LCD Sukhanovo Park from the company Electra: a beautiful country house project at high prices. Cottage village "Sukhanovo Park Cottage settlement Sukhanovo Park

8 km south of the Moscow Ring Road, in the village of Sukhanovo. The project is very unusual, it combines various types of housing: more than 48 hectares will be located more than a hundred townhouses, 19 cottages and seven apartment buildings - brick five-story buildings with elevators and free planning apartments.

Beautiful site, live forum

The company "Eletra" has existed for more than 10 years - the truth is, as a manufacturer of electrical output and substations. As for construction projects, this is its first experience.

For housing buyers in Sukhanovo Park, a colorful site has been created on which you can find the location of houses, photos and read about the prospects of the project. By the way, all the photos that are accommodated in the "Photo Gallery" section, real, it is not computer simulation, although only ready-to-operate zone - Townhouses of the first line.

In reality, on two thirds of the territory allotted under the project is still a construction work. On the same site it is easy to find a certificate for land and a design declaration with numerous additions, since the company's construction permits is becoming gradually. For example, in January, documents were issued for two houses, which will be completed by the beginning of 2015.

Also on the network there is a "alive" forum on which Novoseli and potential buyers can communicate. Its basic function is not so much information as "Timbilding" - to combine people participating in the project, create a special atmosphere around the residential complex. Epiphany swimming in the holes, carnival festivities, dating buffets were already organized. On the forum, residents even discuss the alleged names of the streets inside the complex and conduct photo contests.

Sukhanovo Park is well known and discussed in other forums. There are positive feedback, and negative, however the first is still more. They write about the good quality of construction, compliance with the stated deadlines, about trying to create a "cultural context" in Sukhanovo and the estimated development of the road network. Luisteners pay attention to the cutting of the relict pines and the proximity of the LPP to apartment buildings. But it is important that from Novoselov reviews mostly positive.

Two highways, the machine is required

Residential complex "Sukhanovo Park", as I mentioned, occupies 48 hectares. You can drive to it from two highways - Warsaw and Kashirsky, which in the conditions of eternal plugs in the southern direction, of course, plus. There is a complex separately - there are no settlements in walking distance. The road to the village was laid through the forest, and to get to the territory, it is necessary to overcome two barriers by talking with the protection near everyone. So set a tour of the complex without the knowledge of the developer is unlikely to succeed.

The place is picturesque and produced on me a very pleasant impression: silence, pines, stream, sulfted and refined pond, in the summer you can swim in it, the beach will appear on the shore. Much attention is paid to artificial garden gardening - unfortunately, this snowy spring it was difficult to assess, except for summer photos on the site.

Of course, it is worth noting that the Domodedovo Airport is located near and under certain meteorological conditions, airplanes can fly over the village. However, for those two hours that I spent in the "Sukhanovo Park", no plane was noticed. Generally speaking, here it is easy to forget about the proximity to Moscow. The developer plans to maintain this illusion: the surrounding forest (18 hectares) is taken by the management company for rent for 49 years. In general, the village gives the impression of a quiet European town or an expensive hotel - well-kept houses, polite staff in uniform clothing, a thought-out track scheme.

The sales office of "Electra" is here. Managers keep benevolently and willingly answer questions. I was given a tour of the territory and allowed to see one of the townhouses from the inside, although they did not ask any contact data or even a name and very casually asked by the goal of my visit and specific plans.

Apartments and townhouses: What how much

Today there are many options for housing buyers, and all of them are implemented within 214-ФЗ. From seven apartment buildings, only one sold out, four commissioned, two are under construction. All apartments are free planning, area from 39 (odnushki) to 158 (five-room with attic) square. meters. The price of "square" is from 80 to 120 thousand rubles, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bhousing, location and construction phase.

