Presentation about Victory Park on Sokolovaya. Presentation "monuments and memorable places of the saratov region"

Saratov represents Big city on the banks of the Volga, which has preserved many interesting architectural monuments and picturesque places.

Victory Park

At the same time, both the park and the museum, which houses:

weapon exhibits and military equipment,

Museum of Military Glory and Cranes Monument,

dedicated to the fallen soldiers.

Saratov Conservatory

Saratov State Conservatory named after L.V. Sobinova is one of the oldest conservatories in the country. It was opened in 1912 at first on the basis of the Saratov Music School. This is the first higher musical educational institution in the Russian province.

Holy Trinity Cathedral

One of the oldest Orthodox churches in the Lower Volga region,

created in 1695. The cathedral is incredibly beautiful,

a unique historical monument,

erected in the Moscow Baroque style.

Saratov railway station

The city station is historical value, it opened in 1978. Now it is a completely modern railway station with an electronic scoreboard, a deluxe lounge, a comfortable waiting room where you can buy food and drinks. The city's bus station is located not far from the railway station.

Cosmonauts embankment

The embankment has existed as long as the city itself. At first, in its place there were simple berths, to which cargo and passenger ships... They started talking about its improvement in the 1900s. The first work began in 1922. Then, according to the plan, the embankment looked like a two-tiered one. The first tier was set aside for landing stages, the second for the pedestrian zone. The third and fourth tiers appeared in 1958. And in 1962 it was named the Cosmonaut Embankment.

Monument to the Saratov accordion

The monument to the Saratov accordion was opened on September 12, 2009 on Kirov Avenue. This is a bronze figure of a cheerful accordion player in a Russian shirt, cap and boots, playing the well-known Saratov instrument - the accordion. The monument itself is musical. From hidden speakers twice a day - at 12 noon and 6 pm an accordion melody is heard.

Kirov Avenue

Kirov Avenue is one of the central streets of the city. Until 1917, the avenue was called German Street, and until 1935 - Republic Street. In the 19th century, it was considered the Saratov "Nevsky Prospect". After the traffic was closed here and one of the first pedestrian zones in the country was organized, the street began to be called by the people "Saratov Arbat".

Saratov Circus brothers Nikitin

The Saratov Circus was founded in 1876 by the Nikitin brothers, circus performers and entrepreneurs. The first circus performances in Saratov were held in temporary tents at fairs. And in 1876 the Nikitin brothers built a stationary circus in the city, which became the second, after Penza, stationary circus in Russia. In 1928, the dilapidated building of the circus was demolished. In 1931 a new building was built according to the design of the famous architect B.S. Vilensky.

Victory Park

Victory Park in Saratov was founded in 1975. Seven years after its opening, in 1982, a monument "Cranes" was erected here, 40 meters high - a monument to the people of Saratov who died during the Great Patriotic War. The park resembles an open-air museum. It preserves the memory of the people who, in wartime, in the most difficult conditions, worked in the rear, making guns and combat vehicles. On May 9, 1999, a rather large exposition of military equipment was solemnly opened here. In total, more than 130 exhibits are collected here.

Museum of Local Lore

The Saratov Regional Museum of Local Lore is one of the oldest museums in the Volga region. It was founded on December 24, 1886, at the same time the city scientific archival commission was organized. The exhibits of the museum were first opened to the public in 1889 during an agricultural exhibition in Saratov. The collection of the museum is constantly replenished thanks to the regularly conducted historical, household, ethnographic, natural history, archaeological and folklore expeditions, as well as thanks to donations from ordinary citizens and organizations.

Saratov Limonarium

The lemonarium can be called an exotic attraction of the city. It is a nursery in which several types of lemons and other types of exotic plants are grown, all of which are about 30 species.

Road bridge

The reinforced concrete road bridge, one of the longest in Europe, is considered the symbol of Saratov. The film "The Bridge Is Under Construction" was even dedicated to its construction.

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Central city park of the city of Saratov Completed by: educators Mizulina M.V. Pronina N.P.

