The most terrible castles of the world - the door to the otherworldly reality. British castles (with ghosts, of course) such different locals

Secrets of Ramonsky Castle

The Palace of Oldenburg, built by them in 1880-1887, attracted the attention of construction contemporaries and continues to attract the views of the descendants. It is painfully an unusual gothic castle, as if praised by a mighty hurricane in Riga or Prague and transferred to the black earthly outback. Just look at him, and immediately remember the good elves, greedy gnomes, firewood dragons, fearless knights and beautiful ladies on the balcony. Maybe therefore around the castle in different time So much legends and legends. Two legends that appeared at different stages of our story, I would like to lead.

Black veil.

Princes of Oldenburg lived at the time in St. Petersburg, and the governor managed by the governor, the sown was he had an earrings.

Somehow, the princess was in the estate at night. Run, rose to her bedroom, right in the road raincoat and black veil. And locked there. Servants already swinging. In the morning, the princess affected the patient and did not come out of the bedroom. But the drugs and doctors refused.

The servants were whispering among themselves, they judged yes ruined, which is not easy to bring her. Well, the manager, by itself, nailed by the subtletles, so that they did not fall fool.

And at this time in Ramoni was wrong. Without the cause of the men dying steel. In a few hours sucked.

But somehow the son of the manager woke up. As if screamed by some glass. The window suddenly opened. And here the princess room floats, the floor does not concern. The boy closed the boy from fear, and when he opened, it was empty in the room. Seryozha was crushed, but jumped off the bed and ran after the ghost. While reached the door, the princess came out of the corridor. The boy almost all the rooms in the house inspected, but I didn't find anything anywhere. He already thought, it was, which was imagined, but just in case the manager looked into the bedroom.

Like the door opened, sample to the place of fear. The ghost over the father's bed hung. The princess black veil thrown back, and the boy sees: her face dead, all, nose and mouth fell, the teeth in the smile will be scanned. The princess kissed her father on his lips, and the cotton as he would shout, and fell unconscious. In the morning, nanny told him that his father fell ill, and found him in fainting, on the threshold. Seryozha not know how to save the Father. Suddenly, the old gypsy knocked in Kalitka and became alms to ask. Seryozha ruished her the Patch and already wanted to run, but Gypsha says to him: "I know, I know what happened to my father and how to help your grief. If you don't stop the Watch before the sunset, nothing will save your father. "

It became terrible, but he also believed Gypsy. Immediately rushed to the Lord Castle. There Serezha said a servant that his father sent him and rose to the second floor. Before the door to the bedroom, the princess he froze, but then quietly opened the door.

Cold in the bedroom, as if in winter. All mirrors and windows are wanted. In the corners of spiders, the cobweb spill, as if she was not cleaned about a hundred years. The princess lay on the bed with a canopy all in the same black veil. The boy on tiptoe approached her and jerked a veil from her. The witch is cut - that it was heard in the surrounding houses. The ghost jumped up, stretched to the boy creepy, with long claws, hands, but immediately disappeared without a trace.

The servant escaped to the room and did not find anything. Everyone was frightened and began to draw and cry. The maid looks out the window and fainting. The entrance of the carrier stopped and the manager who recovered and ... Princess Oldenburg's princess was released from it.

She was greatly surprised by the cross. But then the hostess told about her twins. Evgenia Maksimovna did not believe and asked where he disappeared. Here Serezha told everything. The hostess listened to him, hugged and kissed. The princess says: "You, Serge, is waiting for a great future."

When Seryozha grew up, the princess gave money to him for education, and Sergey Ivanovich Mosin invented the famous three-year one, which was famous for forever.


He lived in Ramoni one drunkard. He had a nickname - Kardan. He worked as a fireman in the boiler room, he duty there by day.

He wrapped it, Nastya poor, in the bag and brought. Broke the window on the first floor and got into the palace. Descended into the underground move, dropped the bag from the shoulders, and upstairs. Returned to the stoker, and the whole shock itself. Good partner drunk sleeps.

