Everything about Iceland for children. Iceland

Iceland is a rich state with independent foreign policy, a high level of living, amazing beautiful nature, hospitable residents. But migrants and even tourists from Russia are extremely a rare event in this country. It is too far away, at the polar circle, on a secluded island. And its inhabitants speak a terribly difficult language, which, besides them, no one understands. Is it worth taking a journey to this country and even move there on permanent place Residence? For the answer to this question, information on the legislation of Iceland, about the welfare of ordinary people, the climate, as well as the life of the few Russian migrants is useful.

Migration Policy

Iceland is not a state that encourages migrants. There is a very hard policy in relation to people seeking to stay here. In addition, the influx of migrants hinders the law on the conservation of the nation. Regulate the stay of the aliens in Iceland's law on foreigners and the law on the right of foreigners to work. Citizens of the country practically do not marry with alien, and the inhabitants of non-executive origin constitute only 6% of the total population. The visitors are sternly obliging to respect the cultural features of the country. Any decision on the fate of foreigners accepts management on immigration. Interestingly, at the beginning of the twentieth century, Iceland's laws even obliged immigrants to change their names to the original Icelandic. Only from the nineties of the last century, foreigners living in the country were allowed to leave their own names and surnames. Migration growth in Iceland is very small - a little more than 1% over the past few years. In total, there are about 20 thousand people for foreigners for 330 thousand people. Migration quotas are used to settle down abandoned villages. They are often left by Icelanders, moving in the city due to urbanization.

Video: About life in Iceland

What are migrants in Iceland

There is no mass influx of foreigners into the country, although many Europeans work on the construction of various objects. Mostly it is the Germans and Poles. Donor countries, from where people remaining here at permanent residence, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Poland. That is, these are citizens of neighboring states. Poles make up more than half of all immigrants. The number of Polish migrants also says that in Reykjavik there are two Polish stores - a rather rare phenomenon for Iceland. Poles and Lithuanians practically do not speak Icelandic and are not integrated into society. "The Law on Saving Nation" does not oblige the government to promote this integration. Migrants from other continents in Iceland are also present, but in a very small quantity. These are mainly citizens of China, Thailand, Philippines. But unlike migrants from Europe, foreigners from poorer states have the status of a temporary stay. Thus, immigrants in Iceland are divided into two groups:

  • migrant workers from Western, North and Central Europe,
  • very small number of people who received refugee status.

But it is possible that in the coming years, the immigration situation in Iceland will change. Economic growth occurs in the country, and workers are missing. This lack will be difficult to refund the natural increase in the population, because Iceland refers to the "aging nations" and more than half of its inhabitants are pensioners. Therefore, according to the Business Iceland SA organization, which unites the largest corporations of the country, Iceland should invite about two thousand specialists from abroad in order not to fell well-being. This is especially true of tourist business, where they have long been hiring for foreigners. The small number of the population also leads to the fact that relative marriages begin to be concluded, and genetic diseases occur. Therefore, the government begins to encourage alliances with foreigners.

Iceland and refugees

The decision on the provision of refugee status to foreigners is deposited by immigration management. If it is positive, a temporary residence permit is provided. Give it for a period of year, but then it is possible to extend this status almost automatically. During the procedure for consideration of petitions of applicants, placed in boarding houses and hotels. They receive financial assistance in the amount of about 150 euros. But those who managed to get refugee status cannot officially work. It is very complicated for them to transport their relatives to Iceland. Since refugees do not work, then there is a program of minimal material support in the country, but after they have no prospects to become citizens of Iceland.

Social programs for support for migrants are absent. Iceland's immigration laws are such that we are almost impossible to stay from "far abroad" to permanently. If you want to come here to then move to another European country, then you have the right to become a temporary immigrant. In fact, there are two ways to stay in the country for permanent residence:

  • get an invitation to work (long-term contract);
  • get married.

But the Icelanders themselves are not at all ultranationalists. They are quite friendly and sympathetically refer to migrants. During the crisis with the Syrian refugees of 2015, the Government of Iceland stated that only 50 refugees can take. However, more than 12 thousand people through social networks revealed a desire to shelter in their needing help, especially children, and even pay for their plane tickets to Iceland.

Icelandic life as it is

In connection with its isolated, Iceland differs from other European countries. Her citizens are considered conservatives, but also are not lagging behind many modern global trends. The descendants of the Vikings, how proudly call themselves the Icelanders themselves, work very much. Fossil extraction, fishing and agriculture are traditionally considered the main sectors of the country's economy. The main wealth of the state is based on these "three whales". But recently in Iceland, the service market is rapidly developing, as well as tourist business. Cities in this country are a new phenomenon, but the population is growing in them. Icelanders are very lawless, do not like conflicts. There is practically no accident, and the drivers are patiently waiting until the pedestrian goes the road or another driver will finish talking on the phone. They are pedantic, like the Germans, but during the festivities they love to "go nut", drink strong drinks and bite the local "delicacy", from which many Europeans bring the stomachs. This is "Haucher" - the fierce shark meat.

A little about politics

Iceland is the only country in the world, where, according to the Constitution, residents vote online. Therefore, the state can be considered not only the oldest democracy (the Icelandic parliament was founded in 930), but also the first model of the electronic willing of the people. In Iceland, there is a state religion - Lutheran-Evangelical Church. At the same time in the country about 20% of atheists, as well as 2500 neo-language. Although Icelanders are very conservative, especially with regard to family traditionsThe legalization of same-sex marriages did not cause them any protests and was perceived completely calmly. Therefore, Iceland can be called a state where a certain balance between traditions and modernization, globalization and unique cultural property is observed. The country's prime minister was an open lesbian - Johanna Sigurdottir, but at the same time 96% of the population trust politicians. About 80% of voters vote in the election.

Happy people

To understand whether citizens of Iceland live well, you need to know the statistical facts about income per capita or GDP. And you should also compare these data with the opinion of their life in this country. Officially employed 80% of Icelanders, which is an excellent European figure. An ordinary family after the deduction of all taxes receives the income "clean" about 24 thousand US dollars. Almost every inhabitant has its own home and car loan. There are many good social programs for homeless, difficult adolescents or persons with disabilities. But such people can be counted on the fingers, and social services employees know them all by name. The average annual salary is about $ 40,000 per year (with taxes) or approximately 3300 per month. The Icelanders themselves are satisfied with such a sum and even consider their life carefree. But the education in the country is not at a too high level - high school graduated from 70% of the inhabitants. Pensioners in Iceland a lot, but at the same time the age of retirement is not officially defined. People can work as much as much as an average retire after 66 years. 85% of Icelanders feel satisfied and even happy. This also contributes to the social model of society, characteristic of the Scandinavian countries, and ecology, and the level of health.

