meters) and southern (8760 meters). The mountain is stunningly beautiful: it has the shape of an almost perfect triangular pyramid. It was possible to conquer Chomolungma only in 1953. 210 climbers died during attempts to climb Everest. Nowadays, climbing along the main route no longer poses any special problems, however, high altitude daredevils can expect a lack of oxygen (there is almost no fire here), heavy winds and low temperatures (below sixty degrees). To conquer Everest you need to spend at least $8,000.

The highest mountain in the world: video

Conquering all the highest mountain peaks on the planet is a very dangerous and difficult process; it takes a huge amount of time and requires a lot of money. Currently, only 30 climbers have managed to do this - they managed to climb all fourteen peaks, with a height of more than eight kilometers. Among these brave souls are three women.

Why do people climb mountains, risking their lives? This question is rhetorical. Probably to prove to himself the fact that man is stronger than the blind natural elements. Well, as a bonus, the conquerors of the peaks receive spectacles of unprecedented beauty of landscapes.

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Mountain peaks covered with eternal snow have always attracted people with their grandeur, grandiose beauty and a certain secret that hides behind their inaccessible slopes. Let's look at what is the highest mountain in the world and where it is located. There are peaks on Earth that reach 8 km in height.

The highest mountain in the world is Chomolungma, commonly known in the West as Everest. Located on the territory of the majestic Himalayas, rightly called the Roof of the World. This is the part high mountain range Mahalangur-Himal, where, in addition to Everest, there are several dozen more picturesque peaks exceeding the 7000 m mark.

Chomolungma has a pyramidal outline with steep southern and high northern slopes. Translated from Tibetan, the name means “Divine Mother of Life Energy.” This beautiful name the most big mountain received in honor of the Tibetan goddess Sherab Zhama, who personifies unconditional and all-consuming maternal love. It was proposed by researcher Andrew Waugh, who was the successor of J. Everest.

Interesting information about Chomolungma:

  1. Altitude above sea level – 8848 m.
  2. The first successful ascent was March 29, 1953.
  3. The number of climbers who managed to conquer the peak is 8306 (some of the climbers climbed more than 1 time).
  4. What is the name of the highest mountain in the world in Nepali - Sagarmatha.
  5. The English name Everest was given to the peak in honor of J. Everest, who headed the geodetic department of India, which at that time was under British rule.
  6. Abnormal weather: strong winds often blow at the top of Chomolungma, the speed of which can reach 200 km/h. The air temperature in the cold season sometimes drops to -60 ºС.
  7. The average time to reach the peak is 2 months.
  8. The best time for mountaineering is mid to late spring and early autumn.

Since ancient times, people have been trying to conquer the most inaccessible peaks of the Earth, which allowed them not only to test their endurance and strength, but also to get closer to the great and boundless space. The majestic Chomolungma is especially popular among climbers.

Every year, about 500 experienced climbers and true brave men try to conquer Everest. However, only a few manage to do this. The top of the Earth is conquered by few. It is impossible to reach it even by helicopter. Climbers who decide to climb this picturesque peak must undergo extensive training and carry high-quality specialized equipment.

Note! Everest in the Himalayas is not only the most beautiful peak in the world, but also one of the most dangerous.

According to official data, in 2012, approximately 260 climbers and extreme sports enthusiasts who tried to conquer this peak did not reach their goal. Their lives were tragically interrupted on the slopes of this mountain. Most of the bodies were never found. Despite this, every year many daredevils desperately try to conquer the highest point in the world.

Useful video: the highest mountain in the world


The most high point on our planet is located on the territory of the most famous part of the Mahalangur Himal - the Khumbu range. In addition to Chomolungma, there are 2 more peaks, exceeding 8 thousand meters.

In which country is the largest mountain in the world located? Qomolangma is located on the border line between Nepal and Tibet (currently autonomous region China).

The highest point in the world is hidden under a layer of ice and snow. To get to it, you will need expensive equipment, which, unfortunately, does not guarantee the success of the ascent.

It is worth noting that the location of Mount Everest lies part of the Nepalese Sagarmatha Ecological Park. Translated from Sanskrit, the name means “Divine Mother”. Almost the entire territory of the park consists of deep gorges and difficult terrain.