The militia came in the afternoon, began to ask, did not see what. And the partner of Kardanov and says, they did not leave the stoker, say nothing to say. Well, from them and behind. Cardan from duty replaced and for three days in a row, Samogon was chlen. The girl is looking for, can not find anything. Mother spares, and there is no grief.

He passed again, got drunk with a partner. He lies, and suddenly it seems to him - someone called someone, a wall voice: "Help! Help!". He cried a partner. And he hear nothing to him, you have a whitewow, go to sleep. But the Cardan turned pale all and the rouse ran away from the boiler room. Ran to the castle - I wanted to make sure that in the spot Nastya. Only runs up, looks out the window, and outside the window is Nastya, pale, it looks like death. He shouted, and escape.

The next morning found the cardan on the gate of the castle hanged. Traces in the snow were left, from where he fled. Opened the door to the castle, and there is Nastya, live, but unconscious.

Then she told how three days in the caves plot, I was looking for way out. Under the poker, there was a move, through the cracks of Kardan and heard her. And the Laz in the underground stroke was inspired, there was nothing to do there.

edited news Lakrimozzza. - 28-02-2011, 22:31

August 31, 2017, 17:44

Well, the expensive girls, so flying unnoticed by summer ... Autumn comes into his own possessions, it becomes cold, the days become rainy, in such weather, inspiration is rolling for me in such a romantic mood. For some reason, it is this time that I am associated with the old Good England, where such a cool climate is almost all year round, and of course, in addition to listening to the most lamp compositions of the Beatles, and viewing all parts of Bondian, I remembered another long passion - English locks and Fortress :)

P.S.Texts are not mine


Warwick Castle
Warwick castle is located in the city of Warwick (County Warikshire in Central England), on the banks of the Avon River. Wilhelm I The conqueror built this castle in 1068 at the site of the Anglo-Saxon fortress in Warwick. The castle was used as fortification before the beginning of the XVII century, when Fulk Greville, the 1st Baron Brooke turned it into a country estate. It was in possession of the Greville family, which received the title of Counts Warwick until 1978
To date, the castle is included in the catalog of antiquity monuments, as well as the main historical and architectural attractions of the UK.

As in most medieval castles, in Warwik, also has their own leads.
The castle appeared in 1068 was destined to witness a huge number of battles (it is believed that such a rich in bloody battles does not boast any of the European fortresses). The defeated enemies were tormented in the dungeons, and therefore, there are still people in the caases, feel dizziness and nausea. From the ghosts to tourists most often is the ghost of one of the owners of the estate - Sir Fulka Graville: He comes out of his own portrait and wanders around the castle, hovering horror by living.

Glamis Castle Castle

Glamiis surrounds the most a large number of Stories and legends than any other UK castle, but most of all he is known as the birthplace of Elizabeth Bowl Lyon, the mother of the current Queen Elizabeth II. The younger sister of Queen Elizabeth, Princess Margaret, was also born in Glamiis. Now the castle belongs to the grandeten nephew of the queen Count Strathmore and partially open to public visits.

For many years of history, Glamiis has increased the incredible number of mystical legends. The most famous of them is about Monster's room. According to legend, in one of the secret rooms contained a terribly ugly child born in the family, where he spent his whole life, and then was closed. There are also rumors that every generation of the family was hiding one child in the monster room. Perhaps the basis of the legend served real story Oglvi's family. Saving from the enemies, they hid in the secret room of the castle, arranged in the wall with a thickness of 4.9 m, where they were closed alive.

Another legend tells about the Baard column, who was an avid player in the card. Once, when guests refused to play him, the graph exclaimed: "Then I will play with the devil himself!". There was a knock on the door and a stranger entered in black and offered to play, but the batch was - the soul of the graph. I unaware that the devil himself, Baardi agreed and lost. Since then, his soul is doomed to play cards to the end of the world, and the sounds of falling cards and swearing from the Count Bedroom are still at night.

