The lowest Sushi mark on the ground. Sushi plots below sea level

About the deepest depression, Mariana groove, you probably know, and Travelask already told about her. But do you know that there is a place on the planet that is below the level almost half a kilometer? Yes, the Mother Earth is constantly surprising.

The deepest place on the planet

The Dead Sea is the lowest land of sushi on the ground. That is, in fact, the person here is on land, and the sea level "says" that he is under water.

The coast of the Dead Sea is below the world's ocean level 417.5 meters. And it is also called asphalt, Sodomsky and Salt Sea. Located on the border of Jordan and Israel. It is quite clear that the road around the Dead Sea is also the lowest road on Earth.

In the length of the sea 67 kilometers, and in width in the largest plot of only 18 kilometers. The depth of the reservoir may well boast: the maximum rate of 306 meters, and on average to the bottom from the water surface of 200 meters.

That is, imagine the lowest point of the seabed of the Dead Sea is located 723 meters from the world's ocean level!

And of course, the main feature of the Dead Sea is his salinity. This is one of the very saline water bodies on the planet, the salt level is 300-310%, and in some years it reaches 350%.

Fact number 1. In the Dead Sea, no one lives because of his salinity. Or almost no one. There were about 70 types of oomycetes and higher mushrooms. They are not afraid of salt.

Fact number 2.. The water level in the Dead Sea drops every year per meter. It is very scary for the reservoir and threatens the environmental disaster. Thus, the volume of water has decreased here with 325 cubic kilometers to 147. Moreover, the sea is practically divided into 2 parts due to such a drainage.

The main reason is the activities of plants producing minerals here, as well as climatic changes.

Fact number 3.. It was next to the dead sea or even in his place (for some versions), famous soda and gomorra were located. However, the search for ancient cities was not crowned with success. But at the bottom of the sea from the satellite, anomalies were recorded, similar to the ruins of the city. And the mountains from the stone salt in the south-west of the reservoir are called Sodomski, the truth is the origin of the name and not installed until the end.

Fact number 4.. The level of mineral substances in the water of the Dead Sea is approximately 30%.

FACT number 5.. There is a project on the transfer of water from the Red and Mediterranean Sea to the dead. The cost of building channel is estimated at $ 4 billion.

Fact number 6.. It was on the shore of the Dead Sea that a biblical lot with her daughters had a shelter after the destruction of Sodom. There can even be seen a salt pillar in which the Lot's wife turned.

Fact number 7.. In the vicinity of the Dead Sea were found by Kumranian manuscripts belonging to the ancient Jews of Esseev. They date back to about the second century BC. Their principles were very similar to the Gospel Commandments. Found them by chance Bedouin boy in 1947. Scientists believe that the teachings of Esseev prepared the ground for the perception of Christianity.

Who is in the second and third place

The second place occupies the coast of Lake Assal in Djibouti, it lies below the sea level 155 meters. In third place is the Desert Desert of Death Valley in California - this is the lowest point of both Americas, 86 meters below sea level.

Lowest land sushi on earth

When we are talking about the highest places on the planet, I clearly imagine the peaks of the largest mountain ranges, reaching the height of more than 8 kilometers above sea level. But not everything is so obvious when it comes to the lowest places on Earth. What do they imagine and how are they high? However, many know that it is these land sushi sites that are so low that even the sea level will rise above them. And only a unique geographical location and geological characteristics allow these places not to be the absorbed waters of the World Ocean. Let's get acquainted with some of them, the lowest on your continent.

View of the Dead Sea from Cosmos

Let's start S. Dead Sea in Asia. It is also called salted sea. It is posed between Palestine, Israel and Jordan. Its coast and surface 422 meters below sea level. This is the lowest land sushi.

View of the Dead Sea from the Israeli Coast towards Jordan

Followed by lake Assal in AfricaIt is located in Djibouti, Ethiopia. Lake lies 155 meters below sea level in lowland AFAR. This is the lowest land sushi section in Africa and the second on the ground after the dead sea. Water here is one of the very saline in the world - 34.8% of the concentration of salt, which exceeds the concentration in the dead sea and ten times the level of saltness in the ocean.

Ozero Assalal

IN Antarctica there is a place called Westfold Hills.which is located at a depth of 50 meters below sea level. By the way, the deepest place on Earth, not covered with liquid water - wpadina Bentley in Antarctica With a depth of 2555 meters below the level of the world's ocean. Wpadina is covered with a huge layer of ice. The deepest place on the ground covered with water in a liquid state - Mariana Trench In the Pacific Ocean.