Central City Park (formerly the State Industrial Complex and O. M. Gorky) - unique natural complex, which includes an oak grove of pedunculate oak, more than 200 years old, which is unmatched in the southeast of Russia, and a cascade of ponds of great ecological importance. The park is of great scientific value. The modern park is part of a former estate, a country cottage of the governor A.D. Panchulidzeva. The ancient oak grove is a remnant of oak forests on the right bank of the Volga River, which originally grew here, in particular on the site of modern Saratov. Currently, the CGP is the largest green area in the city. There are 53 types of trees and shrubs in the park, of which 11 are local species. The CGP serves not only as a place of recreation and entertainment (attractions, a boat station, a reading room, a sports ground, a chess and checkers pavilion, a dance floor, a summer stage, a cafe), but also for scientific purposes. On the basis of the park, the Saratov Regional Ecological Center has laid an ecological path. CGP is approved as a natural monument of local importance.

The central entrance to the CGP from the street. N.G. Chernyshevsky

Bust of the founder of the park, Governor A.D. Panchulidzev

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Excursion to the Central City Library Branch No. 3 of the city of Raduzhny Military-patriotic hour "Wars are sacred pages forever in human memory". Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the holiday on May 9.

Acquaintance of senior preschool children with the city park of the city of Saratov

Consultation "Introducing senior preschool children to the city park of Saratov" is a description of the experience of working with children under the "City Park - Green City" project. In this consultation ...

Defense of the abstract of the lesson "Acquaintance with the sights of the city of Yuzhnouralsk - City Park of Culture"

Defense of the outline of the lesson "Acquaintance with the sights of the city of Yuzhnouralsk - City Park of Culture" ...

Don't pass by. Especially if you came to Saratov with children. With boys))

1.The abundance of various military equipment and not only the war years, it seemed that there is less of it in the Moscow Victory Park. There is an alley of equipment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, agricultural equipment. My husband found there the technique that he was taught in the army ...))) Straight nostalgia.
2. You can climb well and heartily all of this technique.))) I myself could not resist somewhere))).
3. Beautiful park on the top of Sokolovaya Gora, which offers picturesque views of Saratov and the Volga.
4. Museum. This is if you did not have enough equipment)))
5. Cafe, ice cream, lemonade, kvass and more.

We liked the Park very much. We came there on foot from the hotel on the last day, on weekdays. Right from the early morning. There were almost no visitors in the Park at such a time))). True, they brought there to take pictures of graduates - future police officers. On the background famous monument"Cranes".

The map of the park is attached. In order to get an idea of ​​what is there and where to go.


There will be a presentation of the "Hero of the Underwater Depths" exhibition dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the birth of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Captain 1st Rank Sergei Lisin.

Sergey Lisin (07/13/1909 Saratov - 01/05/1992 St. Petersburg) volunteered together with the republican sailors against the Nazis in Spain, in the Great Patriotic War, commanding the submarine "S-7" in the Baltic, inflicted heavy damage on the enemy by sinking several enemy transports and earning the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. After the death of "S-7" in the Aland Sea, among the four surviving crew members, he was captured by the enemy and languished in Nazi captivity for two years. In 1945 in the Far East he took part in the war against militaristic Japan.

He devoted the post-war period to pedagogy. Since 1948, he worked at the Naval Schools (VMU) in Leningrad: in the Higher Special Officer Classes for Diving and Anti-Submarine Defense of the KUOPP named after S. M. Kirov and at the Leningrad Higher Marine Engineering School named after S. O. Makarov.

After retiring in 1970, Captain 1st Rank Lisin gave a course of lectures on maritime history at the Leningrad State Medical University named after Admiral S.O. Makarov. He was also the executive secretary of the Leningrad section of the Soviet Committee of War Veterans.

Location: Museum of Military Glory, Victory Park

Photo: Copyright peoples

Saturday, March 19, 2011 20:30 ()

Victory Park on Sokolovaya Gora is an open-air museum. It presents more than 130 exhibits of military equipment, sculptural monuments and monuments.

A beautiful park has grown on the side of the mountain. Seedlings, once brought from all over the country, have become large trees today. Currently, there are 66 species of trees and shrubs.

History is carefully preserved in Victory Park ... In the glazed windows of the Museum of Military Glory there are priceless exhibits: documents, photographs, awards, military relics of the Saratov heroes. Indeed, in the first days of the war alone, over 130 thousand people volunteered for the front.

Paying tribute to the feat of fellow countrymen: tankmen, artillerymen, infantrymen, sailors, pilots, on May 9, 1999, in Victory Park, a unique exposition of military equipment and logistics equipment was solemnly opened, presented today by more than 130 exhibits.