Another ghost is a gray lady - lives in a chapel. They say, the Spirit Janet Douglas, which burned on a fire as a witch on a castle grief in Edinburgh in the XVI century. She was accused of trying to poison the king, but the charges were most likely fabricated by political reasons. The ghost of the woman is also often visible behind the lattices of the window of the clock tower, or running through the park.

Faywie Castle (Fyvie Castle)

The story of this insanely beautiful castle, unfortunately, is incredibly sad and goes back to the XII century. Obviously, for all this time, the castle saw a lot, so legends literally enveloped this place, where, of course, it does not do without ghosts. If you want to hear them, then, of course, visit this castle. One of the first stories that came to mind remembered the ghost of a green lady, also known as Liliac Drammond. She was brought to death with his husband through starvation, and after death she leaves this castle alone and pursues everyone who visits him. Also, visitors report that she had repeatedly seen her ghost, heard the sounds of the game for a long time deceased trumpeter and drummer, who are not stopped by both 250 years.

By the way, in this castle you can spend your weekend (for considerable money, of course)

Munkaster Castle Castle

Mankaster castle erected on a small hill overlooking the Esk River, which is located in a picturesque corner in the west of England, which local residents called Western lake edge. The name of the lock comes from the word "Castra", which translated from Latin means "Fort / camp". The origin of this name is not by chance: since the time of the Roman Empire, this locality had a strategic military significance. For a while at the same place was the Roman fort, so the emergence of a large defense structure in the classic English style on its foundation was very natural.

One of the places of activity of ghosts in the mannicase is a tapestry room. Until the mid-1990s, the tapestry bedroom was part of the main castle and was not used for housing, which leases the castle. Family guests were invited to stay there during their visit, but this practice lasted for a short time. Frost-Pennington said: "Guests of the family came to us, and we had to place them in the tapestry room, because we were in an inconvenient position. In the morning they went down, we asked: "Did you sleep well?" They replied: "No, we were terribly spent the night." So, the only people who remain in that room are ghost hunters. " Guests who slept in the room were complained of the last night of a child's cry, which did not give them to sleep.
The research work of Frost Pennington shows him that the tapestry room in the 1960s was used as a children's. Today, Mankaster offers a service, which is called "sit with ghost", when enough brave can take a tapestry room for the evening.

Mankaster Castle, perhaps, is a place where scientific research is currently held for longer. Dr. Jyson Breyteitte from the Association of Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena, founded in the United Kingdom, came to Mankaster to try to explain what was the reason for the presence of ghosts in Mankaster. Bretetite is a bihewoir psychologist and researcher at the University of Birmingham in England and visits the castle six to seven times a year for conducting experiments and interviews with personnel and visitors. Breytheit told me that he spent many nights in the tapestry room and personally never experienced anything supernatural in the castle, but he admits that he was interested in the castle. When Bretevite first began to explore cases with ghosts in Mankasere, no one, with the exception of the Pennington family and several personnel, did not know about ghosts. This means that if someone experienced a supernatural phenomenon, he could act on him that he saw or read about the ghost of the castle. Around 1995, the television programs in which the places with ghosts began to include Mankaster, and in just a few years later the castle received an international reputation as a place in which ghosts live.

Breytheit said: "There are about eight cases that I call a full test in the tapestry room, when it is at least for one to three hours in the room, crying crying children is heard ... Really real tests, which I played from eyewitnesses with 1940-1950 to the end of the 1980s. Cases with crying children occur since that time, but since you betray this story to publicity, how do you assess the recent cases with ghosts? "

