Be sure to visit in the Crimea. Sights of Crimea, which must be visited

The True Pearl of the Black Sea deservedly is the Republic of Crimea. This is one of the most beautiful corners of modern Russia. Due to the variety of natural beauty, distinctive history and a soft climate, the peninsula attracts millions of tourists for more than a decade. There is everything that even the most sophisticated resting, seeker of wickers and an incorrigible romantic is dreaming about. A charming view of landscapes create majestic mountains, picturesque bays, beautiful beaches, rocks, caves, forest reserves and an abundance of vegetation.

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The territory of the peninsula permeates an extensive network of roads. Routes K. famous resorts Crimea run through steppe areas and steep mountain serpentines. Being in cities and villages, you can leave a car in the parking lot and go to a fascinating walk. Most of the attractions of the Crimea are located along the vast coastline of the peninsula.


On the eastern tip of the peninsula is the Kerch City Hero, the historical chronicle of which is conducted from the VI century to our era. This small port location of the time spent has an important strategic value. The city stands on the same name, connecting the water of the Black and Azov seas. For the possession of this section of Sushi, fierce battles were walking, what the walls of the fortresses of the Eini Kale and Kerch are evidenced. Citadel are masterpieces of fortification art of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Kerch is famous for the abundance of historical sights. At one of the well-keeled seaside streets is the temple of John the Forerunner. The church in the Byzantine style was built in the VIII century. Mount Mridat rises in the center of the city, to the top of which must be climbed. In fact, this is a hill of 92 meters high. To get to the uppermost point of the mountain, it is necessary to defeat 436 stairs staircase, decorated with griffins sculptures (mythical winged predators) and vases. From the slope, tourists can see an amazing view of the city, drowning in greenery, obelisk of glory soviet troops, "Eternal Flame", as well as unique antique ruins.


Hospitably meets its guests the East Resort of Crimea - Feodosia. The city, located at the junction of the mountains and steppes, attracts tourists with beautiful landscaped streets with picturesque parks, magnificent sandy beaches and cultural and historical museums.

The visiting card of Feodosia is the embankment with a characteristic architectural flavor. The appearance of the main street of the resort determine the villas of the XIX century. The facades of the buildings are decorated with columns, arches, towers and terraces with balustrades. Shrubs and flower flower beds are planted along the alley. Near the embankment there are picturesque parks, where you can relax in the shade of trees. Walking around the city, you can see many monuments, ancient churches, fountains and playgrounds.

An unforgettable impression will leave tourists a visit to the National Art Gallery named after I.K. Aivazovsky. The richest collection of marine landscapes is located in the private house of the world-famous artist, born in Feodosia. You can also visit the museum of another talented master - writer A.S. Green. This is a literary-memorial institution demonstrating the visitors a situation in which the famous romantic writer lived and worked.

Sunny Valley

Tourists who prefer privacy with the surrounding nature without noise and bustle, very much in the village of Solar Valley. This place, located 12 kilometers from Sudak and 3 kilometers from the sea, is considered one of the smallest in the Crimea, even in the midst of the summer season. Severe enormous cliffs that form a group of picturesque cliffs, closely surround the ring settlement and protect the terrain from cold winds. Forest plantings and grape fields set a special tone with the local landscape.

In the solar valley, the best grapes are grown, which contributes to a special microclimate. It is warm and sunny more than 300 days a year, as well as there is a small amount of precipitation. The heart of the village is Vinja L.S. vinegar Golitsyn, founded by him in 1880. Among the abundance of exotic plants and flower beds are hidden long tunnels of basements with barrels and bottles of a noble drink. IN tasting Hall Tourists are offered to feel a unique multiple of several varieties of wines.

Nearest pebble-sandy beach Located in the settlement of coastal. Along the coastline, guest houses can be found for holidaymakers and green marks with shopping tents and small cafes.

New World

Among the juniper groves and pine forests framed by majestic cliffs, a small town was spread - a new light. The coastline is cut off with cozy windless bays, in which Ottoman pirates have long been covered. Winding serpentine road permeates hilly reliefs that surround the village. The resort was born thanks to the enterprise of Prince Lion Golitsyn, who in 1878 founded the winery. In the caves of rock formations stored barrels with wine.

Surprisingly beautiful landscapes of the new world produce memorable impressions on travelers. Tourists are recommended to walk along the traverse of Golitsyn to see the breathtaking Crimean nature. The road is a stone steps fenced on a border on the slope of the mountain. A trail of 3 kilometers long passes around the cliff over the edge of the sea coast and under high rock venues. Overcoming the path, you can visit the grotto shed in the cliff. Its height is 30 meters. The cave cavity occupy stone arches.

The end point of the trail of Golitsyn is Cape Kipchik. Rocky ledge reminds the outline of a lizard, quenching thirst for the waters of the Black Sea. This is a natural border between the two bays with the sheer mountains. The sea waters amazing with its transparency and pleasantly surprises the purity of pebble beaches. Near the highest coral reef of Europe is towers - Mount Sokol (472 meters).


Sunny city of Sudak spread out on the coastal mountainous terrain of the southeast of the peninsula. The resort is great for family holidays with children. There are many sandy beaches, as well as gentle and safe entrance to the sea. A narrow alley of cypresses leads to a lively and comfortable embankment, which has plenty of entertainment facilities. There are pleasant places where you can spend time surrounded by lush subtropical vegetation.

The main symbol of Sudak is the legendary Genoese Fortress. This is a unique monument of the architecture of the medieval Crimea, erected at the turn of the XIV-XV centuries by the colonizers from the Genoese Republic. The citadel extends along the cliffs of the cliff, offering a picturesque view of the neighborhood of the city, and takes 30 hectares of the territory. The fortress construction consists of powerful gear walls and four-trigger towers, the height of which reaches 15 meters. The historical structure fits harmoniously into the sea and mountain landscape.