About weather and nature

Climate in Iceland windy, even very. It's often raining, and snow falls in winter and spring. But in general, the temperature for the subarctic climate, in the zone of which is the country is quite mild. Winter average temperature It keeps at around 0 ° C, and in summer + 10 ° C. Such a lack of strong temperature drops is explained by the action of Golfstrum - warm current. In this country, stunning landscapes. She lives in the middle of majestic mountains, glaciers, volcanoes and amazing beauty of fjords, freezing waterfalls and hot geysers. In summer, all this is illuminated by the bright sun, and in the winter - the northern lights. These landscapes produce an amazing impression on visits. You feel as if you fell into another world. There are almost no trees, only shrubs and grass. And you can still stand in the "corridor" between Europe and America - in the Pingwall Reserve, where tectonic plates of both continents are converged. In 2015, Iceland ranked second in the "environmental purity" in the world. Public transport here works on hydrogen fuel to reduce the percentage of exhaust gases in the atmosphere, and the houses are heated with water from hot springs. The same thermal fluid enters the greenhouse, which allows vegetables and fruits, including bananas. By the way, it is impossible to drink in Iceland except from the sea. Water in lakes, rivers, streams, from under the tap is suitable for drinking. The purity of the air is explained by the minimum number of large productions that can be placed. No wonder the life expectancy of the average Icelander is about 80 years.

How do Russians live in Iceland

According to the Russian Embassy in Iceland, Russian citizens in this country are about three hundred, and Russian-speaking "compatriots", that is, immigrants from former USSR - About a thousand. The Russian community was formed mainly in the 90s of the last century as a result of labor migration, when people traveled themselves in search of a better life. Iceland entered into labor contracts with separate Russians - mostly sports coaches (gymnastics, handball, volleyball, basketball). Russians also moved here, making marriage with citizens of Iceland.

First of all, the Russian-speaking population focuses in the capital of the country - Reykjavik, because here the best opportunities to find a job. There are Russians who live in small towns - Akureyri, Egilstadir. Some even live in the villages. But not all of them are engaged in qualified labor. Most work in the field of fisheries, in enterprises where the fish is processed, at construction site. Few became translators, doctors, teachers, sports coaches.

Salary fluctuate from working conditions. Because You can work as a waitress (OM), dishwasher, etc. with free accommodation and meals. Any salary makes it worthy (normal) to live in Iceland. Possible search in the sphere of social. Aid - houses for old people, help disabled, hospitals.


It must be considered: the laws of the country require that the number of foreigners, especially non-citizens of the EU, did not exceed 49% in certain sectors of the economy - for example, in local airlines.

What is the situation with equality and non-discrimination

The standard of living of Russians in Iceland corresponds to the social strate, to which they belong. Prices and salary across the country are approximately the same. And after the crisis of 2008, when the course of the national currency fell, the cost of food even decreased. Discrimination in the field of wage or admission to work is not observed. Children can teach Russian in four colleges of Iceland with an optional basis (if anyone), as well as at the University of Iceland. At the present time, Russian language is studying 20 people. In several libraries of the country there are Russian-speaking books (mostly this is a library of the municipality of Corpavogur). Teleporates in Russian in Iceland can be taken through satellite television. This is "Channel-Europe", "News", "RTR Planet".

The first public organization uniting Russian-speaking was established in October 2007. It is called "Farmers. Organization of Russian-speaking compatriots in Iceland. " This organization is a rather different association of people who often have opposite interests. It is quite formal, and many Russians living in Iceland rarely communicate with each other.

Adaptation of Russians in Iceland (reviews)

Arriving in Iceland, the Russians are mainly shocked by housing prices and products - they are higher in this country than on average in Europe and even in Moscow. Another "stumbling block" is the need to learn Icelandic. It is very difficult and original. Since this language practically did not undergo changes in a few centuries, any Icelandian can easily read the early-medieval Saga. Although most of the locals know English, find a good job and to become "your own" in this society is impossible without knowing the language.

In Iceland, I feel no worse than in my homeland, the only problem is a language, but I will work on this.



However, the working conditions, the attitude towards people, the measured and calm rhythm of life make their work - the majority of Russians who found themselves in Iceland are not going to leave from there. Although some complain about boredom and monotony, and long winter seek the feeling of longing and depression.

In Iceland, life if interesting, then to another manner than in "civilized" countries. First of all, there is Nature, which is not tired to be surprised. Urban entertainment there, of course, little, especially outside Reykjavik, but there are good opportunities for sports and recreation in nature. Another thing is that the location where nothing changes and nothing happens may begin to act on the nerves, then Iceland will already be in a burden.



Nuances of the device to work

To work to Russian, it is necessary to have a formal permission. The most demanded options to get such permission is to be a professional athlete or a qualified specialist (for example, a seismologist). Moreover, in the latter case, the employer must prove that among the applicants there are neither Icelandians nor EU citizens. Russian emigrants are also hired for seasonal work. The latter can mean not only labor, for example, on the farm, but also the device in tourist company. The season usually begins in April and ends in September. But such works, as a rule, necessarily require the knowledge of the Icelandic language. There are Russians who are hired into large companies engineers. Then you have to know English perfectly, since all documentation usually happens not only in Icelandic - it is often duplicated in two languages. Not to teach Icelandic is possible only at construction sites, where most of the working people make up Poles and Lithuanians.

About the salary and rights of workers

Wherever the Russian emigrants work, they always receive a worthy payment, on average, no less than the indigenous inhabitants of the country. When making a job, it is proposed to sign a collective employment contract, where all the nuances of cooperation with the employer are prescribed. In order to carefully read this contract, it is also very important to know the Icelandic language. In the event of conflicts, disagreements in the interpretation of the contract and other problems turn into a trade union, which protects the rights of employees, regardless of their origin. In general, in Iceland, the five-day working week and hourly pay for labor. It is not accepted to work overtime, because such work is expensive, and the employers do not like to pay it.

Unlike other European countries, no illegal workers in Iceland.it island state With such a small number of people that a foreign worker will not remain unnoticed. It is very quickly calculated and sent back, without the right to enter not only Iceland, but also in the European Union. If Russian emigrants do not find work or lose it, they submit documents to the manual that is paid in size decent for any European country.

Citizenship, benefits and absence of bureaucracy

After three years of legitimate stay in Iceland and the availability of work, you can apply for permanent accommodation. And after seven years of legal lives, Russian migrants are already thinking about obtaining an Icelandic passport. Moreover, since 2003, dual citizenship has been allowed in the country.

Russian migrants who left for permanent permanent marriage with Icelanders can qualify for a passport of this country in four years of legitimate cohabitation (but the overall period of legal residence should be at least five years). Since Iceland is not illegal labor, then those who got a job should become members of the Pension Fund. But it is for the better, because the pension in Iceland is decent.

Russian pensioners do not differ from Icelandic in their welfare, and therefore their income depends solely on how much and where they worked and when they went to rest. Russian pensioners live in the same place, in Iceland, but sometimes in the example of local older people move into warm edges. All of them here are extremely well provided.

To make children in Iceland profitable, including migrants. The state stimulates an increase in fertility and pays significant benefits. In the country, all computerized. Therefore, wherever people live, they do not need to go to the Center to get a manual, issue the necessary documents, licenses and references. The Internet is in any place, even on remote farms, and everything you need, including the tax return, is served in electronic form. Therefore, Russian migrants may arrange everything they need, "without getting off the place" and not suffering from bureaucracy.

Video: These are they, Icelanders

How do local residents behave with Russians?

The approach of Icelanders to the Russians, and the rest of migrants - restrained-friendly. They are open enough, and they treat foreigners without any prejudice. Therefore, there are not very many conflicts or xenophobia on household soil, easy to make dating. Icelanders are very contact, but informal relationships, including at work, and with the bosses - in the order of things. Since in the country almost everyone knows each other, then you will be called by name and will not fit the lives with superfluous ceremonies. But if you have shown to Icelanders, which are able to use the openness of society to harm, you will be very serious in place, and from this point on will be completely different with you to communicate.