Interesting! A huge number of legends and traditions are associated with Chomolungma. It has long been revered as a place of power.

This peak is believed to be the abode of the gods. It is also directly connected with space. In addition, Everest is the habitat of souls who have not found rest in other world. Some climbers claim that they saw ghosts during their ascent. The fact is that under the thickness of the ice of Chomolungma there are stored a huge number of bodies of climbers who never managed to reach their goal. Therefore, Everest is often called the cemetery of the Himalayas.

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Almost every person knows that the highest point on Earth is Chomolungma. However, few people know which mountains are in second or third place in terms of height. It is worth noting that other eight-kilometer peaks are no less interesting than Everest.

All the highest mountains are located in southern and central Asia. They exceed 7500 m. In total, there are 14 mountains on the planet, rising above the surface of the earth by more than 8 thousand meters.

NameHeight, mLocationInteresting information
1 Chogori8611 Baltoro Range (Pakistan), Karakoram mountain system.This is the northernmost eight-kilometer peak in the world. Today there are 10 routes leading to it. Technically, the climbing routes to this peak are much more difficult than to Chomolungma. The number of successful expeditions is 45.
2 Kanchenjunga8586 On the border of India and Nepal, on the territory of the Greater Himalayas.The highest peak of the ridge of the same name. It is also one of the most dangerous routes to climb. According to Nepalese legend, Kanchenjunga is a mystical woman who kills all climbers who try to conquer her peak.
3 Lhotse8516 Mahalangur Himal Massif, Greater Himalayas, Tibet.This is one of the most beautiful and most inaccessible Himalayan peaks. Only 25% of ascents to Lhotse are successful.
4 Makalu8485 Mahalangur Himal mountain range, Central Himalayas.Several good climbing routes lead to the peak of the mountain. Climbing Makalu is very difficult. Only 30% of expeditions achieved success in conquering the peak.
5 Cho Oyu8188 Mahalangur Himal, Greater Himalayas.This peak was the first to be conquered without the use of oxygen cylinders. Today there are several excellent routes leading to its summit.
6 Jaulagiri I8167 Nepal, Main Himalayan Range.The highest point on the ridge of the same name. Translated from ancient Sanskrit, its name means “ White Mountain" The number of successful expeditions is 51.
7 Manaslu8163 Mansiri Himal, Nepal.The highest peak of the mountain range of the same name. The name Manaslu in ancient Sanskrit means “Mountain of Spirits”. This peak is located on the territory of a magnificent and environmentally friendly National Park. There is a trekking route around it, which can be completed in about 2 weeks.
8 Nangaparbat8126 Northwestern part of the Himalayas.This is one of the most difficult and dangerous mountain peaks for mountaineering.

In Sanskrit, the name of the mountain sounds like Diamir, which means “Mountain of the Gods”.

9 Annapurna I8091 Nepal, territory of the Himalayas.This is the highest point of the ridge of the same name and the most dangerous peak for climbers. The number of successful expeditions to the summit is only 36. The number of tragic accidents during the ascent is approximately 32% of the total number of attempts. Despite this, Annapurna became the first eight-kilometer peak in history to be conquered by man. A successful ascent took place in the middle of the last century, several years before the conquest of Chomolungma. In ancient Sanskrit, the melodious name Annapurna means “Goddess of Fertility.”
10 Gasherbrum I8080 Karakoram, Baltoro Muztagh Range, Pakistan.This is the second highest mountain in the picturesque and inaccessible Karakoram. It also has another name - Hidden Peak, which in English means Hidden Peak. Translated from the Balti language, the name of the peak means “Beautiful Mountain”.
11 Broad Peak8051 It is part of the multi-peaked Gasherbrum mountain range. This is the third highest point in the Karakorum.
12 Gasherbrum II8034 Karakoram mountain system, Baltoro Muztagh range, Pakistan.It is part of the multi-peaked Gasherbrum ridge. This peak has graceful contours and steep slopes. It is covered with eternal snow.
13 Shishabangma8027 Langtang mountain range, Central Himalayas, Tibet.This is the smallest eight-kilometer peak in the world. It consists of three peaks.