Stroll through historical and memorial placeswhere the legendary "Caucasian captive" was shot, in one of best resorts South Coast of Crimea - Alushta. The city is framed by a chain of majestic mountain arrays, which contributes to constant circulation of air flow. The long and wide central embankment is littered with fluffy crowns of evergreen coniferous trees, under which rows of benches were lined up. In addition to a separate alleys with restaurants, there are iconic symbols of the city on the embankment. This is a rotunda with six columns, a monument to the Olympic "Mishke", a fountain "Boy with fish" and big Park With an abundance of plant plantings and flower beds.

The neighborhood of Alushta deserve attention. Be sure to visit the valley of ghosts on the slopes of Mount Demerji. It is literally a natural open-air museum, where, as a result of weathelation, huge stone pillars took fancy forms. Special mystery of figures give a dense fog, settleting on the valley. Walking around these places, you can see the famous tree, from where the hero of Yuri Nikulina rushed with nuts. Fascinating rock formations of valleys that have their names. For example, you can see the "Catherine Head" rock, since it resembles the profile of the Empress.

30 kilometers from Alushta is a surprisingly beautiful temple of St. Nicholas-Wonderworker. The church erected in the form of a lighthouse is devoted to the dead travelers in the sea. The temple instead of the dome is crowned with a golden cross. In the basement of the shrine there is a unique marine catastrophe museum, in which the walls and ceilings are decorated with fragments of ships.


The most famous and popular resort of the Republic of Crimea is unsurpassed Yalta, which is necessary to visit. This is a visiting card of the southern shore of the peninsula. Mountains, landscaped parks and squares, palm and cypress groves, azure black sea and many interesting places that are pleasing attractions, give a special entourage to this city.

Yalta's long sea embankment is the favorite street of tourists and locals, where you can make a pleasant walk, admiring natural beauty. Here you are pleasing to the eyes of palm and coniferous trees, sculptural compositions, pier with yachts and many entertainment for every taste. Along the promenade lined up in a long series of vintage buildings of the XIX century, the facades of which are decorated with columns and roofing balustrands. The embankment is chosen by street musicians and artists.

Being in Yalta, there is an opportunity to go to the air journey through the cable car, which passes over the old streets of the city. Tiny double cabins make up to Darsan Hill. During the trip, you can consider the gilded domes of the Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky and historical structures. From a height of 138 meters, an amazing panoramic view of the city opens.

Pleasant impressions will leave the park-palace complex in the Massandra village, which is 5 kilometers from the center of Yalta. On the mountainside surrounded by forests and well-kept alleys, the castle built for Emperor Alexander III. Causes delight beautiful architecture three-story palace. The facade is decorated with galleries, balconies, towers with spiers. The terraces are framed by balustrades with vases. A small artificial pond with goldfish and fountains spread before the building. Those who wish can explore the inner decoration of the premises and get acquainted with the terms of the royal life of those times.


The famous symbol of the Crimea "Swallow Nest" is located in the cozy resort village of Gaspra, 12 kilometers from Yalta. This place attracts resting picturesque landscapes and a beneficial maritime climate. The village is literally covered by mountain ridges, so cold winds do not reach here. The town is littered with garden-park complexes, in which palaces, fortresses and estates are located.

The famous facility "Swallow Nest" is elevated on the sheer Sorotmeter of Cape Ai-Todor in 1912. The gothic architectural style of the castle with characteristic gears and firmware is reminded of the times of valiant knights of the Middle Ages. Covered Palace Round Tower with Spiers.


The city of Alupka, located between the magnificent mountain of Ai-Petri and the sparkling Black Sea, as if stopped in silence and tranquility. Here, the landscapes of the landscapes are saturated with lush vegetation, and the combination of coniferous and sea air creates a healing charge of energy.

Alupka is obliged by the Governor General of the Novorossiysk Territory M.s Vorontsov. In the first half of the XIX century, a luxurious castle was built on the initiative of the graph, which was framed by a fragrant subtropical park with exotic plants and suiteviti paths. Vorontsov Palace It is a majestic and strict monumental complex, combining several architectural styles at once.

The southern facade includes elements of Eastern architecture. These are arches covered with stucco ornaments, thin columns, low minarets and open terraces with sculptures. The northern facade of the palace is decorated in a medieval Gothic style for which gear walls are characterized, round and quadriginal towers, pinakli and protruding multifaceted columns.

The program of walking along Alupka is unthinkable without a lift to the top of the mountain ah-Petri. Its mighty stone walls are ascended to the sky at 1234 meters. You can go up onto the funicular or by car, overcoming winding mountain serpentine. During self-trip Famous mountain facilities will be found in the picturesque road: Stude-Sous Waterfall, Lake Turtle and Silver Gazebo. Once on the plateau, bitten by trees, the fascinating spirit of the panorama opens before tourists.


The legendary naval port Sevastopol is located on the western coast of the Crimea along several bays. Ovened to the spirit of historical glory and great accomplishments, the Hero city is replete with numerous sights that will not leave anyone indifferent. The architectural ensembles of the city reflect the greatness, the valor and honor of the Russian people.

Start a walk stands with the central Square Nakhimov. The monument to Admiral Pavel Nakhimov, a memorial wall of defense with a relief image of a warrior, a fame, and "eternal flame", draws attention.

Next to the square is the Graphic Pier, the main entrance of which is a snow-white colonnade with a massive attic, built in 1846. Going to the sea on a wide staircase, you can see 20 meters from the coast a monument to flooded ships. The monument is represented as a seventeter column mounted on a granite rock and a bronze eagle topped.

