The population of large feodosia. Population of Feodosia

THEODOSIA (translated from Greek "given by God") (from the 2nd half of the 13th century - KAFA (Kaffa), renamed in 1783), a city in the Crimea, a port on the Black Sea. Railroad station. 85.6 thousand inhabitants (1991). Seaside climatic and balneo-mud resort. Food flavoring, building materials, metalworking industry; furniture, offset factories and others. I.K.Aivazovsky, A.S. Green's literary-memorial museum. Founded in the 6th century. BC e. Remains of a fortress from the 14th-15th centuries, the Mufti-Jami mosque (17th century). Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree (1982). Feodosia was founded more than 2530 years ago by the Greeks from Miletus. Thus, on the territory of the ex-USSR, the peers of the city can be counted on one hand. For many centuries the sea has determined the fate of the city, being the basis of its life and growth. The sea here "... wonderful, blue and gentle ... on its shore you can live 1000 years and not get bored," wrote AP Chekhov about Feodosia. "Swimming is so good that, having plunged, I began to laugh for no reason." That is why Aivazovsky chose this place for life. Not only the sea is the decoration of Feodosia, there is a good microclimate. The sun illuminates this corner almost all year round - 2272 hours of solar radiation per year! This is much more than other southern resorts receive. Feodosia has wonderful air: dry, clean, it is very easy to breathe here, there are no fogs at all. Occasionally, on the quietest and sultry days, suddenly the sky is covered with clouds, and a rapid downpour falls on the city. Such showers are often accompanied by severe thunderstorms. Feodosia, rest in Crimea The very geographical position of Feodosia has largely determined its historical fate. The city was founded by Greek merchants who founded here in the 6th century BC on the site of an already existing settlement, a trading colony, calling it Feodosia (translated from Greek "given by God"). At the end of the XIII century, Feodosia became the possession of the Italian trading city of Genoa. The Genoese called it Kafa, turned it into a mighty fortress, surrounded by walls, ditches and towers, the ruins of which have survived to this day. Kafa was famous for its port, through which trade routes went to the West and East. The city minted its own coin. At the end of the 15th century, Kafa was captured by the Turks. For more than a thousand years, the city enjoyed a dark reputation as a center of the slave trade. At the end of the 18th century, the city was returned to its ancient name - Feodosia. Those who wish to see Feodosia and its surroundings from a bird's eye view usually ascend to the top of Mount Mithridates, located in the southeastern part of the city. From here, Feodosia seems like a large model that you can study for hours and find new and interesting details in it. The city is located amphitheatrically at the foot of the mountains on the coast of the bay and on the slopes of the Tepe-Oba hill, which covers it from the southeast. This hill completes the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains in the east. On the western side it is closed by the detached Lysaya Mountain. Under the mountain below, at our feet, lies the old city. Here, the entire space is built up and the new almost does not break through the old. The old part is a kind of architectural and historical museum with the characteristic features of the Middle Ages. From the eastern side, you can see the remains of massive defensive walls and towers, an ancient bridge over the moat. The thick stone walls of the quarantine, built in the last century to receive Muslim pilgrims from Russia through the port of Feodosia to Mecca and Medina, have survived. On Quarantine Hill in the 5th century BC was the center of the ancient city. Among the medieval monuments, the mosque with the remains of a minaret, built in 1623, attracts attention. In the old part of the city, half of the corner wall of the tower of St. Constantine. In the system of strengthening the city, it occupied a special place. This tower was once a castle and an arsenal. It kept weapons and ammunition in case of war. There are Armenian churches built in the XIV-XV centuries in the city. The core of Feodosia - the so-called new part - occupies the eastern half of the city. It grew up after the railroad was held in Feodosia at the end of the last century. This is the busiest part of the city. Its center is the seaside boulevard. It is a place for evening walks, a place for meetings and dates. Nearby, at the foot of a huge Genoese fortress, is the city garden. In the park, there is a bronze monument to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The poet visited Feodosia in August 1820. From here he went by sea to Gurzuf. The sculptor depicted Pushkin in full growth. The poet's gaze is turned to the sea, the beauty and grandeur of which so captivated him during his trip to Crimea. In every city there is a place that enjoys a special love of the inhabitants, which they are proud of. In Feodosia, this is Aivazovsky's art gallery. Its facade is decorated with two memorial plaques: "Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky lived and worked in this house" and "My sincere desire that the building of my art gallery in the city of Feodosia with all the paintings, statues and other works of art in this gallery would be full property of the city of Feodosia, and I will bequeath the memory of me, Aivazovsky, to the city of Feodosia, my hometown. " Near the facade of the gallery is a bronze figure of the artist sitting on a pedestal with a palette and a brush in his hands and gazing intently into the sea. Below at his feet is the extremely laconic inscription "Theodosius-Aivazovsky". A lover of literature will certainly visit the Galereinaya street in house number 10, where the literary-memorial museum of Alexander Stepanovich Green is located. The great romantic, favorite writer of youth A.S. Green lived in Feodosia for over 6 years - from 1924 to 1930. This was the second stay of the writer in Feodosia. The first was in 1905. It did not bring him joy: he was brought here from Sevastopol as a political prisoner. In the Feodosia prison A.S. Green was in prison for revolutionary propaganda among the sailors. Feodosiya sea beach with fine, cleanly washed golden sand stretches for a dozen kilometers, almost along the entire coast of the bay of the same name in the direction of Kerch. In the center of the coast of the Feodosia Gulf there is an urban-type settlement (urban-type settlement) Primorskiy (originally it was called Dal'nye reeds, then Yuzhnaya point. Total area: 734 hectares. Population: ~ 18 thousand people), in which the sandy coast of the Golden Beach turns into pebble. It is convenient to lie on the sand here and it is pleasant to enter the sea along the velvet sandy bottom. It is smooth without potholes, stones, accumulations of algae that interfere with swimming. Swimming is not dangerous for either a child or someone who does not know how to swim at all. Everyone finds their depth. The same sand shines through the greenish water with an emerald hue. You look down, as if deep into thick light yellow glass. And at the edge of the horizon, the sea is calm and dark monochrome, sharply bordered by the sky - the same calm, the same monochrome, but whitish. And the waves are splashing on the shore in a friendly and joyful way, splashing everyone with cheerful splashes. Feodosia is also growing as a diversified resort. The mineral water "Feodosia" is widely used in its health resorts for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. The source is located near the city at the foot of Mount Lysaya. The sunbathing season starts in May and ends in November. Special offers of the site sale of real estate in Feodosia, rent of real estate in Feodosia, rest in Feodosia.