The story of no self-respecting English lock will not be completed without some facts about the White Lady. White lady Mankaster comes from the history of Mary Breg. In 1805, Breg was a housekeeper in Raven-Glass and loved Lacey from Mankaster Castle. But Mary had a rival, alone. The maid, who also loved the Lacey. At night, two men went to Mary Breg and called her, saying that her beloved was seriously sick and that they would lead her to his bed. Instead, they brutally killed her on the way to Mankaster. Her body was found a few weeks later, it sailed along the Esk River. Since then, Mary Bregg appears near the castle.
Frost-Pennington said: "It appears since then not in the building, she is this white lady - appears on the main roads at Mankaster and sometimes in the garden. Some people even said that they thought that someone was shot down. They drove along the road, and a figure suddenly appeared in white - they shot down a young girl. Stopped the car, but did not see anything there.
People often saw a rapidly rushing figure. Sometimes it is just a pretty thick nebula. Here, sometimes the strange masses of fog appear near the hills, but the people I asked are confident that it was not fog. They say: "Oh no. It was not like a fog at all. This is another - it was a distinguishable big object. ""

There are also such oddities that are not similar to Tom Fula Tom, a child crying or a white lady. Frost-Pennington said that a woman who was one of the staff members in Mankasere, came once in the afternoon and asked what they took off that day, because she passed by, as she considered, the actor dressed in the center of the XV century. To see someone in the old outfit was not oddity, because in the mannixes they shoot a lot of films, but that day there were no festivals or filming. Frost-Pennington said: "She walked along this alley at noon, and obviously, this guy passed by her in his pants and camsole, she said hello to him, and he * did not say a word. Usually, when you greet with someone, they greet in response. She thought it was somehow strange. Having passed a little further and thinking about it, she turned to look at him, and it was not there. She decided that he passed through the doorway to the other courtyard, but then he thought: what did she see? "
Tom Ful, Mary Breg, crying children, rapid running shadows and ghosts make Mankaster Castle with ghosts. A large vintage castle, standing on the extensive area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth, provides for ghosts and guests a lot of rooms. But, choosing a direction, beware of the court jet, whom you can meet sitting under the tree, cannot be joking with Tom Foul.

(the same tapestry bedroom)

Castle Castle (Chillingham Castle)

Callee Chilling - medieval castle in the village of Chilling in the northern part of the Northumberland's English county, near the border with Scotland. The first fortress at this place was built in the XII century, but a fully fortified Calling castle became 2 centuries. From the 15th century to the Second World War, representatives of the aristocratic clans of Gray and Bennet lived here.

Sometimes the castle see the wandering ghosts: Men and a little boy. Evidence's evidence aroused smiles, but only as long as during the Restoration of Chillingham, with the destruction of one of the deadlocks, did not find two skeletons: an adult and a child. Scratches on the stones indicate that they were immovable alive.

In the basement of the castle there is a torture camera. Here John Sage, the cruel owner of the castle, strangled one of his mistresses right during the Socia. These events were not left in the walls of the dungeon, and were overheard by the maid and are committed to publicity. Related perturbations and unrest related to the uprising on the border and King Edward long-legged gave an order to John's execution in his own castle. By the way, in the Cellingham dungeon, many remains of victims with broken limbs were found. All bodies, except for one left as a memorable sign, removed. Currently, in the chamber you can see the skeleton of a little girl, the last prisoner of the castle deceased in the gloomy dungeon.

Scotland is known for its medieval castles, palaces and forts that store the history of the country in which the spirit of the knights and kings, beautiful ladies roam the ghosts of the past.

Edinburgh castle (Edinburgh Castle Rock) towers in the center of the Scottish capital on the crater extluous volcano. This ancient fortress on a castle rock, superior to its size a small medieval town, has quite rich historywhich is saturated with bloody and tragic events. Mysterious murders and insidious conspiracies, hundreds of prisoners tortured in the dungeons of the castle gave rise to many legends.

According to the huge mysterious dungeon of the castle, the ghost is wandering the ghost without a trace of the croaked cheeseman, who was sent to seek the exit. What happened to him is unknown.

And the headless ghost of the drummer who beats his drum fraction when the danger is approaching, can be seen in the predestal clock, in the courtyard of the castle. According to the legend, this soldier warned about the occurrence of Oliver Cromwell's troops and was executed in the castle.

