How to survive in my family. Tradition travel

I'll start from the hottest season when I and my family goes on unforgettable rest. In July, when the heat is standing on the street, always want to swim in a clean, cool lake, fry kebabs, well, or just to be in nature, watching beautiful scenery of mountains and forests. Therefore, in order to fully plunge into such an atmosphere, my family chose a wonderful place of transmission - this Chelyabinsk lakes. For several years now, we are happy to go to the recreation center in the Chelyabinsk region. Chelyabinsk lakes are famous for their purity. I will talk about the most popular of them, on which our family is resting.

This is the lake of Wildlows. If you dream to relax on clean, sandy beach, tumble in a cozy house on the shore of the lake, you can safely go here. Some tourists, for example, as we, live not in houses, but in tents. This is one of my favorite traditions in our journey. You completely give out nature, as if you sleep in the open sky and it is probably the most forgotten. In the evenings, I love to admire the azure sunset, and the tranquility of the lake. An interesting feature Lakes are many islands spread over it. One of these islets, dad and friends go to fish in the morning. Then it turns out a very tasty ear. Also, if you are a fishing lover, in some places there are special bridges for fishing. Well, of course, if you come there on weekends, you can get to the beachpone. Di-Jay arrives with his team and dance lasts almost until the morning. We rest we are there from 3 to 5 days. And always, when we return home, remember the fun moments, and there are a lot of them.

But on this, our travels do not end, in August we go to relax in the city of Sol-Iletsk rich in their salted lakes. I think it's great holidaySince we combine useful with pleasant. For several years in a row, we go with the benefit to hold holidays on one of the most unusual resorts, which is considered the main healthcare Russian. The road to the resort lasts almost all day. 1300 kilometers behind the shoulder and we are in place. It seemed that only in the morning, at the beginning of our path, all the sky was tightened with the clouds, and was a diverse day, and in a thousand kilometers you leave the car and on the street the temperature is already at +40. One of the most popular resorts Russia is almost no resorts on the Black Sea, of course, besides the absence of the sea itself. We are familiar with the "savages" family, remove the comfortable cottage, although in Sol-Iletsk there is a sanatorium for the whole country. The resort is well developed infrastructure, many entertainment for children, excursions, zoos, waterslides. But still the most interesting, attracting more than a million guests every year is a group of salted lakes. The most popular is water-eyed. Feelings after such procedures do not convey words. After the skin becomes smooth and gentle, but it is not all the wonders of such mudheatherapy. The dirt includes a variety of gases, sulfur iron, sodium and potassium, also substances with a bactericidal effect. My favorite lake is the collapse lake.

Its bottom is completely covered with salt, so it is impossible to drown in it, this is another plus for those who do not know how to swim. It is necessary to lie in the lake calmly, because if the water falls into the eyes, then it can dorish the sheath of the eye. Lakes toned the body, have an adjusting effect on the central nervous system, improve the metabolism. Impressions after such a holiday are unforgettable, in a few days we got well for a whole year ahead. And, of course, I am looking forward to a new meeting with Sol-Iletsky.

That's how our summer vacationWell, in the winter we go to the thermal sources of the city of Tyumen. Our family visited three such sources, and the Foreign Club "Avan" became the most beloved. There we spend two days. Near the pool there is a cozy little hotel. "Avan" is famous for its real thermal source. The water temperature in its pool does not fall below 45 degrees Celsius. When in the courtyard, harsh winter frosts, we warm outdoors in the source. This is an indescribable feeling when you enter the swimsuit on a forty-portous frost, and rather run into hot spring, Gifting the body with a powerful charge of the beneficial substances. I don't even want to leave this basin.

Also in the country club can be preserved in the Finnish sauna, visit massage treatments, play billiards and even go to the gym. While adults relax in the source, children can have fun in a playing room. The water of the thermal source is distinguished by a high level of mineralization. In water there are sodium chlorides, bromine, iodine. Mineral water It has a positive effect on the problems of the supporting apparatus, on problems with vessels and heart, as well as the nervous system.

I like such traditions, I love to spend time with my family, also with health benefits. I hope we will continue to travel so, because we love it very much. And, of course, we will not dwell on the achieved, and visit many more different places of our huge homeland.

Probably from any, even the packet tourist himself over time, certain habits are produced simplifying not only such a routine thing as fees on the road or booking tickets and hotels, but also behavior in various situations in a new country for you.