Useful video: top 10 highest mountains in the world


To summarize, we can say that the highest point and one of the most inaccessible peaks in the world is Everest in the Greater Himalayas. This majestic peak is located at the intersection of two Asian states– Nepal and Tibet. It has long attracted climbers, researchers, creative individuals and true romantics.

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According to data, this particular shield volcano, located on Hawaiian Islands is the highest if you consider the height from the very base of the mountain.

As you know, with its height of 10203 meters it is 1355 meters higher than Chomolungma. If you decide to visit this gigantic elevation, you will notice that most of the mountain is hidden under water, and rises only 4205 meters above sea level.

Mauna Kea has existed on earth for about a million years. According to experts, the last period of activity of the volcano was 500,000 years ago, the last eruption occurred approximately 4-5 thousand years ago, so it is considered inactive and there is no reason for concern.

It is believed that the top of a volcano mountain has all the best qualities intended for astronomical observation: moist air, temperature, quantity sunny days year, environmental situation, etc. As you know, a number of powerful telescopes are already operating at its summit, and in 214, construction began on the largest telescope in the world.

The highest mountains in the world from all continents. Description of the seven highest peaks by frequency.

As you know, there is a project that includes a list of the highest peaks of the world around the world and it is called “Seven Summits”. This seven includes the mountains of Northern and South America, also Asia and Europe. Climbers who have conquered all seven peaks automatically become honorary members of the “Seven Peaks” club.

I consider it necessary to provide a list of mountains that are included in the list of “seven peaks”:

  • Chomolungma (Asia);
  • Aconcagua (South America);
  • McKinley (North America);
  • Kilimanjaro (Africa);
  • Elbrus or Mont Blanc (Europe);
  • Vinson Massif (Antarctica);
  • Kosciuszko (Australia) or Cartens Pyramid (Puncak Jaya) (Australia and Oceania).

Chomolungma (Everest) as the highest peak in Asia

Geographically, it laid out its southern mountain ranges (8760 m) on the border of Nepal and Tibet autonomous region China, and the northern ones (the main ones, 8848 m) - on the territory of China itself. The peak itself belongs to the Himalaya mountain system and the Mahalangur-Himal ridge. Its coordinates are 27.59`17` north latitude. 86.55`31` E

An interesting fact is that we would not have known about this mountain as the highest in the world if in 1852, a certain mathematician and topographer Radhanat Sidkar, while in India, was 240 km away. from India, did not determine this by trigonometric calculations.

The tallest Asian beauty has the shape of a triangular pyramid. The southern skrod is distinguished by its geometric steepness and exposure, so it does not hold snow and firn. As you know, many glaciers descend from the peak, ending their existence at an altitude of 5000 m.

According to facts, the first people to climb the highest peak were Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Eumond Hillary, they climbed on May 29, 1953 through the South Col.

There is no need to hide the fact that the mountain is not very welcoming to guests. Its climate is very harsh, wind speed reaches 55 m/sec, temperatures in some places drop to -60 degrees Celsius. According to statistics, every twentieth climber remains forever on the slopes of harsh peaks, even without help modern equipment and equipment, as a result of which 200 climbers from 1953 to 2014 left their lives without conquering the highest peak.

Aconcagua is the second of the “Seven Summits” and the highest peak in the western and southern hemispheres of the Earth.

As you know, in Argentina, in the central part of the Andes, the highest mountain in South America is located - Aconcagua. According to the data, this peak was formed by the convergence of two lithospheric plates, Nazca and South American, and is 6962 m in absolute height. She also has a large number of glaciers, the largest are the northeastern (Polish) and eastern.

Coordinates: 32.39` S 70.00` west

Compared to Chomolungma, climbing to this peak will not be difficult if you do it from the northern slope. But despite this, it will be more difficult to conquer from the south or southwest. As you know, the British were the first to climb Mount Aconcagu in 1898 with the expedition of Edward Fitzgerald.