A fairly secluded, but long-established resort, where there is practically everything for successful treatment: healing mud, mineral waters, a gentle sea, golden sand, dry and hot climate, rich experience of doctors and modern technology. Here they treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, circulatory organs, chronic diseases of the kidneys, biliary tract, diabetes mellitus.

For car tourism and recreation, wonderful conditions on the huge Golden Beach to the east of the city. There are many recreation centers, campgrounds, private hotels and summer cottages.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp History

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Translated from Greek "Theodosia" means "Gift of the Gods." This is how the ancient Greeks from Miletus appreciated this corner of the earth on the shore of an excellent bay when they founded their trading post here. This happened in the VI century. BC e.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspIn 1971, the Feodosians approximately celebrated 2500 years since the founding of the city. There is no indication of the exact year. Feodosia is older than London, Berlin, Paris, Madrid and many other European cities. The Pontic king Mithridates IV Eupator built a fleet here to fight the Roman Empire.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The Golden Horde Khan Jenibek became the "hero" of the Middle Ages. In 1347, he pelted the besieged city from catapults with the corpses of his soldiers who died of the plague. The Genoese, who then owned the city, fled to Europe and became the cause of an epidemic that claimed 75 million people. - a quarter of the then European population.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspThe city was one of the centers of the Great Silk Road. The famous Russian traveler Afanasy Nikitin walked along it in his "Walk across the Three Seas".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspIn the local slave market, the legendary Ukrainian woman Roksolana, who became the wife of the Turkish sultan and one of the most influential women in history, was sold.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The hero of capitalism can be called the local tobacco manufacturer Stamboli, whose luxurious dacha still testifies not only to his wealth, but also to his excellent taste.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspThe young hero of the Great Patriotic War, 13-year-old Vitya Korobkov, was shot by the Nazis as a scout of a partisan detachment in 1942.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Climate, beaches and sea