Westfold Hills.

There are similar places in North America. Valley of death - Desert, located in the south-west of the United States. This intermountain catch is the lowest, dry, and the hottest place in America. Plot called Badwater. The valley of death is the lowest place in the United States, 86 meters below sea level. Surprisingly, this point is just 76 miles east of the Whitney Mountain, the highest item height in 4422 meters. The Death Valley is also considered a place where one of the highest temperatures on Earth was recorded, on July 13, 1913 in the village of Farness Creek, the temperature rose to 56.7 degrees of C. Almost only the world record of 58 degrees, registered in Libya on September 13 1922.

Valley of death

IN South America located Laguna del Carbon (coal lagoon) With a depth of 105 meters below sea level. She is a salt lake and is located in Argentina. This is the lowest point in Western in the southern hemispheres and the seventh lowest item on Earth. We will give proper quality of the road surface in the Argentine desert terrain ...

Laguna del Carbon

The lowest point Europe - Caspian Sea. The area of \u200b\u200bits pool is 371,000 km.kv., which is about 10 percent of the global area of \u200b\u200bclosed water basins. Ancient residents considered the Caspian Sea by the ocean, probably because of his salinity and seeming imnetity. The sea is a faceless lake, and the water in it is salted, with an average saline of 1.2%. This is the lowest place in Europe - 28 meters below the world's ocean.

Caspian Sea

And finally, Australia. There is also such a place - Lake Air It is the lowest point in Australia. Its coast and islands are located at a depth of 15 meters below sea level in the very center of the enormous pool Air.

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There are many unique natural objects in the world. I, of course,, like anyone, would dream of seeing them, and therefore I could not get around the place of which I want to tell in this essay. Moreover, it is unique immediately several of its own parameters. First, it is a lake that does not have analogs in the composition of water, secondly, the shores of this lake are the lowest sushi point on the planet.

As you could already guess, we are talking about the dead sea. By sea, it is essentially not, but is a lake belonging to the class of hyperweed lakes. The water bodies with such a concentration of salts on the planet is not so much, but the composition of the salts, besides, unique. The shores of the Dead Sea belong to two countries: Israel and Jordan. I was fortunate enough to visit the Israeli side.


Despite the fact that the coastal zone is densely built up, the landscape is rather dying. The absence of fresh water affects.


We lived at Le Meridien, I really liked it. No, I did not pay for advertising. :)

The uniqueness of the water composition is due to the fact that the lake was formed on the site of the Syrian-African fault, as a result of which the exits of various minerals fall into the water. Unlike other hyperweed lakes, the salt composition of the dead sea is more diverse and has a high content of bromide and iodides. It is believed that his water has a whole number of medical properties, and therefore hotels in which people come from all over the world are located in order to fix their health.


Almost all hotels have pools with water of the Dead Sea.


Since many people with disabilities come for treatment, most hotels involves a service for people with disabilities.

Since the lake itself is located on the site of the fault, its shores are located significantly lower than the sea level, and are the lowest sushi point, in some places, dropping to 420 meters below the sea level. Considering that the break continues to deepen, this value is changed to -1 m.


The lowest McDonalds on Earth.


Long in the dead of the sea can not be bought, so many hotels have freshwater pools.


General area.


It is not entirely clear why there are rescuers here.


Because of the high saline, it is practically impossible to drown it, it's not a shallow water, people really lie on the water.

The feeling when you go into the water is rather unusual - you seem to be found no water, but by oil, or on a thick viscous substance, which elastically resists when exposed. Water in the dead sea is more than 8 times rich in salts than the ocean, and the taste is caustic and bitter (yes, I tried a couple of drops). For a long time, it is impossible in it, since the useful effect develops into harmful effect. Recommended time is 5-10 minutes. Tourists who come to the lake for one day will not be cured, of course. What to get a significant effect, you need to live on the shore at least a couple of weeks, accepting procedures daily. However, if you are not sick with anything, it is better not to rest in these places, for the entertainment infrastructure is not developed, but around one desert. As for the testimony, the water of the Dead Sea is particularly often prescribed to people with skin diseases, with psoriasis or eczema.

Susha lies above sea level, because it is dry. But some places on the land towering over the sea are hidden from us with water - these are lakes, reservoirs and narrow river strips. There are also plots, usually small, which, although they lie below the sea level, but water is not filled, as natural or artificial obstacles are separated from the oceans. In physical maps, they are now usually denoted by a dark green closure. If the wpadina underlying the sea level is dry, the mark of its lower point changes in time. If there is a lake in this crap, the lower lake level becomes the lower limit of sushi; And since almost all lakes with a negative grill mark of the sleeveless, the level depends on the inflow of river waters and from evaporation (other articles of the water balance for simplicity can be neglected) and can change much.