The minimum price of one-room apartment - 3 million 200 thousand, two-room - 5 million 600 thousand rubles; For example, in 136 housing an apartment of 100 square meters. Meters will cost 10.5 million rubles. Townhouse by a metro station 135 square meters. Meters are slightly expensive - at 11 million rubles, if it is third, and in 12.5 million rubles, if the second. I note that both apartments and townhouses are sold without any finish.

From the townhouses completed approximately third. The company managers strongly recommend paying attention to the construction of the third stage - those that are currently bricks. In the booklet, which was presented to me, almost all the townhouses are logged on or booked, but it is possible that this is a trick: in a personal conversation it turned out that with the interest of the buyer, you can find an option in any of the categories, including among the previously finished projects First queue.

Townhouse Square - from 90 to 200 square meters. meters. There are projects "Lux", "Business" and "Comfort" - attic and ground floorings are provided in homes of high comfort. Prices - from 55 to 263 thousand rubles per square meter. Meter without finishing. It should be noted that the stairs in townhouses between the floors (except for the luxury houses) the developer does not put, they will need to buy and mount for their funds. Plots-residential areas of 35-40 square meters. Meters, as the manager told me, sold for a symbolic fee of 500 rubles for the "square" (I was surprised, but asked twice). Registration of property rights costs 30 thousand rubles.

Part of the objects that are commissioned can be bought under the contract of ownership of the property. The mortgage is provided by four banks: Deltacredit (the first installment - from 15%, the rate in rubles - from 13.25%), "Moscow Mortgage Agency (the first installment is from 20%, the rate is from 11.5%)," GLOBEX "( The first installment is from 30%, the rate is from 11.5%), Sberbank (the first installment is from 12%, the rate is from 12%). There is an option and with buying in installments from the developer itself for half a year with a 50% prepayment.

There is no infrastructure, but will

Near apartment buildings there are two parking, with Townhouses there are also places for cars. In total, there are about 800 parking spaces in the complex.

While thirty families live in the village. Until the end of 2014, it will not be very comfortable to live here: one finished street is banging among the construction site. Social infrastructure has not yet been working, although the building under a children's club with a subscription paid visit, the restaurant and medical center have already been erected. In terms of fitness, SPA, supermarket, pharmacy and car wash, riding school and sports grounds.

Today, construction is boiling around the residential townhouses, the main road is quite broken (it should be repaired by the end of 2013). The nearest municipal kindergartens, schools and large shops are in the prominent (15 minutes by car) or in Butovo (15-20 minutes).

Obviously, Sukhanovo Park hope to make a village of European sample. Despite the fact that the complex is small, with several small roads, pedestrian crossings are placed, there are road signs (that rarity for the villages near Moscow). It has already been established to walk the dogs only on two specially designated vessels (for large and for small pets), and if someone from dogs do not do up to the allowed walking place, the owner is charged to use a paper bag and scoop, as is customary in many countries Europe.

It serves the project's own management company of the developer. On the territory will always be on duty experts, electricians, plumbers, gas workers, whose services are included in the service fee, which depends on the type of housing (58 rubles per square meter. Meter for townhouses and 72 rubles per square meter. Meter for apartments). Additionally, you can organize a lawn haircut, a sink of windows and cleaning snow from the roofs.


The advantages of the project are obvious: beautiful and in the future, well-kept territory, the camera and proximity to the forest at a distance of only 8 km from the Moscow Ring Road, options with an entrance of different highways, active construction, goodwill managers, ready to spend a lot of time on a potential buyer.

Cons: It will be comfortable in the village at best by the end of 2014; You can get to the city infrastructure only by car (and in general, it is impossible to live here); Prices are quite high, and housing new seals will receive without any finish, which means additional spending; For many services will also have to pay. In general, today the new building is difficult to evaluate - too much in front of this project, but so far, on the five-point system, I would have put the Sukhanovo Park.

Marianana Barhahat.