The County Pier smoothly goes into the embankment, from where a panorama opens to the Sevastopol bay. Powerful Mikhailovskaya and Konstantinovskaya batteries will especially be especially allocated, providing protection against the entrance of the enemy fleet to the marine water management of the city. Pleasant impressions leave the Primorsky Boulevard, to which a picturesque alley with lawns, trees, fountains and numerous architectural structures is adjacent. Here is the theater, the Palace of Culture, Oceanarium and Dolphinarium.

The Museum Complex "The 35th Coast Battery" should be a mandatory view of the city-hero city review. During the defense of Sevastopol 1941-1942, the fortress with artillery guns in the Cossack bay until the latter gave fascist invaders. On the territory of the complex there are two battery towers, a pantheon of memory of the heroes of defense, gun exhibits and military equipment.

In the surrounding area, the largest ancient Greek ruins are spread, representing cultural value for humanity. This is the National Archaeological Reserve of Chersonese Tavrichesky. Tourists have a unique opportunity to stroll around the city, founded in 420 to our era. On the extensive territory of more than 500 hectares of land there are antique ruins, columns, fragments of buildings and structures. A significant place of Chersonese is the Cathedral of St. Vladimir. According to legend, Christianity Prince Vladimir took here in 988.


In the mountain gorge among thick vegetation and away from the coast, the once capital of the Crimean Khanate, which existed under the patronage Ottoman Empire until 1783. This is the colorful city of Bakhchisarai. Narrow streets with small old houses are immersed in the atmosphere of antiquity.

The main pearl of the city is the extensive quarter of the residence of Crimean Khanate. This is a palace complex of facilities forming a labyrinth from unique oriental buildings. Two-storey buildings are decorated with openwork window lattices, high minarets, gallery and painting, reflecting the traditions of Tatar culture. On the territory of the complex there are gardens, fountains, gazebos, shopping buildings, harem, stable, bath, falcony tower and mosque.

Walking on the small premises of the Khan Residence, you can pay attention to the eastern luxury. The halls of the palace are decorated with bright vegetable ornaments, decorative patterns, carpets. In addition, a museum of culture, art, the history of the Crimean Tatars is open here.

Having become acquainted with the traditions and lifestyle of the Crimean Khan, it is recommended to go to Chufut-Kale. This is one of the masterpieces of cave cities, located on the rocky plateau of the sheer cliff with a height of 600 meters. Here in the Middle Ages, predominantly Karaimi, professing religious doctrine, lived in Middle Ages. In stone formations, economic and residential premises are skillfully cut down. In the days of Crimean Khanate, a mint was located in the cave fortress.


Simferopol is the capital of the Republic of Crimea and the Gate of the Peninsula, who meet tourists who arrived at the international airport. Here is the beginning of a fascinating trip by car. Highly developed transport network road leads to absolutely any resort places in Crimea. Most travelers are often passionate about the coast ride, so Simferopol remains without due attention. However, in the city there is something to see and where to walk.

The central street is the Lenin Square, which has a monument to the leader of the proletariat, the building of the Government of the Republic and the Academic Theater. You should walk along the pedestrian street Pushkin. Along the boulevard lined up in a series of old buildings of the XIX century. Gagarin Park is replete with vegetable plantations, well-groomed lawns, fountains, monuments, memorials, benches and entertainment areas with attractions. The central part of the vast territory of the Park occupies a lake with a small island in the middle, where can be reached by catamaran.

Decent attention of the refined Vorontsov Park with a botanical garden, saturated with flowers and rare plants. There are more than 200 species of roses of all colors of the rainbow. In the garden you can retire in gazebos, stroll through narrow forest paths or on wide alleys under the crowns of high trees. On the park there is a small manor of Count Vorontsov with classic columns. A business map of Simferopol is the railway station, built in 1951. The majestic building is decorated with a clock tower and an elegant arcade gallery. The architectural ensemble forms the courtyard with a broken square and fountain.


An amazing resort of Evpatoria is one of the few Crimean cities, combining comfort, entertainment and cultural architectural monuments. Beautiful sandy beaches, wondrous beautiful parks, a frozen embankment with endless amateur plants and various historical buildings cause enthusiastic feelings from tourists.

Evpatoria is famous for religious architectural buildings. You can see the Multi-Polya Mosque of Juma Jami, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Temple Complex of the Ancient Karaimov, the Armenian Church, Synagogue. Shrine reflecting cultural heritage Different nations are striking beautifully decorated facades. The city is saturated with sculptures and monuments dedicated to the historical past, famous figures, fabulous characters. For lovers of active and cultural recreation there is an aquapark, dolphinarium, zoo, theater and museum.

Cape Tarkhankut

The pearl of the western part of the peninsula is Cape Tarkhankut. This place attracts tourists to the pristine and not touched by nature civilization. The absence of vegetation is reimbursed by numerous coastal cliffs, vertically raging up from the sea. For a thousand years, waves and wind pulled out along the coast of the cave, arches and stone blocks of bizarre.

Among the landscape of the landscape, the natural aquarium "Bowl of Love" deserves attention. This picturesque place is a pool in the form of a heart, surrounded by stone blocks. The bowl is filled with water due to the underwater tunnel, punched by waves in coastal rocks.

The coast fascinates the incredible beauty of bays, wild beaches and the emerald waters of the Black Sea. There are no buildings of Cape Tarkhankut on the Sun steppe area of \u200b\u200bthe Cape Tarkhankut, which creates a special color. Arriving on the car, you can smash the tent on a climbing rock either on the sandy shore and enjoy the rest away from the city bustle, noisy crowd of tourists and festive Crimean embankments.


Mysterious, magical, amazingly beautiful Crimea Multician, no wonder it is called the "world of miniature", because there is everything here: steppe and mountains, green valleys and medical lakes, reserved forests and beautiful parks, beautiful palaces, noble estates and amazing natural monuments, mysterious caves and cultural monuments of the long-disappeared peoples, the sea with its beaches and underwater caves.