The spirits of prisoners, sick plates, the old man in the leather apron and the ghost of the dog with a neighboring dog cemetery are dwelling here. From the dungeon of the castle, where the French prisoners were sharpened during the seven-year war, sometimes strange sounds are heard and translucent silhouettes are visible. Visitors of the castle also report the unnatural fluctuations in the temperature, the sounds of breathing outgoing incomprehensible from where, and invisible concerning their persons. And on the slopes of the volcano, the hourly sees the ghost of the poor fellow, trying to escape from the dungeon, but in the ridiculous chance of a dropped alive from the rock. Edinburgh Castle - the most populated place on earth.

Sterling Castle is located in the sterling town of the same name, is considered one of the most important and large castles of Scotland. Over the years, this castle has been a residence of the rulers of Scotland. He was deposited 8 times and never was conquered.

Like all medieval castles, Sterling Oveyan secrets and legends. And the ghosts live here, and the most famous is the Green Lady - the ghost of the maid of Maria Stewart, who saved the queen from a fire that happened in the castle. A foggy green figure appears in the most unexpected places, every time foreshadowing some danger for the inhabitants of the castle.

In numerous transitions of an ancient castle and even on the fortress walls, they often see the human figure in the armor. He wanders on the castle, mumbling unintelligible prayers, and disappears at the first attempts to approach him.

Duntrune Castle Located in the West of Scotland, was built in the XII century Clan McAduglov, but later passed to the possession of Clana Campbellov. In 1792, Campbell sold the castle of the Malcolm clan, and to this day Dantruun belongs to this family. It is considered the oldest of continuously inhabited castles in all Scotland. Rising over the bay, among the rages of the rocks, it is adapted for reflections of attacks from the sea. For many years of existence, Dantruun castle participated in many battles, and mostly were battles in the struggle of clans for power.

There is a legend that the ghost of the root of the jewelry checker lives in Dantrune, who saved the owners of the castle, notifying them about ambush. He paid for his loyalty to terrible death - he cut off both brushes of hands so that he could never play. The musician has been bleeding and died from the received wounds. However, his spirit did not find peace. It is often celebrated by the inhabitants of the castle, and sometimes the sounds of the boobs seem to be nowhere else.

In 1880, during the repair work, the workers discovered the human skeleton who had no hand brushes. Despite the fact that at the insistence of the house of the house, the remains were buried in a fit, strange things continue to happen from time to time. Then the knocks in the door, behind which there is no one, the pictures falling from the walls without visible to the reasons, and one day all the tin utensils were discarded on the floor invisible hand. It is believed that the reason for the ongoing riots is that the booler was a Catholic and perhaps the Protestant rite, according to which he was buried, did not sleep his soul.

Meggernie Castle Castle (Meggernie Castle) was built in the XVII on the shore of Loche Tay in Central Scotland. At first, the castle was owned by the clan Gregor. Today it belongs to the textile magnate J. Bulloku.

In this castle lives the ghost of the wife of the chef Menzi Clan and leads itself very unusual. They say that the woman was very loving and flirting with all the man in a row. Husband, being in anger from such behavior, killed his wife, and the body ruled into two parts before he gets rid of him. Since then, the bottom of the body is wandering along the lower floors of the castle and the basements, and its upper part is at the top where men sleep.

The medieval castle of Glamis (Glamis Castle), located in the field of Angus, sheltered a few lifes. One of the most ancient ghosts of this country lives in it - Died in 1034 from the Russian Academy of Sciences King of Scotland Malcolm II.

According to the legend in the castle, the ghost of the Gloomis Graph, who loved playing cards lives. Somehow on Saturday, he began to play so that he sat down until midnight. And when he hinted that on Sunday to indulge in gambling - a great sin, the graph said that he was ready to play with the devil himself. The devil immediately materialized and very quickly won from the count and his partners everything, including their immortal souls, who were forever remained in the very room where the game happened. And now in the castle, you can sometimes see the luminous window for which, judging by the sounds, play cards.