So, our 10 useful traveler habits:

  1. Make a list of things that plan to take the road. This will greatly simplify and speed up the fees and will not allow forget something really important.
  2. Do not take extra things. If you are going batch tourThat extra things will be a burden and overweight during transfers. During, as an experiment, we accounted for small 35 liter backpacks.
  3. Upload a detailed offline map of the area in advance to the smartphone where you are going. For this there are many specialized applications. We have already written.
  4. Print in advance on paper armor hotels and tickets. We once turned out to be a situation when the post office, where the contacts of the next armor were kept, just blocked, because of it seemed to her suspicious authorization in another country.
  5. Always take a minimum of 2 bank cards of different banks and keep them in different places, for example, in different pockets. In our case, it is even 3 cards: Sberbank, Tinkof and Corn. Also, necessarily $ 300-500 about the reserve in the form of cash in the third pocket.
  6. Examine the basic prohibitions of the country in which you are going. A walk in short shorts in non-excursion places Ankara or disrespect even to the portrait of the king in Thailand may pour out in trouble.
  7. Think and analyze more intense than at home. Think twice before you take an excursion in the first place. Do not buy souvenirs where there are big passability of tourists, etc.
  8. Dining in a cafe for local. Without this, in our opinion, not to dive completely into the country's atmosphere. It is better - only dinner visiting the local family.
  9. Take the rule that the main thing is documents and money. Losing all the other things unpleasantly, but not so critical. If money can be secured by bank cards, then the documents need special control and attentiveness.
  10. Charge the batteries of the camera, smartphone and other desired gadgets from the evening! It will be very insulting to miss a lot of interesting frames because of the discharged battery.

This is not a very big list of major habits that we have developed during our travels. We hope it will be useful to you.

Services that we use in our own travels:

Search and purchase tickets
Aviasales - for us it is No. 1 from all search engines, we use only it, because convenient and reliable, without "pitfalls".
ONE TWO TRIP! - An amazingly convenient search engine, in which you can find and buy not only air tickets, but also rail. In addition, it is also easy to book a hotel or a hotel. Going through our link you will additionally get 500 rubles for discounts on the purchase of air ticket!

Search and booking housing

  1. - The world famous search engine, where you can find and book accommodation from Guesthouse to luxury villas. We used many times and highly recommend.
  2. Hotellook - service for finding and booking housing from the creators of Aviasales.
  3. AirBNB - booking and renting apartments, rooms, houses local residents. Checked on yourself, all honestly, we recommend. Booking according to our link, you will get a bonus in the amount of 2100 r. Which can be used when paying for housing. To do this, you will need to create your account on AirBNB.
Car rental
- Excellent alternative to trips in long-distance buses and trains in Russia. Prices are most often lower public transportand comfort is significantly higher.

Service aggregator for renting machines in local rental companies. You choose the car as it were in the local box, but through the service, booking on bank card, which is removed only 15% of the cost. The guarantor is MYRENTACAR. You can choose not only the class of the machine, but also a particular car with an accuracy of the body color and the type of magnetic. But what is the most important, the prices on this service are the same as if you yourself came to the local rental company!