Look at the map of the Crimea: the inner part of the peninsula takes the steppe, mountain ranges are concentrated in its southern part, and all this is surrounded by the sea on all sides. The many most beautiful places of Crimea are located on the coast, but a lot and such that lie away from tourist trails, and transport do not get there.

This wild peninsula, one of the most beautiful places of Crimea, is located in the western point and, probably, it will remain the place with which a person will never do anything. Just can not. It's too terrible with cliffs, its underwater caves are too deep.

It is so clean, that standing high on the break, you can consider stones at the bottom. But the most amazing spectacle will open from the sea: the huge through grots cut through the rocks through, caves are hidden during high arches, and the rocks are spinning in the most unthinkable figures. From time to time, the tireless surf and the wind fell a part of the rocky coast, and then in this beautiful place of Crimea there is a new rock of a fantastic look.

Athlesh, the Tarkhankut protected zone make up the rocks of white limestone, over the processing of which the brilliant sculptor worked for centuries - nature. He fantasyly cut off the shore line, giving the rocks of this beautiful place of Crimea amazing forms:

  • The turtle is a big rock, acting at sea, really resembles a giant turtle looking at the sea.
  • The bowl of love is a rock in the form of a round pool. Its depth is 6 meters, and you can only get to it through the underwater tunnel.
  • 150-meter, not studied cave, to get into which can be only one way: sailing under the rock hanging over the sea.

AK-KAYA (White Rock)

A huge White Rock is located in the Belogorsk District of Crimea, in the Valley of the River Biyuk Kara-Su. A huge stone plateau ends with a sheer wall with a height of 150 meters. Rock, hanging over the valley, is particularly beautiful in the rays of the setting sun. Once she was a seabed, and its layers are a kind of chronicles of the past 70 million years. A attentive look will surely notice the petrified clams, marine hells, crabs, and in the youngest layers that are on the surface of the plateau, the teeth of sharks, the bones of whales and seals occur.

Koyash Lake

It is amazingly beautiful and most salt Lake In Crimea lies in the south of the Kerch Peninsula. In the summer, algae living in the lake, paint its water in pink color, and the higher the temperature, the more intense the color becomes. The coast of this beautiful place of the Crimea is covered with salt crystals, smelling violets, and on water stroits there are bizarre saline icebergs. Just a narrow strip sandy beach Detaches pink from the Black Sea.

Balaklava bay

The second such beautiful place in the Crimea, like this bay, not to find. It is clamped between the two mountains and goes into the land at a depth of 1.5 kilometers. The entrance to it is not only very narrow, but the sea is also invisible. The unique form of the bay in the form of an English letter S makes it a silent harbor even during a strong storm at sea. You can admire this beautiful place in the Crimea from the top of the mountain on the eastern shore, where the ruins of the old Genoese fortress of Cambalo are preserved.

New World

This is the name of a small village next to Sudak. When the car passes the last turn, an unusually beautiful place is open before the eyes, which is defiantly beautiful even for the roof of the Crimea. Mountains Eagle and Falcon protect a new light from the winds, and the air is powered by phytoncides of pines and juniper. Three bays of this beautiful place in the Crimea are green, blue and blue - fascinate with the purity and transparency of their waters, and mountain paths and grotes give the unique charm.


Among the most beautiful places of Crimea and an amazing mountain range, which was once a seabed. When the stone rose rose from the sea, the sun and the wind created the stone sculptures of the bizarre form. In the sunset rays of the Sun, it seems that the figures and the truth look like running people. Hence the name of the valley with stone sculptures. Of course, there are many legends that explain the appearance of stone Eastukans in this beautiful place of Crimea, and who knows, suddenly something from the described in them actually happened.

Taraktash trail

For this trail, you can go from Yalta to Ai-Petri and in reverse direction. Of course, descend easier. Types opening with your eyes during the descent are beautiful, but the crazy delight will cause one of the most beautiful places of Crimea - the tract itself Taraktash and its main attraction - a arc-shaped rock with a height of several tens of meters. It is striking that with lackless walls and a fairly large altitude, the standing rock is not destroyed. The trail will hold you on the hollow, then through the narrow passage between the cliffs will bring out. This passage is called a Taraktash gate, it is terrible to go on it, but delight from this beautiful place of Crimea makes you forget about fear.

If you are lucky to be near the cliff at noon, when the sun is worth high, you can see how the rock is overflowing with all the shades of yellow and brown. The height captures the spirit, but the beauty is such that besides her do not notice anything. Continuing the descent, in another fantastically beautiful place of the Crimea - "flying water".


Study-Su is "flying" or "hanging water" in the old days called this two-chain flow of water, falling with Ai-Petri. In all its power, it appears only in the spring, during the melting of snow. In winter, water freezes, and its frozen jets become similar to organ pipes, and this sight is hardly more beautiful than April.

Nature is capable of creating amazing monuments on the beauty. But the creations of human hands are sometimes not less beautiful. Talented architects entered the history of the beautiful Crimea. Beautiful palaces and magnificent parks.

Karai Kenasi in Evpatoria

Among the beautiful places of Crimea and the White Temple Complex of Crimean Caraim, consisting of two double two-year buildings with fittings and semicircular windows. In the courtyard of this beautiful place Crimea you can see arched galleries and fountain. The building is not only a monument of architecture, but also historical value.

swallow's Nest

In the village of Gaspra, which lies on the beautiful southern coast of the Crimea, on the very edge of the rocks of Aurora, there is a tiny building from white stone. Walls with teeth, high rocky windows and a round tower with spiers make it look like a medieval knight lock. Once it was a country house with fireplaces and thick ceiling beams, but what is there now - no matter. As an elegant toy, as if soars between the sea and the sky, attracting the gaze of each guest to this amazingly beautiful place of the Crimea.