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspDuration of sunshine in the warm half of the year is 1865 hours here - this is less than in Sevastopol, but more than in Yalta. The swimming season for adults lasts from 23 May to 15 October, for children from 22 June to 3 September. So it's quieter here than on the South Coast.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspУ Feodosia The main ridge of the Crimean mountains is completely disappearing, the climate is devoid of even a hint of subtropics, but 15 km of a wide sandy beach made of rubbed shells, a gentle bottom, rare storms and a stable sunny city weather - all this makes it all They always come here first of all for treatment. Adults and children. They return from year to year to the same sanatoriums, to the same kind caring friends - doctors and nannies. In general, no one really wants to stand out or impress strangers, because everyone is seriously concerned with their own health.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Transport

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp There is a train "Moscow - Feodosia" in Feodosia, and from the capital of Crimea you can get to the resort in 3 - 3.5 hours by bus or "minibus", by car in 2.5 hours. And you can also travel to Feodosia by sea - by boat from Yalta or Alushta.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspIn the city itself, the main public transport is "minibuses", in addition - taxis.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Where to rest

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp There are enough attractions in Feodosia - after all, the city has changed the 26th century. They are located quite compactly. On Galereynaya Street there is the Art Gallery named after I.K.Aivazovsky (house 2) and the A. Green Museum (house 10), on Lenin Street - the Mufti-Jami Mosque (1623) and the Armenian Church of Sergius (Sarkis) of the 15th century. - there is a collection of stone slabs - a lapidarium, in which Genoese, Armenian and Turkic monuments are exhibited. In the Seaside Park, with the fountain of IK Aivazovsky (built in 1888 according to the project and at the expense of the great marine painter), there is a tower of Constantine (1382-1448) - one of the many that remained in the city after the Genoese rule. The main core of Genoese and Armenian monuments has been preserved in the southern part of the city, in the so-called Quarantine. These are the towers of Crisco and Clementine VI, Nameless and Dock; churches of the XIV century: Stephen, Gregory, John the Baptist, John the Theologian.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspThe historical past of Feodosia is reflected in archaeological, subject, documentary exhibits, collected under the roof of the museum of local lore in Feodosia. The oldest in Ukraine, it was founded in 1811 by the then mayor of Feodosia S.M. Bronevsky as a museum of antiquities. It was located in a Tatar mosque. Later it was transferred to a new building, specially built on the top of the Mithridates hill according to the design of IK Aivazovsky, and in 1988 - to the present room of a modern style. The museum constantly operates departments: primitive time, antique, medieval, World War II, ethnographic, nature ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspIn 1990, the Hang Gliding Museum was opened.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Today's celebrities are mostly marine painters and romantic writers who are inspired by the unique landscapes and glorious history of the city.

In the southeast of the Crimean peninsula is an ancient city that became the border between the steppe and mountainous zones of Crimea. - one of the oldest Crimean settlements, a large resort and port city.

Due to the combination of mountain and steppe zones, the climate here is colder than in other cities on the southern coast. In the middle of summer, the average temperature is + 27 ° C, in winter - 0 ° C. The swimming season starts in May and lasts until mid-October. Especially attractive for a holiday in Feodosia the Velvet season (early to mid-autumn) when the intense heat subsides.

History reference.

The city got its name from its amazing climate and favorable location. The Greek merchants who came here called the settlement Feodosia, which in Greek means "Given by god"... Later, the Genoese erected here, which became one of the most important Black Sea ports.

Turkish rule lasted until 1774, when Crimea became part of the Russian Empire. From that moment, an active "revival" of Feodosia begins: a branch of the railway is being built, the port is being modernized.

After the Great Patriotic War, industry developed in the city, funds were allocated for the creation of a system of sanatorium and resort institutions.

Today Feodosia is a health resort of national importance, a major resort and an important "sea" artery of the country.

Rest in Feodosia - it is not only beaches and wellness procedures, but also visits to historical sites. There are many natural and cultural monuments in the city, the most visited are:

  • ... The southern part of the citadel with two towers and towers in different parts of the city has been preserved. For an excursion, it is better to stock up on drinking water, hats and comfortable shoes - it can be quite hot in the ruins in the open area.
  • Reserve "Kara-Dag"... It is a volcanic massif, on the slopes of which more than 250 rare animals and plants live. There are two ways to visit the reserve: on a guided walking tour or during a boat trip.
  • Dacha-palace of Stamboli... An elegant palace surrounded by a spacious winter garden. Made in Moorish style. Today it houses a restaurant and hotel complex of the same name.
  • ... Memorial house, which will tell about the life of the famous novelist and his heroes. It is better to check the time of the visit in advance - various creative meetings are often held in the museum.
  • ... The gallery houses the largest collection of the artist's works in Russia.
  • ... An architectural monument built in the tradition of Ottoman architecture.