Governor D.F. Ayatskov's remarkable idea found support: guns and combat vehicles were delivered to the museum from different corners Russia and the CIS countries. The Governor lit an eternal flame and laid a wreath at the Glory Monument. And exactly at noon a cannon shot thundered, recalling the great Victory.

The open-air museum is a memory of adults and children who, in the most difficult wartime conditions, worked in the rear, manufactured combat vehicles, guns and shells. And, of course, the memory of those who gave their lives for the freedom of our great country.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008 11:27 pm ()

The Victory Park was founded in 1975 using the “people's construction” method. Seven years later, in 1982, a forty-meter monument "Cranes" appeared here, and in 1999 the park was replenished with all kinds of exhibits of military equipment.

The memory of the Great Patriotic War does not go away with the generation of veterans who have turned gray. In 1982, at the most high point A majestic monument has been erected on Sokolovaya Gora. "Cranes" - this is how the townspeople affectionately call the monument-reminder of the pages of fire in fate hometown, about the dear price of Victory ...

"Victory Park in Saratov" The work was carried out by a student of the 7th grade of the OOSh of the village of Ozinki Kuibagarova Adelina Supervisor: history teacher Yakupova N.А.

In the summer, my mother and I went to visit the city of Saratov. Relatives offered us to go to Victory Park. I have never been there. We stayed in the park for a very long time. I saw a lot of interesting things there. I really liked everything! I didn't even want to leave! Now this is my most favorite place... I am looking forward to the holidays to visit Victory Park again!

My photos. I'm in Victory Park.


One of the most beautiful places Saratov is the Victory Park on Sokolovaya Gora.

The question of creating a Victory Park arose in 1975. The government happily approved the idea of ​​creating an open-air gallery of military equipment. In 1982, the "Cranes" monument was erected - a monument to the people of Saratov who died during the Great Patriotic War. The author of the project was Yu.I. Menyakin. Its height is just over 40 meters. The monument is a huge stele with 12 cranes attached to the top. On May 9, 1999, the Saratov State Museum of Military Glory was solemnly opened in Victory Park, which presented a unique exposition of military and agricultural equipment, which currently numbers more than 180 exhibits. Among them are the most famous examples of Soviet and Russian military equipment, such as multiple launch rocket systems BM-13 ("Katyusha"), BM-24, BM-21 "Grad", a large number of tanks - including the T-34-85 , artillery pieces, etc., there is also a large fleet of aviation equipment.

Victory Park on Sokolovaya Gora is an open-air museum. It presents more than 180 exhibits of military equipment, sculptural monuments and monuments.

The first exhibit of the Saratov State Museum of Military Glory on the territory of Victory Park is the YAK-38 deck attack aircraft, mounted on a pedestal in front of the Park entrance.

Now the Saratov State Museum of Military Glory operates on the territory of the park, which presents to its visitors a huge collection of weapons and military equipment from the times of the Great Patriotic War, as well as modern weapons. The agricultural machinery exposition presents everything from a plow to a combine harvester, including a field mill. An audio guide has been operating in the museum since July 2014. More than two hundred exhibits received individual sound accompaniment.

In 2003, the park opened National village of the peoples of the Saratov region is a village with the most real houses, yurts, castles of the peoples of the Saratov region. Here you can feel the atmosphere of the past not only of Russians, but also of Tatars, Armenians, Bashkirs, Georgians and other peoples living in the Saratov region.

Victory Park is a favorite place for recreation of townspeople and city dwellers. For them, paths, places for rest and observation platforms overlooking Saratov and Engels.

The first combat exhibit in Victory Park is a legendary armored train equipped with anti-aircraft and artillery guns. The armored train defended in 1941-1943 the bridge over the Volga and other objects of the city from the air raids of Hitler's Germany.

On November 3, 2009 in the Victory Park the solemn ceremony of opening the memorial "Compatriots who died in local wars" took place.

At the base of the monument, 42 capsules were laid from all municipalities of the Saratov region. The monument bears 318 surnames of Saratov residents who have died in local wars since 1945. Among them is our fellow countryman Yuri Yakushev, who died in Afghanistan while performing his international duty.

The frozen flight of cranes Tears into the sky high, These are the souls of people in love And widows lonely despair. A stream is pouring down the steps, Washing the ruins of the city, These are the tears of their mothers, They are dearer than any gold. Tulips by eternal lights Blossom with a beautiful carpet, These are dreams of sleepless nights About returning to their home.