Livadia Palace

Known as a summer residence of the last Russian emperor and the venue of the Yalta Conference. But its attractive do not so much historical facts, how much the beauty of the Palace and the Park, which was broken around.

The snow-white Renaissance building with four inner courtyards, luxurious chambers and unofficifies never the interior fit perfectly into the landscape of the Crimean coast and became one of the most beautiful places of Crimea. The park, broken on 40 hectares of the Earth, was equipped and preserved until now: the winding paths are enveloped by beautiful flowers and rare trees, green lawns are decorated with sculptures and fountains, shady alley lead to the sea, and from the viewing sites to the very horizon opens an endless sea.

Palace in Massandre

One of the most amazing and beautiful places of Crimea is the emperor Alexander Third. The palace is small, but incredibly beautiful and elegant. Architect, decorating facades balconies, ornaments and sculptures, gave him a fabulous, just a gingerbread castle. On spacious terraces and in the park in the fashion of that time, the sculptures of satiries and chimer were installed. The construction was erected right in the forest, he lay down the beautiful park. On the territory of the park laid the tracks and broke the flower beds, juniper and conifers were additionally planted along Alley, exotic plants were brought from abroad.

Foros church

There is a red rock between the Sevastopol and Yalta, between the sea and the grocery of the mountains, and on its very edge, like a fragile toy on the palm of the giant, stands the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. It is clearly seen from the track, and everyone who passes by, unwittingly turns his head to see this beautiful place of Crimea again. The legend tells about the wonderful salvation of the daughter of a rich merchant on the edge of this cliff. Salvation was, but it was about the emperor Alexandra Third. Built in the Byzantine style, survived four restorations, there are worships now.

Vorontsov Palace

Among the most beautiful places of Crimea and the beautiful palace in Alupka, which was created by order of Count Vorontsov, who was then the Governor-General of the Novorossiysk Territory. The graph wanted the palace to combine the English rigor and luxury of Indian palaces. Such a luxury was suitable for these beautiful places of Crimea: from the windows of the palace, the sea was visible, on the other hand, an AI-Petri array was hanging over the palace, and numerous springs would help grow a beautiful garden. So it turned out: a heavy English style is diluted with elements of a luxurious oriental style, and guard towers are adjacent to openwork ornaments and arches.

Palace Park deserves a separate place among all beautiful places of Crimea. Both of its parts are the upper park and the bottom - amazingly beautiful. In the top there are three glades (chestnut, solar and contrast), and each grow individual types of trees. Here the swan lake is broken, where these beautiful birds live, and a mirror, there is even a waterfall. The lower park is decorated in Italian style, many unique plants are growing there. Everyone who visited there claims that in this beautiful place of Crimea is always a festive mood.

Yusupovsky Palace

The magnificent Palace of Yusupova is located in one of the most beautiful places in Crimea - in Koreiz, on a steep rocky seashore. He was erected in the style of the Italian Renaissance, and his interior is simply luxurious: Viennese sofas and chairs of skillful work of the Austrian furniture masters, porcelain and bronze figurines. But the Palace Park is even more beautiful! He is decorated with trees with age from 100 to 500 years, and only 7.5 thousand species of plants grown. The whole territory of this beautiful place of the Crimea is decorated with fountains and small pools with the figures of the goddesses, nayar and mermaids. All entrances to the park, all niches are "guarded" marble lions.

Nikitsky Botanical Sad.

The garden is laid for more than two hundred years ago. Its director, Christians Stewen, conceived to create a nursery for plants that never grew into the Crimea to acclimatize them for the Crimean Earth. And it got great. But the main goal was to assemble all plants in the territory of this beautiful place, which could benefit not only the Crimea, but all of Russia. Three years later, in the collection of the Botanical Garden there were 50 varieties of pear and almost a hundred varieties of apple trees. Gradually, the collection has increased by Italian and French grape varieties, magnolias, palm trees, planenes. There were unique beautiful places of the Crimea Plants: Sequoia California, Fir Caucasian, Cedar, Oriental Pine, Strawberry Tree, Bamboo, and color species even count hard. To date, the collection consists of 30 thousand plants from all over the corners globe. And in whatever month you have visited this garden, you will always see flowering plants: in the spring it is a "tulip parade", in the summer - "Roses Ball", in the fall - "Chrysanthemum Ball". Botanical Garden, excellent human hands, and still considered one of the most beautiful places in Crimea.

For decades, the Crimean Peninsula has been a popular holiday destination for our compatriots and to this day, he continues to attract travelers from all over the former Soviet Union. And read this article, you will learn what they are beautiful places Crimea.

This fertile land is famous not only to the resorts for beach holidays, magnificent landscapes and unique microclimate. This paradise It is one of the most beautiful places on the planet and the present tourist treasure.

On the eve of the summer holidays and the season of vacation, we often wonder how to spend where to go to rest and what to see. And if you decide to spend your vacation on the Crimean Peninsula, then I want to offer you a list: "The most beautiful places of Crimea" That is worth visiting and which will remain in your memory for a long time.

1. Swallow nest

With this legendary castle, at least all Russians are familiar with photographs and postcards. Swallow the nest located on Cape Ai-Todor not far from Yalta is the hallmark of the Crimea and is considered one of the most Crimean Peninsula .

The castle was built in the village of Gaspra on one of the cliffs in 1912. The appearance of this wonderful architectural structure changed several times. In the form of how we see it now, the great merit of the oil magnate Baron Steingel. For many years in the castle there was an excellent restaurant, currently the exposition of the art exhibition is located here.