The third of the “Seven Summits” is the highest mountain in North America – McKinley

Coordinates – 63.04`10` north latitude. 151.00`26` west

This miracle of nature is located in the center national park Denali, in Alaska. As history goes, until 1867, that is, until Alaska was sold to the United States, it was considered the highest mountain of the Russian Empire. The first person to see it from both sides is considered to be Lavrentiy Alekseevich Zagoskin, the leader of the Russian expedition.

On March 17, 1913, American climbers under the command of Hudson Stack are considered the first people to conquer this peak.

According to stories, the indigenous people, the Athabascan Indians, used to call this mountain Denali, which means “great.” It was also called “Big Mountain” during its ownership Russian Empire. It received its final name in 1896 in honor of the 25th American president.

The highest mountain in Africa and the fourth of the “seven” is Kilimanjaro.

Geographic coordinates: 3.04`00` S, 37.21`33` E.

This mountain is potentially active volcano in northeastern Tanzania. Its backbone consists of three extinct volcano: Shira is located in the west with an altitude of 3,962 m above sea level, Kibo in the center with an altitude of 5,891.8 m, and in the east Mawenzi with an altitude of 5,149 m.

Talking about appearance mountains, then its peaks are covered with an ice cap. Unfortunately, this glacier is actively melting and is barely noticeable in height as in the old days, and experts predict its complete disappearance by 2020. This active melting may be due to the cutting down of nearby forests and a decrease in precipitation.

As evidenced by the facts, in 1889 the first ascent of this peak was made by Hans Meier. It is important to say that conquering this mountain is not considered technically difficult. since it is located close to the equator and is at the intersection point of all types of altitudinal zones.

The highest peak in Russia and Europe - Elbrus

Geographic coordinates: 43.20`45` N, 42.26`55` E.

Due to the ambiguity of the border between Asia and Europe, yes this moment There are disputes about the location of this mountain in Europe. If the answer is positive, this mountain can be considered the highest point in Europe; if not, then Mont Blanc can claim this peak.

About the location: as you know, Elbrus is located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachevo-Cherkessia, in the Caucasus.

Externally, it looks like a swell-shaped volcanic cone, with a height of 5642 m in the west and 5621 m in the east. According to data, in the 50s. before. AD the last eruption was observed.

The hills of this mountain are covered with glaciers measuring 134.5 sq. km, the largest of which are Big and Small Azau, Terskop.

From the point of view of climbers, the climb is not difficult, but there are particularly difficult routes. The first conquest was accomplished during the expedition of General G.A. Emanuel, head of the Caucasian fortified line in 1929.

The highest mountain in Antarctica and the sixth of the “seven” – Vinson Massif

Geographic coordinates: 78.31`31` S, 85.37`01` W

The mountain is part of the Ellsworth Mountains and is geographically located 1200 km away. from the South Pole. Its scale is 21 m long and 13 km. in width. It is Vinson Peak that is the highest point of the massif.

It was discovered by American pilots in 1957, and on December 18, 1966, the sunrise was recorded by Nicholas Clinch.

The fifth of seven and the first Mont Blanc mountain in Europe

Geographic coordinates: 45.49`58` N, 6.51`53` E.

This beauty is located on the border of France and Italy and belongs to the Alps mountain system. Its length is 50 km. it is part of the Mont Blanc crystalline massif. The mountain has a large and majestic cover with a length of 200 km. The Mer de Glace is the largest glacier.

Jacques Balmat and Michel Paccard were the first to conquer the massif on August 8, 1786. Also interesting fact is also that in 1886, during his honeymoon This mountain was conquered by Theodore Roosevelt.

The seventh of the “Seven” and the first in mainland Australia is Mount Kosciuszko

Geographic coordinates: 36.27` S 148.16` E

This massif was discovered in 1840 and is located on the territory of the national park of the same name, in the Australian Alps in the south of New South Wales.

As you know, the name of the mountain in honor of the military and political figure Tadeusz Kosciuszko was given by the Polish traveler, geographer and geologist Pavel Edmund Strzelecki. It was he who carried out the first conquest of this mountain in 1840.