Loves to wander around the corridors and often prays in the chapel of the ghost of Lady Janet, Countess Glamis, which in 1537 burned on the fire, accusing in witchcraft and attempt to poison the ruled King Yakov V. In the same corridors you can meet the ghost of a woman with a bloody mouth and clothing. This is the maid, which was cut off the tongue to store in secret seen. The castle was chosen and a certain knight, peering at night in the face of sleeping guests. And in the dungeons of the castle a man appears with a scary worn body. Probably, he was trying to death there.

Crants Castle (Catle Castle) in the Aberdeenshire area is built in the XVI century on the site of a more ancient fortress located on the island in the middle of the marsh. The castle belonged to the Barnett-Leis clan for 400 years, and on this moment He is the property of the Scotland National Foundation. On the territory of the castle there is a big botanical Garden With well-kept lawns and tracks, sprinkled in red gravel.

The most famous ghost of the castle is a green lady. According to legend, this spirit belongs to the unfortunate maid, which lost the newborn baby, was rejected and killed his beloved. Since then, in the castle tower they see the ghost of a woman in a green dress, which moves around the room to pick up the ghost of the child, and then disappears in the fireplace. During the repair work in the XVIII century, under the floor of the fireplace, skeletons of unknown women and a child were found, but even after the burial, the ghost still wanders on the castle.

Hermitage Castle's dilapidated castle is considered one of the most terrible and sinister castles in Scotland. It is believed that the name of this castle occurred from the Starofranzus word L'Armitage - "bunker". The oldest part of the castle was built at the beginning of the XIII century.

There are several ghosts in the castle. One of them is the ghost of Sir Alexander Ramsey, Sheriff Tevitdela. In 1342 he was lured into the castle under the pretext of a meeting with the old friend, Sir William Douglas. Sheriff was captured and thrown into the dungeon, where he was left to die from hunger and thirst. When at the beginning of the XIX century, they demolished the wall that closed the former once a dungeon, they discovered a skeleton and rusty sword. Sometimes from the dungeon you can hear the heartbreaking cries about help.

Another inhabitant of the castle is the ghost of Lord Suli, who was engaged in black magic and used it for committing crimes. They said that he had kidnapped babies whose blood he needed for witchcraft rituals. The increasingness of Lord Suli did not have a limit. According to legend, Lord executed, throwing in a barrel with a boiling lead. The ghost of Lord Sulyi, together with his faithful servant, Robin saw many times, and at night heard a demonic laughter in the uninhabited ruins of the castle.

One of the most famous castles of Scotland - Eilean Donan Castle is located on a small rocky tidal island of Donan, lying in the fjord of Loch Dewich in Scotland. The castle was built in the XIII century, during the rule of the king Alexander II. In 1263, Alexander III handed over the castle to hold Colin Fitzgerald as a reward for the valor during the battle of Largs. Descendants of Colin took over the family name McKenzie. Since then, Eilen-Donan remained the most important fortress Mackenzi until 1719, when the castle was destroyed. In 1911, John Mc Ray-Gilstrap bought a castle and began restoration. After 20 years, the castle was restored according to the old plans stored in Edinburgh. Reconstruction Including included the construction of a stone bridge, which connected the island with the shore of the lake. To this day, the clan Mc Ray lives in six rooms allocated for them in the castle.

Two ghosts dwell in the castle. One of them is a Spanish soldier killed during the capture of Eilen Donan Castle in 1719. It is believed that he carries his head under his arm and appears in the gallery dedicated to the history of the castle. Another ghost lives in one of the bedrooms - this is the spirit of unknown to whom and when Lady Mary was killed. Who she is so, to figure it out yet. Some believe that this is the spirit of Mary Stewart.

A small hunting castle Huntingtower (Huntingtower) in Perth, once known as Ratwhen Castle, was built in several stages, starting from the XV century.

It is said that in the tower of the castle dwells Lady Greensilyves - a young woman named Dorothea, who was the daughter of the 1st Count Gowry. The legend states that she was in love with a young man from the castle's servants. A couple of secret met at night in eastern Towerwhere there were rooms servants.