I adore mentality Icelandic! Maybe he annoys someone, and I just immediately configured at this wave ... Probably, the main thing is to treat the country that has become a house for you, then everything will be just wonderful! Amazes attitudes towards foreigners ... I do not know if there is another country in which they treat them?


How and what is the difference between the life of ordinary people in Iceland and in Russia

The phrase has already become beaten, that all the best learns in comparison. Therefore, in order to better understand the difference in the standard of living between Iceland and Russia, we should compare the situation in these countries based on the main indicators. Although such a comparison will be in many respects not quite correct. If only because in Iceland there are no regional differences between prices and salaries, and in Russia they are very high. But let's try.

Table: Comparison of food prices, rental housing and salary in Russia and Iceland

So, if we compare prices for basic food, then in Iceland, the product basket will cost much more expensive. Housing rental prices are also higher. But the communal services in Iceland are cheaper thanks to the use of thermal sources and hydrogen fuel.

The average Iceland salary is such that despite the high cost of food and housing, the usual family with children is quite pleased with their lives. After all, they earn so much more that the price difference for foods, rent and other benefits is not felt. Therefore, the average standard of living in Iceland is higher than in Russia and the rest of Europe (not counting the Scandinavian countries). And if we talk about social security, Iceland is much "bypassed" Russia. Yes, and in the level of security Iceland, in general "ahead of the planet all." According to the State Statistics Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the number of crimes per year ranges from 2500 to 3,500, and at the same time there are more than 10 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. And in Iceland, the kill ratio is 0.3 (for example, in 2013 1 murder occurred). It is very low level violence in Europe. There are about 200 criminals in Icelandic prison, most of which from time to time let go home to see their relatives. There are 700 police officers in the country who do not wear weapons as unnecessary.

Table: pros and cons of life in Iceland

The living conditions in Iceland look quite attractive for the average Russian, despite the fact that it is far and hard to get to this country. The legislation here is severely in relation to foreigners, the language is the most difficult in Europe, and the prices are higher than on average in Russia. But the stability and safety of life, amazing nature and the purest ecology, the friendliness of local residents are important criteria. Although, as in any country, Iceland has its drawbacks. Someone she will seem too boring and fresh, and the life here is deprived of passion and adrenaline. But in any case, this country is amazing, unusual and completely awards the one who decided to call it the second homeland.

Of course, players of the Iceland team were the main heroes of Euro 2016, who managed to eat victory from the England team, and, perhaps, this is the only team at the championship to which the warmth includes fans of all countries of the world. Today we publish a selection of 30 curious facts about what it is - the country of Iceland, and what people live there.

1. Iceland is one of the most unclosed countries in the world, a little more than 320 thousand people live in it, and before World War II, the population of the island was only 50 thousand people. About 30 thousand fans arrived at the European Football Championship, that is, about 10 percent of the country's population.

2. If you drew attention, then all the names of the Iceland national team players are similar, they end on "Son". Here the whole thing is that in Iceland instead of the names are used cartridges, in fact, this is an analogue of our patronymic. The boys to the name of the Father adds a "Son" particle (son), in the girls - "Dottir" (daughter). Thus, for example, if in the family two children of different sexes, then they will have different "surnames", for example, the girl Palmarsdottir, that is, the daughter of Palmarce and the son of Palmarsson, that is, the son of Palmarce. In 1925, a special law was even issued in Iceland, prohibiting citizens of the country to acquire surnames in a classical understanding. By the way, if the father for some reason does not recognize the child, then the son or daughter is received as a surname, that is, the very patronymic, but by the name of the mother.

In the photo: Icelandic wedding

3. However, this does not mean that Icelanders do not seek to keep the surname at all, simply, they do it peculiar, some through the generation give children the same names, that is, they call the child by grandfather or grandmother to, so to speak, it was possible to trace the line kind

4. The classic names of Icelanders many of us are familiar, because we met them in the ancient Scandinavian sahagas. Yes, Ragnar, Sigur or Aðalsteinn, which means "the main stone", in Iceland the same normal human names as Ivan, Dmitry or Alexander in Russia. The most popular names in Iceland: Male - Jon and Women's - Gudrun.

5. In Iceland, with everyday, especially long and complex names reduce, for example, a young man named Aðalsteinn, they can just call Ali, Guvrun - Gunna, Stefan - Stamp, Jon - Nonnie and so on.

6. Until recently, it was believed that Icelanders were descendants of Vikings from Norway and Sweden, but the recent genetic examination found that in the gene pool of modern Icelanders, the Irish genes were prevailing, which in Iceland in antiquity existed on the position of slaves. On the other hand, this is perfectly consistent with the local believe that the Wikings Icelanders were stolen from England and Ireland beautiful women For the purpose of love, well, for reproduction.

In the photo: Reykjavik panorama

7. Icelandic due to the long-term isolation of the island from the rest of the world very little evolved compared to other Scandinavian languages, that is, the percentage of words borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200bis extremely small in it. Because of this, Icelandic is very close to the very language of the northern peoples, in which the Vikings communicated in antiquity, and the ancient Sagi Icelanders can read at all what is called, not straining.

8. Icelandic household sagas, unlike other works of folk creativity, represent a dry list of facts, because of this, the modern reader is sometimes quite difficult to perceive them. That is, there is no description of the feelings of heroes or experiences in the saga, only the meticulous listing of events: I went there, I won something, married such that, killed such something, was killed by the fact. At the same time, much attention is paid to the one or another event that happened, and at what period of time it happened. Previously, in many respects due to the meticulous manner of the presentation and the absence of the emotional component in the descriptions, many researchers considered Icelandic household sagas - historical documents that do not require careful checks and historical reconstruction, but now Sagi is perceived by scientists yet, rather, as artistic works, And the facts set forth in them are inspected.

In the photo: Church of Hatlgrimskirkia in Reykjavik

9. Another reflection of this feature of national thinking is the names of geographic objects. In essence, complex and multi-stage words are simply the definition of the place in question. So, Reykjavik means - "Flowing Bay", the name of the city of Kopavoguur is deciphered as the "bay of young seal", and difficult name famous volcano Eyyafyadlayyukyudl, like the "Island of Mountain glaciers".

10. At the same time, 90 percent of the country's population is fluent in English. No less curious and the next fact is a foreigner in order to find a job in Iceland, no knowledge of the Icelandic language - free English more than enough. For this reason, many immigrants that moved to Iceland, even after 10 years of residence in the country do not know Icelandic; English and for life, and for work they are more than enough. Even interesting, if a citizen of another country has lived in Iceland for 6 years, he can submit documents for Icelandic citizenship and to get it without any problems.

In the photo: Priest Church Ásatrúarfélagi and his follower

11. Including because very few people live in Iceland, there are practically no crime here. As a result, young mothers, for example, others leave the babies to sleep in the strollers on Reykjavik Street, and they themselves go with girlfriends to drink coffee in a cafe, the keys to cars are often thrown in cars, and Reykjavik's prison is empty, and sometimes tourists even night in it I managed to find a room in a hotel. In addition, the police in Iceland do not wear weapons, and the Armed Forces in Iceland are not, their functions perform the coast guard to some extent.