There are over 10 beaches along the coastline. The most famous are:

  • Children's. Sand beach. Due to its smooth descent and shallow water, it is considered the most attractive for families with children. The entrance is paid, there are a lot of water attractions, cafes and outlets.
  • ... The sand on the beach has an unusual pink and pearlescent hue. The bottom is soft and even. The entrance to the beach area is free, there is a rental of umbrellas and sun loungers.
  • Golden beach with soft "golden" sand. Equipped with umbrellas and sun loungers. One of the most popular beaches, so it is very crowded during the season.
  • ... Free beach with fine and soft sand. There are water attractions, a mini massage parlor.
  • ... Free sandy beach with the possibility of renting sun loungers and umbrellas. For vacationers, there are a lot of water attractions.
  • ... A very popular pebble beach. There is an entertainment complex "Africa" \u200b\u200bon the territory.
  • ... Huge selection of rooms from "Economy" to "Suite". Most of the hotels are located within 5-10 minutes walk to the sea. In addition to the basic set, there are "exotic" options: hotels with their own water park, large swimming pools and unique architecture.
  • ... Mini-hotels with conditions as close as possible to home. As a rule, guest houses are designed for 5-10 rooms, equipped with parking for cars and spacious terraces.
  • ... Many options for apartments or rooms. Most of the tenants offer apartments equipped with everything necessary: \u200b\u200bfurniture, household appliances.

When choosing accommodation, it is important to remember that it is a popular resort, so it is better to book in advance.

How to get to Feodosia?

There are several ways to get to the city:

  • By train. Direct flights go from almost all major cities, to Feodosia has its own train station.
  • By bus. In the summer, there are a lot of bus tours, for example, from Moscow to Feodosia.
  • By plane. The nearest airport is, so you will have to get there with a transfer. Buses run regularly from Simferopol, you can order a taxi.
  • For exotic lovers, you can get by sea by boat from.

It begins from the 6th century BC, during this period the Greeks begin to conquer new lands, sailing farther and farther from their native shores. Nothing is known in this area about the relationship between the Taurs, Cimmerians and Scythians (at that time the indigenous people of Crimea) and the Greeks.
At the end of the 6th century, a small settlement appears on the shores of the future Feodosia, which serves as a transshipment base on the trade route. The mild climate and a comfortable bay with a wide harbor turn the small settlement into a strategically and economically important center of Greek civilization.
In the third century BC, not far from Feodosia, the Bosporian kingdom was born with its capital in (the ancient name of Ponticopeia), in 355 the city passed into the possession of Leron, the first king of the Bosporus. Feodosia is linked by trade ties with Europe and Asia, the movement of goods and slaves makes the city richer from year to year. For 300 years, the population of the city has been growing rapidly and, according to historians, it reaches 6-8 thousand people. For comparison - Moscow, Kiev, London, Paris are not yet on the world map, only after almost 400 years, Paris will appear first with a population of about 1000 people.

In the 4th century A.D. the city was destroyed after the invasion of the nomadic tribes of the Huns, who plundered and burned the city to the ground. After the devastation of the city on the banks of Feodosia, the tribes of Alans settled, which gave the name to the city of Ardabda.

During the 5-6 centuries A.D. the city passed from Byzantium to the Khazars and back. Constant battles and devastation of the city lead to decline - people move from their homes, and a small settlement remains from the great city, which can more likely be attributed to a village than to a great trading city.

Passing through the Crimea, the Apostle Andrew in the 9th century says that in Feodosia there was no trace of a human being.
History of the city of Feodosiauntil the 13th century it practically freezes, the city falls under the influence of the Golden Horde, but significant changes did not occur until the arrival of the Genoese. The Genoese redeem the coast of Feodosia from the horde and give the name to the city of Kaffa.