One day, the Countess, the mother of the girl, learned about this connection, the annoying family. From family apartments in the Western Tower, she passed to the eastern bridge to catch a couple in love. Dorothea heard the steps of the mother on the bridge. The way back was cut off, and she got on the roof. In desperation, the girl decided to jump over to the Western Tower and miraculously landed safely, jumping the shotchny wall. The girl managed to return to bed where her mother discovered. The next day, the castle lost in the castle fled. Them further fate Unknown.

A high figure of a young woman in a green dress has noticed many times near the castle, more often at dusk, but sometimes in the light of the day. Her appearance, according to rumors, is a bad sign and warns about the troubles in the future. In the 1930s, the traveler spent the night in the castle, who saw Lady Greensilyves in the corridor. The next day, moving on the ferry across the Tay River, he fell into the water and drowned.

In the area of \u200b\u200bArgail and beaten in Scotland, near the city of Oban, Dunstaffnage Castle is located one of the oldest stone castles of Scotland. It is located on a narrow spit of Lake Etive and is surrounded with water from three sides. Previously, even before the arrival of the Romans, at this place was the fortress gave Riatan, built earlier than the VII century.

The castle is known for its ghost woman, who is called Elle Maid. Sometimes it is wearing white, and sometimes in green. No one knows the reason for the appearance of this ghost. Previously, when Clana Campbellov owned a castle, the ghost showed signs of sadness, when someone from Campbell died, and joy, when some happy event happened in the Cambell family. The ghost also loves to serve people, tightening bed linen from beds, you will be a family and guests with loud topotting along the stairs. Elle Maid's special pleasure delivers to tease the children lying in bed, pulling them behind their hair, arms and legs.

Elena Krumbo, especially for the site "Mir of Tyne"

Where did the ghost stories come from, unknown. Maybe, in the walls, there were still some events that frightened the former residents. But the most interesting thing is that many people want to believe in invisible strength and dream of visiting the secret rooms of old castles

When it comes to castles, many people feel fear and reverence equally. Strange noise, otherworldly squeaks ... to the question "Who is there?" - Silence. There are castles, staying in which goosebumps on the back and the movement of the hair on the head. It is possible that the feeling is caused by an external gothic style. And it is possible that this is because of the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. In such places, knights and ladies are presented, and portraits on the walls, imprinted the former inhabitants of the castles. Where did the ghost stories come from, unknown. Maybe, in the walls, there were still some events that frightened the former residents. But the most interesting thing is that many people want to believe in invisible forces and dream to visit the secret rooms of vintage castles, go through underground travel, Skin sense the cold atmosphere. Do not believe, but one can only scare visitors to the semi-resistance. This article will introduce you to the locks with ghosts.

This castle was erected at the end of the XIIV. At the moment it is used as a luxury hotel. Glory came to the castle of Dragsholm after rumors about 100 ghosts began to spread, which every night roam the corridors. The names of three of them are known to many: Lady in white, gray Lady and Count Boswell. The legend of the castle states that a certain lady in white was passionately in love with a simple peasant. After the girl's father found out about his daughter's relationship with a peasant, he got angry and locked her in the room, after which no one had seen her anymore. During the restoration of the castle in the 1930s, the wing of the castle was restored. During this, a woman's skeleton was found in a white dress, while he was closed into the wall. As the legend says, Gray Lady worked all his life at the Maid Hotel. After his death, she could not leave there, and now every night returns to check whether everything is in order. As for the Count Boswel, then in the XVIVEK, he was put in the prison of the castle, where he died.

This unique castle is located in the forests, in the north of Prague. The structure was thinking as defensive, but, not a single attack, he was not destined to withstand. The castle is legendary by the fact that, as the legends say, the ghost of a gemless black horse is wandering around him, as well as a mysterious woman who constantly looks out the window. According to the legend, before the location of the castle was a pit that did not have the bottom. From her, the winged creatures fell into our world - half people, half of monsters. The rulers in the XIIIVEC made a decision and closed the pit that had the name "entrance to hell". And they closed it like this: the castle was built on this very place. But ... Even before the construction of the castle, several soldiers were introduced into the pit with the help of ropes. When one of them was only lowered, he published a terrible cry, and when he was taken out of the pit, it turned out that the man was raised for 30 years. After a couple of days he died. This castle attracted the attention of Hitler. There, according to legends, several soldiers were executed.