12. Today, the neo-language religion Ásatrúarfélagi is very popular in Izland, which is a slightly upgraded cult of the Scandinavian gods. The priests of Ásatrúarfélagi are allowed, for example, commit the rite of wedding, it is considered the official procedure in the country, while the mines of the cult can be wary and homosexual pairs.
Today, 2400 people are officially ranked today to the followers of the cult of Ásatrúarfélagi, and now in Iceland, the large-scale construction of the full church of the Scandinavian gods is being conducted, this will be the first such structure since the Viking times.

In the photo: stones in which spirits live in legend

13. The traditional date of adoption in Iceland of Christianity - 1000 year, which is curious, after that, Icelandic Christianity developed without a careful supervision of Rome, as a result, Icelanders kept their ancient beliefs and traditions. For example, they still believe in trolls (giants) or hidden residents (elves). Elves - Huldoufflocks, these are creatures living in round stones of a certain type, simple mortals can not see them, except in cases where the spirits themselves decide to seem like people.
The presence of such a stone, for example, on the site of the construction of the road or at home can deliver the problem, because Huldoufoulkov can not be disturbed without extreme necessity. Therefore, before moving the stone, it is recommended to make magic manipulations above it.

In the photo: Evil spirits Yule Lad

14. Christmas in Icelandic will be Yule, that is, it is direct tracing with the words "Yol" - the ancient holiday of the winter solstice among the German peoples, so, it is not surprising that Santa Claus is here - the character is unpopular. Here, for Christmas, Yule Lad (Yule Lad) works for Christmas, but they do not give gifts to kids, on the contrary, the heroes of the folk folklore are the evil spirits of winter. Spirits fifteen, but they come from those the most hidden inhabitants of Holdedofulls. In the city of Perfumes come strictly on schedule, the first on December 12, Gryla and LepPaludi are descended from the mountains - Mom and Pope Thirteen Yule Lad. In this case, the dad is a lazy and high-speed male spirit, and his wife is an evil old woman, an analogue of Russian women-jaga, by the way, she also has a key. Following the parents one after another, their kids come to the cities - the evil spirits of Yol.
Each of the spirits, according to beliefs, is engaged in hydration as their strength and opportunities: one steals the dishes, the other blows the candles in the houses, the third stealing sausages, the fourth licks the dairy supplies, the fifth confuses the wool in sheep, in a word, everything. Accompanies the spirits of the evil cat Jolocotturin, according to legend, she steals young children and eats them. Yole's figures in Reykjavika can be seen on the eve of Christmas on every corner, their images are glued in Icelandair airplanes, and projections with them are broadcast on shop windows and facades of houses.

15. It is believed that the National Dish of Iceland is Haukarl - a rotten meat of the Greenland shark, chopped by small pieces. The Grenland shark has no urinary tract, its meat contains poisonous ammonia, so, so that the meat becomes edible, it is left to shine underground or in the basement. The taste (and the smell) of HaUkarl is a clean urea, so stinks usually in some dirty public toilet. So, in fact, modern Icelanders Haukarl are almost never eating - this is entertainment for tourists, many of the locals never tried this messy, as they say, one smell was enough to fully understand the scale of disaster.

16. But the roasted breast of birds deadlock, on the contrary, the popular local dish, such a delicacy. The dead end is caught in the summer when they fly to the island nestly, the meat of a dead end is very tasty, that's just a bird very sorry, see what kind of cuties they can even kiss them! In a word, ate and cried, ate and crying.
Many shocks many that whales eat in Iceland, they taste, by the way, like a steak. But, according to Icelandic fishermen, if you do not cut forward a whale population, then they multiply very quickly, and then eat all the fishing fish. Iceland regularly violates quotas on the call of whales, and kindsmanship, and all Europe is regularly unhappy with this.

In the photo: National Icelandic Dish Plokkfiskur

17. In general, if we talk about Icelandic cuisine, then the cracks, a pike, smoked salmon, a lamb in a variety of species, in particular - lamb fillet, small lobsters (in size they are a little more large shrimp) and, of course, the herring . From vegetables, by itself, potatoes are popular, by the way, the delicious local Plokkfiskur dish is preparing from the residues of pikes and potatoes.
In addition, Icelanders love to abundantly water the food with ketchup and mayonnaise, the most popular local drink - Coca-Cola. From sweets here in honor of candy and lollipops with a nipper, and in the summer local residents Lands on the berries with which everything is fine in Iceland. But in the country there are no restaurants McDonalds, the latter closed in 2008 during the crisis.

18. Still in Iceland eat horseback, and it is also a little sad, because local horses are a real miracle of nature. They are low, hardy, and in winter are covered with thick wool. At the same time, Icelandic horses are non-PUB, there are no predators dangerous on the island, here's a horse and are not accustomed to fear for their lives, they are easily suitable for unfamiliar peopleallow you to iron and feed.

About how the horses originally hit the island, disputes are still underway. In ancient times, Icelanders assumed that all local horses are the descendants of Slapnira - the octopoid horse of God the same, historians believe that the horses in Iceland were delivered by Vikings in the region of the 9th - 10th centuries of our era, and genetics claim that horses were delivered to the island from the shores of Scotland. Even in Iceland, hippotherapy is popular - the treatment of neurological disorders through communication with horses.

19. Iceland stands on thermal sources, so there is mainly used renewable energy sources. As a result, thermal water flows from the crane, which, however, very much smells with hydrogen sulfide, but they gradually sniffed to him, they are generously, they are generously, and since the pipes with hot thermal water in Reykjavik are laid directly under the sidewalk, the streets of the Icelandic capital can never be get out, so there is no point in sprinkling their chemistry.

In the photo: Icelandic jeep for trips around winter off-road

20. But, do not think that everything is so beautiful. Outside the cities, many roads in winter in Iceland become impassable: both icing, and a gym, and snow dawns are here. Therefore, the most popular type of car used in the event that you need to go in winter from Reykjavik to Akureyri - jeep, and the more, the better. On excursions to national parks or to the geasers of tourists and in general, they are in such monsters, as in the photo below.

21. But what is in Iceland and, however, great is the thermal pools with hot waterbuilt outdoors. About the famous Blue Lagoon, erected near the thermal power plant, of course, heard everything, but it is more entertainment for tourists. Icelanders themselves most often go to ordinary thermal pools, which are open in quantity, about one thing for 10 houses. There everything is simple: you go, wash, we climb into an open thermal pool. When buying a subscription, the cost of visiting is obtained in the region of 2 euros.

What is curious, when visiting the thermal pool, guests should wash their heads, and since most pools are located outdoors, the fact that local residents are bathed with wet head and do not get sick, can not cause admiration. In general, a visit to the term in Iceland is the same version of evening leisure, as a trip to the bar, it is most often young people invite girls to the first date. It turns out very convenient, and cheaper than in the bar to go, and you can immediately consider in all parts.

22. In fact, in Iceland in the winter is not as cold as we used to think, the temperature here rarely falls below the minus 6 degrees, but piercing, and sometimes the wind compensates with the legs to fully. But in the summer in Iceland, never hot, the temperature of the air here is rarely rising above 20 degrees, and all the same wind, do not forget about the wind.