When you want to remember the plots painted on the map with dark green, the first one comes to the head of the Caspian lowland. This is the largest area in the world area underlying the sea level. The band of the negative absolute marks of the narrow where the mountains of the Caucasus and Elbecis are suitable for the Caspian, Western Schills of Copetdag; In the Transcaucasus, it expands significantly, entering the 10th kilometers to the west to the West in Kurinsky lowland; In the north, the entire Caspian bordered by a wide range of negative heights of more than 200 km width, and according to the Volga Valga, minus marks coming 400 km from the mouth. The area of \u200b\u200bthe territory underlying the ocean level is 120-150 thousand square kilometers, that is, surpasses all the low-lying land - the Netherlands - three times. The Caspian level until the 30s of the twentieth century was held at the mark of -26 m quite a long time, but then began to fall sharply and by the end of the Great Patriotic War stopped at 28 m. Accordingly, the land area underlies below the ocean level. Then the level went up again, reached the mark of approximately -26.7 m in 1995, now it decreases again (last year the average level was -27.2 m). Thus, the exact area of \u200b\u200bsushi with negative marks is meaningless, it changes all the time. Especially large level fluctuations (from -26.6 to -32 m) has undergone a Gulf of Kara-Bogaz-goal, which one time was standn up from the Caspian Sea, then reunited with him.

In the immediate vicinity of the Caspian Basin, there are many other closed depressions, the bottoms of which are located below the ocean level. Some of them can be considered irregularities of the same Caspian lowland, although the area below the sea level looks here is isolated (for example, the Lake Elton, -16 m's hollow). Caspian lowland (except for its eastern part, located in Kazakhstan) and the surrounding small depressions are the only places below the sea level in the modern territory of Russia. True, in the Kaliningrad region there are Polders, within which there can also be areas underlying the sea level. Small sections below sea level, apparently, there is also on the bottom Kuban to the west of Slavyansk. But it is, of course, the territories that do not deserve the same attention as the Caspian lowland. Indeed, on extensive low-lying seaside alluvial plains, in the river delta, on the beaches lying only a little higher than the level of the sea, it is enough to dig a small smell of a children's blade to get the territory below the oceanic ordinar.

Eastern Caspian Sea, on the Mangyshlak Peninsula, is located Wpadina Karagiye, or Batyr, within which there was the lowest point of the Soviet Union, -132 m; Now it is the territory of Kazakhstan. In the same place, on Mangyshlaka, Wpadina Kounds, -57 m. Several east, also in Kazakhstan, stretched from the south-west (almost from Kara-Bogaz-goal) to the northeast of Cardina Karynajaryk with a marker -70 m.

At the border of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan there is Sarykamysh Vpadina. Its bottom of it is about -45 m. Back in 1962, a brief geographical encyclopedia wrote about it: "Sarykamyshka Vpadina periodically took the water of Amudarya, turning into a lake. When the river turned back to Aral, the lake was dried ... Amudarya's waters last reached in the summer of 1878. " But then, in 1971, he occurred with human activity to reset twenty with excess cubic kilometers of Amaryinskaya water to the cavity in one of the Uzbes (dry beds), and since then the map is shown by Sarykamysh Lake with an area without a small 3000 km 2; Now we catch fish there. Information about the current level of Sarykamysh Lake is very disgraced. Southeast is small in the area, but deep (according to the Soviet atlas of the 50s - to -92 m, according to modern foreign data -81 m, in the domestic -76 m) of Wpadin.

Small areas with altitudes below the sea level in Ukraine, in the north of Crimea; To the northeast of Odessa, the level of the Tiligulsky Limana exposed to the sea also has a negative mark. The school atlas of Ukraine with pride in 2001, as a national record, shows the lowest point ( ninezhcha Vidmitka) Of Ukraine, -5 m vID RIVNA Sea, in the area of \u200b\u200bKuyalnitsky Limana north of Odessa.

In Western Europe, a classic example of the territories below the sea level is considerable part of the Netherlands *. This is sushi, disheveled by the sea. The height of the surface of such sites on the maps is rarely indicated; In the large "Atlas of the world" in 1999, the edition met -2, -5 m.