Publication date 24 April 2013


To get into the village, being unnoticed, it is impossible, the perimeter is applied by a fence, anger is installed at the entrance with a barrier and round-the-clock mischief. Modern outdoor surveillance video cameras allow you to keep under control by almost the entire territory. Night patrol of private security will be able to stop any attempt to disturb the peace and security of the villagers. If you wish, in any cottage, you can set the alarm or to equip it with an "alarm button".


The extraction of the village was held at the highest level. Smooth, wide roads are covered with high-quality asphalt, in the evening and at night are lit by bright original lamps. Driving Roads are connected to each residential building and any infrastructure object. The sidewalks and pedestrian walkways also have an asphalt coating.

KP "ate" quite meets its name. It is not only surrounded by the forest and the village itself many green plantings. Carefully and original trimmed shrubs and trees, flowerbeds, decorated with bright colors, create a unique inherent landscape inherent in this place.

The available playground is equipped with everything you need for outdoor recreation. On it, in addition to traditional swings and sandboxes for the smallest, there are all sorts of slides with a set of sports simulators for older children. Carousel, Swedish walls, ropes - any child will find an object to taste. And moms will be able to look at their children from comfortable benches in the shade of trees.

At the modern sports field will be able to spend time lovers of tennis, volleyball and other moving sports. And for those who like physical exertion, power simulators are installed.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe village includes 8 hectares of the forest, where you can wonderfully spend time: take a walk along the smooth paths, raise a clean, healthy forest air, sit on comfortable bears under the seven of birch or pines, relax in the shade of beautiful arbors.

The village has special services engaged in cleaning, street design, as well as export of household waste and garbage.


Successfully selected location of the KP "Fir" makes it possible to live here constantly. In the nearest city of Troitsk (4 km from the village) well-developed infrastructure - kindergartens, schools, shops, post offices, banks. He leads to him a good modern route. Another closer is the gum river with a beautiful sandy beach. On the banks of the river there is a holiday home of the FSB "Moscow Region", a little further than the Wellness Center "Vatinki".

Quite nearby, give your hand, the beauty salon and a large supermarket.

There is a shop on the territory of the village.


The village is distinguished by a well-thought-out, planned and proven system of centralized communications. Each Townhouse has gas, electricity, sewage, water supply. By the way, your station was built to clean the water. All cottages are equipped with urban phones with numbers of the city of Moscow, as well as high-speed fiber optic internet.

Main Gas, Electricity, Central Water Supply, Central Sewer


The cottage settlement is just 14 km along the Kaluga highway from the Moscow Ring Road, then to the "fir" leads a 4-kilometer good asphalt road. He built up in 1984 as a country cooperative of employees of the Academy of Sciences and Artists of the Bolshoi Theater. Last file was completed from 2005 to 2009. It was the first village of Townhouses in the suburbs.

It has 120 houses consisting of 4-6 sections blocks, about 300 square meters. m. All cottages are made in the same style, but the finish of each house speaks about the individuality of his owners. Safety and eco-friendly materials were used in construction - high quality brick, natural facing stone. The internal layout of the buildings is very well chosen, it was able to tie together amenities, comfort, comfort and modern technologies. Most residents live here all year round.

In favor of this village, there are several factors:

  • Proximity to Moscow
  • The possibility of permanent residence
  • Eco-friendly region (forest, river, clean air)
  • Safety
  • Availability of developed infrastructure
  • The possibility of constant registration
  • Low cost of utility payments
  • Pretty high class housing

KP "Ate" is ideal for those people who need a spacious, good home in nature, with a clean healthy air, away from dust and dirt of a large city.

Read full description

The residential complex "Sukhanovo Park" is built on an area of \u200b\u200b47.8 hectares in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region. On the territory of the new complex, 228 townhouses and cottages were designed, as well as 208 apartment buildings. Their construction is conducted on brick-monolithic technology using decorative plaster and facing facades with natural stone. Natural tile is used for the roof roof of elite buildings.

Townhouses area of \u200b\u200b90.9-197.2 sq.m. and apartments with free layout 39-158 sq.m. Offered without finishing or with full-fledged turnkey repair by agreement. The developer Halls searched in a neoclassical style using expensive materials - marble, forged products, etc. Storge places for storing strollers, bicycles and sports equipment.