The first journey, remembered the strongest:
It was when our daughter was about ten years old. However, many years have passed, with age I can imagine.
Somehow in the weekend, the husband who bought a strongly broken deadlowler, with the proud title of Zaporozhets, announced: "We are going to the forest!".
He also reported that she was lucky to the Count Reserve, for strawberries.
Since he showed an initiative in matters in matters not so often, then for the sake of creating family traditions, and strengthening the cell of society, I certainly agreed. It was only timidly asked if there was a nearby river there. It was 35 degree heat, and wanted to swim to the odor.
I was indignantly answered that the main thing in this trip - the collection of sweet, hotly beloved his heart berries, and not at all there is a stupid river.
I was young, inexperienced, and not scandalous (at that time!))), So I didn't continue to object. I sat down with my daughter in the grilled torture chamber, depicted joy on my face, and anticipation from the journey, and we slipped from the place under the enthusiastic hook of local boys who have already managed to write on the dirty door of our car "Passion me!".
We drove for a long time. Three hours, stopping through every half hour, and cooling the smoking motor.
They asked the road from passersby, they sincerely trying to help, directed us to the right, then to the left, as a result, we were almost lost, but after a long weary, everything came to the forest!
A narrow track was led to the grove, broken by tractors, besides, she was in a shallow ravine, and there was no possibility to go to the clearing. Machine Shkrekla believes on the ground, but also to stay in her crammed remuneration has already simply not.
I suggested a husband to release us with my daughter, so that he drove on, and found a place for parking, and at this time we walked a little.
No sooner said than done! Happily fluttering from our metal bug, we have fun in the sidelines. Misha drove on. After a few seconds, I suddenly heard a strange buzz ...
It became stronger, and terribly acted on the nerves.
Trying to determine the source of noise, my daughter and I began to get drunk hard, then wave our hands, then wrote out!
In general, to do everything that it was impossible to do when meeting with an angry Roy Sherne!))) I still don't know if the husband crushed their nest, whether my spirits were annoyed ... Away, to our typewriter, the blunder away.
Most of all I was afraid that these creatures are bitten by a child. I fled and oral: "Misha! Misha! Misha! Pi..I ... Pi..I .. Take the car back! "
Want to know the husband's reaction? He stood, and smiling, waved her hand))
When I am sweaty, red, and choking, shoved myself and the child into the car, it brought himself to him ... You yourself understand that (now, my lexicon is already much wider than when it was!)))! And asked why he did not step behind us, you know what he told me ??
"And I did not hear! I thought you run, and Mashete's hands, I am happy! "))) Silent scene.))))

But on this our tests did not end! We drove somewhere half aalkometer to break away from Roy. (And I do not invent!) Just a miracle that we did not eat!
Finally, we stopped on the forest clearing, and finally decided to do that for what, in fact, came. Daughter and husband went to look for strawberries. The child went into the bushes, and .... The fact was in an inhuman voice from fear. A little - almost coming to a huge viper.
Patience My finally burst, and I demanded immediately from this gadyushnik to take away.
Since the daughter was fully supported by him, Dad decided not to argue with two angry women, put us in our ancient car, and drove ... forward. He said it would be shorter! After a few meters, we were stuck in the sand, and I had to push the car))) Mom dear !!! We pulled it out, though this feat, my unfortunate back remembers still!
We left the forest, and saw a wonderful lake ahead. I began to begging to stop the car.
Husband tapping his teeth, he said that he would not stop, and in general, he was tired, and it's time for us to go home.
To which I doubtedly replied that we were all - I'll come back here! Having shifted twenty minutes, and not finding the road, we really returned, after which we were graciously allowed to redeem. Well, we moved away!)))
After that, someone from my local joy of my daughter, showed us again, which is a steep road, on which we were returning home for hours, and I have already become doubted that we are going to our native Voronezh, and not to Moscow. Why to joy? Yes, because the road passed through all the children's camps and holiday homes, and there were not enough excellent places for swimming there. So the goal of the trip, even if not the one that was planned at the beginning, we were still achieved!)))) (Husband reads from - under my hand, while I am writing anger, and says that the car was not ancient !))) If we consider that in winter the stove did not work in it, and I, on the contrary, worked as a wiper, then, probably, he is right!)))) The main thing, we love it with any car !!!

Iceland is one of the most unusual and distinctive countries on our planet. it island stateThe descendants in the descendants of the Vikings still at the end of the 9th century, lost on the expanses of the Atlantic Ocean. The island and privacy of the island affected the customs and traditions of Icelanders, which are rare and unique.

Family traditions

For any foreigner in Iceland, it will be unacceptable to know that Iceland has no surnames. The fact that Europeans are accustomed to understand the last name, the inhabitants of the island are patronymic. Thus, if a person, for example, Ragnar Olafson, this means that Ragnar Son Olaf. However, by the surname, Icelanders do not like to call each other. Communication with each other is limited by the names.

Culinary traditions

Despite the scarcity of local flora and fauna, because of the harsh northern climate, Iceland's kitchen is extremely diverse. Most vegetables and fruits get into the country, but carrots, cabbage, potatoes and cucumbers with tomatoes Icelanders grown on their island. Traditional and popular dishes in the country are observed milk, roasted deadlocks (this kind of birds) and their eggs, painted in the ears of the bull Eggs, smoked lamb, salmon, pickled in spices, chopped with a sheep-livera and fierce shark meat. Coffee is very popular on the island. When visiting a cafe, the board is taken exclusively for the first cup of coffee, everyone else is free. Traditions travel

Residents of Iceland love the beauty of nature of their edge. Adult inhabitants of the island have SUVs and small farms or houses in nature outside the city feature. Descendants of Vikings love to travel very much. For their warriors, they often choose not other countries or resorts, but the territory of its own country. Good tradition was the annual visit historical places and natural monuments.