There are areas in Europe below the sea level, also mostly turned into a landing artificially, along the coasts of the Northern and Baltic seas in Germany (the chain of such depression stretches, in particular, through the experiencing, connecting the Peninsula of Jutland with the mainland), Poland (between Gdansk and Elblag) , Denmark (in the south of Loland). There are in southern Europe - west of the software delta. And some of these places have a strange property: a plot of negative heights in East England southeast of Peterborough in the mentioned Atlas of 1999 was noted, in an earlier edition of the same atlas (1954), was not marked; In Belgium, near Antwerp, on the contrary.

French geography textbooks, too, as a peculiar subject of national pride indicate a 2 m mark in the Rhone delta. True, for the French, this mark is important to draw the mark of Montblan (4807 m) and once again emphasize the thesis on the phenomenal diversity of France. In Ukraine, Hoverla (2061 m) is unlikely not to become more impressive, even if Kuyalnitsky Liman rupture with an excavator for a few more meters.

Among the Kotlovin of Central Asia is the most famous - Turfan, her mark is -155 m.

The record of the world (as well as almost all other indicators in geography) belongs to Asia. The lowest point of sushi is the level of the Dead Sea in Palestine. But relative to his mark of opinion diverge. According to one reference books -395, on other -402 m; Three years ago, the Geographical Faculty of Moscow State University received information about -408 meters from Israel, recently sent a new request, but they did not receive the answer, apparently, there are now not to levels.

In the coastal zones of foreign Asia, as in Russia and everywhere in the world, sites below the sea level formed, in particular, as a result of human activity. These may be Polders, in the creation of which have succeeded in two Korea, Bangladesh and other countries of South and Southeast Asia **. It can be dry old-native decreases in the river delta. It can also be the results of man-made soil studs. For example, Thailand printing reports that, as a result of unlimited drilling on water in the Bangkok area there were drawdors and some quarters of the Thai capital were lower than the sea level, which threatens floods. We repeat, however, that the area underlying the sea level in the coastal zone is a qualitatively different phenomenon, rather than ambitious tectonic "failures", usually located in the inner parts of the continents, but sometimes and sometimes not far from the sea.

The Dead Sea is located in the rift depression system stretching along all Eastern Africa and further to the West Asia; In these depadies, Lake Nyasa, Tanganyika, Albert (Mobutu-Seish Sece), Rudolph (Turkana) and others; The same system includes a huge Graben of the Red Sea. This system is interesting for us by the fact that deep depressions are confined near the south coast of the Red Sea - more extensive Wpadina Afar with Lake Assel (Rawa mark -116 m) and small in the area, but the deepest in Africa in Africa with Lake Asal (write also ASALAL), -153 m. In print, there are new instructions on the edge of Lake Asal - up to -155 m. This is quite believable: the level of the lake experiencing powerful evaporation may decline.

In the north of Africa, near the northern end of the Suez Canal, there is a Tina Solonchak with a level -12 m. The city of Alexandria lies on the jumper separating the lake from the sea; The level of the lake in which salt develops is lower below the sea level. Next to the south, on the left bank Neal, three small, but deep depressed: Vadi-En-Natrune (Soda Valley, -28 m), Wpadina Lake Birket-Karun (its ureape -45 m) and a brand to the west of El Fayum ( -80 m).

The two most extensive depressions of North Africa are Catatar, south-west of the Nile Delta, -133 m, and Schott Melgir, south of the eastern end of the Atlas Mountains, -26 m.

In Egypt below the sea level, a number of other territories are also located: Sita Oasis (Schott with -54 M), Bahrain, Siva and Jagbub (the latter is already largely in Libya), which can be considered as southern and western "splashes" of Cattara's depressions.

In Libya, south and south-east of the coast hall. Sydra (Bol. Sirt) scattered several sebbles (closed stocks): El Kenene (-39 m), El Gyuzail (-47 m), etc. The lowest place of Libya (-131 m!) - A decrease in the ABU-NIM Well (approximately 29 ° C. sh. and 19 ° C. d.)

In Tunisia, the South-Eastern tip of the Atlas Mountains is below sea level lies Schott (Solonchak in a closed western) El Garsa, which continues to Algerian territory called Halla and through it closed with a depressing Schott Melgir (Merououan).

There is a small portion of negative heights in the extreme west of the mainland near the coast, not far from Nouchchot.

Not particularly many depressions below sea level in North America, all in the south-west of the United States; But one of them is the famous Death Valley in California - one of the hottest places on Earth, there is a mark -86 m. north of the end of the California Gulf, continuing its tectonic depression, there is a brand of Lake Salton-si, whose rival mark -71 m; This brand in the south comes into the limits of Mexico. And another plot, small, east of San Francisco, near the merger of San Hoakin and Sacramento rivers, 5 m below sea level. Surely plots below the sea level is in the lower reaches of Mississippi. In any case, in essays about New Orleans, they usually indicate that some neighborhoods of the city are located below the marine level.