The full name of this castle is Chateau de Brissak. This castle is the highest in all of France. It has seven floors. This castle is the most visited in the world. I owned this building in the XIVEK of Jacques de Breza with his wife Charlotte. She had a lover, and for his meetings with him, she used the bedroom located next to her husband's bedroom. Unhappy spouse every night was forced to listen to moans. It lasted until Charlotte did not disappear with the lover. Maybe the husband is guilty of the disappearance of lovers, but no one knows. But completely pair did not disappear. The owner of the castle continued to hear moans every night. It lasted until he lost the mind and did not run out of the castle. There are rumors that passionate moans to hear every night to this day.

This castle, built in the XIV, Wilhelm's conqueror, saw more fights than any other castle of Europe. He is simply saturated with war and pain of destruction. Tourists prefer the castle parts such as the house with the ghost of Sir Fulk Greville, who died in 1628 by the hand of his servant, as well as the tower with ghosts. Legend says that every night the ghost of the castle owner materializes from the portrait hanging on the wall in the tower. The dungeon of the castle is also known. The visitor is constantly complaining about dizziness and nausea after touching or to lattices, or to any torture instruments.

This castle has long been chipped for themselves. At the chapel of the castle a very entertaining story. In 1532, the priest was killed by the sword of his native brother and his ghost wanders in the chapel, which was called "bloody." Yes, and the dungeon is rich in history: it had a high ceiling, through which the criminals were dumped at the bottom, destroyed by sharp numerous spikes. Eyewitnesses argue that the castle also repeatedly was noticed by a creature, sizes with a sheep, having a person's face and with black depressions instead of eyes.

This place is famous among tourists, even despite the fact that the place is very gloomy. The executioner here was John Sage, which was tortured about 50 Scots every week. Now visitors hear at night, as the executioner pulls the corpses. Another famous ghost of the castle is a blue boy. It is said that there are loud crying for a long time at night and then blue light flashes appear. During the restoration, the bodies of men and a boy were found, which were closed in a three-meter brick wall.

Erected was in the XIIVEK. This is exactly the place where unbelievers and skeptics immediately become believers. This castle is the symbols of all castles of Scotland and built on the site of the extinct volcano. This place is famous for permanent paranormal phenomena taking place here. Ghosts are found at every step. Often, tourists see the ghost of Lady Glamles, wandering castle halls. She was accused of witchcraft and burned at the fire in 1537. There is also a ghost without a head. From the dungeon nights to hear the moans of prisoners. The corridors roam the ghosts of the old man in the leather apron and the ghost of a dog, jumping around the cemetery.

In this place, as the gifts say, wanders the Ghost Blue Lady. She lures wandering around the castle inside, where unfortunate meet their death. This is the ghost of the Chief Master's daughter - Norman. Her father raped her father. After that, the baby appeared on the world, who was strangled by his own father. They say that the child deprived the girl's life. But the ghost of an unfortunate girl is not the only in the district. White lady - it is believed that this is a ghost Margaret died. She was locked in the sister's sister Alionar and thereby prompted her sister for hungry death. And everything happened from jealousy. Both girls were in love with one young man.

This castle is a source of legends about ghosts, as well as a wonderful example of Austrian architecture. This castle was built in the XIIV. He is also known as the Witch Castle. This castle was previously a place in which the bloody courts of witches were taken. In 1675 to 1687, thousands of women were convicted of these walls for witchcraft. They were brutally tortured, and then beheaded in the walls of the castle. It is for this reason that many ghosts witches and roam in these places. Some consider this place by the refuge of the Werewolf. In the XIXVEK, intermediated and dissected bodies of deer and cattle were found near the castle. This was the reason for the fact that some residents were convicted and planted in a dungeon as bushy.