The highest in Australia and Oceania and the seventh of seven is the Carstens Pyramid (Puncak Jaya)

Geographic coordinates: 4.05` S, 137.11` E

It is impossible to miss the fact that there is currently disagreement over which array should cover the list of “seven” vertices. If the Austrian continent is taken into account, Kosciuszko Peak will be considered, and if all of Australia and Oceania are taken into account, the Carstens Pyramid with a height of 4884 meters will undoubtedly be the highest. For this reason, two versions of the “seven peaks” were created, including two options. But the main one is still considered to be the Carstens Pyramid.

The peak is part of the Maoke massif and is located in the western part of the island of New Guinea.

The mountain is named after the Dutch explorer Jan Carstens, who discovered it in 1623. Its hills were first conquered by a group of four Austrian climbers led by Heinrich Harrer in 1962.

Since Sir Edmund Hillary climbed the peak back in 1953, hundreds of adventurers have attempted to conquer Everest's deadly peak. Everest owes its popularity to its impressive title of "Earth's highest peak", but this is actually an unscientific title.

The highest peak in the world - in fact Chimborazo - is in Ecuador because it is the farthest point from the center of the Earth. Chimborazo, with an altitude of 6,248 meters, is 2,600 meters lower than Everest, but everything changes when the measurement is taken from the center of the Earth. But nevertheless, Everest Peak is the highest point on Earth with an altitude of 8848 m above sea level.

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It is located in Himalayan mountains on the border between Nepal and Tibet (China). In Tibet, this peak is called Chomolungma (mother of the universe). The English name, Everest, was given in honor of the British surveyor Sir George Everest.

Tallest mountain in the world

In 1847, English surveyors began detailed studies of the Himalayas. At that time, Mount Kanchenjunga was considered the highest peak. But the British noticed a higher peak behind her, however, weather They were not allowed to conduct research. In 1852, Radhanath Sikdar, an Indian scientist, was the first to identify Everest as the world's highest peak, using trigonometric calculations made by English surveyors. The official announcement that this peak was the highest was delayed for several years, during which time the calculations were checked several times.

Finally, in March 1856, the results were announced, which stated that Kanchenjunga had 8,582 meters, and Peak XV (as Everest was then called) is 8,839 meters. Once the height was calculated, the next problem was determining the name of the peak. The policy of the study was to retain local names whenever possible.

Searching by local name was made difficult by the fact that Nepal and Tibet were closed to foreigners at the time. There were many local names, most famous in Tibet. This is Chomolungma, a name that appeared on a 1733 map published in Paris by the French geographer D'Anville. However, the British decided that the XV peak would be named after George Everest. In 1865, the Royal Geographical Society officially adopted the name Everest as the name of the tallest mountain in the world. Everest is the mountain whose peak is at its highest distance from sea level.

Chomolungma's competitors

But several other peaks are sometimes also given the title of "highest peak" based on different criteria. Mauna Kea in Hawaii has an altitude of 10,200 meters, but measured from its base on the ocean floor. Based on the same criterion of base-to-summit height, Denali Peak in Alaska is also taller than Everest, although it is only 6,193.6 m above sea level.

There are at least 109 mountains on Earth with altitudes over 7,200 meters. The vast majority of these mountains are located on the edge of the Indian subcontinent and Tibet, with some peaks in Central Asia. But the highest mountains above sea level are usually not the highest above the surrounding landscape. They are also not the most voluminous. Mauna Loa 4166th is the most big mountain on Earth, in terms of base area - 5200 km 2.

Almost all the most high peaks located in the Himalayan and Karakoram ranges south and west of the Tibetan plateau. In fact, all 7 thousand peaks in the world are located in Asia:

  • East Asia.
  • Middle Asia.
  • South Asia.

They are:

  • on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan;
  • on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Xinjiang;
  • in the north in Sichuan province;
  • on the border of Sikkim (India) - Nepal in the south.

Top 10 highest peaks on the planet

In first place, as mentioned above, is Mount Everest. This is the highest point in the world.

Mount K2, also known officially as Chogori, has a peak height of 8,611. It is located on the border between China and Pakistan.

The Chinese side is considered the most difficult and dangerous, so climbs are usually undertaken from the Pakistani side. After Annapurna, K2 has the second highest number of climber deaths.