23. If until recently the most popular resort For Russians there was Turkey, the same function for Icelanders still perform Canary Islands. The reasons for the love of Icelanders to the Kanara Prosaiski: Nature is similar, to fly relatively close, on Icelandic standards is very fiscal, but the main thing is warm, and the fact that in the ocean the water is cool, they do not confuse them.

In the photo: Northern Lights over Reykjavik

24. Winter in Iceland is not just dark, and very dark, December 21 - on the shortest day of the year - the dawn comes at 10.30, and the sun sits down already at 16.00. But in winter, it is possible to regularly observe the northern lights here, in Iceland, it is usually green, and there is even a site that shows the likelihood of the emergence of the Northern Lights in a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe country, its address: http://www.vedur.is .
In the summer, long nights come to replace long nights, compared to which white nights in St. Petersburg are simply nothing about anything, in June in Iceland, the sun sits just a couple of hours.

In the photo: the building of the Icelandic Parliament

25. Based on state Device Iceland - democracy, and these are not empty words. It is worthwhile to turn to the history of the country: as the island settled in the areas of Iceland, Tinggi was formed - an analogue of the ancient Russian evening. In Tings, the courts were made, disputes were allowed and a collective discussion of vital issues relating to the community took place. Once a year, at the beginning of the summer, representatives from each community went to the overall collection - the alttention, in order to settle relations between the regions. As a rule, success during Alting managed to achieve those who had powerful support for rich landowners. The first alttention was held in Iceland in 930, and this year is considered to be the beginning of the epoch of democracy. True, in the thirteenth century Iceland fell under the authority of Norway, until the forties of the twentieth century was ruled by Denmark, in 1940, the island seized the United Kingdom, which, in turn, handed over to Iceland. Independence already from the US region found only June 17, 1944. So, the victory over the national team of England for Icelanders is a kind of revenge for the years of occupation.
Nevertheless, re-Icelandic alttention was assembled in 1845, and today it is considered the oldest parliament in the world. In the finalization of the last text of the Constitution of Iceland in 2012, the entire population of the country, the proposals of citizens were accepted by means of social networks and even through YouTube. But, the most curious, with all this of the country over the past 16 years, was the same president - Ołlavyur Ragnar Grimsson. He ruled the country since 1999 to 2016. For the second term, Gimsson remained due to the lack of applicants for the post of head of state, for the third time - won during the voting, for the fourth time again went due to the lack of candidates for the presidency, and for the fifth time - again won the elections. On June 26, 2016, a 48-year-old history teacher Gudni Johanneson became the new president of Iceland.

In the photo: Haftor Bjidnson in the role of Grigor "Mountains" of the clip

26. In Iceland - socialism, everything is obtained about the same salary and live in the same houses. At the same time, it is believed that "all professions are needed, all professions are important," that is, you do not care about the waiter or scientists - you are equally worthy of respect. It is curious that many local celebrities before the glory fell on them, they worked for not too honorable positions, for example, Haftor Bitunson - the strongest person on the planet and the performer of the role of Grigor "Mountains" of the clip in the "Games of Thrones", like many Icelanders For a long time not only was engaged in bodybuilding, but also worked in the restaurant.

In general, almost all Icelanders are not one work, but two, the first - for money, the second is for the soul. That is, almost every waiter or bartender here is still another artist, decorator, photographer, designer or jeweler.

27. And back Local population He loves to read today, according to some reports, Icelanders are the most reading people in the world.

In the photo: Girl in the blade

28. In Iceland, absolute tolerances to everything, Gay marriages are allowed from 2010, the percentage of open bisexuals in the country is also very high, and the gay parade takes place in Reykjavik every summer. At the same time, all the pairs, regardless of whether hetero, or homo, are trying to preserve a friendly relationship when parting, because the country is small and completely stopping communication will not work anyway. Icelanders are easy to marry and easily bred, in case of divorce, children tend to live 50 to 50 each parent. At the same time, almost all Icelandic girls are feminists, they do not allow you to pay for themselves in restaurants, and without any difficulties, there are bags, make repairs, nails and so on. True, the advantages of tolerance give birth to the cons, in Iceland with personal space - it is extremely difficult, because everyone knows everything about everyone.

29. Iceland exists practically according to the rules of the Australian economy, which is based on a support for its own strength and construction of a closed reproduction system of the community with a minimum dependence on exchange with an external environment. No, of course, you can buy western food here, but they are at times more expensive than local, and the choice is small. With wine, in general, ridiculous, it is expensive, regardless of the type, that is, a bottle of decent wine and a frank border will cost approximately the same. Clothing - also, mostly local production. And the main national thing that is in the wardrobe of any Icelander - Lopapeysa (Lopapeysa) - knitted sweater from sheep wool with recognizable national pattern. By the way, it is worth a blade expensive enough, but it is worn about the years.

30. Iceland, according to statistics, one of the most active countries in
social networks. Almost all its inhabitants have accounts on Facebook, however, in addition to Facebook, there is local social network www.ja.is, where all Icelanders are registered from Mala to Velik. When registering on this website, users indicate not only their name and surname, but also the phone number, address and place on the map, where their homes are located. So, if you want to meet one of the players of the Iceland national football team, and he still lives in the country, look for it on www.ja.is, he will definitely.

I have not updated this heading for a long time. But we have already discussed looking at anyone interested before the trip, and we will continue about Iceland. So …

1. Iceland is one of the most unclosed countries in the world, about 320 thousand people live here, and before World War II, the population of the country was only 50 thousand.

2. Since in Iceland, everyone knows each other, when parting or divorce a couple always tries to keep a good relationship. Cases where a former guy does not communicate with a former girl or former spouses do not speak with each other extremely rare, because in any case almost all friends and familiar are common.

3. Instead of the names in Iceland - Patronians, that is, analogue of our patronymic. The "Sleep" particle is added to the name of the father (that is, son) or "Dottir" (if this is a daughter), it turns out, for example, Silia Palmarsdottir, that is, Silia Daughter Palmarce.

4. In the event that the Father for some reason does not recognize the child, son or daughter as a surname receive Matronium, that is, the same patronymic, but by the name of the mother.

5. Since in Reykjavik everyone knows each other, the doors of the houses are often not locked here, the keys to cars are thrown in cars, and children in the strollers leave unattended at the cafe, bar or shop.

6. Reykjavik is considered to be normal to reach the nearest store for food in pajamas.

7. Reykjavik residents have almost always pay for bank card purchases, even if you order coffee in the bar. Cash is not accepted.

8. Icelanders are confident that blowing around is harmful to health, so in winter there are all the noses, that is, sorry, pull the snot.

9. But to spit, on the contrary, is not considered indecent, even the girls spit on the street without any problems and in public places.

10. In fact, in Iceland in the winter is not as cold, as we used to think, the temperature here is rarely lowered below -6 degrees.

11. But in the winter in Iceland dark, December 21 - on the shortest day of the year the dawn occurs at 10.30, and the sun sits down at 16.00. In the summer, long nights come to replace long nights, compared to which white nights in St. Petersburg simply did not go about, in June Iceland the sun sits just a couple of hours.

12. The lack of sunlight in winter is completely compensated for by the Northern Light, it can be observed constantly, so after a couple of weeks you do not pay attention to it.