The lowest point of South America is located at the Ocean itself: on the east coast there is a small (approximately 75x40 km) of the Valdez Peninsula, connected to the mainland narrow coastal; In the center of the peninsula - Wpadina 40 m below sea level. Another depression is about 450 km north, west of the Argentine city of Bahia Blanca, the level of the lake in it has a marker -35 m.

In the extensive canopy of the state of South Australia, Lake Air is located. Usually, on the cards, the mark of its level is reduced -12 m, but in the dry season it practically dries, bottom is exposed, the mark of which is lower (according to reference books, the depth of the lake up to 20 m).

That's all the main hollows on the mainland (the treasure relief of Antarctica will not consider here: we will limit ourselves to the daytime surface). On the small islands, it would seem to look for nothing, but it turns out, on the island of Haiti there is a lake Enrikillo, which is 46 m below sea level.

You will laugh, but, in all likelihood, there is a sushi section below the sea level lying in the midst of the Pacific Ocean. Nauru Island has an area of \u200b\u200bonly about 21 km 2. It is complicated by phosphoritated limestone, phosphoritis production is the main branch of production on the island. A third of the island is a huge phosphorite quarry, and you can almost confidently say that the bottom of this closed career went lower than the ocean level, because even the highest point of the island rises only 65 m above this level.

* See: "Geography", No. 45/96 (Special issue: Netherlands).
** See: L.G. Bondarev. Susha died by the sea // Geography, No. 25/2000, p. five.

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is a faceless lake in the Middle East (in Jordan and Israel), in the tectonic depression of the mountains. Size 1050 km2, length 76 km. Located 395 m below sea level. It is here, on its coast - the lowest place of the land surface of the earth, up to 421 m below the world's ocean level.

The Jordan River flows into the Dead Sea. The salinity of water 260-270 ‰ (in some years to 310). This is one of the most saline seas of the world. Organic life is absent (except for some types of bacteria).

The desert hills surrounding it from all sides, the same dead, like the sea itself, shine in a unique shine and shimmer, only the sun ray will touch their surface. This is due to the fact that the surface of the cliffs, like snow, is covered with brilliant sediments of white salt. Such a high salt concentration is just gives water to the healing qualities and density. Since the amount of salt in the dead sea is eight times greater than the amount of salt in the world ocean, you can swim in it, even if you do not know how to swim. Swimming in the dead sea is nothing with a comparable and unforgettable feeling that should not be overlooked.

Arabs call this sea by the sea lot or sometimes a flicker lake, because it has minerals, the sharp smell of which cannot be transmitted.

According to history, the dead sea was associated with such well-known names as King David, King Herod, John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. There is a story about how, according to the orders of the king of Cleopatra, it began to produce cosmetics and drugs here. And Arab named Vabata delivered from here to Egypt Bitumen, which was the main substance for the mummification of the Egyptian pharaohs.

Using the Gifts of the Dead Sea

In antiquity, water and salt from the dead sea came to Italy for the Roman Lords.

Asphalt, bituminous substance rising to the surface of the lake, was used for many industrial and medical needs. Plants began to appear around the lake one after another, mainly on the production of expensive cosmetics, perfumes and medicines. Thus, the dead sea became an economically important area, for the right of possession of which fierce wars were conducted, until the darkness of Anthony won the Death region for Cleopatra.

Today, factories and factories focused on the coast of the Dead Sea are the main industrial complex of the country, where the potash (carbon dioxide), bromide and other chemical compounds for exporting abroad was carried out during several decades.

But first of all, the region of the Dead Sea is the perfect base for tourism. The distance from Amman to the Deady Sea is small, just an hour of driving, and from Amman airport and less.

Health Strengthening Dead Sea

In recent years, the dead sea has become a health center, treatment, recreation, rehabilitation, beauty and spa resorts. Thanks to the unique climate, practically not changing throughout the year, numerous centers of beauty and recovery, the dead sea attracts more tourists and people who need treatment from all over the world. Modern hotels and wellness centers are placed along the entire coastline.

From the east, the dead sea is surrounded by the mountains, and from the west of Jerusalem hills unique beauty. Although today this area has practically not inhaps, there were five biblical cities here: Sodom, Gomorra, Adman, Zebouin and Zohar.

Based on materials