Due to the strong earthquakes, the castle was partially destroyed, but those who wish can visit it and admire the dizzying species that open from the height of twelve meters. So that the swallow nest is rightfully called one of the most beautiful places of Crimea.

2. Livadia Palace

This palace is one of the most visited and beautiful southern shores of Crimea . The Livadia Palace previously belonged to the Russian emperor Nicholas II and was his summer residence. His uniqueness is that his facade traced a synthesis of four different architectural styles. A beautiful palace and park ensemble spread to the palace.

3. Vorontsov Palace Museum

This architectural monument was built in the 19th century by architect Edward Bhor, who designed individual parts of the Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey. For the construction of Vorontsovsky ( or Alupkinsky) Palace passed 23 years, and it was built in the 19th century. And around the palace, the German gardener Karl Kebach was defeated by a beautiful garden with magnificent alleys, fountains and an excellent lake. Palace Library keeps many interesting historical documents. The complex is assigned the status of the Museum-Reserve.

4. Chersonese

In Sevastopol, in the reed bay in the territory of 500 hectares there is one of the most famous sights of Crimea - the ruins of the ancient city of Chersonesos. This place is considered one of the most interesting and beautiful places of Crimea. This city was founded about in the 6th century to our era ancient Greek colonists.

Here are such ancient architectural monuments such as Vladimir Cathedral, Zenon Tower, Citadel, Temple with Arcosolias, Barracks, City Gates, Celebrations, Antique Square, Basilica, Breweys, Signal Bell, Six-Power Temple, Residential Quarter IV-III centuries. BC, and Chapel XIII century, theater and a mint. After inspection, you can plunge into the azure water of the Black Sea and relax on the beach, where you can find small fragments of old ceramics.

5. Ay-Petri

Ai-Petri is rightfully considered the highest mountain massif of the Crimean Peninsula and one of the most beautiful places of Crimea. His SAMIA high Point 1234 meters rises above sea level, offering stunning views of the whole Crimea. Here are the famous stone teeth.

6. The Genoese Fortress of the Cafe in Sudak

This fortress was built by the Genoese. In the XV - XVI centuries. Sudak was the largest colony of the "coupe of the Italian Republic" Genoa. Because The city was located in the center of the Great Silk Road, in the 14th century built a powerful citadel to protect their treasures from encroachment.

The Genoese Fortress was built on the basis of ancient strengthening structures and survived different owners: Italians, Turks and Russians. Each multiple secrets and legends. Many people are familiar about the beautiful princess, which was thrown away from the maiden tower to avoid marriage with unloved. Right under the fortress is the beach, where you can spend a great time.

7. Big Canyon

Big Canyon, also refer to environmentally friendly and most Beautiful places Crimea. The beauty of this canyon fascinates. If you start your trip from the sides of the falconian village and overcome the six-kilometer path through the forest, you will see beautiful waterfalls, cool cloths and the purest springs with delicious water. Here you can plunge into your youth bathroom, which, by giving and heals all the ailments.

8. Diving on Tarkhankut

Cape Tarkhankut - is the most western point, a place with the most pure water on the coast of the entire Peninsula and one of the most beautiful places of Crimea . If you love the underwater world, then you will definitely visit this place. You will receive an unforgettable impression, admiring the wonderful underwater landscapes: caves, grotts, the remains of the Turkish fortresses and sunken ships. Come and make sure that yourself!

9. Excursion caves

These caves are not far from Simferopol, and unlike wild caves have raven walkways and stationary lights. Caves Marble and Emine-Bair-Hosar on Chatyr Dagi are considered one of the most beautiful places not only in the Crimea But in Europe. All these picturesque caves are unique, thanks to their natural scenery: stalactams, stalagmitams and stalables. The marble cave is interesting to a large number of huge halls and galleries. The oblivion hall has the height of the nine-story house and the length of 200 m, and is the largest in the world.

10. Balaclava

it small city With a picturesque bay, it was comfortably located near Sevastopol, there is a parking lot of yachts and an underground base of submarines. Several tens of years ago, the entrance for tourists in Balaklava was quite problematic, since the base of military submarines was located here. Also on the territory of Balaklava is an ancient Fortress Chamblock.

it place one of the most beautiful in the Crimea. In the Water Bay, there is a closure with stones of the embankment, the shore has a lot of yachts and yals, which gives an amazing flavor to this place. Be sure to visit who are considered the best on the whole peninsula and taste the local cuisine.

On Tatianin Cape, you can try a gentle of Rapanov, and in the Pirate Harchevna - a fishing jug from freshlymal black fish, and in Balaclava taste the delicious fillet of Cambals under sauce with cedar nuts and red caviar.

11. Valley of Ghosts

This valley, which is also one beautiful places in Crimea , spread out on the western slope of the southern plot of mountain range Demerji. Here, the Millennies did the nature of the miracles, forming the cliffs of the most bizarre form - eaves and niches, bastion and mung-shaped rocks. The unrealistic and fascinating valley of the deliberation looks in the predestal and sunset clock.

12. Meganom

If you are a fan of wild tourism, the Meganom Bay is a place where you can relax from the city bustle and merge with nature. This bay form two speakers in the sea of \u200b\u200bCape: Meganom-1 and Meganom-2. Lovers, despite all the difficulties, seek to get a deserted bay, cut off from around the world, which is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful places of Crimea. It can be found 10 kilometers from Sudak, toward the Solar Valley. You can get to it on a boat or a boat, or by car to the middia bay, then on foot - along the winding mountain trail.

If you still succeed in visiting Meganom Bay - the main entertainment will be walking along a rocky coastline, inspection of the "stone city", observation of friable dolphins and, of course, scuba diving. And what else is needed for a full rest on the lap of nature?