Unlike other 8,000-meter peaks, no one has ever climbed K2 in winter.


Kangchenjunga is the third highest peak in the world. It rises on the border between Nepal and India and is marked 8586 meters. Located 125 kilometers from Everest, Kanchenjunga is the second highest mountain in the Himalayas. Until 1852 it was believed to be the highest mountain in the world. However, after some calculation, it was announced that Everest was higher.

There is a tradition when climbing Kanchenjunga stops only at the top. It dates back to the first ascent of Joe Brown and George Brand in 1955.


With height - in 8,516 meters, Lhotse, is the fourth highest peak in the world. It is adjacent to Everest and is part of the Everest massif. This mountain was first conquered in 1956 by a Swiss team consisting of Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luxinger. It is interesting to note that Lhotse Middle (Lhotse's sister peak with an altitude of 8,410 meters) was not summited until 2001. Although it is lower than the main Lhotse Peak, it is considered one of the most difficult peaks to climb.


With height 8.485 m, Makalu is officially the fifth highest peak in the world. Situated 19 km southeast of Everest, on the border between Nepal and China, Makalu is distinguished by its iconic pyramid. Makalu was first conquered in 1955 by Lionel Terrey and Jean Cousy, who were part of a French expedition.

Due to the mountain's isolated position, as well as numerous knife-edged ridges and steep deposits, Makalu is considered by many in the mountaineering community to be one of the world's toughest climbs. Last stages the climbs in particular involve some extremely difficult technical rock and ice climbs.

Cho Oyu

This mountain is on the opposite end of the difficulty spectrum. Cho Oyu, according to many, is the easiest of the eight thousand peaks to climb. Cho Oyo, which means "Turquoise Goddess", stands on the China-Nepal border. The first ascent was made by Austrians Joseph Jokler and Herbert Tichy in 1954.


With height 8167 meters, Dhaulagiri, is the seventh highest mountain in the world. It is located in Nepal. It was first climbed in 1960 by the combined efforts of Switzerland/Austria/Nepal. In 1808, Dhaulagiri was noted as the highest mountain in the world until Kanchenjunga took first place in 1838, after which Everest officially became number one in 1858 .


Manaslu, is located in the western part of central Nepal and has a peak located at a height 8,163 m above sea level. The first successful ascent of Manaslu occurred in 1956, when Japanese climber Toshio Imanishi and Nepalese Sherpa Gyaltsen Norbu set out to reach the summit. Just as some Britons claim Everest as their mountain, Imanishi's ascent and subsequent ascents of other Japanese adventurers made it clear that Japan claimed Manaslu as its own peak.

Nanga Parbat

Nanga Parbat is the ninth highest mountain in the world. Its peak is located at a height 8126 meters above sea level. It is located in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan which is the westernmost point of the Himalayas. In 1953, Hermann Buhl, who was part of the German/Austrian expedition team, became the first person to climb Nanga Parbat.


Annapurna, the tenth highest mountain in the world. Technically speaking, Annapurna is a massif in the Himalayas, consisting of 30 mountains with a height of more than 6 thousand meters. But when they say “Annapurna”, they mean the only peak in the massif with a height of 8091 meters.

Historically speaking, Annapurna and its supporting peaks in the massif are some of the most difficult and dangerous mountains in the world to climb. For example, the mortality ratio on Annapurna is truly scary - 32%. The mountain is located in north-central Nepal and was first conquered in 1950 by a French expedition led by Maurice Herzog and Louis Laquenal.

The most famous peaks of some countries

One of the first things children learn in geography classes is how tall their countries' mountains are, and of course they all compare to Everest or other peaks that are the tallest in the world. Mountains have become a source of national pride in many countries.

So when we visit another country, mountains are an instant attraction. Anyway, if you're wondering which mountains are famous enough to be seen on your travels, here's a list of some of the most famous, but not the tallest, peaks in the world:

  • Mount Fuji, Japan.
  • Popocatepetl, Mexico.
  • Mount McKinley, USA.
  • Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
  • Aconcagua, Argentina.
  • Mont Blanc, France.
  • Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Russia. you will find the answer in the link.