Folk traditions

In Iceland, only two times of the year - winter and summer. Half a year in the country day, half a year night. So that at least to diversify your life with long boring evenings, Icelanders besides various family games addicted to knitting. Currently, in cities, this tradition has already learned its own, but residents of farms, and men and women with pleasure engage in knitting. It is because of such a mass passion to knitting, from an ordinary hobby that has turned into a national tradition, a famous Icelandic sweater appeared, which is called "lopais" or abbreviated "Lopi." Such things look like warm jumpers or sweaters, decorated in the top and near the throat by the national ornament. For exports, similar clothing is made of imported wool, as the yarn from the wool of local sheep is very barbed. Due to the fact that the sweaters are very warm and practically do not let moisture, they are quite commonly used as the outerwear.

Literary and musical traditions

The subject of special pride of Icelanders are their national traditions in literature and music. Real events from the life of the ancestors are transmitted from generation to generation and are marked with the use of national musical instruments. Such instruments are the organ and harmonium.

In modern music, which is closely related to Scandinavian, you can clearly hear ethnic jerseys characteristic of Icelanders. There are several musical groups in the country who received world recognition.

National pride in the literary plan is, of course, the Nobel Prize winner in 1955 literature, the Icelandic writer Hadldor Lasnes. His works inspired by the plots of Saga brought the author of world glory.
Festive traditions

The main Icelandic holiday is considered a winter holiday. Its tradition was the dressing of pants only on one leg and jumping barefoot on a bare foot around his own home. Icelandic winter holiday is noted widely with an abundance of treats and alcoholic beverages at the table. Pouring on the cold around the snow around the house is not prohibited, but also is not necessarily character.

Traditionally, one of the main and all your favorite holidays was the meeting of the New Year. With his celebration, the inhabitants of Iceland ignite fires and dance around them, chatting funny songs.

After the new year meeting, the inhabitants of the island celebrate their most traditional holiday called "Yol." When it is celebrated, fires define fires, but already in specially designated places for this, due to the fact that the holiday is dedicated to the goddesses of fate. The traditions of Yol are very similar to the traditions of Christmas celebration. Icelanders also dress up the Christmas tree and hide gifts under it.

Icelanders with great scope celebrate the holiday of the first summer Day - Sumardagurin FIRS. A number of folk beliefs are associated with these pagan festivities. Frosts on the festive night were a good sign. Icelanders believe that ice thickness on water will be the same as the thickness of the cream on milk throughout the year.

The first day of the day celebrates the first day of winter holiday in Iceland. During his celebration, Icelanders arrange various contests and organize a set of festivals.

The main state holidays are the country's independence day, celebrated on December 1, the day of the head of state and the day of the proclamation of the Icelandic Republic.

It is not alien to Icelanders to celebrate and some universally recognized holidays around the world, such as St. Nicholas Day, Catholic Christmas, the day of all lovers and Lutheran Easter.
Other traditions

Icelanders are extremely punctual. When appointing a meeting, it is better to come on or even a little earlier. It is considered a bad tone to be late.

A poor tone is also considered to use the word "peasant", and in any language. It is considered offensive. In Icelandic, he was replaced by the word "farmer". The settlements taken on the European continent call the village or village here are referred to as a farm. On the island, according to its inhabitants, in general, only two types of settlements are urban settlements and farm settlements.

In the case of invitations to visit, it is customary to give the owners of any, even if it is purely symbolic, a gift. Icelanders are very welcome and hospitable.

Journey to other countries opens up opportunities for new impressions. But before starting the expansion of the horizons of its worldview, it is important to be aware of cultural differences between countries, especially if this is your first trip a trip abroad.

20 The following tips will facilitate you familiarity with new cultures and make a trip not only pleasant, but also safe.

1. Do not travel, not knowing at least a few words in the country you are going to visit

At least, learn how to say "please", "Thank you", "Sorry" and "Sorry." If you have difficulty communication with the locals, they will certainly appreciate the efforts that you did on it to try to communicate with them on their native language.