From the 13th to the 15th century, the city was reborn, trade flourished on an unprecedented scale, Kaffa turned into the capital of Crimea, the city's population grew to 75-80 thousand people. The markets of the city are filled with slaves from different countries and soon Kaffa turns into the capital of the slave trade, in the markets you can find from old man to baby, all skin colors from all over the world. The market went down in history under the name Kahn.
After the rapid fall of Byzantium, the city begins to die, trade weakens, and constant clashes with the Ottoman Empire begin.
After the arrival of the Ottoman Empire, the city was renamed Kef, mosques and minarets began to grow.
The 16-17th century takes place in the battles of the Russian army against the Crimean Khanate, which leads in 1771 to the capture of Feodosia by the troops of Dolgoruky and in 1783 to the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire. The old name of Feodosia was returned to the city.

The next impetus to the development of the city was the railway, or rather the section laid from to Feodosia, which helped to revive the port and, as a result, the city.

With the emergence of a new port, heavy industry and light industry began to develop in the city.
The tourist history of Feodosia begins, the first boarding houses and summer cottages appear, the resort area is being developed.
During the revolution, the city passed from white to red for a long time until November 1920, when the last units of the white army left the coast of Crimea forever.

The next year, the first health resort was opened, health-improving sanatoriums are beginning to develop in the city, which attracted endless rows of tourists. Until World War II.
The Second World War made unfortunate pages in the, so, not a simple history of the city. The bombings, fierce battles for the city, the liberation of the city from the fascist invaders in 44, left indelible scars on the body of the city, a large number of historical monuments, ancient temples and churches were destroyed,

Basic moments

Feodosia is one of the oldest cities on the Black Sea coast. In the Middle Ages, it was called Kaffa. Trade flourished here, and the region's largest slave market existed.

For several decades the Crimean city has had the status of a climatic resort, and local health resorts welcome guests all year round. For sanatorium treatment in Feodosia come those who have problems with the respiratory system, digestive system, metabolic disorders, gynecological and urinary diseases. Ionized sea air, salt caves, healing silt mud, mineral waters, massage and other physiotherapy procedures help to get rid of ailments.

Most travelers come to Feodosia during the swimming season, from late May to early October. Tourists are attracted by the developed infrastructure, the possibility of inexpensive accommodation in the private sector, good sandy beaches, as well as many historical and natural attractions.

The beauty of Feodosia has long attracted representatives of creative professions. In the city you can visit the art gallery. I.K.Aivazovsky, the Museum of Money, the Museum of Hang Gliding, as well as the memorial museums of Alexander Grin and the sisters Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaev. The Feodosia Museum of Antiquities is considered one of the best specialized museums in Russia.

In Feodosia, not only beach holidays and excursions are popular. During the high tourist season, the city hosts many colorful festivals dedicated to fish food, unconventional fashion, winemaking, aeronautics, bicycles and jazz music. These holidays gather guests not only from other Crimean cities, but also from abroad.

History of Feodosia

The settlement on the shores of the bay was founded in the 6th century BC by colonists who came from the Greek city of Miletus. Later Theodosia became part of the powerful Bosporus kingdom, which was destroyed by the Huns in the 4th century AD.

In the following centuries, the city passed from hand to hand many times. At first, the Alans lived in it, then the Byzantine Empire began to control the coast, followed by the Khazars. Until the 13th century, the coastal settlement was small and was part of the Golden Horde, and at the beginning of the 14th century it was bought by the Genoese.

In those days, Theodosia was called Kaffa. The new owners managed to build a thriving port city through which active trade between East and West was conducted. The largest slave market on the Black Sea existed in Kaffa. In addition to slaves, spices, gold and jewelry were traded here. By the 15th century, the coastal city owned by the Genoese had grown so large that it surpassed Constantinople in size. It had a multi-ethnic population, but there were most Armenians in Kaffa.

In 1475, the entire Crimean coast was captured by the Ottoman Turks, who made the city one of the main ports on the peninsula. At this time it was often called Kucuk-Istanbul or Little Istanbul.

In the 1770s, the Russian Empire began to own the city, and it was named "Feodosia". For more than a century, the settlement was small. But from the end of the 19th century, after the creation of an industrial port here and the appearance of a railway, the situation changed.

During the Great Patriotic War, Feodosia was under fascist occupation. In the city, about 8 thousand residents were shot, and as a result of heavy fighting, part of the houses and streets were badly destroyed. Today Feodosia is developing as a major port and a popular seaside resort.