13. New light

Three Novosvet bays are very popular and very beautiful . Here you can swim on the royal beach, where Nicholas II once rested, and also to visit the places of the famous cults of the Soviet films "Pirates of the twentieth century", "Man-amphibian", "three plus two".

14. The Khansky Palace in Bakhchisara

This Palace is considered the most colorful palace of Crimea. After his visit, we taste the real Tatar food in the cozy local restaurants, as well as stroll through the lavender plantations and Kazanlyak roses, which are located near the Bakhchisarai Khansky Palace.

If you want to see the fascinating spectacle and beautiful place Crimea, That go to the cocktabel, admire dawn and sunsets that are worthy of painting brush. The palette of paints in the sky is overflowing with all the colors of the rainbow. This amazing natural phenomenon is best observed from the mountain of Voloshin mountain towards the Feodosia. In the fall in this village, a jazz festival passes, which collects jazz lovers.

16. Massandrovsky Palace

The Massandra Palace is also one of the attractions of the Crimea, which is under Yalta. This palace was also a summer residence Alexander III. The palace is unique and its architectural style and the inner decoration of every hall. If you visit, you can enjoy the excellent taste of Massandrovsk wines, which are considered one of the best in the entire Crimea.

17. Holy Assumption Monastery in Bakhchisara

Holy - Assumption Monastery Located in the gorge of Maryam-Dere, a few kilometers from Bakhchisaraya. The monastery was founded at the end of the VIII - early IX centuries.

Crimean Khans, confessing Muslim, the Orthodox monastery was not a hindrance. They showed religious tolerance and the mosques were located next to the monastery. But in the past century, this monastery blew up and even in the early 90s from the temple, only the caves with frescoes in the rock remained, and in the gorge itself - the corps of a mental hospital, whose patients sometimes had hiking along the tourist trails.

Crimea is a real pearl of the Black Sea. This unique peninsula with antiquity attracted people, here are traces of ancient and medieval civilizations. Crimea managed to visit the rich Greek colony, and the harbor of Italian merchants, and the outpost of the Ottoman Empire before becoming a place of recreation of the rulers of the Russian Empire. During the time of the USSR, the peninsula was the main beach of a huge country.

First of all, vacation in the Crimea is a vacation on the beaches of the picturesque southern coast and the famous therapeutic resorts of the West Bank. In the intervals between adoption solar baths Tourists are sent to the inspection of numerous attractions: ancient cave cities on high-altitude plateau, magnificent imperial palaces in Livadia and Massandra, famous Sevastopol and Old Khansky Bakhchisaray.

Apartments and hotels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles / day

What to see and where to go to the Crimea?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a brief description.

The famous architectural monument to the southern bank of the Crimea, one of the most famous sights of the peninsula. In the XIX century The private residence of the retired general was located, later the Earth moved into the hands of the German baron of Stteygel, in which in 1911 the palace was built in a neo-neothic style. After graduation Civil War The swallow nest has decline and only in the 1960s. The restoration began.

Palace complex with landscaped park in Livadia village. The first buildings appeared here at the beginning of the XIX century. After 1861, the Livadia Palace was sold to the royal family and began to be used as a cottage. Receded to our time a white-stone building was built at the beginning of the 20th century. During World War II, the entire territory of the park was destroyed, the palace was lying in ruins. He was restored before the start of the Yalta Conference in February 1945.

Museum-Reserve at the foot of the mountain ah-petri in the village of Alupka. The complex was built in the first half of the XIX century for Count Mikhail Vorontsov on the project of the English architect Edward Blora (he participated in the construction of Scottish Castle Walter Scott and the Buckingham Palace). The western part of the structure is made in the style of English tudors, the southern facade is a sample of Moorish architecture.

Another Crimean Palace of the late XIX century not far from Yalta. Initially belonged to the family of Vorontsov, but then it was bought for the imperial dynasty. The castle is built with elements of the style of the French king of Louis XIII, construction works were led by architect M. Mesmarm. In the Soviet years, the palace was used as a cottage for the first persons of the state, now the museum is located on the territory.

The former residence of the Crimean Khanov, erected in the XVI century. The main architectural thought of the complex is to transfer the representation of the Crimean Tatars about the paradise on earth. Several generations of rulers of the Khan Dynasty Gireev lived here, everyone tried to expand and supplement the palace complex. In the XVIII - XIX centuries. The palace burned, rebuilt, repaired and almost lost its original appearance. Only in the XX century managed to restore the original interiors.

One of the mountain peaks of the southern coast of Crimea. Refers to the Yalta Mining - Forest Reserve. Previously, the Greek Monastery of St. Peter was located. Through the mountain, the cable car is almost 3 km away. In length, which is recognized as one of the most extended in Europe. While lifting to the top in the booth, the tourist gets the opportunity to admire the picturesque views of a bird's-eye view.

The natural and archaeological monument of Crimea is located in the valley of the river. Biyuk-Karasa. The rock is an array folded from white limestone breeds. At the foot of the ak-kaya were found parking of primitive man, the remains of the guns there and petrified bones. An ancient Scythian mounds were excavated on the top. Next to the cliff grows oak age 800 years. It is believed that under this tree Suvorov led negotiations with the representative of the Turkish Sultan.

Historical and archaeological and natural monument Peninsula, where the remnants of the fortified settlement of the VIII-XV centuries are preserved. One of the legends is that the mountain is a petrified huge bear, who walked around the valley, spoke everything around and calmed down on the shore at the destruction of the sea god. There is more than a dozen species of rare animals listed in the Red Book on the territory of the reserve.

The Carst Cave is not far from the village of Marble. The age of education is several million years. So far, the cave continues to expand, as the processes of formation of young Crimean Gor. The cave has several large halls through which excursion routes with a length of about 1.5 km are laid. Here you can admire the rarest kinds of crystals and stalactites.