2. Read more about the culture and customs of the country

You must certainly know if there are any gestures or statements that are considered impossible in this country, and to avoid using them in every way.

Read about the experience of other travelers is very useful. From reviews you can learn information about things that you simply do not have to do, or areas that need to be avoided, about inexpensive hotels, good restaurants Or attractions that are not in the guidebook.

4. Do not raise the voice

The journey can be exciting, but spend time in the crowd of other tourists - not what you expect from a foreign trip. When you are in public places, tell us as quieter and calmly in order not to designate yourself in the crowd as a tourist. This, most often, attracts thieves and fraudsters.

5. Do not smile in a row

In some cultures, too friendly face in relation to the surrounding, makes the locals think that you are flirting with them. And this is fraught with misunderstanding or other unpleasant consequences.

6. Be prepared to pay "Tourist Tax"

Tax on goods and services is, in fact, rather common practice abroad. As a tourist, you should expect to pay more than what is written on the price tag. But do not pay too much for a thing that is clearly not worth it.

7. Do not expect everything to be like you at home

Do not compare a comfortable holiday in your native country with abroad. Prepare yourself to the fact that you will not sleep until lunch, there is before the dump and spend time with friends. You will have to adapt to a new temporite and lifestyle to see all the sights and familiarize yourself with the new culture in compressing. Abroad, the concept of "Store", "Club", "Restaurant" differ from what we are accustomed to see in their native country. So do not build illusions not to stay disappointed, but just sincerely surprise things around you.

8. Do not judge the prematurely about life, values \u200b\u200band traditions of other peoples

Even if the city streets are full of garbage, and the inhabitants drink water and erase underwear in the same river, instead of condemning views, tell me: "Isn't it interesting? Tell me more about your life. " Respect local traditions, because it is not your country, here you are only a visitor.

9. Travel in style that matches your values, interests and hobbies.

Ignore someone else's opinion and do not listen to skeptics. If you do not have money for a five-star hotel, and you want to stay in an affordable hostel or Kauratsurfer, throw out someone else's stereotypes and prejudices. This is your holiday and only you decide how it will be.

10. Do not be afraid of street food

Street food will not kill you. Moreover, there are many reasons except low prices for which you must try it, for example, in Thailand, street food is a whole culinary art that has largely surpassed dishes from the most expensive restaurants. In addition, be sure to try the traditional kitchen of the country to which you go.

11. Do not be afraid to say "no"

If you are offered to buy a wonderful, but absolutely unnecessary souvenir, or strive to treat a dish that does not cause your appetite, do not be afraid to refuse, just do it respectfully.

12. Meet the locals

Local is not only direct carriers of another culture, but also an invaluable source. useful information. They can suggest cheap hotels and cafes, interesting sights that are not in the guidebook, and even climb free for the night. In gratitude, be friendly and sincerely interest their lives.

13. Celebrate local holidays and festivals in a traditional manner.

Not better fashion To plunge into a new culture than the traditional local celebration, whether an Indian wedding, Chile Sauce Festival, a tomato battle or Venetian masquerade. Thus, you will get more impressions in one day than a week of visits to sights.

14. Travel longer, but on a smaller number of places

Each individual city or country deserves as much attention as possible. It is impossible to visit five countries in a week and argue that you have read the local customs, culture and life style. Visit the two countries for a week, and you will remember local residents, cafes, parks and squares for a week, and not the views outside the window tourist bus.

15. Do not build too many plans for the day

Cut the days enjoying every minute, and do not run a gallop in all outstanding places.

16. Protect your documents

Especially take care of your passport and never give it to the immigration service to extend the visa, because they, somehow, can not be returned to you.

17. Buy Insurance Policy

Tourist insurance seems to be excessive waste of money. But she will save you thousands of dollars in the most unforeseen situations.

18. Do not dwell on unpleasant situations

If you suddenly rob or other bad things happen, do not dwell on it. While you are alive, release the whole negative and continue to enjoy the rest.

19. If you do not like holidays, change the direction

If you take into account the countries of Asia, you can easily move from one country to another, in search of yourself and new impressions. If it is impossible, change the city. In any country, you can find something close to heart.

20. Be prepared for cultural shock

When you return home, the trip can change your well-minded perception of life. Try to bring with you good impressionswithout taking parallels with your native country. Over time, shock will pass, and positive emotions and memories will remain for life.

Pleasant travel you!