Geographical location and climate

Feodosia stands on the shores of the spacious Feodosia Gulf. At the entrance to it, the sea depth reaches 28 m, and this is quite enough for large dry cargo ships and tankers to enter the port of Feodosia. The bay has its own circular current, so the water off the coast is constantly renewed and never dirty.

Feodosia is separated from the steppe expanses by the Tepe-Oba mountain range. Hills and ridges rise to a height of about 300 m and close the coast from strong winds. Due to this, the climate of the Crimean resort is not similar to the steppe, but more reminiscent of the Mediterranean.

It is hot here in summer and almost never rains. In July and August, the average daily air temperatures are around +26 ... + 28 ° С, and the water in the Black Sea warms up to +25 ... + 27 ° С. In winter, Feodosia is cooler than other Crimean resorts. There is snow for about three weeks, but constant snow cover does not happen every year, but only in the most severe winters.

The beaches of Feodosia

The beach strip in Feodosia and the surrounding area stretches for 17 km, and its width in some places reaches 200 m. One of the most popular is considered the kilometer-long beach "Kameshki", covered with a mixture of pebbles and sand. It has a width of 30-40 m and is well equipped for a comfortable stay. The beach has showers, toilets and storage rooms. You can rent sun loungers and umbrellas, rent pedal boats, catamarans and ride a banana boat.

On the promenade along the beach, there are many snack bars, cafes and souvenir shops, entertainment centers "Africa" \u200b\u200band Lunopark. Most tourists prefer to rest here, because on "Kameshki" there is a very gentle entrance into the water, and the seabed is sandy.

There is also a historical landmark near the beach. In the sea, opposite the "Kameshki", the wreck of the sunken ship "Jean Jaures" is visible. It was blown up by an enemy mine during the Great Patriotic War in 1942, 850 m from the coast. The crash killed 40 people, sank a lot of military equipment (vehicles and guns), but most of the sailors were rescued by the crews of the Kabardinets boat and the Gelendzhik minesweeper.

To the north of the "Kameshki" there is a paid Children's Beach. It is 300 m long, up to 70 m wide and covered with sand. The entrance to the sea is very shallow, and in shallow waters the sea water gets very hot, which is why parents with small children like to relax on this beach. And to the north of the Children's Beach is the beach area of \u200b\u200bthe Ministry of Defense sanatorium.


The central place among other museum collections of the Crimean resort is occupied by the national art gallery, named after the famous marine painter Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (Aivazian). The artist was born and spent most of his life in Feodosia. The first exhibitions of his paintings were organized in the city in the middle of the 19th century.

Today, more than 400 works by Aivazovsky are exhibited in the two buildings of the gallery, as well as over 12 thousand paintings dedicated to the sea, which were painted by other artists. The gallery accepts guests daily from 10.00 to 16.30, and in the summer from 9.00 to 20.00 (Galereynaya st., 2 and 4).

There is a house not far from the art gallery, which is hard to miss, since the facade of the building looks like a romantic brigantine (10 Galereynaya st.). This is a memorial and literary museum of the author of the famous story "Scarlet Sails" Alexander Grin. Here the writer lived for 5 years, from 1924 to 1929, and wrote "Running on the Waves", as well as several short stories. Inside, the brigantine house looks unusual. Instead of boring museum halls, it is divided into cabins and holds. In addition to the writer's personal belongings, the museum displays nautical compasses, a steering wheel, models of sailing ships and old maps with which sailors sailed in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. The Green Museum is open daily, except Mondays and Tuesdays, from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 2.00 to 18.00.

The memorial museum of Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaev appeared in Feodosia for a reason. Before the outbreak of the First World War, the sisters lived with their families in this city and loved it very much. The museum halls display the furnishings of the beginning of the last century, things and old photographs of the Tsvetaevs and their friends.

Money museums are open in several cities of Russia, however, the Feodosia collection of numismatics is special. More than 30 thousand coins are kept here, the first of which were minted in the 7th century BC. For a long time on the territory of the coastal settlement there have been mints - antique, Genoese, Crimean Tatar ... Researchers have counted 14 periods of minting in Feodosia. In the museum you can see coins and banknotes from 200 countries of the world, samples of plastic cards, as well as “cash” souvenirs and handicrafts. The Museum of Money is located in the house number 12 on Green Street (former Kuibyshev) and receives visitors seven days a week from 10.00 to 18.00.