The city is a fortress located on a high-altitude plateau near Bakhchisaray. The road to the cave city passes through the territory of the rocky Holy Assumption monastery. It is believed that Chufut-Kale appeared in the V-VI centuries. As a strengthening on the outskirts of Byzantine possessions. In the XIII-XIV centuries. The city became the center of a small principality - Vassal of Crimean Khanate, where the representatives of the regulations of the Karaimov began to settle. In the XIX century, Chufut Callean left the last residents.

Ancient Greek city, founded in the V century BC. Subsequently became a large and rich center of the entire Greek colony on the peninsula. From the II century BC. Depending on the ancient Bosporus kingdom, later became Vassal Rome. Chersonese is also one of the cradle of Christianity - the first followers of Christ settled here in the first century. In the 10th century, the prince of Kievan Rus Vladimir took the baptism of the prince of Kievan Rus.

Three fortified forts of the Genoese navigators located in Balaclava, Sudak and Feodosia. In the Middle Ages, they were Chernomoric outposts of powerful Genoa and were used to protect from the sea. Under the contract with Tatars in the XIV century, the Genoese joined the territory of modern Feodosia to their possessions. The region was called Genoese Gazaria. In the XV century, the fortress moved into the hands of the Ottoman Empire.

Another name of the temple is the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. It was built at the end of the XIX century on a rock, towering at 400 meters above sea level. Alexander III gave an order to build a temple in memory of the crash of the train, in which the whole family of the emperor was slightly died. A few years after the victory of the revolution of 1917, a restaurant extended to the beginning of the 70s posted in the building. In the 90s. The temple was restored to the funds of the Ukrainian government.

Acting men's monastery, presumably founded in the VIII century AD. Rady Byzantine monks. The monastery existed for many centuries, during the times of Ottoman rule, even Crimean Khan came here to pay the honor to local shrines. After the establishment of Soviet power, the monastery was closed, the earthquake of 1927 destroyed the construction. Revival and restoration began only in 1993.

The monument in the waters of the sea on the Sevastopol embankment is considered a symbol of the city. Installed in honor of the events of the middle of the XIX century, when Russian ships were specially flooded in the Sevastopol bay, in order to block the path of the Anglo-French fleet. To avoid battles (since the fleet of the enemy was more powerful and better armed), Prince Menshikov decided to flood ships, but do not let the enemy troops to the city.

The historical monument dedicated to the events of the Crimean War 1853-1856. This monumental panorama of the Defense of Sevastopol Masters of Batal Painting Franz Alekseevich Roubo, located in the building of the rounded form. Work on the web was carried out since 1901. F. Rousto created his masterpiece with the help of students of the Bavarian Academy of Arts and several German painters.

Previously secret military facility in Balaclava, a former underwater base of submarines. In the time of the USSR, he was one of the most classified in the USSR. For many years, the Balaklava bay was not indicated on the maps. After the fall of the USSR, the object was launched and looted, only in 2004 the Government of Ukraine organized there the Museum of the History of the Underwater Fleet. After the transition of the Crimea, the Russian jurisdiction of the Russian authorities plan to place a new base there.

A small bay with bizarrely rugged and picturesque shores, where, according to the Homerovskaya "Odyssey" visited the legendary navigator. On the shores of the bay costs one of the Genoese fortresses. It is believed that the first settlements arose here in the VIII-VI centuries. BC. In the days of the Crimean War in the bay, the British base was located, in Soviet times - a classified parking lot of submarines.

Landscape sight of the Crimean Peninsula, the state reserve since 1974. The canyon is a wide crack in the rock, formed in the process of forming the Crimean Mountains. Along the clefts there are several capes-cliffs, the river flows along the bottom. Auzun-Uzen. For the bottom of the canyon and in the vicinity there are several tourist routes from the viewing platforms.

Climbing rocks on the western slope of the Southern Ridge of the Mountain Massif Demerji. In the valley, more than 100 stone rocky blocks of different sizes are scattered, the largest reaches 25 meters in height. At dawn and during sunset, the stones discard the bizarre shadows that move and intertwined each other. That is why the place received the poetic name "Valley of Given".

Natural territory 15 km. from Sevastopol with an expressive landscape, 10 kilometer coastline and a unique floral world. At Cape is the Holy George Monastery and the Yashmovy Beach, connected by a staircase of several hundred steps. Cape Fiolent is considered the best place For diving, as almost one hundred percent visibility and do not moor ships.

The three-kilometer path in the village of the new light, created by Princes Golitsyn, especially for the arrival of Emperor Nicholas II. Now it is popular a tourist route. The trail begins at the Eagle Mountain, goes along the coast past the Hob-Kai Mountain to the through Golitsyn Grott. The most beautiful places are equipped with viewing platforms, fragrant pine trees grow around.

It is considered the largest and powerful Crimean waterfall. The jet of water will be lowered from a height of 15 meters, the maximum size of the channel is 5 meters in width. It remains full ... even in a long arid season. Together with water, the stones sometimes collapsed in the height. The waterfall is located in a mountainous-wooded protected area, the water temperature even in hot summer time does not exceed 10 ° C.

Is about 10 km from Yalta. The garden covers an area of \u200b\u200bseveral dozen hectares, scientific activities are conducted on its territory and research institutions are located. It appeared at the beginning of the XIX century with the assistance of Count Vorontsov and Botany F. Biberstein. The first director was the famous naturalist H. Stewen, who for 12 years of work gathered and adapted to local conditions about 500 copies of plants.

Crimean wines are several famous brands producing various grape varieties. The most famous of them: "Massandra", "Solar Valley", "Inkerman", "New Light", "Koktebel". The brand "New Light" is famous for its excellent champagne (the "Brut" variety), "Massandra" is famous for the specific taste of wines, and Inkerman produces good red wine under the same name.