13. Since the winter in Iceland is not shining in Iceland, all residents of the country, in order to avoid rickets and other unpleasant diseases, are mandatoryly taken fish oil, but not in liquid form, but in tasteless capsules.

14. Practically all residents of Iceland have profiles on Facebook, according to the latest Iceland data - an active country in the social network.

15. Even if the inhabitant of Iceland has no profile on Facebook for some reason, it can still be easily found on the network. All residents of the country according to their own kind will are registered on the JA.Is website, where they indicate their name and surname, phone number, address and place on the map where their home is located.

16. In Iceland, if a person is well located for you, it demonstrates that something and the case touches you.

17. Blondes in Iceland is an order of magnitude more than brunettes, so local residents love to paint hair in a darker shade.

18. In order to spend the night with an Icelandic girl, no longest courtship is required, most Icelandes, which is called Easy Going, including the Italians and Spaniards are like to come in Reykjavik.

19. Icelanders are very tolerances, the Gay parade regularly passes in Reykjavik, since 2010, homosexual marriages are allowed here, and the percentage of bisexuals in the country is very high.

20. The most popular specialties in Iceland are an artist, a musician or designer. Each second bartender or the waiter is trying to get an education on a creative specialty, and at the same time he plays in some rock or folk group.

21. As described above, the reason for the services of designers, for example, in order to come up with the design of an apartment or a wedding dress, no one uses here. The inhabitants of Iceland are confident that each of them is the artist himself, so the interior of the apartment, and the design of the dress they prefer to invent on their own.

22. Repair in apartments also make predominantly with their own hands, without hiring workers.

23. Icelanders go crazy on Eurovision, to the competition of young performers here are very seriously, and during direct broadcasting the whole country is following what is happening on TV.

24. In Iceland, there are no restaurants McDonalds, the latter closed in 2008 during the crisis.

25. The most popular names in Iceland: Male - Jon and Women's - Guvrun. Also, old mythological names are still common, for example, Aðalsteinn, which means "main stone".

26. Icelanders, like Russians, love to use in everyday life not full, and abbreviated versions of names, so David in the decreasing Icelandic version will be Dubby, Gouvun - Gunna, Stefan - Stephapni, Jon - Nonnie, etc.

27. Iceland language has practically not changed over the past 1000 years, so that it has letters that have disappeared from English, plus residents of the country without any problems can read vintage viking sagas in the original.

28. The local population generally loves to read, today, according to some reports, Icelanders are the most reading people in the world.

29. The cost of wine in Iceland often influences not a year of its production or quality, and the fortress. Thus, expensive, but light French wine can be made at times cheaper than a 15-degree boat.

30. There is no in Iceland armed ForcesTheir functions perform the coast guard to some extent.

31. Police in Iceland do not wear weapons, they are not issued pistols.

32. Reykjavik residents for the most part are terribly parking, they can throw the car straight across the street. The presence of evacuators and parking penalties in the wrong place do not help much.

33. Icelanders try to use only renewable energy sources, gas and gasoline are used here only to refuel cars and boats, and then the electricity in the country did not fit.

34. For water in restaurants and cafes you do not need to pay, it is still poured from a water tap. This is water from local thermal sources, and therefore it is absolutely suitable for drinking.

35. But the hot tap water in Iceland smacks rotten eggs. The fact is that it also enters the water supply system directly from hot thermal sources, and they are rich in hydrogen sulfide.

36. The adoption of hot thermal baths is a popular version of evening leisure in Reykjavik, the cost of visiting when buying a subscription is about 5 euros.

37. In the houses of Iceland, as in Russia, the system of central heating operates, which is favorably distinguished by the country from Italy or France, where for each inclusion of the heater has to pay.

38. Until the seventies of the twentieth century, Iceland's legislation allowed the inhabitants of the country to kill the Turks with impunity. This is due to the fact that in the past, Turkish pirates often robbed Icelandic ships and coastal villages.

39. To this day, Iceland's legislation allows the inhabitants of the country to kill white bears for food.

40. Laccots are very popular in Iceland, it is added to any dishes, plus there are chocolate candies with filling from the licorice.

41. National dish of Iceland - Haukarl - chopped with small pieces a rotten meat of the Greenland shark. If you do not chew and just swallow - it is still quite edible, but if the meat can you feel, you will feel "magic" taste of urea. The fact is, Greenland the shark has no urinary tract and its meat contains poisonous ammonia. In order for the meat to eat, it is left for three months to shine underground or in the basement. The taste of this dish, including the mocked creators of "Simpsons" in one of the episodes of the animated series.

42. In Iceland, they are mostly eating fish, while all the dishes are watered above the measure of mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup, after which the real taste of the fish can not be recognized.

43. Most Icelanders have very bad teeth, while Iceland is one of the main consumer countries of sugar, and the Coca-Cola is very liked here.

44. Most Icelanders still believe in elves and trolls, which leads to difficulties in building a house or road. Before starting construction, they are consulted with local "witches" on the subject of whether one or another can be shifted, or the elf lives under it. Sometimes in order to "not offend" the elf and move the stone, Icelanders have to make magic rites, for example, for some time to keep the stone in honey.

45. 2148 people in Iceland adhere to the pagan exercise of Ásatrú Association, which is based on the revival of Icelandic and Norwegian pagan beliefs. This religion is officially adopted, and its ministers can take a rite of wedding, which is equal to traditional marriage registration.

46. \u200b\u200bIn addition to the famous Santa Claus in Iceland, there are 15 more Santa Clauss of different species, by and large all of them are elves in which locals believe.

47. In each major store Reykjavik there is a playground.

48. All Icelanders wear Lopapeysa - a knitted sweater from sheep wool with a characteristic national pattern. It can be said that this is the most example of a national costume that has not disappeared over time.

49. Icelanders are proud that they have the oldest unaffected parliament in the world, it is called Alþingi and was founded in the 930th year.

50. Residents of Iceland are very trustful, when taking a job, they do not request recommendations from a foreigner from the previous job, but simply believe the newcomer.

51. In the Icelandic Museum of Witchcraft and Magic on the Review, the so-called "nebitans" made from the fatal skin of the lower part of the body of the dead man are exhibited. In order to get them, the Icelandic sorcerer had to enlist the consent of the person else during his lifetime, and after death, dig a body from the grave and tear the skin with one piece. Then the ritual demanded to steal the coin from the widow and put in the scrotum of Nebitanov together with the special sign painted on the piece of paper. It was believed that wearing such pants would allow you to quickly get rich.

52. Each Citizen of Iceland has access to the site íslendingabók - a genealogical database containing information about related links of all Icelanders since the 18th century. The task of compiling such a base was able to be solved due to not very big population States (a little more than 300 thousand) and the fact that Iceland throughout its history was poorly affected by both emigration and immigration. Many young people use this site to verify if they are not a new cousin lover or cousin to eliminate the likelihood of incest. Another popular use of the site is to check the degree of its relationship with famous personalities. For example, each Icelander can find out, after how many generations it is associated with the relatives with Bjork.