The residential complex provides an extensive network of social and commercial purposes:

  • kindergarten;
  • ballet school;
  • monotoifunctional shopping complex;
  • car wash;
  • medical Center;
  • SPA-center;
  • russian sauna;
  • zoogostitsa;
  • church;
  • riding school;
  • summer theater and cafe.

The entrance to the territory of Sukhanovo Park will be carried out through 2 checkpoints - southern and western. Record areas will be landscaped. In the center of the microdistrict there will be an area of \u200b\u200brotunda with a fountain. Separately assigned places for leisure with arbors and waterfall, children's playgrounds, tennis court, football and volleyball fields, boat jetty, pedestrian bridges, animal walking area and a lot of car parking will be equipped with an open parking lot.

Low-rise buildings bordered by the estate of Prince Volkonsky, a large Sukhanov pond and a tributary r. Pahra. Entry to the territory is carried out at the Razisthana highway from Warsaw Highway. Distance to Moscow Ring Road - 10 km.

About object

The cottage village "Sukhanovo Park" is located in the Moscow region, 9 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. It is located in the territory of the Lenin Municipal District. Accurate address - Rastorguevskoe highway, village Sukhanovo (north of the village). The largest nearest settlement is a city prominent, 3.5 kilometers. The territorial settlement adjoins the village of Lopatino in the north.
The total area of \u200b\u200bthe village of 48 hectares. They are erected by 248 townhouses, cottages and apartment buildings. There are only 7 of them, 4 floors high. Duplex type cottages, on two owners. Among the architectural features of the village can mark the classic style in the arrangement of the territory and decoration of buildings. Inside the CP created asphalt passages for machines. For residents are pedestrian zones with existing fountains. Children can play special playgrounds. There are in the village and its own sports ground, with a herbal lawn for playing football and a basketball court. Living area of \u200b\u200bpremises in Sukhanovo Park from 90 to 197 square meters.
In addition to infrastructure and landscaping, the village can boast of excellent ecology and species. Not far from it is the estate of the Sukhanovo Museum, which belonged to the princes of Volkonsky. The Princely Palace was erected in the XVIII century. The cottage settlement is adjacent to the river Nadyanka, more precisely, to the Sukhanov pond on this river. The width of the pond in the widest place is almost 200 meters. Around perennial pine forests.
As for the transport availability of the village, it is ambiguous. Getting without your own car will be very hard. The cottage settlement is located almost exactly in the middle between the Simferopol highway and the paying road M 4. You need to go through Simferopol, minimize the village of Lopatino.
Without a car, it's easiest to get there by train station to Butovo, from where a bus that is sent once a hour, go to the station Rastorguevo Paveletsky destination (now closed).

Number of households

248 Townhouses and Dupleks, 7 4-storey apartment buildings

Townhouse Square

from 90 to 197 sq.m

Earth status

Individual housing construction (Izhs)



Water supply


the Internet

On guard

The village is guarded around the clock. Entrance and entry into the territory only by passing. But the residents of the village have the opportunity to use the consoles from the barrier. Entry through the checkpoint, the territory is fenced with a high (3 meter) fence. In addition to the overall security system, individual, in each individual cottage and apartment are envisaged.


There are good conditions for life and recreation in the village. In the KP "Sukhanovo Park" there is an extensive network of various objects needed for full life - kindergarten, ballet school of children, shopping center and its own clinic, car wash, spa, fitness club and even church. Residents can use objects of nearby settlements. A private lyceum is 800 meters away, public school is on the outskirts of the city prominent (2 kilometers). ATM is 4 km in Fedyukino. The nearest cinemas in the same place, in a prominent, 4.5 km away. From other entertainment, the developer offers riding horses, using the services of an equestrian-sports base.


Near the forest

Near the river

Near Lake, reservoir