Another museum collection dedicated to the history of Crimean hang gliding is located in the same building. Free flights from the Uzun-Syrt and Klement'eva mountains began to be carried out since the 1930s. The first Russian aviators, glider pilots, hang gliders and paragliders trained near Feodosia. In the halls of the museum, historical documents and photographs, models of aircraft, a simulator with a harness and rare collectible exhibits are exhibited. The Museum of the History of Hang Gliding is open on any day except Monday, from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00.

In house number 11 on Aivazovsky Avenue there is a museum of local lore, which is more often called the "museum of antiquities". This is one of the oldest museums in Crimea, because the Feodosia collections were opened to visitors back in 1811. In the museum you can get acquainted with the nature of the Crimea, the geological features of the peninsula and the rich history of Feodosia. And in the open courtyard, there are ancient tombstones, bowls for ablution and stone slabs with inscriptions. The Museum of Local Lore is open from 10.00 to 17.00, except Tuesday. From June to September, it works seven days a week.

The rocky cape of St. Elijah closes the spacious Feodosia harbor, juts deep into the Black Sea, and from it you can clearly see all the coastal buildings. The way from the center of Feodosia to the extreme point of the cape takes only 10 minutes. Here, on the rocky shore, there is a local landmark - the high Ilyinsky lighthouse.

In ancient times, when there was no lighthouse yet, the ships that skirted the cape often perished. The tragic shipwrecks were caused by strong winds and storms. Everyone understood that a signal fire was needed for the sailors, however, time passed, and they could not find money for the construction of the lighthouse.

In the 1890s, the family of State Councilor Rukavishnikov came to Feodosia for treatment. Their son was sick with tuberculosis, and his parents hoped that staying on the sunny peninsula would help him.

And so it happened. The boy recovered from the healing Crimean air and daily walks by the sea. His mother Evdokia Nikolaevna was so happy about the imminent healing of her son that in 1899 she built a lighthouse on Ilyinsky Cape using her own funds. On it was installed the latest optical device for those times, made by Swedish craftsmen, and a sonorous signal bell was placed next to it.

During the Great Patriotic War, the building of the lighthouse was destroyed, but in the 1950s it was rebuilt. Nowadays, both tourists and residents of the city like to come to the Ilyinsky lighthouse, since near it you can take beautiful photographs of rocky cliffs and the Feodosia coast.

Genoese fortress and towers

On the territory of the modern resort, several medieval buildings have been preserved, erected in the days when Feodosia was named Kaffa. The most significant of them is the old Genoese fortress on Port Street. It is located in the southern part of Feodosia, not far from the sea coast and has the status of a historical and architectural reserve.

The defensive structures were built in the XIV century in order to protect the possessions of the Genoese Republic on the Crimean Peninsula. The citadel was considered one of the largest in Europe. It covered an area of \u200b\u200b70 hectares and had a double ring of stone walls, the height of which reached 11 m. In addition to powerful walls, the fortress included more than 30 high towers and an earthen moat dug along the perimeter.

The Genoese citadel was built from limestone slabs, bonded with mortar. The quality of the masonry made by medieval builders turned out to be so high that the fortress withstood the test of time and has been perfectly preserved to this day.

Today you can see a half-kilometer fragment of the southern wall with the towers of Crisco and St. Clement, the remains of the moat, the pylons of the entrance gate and part of the western wall. And not far from the ancient citadel, there are several Armenian churches of the XIV century, Turkish baths and an old single-arch Turkish bridge.

In different parts of Feodosia, there are several medieval towers, which in Genoese times were parts of a common defensive line. In the east of the ancient city there is a rectangular two-tiered Dock Tower, which served as the sea gate of medieval Kaffa and guarded its port. On the eastern wall of the Dock Tower, you can see a stone slab on which the coats of arms of the Genoese consuls are carved.

If you walk about 0.5 km to the south from the ruins of the Genoese fortress, you can find yourself near the medieval tower of Giovani de Scaffa, built, like the main citadel, in the XIV century. In former times, the thickness of the walls of the round tower reached 2.5 m, and the garrison guarding it could take water from an underground well. The main building is still waiting for its researchers, and today it stands one-third covered with earth.