53. The most famous representatives of Icelandic folklore are Holefolk, or a hidden people who are often identified with elves. According to beliefs, these creatures are hiding in the mountains, although some Icelanders build small houses in their gardens for them and even small churches to turn the elves into Christianity. Sometimes in Iceland, the construction projects of buildings or communications change in order not to violate the estimated habitats of the elves, and in 2004 the Alcoa corporation even had to receive a certificate from a governmental expert that the selected place for the construction of an aluminum smelting plant is free from the latent people. Polls show that the number of Iceland residents allowing or confident in its existence is more than those who doubt or completely deny the elves.

54. In Iceland, predominantly coastal territories are populated, and people travel around the country mainly along the coastal strip. Historically, Icelanders are called the West of the North-West Outskirts of the Islands, the North - the North-Eastern Outskirt, East - the Eastern Oceanist, and the South of the Reykjavik district. Therefore, linguistic incidents are possible: heading from the northwestern outskirts towards the northeast outskirts, Icelandets says that it goes to the north, although actually moves to the east, and heading from the south-western outskirts towards Reykjavik, i.e. actually To the north, Icelandets says that the "south" rides.

55. Until the 1990s, in Iceland, there was a law on which a foreigner who wishes to accept Icelandic citizenship should take the Icelandic name or change its own according to the traditions of the Icelandic language. But for celebrities, exceptions were made. When the Soviet conductor and Pianist Vladimir Ashkenazi emigrated to Iceland, the government of the country contributed to the official list of permitted names New - "Vladimir Ashkenazi".

56. In the Scandinavian countries, dishes are common from the prudseshchnyh or boring fish. For example, the Icelandic dish Hakar is preparing from the chucking meat of sharks, and the Swedish superstromming is from the Black Herring.

57. Most of the inhabitants of Iceland are not familiar to us by the surname, but are indicated by name and patronymic. For example, Magnus Karlsson is Magnus, the son of Charles, and Anna Carlsdottir is Anna, the daughter of Charles.

59. In the countries of Scandinavia (Norway and Iceland) the highest birth rate in Europe among the indigenous, not the sedimentary population. Scandinavians initially made a bet on improving the quality of the child's life, and not to increase the number of births.

60. The Dehthyphoss Waterfall (Detifoss), located in Iceland, is considered the most powerful waterfall of Europe: per second it resets about 500 m³ of water. The spray from it is visible at a distance of a kilometer, and in sunny weather the waterfall certainly decorates the rainbow.

62. For a long time, negotiations between representatives of the Scandinavian countries were conducted by "Scandinavian" (in Swedish, Norwegian or Danish), but last years Scandinavian languages \u200b\u200bbegan to be more common to English at the request of representatives of Finland and Iceland

63. The largest Glacier of Europe Watna-Yokul ("Glacier, giving water", 8.5 thousand square meters. Km, which is equal to the area of \u200b\u200ball glaciers of the European subcontinent) is located in the southeast of the country.

64. According to the statistics of the European Union, more than 25% of the energy consumed by the scandinavies is made from renewable sources. For comparison, we note that for other European countries, this indicator is, on average, only six percent.

65. According to experts, the most health care is most funded Iceland, Germany and Norway - more than 9% of the state budget.

66 Reykjavik is the most northern megalopolis in the world (64 northern latitudes), founded in 874. His name - Reykjavik received for the eruption of geothermal vapors from geothermal sources, and literally it denotes the "smoky bay".

67. The biggest "boiling" river of the world - Deadangouver north of Reykjavik. Water consumption in these cascades of boiling water, drowning from hot keys, is 225 liters. per second.

68. At the coast of Iceland was found the most long-lived creature on Earth. It turned out to be a mollusk. Scientists calculated the number of rings on his sink and found out that the age of creatures is 405-410 years.

69. The territory of Iceland covers 103,300 square meters. km from which glaciers occupy 11,000 square meters. km, and lakes - 2,700 square meters. km. The country is rich in forests stretching on the square near

1 511 sq. Km. Most big Lake The country is called Dingvalavatn (DingvallaVatn), and the highest peak - Hwannadalshnukur (Hvannadalshnukur) .70. More than 300,000 people live in the country, of which about 150,000 people live in the capital. Part of the population settled along the coastal regions. Many internal regions of the country are not adapted for living. The average life expectancy of Icelanders is 80 years.

71. Since Iceland has many volcanoes, 30 of which were erused over the past two hundred years, they are used to produce geothermal energy. Rivers flowing through the territory of the country provide its hydroelectric energy. Since there are many rivers with hot water, the country receives a heating that does not pollute the environment.

72. Scandinavians settled on the territory of Iceland at the beginning of the 9th century. The founder of the capital is Norwegian Viking Ingolfur Arnarson (Ingólfur Arnarson). Thus, people here enjoy the language of the Vikings, which was improved by many civilizations. The inhabitants of the island are the names of the Father, not the last name. Consequently, members of the same family have different surnames that can confuse foreigners.

73. Icelanders enjoy the heritage of antiquity by making some modern changes in them. They live in perfect harmony. There are many artists in the country who are experts in singing and composer art.

74. At various times, many colorful festivals are held here, thematic exhibitions are often organized. There are magnificent culinary traditions in the country, where delicacies from Seafood are important place. 75. Iceland is one of the first countries of the world where the republican government has appeared. Now the country is managed by parliament, called Althing (Althing), it consists of 63 members. These members are elected every four years. The head of state does not have the impact on the country's policies.

76. The country's economy is largely dependent on fishing. Most people in the country work in the fishing industry and other enterprises related to it. Today's government focuses on the tourist industry, in addition, the second largest industry is close to the value for fishing, is the export industry. The main part of the country's income falls on the export of seafood.

77. Iceland is a recognized member of the European Economic Zone (Heria) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) .78. Many activities in the territory of the island are increasingly attracting more and more tourists. Among them - whale observation, bird watching, hiking, horse riding, skiing, cycling, fishing, sailing on kayaks and excursions to glaciers.

79. Less than one percent of the population of the Earth, will be able to pronounce the word Eyyafyatlayukutl. This is the most famous Icelandic volcano. Of several thousand people surveyed, only 0.005% managed to pronounce this word.

80. From July 1, 2010, Striptease has banned in Iceland. Today, this is the only one european countrywhere the type of dance is prohibited. 81. Despite the strong physical condition of the majority of the population, the most common sport in the country is chess. In 1931, Parliament dissolved on vacation because of the arrival of the famous Russian chess player Alexei Aleukhin.

82. To date, more than 11% of Iceland is covered with glaciers. Parliament in Iceland works from the tenth century, namely from 930 and is considered the oldest working parliament in the world. He acts in our day.

83. Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, the northern capital of the planet Earth. Back in the ninth century, the first-settlement of the island was built on the spot of the capital of the farm, from which the country's growing began in all directions. His named Ingolph Arnarson. Translated from the ancient Celtic language, Reykjavik reads as a "smoking bay" .84. In 1963, the new Island of the Serbs appeared in the ocean at the southern coast of Iceland as a result of volcanic eruption.

86. Iceland is the largest island of volcanic origin.

87. Scandinavians settled on the territory of Iceland at the beginning of the 9th century. The first-settlement is Norwegian Viking Ingolv Arnarson (Ingólfur Arnarsson).

88. In Iceland, there are 4 times more books per capita compared to the United States.

89. In Iceland, there is a special phalogic museum, in which 150 penises are exhibited more than 40 species of mammals, as well as a collection of related subjects. So far, there is no human phallus in the exposition, but the keeper of the museum has already enlisted agreement to receive this exhibit after death in one eighty-year-old farmer who is still in the "sexy" system.

90. The central part of the island in winter is so Surov and it looks like a lunar landscape that NASA has worked out with their astronauts to reach the surface of the Moon in Central Iceland.

91. Wigdis Finnbogadotir is the first president of Europe and the second in the world. Icelanders are very proud of this fact. She was elected in 1980 and remained as president of the 4 term, until 1996.

92. The country area is 7 times more than the area of \u200b\u200bthe Moscow region.

93. On a coin in 1 Icelandic crown shows a cod, 10 crowns - herring, 50 crowns - crab, and 100 crowns - sea bass. The discreetly Icelandic currency is called ISK.

94. There are no trees in Iceland. Rather, individual trees and artificial fit are, but there are no dense forests. The first Icelandic settlers are to blame. When the field was exhausted, they burned out a new section of the forest and sowed barley on it. Gradually, the forests on the island disappeared, and today the erosion of the soil is one of the main problems of the country.

95. Icelanders are very proud of their tongue, and in every way they oppose the intention, as it seems to them, the impact on the Icelandic other languages. There is even a special language commission, the main purpose of which is the defense of Icelandic from the penetration of foreign words. When some foreign concept or definition is in the country, the Commission specifically comes up or finds him the Icelandic equivalent.

96. There are few cats in Iceland.

97. In Iceland is completely absent railways. Move along ordinary roads of Iceland is preferably on the jeep 4x4. Optimally - on the supergipe huge, more than meter, wheels.

The original article is on the site Inforos Link to an article with which this copy is made -

For most of us, Iceland is associated with the singer Bjork, which was born in this distant country, as well as with Vikings and snow. But in Iceland, it turns out, there is an amazing nature with geysers, volcanoes, glaciers and waterfalls. The nature of Iceland is an inspiration source for many photographers and artists. No matter when you visit Iceland (in summer or in winter), Icelanders will always meet you very much hospitably.

Geography of Iceland.

Iceland is located north-west of the UK in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, where it meets with the North Arctic Ocean. Iceland is an island. The total territory of Iceland is, together with all the islands, 103,000 sq. Km.

14.3% of the territory of Iceland occupy lakes and glaciers. Only on 23% of Iceland is vegetation, which corresponds to geographical location of this state. Self large lakes In Iceland - þingvallavAtn, Lagarfljót and Mývatn.

In Iceland, there are several volcanoes, and some of them are valid. Now the most famous Icelandic volcano is Eyyafyatlayokud, due to the eruption of which in 2010, air traffic was paralyzed throughout Europe.

SAMI high top Iceland - Peak Hwannadalshnukur, whose height reaches 2109 meters.


The capital of Iceland is Reykjavik, in which more than 125 thousand people now live. Historians believe that the settlement of people in the territory of the modern Reykjavik existed already in the 9th century.

Official language

In Iceland, the official language is Icelandic, related to Scandinavian languages.


More than 77% of Icelanders are Lutherans (Protestants) belonging to the church of Iceland. More than 10% of the inhabitants of Iceland are Catholics.

State device

According to the Constitution, Iceland is the parliamentary republic, the head of which is the president, elected by a direct general vote for 4 years.

Legislative power belongs to the one-year parliament - an alternation consisting of 63 deputies.

The main political parties in Iceland are the Social Democratic Alliance, the "Independence Party", the "left-green movement" and "Progressive Party".

Climate and weather

The climate in Iceland is subarctic sea, the same as, for example, in Alaska. The decisive effect on the Icelandic climate has a warm flow of golfustrim. On the southern coast of Iceland, the climate is noticeably softer than on the northern coast. The average annual air temperature in Iceland is + 5C, and the average annual precipitation is 779 mm.

The highest average air temperature in Iceland is observed in July and August - + 14c.

Average air temperature in Reykjavik:

  • january - 0s
  • february - + 0,5s
  • march - + 1.5c
  • april - + 4c
  • may - + 7c
  • june - + 10c
  • july - + 11,5s
  • august - + 11c
  • september - + 8c
  • october - + 5c
  • november - + 2c
  • december - 0s

Sea in Iceland.

In the north of Iceland is washed by the Greenland Sea, in the North-West, the Danish Strait separates this country from Greenland, and in the east there is the Norwegian Sea.

Rivers and lakes

About 14.3% of Iceland's territory occupy glaciers and lakes. The largest lakes - þingvallavAtn, Lagarfljót and Mývatn.

In Iceland, many rivers, most of them take their origin in glaciers. The longest Icelandic rivers belong to Toursau (230 km) in the south of the country and Yykulsau-au-Fjödlum in the northeast.

In Icelandic rivers a lot of salmon, and in the lakes - trout.


Iceland in the 9th century began to settle the Norwegian Vikings. The first settlement on the site of the modern Reykjavik founded Ingolph Arnason in 874.

In 1262, Iceland fell under the authority of Norway. In about the middle of the XVI century, Lutheranism began to spread in Iceland. Subsequently, this country has become fully Lutheran.

In 1814, Spain became part of Denmark. In the middle of the XIX century, in Iceland there was a movement that struggled for the independence of this country (peaceful methods). As a result, in 1918, Denmark recognized the independence of Iceland. Thus, the Kingdom of Iceland has been proclaimed, having an allied Ulya with Denmark. In June 1944, Iceland was recognized as an independent republic.

In 1946, Iceland was adopted in the UN, and in 1949 she became a member of the NATO military unit.

Culture of Iceland.

The origins of Icelandic culture go to Norwegian traditions. This is due to the fact that it was the Norwegian Vikings first settled Iceland.

In Iceland, some traditions of Viking are still preserved. So, in late January, Icelanders celebrate the Day of Men (Bóndadagur). On this day, Icelandic men were playing around their home, and at the same time sang songs loudly. So they tried to draw the harsh yard. Now few of the Icelanders on the day of men jumps around their home, but on this day, women give them various gifts and flowers.

At the end of February, Women's Day is celebrated in Iceland (Konudagur). On this day, Icelandic men bring their women in the morning coffee in bed and give them flowers.

Kitchen Iceland.

Main products of Icelandic cuisine - fish, meat, vegetables, dairy products, cheese. Tourists we advise in Iceland be sure to try the following traditional local dishes:

  • Hangikjöt - Smoked lamb;
  • Harðfiskur - dried fish;
  • SALTKJÖT - Salted lamb;
  • BJUGU - smoked sausage;
  • ÞOrramatur - pickled meat or fish (including sharks meat);
  • LAX - salmon dish.

Traditional Icelandic soft drink - Skyr (SKIR), which is made of sour milk, reminds yogurt.

As for alcoholic beverages in Iceland, the inhabitants of this country prefer beer and local potato vodka with Tmin Brennivín.

Sights of Iceland.

Despite the fact that Iceland is a very small country, there are many in it interesting places for tourists. The top ten of the best Icelandic attractions in our opinion include the following:

Cities and resorts

The largest Icelandic cities are Habnarfjordur, Akureyri, Kopavoguur, and, of course, Reykjavik.

In Iceland, there are a lot of geysers and lakes that possess therapeutic properties. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are several geothermal resorts in this country. The most famous of them is located on the Lake Blue Laguna.

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