Another Genoese building is located 0.6 km east of the Giovani de Scaffa tower - Thomas Tower, which was used as an arsenal. Time did not spare the building, and only a semicircular base remained from it.

The northernmost tower of the medieval citadel is located near the seashore, not far from the city railway station of Feodosia. In the second half of the 15th century, these lands were captured by the Ottoman Turks and they fortified the tower with a stone bastion. Three walls and an expressive jagged end have survived from the Tower of Constantine. The thickness of the masonry at the base of the tower is up to 2 m.

Fountains and old cottages

In 2004, in the green Jubilee Park, near the Fedodosia railway station, a fountain "Good genius" was opened. It is dedicated to IK Aivazovsky, a native of Feodosia. At 110 meters from it, closer to the railway tracks, there is another fountain, built according to the project and financed by the artist himself. This beautiful architectural monument has an interesting history.

Century after century, the city grew, and the surrounding forests were cut down for construction needs. The thoughtless destruction of trees led to the fact that already from the middle of the 19th century, the inhabitants of Feodosia were constantly experiencing a shortage of drinking water. The problem was so acute that high-quality water had to be delivered from Sevastopol in barrels by sea.

Aivazovsky was born in Feodosia, and on the territory of his family estate there was a deep Subash spring. In the fall of 1887, the artist decided to donate the water of the spring to Theodosians. At his expense, a metal pipeline was built, through which 50 thousand buckets of water were supplied daily to an equipped fountain in the city center. The artist created the project of the fountain with his own hand.

In the northern part of Feodosia, on the long Aivazovsky Avenue, there are several old dachas built at the beginning of the last century in the Art Nouveau style. Today they have the status of historical and architectural monuments. Among other buildings, the beautiful architectural ensemble of Stamboli Palace (house no. 47) stands out. In the 1910s, the picturesque house was occupied by the Karaite family of Joseph Stamboli, who was involved in the development of the tobacco industry in the Feodosia region. During the Great Patriotic War, the Germans set up a hospital in the palace where wounded soldiers were treated, and now there is a restaurant and hotel complex.

The house "Otrada" is located in the house number 29 on Aivazovsky Avenue. The Moorish-Spanish building was built in 1914 according to the project of the famous Crimean architect Nikolai Krasnov. "Joy" is good for its exquisite stucco molding, austere windows and columns with Ionic capitals.

Nearby, at number 33, there is the Milos summer cottage, made in the traditions of Greek architecture. In addition to the main building, in the old dacha you can see a light rotunda and an elegant fence. Today one of the buildings of the Voskhod sanatorium is located here. And another Feodosia sanatorium - "Volna" - today occupies the intricate buildings of the old summer cottages "Villa" (house No. 35) and "Flora" (house No. 37).

Zemskaya Street in Feodosia

The nearest airport to Feodosia is located 120 km from the city, in Simferopol. It is a large international terminal that receives regular flights from many cities in Russia and from abroad. From Simferopol airport to Feodosia along the P23 highway, you can arrive by taxi in one and a half to two hours. The trip by regular buses "Simferopol - Kerch" and "Simferopol - Feodosia" or by minibuses will take from 2 to 2.5 hours.

There are two ways to get to Feodosia by train through the territory of Russia. The first option: take a ticket for the direct train "Moscow - Feodosia", which reaches the Kerch Strait and is transported across the strait. This route is convenient because passengers do not need to get off, and the train is in place in 23.5-26 hours. The second option is to use the service of Russian Railways "Unified Ticket", that is, by train to get to Krasnodar or Anapa, and then by bus through Kerch Strait to get to Feodosia.

From the Moscow metro station "Novoyasenevskaya" once a day there is a direct bus to Feodosia. It takes 23-25 \u200b\u200bhours from Moscow to the resort town.

You can get to the Crimean resort by car through the territory of Ukraine and Russia. The first method is the shortest, but it involves crossing the border. The second option takes much more time and is laid along the M4 Don and P251 highways and through the ferry port Kavkaz - Krym port. A significant drawback of this route is the long queues for the ferry. From the ferry to the city you need to drive another 120 km.

You can also sail to Feodosia by sea. Anapa and the Crimean city are connected by high-speed catamarans, which reach Feodosia in 3 hours.